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t 1 f . ptb 'TflBT'i g-swsar-y'g' Bn A i7 11 82dH i l " 1hI i a ' ris y BgwiL k i m i l 91ft ? l Hi - Th4 Round Oak Heater.... la not the Hot Blast you read about, and that we tell you about but everyone that ever used a Round Oak (name on ' the leg! will tell you it is a "blasted hot" stove tyid we can guarantee it to be every thingthat is found in any other stove made. They are better heaters, burn less fuel, never clinker, and last longer than anv otlu i tovc made: See them anJ be convinced. Yours for business, mm RMapfliarp Bnrnitn rP Pn the: old reliable: ivMMmmawMMmMMNMwM 1 sfojjrlfe PtwiOw'' POWDER Absolutely Pure W ff S JV0 SUBSTITUTE LoczU 'Savings. BLTJB fr WILSON, ATT0RNEY8-AT-LAW, A bora Miller's Cimltar. Store. VIKITA.I. T It. Matty WWi rfHWfa-'pHysWniWs pre scribe Foley Honey nnfl Tar, as thoy havo novcr found to tafe and reliable a rctrfody for tbroal and lung troubloi as this ureal mrdlclnoi Bold by Peo ple' drug store. dw pMfcdBrBR PICKLES I11I1BR Fresh line of Pickles and Fresh Fruit just received. We want Your patronage. Telephone T5. Taylor & Lawrence. RatdifPsold groctry stand D"r'' 33i 1 1 y liu t7 R$ 9 NEWS AND BOOK STORE, fig SJl L I' II .1 ! II III J "Wo oW a comploto lino or SCHOOL BOOKS AND SCHOOL SUPPLIES. Wo linvo just rccoivsd ft ooautiful lino of booka for childron, consisting of 300 titlos. It will bo to your intorost to call and inspect this lino, especially. Thoy will bo suro to ploaso you, so will tho prico. at Our Motto: ? SS! ROSE NEWS AND BOOESTOREr I In Raymond Building. JK IBfflHSSMfflHHHiiSSiiil ss kSt Uinifa Real Estate Agency . M. Marrs & Company,.) Town and farm property sold on cotnmission. List your property with us; we place it before thousands of prospective purchasers every week free of charge. We have the only record of the Cherokee town lol sales. If you want to buy or sell, call on us. , iiii . i "in., - I' - .trrrrirrrrrrTrrri U tR ! E tf m '- I iA T & ?srf iai ?s fyk p ggi lH ,s i CO : i H5 sj tlullor Is eoarco. GAod Miow.1 ocitnlnp. Great town for frtklr. Good borAes are In demand. The pfciin crop li eaihercd. WowiotuhUm at ltalentlno'. Country honey at Dalontlno's. Vlnlta now has 240 lelnphoncs. Fresb pickles at Mrs. ISalcntlnc'a. JNew oat meal In bulk atBalcntlocs. Mrs. Geo. Davis of Adair was hero TuMday. Turluiyii . aro plentiful In tbo market. Droomsat llalontlno's. 15, 20 anl 25c cacb. Miss ARncs Flcklln hn returned from Ttilna. See those nlco tollot, sets at Mrs. BalontlnoV. " -MIm LUIIb l)urni;Ji rfSMng In Af tqn t1ihwe6kt- , r" Thft4$fa-wjyo" ifril sot reacb tbo lBdfani(torrItory. ICfop your oyoon Hie opera home some pwd nhmvs coming. 0. G. Marrs oamo down from Hud son on business Monday. Harry Acbglll took a portion at Cbe Fr lico depot yesterday. Miss EJIth Lowls returned from Claretuoro Tuesday night. Sam Frailer returned from St. Louis yesterday morning. Capt. Leo Smith and Nat Perry were bete from Grove Monday. Mr. Youngblood or Adair was hero Tuoiday enrouto for Wyandotte. W. S, Spencer of Cudoyvlllc, Kansas ton of J. J. Spencer, Is visiting In tho city. AuKUit Schlleckcr and D. M. Marrs visited Uo tatter's farm on Pawpaw creek Monday. JobnM. Miller and family of Need- mora were hern a day or two this week on boslncsi. Dr. J. -M. Gross, tbo new pastor of the Meth'ilHt ohurab, arrived yes terday tJ ramiln. Tl c PriSbytcrlun pcoplo hnpo to bacii tbelr now church bulMlnrf In fo re the new) ear. i Gjy Sklnnor returned from Arlalr, xheru he bad been visiting her prnts. yostordiy Oupt. Yb!t