Newspaper Page Text
u u lomiiin Hi ijii .in . ! 1 ten, tand i. 72, operly S uwaya work . CO . ? 7ff ' VINITA, THURSDAY, NOV, 6 The Highest Class Exhibition ofjits kind in the world, GentryBros'FamousShows The World's Largest and Best Trained Animal Exhibition Two thoroughly complete performances at 2 and 8 p. m. Rain or shine. A Herd of Performing Elephants. 100 Trained Shetland Ponies. 100 A Caravan of Lilliputan Camels. 150 WONDERFULLY EDUCATED DOGS 150 A Drove of Dimitivc Sacred Cattle. 60 Comic Monkey Comedians 60 Grand, Free, Holiday Street Parade at 10:30 .1. m. The finest procession ever seen in Vinita. Excursion rates on all railroads. VINITA THURSDAY, Nov 6 Heath and Milligan Paint is one of the Best Paints Made and we believe it is the BEST. MADE TAILOR Two Coats! na DESTCDAWIAN THE BEST MADE TICS BESTCaVTBrHOMB ESTABLISHED 185! HeathjB-.Milligan Mf'g Co. ati&iGO. a&A. We arc sole agents for this paint and positively guarantee it to be strictly pure LEAD, OIL AND ZINC. If you are thinking of painting you can't afford to use any other, and espec ially when you can buy a paint of this quality for the same prices as inferior qualities. Ask for our color card and see one of the prettiest line of colors you ever looked at. Youre for paint business, 111 HI PrazeBHarttware&Fnrui n n OR CO Local Savings, The corn still come. Lookout (or Halloween. "Now lOrghuui at UalcntlDo'g. Hot an empty house In town. Let of peoplo looking for land. Country lionoy atllalontlno'H. Now kraut at Mrs. Balentlno'. Will Fattannn la here on a vUlt. Fresh plcklei at Mr, tialeotlnc'tf. A umhol of com look like 30 cento. Do!) Taylor at Opora House Not. 7. New out meal In bulk ai lialcn tines. Dr. Morrison Is hero from Chelsea. Mrs. J. S. Oborn Is eitaln quite sick. Pete Couch wai hero from Oholsea irAt.firilrnr. Jiroonisat Ilalontlne s. 25c each. Seo those llalontlno's. J. 0. Hall catno In from his rauch Monday nlKbt. Mrs. M. 0 G.ibbcrt h sick with ty phoid fever. Judgo QUI opened court at Pryor Creek Monday. 0. A. Davidson went to Pryor Creek Sunday night. Pumpkins, "possums and pcrslm- 15, 20 and ulco toltot sets at Mrs. Foley's Honey and Tar cures colds, preventa pneumonia. Sold by Peoples' drug store. Rev. J. S. StubblcOeld returned Monday fromtho meeting of tbo Pres byterian Synod at Shawnco. He alto attended the meeting of the Presby tery at Wewoka. Dronohltls for Twenty Yoar. Mrs. Minerva Smith ot Danville, III. writes: "1 had bronchitis for twonly years and never got relief until I used Foley's Honey and Tar, which Is a sure cure." Contains no opiates. Sold by Peoplo 's drug store. dw Rev. J. M. Cross of Ardmore Is the Methodist minister for this placo for thoyrar beginning now. Dr. Cross Is a strong rcacber and thoso who know him personally say tbo church at Vlnlta Is fortunate In getting hi in. Novor Ask Advloo. When you have a cough or cold don't ask what Is good for It and get some mcdlclno with little or no merit and perhaps dangerous. Ask for Foley's Honey and Tar, the greatest throat and lung remedy, It cures coughs and colds quickly. Sold by Peoples, drug store. dw from his BRIGHT FUTURE In Storo For Territory Says Assistant Secretary of the Interior Ryan. DEPARTMENT POLICY In Regard to Indian Affairs Indi cated In An Interview at South MoAleater in Which Con dllions Wore DSscuened by Mr. Ryan. 11 Somo folks think tho only way to snvo money i to hoard it up liko n misor " but it is not truo. Spoiul your monoy judiciously. SPEND IT HERE For Btovos, conl lioda, outtlory, sporting goods, lantqrns, hardware, tinwnro and ovofything olso Hint you may noad nnd thnt wo Boll. Monoy atiYing pricos on nil linos of goods. Carvers, Roasting Pans, Etc. Dar