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VOL. XXI. NO. 12
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and close Saturday, November 22, 1902.
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1902. O
"wpSferf?H4LtcllfiSR-hfl:vflinn irT'Vll rJfinflvf.mfinf.s Tf.s f.hfi bier salfi of thfi fall FSfiflRnn nf 1902. You should attend iCltf affords
opportunity to buy your fall supplies much below their real value. If you neglect this sale it will be your loss. It will be the
only big special sale of the season so dont miss it.
We have a-superior Dry Goods slock, complete in every line prices right. We have the best
Suit and Cloak stock in Vinita. Qualities, style and prices to please. Our Clothing: store is second
to none; we have anything you want in clothing, hats and furnishings for men and boys Prices right.
, The biggest stock of shoes in Vinita; Prices, styles and qualities right. Lots of big bargains in our
bifir November Sale. We have the most nonular Grocerv store in Vinita. where vou can buv all
j-.- - t . . . . a - " 9 - , J
f kinds 01 staple ana tancy groceries at prices to please you. . .,.
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OOp We soourcd a big lot of Bib Overalls, Juuipahd'
OOO Work gkirU at fully ono-third loss than tlieir actu
al value s "W will put thom on salo aU8!Jfe onoh. Thcso
wo guarantor lo bo as good as anytfifng you can find olso
whoro for G-or It will pay yojMosco "thcso as thoy aro
choapor UmWUiey havootarbooirat any fonnor tirao.
11 1 I a WWBTTT T'H 1' "
Men's and Boys' Suits
" and Finishings.
worth 4 00 per
$. 1 fiQ One lot men. Sty Cheviot suits well
f 1 jj made and gooU rt :rers, wort
suit, sale price 1.69. '
$0 OK Two styles men's cassimere suits, good
)J,.J as anybouy'? 5oo suit' our price during
this" sale, permit, 2.23-
A QO Ttm Styles men's gassimere, cheviots
M'Tii7u jfntj worsted suits, as good as good as
other stor -s sell for 5.00 to 8.00. Your choice of
this lot3uring our november sale for 4.98. t
$7 ftfl&n sty'es men's "sufts, cassimeres, chev-
-'i V and worsteds, like other stores sell for
10,00 to. 12.00, your choice of this line during our
ovember sale for 7.50.
till nW ilm XsmZl
nwB m I WW ? Turns
mir1 Wl fflMf llll III Ie
II n&H'tui&Nus, yk
In fine suits.the nobby
new styles, we are show
ing the largest line we
have ever shown. We
can sell you a suit for
12.50 to 15.00 that is
made by one of-the best
manufactories in the.
United Statce. They are
equal in every particular
& fn Mi l-ipst merchant
tailor, work. -When
you want a well
fitting, stylish suitask for
a Schloss Bros, "They are the best by test.
We are well supplied with suits and pants' for
the boys of all sizes and ages.
Boys' 3-pioco suits, a bargain at 00c.
"Boys' 8-ploco suits, worth l'.BOpor siiitj salo prico 08c
Hovs' knoo nants. stronc and BoaYicoablo. Dtlior storos
a9k 50o for panls no bottor, during this salo Choy;,go at lOo
ftor nnir. K.
&k Our lino of knoO pants from 25a to 1,00 aro Bunet
jjyto anyuung ypu wm huu wwwuuiu
flen's- and
The largest stock we ever owned and the
values are better than you will find again in a
long time.
OOr Men's buckle plow show, the 1.25 kind, but
00 during this safe 88c. .
QOp Men's Creole congress shoe, worth 1.25,
" u u during this sale only 08c.
$1 1 f) Men s heavy grain Creole shoes.Qthc
1 ' ' u kind everybody sells for 1.50, during
this sale at 1.10.
QQr Men's satin bals., the kind that sells for
v"-'v' 1.25, during this sale 08c.
P 1 QO Here's a big shoe bargains. It a heavy
Ui i ivu soje ieather lined shoe for men, one
tliht sells for 2.50 everywhere. In this sale at 1.98.
We have all kinds of shoes for the boys at
prices that will certainly please you. j
Good serviceable shoes for boyk 75c. 98c,
1.25 up to 2,00.
Hats, Caps and Gloves. Ladies Wraps, Suits
and Furs.