raided a joint at Adair last ncek and captured a quantity of whiskey at a drug store Ttio good price fur oats, 30 ccntr, has been bringing in a groat many loads of this cereal to town lately. Foley's Honey and Tar always stops tho cough and heals tbo lungs. Ite fuio substitutes. Sold by People's drug aloro. dw Our largo purchases In tho fall en ables us to bo ablo at all times to fill the largest orJcrs. Frazec Hardware t Furniture Co, Dr. Plrquard icrformcd a painful, though not dangerous operation for a throat trouble on little Ethel Stubbloflcld Tuesday. Foley' Honeyland Tar- for coughs and cold; reliable, tried and tested, safo and sure. Sold by Pcoplo's drug store. dw J. L. Diughca'uc up from Chouteau Monday to obtain an Injunction to re- btraln certain Cherokoo citizens from Jumping bis improvements. Turn Itbell returned Monday from Memphis, where ho left Buffalo Dill's Show with which botourod tho country dnrlng tbo past season. There is no cough medicine so pop ular as Foley's Honey and Tar. It cmtili' rTo opiates or poisons and t j-a. f ill s to euro. Sold by People's 1":; h oro. aw Goo. K. Ntirrlf of the Gulden Rulo arrived Tuesday from Oassvlllo, ac companied by bis wife aod children, They will occupy tbo dwelling In trout of tho J. O. Hall proporty. W. II. Hoiron of Flncb, Ark.,wrltcs "1 wish to report that Foley's Kid ney Ouro has purcd a terrible case of kidney and bladder trouble that two doctors bad given up." Sold by Poo pie's drug storo. dw John Ca'dwcll, Jr., has laid violent or uuautborlud claim to SO acres ot land In IIoollo Doll's meadow and corn Qcld. But the sagacious Iloolle had already told tbo place to a man InTlillquab district. x W. iu Koruegay, ono ot Vlnlta' boit llgbw,wtt in Falrltud Tuesday attending trm pieellng of organiza tion ot a MlnlftXCi,, componcd prin cipally ot Falrkj cll-liins. Mr. Kornegay will bo ihoClorney orssld company. Falrland(lo, The John Nelson Case. The John Noboi murder caio wa reversed and remanded for trial by the supreme court of Kansas Monday. Ncliin killed Albert Morris in a tight at CoHorlllo last year and was tried and convicted and appealed with tbo Above result Worm Dootroyor Wblto's Cream Veimlfugc, not only kills worms, but removes tbo mucus and slime, in which iboy build their nest, It brJrigr, and quickly, n brail by condition t.f the bortv, wboro worms cannot oxl-t. Mo at Pcoplo's rug store. '" Dox Supper. Thcro will bo a box sdfppcr at Weit Cabin school house on Wednesday evening November tho 10th for tho purpose of raising monoy to purchase an organ for tho Sunday school. Evory body Is invited to attend and bring boxes, Luok In Thirteen. By sending 13 miles Wm. Spirey, of Walton Furnace, Vt. got a box of Ducklcn's Arnica Salve, tbat wholly cured a horrible fever soro on bis leg. Nothing else could. Positively cures bruises, felons, ulcors, eruptions, bolls burns, corns and piles. Only 25c. Guaranteed by Peoples and A. W. Foreman's drug stores. dw Doautirul ClearSklos Hcrblno exerts a direct Inbuoncoon the bowels, liver and kidneys, purify ing and strengthening these organs, and maintaining them In a normal condition of health; thus removing a common cause ot yellow, motby, crcasr skin and more or less of pim ples, blotches and blackheads. 