rough Hardware Co. m iuoih are ripe. P. 0. Drowning came down Seneca Tuesday. W. J. Uurnctt has returned to home at Sapulja. it. I. Illuketiny'i new house Is near lug completion. Cah or trade paid for buttor and egs at Ualuntlnc!. Now Is the time to put that Thanks giving turkey up. Dr. F. Ii. FHo Is qulto 111 at ble homo In Mu!:ogcc. Mrs. Laura Mathews Is assisting at tbo Uoldcn Itule. Mm. A.T.Ingram ot Kelso was here on a shopping trip this week. Ltttlo Murray Drltt Is convalescent from an attack of typhoid fevor. N. L. tlln & Co. sold a fine roller top desk to Capt. Uarrctt yesterday. John Drako and J. O. Smith drove up from Chelsea on business yesterday. Sam Hawkins Is down from Edna, Kansas, attending to somo business here. Chief Uufflnton has a Qno pointer pup which ho Is breaking In for Hold work. Mr. and Mrs. J. Z. Hrlggs aro tbo happy parents of a bouncing 10 lb. girl. The Annaclas club Is sootf to re sumo meetings for the winter In Its old quarters. Mrs. W.J. Strange, of Chelsea, Is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. 0. Raymond. Ed Rhea left Sunday for Hot Springs, Arkansas, to bo treated for rheumatism. Mrs. R. J. Virgin, of Kansas City is the suest of her niece, Mrs. J. M. Ii. Fowler. W. N. Scott and Jim Wbcctlcft for Wcelcotka over the Frisco at noon Tuesday. Tho northbound morning Katy ar rived about live hours after schedule tlmo Tuesday. Robt. L. McCluro passed through Vlnlta enrcuto from St. Louis to Sherman Tuesdav, Tom Webb, son of James Wobb, who bus been qulto 111 with fever, Is rapidly recovering. Miss Soaudllng, daughter of Mayor Spuuldlng, of Muskogee, Is very 111 at Nashville, Tenncsscce. Mrs. L. K. McGuMn and Mrs. Stuts man .left Sunday for- a visit with friends at McValc, III. A party of plcnlcers saw a sea ser pent, or what they describe as cno near Howio ford Sunday. A. Darker anil wife were down from Kinnlson purchasing a supply of goods from our merchants. Oliac bowman -has opened anew ulvcry'ttablo on the cast sldo seo his advertisement In this papor ' J. W. Sanders ot the Hadgett-San-ders Mcr, Co. has returned from a protracted visit in St. Louis. Andy Countryman, of Horto creek, was In town with a load of exception ally lino Don Davis apples Tuesday. Rev. beth Ward of Nashville, Tonn. ocjuplcd tbo pulpit at tho Methodist church Sunday morning and evening. General Fred Grant accompanied by his wife passed through on tho flyer Monday bound for San Antonio, Tex. 0. E. Smiley has purchaiod a half Interest in the furnlturo and uphol stering storo conducted by Ilruno Qradunder. J. A. Thompson has let the con tract fur a brick livery barn 61x80 feet on Wllion street near tho United States jail. Foley's Honey and Tar cures coughs and colds and prevents rncumonla. Take no substitutes. Sold by People's drug btore. dw No clangor of consumption If you uso Foley' Honey and Tar to cure that stubborn cough. Mold by Peo ples drug store. dw Mr. and Mn. Carl Dradley have moved to their now houso rccontly built fur ihorn by S. F. Parks In the north part of town, Assistant District Attorneys James II. Huckleberry and Orrln Rider are handling tho criminal ciics ut tho Pryor Creek eesMon of court. Dr. and Mrs. 0. R. Gri filth wero In Miami last night and attended the production ot tbo "lluuch of Keys." They report a very clever performance, llort Wulker returned from Louis iana Monday where ho had taken a khort turn at railroading. Uetwceu the mosqulloc and the climate Ilert got the worst o( It. Messrs. Mlllor and Ellis of Spring tleld, Mo., representing tho Interna tional School of Correspondence of Scrttnton,Pa.,vrere here Tuesday in the lntorost ut that Institution, Rer. h, 0, Wolfo pastor ot the Dsptut church Is among tbo promi nent vlnlta peoplo who hsvo beard Gov. IlobTaylor, who Is to glvo a loc turoberoon November seventh and speaks in the highest tortus ot him. New Townslte Clerk. Wm.H, Trappi I aloof tho Chicka saw townsito commission has been appolttcd clerk to tbo CherdVee Townsito Commission. Mr. 