OCR Interpretation

Indian chieftain. [volume] (Vinita, Indian Territory [Okla.]) 1882-1902, November 20, 1902, Image 1

Image and text provided by Oklahoma Historical Society

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If; i 0H1BFTA1N J3"13"110 C0' . . VINITA, INDIAN TERRITORY, THURSDAY, NOV. 20, 1902. VOL. XXl"" NO. I. I
- -' - -- - - " -- ' " -" " - - '- ' ' - mi I HMWWMIlllHIMiWWWWWpit flU
ar . ;
-Fifty iM the Standard
Highest Bone: Wo;IC'r5a!r.
-rhail toslt O.SiflDvO Ohamlslt
' Supplemental to tho Treaty
Passed By the Loweer
House of National
Tho following cuppiomental
jt "'agyjUwBjjeen introdu,cd io
? - t ,,4lly"'GouncllmBn JvWfUt
m uelaware uieirlcl
y. Adt'tb'iBptplemfiit" tho Act of
i .' Congrobs approved July 1, 1002,
I ' entitled: "An Act to provide
fur ike utloiment 01 tne tanus 01
tho Chorokee Nailon. for tho dis
position of townsites therein,
and for other purposes," ratified
by tho Cherokee Nation Augus
7, 1902.
Bs il enacted by tho National
That section 15 oi tho Act of
Congrctc approved July l,1002,and
ratified by the Cherokee Nation
August 7, 1002, Is amended, and
as bo ameuded 1b re enacted to read
ns follows: Alt landa allotted to
the members of sMd tribe, except
such land as is set aside for a
homestead as herein provided,
eball not bs alienablo for five
years after iseuance of patent, un
less approved by the Court of the
Northern Dlslricftho Indian
Territory and confirmed by the
Secretary of the InfpljM.
Sec. 2. In addition -J.0 section
20 of eaid act, it is hereby provided:
That only citiztne of tho Chero
keo Nation, male and female, and
their Cherokee descendants eball
inherit lands of tho Cherokeo No
tion; and provided, furlhor, That
if there be no person of Cbbrokee
citizenship to tako tho descent and
trlbuiiop. qf said citatg, then
ritancelisu rFIo non-
jnih order named
.flT?6f Mansfield's Di
Sec. 3. The provisions of the
subdivisions of section 24 of the
not of Congress approved July
J902. and by llo OUerokeo Nation
uYuet3jig02: (d) For tbeiroser;
iffihrjone 'acre of land foroicli.
ruiniilt-chool 'house (o) the
quare rtowoccupied by the capl-
tol building at Tahlequah; (p) the
grounds now occuplod by the na
tlonaljatlat Tahlequah; (q) the
grounds now occupied by the Cher-
'ukeei Advocalo printing oillce at
Tahlequah; (r) forty acres for the
Cherokee male seminary near
Tohie'quah; (e) forty acres for the
' Cherokee female seminary at Tali-
iquab;(i) one hundred and twenty
acres for the Cherokeo orphan
nsyhtm on Grand river; (u) forty
''iMit fn. iha rtnlnrnil lilnli nnlinnl
fush district: (v) forty
Efg Cherokee insane asy-
reby repealed, and all
o uatu lanuS) uuuuiaga aim ira
provemcuts (hereon shall )e ap
praised at their true value by a
board of appraisers, one mombnr
of which shall be appointed by tho
Secretary of the Interior, one by
the Principal Chief of the Cherokee
Nation, and ono by tho Commie.
slon to the Five Civilized Tribes,
said appraisers to receive such
compensation as may he' doter.
mlnsd by the Secretary of tho In.
terior, out of any funds available
for that nurnose: and that the
United States shall pay tho. ap
praised value of 8,'aldj properly to
the Cherokeo Nation; provided
further, that tio Cherokee Nation
ahall have tho use and benefit of
tho proporly horeln named unul
dissolution ol uibal government
on Maroh -1, 1000. Tho Secretary
of tho Interior la also authorized,
upon dissolution ofrlbaPgovoin
k HWitr
.!Tmm r
ment, to sl all ohor properly ol
every bind 'fltkstofi ljSPB-
' BUIfiUOnn
a ' . -i
tngf. t!i-rsWj,"
inl ret it H,,
Ihe prcf i
i will Im to R
See. 4. AH funds ol tho Chero.
keo Nation, aftor all ariels are
marshaled end indebtedness liqnl.
daled, including general, tohool,
orphan, Insane revenues, proceed?