60c at rcopio's arug store. aw BJW Duncan-Williamson, Mr. E. N. Williamson, tbo cashier of tho Bank ot Welch, I. T., and Miss Nell Duncan of Russell creek were married last Saturday at the bo-i.o of tbo brldo. Mr. .Williamson is well known In Vlnlta having resided hero for a number of yoars, nod Mlj. Dun can Is a sister of Miss Noltio Duncan otthis city. Tho Chieftain wishes theso popular young people a long, happy and prosperous lifo. A Policeman's Testimony. J, N. Patterson, nlgbt policeman ot Nashua, la., writes, "Last winter I bad a bad cold on my luogs and tried at least bait a ozetiadvcrtlscd cough medicines and bad treatment from two physicians without getting any benefit. A friend recommended Foley's Honey and Tar and two thirds of a bottlo cured rtc. I consider It the greatest cough and lung mcdlclno In tbelorlo" Sold by Peotle's drug store. dw Curod of Pllos After 4o Yoars Mr. O. Hancy of Geneva, Ohio, bad tbe piles fur forty years. Doctors and dollars could do him oo lasting good. DeWltt's Witch nazel Salve cured blm permanently. Invaluable for cuts, bums, trulics, sprains, lacera tions, eczema, tetter, salt rheum, and airotncrTKtmjrsffases. - wk rir me name DoWitt on the package all others aro cheap, worthless counter- '.Tin! MUSKOGEE PLAN. ' , Chamber of Commerce takes Action Anctit Selling Indian Lands. , The Mnskogeo chamber of com merce, ai a meeling"bel J Monday night, appolntod a commllteo con sisting of' Judge Parker, It. L. Owen and Father Van Hon was appointed to mako a report on u plan (o securo from the 'depart, ment of tbo Interior some concea sion (bat will enab'jo the citizens of tbo Greek and Cherokee na tions io sell tliolr lnndt before the expiralion of the five years. If ibis matter can be shown up to the secretary in ila proper light, it is believed that he will bbo the necessity of allowing tho land to bo sold, as the development of tho country for the next five years de pends on outside people getting title to tho land. Tho matter of outsido advertis ing by the railroads was discussed and at the suggestion of Ool R, L Owen, a committee was appointed to furnish the roads with material for such work, and of such ana ture that will benefit Muskogee and tbe Creek nation. On this com mltlee J. B. Kessler, 0. B. Doug las and R, L. Owen wcro ap pointed. lion. Tarns Bizby was called on to make a talk. Ho says it ia the people, not the location or sur roundings that make a town and cited as an instance Minneapolis, that splendid city that but grown up under the very gates of St. Paul because tho people who lived in Minneapolis had the spirit that makes t"wns grow and thoy never quit working. He tbirks MusK. cee can do the same thing, lor in Muskogee there are all tbe advan. tegor vnd none of the disadvan tages. Whether this town makeB n city depen Js entiroly on the peo pie who live here. Thoy can make a city out of it or thoy can let it remain as it IsT Aaleop Amid Flamos. Breaking into a blazing borne, some fireman lately dragged tbo sleeping inmates from death. Fancied security and death near. It's that way wben you neglect coughs and colds. Don't do It. Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption glYc4 perfect protection against all throat, chest and lung troubles. Keep It near aod avoid suf fering, death and doctor's bills. A tcaspoonml slops a late cough, per sistent use tbo most stubborn, Harm less and nice tasting, It's guaranteed to satisfy by Peoples and A. W. Fore man drug stores. Prico 50o and tl. Trial bottles free. dw seas &mm DID YOU EVER DREAfl That furniture was going to be sold in Virtita as cheap US it is now? Give us a call for anything in our line and wc will show you prices that will make you think you are dreaming still. Let us show you our solid oak rockers from $1.75 upland our "Njncw line of iron beds from 3.00 up. N:- L. ESTLIN & CO, Undertaking in all its branches. Telephone: Day 168. Night J34. 