'frapp assumed his new duties Tuesday. Dangorln Fall Colds. Fall colds are liable to hang on all winter leaving the seed of pneumonia, bronchitis or consumption. Foley's Honey and Tar cures quickly ant) pre vents serious results. It Is old and rcllablo, tried and tested, safe and sure, contains no opiates and will not constipate. Sold by Peoples' drug store. dw Taylor & Lawrenco have a new ad. in. this Issue, They are now ready for business with a largo up-to-date stock of groceries and a visit to them will convince you that they can plcaso tbo most fastidious. MOTHERS Who would keep their children In good health, should watch for the tlrst symptoms of worms, and remove them with Whlto's Cream Vermifuge. It Is tho chlldrens' best tonic. It gets digestion at work so that their food docs them good, nnd tbey grow up healthy and strong. 25c at Peo ple's drug storo dw Stray. A black, or brown marc pony, about 8 years old, branded "A" and "R, broko to rldo. Running at Q. B. Uuckncr's, three miles southeast ot Haydcn P. O. wl3 Outof Doath.s Jaws. "When death seemed very near from a severe stomach and liver trou ble, that I had suffcicd with for years" writes P. Muse, Durham, N. C, "Dr. King's Now Life Pills saved my life and gavo perfect health." Best pills on earth and only 25c at Pcoplo's and A. W. Foreman's drug stores. dw M N. L. ESTLIN & CO. Has now on hand the largest stock tof artistic furniture ever brought to Vinita, ' All goods are bought for spot cash and we arc prepared to sell new up-to-date furniture cheaper than can be bought second hand. Coffins and caskets. Day Telephone 168. Funeral Directors. Night Telephone 324. Dr. W. II. Palmore, editor of the St. Louis Christian Advocate was a pleas ant caller Monday. The doctor has recently made the tour ot Alaska and has written a number of Interesting articles for bis paper about that won derful country. Ho relumed to St. Louis at night, having been to Mus kogee attending tbo Indian Mission conference. Forty Years' Torture. To bo relieved from a torturing dUcaso after 40 years' torture might well cause the gratltudo of anyone. That Is what DeWltt's Witch Hazel Salve did for 0. Haney, Geneva, 0. Ho says: "DeWltt's Witch Hai-1 Salvo curod me or plies after I had suffered 40 years." Cures cuts, burns, wounds, skin diseases. Dowaro of counterfeit. A. W. Foreman. dw To Savo Tlmo. The M. K. & T. railroad company has unloaded a large gasoline cnglno at this place to bo used for pumping water from Cabin creek to a stand plpo near tbo depot to savo tlmo In Btopplng to water at the tank south of town. Under the new arrange ment the engine can tako water whllo standing at tbo station. Look Out For Fovor. Rlllousness and liver disorders at this 6eason may be prevented by cleansing tbe system with DoWllt's Little Early Risers. These famous little pills do not gripe. They move tho bowels gently, but copiously, and by reason of the tonlo properties, glvo tono nnd strength to tho glands. A. W. Foreman. dw Commissioner's Court. Lewis Payton was assessed 3U and costs for toting a gun In the Spavlnanr neighborhood. Alonzo Calvin and Alex Calvin, who llvo near Wblto Oak, wero committed for trial on November 17, on charges of introducing and dispensing. Mrs. Calvin was arrested on tho same chargound rcleasod on her own re cognlztnce. Beautiful Comploxlons Are spollod by tiling any kind ot preparation that Mils tho pores of tho skin. Tbo host way to secure a clear complexion, free from sallow ncss, pimples, blotches, eta, Is to keep tbe liver in good order. An oc casional dose of llcrblno will cleanse tbo bowels, rcguluto tho liver, aud so establish a clear, healthy complexion. 