derived from sale of properly, and
all other itiOnevB. tliill li- tmlil
under dlreolion of (lis 8crtart7f
the Interior, per capita, to UtecH
tens of the Oharokp jjjatloo, itj.nn
diBsolutlon of C!iwkee iririil gv
ernment. jjr
S-o 6. .NiCflttli i-hili h- in ri
dtlcedlfto Ibn Ch rokre Nation 'til
any (ime, and any vioUlian f till
provision tubjertH tlia eiUndrr to
a fine of one dollar par head, and
costs, for nM onitlclnlraduosd, and
the oattle tiill be n-movedbsynnd
the limits of tbn Ulieruken Nntioi),
and eaoh day Euoh ontiltt art pr
milted to remain In ilia said na ion
shall constitute a stparatt offense.
All live stock owned and oontrnled
by non citizens of the Cherokee
Nation fliall be kept upon inclosed
lands, and if such live slock Ires
pass upon landB allotted or seleoU
ed for allotment by any citizen of
said nation,' tho owner thereof
shall, for tho Drst trespass, make
reparation to the party injured for
tho valuo of the damages he may
hay sustained, vtithooBts, and for
W.BWFW -"!" -Uble
tbjHwllMMJircvt4 with
r lb ' upon
which the trespass Is maffe is in
closed or not. All fines for the in
troduction of cattle shall bo placed
to tho credit of the Chorokee Na
Seo. G. Al' strayed live stock
found in the Cherokee Nation dur
ing the months of November, De
comber, January, February and
March aboil be described and ad
vertised lor a period of throe
months in the Cherokeo Advocate,
and at the end of which time shall
bo sold by the Stray agents ap
pointed by theSecrolary of the In
terior upon recommendation ol tho
principal chief for each of the nine
dictrlcts of the Cherokee Nation,
and all moneys derived from the
ealo of such property shall be re
mitted to the United States Indian
Agent, Jniou Agency, and by him'
placed (o the credit of tho Chero
keo Nation
. Seo. 7. In addition to the pro.
visions of seotion 21 of the act of
CongrtsB approved July 1, 1902,
ana ratified by the Cherckee Na
lion August 7, 1002, it is hereby
provided that during . the continu
ance of the tribal government, the
Secretary of the Interior, through
the United States Indian Agent,
Union Agenoy, shall protect tho
rights of the allotteo in his right
to possession of his or her allot
ment egainst any and all pereons
claiming under any agreement,
lease or conveyance not obtained
in conformity tjalaW.'
Seo. 8. This agreement is in
tended to modify and luppleraent
tho net of Congress apprrved July
1, 1002, and ratified by tho Chero.
keeNation August 7, 1902, and
shall be held to repeal any provl
sloujln that act, or any prior agree
nient, treaty or law in conflict
Seo. 0. In addition to tho pro
visions of section 11 of the act of
Congress approved July I, 1002,
and ratified by the Cherokee
Nation Auguel 7, 1902, it la fur
ther provided, that the Cominis-
eion to tho Five Civilized Tribes
shall allot all lands not reserved
to citizens of the Cherokeo Nation,
and thereby leaving no surplus
lauds whatever.
Sec. 10. This act ehall be bind
ing upon (ho United Stales and
Cherokee Nation, and all pereons
effected thereby, when it shall
bavo been ratified by Congress and
by a majority of tho whole number
ol voted oast by tho legit voters of
the Cherokee Nation In the follow
SedU, Tho piiucipal chief
shnll, wivtiin ten days after the
passoge of b act by Congress,
mako publio prtamatlon that the
same Bhall bo vovl upon at a
special election, to beie.ld for that
purpose within thirty do there
after, on a certain day therein
named, and be shall appoint eucji
otllcera and make such other pro
visions as may be necessary for
holding euoh election. Tho vote
oaBt at saoh oleclion shall bo forth
with certified bb required by Cher
okeo law, and the vote shall be
counted by the Cherokee National
Counoll, which wbloh shall be
convened In extraordinary sersion
for that purpose, apd In the pree.
enco of a. nif ptber Qflhe Commie,
slon (o tho FJye Clvfifzed Tribes,
nndilho iRid member rnu the prln
bbbbbbbbbbbbbbB bbbbbbbH HbbbbbH 'WSM bbbbbbbbbbbbbbHI
Woik Shirts, Bib Overalls and Jumpers, the OQp
50c kinds.