9Kili!MKra f When the ducks m Anno SnrjrH5feis Mr . . ,iiLri-flr v'9-vw-7ars-i; rsty " lfTT II sTTrrr" r"- yS fltT mm-. f rJ H,fRis2fS2EFrQl - Krr 'crim1- ma i nrb m A fino Duck Shooting Gun for $10.25,' Popular mnkes of Riflos at Popular Prices. DUCKS ARE HERE. Local sportmon roport good shooting nt nonr by points. If your outfit ia not comploto, wo nro prepared to supply all dofic'oncics with right goods at right prices, Sportsmen who are maVing pretmations' for tbe approaching game season bad better sec us. . fciis. A. W. Foreman. dw FOR LARGE GAME. DARROUQH HARDWARE? CO tf ' HWHH Women Need w r - --r 0 FOR SINGLE STATEHOOD. A Delegate Convention Called to Meet at CUremore, Decembers. Commissioner' a Court. Joo Ward, a Cborokeo citizen, living near Full land, was arraigned In com missloner StauOeld's court Monday, on the charge of selling and shipping gamo from the Cherokee nation. Tbo defendant was fined 83 and costs, the commissioner holding tbat a Cbero kco was governed by the same laws that applied to whlto residents there being no distinction and it being 11; legal for any one, regardless of citizen ship, to tell or ship game from tbe Cherokee nation. It you aro bilious and seeking advisers, Tako DeWltt's Llttlo Early Risers, Just beforo going to bed. You will Ond on tho morrow, You aro rid of your sorrow That's all; lust ouough salq. Tbeie famous pills do not gripp, but movo tbo bowels gently and easily, cleansing the liver. Tbelr tonic effect gives strength to ttm glands, prevent ing a return of tho dliorder. A. W. Foreman. i dw AThankoglvlriB Dinner. Heavy eating Is usually tbo first causr ot Indigestion. Repeated at tacks Inflame the mucous membranes lining tbo stomach, exposes tbo nerves ot tbo stomach, producing a swelling after oatlng, boartburn, headache, sour risings and finally catarrh ot tbo stomach. Kodol relieves tbo Inflam mation, protect the ucrvesand cures tbo catarrh. Kodol cures Indigestion dyspcpjla, all stomicb troubles by cleansing and sweetening tbo glands ot tbo stomach. A. W. Foreman, dw The single statehood executive committee met at Oklahoma Oily Monday, with eight members out of thirty-two present. It war tJc, cided to hold a delegate conven tion at Claremore, I. T., Wednes day, December 3. There will be 500 delegates from each territory. At the Ularomore convention the delegates will further the interests ot single statehood by selecting a delegation to go to Oongreaa with a view to killing the bills on state hood now pending, An effort will be made to send a delegation of fifty single statehood men to Washington. Ho Could Hardly Qot Up. P. II. Duffy of Atbley, III., writes, "This Is to certify that I have taken two bottles ot Foley's Kidney Curo and it has helped mo more than any other mcdlslne. I tiled many ad vertised remedies, but nono of them gave me any relief. My druggist re commended Foley's Kidney Curo and it has cured me. Before commencing lUusoIwailn such a shape that 1 could hardly get up when once down." Sold by People's drug store. dw Foley's Honey and Tar forchltdrea.sate.sure. No opiates. Sold by Peoples' drug store. THESE HAVE LOST. Interior Department Affirms Decision ot Dawes Commission. a constant cnpplr ot Mood miking material or tbelr intent break Apwn under Mm eoosust drain. Tbe Terr moment there U lack of blood, orwhro tbo Mood la lmporertebed, tbe atonal aptwari upon the f nee la iiIIowmm or pallor. Ttwrtlfledr needed la Dr Ilarter'alronTonlo. Notb tec else meeta this