You should soo us whon in want of anything in either
lino. "Wo aro showing a largo lino of mou's hats. We
baro thom in any shapo or color, at prices to suit tho
Wo havo a big assortment of caps of all kinds for both
mon and boys. You can find just what you want in our
lino of caps. Prices to ploaso you.
"Wo aro showing a spocial glovo for mon at 25c. This
is a hoavy leather glovo and for hard service hasn't a su
perior for twico tho prico.
Other gloves at 35c, 50c, 75c, 1.00 and 1.50 per pair.
Our values aro much hotter -than you will find in othor
Flen's Underwear.
Horo is a bargain in men's undorwoar. Wo secured a
big lot of it at a very low prico,
Wo offer it in our salo at por suit 48c.
"Wo mako a specialty of nion's undorwoar at 1,00 por
suit. Tho suit wo Show is heavier nnil a hotter ivnnror
than anything you will find olsowhoro tit that prico.
1 lot ladies' tailor mado Buits in gray,. castor and black
woro good values at 10.00 and 12.50. por suit, your choice
during this salo for 0.08.
Wo made a big puachaso of ladies 27 in. jackets tosoll
at G.00 and 7.00. Just to mako this Balo Interesting to
pooplo who expect to buy "a jacket, your chcico during this
salo for 4.93.
Wo havo a big valuo to show our customers in a sopar
ato skirt, bought to soil for 2.50. Thoy go in this salo for
Wo havo just oponcd up a fine lot of ladies fmnnol shiri
xaftU,;s& Iwightahem-irt -sell for LSQoach. Wo-Wte
offor thom in this salo for 98c and it Strictly, all wool.
Our lino of waists for 1.60, 2.00, 2.50 and 3.00;
is tho product of tho host manufacturers. Fit guaranteed
in ovory instanco.
Dry Goods and
Dress Goods
Wo aro confident wo havo tho test dry goods Btoro in
Vinita and that our prices aro lower for similar goods
than you will find olsowhor.
For our big Novombor salo wp offor a fow special bar
gains that should interest overy consumor of dry goods in
this city and vacinity.
Wo havo secured a largo lino of good calicos at a low
nrico. Thov co in this salo at 3c por yd.
25 nieces indicobluo calico, no in this salo r.t 8Jc per yd.
Horo is an outing flannel bargain that is bottor than
you will soo again this. Soason wo havo 1000 yards of it
iu this salo at 4io por yd.
Good cotton flannel worth 0 1-4 in this-salo at 4c por yd.
Hoavy cotton checks worth Uc por yd in this salo at
25 vds for 1.00.
Good dark colorod percales 80 inches vrido worth iuc
por yd. In this salo at Go por yd.
10 plocaa flannel wrappor goods worth 10c por yd.
yard3 for 58c.
Wo aro loaders on drosa goods. Havo a big assortmoni
of host stylos.
Brocado half wool dross good worth 15c por yard, salo
nrico ner vd 0 cents.
Bie lino of 20 and 25c brocado worsteds go in this salo
ot 15c por yd. Othor dross good3 in largjj varioty at right
, Wo havo tho largest, and host linos in tho city. Trices
Ladies' Hisses' and
Children's Shoes.
YoulJan't do. as woll anywhero ast you can horo on shoes?
Child's solid Dongola shoosizo 6 to 8, bought to soil
for 75c. Thoy go in this salo for 48c. '
Child's hoavy winter shoos strong and scryicoablo", sizo
8 to xl, worih 1.00 per pr. Thoy go in this salb"at 69c.
Misses' heavy wintor shoos, spocial valuo at 1.00 in thi
salo at 75c. "H . .
Ladies' heavy wintor shoes sells overywhoro at 150 por
pair irrthis salo at 98c.
Millinery for Fall afid
Winder Wear. f
Wo will show tho handsomest lino of hats l'oodmb woar
that is shown in Vinita this season. Wo ara.maEW Alp a
lot of hats embracing tho latest ideas for our-blg sale.
Theso hats will rango in prico from 1,50 to ,48, and wo
guarantee thattlioy will 00 tno nest values oowinniue any
whero for tho pricos wo ask. Ask to soo oiir Luley hats,
thoy will ploaso you. s-V
j jr
Wear Queen Quality
They Gie Satisfaction.
The abpve prices are the greatest values ever offered In Vinita.
The Great Bargain Stpre
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