Newspaper Page Text
Tfjv'wa-' ftr-"; 'fv-r- s ;. i ranrtomft7! SBjjH!9Ksi5ir!7,i --- - -r-- X iiaTr ufrr-: ) 3925 WlVWK'WM'i - gyf TV' ' w ''" imiiit i "m w 1 IMMW ' i HaiMHan TTiJ' 1 r J-. IA wr EnllilyilO rgiwn ' n tarn naimn i rr i. v a T V aqg-JjKi -itlij&i .I,, -, ,, i nQ iJ mi" llgWHMWmillHIIU.IIBIIHIJIJIIUJILa. I ri t & V Eugeno i Field's Views en Ambition popsla. and Dy "Dyspepsia," wroto Eugene Field, 'often Incapacitates a, man for endeavor tod sometimes extinguishes the fire o( l amhttlon." Though great desptto fall Bomplalnt Field suffered from Indlges-1 Hon all his Ufa, A weak, tired ttomaoh can't digest jour food. It netdi ; rest. Yon can only rest It by the un of a preparation llfco Kodoh which re- I ileves It of work by digesting your food. Rent soon restore it to lis normal ion. 8tronDllnlnj, Envlnorntlnsj, rrfptrrdonlybTE.O I)rWtTr&Oo, Chicago. TIM SI. bottle contains JH times lbMd.slM. 36 HEREFORD ...BULLS... FOR SALE From ten month to (our yours old, r gistcrefl, nnd somo soven uightus Iloreford rv d ono rlltlt Sliurt-IIorn, tit $50.00 EACH Just right to turn with herds. HikvWh rum-h, ') miles south uot of Clu'topu, Knnsnv M. HOLDERMAN. THE LIVE STOCK MARKE1 OF ST. LOUIS. 1 ho St. Louis National Stock Yards. Locat5datEj3tt. Loals. III. tlrellTaxnitlbetly o St Lualt, Da ri tar all imerlDllfto of Utr Stook alwar. Ii ri (or all imerlpllno of stool alwar attindtnn, and wlthlo thr (rnDDlt i 01 in. Stoek Ttrdi I. a Bf.f Oaalio nuompnr or. v ti a Ktpiultf fortunthtlrlnf .mbJ oreiuii .li y. aal Pork l'taklnc titiblUhpif nil ht- MpteltT for Uatht.rlnr tLim Min flili, O. O. KNOX. Vice Prt. a T.JO.&S,0 . l!fr. L. V. nOAKE. Ain't Oen. Mr. I.AWDEI. HUNT. Urn. Asent for T nrl ladtMfi TrrltrT BADGETT & MILFORD, P.O. VINITA. t.T. Also J U 3 R ?AOTW Cl CO ' nrlzt hip and ldc near bick. OhUmi so.l ynnnxpr cuttle QM A.i nMrreaiile ro lallj-brmidcd ultbO' Irft tnuiiir or aide. Younr eattli rem '.el umler b.lf crop rlxbt and and'rbH lcm r P-ratarat oh Itock Ore.k. near Adair .Ian lunrtrr are alfrm,at Ml'ltirr Uroi a- ol I'abla Urrak Herd principally cow J. tt GRAY, 10 Mile Northwest of VIolUi. O King on P. I'ow Greek Cuttlr ot .Msbranf mid ouij- tor .bli ninl. 1100 nward orcou Tlctlon ot iteulln bla brand B. R. TAYLOR, Postofflcr. Vlnlta, I. T. Siaooth iroDlt lirtctr.iodcror nu Iflll in tar rlrnt eomieiltli Ir tirloai ol he bnidt Amrk Bind on Lo can crttk, fori mlUn.e.orVI alia. W V MILLER, rHtr.fflce Vlnlta, Ind. Tor. Range on Lo cmt and Lit tie 'tiaIr rreekiObrar on rlrnt a VI: and blp, rloqa eat marka. Sold --vSSOSTTC&kxsAe) otiirrorabip rfitnt. Half-Breed (.- ? Z-SfM Shotes For Sale. Cross with white belt hogs. JOHN SWAIN. Ifcrir Gex & Miller, Livery, Sale ind Feed Stable Special attention to dritirg trade. Wagon yard in connection. pauae No 6. So Wilsou St., Vlnit Finley's Barber Shop. We have put la an addition al clutir and now have four chain In operation, enabling us to idvc fjtler service. ou dwi't liave to wait. T. J-'INLUY, Proprietor. Calves For Sale 1 About evenly divided be tween steers and heifers. Weaned and ready for de livtiy. Aay be seen at Ailitary crossing of Cab in Creek, i2 miles south ot Vinita. IJadgeti&Milford. Vinita, I. T. Foley's Honey and Tar cures colds, ptvvcnis pneumonia. 8ii i y lV"i'- oruu iro. urcs 1(4 Wi V O. I. C. mwLxmMn w R. B. Time Table 5rTuTHTi S&lnt Louis Rt)d Sat) Francisco TftWdi - UIIINfl V ICSI nilntor l' tm-ngur . ItiSSarn ir.lnlitt MitcMir . 1 :1ft am tr n Ml, l.ornl , . BOO am uul (I KiHT I niln 108. rnsnitcr . ... . fillpm I'm n 110 World's t'slr SpMlnt ll'f- in TiaiD lio. Local 7: Warn fA'Sooiul, K&QS&S and TtxAjs K&l way 'JCIII IIUITNII ' 'ln I' .Hi n ... t Ma I 1 'HluS fl. i 10 Wi r.ilnS f.wnser Si iipi IVnlnKl. UKjal .100 pi NOIITII nOUHU. rrnln , Vumtrgtt 1"5flt rr.ln S. Pjrr SilOpi Tmln I, PiiMrnger lnulai rniin" tocnl !!. PROFESSIONAL CARDS.