Newspaper Page Text
lifcb v" v ?M,'', . wKr ! - - "' - "-" iiiim K t- .1 ft I !. ' i :- V, 5 :! i I'4f I! s L Indian Chieftain. dUbboriptioiu pbicb. 10 Po Ynr. or 81. 00 If Paid In Advano( 1 I, ? OmnrrAlx fuiutnma Uoh'awt, . J.Ai.rtH, Editor ana Pobllsfcer H. LKB aLOTWORTIIT, -4JE Aijoclato Cdltor. VMf.fLi.Jj N v 20, 1002. TUP TboTt'glo Malilinod oamphign in jnliow Opening Ni'ini JiOndtf-n Munihrc will m fjntiin if waterworks In VlllillS, - N v tli ut the oows are removed fr iu tho streets let the ring law tMti be enforced. I'!'b battle cry o( tho statehood ra will oood be heard through out 'tip territory 1 fh pgrfel of measures p-ieaed by berokoo national council 'b. er than usual this year. ' t I r Is fkn. f-l c Iff-' ilia now hna twelve regular nger trnltis a day bl'.es four freights Hint rry fiaasengere ere will henlore fresh bear huogpn tiie White House now than for tevurnl admin- ioriW.' u Iter ne'UhKrokee deriva satisfy- . 1 rora tho fact that the natinnsl ron ill is ocrtnl 1 to adjourn by li 4 1006 The penpl of lh liidlan IVrri i lory ar eijiyniH Mr measure ptnperlt,y wiiIhm ei'lmr stale 01 t-nliorUI guv.'rnm-nl It will soon bo up tit Xi 'I. ft il O-vi-ne to show hie credential at attorney fur the Chen ken Nation in that $4.000000 .laiuu 5 tin UrHt-k iniiinn ho "ffiire' to s fllticti v-flicyltt1 SavBri hjn IV pfdigree to the voters iu mis section of the country. The lnteet report from Missis eippi says that a huge bear, after wiping out a paok ol hound', fln in terror whvn ho lifhrd I lie tramp of "Ttuiblo Teddy " The beet citizens iu every com munity nro the quiet men who epnak the truth, my their debts ai d do their work, whatever it nny be, thoroughly. Ibat republican "victory", iu O'Ciahoma referred to by Dennis Fly 11 11 proved that Oklahoma is dt aiocratic, oven though MtUuire g to C'ii'e8 It is the laBt u.m fiim that Flynn, el n), will be ti'iowed to work. A "down easttr" wants a lock of Chief Tom Bufliugton'B hair bb a mtmento. Tom'e aucestors a fex generations ago took not only a luck of hair but a of the e Up as well from the progenitors c tbts dame "down easter." But eitry body is civilized now. Tbero is a large per centag oi tM crop of etatebood conventions ri'W in fight which Ih turo-to Be" bl.ghted.witbTiroBt. The Btngle statehood meeting at Olarcmore, December 3, is the only one which cm weather the prevailing eenti ru nt in the Territory. ' I r " iiMi-m - 1 ii 'i k ia- If du k ' . 1 ttro to tbeir bosum, whicn dI iw6 ttmtUnu present occupant 01 the White House considers ' Hly whtto."itB appliud to a ro pi bllcan, a misnomer. Tho proposed hill in tho Uhero k t council providing for addition, ai tuwnBlt6cnmmissionAr8 is a wise 01 e. IbereiB no neceseily of h Idlng back iho towns of the C rokee Nationrhile ono com mission does all tbeNvork. It will ta'.a 6omeearfl toNrxompliah W'lHt might brfihitjhed In a few Di inthH. v The report comes from Tahlo' quh that ex chief Sam Miyes will endeavor to prove to tte Cherokee people that he did not get any of tho $120,000 in the no' gro compromise steal. It may1' p lbly bo that Hayes did not get any of that inoneyj-but be allowed otners to get it, and those who k ow bow thrifty tho ex chief is at skeptical and slow to ..believe that he could stand by and aeo, the ot sr fellows walk off with all tifht. Vrfug." The money was aurely ta'.sn and with his consent for be riiied tho bill that appropriated 11 The laugh is,. a Ily on tbo Chief, tflin and it acknowledges the corn, i. that when Hm Obecotah En quirer observed that intoxicants were being openly sold in Vlnita tbi paper offered to pay the ex penses of the editor of the Enquirer li he would come up and point 'em out. It IrauHplied that tbo odioera,made a mid and found the liquor. But thorn is bomo eatle Action in the fcl that tho raid wh !na,ue an 1 th- sale of the Bluff lu.