Men's Hats, worth $1.25 and $1.50.
clay your choice lor
Men's good working gloves, made
from good strong leather, Saturday at
Men's Suits for Saturday.
$1.69, $3.25 and $4.98
pair. Saturday
we will give you
You can pay 50 per cent more at other stores
and get no better s"utts than these.
Men's Wool Socks ?J'r
2 pair for 25c
Dry Goods Department.
Special prices on Millinery for Saturday.
Special prices on Ladies', Misses and Children's
suits and wrappers for Saturday. '
Special prices on Furs for Saturday.
Special prices on Dress Goods for Saturday.
, . ., -Cpori-U p"-!p tvI..aHif5' Masses' anfl C-luidsj
ren's shoes for Saturday.
""Special prices on Bed Spreads, Table Linenj,
Towels and Napkins for Saturday.
A large lot of Prints Saturday Or
at, per yard ' . r: .rrm ,.J.M'
A large lot of Cotton Flannel Saturday nr
at, per yard : r. T"
A large lot of Flannelette Saturday 4-lr
at, per yard H 2
Heavy Cotton Checks Saturday An
at, per yard ""
Good Quality Flannel Wrapper Goods . Cp
Saturday per yard u"
.Wrf , iton
We have the Busiest Grocery
Store in Vinita.
It is full of the best goods to eat that the mar
ket affords. Try our "Ferndcll" specials. In all
kinds of Fruit and Vegetables, there is nothing on
the-markcl that equals the Femdell Brand.'
We are sole agents in Vinita for Chase & San
born's Teas and Coffees. They are the best by
test. Try them.
Remember Saturday, Nov. 22d closes our Big
November sale. If you haven't bought your Fall
supplies, it's a mighty good time to make your purchases.
Mercantile Co.
For a Meeting of Statehood
Forcej at Claremore on
December 3; 1902.
ro-UIUaw Atttl F.ir Cause ol
JJlBk-fih 1 DeVgnins
im Vfttiiiiiigiiiii V PreMiil
Olalnm tifvl.rlIfor to be
8elecledby (fonventio
i.au.irtn f.im.
Thai tho cause of statehood is
not dead is shown bv the fcllowinp
call whioh has born issued bv E.
N. flalolii , linirnlnu of the single
statehood tfccLUtiva committer,
appointed at tho Muskngeo con
ventiou last November.
Ilouilquartars ot UieSInlc Statehood
Ooiumlttee, Uuveiuhar 10, 1802.
A convention is hereby ordered
to be held in the city of Claremore,
Indian Territory, on ht 3rd day
of December, 1002, at 10 o'clock,
a. ni , to be composed ol 500 dele
gates from the territory of Oklaho
ma and 500 delegates from the In
dian Territory, to be tleoledfn the
manner herein provided:
All malo persons of the two ter
ritories, without regard to race,
political affiliation or religious be
lief, who favor the immediate un
ion of the Two Territories, aroTn
viled (o meet in mass convention
in accordance wJth4he'euggeallon
herein made, to elect delegates
and alternates lo attend tho con
vention as above stated, lor the
purpose of discussing the subject
of single statehood, and to '.ake
such steps as the wisdom of the
convention may deem necessary to
bring about the neceseary end.
The apportionment (or Oklaho
ma territory is as follows:
Beaver 3
Blaine 10
Canadian 20
Comanche 28
Cleveland 19
Caddo 24
Custer 10
a i mjr s
LJ 1 J 1 A fw
Complete External and Interna! ("
Treatment, One DslLtf. i
L . I
, - i.tt
IV ....
It ,11
The set, consisting of CutJcurrfshoi
ooap, to cleanse the skin ot crusta
and scales. anc .
soften thethlck
CuUcora Oint of l
menMofnstict Con
irritation, andjlor
"V" ., ""a mecf
anu KKJiac auu inrvi
cura.' RcKlvefle;C,,0
Pills,tocooiandpf t
eteanse thcirti ria
blood, and expel,, faf
humour ci-ermi . J
A Single Set, price $f, fa often"' "
sufficient to cure the most tortur-f1 '
ing-, disfiguring sfcin, scatp, and
blocs! humours, rashes, ituiines,ry l
and irritations, with loss of hair,,-bfi
wnen au else tans.