- E0GAR SMITH, (Mellette & Smith.) ATTORNKY-AT-IyAW. fto Hi l. 2aoi;i, i o. li.iurtirnf. Vinita, I. T. DR. L. BAOI1Y, THYSICIAN and SURORON. Omce In Nov Ratcllfl Dutldini;. Tele phone lot. Vlnlta, Ind Ter. fAXIESS. DAVBNrORT, 1 ATTORNBY AT LAW. tooma 9 and lo, New Halscll Building, Vinita, I. T davenport & Hall, Attorneys at Law, Hank Dulhllni-. Claremote, I, T wv1- KORNBOAY, ATTORNBY AT h' Vnd Notary Public, Office In new Half ell building, Vlnlta, I. T. Will practice n all the United Stntcscouruof the I. T. CHAS W. DAY. D. D S., Sold Crown and Bridge Work a Special- 7. Office over I"t National Bank VINITA. . T. E.A. STUB3LEFIELD.D.M.D. OfllceoverE'tUn Fur I'tire Co., Oray Halscll hul dl'ic, Vmlla, I.T. MEREDITH BROS,, VeterinarylffiSr Permanently located. Office, nt Webb BroV. stables, Soutb Wilson street. Office phone 52, Residence phone 69. Hospital tor patients. DR. WIRIER, file only Exclusive Eye, Bar and Nose Specialist in the Indian Territory ivf! s$P. mm . . m kAII W 3yes treated and glasses properly fitd Office at Drug Store. The Most Direct Route from either north or south, to the Famous Health Resort and SpriiiRS of is via the Descriptive literature concerning this delightful resort furnished upon appication to Passenger Traffic Department, FRISCO SYS1 EM, Sslnt Louis. We Ar Not Sospes'stitEOiis But we Believe In Signo. See Woodard for your signs. Shop north of Fris co depot. New and second hand Furniture. Repairing all kinds Pictures framed with a guarantee. If jou want to soil or buy second-linml furnituro soo Bruno Qraffunder TIIHOOGII TRAIHS 'mibi'mnw'i THE KATY WAY" OSTJKS f!h:if.L FOI-ilS IH ftlissouri, Kansas, Indian Territory, Oklahoma, Texas & Mexico. PULLMAN CUrfCT SLEEPERO ANO nEOHHINO CHAIR CARS ON ALLTlir.OUQH TRAINS. M FAST TIME takc r- :'E KATY FLYER" iJIC3T CERVICC. .. gtaSTBBTU iwaaiaaway - I -AJUVJB 1 BANNER 4'rrohnBer.volnthworil. Ww mm SULPHUR, L I, PiiratoSiBsi ni R Irl. f A HEALTH POLICY Tho system Is. from natural causes, debilitated or run-down both In tho spriua; and fall. The seasons' changes are always a tax i on tuo numati orgatusni. uno blood becomes impure In tho spring, mul vitality lugs in tuc ran. A Ilttlo care, a llttlo assistance, and nature will do the rest, as It Is always trying to maintain health. Frequently tho Weakest organ v '11 show the most disorder, and tn often leads to wrong treatment. For tlio tlo imitated conditions of spring or full, or any other time, for that matter, tho right thlnff to do Is to build tin tho whnlo Hvstein. It Is not your stoin- nnh. or liver, or nerves alono that Icauso tho troublo; you aro 'weak ened all over and must havo re- uowod strength and vitality. These E-rpfc. you cannot get so snieiy as uy using - . , r. . Ob. HARTER'S BRON TONIC When von uso Dr. Ilarler'a Iron Tonlo you are helping to renew 1110 vigor 01 every nocr or your body. You aro cleansing nnd cn rlclilntr your blood: vou aro strengthening your stomach and Increasing tho digestive fluids; you aro building up nnd renewing tho activity of your kidneys and liver; and you aro feeding nnd revitaliz ing your nervous system. You cannot do this without getting well, nnd you cannot tako Dr. liar tcr'sjron Tonlo without doing It, gtmmwmmmmmkWmwmmmmm Ciiicaoo, Ili Nor. a, mi. The Dr. Harter ittdtetni Con Dayton, O. UR-iLiuttt- Inn heil tntlnclrrecom. mend Dr. llarter'a Iron Tonic, a I Riyr firmly bellOYo It l the bcit tonle on tbe market to-dny. Ererr sprtnir and fall my ixiicin icemi 10 do in nreu 01 n tonle. and (or tho nut three Teari I have taken a bottle of yonr tonle twice a year. 110:-. joiin j. i obuwo. Itntrrtrntath to On JtUrwit Lrgitlaturt. IS1 11 uigooa bi., -DicaEO. FOR SALE tVERYWUERE. Local Savings. BLUB ft WILSON, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, AbOTsMlller'i Furnltare Store. VINITA.I. T W. II. Morrl-oti was here from Duck Greek Saturday. I'ryor Farley went to Kansai Olty Friday mornliik. Mrs. Harry Hunt Is visiting at Col leo