-p d. I It" wit wuo uuder ika to sell, intnxiaanls In Vloita ' 'teMfe WrQliad and put ..ul llHUintl.... ...... -.1.1 II I SBatiMlUfl rtllV olil limn r rv - t The Tahlequah papoIB are ad vertising for their town map which Seems to be loBt, strayed or stolen. Maybo the sleepy old burg la not on the map The notion ol the oiiy fathers In taking the town oow off the streets will commend itself to the coun tryman and farmer who hauls his grain to town Oklahoma will be domocratio whether admitted to statehood or not, but under a state government (here might be lees chance Mr tho republicans to sinal the election. The republl.'tn party in Okls. homa la true to the tradittooa of IheG.O. P., In the older states, w iver it 1b possible to steal an election to do so without oompuno tlon, Pal ties of surveyors aro busily eugaged throughout tho country allotments Every citi zeiKBhould be certain of the boun dary lines of his allotment before January first. Thoso who prophesied that the price of corn in tills market would drop to twenty five cents a bushel have already begun to hedge. Tho ohsneps nro that It will go higher instiled ol lower than it is at pres ent. If Senator Beveridge and his col leagues could be Induoul to tako a day's jpnrnry over the avorage IVrrJtrry r nii, snd iurvived tho trla. thev would nrnbahly reooc- jtTz ho t tci-i-ity fur sumo old ki id of p vri'mfi t in tills feo'ion. I was a d"Brvid compliment paid Attorney Sum Parks by the I001I V V r. U. i.f I'fihlequh In the resoluti in of thinks to the council tor l lit e'eo'i n of at least one sober man li Him office of member of th Bmr-I of E luoatinn """TJiaiLtaJkttotaiiiiexiiig the Creek and Seminole iintimie to Oklahoma 1b the veriest rot, and is without rea'On or Bt-nse. The intention of Ctirgress is to makTTonp grenLfclatH of Indian Territory and Oklahoma, and thit is ih- only sensible thing to do A number of alloltee3 are stor ing up trouble for themselves by fencing the land of others in order to "''ape up" their places. Such ik )i will not be tolerated by the Dawes commission, which will protect the legal holdlogs of every Cherokee citizen. Three 0 invention) called to dis cuss remedial measures for the existing ppvernmnnUl conditions In the territory are sohe'duled for the near future. It is safe to pre diet that the only tine which will accomplish an) thing id tho single t-tatthoo I meeting which will con vene at Claremnre December 3rd. General Porter is miking a san guine struggle to line up the chiefs of the five trloes and make them the pliant tools iu insisting on sep arate statehood for Indian Teni lory. The comlnaJ-ufauiirtonven' Hon will be another froBt, as the "governors" of the other nations are a little too shrewd to be led in to to fatal a blunder by the wily Greek chief. Single BtHtbhood means every ti 1. g to the Indian territory, end t -. . 