CCTtctr&A OOAr, alu ' -Oihtxeut,
Uia Rnnt klft cm
lnr, pariljln;, and beaatlfjlDt
rleaailnx tbo tcnlp ol cratU, liu.
drnff. ami tha itonntnx ot falUDZ I
aal oro bandit for babr run-.-, 't
atiil eitABnn- anil rnra.ll tlia narno..'.
lollct,baUi,aadnatMrr. UluloiiactW men
si 'lVi
I ,
i jporpo.- ' 1 1. lacei
annorlnr lntUUona, lnttammi -.bt. a c ',
: ue i rot
i. c
: b
ainsuDiii. ur iw trvv or uueoNi i spir'
alion, in tho form or ireibea for c nuti
weakntMe., and for many aanat Ot
punxxca which nhtD'T anxK iuMm . J &
to women, cipcdAlly moUterc lon,'l
(CtuoolatCofttedaraaoew,taatlMa, irtor-- I
kfnptba a.Utral.1 11.1m J
Unalil cuncuBA IIbohpt.m ynV u tot Hi " f.
ouier uiooa
arlflen and bumoar cure'
loaf, economical aabi tltnto 1
op In iKKket TliU, M doees. prtct, 36e.
SoUOimtiMMtta.vMM. aAir,tM.OixmT.sa.
riLu.lM. liiiiui D.jii 041. duiku a. tk
4m. rmti Dn"K...i.rix, ruu. r- a
lul' " I I
r,4 proo aim tho
., ihe fftnjo to
i ii t i "tt.tf.
That furniture was going to be sold in Vinita as cheap as. it is
now? Give us a call for anything in our line and we will show
you prices that will make you think you are dr.eahiing still. Let
us show you our solid oak rockers from $1.75 up, and our
new line of iron beds from 3.00 up-
Telephone: Day i?8.'' Night 134,
Undertaking in all Its branches,
A Policeman's Testimony.
J, N. Patterson, night policeman ot
Nashua, la , writes, "L&st winter 1
had a bad cold on iuy lungs and trlecU
at least halt a dozon'advcrtUcd cvC
medicines and bad treatmeottrom
two physicians without Belong any
beneflt. A friend rccomujirftied Foley's
Honey and Tar andtwo thirds if a,
bottle cured mo. I couildcr It tbo
greatest cough and luog medicine In
tho world." .Sold by Teoplo's drug
storo. dw
To Cure a CoM in Oiie Day
Take Laxative B?!0ifiQ limine tablets, js ivjy
Seven Mftlon boxes oW np '.rKHrtBS. TW& 5lgnatur0, &ry
In Two Days,
'rtrifX x 25c
W. n. Ilerren of Flpch, Ark., writes
'I vfUbtc- report that Foley's Kid
n'Oure has cured a tcrrlblo case ot
kldooy nod bladder troublo.tnat two
doctors had given up." Sold by Peo
ple'! drug storo. dw
Photos by singly slant
SKyugns are me uest.
FOWLER has thou onlv
jllht of this ktndlfrthe
Cherokee Natloni
Garfield. 24
Grant... .' 19
Groer 20
Ky 24
Kingfisher 21
Kiowa.., 24
Lincoln 29
Logan 29
Noble ; 1C
Oklahoma , 29
Pawnee 14
Pano-crr?T-.-. ..-... 21
Pottawatomie 20
Eager Mill" 6
Wanhlta 15
WoodB 35
Woodward .' 7
Osage Nation. 7
The apportionment for tie In
dian Territory ehall be as follow
One delegate for eaoh poatoQice,
and one delegate for each 1,000
population.cr major fraction there,
of, in the towns and citlea in the
Indian Territory.
The delegates from eaoh of the
eaid counties in Oklahoma ehall
boetltcled at mass meetings held
on i r about the lift Saturday be
fore the 3rd day of December, 1902,
at 2 o'clock p. in., in the county
seats of the counties, in the Com
mercial club rooms, or if no Com
mercial club rooms, then in tbo
court bouses of the Bald counties.
The delegates from the Indian
Territory ehall be selected by mas
conventions held on or about Sat
unlay befote the 3rd day of Decent
uer, iwz, me saiu convention' io
be held in Ihe ComraerciaVclub
rooms, city hail or court h'ttuso in
the cities and towns, pr!t some
appropriate place near uV post,
oflice in towns haying noclty hall,
commercial cluh racjjdB or court
house., ,, ,,-
Tbo cbaijnlan and secretary of
said-maaf meetings shall preserve..
st of Ihe delegates and aliN
nates so selected, and glgnpame as
chairman and BifCrftt.arRi"
Chairman Sjnglo S atebood Exeo-
utivo cummltt.ee, Vinita, I. T.