Grove, Tenu. Mr. K. H. Frayser wai vl. I ting In Chelsea last wrok. E. E. Uriokny of tho Tulsa Demo crat was hero today on business. Mrs. Junathtn Gore and sou were visiters from Illuojacket Friday. Cba. Poole of Chelsea was here last Thursday on his way to Muikoucc W. J. Cloiuens Ind a oar of lions on tho Kansas Cl'y ru irkct Thurduy. Mr. and Mrs. A, S. Nottingham .f Eiglo were shopping here Sit'irday. Mrs. Lon Uongo bus bcn onjoyii g a visit from her sister the pat week. Matt Flanagan wai among tbe CowlysltluII visitors In Vlnlta Friday. A thirty foot extcnulun Is boiug built lo the United S ales oourt house. Mt. D. a lined lift last week for Honey Grove, Texas for an extended visit. A tori.ey E 'gar Smith ha been .til mltted to prnctlcifore the eiiprcme coirt. Charley NeA-iuHnisotauluga liter) barn on the Bast tide, near tbe opera hou'e, Tbe brick for the new bank build ing for the Vlnlta NiUoiml Is being uulouded. Old Graham was here from Wjgoner Friday locking for some Clicrokte allotments. Mrs. Josie Hall returned from Jop- tin Friday where she enjoyed the Elks Curulrul. Dr. and Mrs. Joseph PInri'iard ar rived here from Fort Leaven i, rh Thursday night. The Thomas' wheat dillls are the boil made. Sold by Green & Itood Implement Co. w Gieen&Rjod Implement Co. are making spiclal prices on bugglc, for tbe next 30 days. w Dr. Frszoe Is the proud postessor ot a haudtome ebooy cane presoutad to him by Dr. I'lLquurd. Miss Martha Wilson orCeotralla, who has been attoudlng the public school Is ill with fever. Mrs. S. i. Wa.len, who has been quite III at CaNVillc, Mo., for some time, returned home lat week. Chas. It. Wakefield of tho Clinton Female oollege was bote Friday in the luteroit of that In-tHutl m. Mrs. Aohglll, miitberof Harry Aeh gill, roiurnoJ to Collejvllle Sunday after a week's visit with tier son. Most FMoo trains oarry extra coiolios to accommodate Indian ter ritory and Oklahoma home seekor.'. Mrs. Julio Harlan win called by wire Friday to the bedside of her father who Is oiltlotlly 111 at Carthut.e Mo. Green & It-xtd Implement Co. un loaded a oar of Thomas whoat drills yesterday. See them before buying a drill. w Ex?cna"r Tom Monroe was bore last week on his way to and from Mutkogco where he had bfon before tho Dawos Commission. R, Loe Ojmeruf Olaremuro spent a day or two In Vlnlta laitwsek inter viewing our grocery men In the Inter eit of the Swift Packing Co. of Kan sasCity. :lt Ooo. BlKht to the Spot," When pain or Irritation oxhtson any part of tbe body, tho application of Iiallard's Suow Liniment will give prompt relief. "It woes right to the spot," said an old mao who was -rubbing It In, to euro his rheumatism. 0 R. Smith, J'ropr. Smith House, TVuuha, Texaf, wrltos: "I have usea IUlUrd's Snow Llnlmont In roy family for ereral years, and have found It to be a lino remedy, for all nchea ntid nalm. and I iciiouimend It. for pains in tho throat an1 chest," 2")C, 80o aod II at I'eopV drug Store. w YT Wanted tft ltrfy'A fncdlum slzfed flrivlug animal for family use, ruaro preferred. Or tho use ot uno for oato and few). Geo. Illugln", AtOlilcfiHlii oill.c. flarrlago Licencea. Will E. HtOti-Mny M. Cop0M, L' xlnuton Junction, Mo. Geo. A. Wilsori-Manile CojdIi, Ohcl i"0.. J. H.llatidsin-l'carl Smith, V 11 ta W. II. Vanii-Iiilc G llavt", Luntf pah InmoH ltieMrs. Louolla 8msrt, Ccnlrallii. S. J. Giuvo"Dorutliy Olirlitiun, Vlnlta. C. K. Sjundois-Ledu Price, Vlnlta Foit SALit-One hiiudiod and twe.ity acros of tlrsl-clim hay land, adjnlntng town Adair; alto one all anient on my farm south of town, Ida A. Oahbtson, Adair, 1 T ToJLure a Cold In One Day Take Laxative llrnmo Qululnc Tab. uts. All druggists refund tho money if It falls to cine. E. W. Gr-iro'sslg-naluro Is 011 each Ikix. 26c. w Farm Fin Salh l.'l5 acres In oultl vatloo, 150 acres gr.tst laud; locatod two and one-half miles southeast of Adulr. Oill on or uildrci', Mhs.F.Hknuy, Adair, 1. T. Tlie Best Prescription for Malaria Chills and Fever Is a bottle of Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic. It Is simply Iron and quinine In a taitcless form. No cure, no pay. Prlco 60c. w FOR SALE An Improvement con sisting of 210 aeios black lluio-lono land, with a 3-roum houjc, bam and plenty of water; 20 rallos nor.h of Vlnlia, 7 miles nnrihrast of Centra Ha, on Clear creek. 