1 1 hi r 1 i'Ii i" 1 b i t'i iii-ir iiu 1 vicniiii i r ticti, or the prospect ol office under a dual government ere a unit on this Bubject. It were indeed in excusable at this time for tbe rank and file of the people of all the diDerent poliiicdl persuasions to act other than unitedly for this rnd. It would be a much more digni fied proceeding if the chiefs of the several tribes would attend the statehood meeiing at Claremore instead of journeying to Eu'aula, to act as a tail to Purtir's political kite. The inevitable destiny of the Indian territory is single state hood and such powwows as Por ter has attempted to' engineer simply waste time vo tickle the Cretk chief's vanity. The movement to organize the "Iqdian Territory into a territorial government is the work of design log politicians, and not of the rank and file of th half million inbabl tents oi hls cdlintiy. The only wiao course to pursue lb to insist on joint statehood with OlAthoma foreveutually, that is what .U happen. rhe coming convention at Olareroortyon tbe third day of December, stfotAdbe a represents, live gaUiorlngandhrgely attended. If Senator BsveridW said, as tbo press dlepatohea uote him, that Oklahoma sendingftLrepubli can delegate to oongress would as sure its admission to t.Btehdtul be has placed himself on theleveffeof a ward heeler and is a dlsgrao tho United States Senate senator from Indiana ban In his publio utterances advocated tbe following of the bigbost Ideal; yet is quoted as saying that (he ruporl of tbe cwmamtee of which hn Ilk nhnlrman tin. ttaan infl.........! h.- .. ,11. to . n., 1 . 1 rauail the country '33SBB3SBR psjLjmjaamessssiirjfgstssxissssi Dennis Flynn Wits the great apoAtlo of Beparato statehood and he now admits that its ohances were killed at the late election in OiU homa. ' It la thought that the supple mental treaty passed by the lower house of the oounoil will bo radl oslly revised when it reaohei the senate. Frntn now until the appraise mem of town lots In Vinlta is fin iahed and given to tho public, tho interest will be moro and more In tense. Tho most important 'event in the history oi this town 1b about (0 materialize. Now that tho (Jherokoo national council hna taken stops to find out by whose authority Rob't. L. Owon claims to represent the Cherokee Nation in Washington in the mat tor of the collection of tho $4,000, 000 claim, perhaps tho doughty colonel will call a halt. Tho Cherokee citizen who re tains his gross land unbroken will, a dozen yoars henoe, have the most valuable real estato in the country. The crop of natural grass is tho finest that will evor grow on much of the land in the prairie seotlon of the Cherokee Nation. PuUy's Hottey and Tar always tons the couch and heal the 1udk. lie fue substitute. Sold by PouptcN drugstore. dw Sundny School Convention Notice is hertby given Ilia' a Sumlay school workrs of all de nnuiiuMti'ins nl lnrin tciritorv, that there mil hi a Sunday schoii oonvemion held In Mui-ko-ep, November 25-S0, 1002 I 1 dn. sired lliat each school o. i!ih t.irri tory or at letl soh town m nd deltgate. The ohjfO of this '.in vention is .dnrgitiz a Trritorial Siiml) School Ae oiKtinu, to In a part ol th Intfrnatioual Sunday SohiHil Assooia ion, and tfi'lTav " the righi of representation in th International Tri rnnial Convfn thin. Tiie uiioi ol ltii ornau zi tinn is to hold annuil convention suoh as are being held in all the states mid territories, and