particular condition so wr Uh ol It baa made hundreds of thous and of women look younger and made them feel even rounger than tber looked. It not onlr restores strength, energy and beauty, but It Is a prompt a ad certain cv a (or all ailments pecu liar to tho tex. It cures becaueoHremoTCa the Brit cause It tuques Juxlwhat nature needs to bring health. Dr. Harter's Iron Tonic atrcegthena debilitated organs, girts tone and elasticity to muscles and llgamenta, rounds out wasted tissues and renews the rigor ot the nerr oMiTsvem. It helps quickly and Just aaturcly and permanently. Lom or appetite, of ambition, serTOusneei, talss tn the bead, back. kUneya, limb, mus- dea, etc.. are all cured by Dr. tlartai-s Iran Tool- The foUo-wIng is One ot thousands of similar endonetaeata that we hare rtotiredi Houston, Texas, Doc. 4. ltei. "My father has used your medietas since the War. and when I married In December, 1872, 1 'BB'mmwmd housekeeping with ooe botUe of Dr. narwri iron Tunic, oaa botu? or bis WlH Charry Utters, and two boxr i 'js UHle Mr-errilU- I am sow nearly sty.trre years of Kg. Looking backward I feel attached to the old medicines and ouM not chango them for any of the new ones made.' urs. J. A. Pickett. (11,000 fuuiattt that aVars tsitlmtnlsl paalsi.) Every botUe ot Dr. nar. ter's Iron Toole baa our "Crescent' trade-mark on thabvbeL tkmt accent a substitute lnit oa Dr. Harter'a. Atadt onlf ty THE DR. HARTER MEDICINE COMPANY OAYTOK, OHIO UittflllmU D ItuWl WU1 Ck TBU J, ts4 iwi wu km. lw. iiincf m ros tux svuixwuzxz. l We Thought Everybody knew9,-. 9x fmf W- Brinson fit Patterson Carried, in addition to their storc of HIGH GRADE LUHBER, a full line of oBxcelsior Pwini-c. - Every galjon of which is fully guaranteed, and our price on same is lower than any other standard paint on the market. If you do not know it, this littlo "ad" will po3t you. We lack up our Utile talk, and when oar recommondation of any articlo wo sou goos out,WB make it good. Four barrels of Poirco City Whuo Umo --r--gooe uthorr nnd-mako bottor work that! 5 bnrrols of any otbor lirno on tho market. Wb sell it. It is tho "hot stuff." if you nro going to do a first class job of plast- oring, or mason work, ' Wo also havo everything in tho way of building material, hard plastor, snsli house specialties. Solo agents for 5 of tho largest mantel and tile houses in Amorica. Gomo and havo a talk with us about your house and barn bills. lyocalionr WcatIllinois St., Opp. Presbyterian Church. MwmmmKBwemmasmmKammmmmmmmimMmmmBmmmKmm it! t&to G MBfZP 1& Ht&BHUHKtoSGKK&fKHNtDtl'&BKtUftttKb narnaKe Licences. Wofford-Suslo Weir. Cliou- RINTING of ill kinds proniptly nud properly di iu j- Ibis. "-JTiv't i'ii(?8 a A'ays o ii8i-twt v. ith mtval and wuik Cilli'l'TAlN TUB LU Anxious) Momenta, Some or ttio moat anxftnis hours ot a moulds Jlfo aro thoso. Yihcn'tho llttlo ouas of the household httyo tbo croup. There j no other medicine so cflogUva lu this terrible malady as stole' Honey and Tar. It Is a house hU 'aioruo fir throat jid lunc tiuni u' a tu ta'n n Qplats J "Voucanbuya rotc pj'jo it t aa b lately given BoobuboisfjE ' iy I. t ornsu e w AiluriiKuro t Wra tcau. Walter 7 Klrkbam-Mabol 0. Wolr, Oboutoau. Reco Thompson-Mrs. tettlo Col lins, Dlif Cabin. Wm. P. Ham-Lucy F.Smltb.Adalr. Wm. II. Murphy-Dolllah Wilkin son, Colllnsvlllo. J. Howard Marklor-Florence L. Kltt, Wagoner. Harry Urown-Mrs, Haud L. Moore, WaRonor. Elbort Murray-Bertha Dick, Catale. Ono Mlnuto Cough Curo. Is tho only harmless cough cure tbat gives quick relief. Cures coughs, colds, croup, bronchitis, whooping