1 H04. Davidson, Klnnlson, I. T. Hereafter thoo who ileslro to rco me will tlnd rue at the law ofllco of Hutching', Parker & Westlu the RatclItT building, Wilson street, Vlnl a. G 1:0 11 ok I). Demison. wll You Know What You Are Taklnr When you tako Grove's Tastclets Chill Tonic becauic the formula Is plainly printed on every bottle show Ing that it Is simply Iron and quinine In a tasteless form. No cure, no pay 60c. w Charged With Cutting Timber. Light men charged with the un lawful cutting of timber were brought In by Deputy O. II. Rhode of Watt villa lust weo.c. Chlof ofJPollce Hill of Sllocim Springs itssltcd Deputy Rhodes in bringing the men In. Farm For Sale. A well Improved ICO-acro tract ot lai d, good notice and barn, well, etc. Has line location tho south boundary line Is Ramona. Will trade for good town properly. Call on or address, Albert Keelcr, Rtmona, I. T. Wanted Five allotments on goo 1 land; will have to pay for Improvements on In stallment or give tlruo on land. Would llko one or two allotments on mineral or coal land. Addrc4, II. T. ClIANDLEtl, wl2 Oguchu, I. T. Sold Booze In Shadow of Court. I. H. Drown, a crippled whisk ped dler, piled his trulllc in tho very hatluw of tho court at Miami during he recent sesilon and tried to escape the penalty on account of his physical tviiMlHl'tn. lie will be taken caro of at Lesvonworth fur the next lifted! months. G A. Robert'" of Llritne', 111., suf fered four yenrn with a wad In his stomach and could not eat. He lost 65 pounds. To bottles of Dr. Oild we'l's Syrup repMn returod his ay petite, cured his .tohiach trouble and today ho Is well and hearty and sajs ho owos bis health .to Di. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin. People's drug store, w A Pleased Customer. W. M. Smith and wife of Alluwo were tradln.' In VmlM lust week and returned home Thursday. Mr. Smith purchased 120 worth of good from Vinlte stoici and went awa7 very tn u oh pleated with prices and goods and remarked to a reporter for tho Ch'oftaln that Vlnlta ought to be proud of her merchants. Taken Up One Iwy horse about tour cars old. Brand W on the from foot. Is about fourtoen hinds high. One sorrel mare colt, both front feet white, one bind f Hit white, white utrip In face. Thcso oulCs are kept 1 n James Tin rnsbrugb plaee about seven 111II01 southeast ot OotTey vllle, Kirisas. Taken up by L. J. Elder. wl2 Buys Miami Republican. L. F. Parker, r has purchased tho Miami Republican fur his nephew, U. W. Parker, of Merlden, Connecticut, who has taken charge of the plant and Issued his Inlt'al number last week. II. C. Brandon will have charge of the editorial and news department while Mr. Parker will attend to tbe butlnew and inecbanlcil department-. A well equlpred p'ant will lo In stalled at once and tho naocr con ducted alut'g progressive lines. Proud of It. Mayor Frod Girdncr, who Is asso ciated with Balllrgton Booth In the American Volunteers, speaking re cently of experiences I1 organlxitlnn wutk, said thtt when In Holyoke, Mas- , at one time ho was aslgneJ to an aged couple named Dahm fur en tertainment. "Mr. and Mrs. Dahm wore ado llglitful couple," continued the Major "but their naino didn't appeal to me. In conversation with my hostess I male what I ooiiildcred was a happy compromUo and addrossed her as Mrs. Dulim.' After uslni my rovlsed version several t'mo, I was somowhat takan aback to have lb, lady of the profane patronymic say: " 'Faidori me, MaJ'ir, but our name Is Dahm, not Dolim, and wo are the only Dahm family In Holyoke.' " Never