to awaken and promote the Sundaj school spirit throughout the terri tory. Thin association is to be strictly interdenominational, and there shall he nothing in coimec tion with it that will intetfero , with denominational work or pub. llcatlons. There will be a ttgo days' program and the most fm pnrtant questions in general will be disouesed. Tbe people of Mus- Icogna mill furnlvh aCOOUu ulal.o for those ooming na delegates. One froio a school and a good at tendance from all sections of the territory id desired. Ok. W. T. Jacobs, International Vicf Prea. for Indian Territory Rev. Tiios. Lain, International Executive Committeeman for Indian Territory -"PROGRAM. riniT SBMIOK, TUESDAV ATTEnKOOK. Dr. W. T. Jacobs, Temporary Chairman. Devotional service, Rev. Tbos. Lain. Dr. A. . lionnell, Mr. Sttllc, Mrs. Lcnnon Muilc committee. Weloouio to Muikogec, Mayor Spauldlntf. GreettnifS'frora the churchoi, Rev. J K Thorn pnoii, Mukn.'8e. -Itfli ,T It. t)-.n, 8.11M1 M-Ac t r I , II I) lie m e i'ii , -a iid, I. T M ule. Apiulntiu9iao( oouiinlttee to nom inate ulialrtnan. Addre Objeei and purpose of Territorial Sui.d Soho.l AtocU tlon, Rev A.OrantRv.nis, Mmltimee SI10OND StKCIO.H, TUBflDAY KVEN1NO Prayer and Praite Serviee, Rev. Duller. Report of Nomli.atlnif committee. Election of Glialrinun. DI.pumIoii of report. Appointment, of Executive om IlllttfC. THtltD SKiSION, WKDNKSDAV A M Prayer aud 1'ralte Serrlee, Rev. J. V. Tanner. The Sunday SeliooU of Iu I Ian Territory-Rev. W. S. Wiley, Baooue; Rev. A. I'. Ronilg. Tulwi, 1. T. Need of Our Schools and How to Meat Them Mr. D. M. Marrs, Vloita. Dlseutflon, Prof. Glrton, Muskogte; RandolDh Oook, Vinlta. Muslo. Paier, Mrs. II. B. Spauldln, Mut koeee. Paper, Mrs. B. A. Oreon, Pryor Creek. FOUItTII SBSSI0K, WEri.NBSDAY T. 31. Prayer and PraUe Service, Pes, Soott, Indian University, Daoone. Address by International Worker. How Bout Cultivate the . Sunday School Spirit Rov. Cameron, South MoAlostor. Uuslc. FIKTU BBSSION, M'MONHSDAY KVE. Prayornnu PruUa Sarvloe. Roo1u(iph. AddressshjbOhlld aud tbo Blblo, uov. iterr, banipa. 8on-aod bewUh You Till Wo Meot Again. Benediction. H Could Hardly dot Op. P. II. Duffy of Aibley, HI., wrltsn. This U to certify that I havo luttu wo bottles of Wiley's Kidney Curo m it nas Helped mo moro than any her uicdUlne. I tried many ad vertised remedies, but none of them ifovo me any relief. MydruuKltt re commended Foley's Kidoey Curs and it has cured me IWore romujenelnir jwi.m I v loriidi a -t .yo ibai I uld uy People drug store dw &ummwjzmmw-mmwmm ?m . run. - W, T'lfCZ' CT'iZr ttJZ3EL NEWS AND CLOTH BOUND BOOKS. COO titlos to soloot from, Ily tho bust authors, suoli na Kipling, Bacon, Optlo, Longfollo'v, Diokons, Ilnggard, Irving, I3mo, in and othora. 17c each or 7 for only JfJI.OO Bo suro nml lny in n good Biipply of thoso books, ns thoy will not Inst long nt tho nbovo prices. m Jft3l Sl Ottr Mnffrt RIGHT GOODS! 5 VJUr IViOltO: PRtrR: ntr.HTt s? ROSE'S NEWS AND BOOK STORE. In Raymond Building. WHSiiiliiililiiHSiSiKffliiSil OPERA HOUSE NOV. 21. j f MKir ,sBBBlawaV tv jgy' t m i"jiiLii---y ? vi ? ill ijgoO"'j p j'l HAVE PAID THIS WONtJ iN AND OWE HER NOTMINC' Prices 35, The Round Oak, pi . -.