ooukIi, pnoumouia, asthma, iagrlppo and all ibruat, chest and lung troubles "I got sqakod hy rain," ays Qertrudo . Fenner, Muticie, lud., "ana con tracted a sovero cold nnd cough. I lolled rapidly; lost 4S lbs. My druggist recomuictiUQii Quo Minute Cougn Ouro. The Oral bottlo brought re lict! several cured me. I iiu back to niy old weight, m lbs," Ouo Minute, fJoiiRh Curb cuts tbo itilcni, relieves tba cough at once, draws out Inflam mation, cures croup, An Ideal remedy for children. A. W. Foreman. dw In each pound package of Um Mki from now until Christmas will be found a free game, amusing -50 different and instructive- kinds. Oat Lion Coffee and a Free Gamo at Your Grocers. fMmrwmmmmmnti ijiiiiisssaa--i in ii . r, l.i uia ut 1 iuco Ua dwaro Special to Dally Chlottaln. Muakogee,;i. T., Nov. 12. The Commission to tho Five Civilized Tribes has received from tbe Sec retary of Interior official notices tbat the decision of tbe Commis sion rejecting the following appli cations for citizenship in the Cher nkee Nation have been affirmed by the Secretary of tho Interior: Nanoy Matingale, Jno. J, Lowo, et.l, and Willie 0. J. Warren, Catoosh. 12. J. Warren, Catoosa. Dora Jobnsou Campbell, Millie Dayie et ol, Robert Paschal, VUi ita. Joseph D., Scott A, and Morjorlo 0. Yeargaln, Southwest City, Mo. Photos by slngleslant skylight are the best, FOWLER has tho only, light ofhla kind In JhQ Chorokoe Nation, . - ' j Farm WanCed. " 1 am acting as agent tor eight or ten tullblood Chotokoa fjiulllw to buy tbeni farms on tbo rent plan. Parties having improvements to dls noso ot will do welt to write we. A.dtji.1 Jsa. W Tirw-sr CROSS WILL CONTEST. Claims McOuire Was Not the Choice Oklahoma Voters. BiiTyxrlw pKAiwalCatrHi 1. , William Cross, tbe defeated can didate for delegate to Congress Irotn Oklahoma, hes employed 0. B. Ames, of Oklahoma City, Thoa. Doyle, of Perry, and a Guthrie at torney to draw up papers for the purpose of contesting the electlpx of D. S. McOuire. The nro" will be filed at once. )ft. Cross has aho instituted maprfainua pro. ceedlngs against ftir townships and tho county .ply-'of Comanche county. ,'. lie claims, ib'jtt he baa not been given a full count in Comancho oounty"d thRt, with four aiSdi- lion) lownablps, be will have n majority over McQure Df lllMr. Cross elaima that tbo election- board bad no riebt tn throw out tickets that had been nUmped twice. Somrvotera voted for him as a democrat and stamped his name" again where it appeared on the populist ticket. . lev's Ktetmr Cure ihiulj I )' pie u. fcV'i' Bringing Out the Facts,' I We want to majscit as'strong as we know how that we .will give you better Lumber at the saprice, or equal grades at a lower;price than elsewhere. V y -sy s . . r "lvTtaf kallnt.a Anct Injrluinnf tVi hpi:t '.imlur - ULllUVV. Ulki lifi' '''ti ... v....,. '. 1 ' j?- tx: 1. tnat I t money can buyf and then in making the Ence as lov aarPossmie tor mat kiuu o jump er. AndUrilT we defy you to find lower prices'tharTour. SMmmg. ' Tfyou leave ouh yard dirffffiedTit's your own tault, bbcaitse wtt clo otif level best to please every cu . ncr wIiq buys buiklmsf material Here- ev u to giving- him the b-wt stock and the lowest prices. If that won't satisfy yo what will:1 'Vny way," be We ami see us Uef ore buying, u t afterward ' J " P. G --Ml k Cl ViftJU, 1wk -v -. ft rir k ' h i tvAvtTn ''.' I 1 li1 V iluftMl'. ., iTft S,?o:k WmWft 1 taiioixv m itf. tfsnt. R j t t'j 1111 A m -j t'i . n- 'GICV ir. -i- tz&xmi ty-?- T vq$ vitrriHiisg -aw; a ev- ft HM'mmrJK. tytgl