A.k Advioo, When you have a cough or cold don't ask what Is good fur It and get some medicine with Utile or no merit and perhaps dangerous. Ask for Foloy'e Honey and Tar, the gruateit thvoat and lung remedy, It cures coughs and colds quickly. Sold by Peoples, drug store dw Stops the Cough and Works otf tho Cold. Laxatlvo Ilnuun Quinine Tabids euro n cold In or 0 day. No euro, no pay. Prlco 25 cent. w A Card. During tile imiiiih if Novnuiher, low, I w It bo In tbo ofllco ot Drs. Forlmr ami llnghy, ulirro I Wi I Im pii-H'O'l in -ro nil pt'ti uns requiring u.y p-t fcs.iniirtl t.rrvico as oculist and Hiin.t. .l.inrit liNquAttu, M. D, New Mayor of Wagontr. At a special s 'on of tie Wsgnner city council Judgo Doggctt was olect ol to succeed J. O. Cnavcr as mayor. Mr. Casaver's prlvalo luterosts de manded his entire Httnnlloti, and ho recently tendered hi rtIgriatlon. 8W& rnrm-- Thta ilgnitarc In on every box ot Iho genuine Laxative Bromo-Quininc Tablets the remedy tbat rtirr. it rolil In ino lay Do You Want to Ynwn? Feel colli shivering, idling In the bones, lack of energy, hoadachc, and groat dcprcMon? Those symptoms may be followed by violent headache, high fever, extremo nervousness, a condition known as malaria. Hcrblne cures It. Tako It beforo tho dlea?o gets a fair bold, though It will work a euro In any stage. J. A. Hopkins, Manchester, Kan., write: "1 have ucd your great medicine, Hcrblne, for several years. Thcro Is nothing better for m.ilnrln, chills and fever, headache, biliousness, and for a blood purifying tonic, thcro is nothing as good." 60c at Peoples' drug store w Jail Notes. Bin Edwards.chargod with larceny, was brought In from Salllsaw by Dep uty Fryc. Alonzu Calvin and Alec Calvin, charged with introducing and dis pensing, were brought In by Deputy IkcGllslrap. J. W. Foe, charged with selling mortgaged property, was brought In by Deputy Frye, of Salllaw. Of Interest to Women. Women who have thcmelves suf fered from the evil effects of constipa tion and Indigestion will he Interest ed In tbo following letter from a falhor whose daughter was given up to die by two ptiyslcl in : "My daugh ter has stifferod from Indlgostlon for the pant five years and has trlol noar ly everything that she could hear of for such trouble. Sho was confined to her hed when she began taking Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin and after taking one Mftv-cenl bottlo she lsabl to wulk a mile at a time and during tho day joterday walked 'i) mllc. I feel like praising Dr. Galdwe.l's Syrup Pepsin becauso two doctors told mo my daughter could not got well and I feel that sho Is on a fair road to per manent relief. ltospectfully, J. H M. CnocKKu, Nixon, Tenn., Aug. 0, HrOO, Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin Is sold In tlfty-ccut andtl bottles, un der a posltlvo guarantee, by Peuples' d'ug store w NOTICHI Notice is hereby given lo the Cherokee Na'ion that the Commia nlon to tho Five Civilir-d Tribes will, at any lime prior to tho linst day ol December, 1902, receive and consider the complaint or grievance which any citizen may deaire lo present concerning the classification placed upon landa of that tribe which he duairca to ee I ret aa an allotment. Such cj.ii. plaint must be made under oath boforo an oilier having a seal, ruust describe the land in question, must show that affiant desires to select tho Bume in allotment for blmBelf or those whom he lawtully represents and indicate in what particulars tho classification here, lofore made should be modified, No complaint received after (he 30th day of November, 1902, will be coneldcred, and thereafter tbe classification of lands will be de clared fixed and final, and not eub ject to change from any cause. By Order of the Commission. Tams B,xnv, acting chair'n. Muakogee, I. T.. Oct. 8, 1902. Ch?ap Selllers' Ral?s 10 the Par W?sl and NorlhuJesi. The Burlington Route renews the low oneway