- 1 r .The Round (Name on Is the most perfect heater made. It "burns all the heat out of the coal and don't pass off a great part of the coal in the smoke. The smoke from a soft coal ROUND OAK heater is more like the smoke from a wood heater. It takes less fuel, don't clinker and Jasts longer than any stove made. Call at our store and have them explained to you antl be convinced. Yours for business, FrazeeHarilwars&Fnriiitnre Co t- , . -- -ji, t SEECH MiMMjia m o BOOK STORE. st 8 50 and 75c. Oak Heater. the Leg.) of all kinia promptly awd propcth don .it ihta other. 1 1 nes f" owist8t t with -iiaMftl a CIUIUTAIN PU$ ) '.flffl r m lU'lbtlWibjM When the ducks lly so ffi A fino Duck Shooting Gun for I ropulnr innkos of Rifles Popular Trlcog. m Hill. " rrarrC-t ' DUCKS ARE HERE. Local sportmon roport good shooting at noar by points. If your outfit is not comploto, wo aro prepared to supply all deficiencies with right goods nt right prices. POP I APOFflAMP Sportsmen who ore making preparations for the approaching ' V'X mVJlw VJrHTlL,. gme aeason bad better see ns. . lT tlfiy -"te llu In etch pound pick v.r of 1 R SST"'! 'liSffi Lion Mi"- 3w' Il from now until GirL-fi bo found a free c-tr'.K' t and instructive 30 t kinc's. " Got Lien Ccffeo rnd r Tr' Bt Vour Crc- GROWTH UF FRISCO In Eight Years tho Company Itai Orovvn Trom a ntlnor Kall'uaJ to a Ureat System. Tiie mirvelous growlli "f tiie St. Louis it Sttn FrancUci prop rty has In en "lie subject of much rt cent c tnn cnt nmong railrmul men. When the road was liivniosd frum the A'chiBon in 1805, the proierty included 1,100 tnilcB of ruad. In the first year of lie independence these reported groisa earning ui 60,000,000 and a flurpluB alter charges and taxos of hut 8150,000. These figures show the various linos taken over since: About 800 miles added between 1805 and 1001, by the acquieition of small connecting tineB'and the building 11 ixteuiilunB. -Knimnn City, Kjrt Scott aud Memphis, 854 miles; Kansas City, Memphis ai.d Oir minghara, 285 miler; Fort Worth and Rio Grande. MG rallef; Chi cugo and Eaetern Illlnuiep, 720 miles; St. L-nde, Memphis and Southeastern, 420 miles. Tbe company has grown in eight years from u minor railroad of but 1,100 miles Into a compact system of 4,560 milea, reaching from Chi cago to St. Louis, Kansas City, MemphiB, Birmingham, and the important points in central Texas, with gross earnings of 822,000,000 and net earnings of 88,400,000. According to a ftr-teceat made by one of the officers of the com pany, tbo plans of tho company are to be completed by the acqui sition of a ruu'e to the Atlantic Coast, Worm Dostroyor White's Cream Vcnuifu.'c, nutouly kills worms, but removes tho mucus and slime, in wtiich they build tholr nest, It brlnui, and quickly, a healthy condition of tho bodv, whero worms cannot cxl.t. Zoo at People's rut' store. lw Physicians Prosorlb It. Many broad in I nilod physicians pre scribe Coley'h Honoy and Tar, at they havo never found so ufo and rollable a remedy for tliruat and limit troubles as this ureat medicine. Sold by Poo pie' drug stoic. dw A Pollotman'B Testimony. J, N. Pattormm, tilyht pyltoenian of Nashua, la , wiltm, "Last wlntor 1 had a bad cold on my lutiys and tried at least halt a dozcu.advortliod couidi medicines and had treuttnont from two physicians without RCttlni; any bcneQt. A friend rooomuicndcd Foley's Honey and Tar and two thirds of a bottlo cured mc. 1 cooslder It tho tircatoit couuu and luou mcdlclno In the .world." Sold by People's drug store. dw Win tho Stove. Anna Tboo.p.on won tho