60a at Peoples' drug store. dw At the Traps, In tbo blue rock matches at South Park Tuesday afternoon Chief But- flngtou was tho man behind the high gun. Leo shot In belter form and has returned tbe bean-shooter be bor rowed from a juvonllo friend, for use In caso his Greonei still had tho Kat ie u Jaminor. Maddox, vwho has becu shooting In good form recently, took a tumble Tuesday and bit everything In sight except the flying targets. Those shooting Tuesday afternoon were: Chief llulUngton, Ed Lee, P. Q. Drowning, Marlon Maddox aad Rill Wright, Foley's Kidney Cure makes kidneys end bladder right. gold by Peoples' drug ftoro. Try those hot tamales at Homo IUakory, tlrst door south of Harris building, d2 Assistant Secretary of tho Inte rior Ryan, who ia quietly touring tho territory while waiting to cast bls.bnllot in the pending election in Kansas, was corraled by report ers at South MoAlester Monday and gave an interesting interview, indicating the department policy in Indian aflaira. When asked as tu what the territory could expect from the short session of congress Mr. Ryan said: "I am not well versed in the congressional situation, but I do know that Indian Territory is more worry to the government than all the aides in the union. We will welcome a change." "What are your impressions ol Indian Territory?" "I fully understand the compll cations and restrictions which this country has had to contend with, and I consider the remarkable de velopment which has been made as wonderful. There is certainly a bright future in store for this land. Now that Indian questions are be ing settled I think immigration will be very rapid, especially as soon aB tbe Indians can sell a por tion of their lands." When the difficulty of getting final title to land which citios may be forced to annex because of nat ural growth was mentioned Judge Ryan said: "It is truo that occasionally land lying adjacent to an expanding city may be part of the inalienable allotment of a citizen and that might be a bar to progress. Rut Congress can easily remedy mat. tera by making land near cities alienable, if the growth of tho cit ies demand it. The department has extended the city limits of somo townB which complained that their boundaries were too narrow, but there are many places where relief must come through congress in the manner suggested." METHODIST MINISTERS. MUCH INTEREST Manifested by Washington Politicians in tho Pend ing Territorial Elections. ON RESULTS DEPEND In a Large Measure the Territorial Fight For Statehood, Though Oklahoma Will be Admit ted, Regardless of Elec tion Results. ws3b8srsVWssssssBSsr!Skr4.w fl Webb Bros., Livery, Feed and Sale Stable. Cab to all parts of the city day or nighl. Best teams and buggies at reasonable rates. Transient stock receives the best of care. Assigned to Churches at the Husko gee Conference, Tbe conference of tbe Indian Mission of the M. E. church, south has concluded its labors at Musko gee. The following appointments of ministers to the. Muskogee Station and Cherokee District were made: Muskogee District, J 0 Fowler, Presiding Elder. Muskogee Station, M L Duller. Muskogee Circuit, P 0 AlkiuB.F M Moore. Cherokee District, P D Hicks, Presiding Elder. Vinita Station, J M Gross. Vinita Circuit, 0 8 Walker. Tahiequah8lation, J E Sawders Tahlequah Circuit, J FThomp son. Afton Station, II W Bowman. Chelsea Station, W J Sims. Claremore Station, L L