Settlers' rate of $25.00 from Missouri River to California, Portland and the Puget Sound country every day during September and October, with correspondingly low rates to the Spo kane District and the Ilutte-Helena vis trlct; also proportionate rates from inte rior Missouri, Kansas and Southwest terrltoiy. "The Burlington Northern Pacific Ezprcu" is the great through train leav ing Kansas City daily, for the North west. Through Coaches, Chair Cars, (seats free), bUndard and Tourist Sleep ers to Butte, Helem, Spokane, Tacoma, Sfltll. Portland. fVttit,f.tln, nlH from Denver at night joining this North- ntn nam bi Alliance, Acu Visit the Old Homo East Home visitors' excursions to points In Ohio and Indiana: datea of sale Septem ber ICth and 23d; limit 30 days. Also excursion rates to Ohio and Indiana during the first week of Octo ber, at the time of the big Grand Army reunion in Washington, D. C. To Chicago The Burlington's famous "IW'is the best known and most popu lar train from Kanias City and St. Joseph to Chicago. v To St. Louis Tr.o dally trains carry ing all classes of standard Burlington equips .it. Homoseokers Excursion On the first ami third Tuesday of Sep tember and October, to many sections of the West and Northwest. Consult our nearest agent or write the undersigned for full information, printed matter and tbe least cost of your pro po:ed trip. L. J. BRICKKR, T. P. A., 823 Main St. Kansas City, Mo. L. W. WAKELKY. O. P. A., St Louis. C. M. LEVY, Oeii'l Manager, St Louis, Mo New Havan 8 day clocks and alarm only $3.25. Pirate Alarm clocks 98c each at Rose's Book Store. d!5 KaiennrnHanaannaii BRUTALITY OF OLD LAWS. nnnkrnnla In the Time, a one Br Were Forced to AVrar Ileariul- IriK Mverr. The brutality nnd ferocity of legal enactment, in olden time and not So exceedingly remote at 'that can acarcely be oredlted in thete daya. At one tiino in England and Scotland bankrupts were compelled io wear a distinctive dress. 103 on caehance. TM wnsarestiltofenactrrKV- jsaed at Torlous timet in Scotland from th year 1C00 to 10SS. The Edinburgh court of aestlona specified ithe. ditsa to be of pnrtrcolor, one-half yellow and the other brown, something after the stylo of drew now worn in English prl&ons by the worst class of prison ers, those who hnre attempted to es cape or been guilty of murderous as saults on officer. Theenactmentalso provided that th. bankrupt should be exhibited publicly in the market place of his town for a period of tiwo hours oml then sent waj condemned to wenr the dress- nntil such time or he had pnld his debt or some one else had done it for him. Although this was a period of law which can only be. Ot.crlbed as fero cious, this law wan such nn outrage on public aentlnvcnt thntin 1M8 It was so for repealed that the wearing of the dresa wos only compulsory in ensea in which fraud had been- proved, or, cu riously cnongh, if tho bankrupt had been contloted ot smuggling The same practice was legal, but not gen erally In for"e, In England down to the year 1830. The idea, rwn, of cours-e, to warn persona whp might have given credit that tho bankrupt was not able to pay, but -popular rcntlment soon recognlred that it was wholly unfair to impose aweh xcttlre penalties on a man who might have become bank rupt througli no fault of hi own, and as usunt hon the law becamecontrary to public feeling it ceased to be op stive. BRAVEST OF THE SEA-FISH. The Srroriinah la it Stranger to Pear and Is n. Perfect Terror U the Arernare Seaman, Trobably the bravest of creatures that a .