Junior I Uuok's cook stovo olterod by tbe Par- v.iirdt UnrdwaraPfi fns l.inna flnrfJ IUUHII IIHUiaiUWUI SV Ww mum Ing the most pcoplo uslog tbeso pop lar stoves. She found 4E0 ot tbo stoves In uio and giving sattufactlon. Tea slo Chouteau won tho second prlzo, a mlnaturo freezer. CurodoTPIloAfljr 4oYoara Mr. 0. Ilatieyof Oenova, Ohio, had tbo piles fpr orty years. Doctors and dollars crfuM do him nolnittlnz good. DoWlt" Witch Hazel Salvo cured bluipmnttticutly. Invaltiablo for cut bums, brulioi, sprains, lucora- ttna, eczema, totter, salt rhouui, aud f other 1 kin disoascs, Look for the name Jjowitv on uis jcHne aii others are cheap, worthlcis counter feits. A. . jroreman. uw R ' ' Wt 1 ber i ' ' "'-i.1' medlolne to pop utar es Foley's llouoy and Tar. It eiOtt't. 1 11 'intnta or pol ue9 fii 1 j curo IwilO 1n i re 52BKHEI &&& .--i.---" j&&Zs L smMU DmtyssamSSwSi $10.25, Q-T nt DARROUQH HARDWARE CO.j! kl a Si.H Bringing Out the Facts - We want to make it as'strong as we know how That we will give you better Lumber' at the same price, or equal grad t a lower price than elsewhere. We believe first, in giving the bet lumber that money can buy, and then in nuking the Erice as low as possible for that kind of lun cr. And still, we .defy you to 'ind lov er prices than our. If you leave our yard dissatisfied, it's youi own fault, because we do our level bc-.t tc please every customer who buys bMildiuj. material here even to giving him the bn.t stock and the lowest orices. If that won't satisfy you what will? Any I way, be sure and see us before buying; not afterwards. I. E. iMii k k Vinlta. Indian 'focajjftas-. We Thought Everybody knewS: Brinson&, Patterson Carried, in addition to their stock of HIGH GRADE LUHBER, a full line of jjfl Excelsior Paints.-sife Every gallon of which is fully guaranteed, and our price on same is lower than any other standard paint on the market. If you do not know it, this littlo "nd" will post you. We lack up our little talk, nnd whon our roconunondntion of any nrticlo wo soli goos out wis make it good. Four barrols of Ppirco City "Whlto limo goos furtlior, nndmakos bottor work )hup Sbnrrols of nny-othor limo on tlio&itrihjtT "Vk ski.l iT.;Ft is tho "hot stuff,-1' if you nro going to do n first class job of plast- oring, or mason work, ' Wo nlso haro ovorythinr in tho way of building material, hard plaster, sash houso spooialtiov. Solo ngotits for 5 of tho largost ninntol nnd tilo housos in Amorica. Oomo nnd have n tnlk with us about your hougo nnd Kirn bills. IKatioiii Wuni!lno.s st., Opp. Presbyterian Church, ..i I L-LL I " I' i , I 11,,' -f3---ai 40 FARHS aud fruit country. i G 100 miles KANSAS CITY. Due west of Richmond, Vo. Coal, siock-water, iirauer ane 1 amrai gas in ai j atice. Corn hs yielded 80 buiVitli, and l)eat over XO buthels per sere. Couau, settled thirty yeari,""Network ol lailroad. Depot In every township In , r lBETTE COUNTY, KANSAS. I'er des&IiiHon of liofloin and upland fariitf 120 to 3aari acre, liUoJ. phurrliibjfieluMla. liilirei: rallfOVbdl. tc. WlTle to jjgf tJaf1 .Jt V "ZZZ1K ZblSSOSr' - "'Tbe Cbieflain m44f&lMRBttt6&fl4!1)QtH&l1V9'f IM ma? ,5t53P' -". m FORM-t K nsas. Ooodtstne EraMi wheat, , ; 'UtU )t 1 OB if y. B. COOKChetopaKnnstts, ,i 3! .BTJC jbt the Ktrge-it btocU of pr.. '.ornry in the t rntory ti .Ta i 8 1 v IW nV'"S'W53 ". .bUfjuH, SSKK!Q4iiyjiiL aagga'j,T''nTrrtT"'T 0 "'