Gladney Miami Station, W T Freeman. Bluejacket and Welch Station, A M Brannon. Pryor Creek station to be sup plied, Choteau Circuit, T 0 Shanks. Adair Circuit, E M Garrett, sup. Grove circuit, J L WilliamB. Nowata circuit. J Y Bryce. Bartiesville circolt, J M Russell Centralia circuit, R II Higglns, supply. Salina circuit, M B McKinney. Stilwell, J L Brown. Cherokee Circuit, Orlando Shay and II J Hllderbranil. Willie Haleell College, 0 L Browning, president; Jas A Parks, professor. Fairland circuit, J W Lloyd. Rev. T. F. Brewer waB reap pointed to the presidency olSpauld log Institute at Muskogee. Natural Anxloty. Mothers regard approaching winter with uneasiness, children take cold so easily. Nodleeaso costs more Utile lives than croup. It's attack Ir so sudden that th! sufferer Is often be yond human aid beforo the doctor ar rives. Such caBcs yield readily to One Minute Cough Ouro. LlqulQea the mucus, allays Inflammation, re moves danger. Absolutely safe. Acta immediately. Cures coughs, colds, grip, bronchitis, all throat and lung troublo, F. S, MoMahon, Hampton, Co.; "A bad cold rendered me voice less Just before an oratorical contest. I Intendod to withdraw but took Ono Miuute Cough Cure. It restored my voice In tlmo to win the medal." A. W, Foreman. dw We won't handle a cheap stove, and tell you It will last as long uud glvo you as good satisfaction as Ruck's or the Charter Oak, becauso our reputa tion Is at stake. Wo handle the Debt bo buy ot us and your wife will enjoy cooking. Darrough Hardware Co. A Washington dispatch says: The result of the balloting in the three territories, Oklahoma, Art zot,a and New Mexico, is awaited with much interest by politicians in Washington because of the ef fect the outcome will have upon the statehood project. Delegate Dennis Flynn when in Washing ton a few days ago declared that democratic victories in the territo ries at this election would serious ly handicap the advocates of etalo hood in their program to get the statehood bill through the Senate in December. The bill was "held up" in tho Senate because most of the .republican leadera there are convinced that the admission of these territories will strengthen the democratic parly, sooner or later. Senator Beveridge, chair man of the committeo on territo ries, frankly expresses his opposl tion on this ground to their admis sion. In a discussion of this phase of the question last spring the presi dent declared that he was not un easy about his ability to carry all three ot the proposed new states. Mr. Roosevelt realizes that he is popular among tbe men who con trol them. While Mr. Beveridge and other republican senators op posed to their admission on the ground stated do not doubt Tresi- dent RooBBvelt'a ability to .carry the new electorate votes that would be created, they are convinced tLat tbe chances would be against any future republican cand'date for president. However, should the three territories go republican next week that would not wholly re move the fears that control many oi the senatorial republican lead ers. It is by no means certain that the omnibus statehood bill will get through the Senate at the next ses sion. It is not impossible, how ever, that Oklahoma may be singled out for admission. Dozon limes a Night. Mr. Owen Dunn, of uentou terry, W. Va.. writes: "I have had kidney nnd bladder trouble for rears, and it became so bad tbat I was obliged to get up at leatt a dozen tlmei a nlubt. I never received any permanent bene fit from any mcdlclno until I tried Foley's Kidney Cum:. After us ing two bottles, I am cured." Sold by Peoples' drug store. dw jmmammmwLmmmmbwmummmmmmmmm9mmmmmmi. I I I Bringing Out the Facts, g I: We want