-im h ocean are thewordflsh. Much smaller than rnony others, they are nevertheless the most fcnrlessr of all, nnd will, like a buffalo or rhinocer os, chargo nliything that offends, often doing nn amount of execution hariMy to bo believed, snya the Chi cago Chronicle. Combats between swordflsh are most interesting, and may be compared to a duel bahween two expert swordsmen. Such n con test was observed off the long pier that extends out into the ocean nt Santa Monica, near Jab Angeles, lnt year. Some flihSgrnen noticed two big fish leaping out of the water aod dashing along the surface. Soon tt twif teen that they were swordflsh. It was the serfton when the fish nro nnusually ferocious. They had mode several rushes, nnd whom observed were at close quarters, striking each other powerful side TjJows like cavalrymen. This was unfAtlsfnctory, and finally they separated and darted directly at tsch other. They evlderrtly struck head-on, one mlny, while, the sword of the other struck juttbeltnr the eye and plowed .deep furrow In the flesh, partly disabling the fish so Jliotit at tempted to escape. But its adversary also turned, and wttWa rush drove its sword completely through tho body of its foe, and held it fast, only-wrenching its weapon loose when Its-enemy itopped swimming. This- one lunge finished the battle, and the victor left the field. The van quished, floating on the stirfa ee, was picked up by the fishermen. The wounds in Uie dead fish w ere exaSnlned by several hundred people In Low An geles nnd Santa Monica. They gave ample evidence of Uie extraordinary strength of tho tha-ust of a snvoTdflsh. The force with ivWch a swonlflsh strikes has been Tarlously estimated, bnt that It Is equnil to that wliicl. drives a 24-pound shell from n hiwltxerwill be easily bellevnd after viewing the re sults. Matter or Mnmar In Germany a discussion has start ed urging that German children drop tho words "mama" and "papa" in favor of "mutter" (mother) nnd "vater" (father). "How," say they, "can anybody prefer tho unmeaning 'mama' to tho denp nnd Impressive 'mutter?' Nothing can replace "for a Gorman the word 'mutter,' ccrtitlnly not the French 'mama,' A ceitnln philologist, however, aaks how It can be suggested that the word 'moans' Is derived irom the French, cecLng that it is probably! to be found in r.'l languages of tho world. In the numerous dialects ot Africa nnd In India the word for mother Is 'mama, which is given as a title of honor to every elderly damo deserrlng of esteem nnd respect. 'Mnmoy and 'papa (baba) nro so generally used In all parts of tho world that they probably date back somo thousands of years.' Philadelphia Ledger, Too I.ale. A North Ude boy. Ave years of age, who had reoently become the brother of another little boy, was tent to the grocery the other day to get some-loaf sugar. Jiy mistake the grocer 'gave him granulated; and) the boy wasacat back to hate it changed. "How do you like your new broth er?" asked the tracer aa he waswfclgb ing out the right kind of sugar. "Oh, I don't like him very much," the Utile, fellow atswered "lie cries all the time." "Why don't you change him, then, as you dt the sugar?" "We cant chasige him now, 'ou we've used Jiim Ure davs.' There Is acarcely any condition of 111 health that is not lienefited by the occas ional use of a R-I-P-A-N-S Tabule. Por sale by druggists. The five-cent packet Is enough for an 01 dlnary occasion, The family botUe, Co -cents, contains a mp. ply for a veiT. d-tf NEW WHITNEY RESTAURANT. Best Meal I.nthc City 35c Short Order s a Specialty. PlratlDoorpXiit olRitcllll' Photos by slngleslant skylight are the best. FOWLER has tho only light of th-ls kind In tho Cherokee Nation, RalR4N$ MRS. HELENA BLAV, Young Milwaukee Socloty Woman. ILT KN thousand cured women havo Written to tell how Wino of Cartlnl bestows tho blessing of health on every woman who takes it, rich nnd poor alike. Mrs. Helena lllau, No. 123 Sev enth Street, Milwaukee, Wis., is one of tho young women whom Wino of Car dui 1ms rescued from a llfo of suffering. She writes) " wlne of Cardul Is certainly 'worn out' women's best friend and I am fUxud to give my experiencA with It. A few months ago I caught a severe cold, bav ipg been out In Inclement weather, which settled all over mt, particularly in the abdomen. I