Que of the primary objects of the
convention U the selection of a del
(gallon to go to Washington and
utelst in tbo battle (or statehood.
I'd n?n
tlon pure and simple perbAps ta lj.
Im Imrlero.l frtr a klnka MA Mn.iv'l
, " V B , ." pro-
ui mesa leases were uouonesr,
givon by ignorant ahd misled peo-,
(iia ttuu uave no luoa oi mo vaiR?
of their land, and it is very plain4
iu.i ...t. ..-i!.i i .on
iuav euvii iiiBuiiuBBcau unir leiaru ,
uu uovoiuuicuiui iuu uuuunr u
keeninc nrocresalve farmarB ftWNT.
Tht people owning this land oro, v
uot aware of ..'h fct that only ,!
'(AnWinrarir lonann nan Ka ania...if I
Into tills limn. A Innaa vinlrii-. '"E
dated before the securing of the
allotment certificate is no Rood
proval ot the Secretary of the In
terior. Tahlequah Arrow.
livo wi
i ""'Curtains to tit any
txirfy at Btuno
The Lease Evil,
A man applied at ihe Arrow o!
Gee a Tew days co for farm lease
blanks, and In tha oouree oi oftn-
veraallori slaUd that be hadnl.
IteKdy eeoured ali4u tnobniu8
These lease, If O j wr obtaiotHl
at al), wers .il lor & mere
whatever, according to decisions
i . 1 H X I a. awl allaaa irt dlA IT a
iu oiiuiiai uiuiica iu iuci u r, ,, (
as one secures bis alloitumt cer- ,
llfipfllM tin ran ttinn lanan m lan.l
for five years, and a lease for more
.u- n . i ... . n
Lunu uvn vhhih lutittL iittvn liib rii
In the! Southwest la Not dood S)S, 1
las V !
In an interview relative to thojahi
biock Eiiuauon.in itie eoumwesi, s
Sir. Pennington, livo stocic aeect i'vj
..r.u.. n- t ..j . fiw
VI tUQ 1'IIOUU) to lUUbCU n- BAJIIli in
In lh Tntllan Trrlln.D anl K.
Oklahoma, while the corn crcpth.W
was fully up lo the av rage raaunf?
quantity and quality ,,it commands he,
locally, 35 cents per bushel in Iho jr
ear. At this price cattlemen (ire g.
not using muciVoi it for fattening jn
cattle. Owing to the hfvy rains be
In tho Indian territory the corn wt
has not'dfod out suQli.ientiy to
shell. Alter a go,od,.frost, possibly j.
lit lDVouiuor, iniuimi mil uo Q
sheiliag anidriarketlng it lor "tber il.
purposjoihin feeding. B'rom ihaaa ts
condttioas I am convioesJ that
aiiieaien Having iai oai'.ie ' r pr1
early markets will ric, guod le
prices. w
"At the beginning ol tbo feed Jeitf'i
ing eeasoa me on mms weie re S.r- .'
luatant to put a prloe on hulls aod y M
uioni, sou uiiiy, iiu in iuo sea- ug
bum, wueninvy pracnoauv agreu p. ;
. f 1 i. .,.( . eon . a i,' '
iu tuiuirii uinai a. iu yt uu fcuu J "
hullsrom 84 to $5 pr uq, they 1
rarfsetl to make uoeftive conlracta .
no furnish any man feed necesaary
to feed any stated amount of cat
tle to a finish, and for tHa reason
ther- are not todny in ti" stale cf
Tcxmi over JQ,pP0bed or cattle
on leed at tje varloo oil mktls,
fihen In former years they h&va
fed from 200,000 to 26(),fxJO head
This percentage will lux 4 good In,
the Indian territory and ok lahoma.
While wo had a pjentifu! crop of
forage In the stiln of Texas,
had no corn, and ootutn a.t 1
OOBQiunnded suoh a price at ..
mills that oatllemen, at & tllo,
-have uot put a great mny caul
OH rough fajw for ibt J WW! mi
y markeJE, 'rhey art earryiqi
jm tti a gr4i
s"g, ai-weru k3w fw upMtlltt.'oirHst.
(Ha pptn tar
w&um "
'UrarTuoaet .
w'T'B,r,"'",JfI(fi '
rwv-.a4vqv w ftlt
jjgw -.-lev-miyu... j..
.1 ;IAlIJtlIMlQww:
-Ti " --
-- jae.

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