to make it as strong aswe know how That we will give you better Lumber at the some price, or equal grades at a lower pricethan elsewhere. We believe first, in giving the best lumber that money can buy and then in making the Erice as low as possible for that kind of lum er. And still we defy you to findjlowf prices than our. 2jj2 - If you leave our yard dissatisfied, it's your own fault, because we do our level best to please every customer who buys building material here even to giving him the bt stock and the lowest prices. If that won't satisfy you what will? Any way,-be sure and see us before-buying; not afterwards. P. K. 8mmi k Co; 1 I Vinita. Indian TeijttMr, 3'&1&,S,155 JSBkiSJSSkBX m3& a Tbe New, d Lunr)ber Yard Of Brisor; & Pattersop... WHILE OFFICER SLEPT Kl w Li m m m Prisoner Boarded a Train and Re ported At Jail. Jeff King, an old time resident of Keokuk Falls near Shawnee was arrested on a charge of horse stealing preferred by patties liv ing in Wewoka. A deputy marshal oame up to take the prisoner back, going to the depot to catch the night pas senger with King securely hand cuffed. The train was late and while walling, the officer fell asleep. When tbe train came in, King crawled aboard, got off at Wewoka, and telegraphed back (or tho deputy to come and remove the handcuffs, a request which tbat worthy wbb glad to comply with. King stated to the jailer at Wewo ka, that he merely thought he had a good joke on the officer and did not intend running away. Spent Morq thnnSI.OOO. W. W. Duker of l'lalnvlow, Neb., writes: "My wife suffered from lung trouble for fifteen years. She tried a number ot doctors and spont over 11,000. without relief. Sbo became vorr low and lost all hope, A friend recommended Foley's Honey and Tar and thanks to this great remedy, It saved her life. Sbo onj'iys better health than she has known In ten years." Refuse substitutes. Sold by Peoples' drug store. dw Kothtog makes your wife as cross as a poor stove. Don't buy a cheap Btovo that a dealer says is a good as a high grade. We don't handle any thing hut the high grade so buy what you Know Is good a Buck or Charter Oak and enjoy life. Darrough Hard waro Co. Is now open for business, with a splendid assortment of long and short leaf yellow pine building lumber' Sash, Doors, Sand, Lime, Cement and Acme Plaster. Ail lumber and sash house specialties. We challenge com parison on our builders stocks. r Our material is right. Our prices are right. No trouble to figure your bills and estimates. We are here for busi ness, and our health is firstjclass. N.B. For knot holes and splinters go elsewhere. We don't sell 'em. Location. West Illinois St., Opp. Presbyterian Church, .. "WW1 jk tv 4.-V -Ufc''''feU'.'tyy''vfe' W. P. PnilAlM. Cashier. ? J Ouvkr Baouv. Prea. C J. O. Haia, V-Pres. First National Bank, , VINITA, INDIAN TRRRITORY. SUKPLUS, t' LAPI1AL Oldest and Strongest Natipual BanV In the Cherokee Nation DIRECTORS, j OLIVER BAGBY, B. P. tVRINBR, B.B.FRAYSBR, A. L. CUUUtILL, S.ff, RA TCUFF. tf. A. GRAHAM, . 0. HALL, G. IV. CLARK, W. B. HAZSBLL. Does a Safe General Banking Business, J Uinila Real Estate Agency (D. M. JYIarrs & Company.) Town and farm property sold on commission. List your property with us; we place it before thousands of prospective purchasers every week free, of charge. We have the only record of the Cherokee town lot sales. If you want to buy or sell, call on tis. Finley's Barber Shop, Wc have put In an addition al chair aud uow 1im6 four chairs In operation, enabling usto cive better service. You don't have to wait. X, FINMJY, Proprietor, NEW WHITNEY RESTAURANT. Bt Meal la tfcu City ae Short Orders a Specialty. ( i AV- 1. l il i V 5K iv i ,n