was In almost constant pain. I consulted a physician and took his medicine for a month and without any relief. I then decided I would try your medicine and it was a lucky day for me when I did so. I noticed a change in a few days and felt encouraged to continue taklag Wine of Cardul, and my patience was rewarded, for In two weeks my pains had left me and I felt like a new woman." Mrt. Ittltnn Iltatt WINE of CARD VI READ! READ!! READ! We are handling- no we are making the cheap fellows "hunt their holes" on prices. We are selling the following; lines: THOMAS GRAIN DRILLS, MITCHELL WAGONS, t STAVES BUGQIES, Emerson & Fisher Buggies, Sechler Buggies, J. I. Case Implements: Come and look at our treat you right. GREEN-ROOD L. H. McQUFFIN, TH0S. T. President. Vice-President. CasJ ...The Cherokee National Bank.J iritis.. it t A4 uiuuci, iiju. i cr. OA.3PITA.3L 325,000.00. niRRCTons. L, F. l'arker. Jr W. II. Carrausb k. N. liaiciic. iuos. Every Courtcy Extended that Interest raid on Time C, O. ft Q. R. R. MEMPHIS, THE EAST AND SOUTHEAST, TEXAS, OLD MEXICO, CALIFORHIA AND THE WEST. Pullman Drawlna-Room BuRel Slcepirt Through ta Pueblo, Colorado Springs and Denver. FREE RECLINING CHAIR CARS On All Trains. UNEQUALED 8CHEDULE8 1. 8. McHALLY. 0. P. A.. Oklahoma City. 0. T. CEO. H. LEE. Q. P. WZd0 Are You Thinking- of buying a CLOCK? 'If so call and sec the large line I hare for you to select from. & ! '". I Guarantee Every Qock I Sell. Nickle Alarm clock only r,8c. Sight day clock, htrike and alarm only $3.50. li W, '. Fine and complicated watch repairing: a specially. - i-i MOTTO -KttKiCAtaHttiul lktllKSTutkalaUii.n. J gj JAUQUST SCHLIOCKER, Jeweler and Optician. ran 36 South Wilson it. MlW'dEM?mWMft ' t vU, W. ,fSS9S.'Wtrt,r 'W'',QvXL'WTlvi Perry..... .i 1 naws su is n ssssm .im ssi lulinn m ssi Lumber Co.... We carry a full the various grades from the best down tc knot holes. The best plastering materia -"Acme"- and at our yard. Iola Partland and Louis ville cement form a portion of our sto,ck The only trouble from our point of viev f. ri. : j. 1 as tuc iitt-t mat Of course you'll not lose any sleep ovel 'that tul you try the lumber bustnes yourself. Come around anyhow and inspect ou stock. i ''SSySV'4VSSSS'4fc,a VUSVVvVtVI'lB.' PRINTING Bait Tho woman who has su ered from fomalo wiukw should do anything w" renon to uro a , Winn r.t f'Kr.lm 1. ill' 1 t elno tliatnnncals to real Vuk? bio women - women v hold oncrations and cutti in horror women wha- VnllfM (. 4I.A t.A.f ' sician. Wino of 0 ( gives women bark tin1 health bv oivmrr Naluro chanco to build un tho wasted and di cased tissuo. Wino of f'anlui rcaulali tho menstrual flow and Nature, when relieved of tho drains or ot tho poisons in tho system, mnkes tho functiona organs strong nnu iicaitny again. Any woman who is silently sufTcrin untold pains becauso sho istoosensitiv to undergo n physician's oxaminatlo' nnd treatment can una no excuse I' not securing relief when Wino of Ca dul is offered to her. There is no pul 1 Icity to deter her. Sho can tako W ir of Cardul in tho privacy of her homPi with as much nssnranco of n final cm' as though a dozen doctors rccommcndc. it. iuany pnystctans uo rccomnicn wino ot laruui to tncir patients. Why not get n 81.00 bottlo of Wii; of laruut irom your uruggist today A million infTcring womcf iiuvu iounu rcuei in Wino of Cardul. ''Cheap John" goods, butV SOUTH BEND WAGOf Canton Line of Implemet goods and see if we dU IMPLEMENT Cft WIMER, W.!R. &IcGE0RGE," W U. IJcQ ioru. Fre 1 1. Kellry i.nimor u. k. iicuuciu. is Consistent with found Bant Certificates ot Deposit. THE ftSATU Ft A Li TO AND PERFECT SERVICE. E. M. DUNCAN. T. P. A.. Oklahoma City. 0. T. & T. A.. UttU Bock, Ark. (J stock of LUMBER in sharp sand will be fount! ijulus ait: tuu tuw. ! of all kinds promptly and prof none at turn oince. Trices m t consistent with mntetial and CHIEFTAIN PUB. 1 towtmrnmriAMrnvvtLXk sAv-a