Newspaper Page Text
o o 1 C -if 'W V, J x - h k?t. Bill of Fare -For Thanksgiving ER. Cnnpcd Vegetables. Cream Corn Jttue Peas Dessert Tomalocs, Pork and Heatis Canned Heats. Bull Head Oysters Corned Beef Hash Sliced Star Ham Chipped Beef Pork Sausage Melrose Pate Potted Ham Salmon Armour's Soups For Pics. Bulk Wince Meat Condensed Mince Meat Dried Apples Evaporated Peaches, Canned Pumpijn, Pure Fruit Jellioa Pickles, Relishes. Barrel Pickles Mixed PickloS (sweet) Mixed Pickles (Sour) Barrel Kraut Chille Sauce Horseradish Mustard Salad Dressing Olives Chow-Chow Fresh Vegetables and Fruits. Sweet and Irish Po.atoos ' . Cabbage Cranberrjos Apples "T Oranges Lemons, Bananas, Etc. Jelly, Preserves. Blackberry Preserves Strawberry Preserves Plum Preserves Cherry Preserves Telephone 66. Taylor & Lawre nee. Ritclif Ps old" fcrozery stand Local Savings. BLUB Br WILSON. ATTOUKKYS-AT-I.AW, VfftTA I -. onice I Tittf llnls.l l.ult.llnr FUUUF T--MO li I II iikitit? cr' of B c firm 1n5i H Morn in w rexideuco nuinu uf. Planty f t'trk--- in I lie nmrla-l. Mr. Parti u.i''Ji.rt l fcUJ vry m ii. j JcTtfAJ MiMi a'i wcor. " i'1-l c r wi li re IruwMiJ'iJC'ipee Tuiddy. J. l' Oi ltluii if Ou1, Mi, w.h hcreoteriny. C..1. ii .(I Mrs. Vtmi'x Ohurohlll ure la Wuslili-Ktim. T.icro la llltlo nuw (rum the Chero kee National Council. W. S Edwards l fotcniai u( tbc Clarctnure unuid Jury. Mr. und Mm. II. 0. Lewis murod Ui tho Uubbhblel Tuesday. i . Daly and F. H. ttilluway ot No ii, Mo , arc here. I'. Frank Duckworth of Clare moii wt herejottordiiy. A wapon luAd ut pecans found ready Bile on the streets Tuesday. nr4R.11 dar&S'jilloy havo purchased the Aid b cottage furniture. BtTLi 10 Inspector Ohambcrlln re tinoid fr jiu Dewey yesterday. Mix ion Raveocfoft of Chccotab wm visiting Id tlio city Monday. 1H vomwmmma in-puag xmiaMMncmin mmmmmmMm ttegaestorffiriCKleford tbU Attei'd 1I10 bl(r cattle auction at Fuokllu'. ;incli, coaiiucnclng Tuot da,,, Nov. X, UittT Daloy of tbo KoIIpu News- pater Co of Kanias City wm here yeverda Join Ciiandlar has a force of raon fencing Use land recently purchased from J. M. Tltt.o. J. W. Hauillton, II. C. Coleman and E. W-JIaiullton of Si. Charle. Mo , are In the city. , Mrs, Felix Cowan was operated on yesterday by Drs. I'ortncr 'and Dagby for appendicitis. Alilrlch cottage Is being prepared for tho lend crilco that will opca tlio llrat of January. Grading on the Ozark & Cticrokco Centra! Is complotod to within two b' There Is no Doubt of It. Tho crluilatl court nt Wewoki ! o'osod It l -.ill ihu J iiio H'jf m ind'e v ilf. Kit n In lie io'-i riyiiit ti 1 d I '!. if'ii t ill i' I Of Icjl B ! r 1 'i I , ("'WO 777 pOOjt e I. 1 r " t ' e li courtroom am ' t . v of J1I1 umtini' n l'l 1 1 1 w Li bilnt! "Jiihm W 1 1 , ' I 1 ooiiit riHiin ii..i 1 1 Ui up new Vicu d s r 1 l- ! i 1 hi . . fuH W t t I. f ivn" I 1 e In bi ilMlr wh' uii.i 1 ') e-i 11 uuth .Mcaic'.m r . ti 1 mildf oft'iirt Oibon. , IrSfiCttyju lull lrt taetijfir market on acDOilnti or ino"iuipa$:iuo rouaa fc"!eadJiiKlnio Vlnlta. Dr. Coston Dodson't) wife and little diugliter arrived from Uillfjrnla, Mo., Tuesday und will remain. Bub Woody rcturnoi from MUsls slppl Tucday seriously lujurcd frojii.havlnj bwn kicked In tho head Uya horse. Foley's Honey and Tar for coughs and eoluV, relluble, trltd and tented, eafo and tuio. Sold h; People's drug store. dw Mrs. Frank S. (Junun;, daugUrot Colonel T. li. Needles ot tho Dawos Commission died at pNasUvlllo, 111., l 17th lust. CAP' Idum and V. M. lotd wore out quulMwitlng Tuesday after noon. They returned but tho quuil arosMIl out. Good farm t rent fur cush rent. About aoO acroi 10 lutloe from town. Sco Thos Illuejicket rt iiluejackot Hotel. Vlnlta. w Wost iV Walker have purobascd tho Whitney restaurant 011 Wllsou street and will put In a large bakery In con nection with tholr other ono. Attention Is called to tha adver ' tUomont ot a blg-hcrd of cattle offer ed at publlo sale Tuosday of next weo at Franklin's ranch on Pawpaw. Mrs. N. P. Johnson and daughter, Ili Marguento Johnson, will enter tain tha Obrlstlan EnJcavor Society oC the Tresbytcrian church at her homo nest Tueielny cvouiug. W. I. Daronpurtuf Iluot.Co., Tex., brother ut Ju. Davenport, Is (u tbo city and will mov his family hero soon, Ills two song. Walter and George, with their famtlu will come also; Aeleen Amid Mamos l!reUiu t-i ii 7.'' m ii'ii '. -" tlreiiinii. lately di. (.ol tin tUi'pliii. Imnttei fMiidualti Kliclii1 .cuta aiid (I tilth near. liV t I.mi w.i) wl en )uu nsglcot 011 i,h Kiid ohIok. Dxu't do It. Dr. K.wg'b Now LWci.riy Jul Cutinumption gives perfect proUmllun ogulmt all throat, elicit und lunn troubles. Keep It near aud avoid suf fotlng, death and docUirV MIR A tranKM ntul nopa a late couth, per sUUtifc ue the motstulburii. Harm- lots und nice lusting, It's gtmraiitud to satisfy by I'coplcs and A. W. Fore nmn drugstores. J'licc (KMaudM Trial buttles free. dw Attempted to Wreck Train. The third attempt within ti few weeks to wicck a Santo Fe train was made near Pauls Valley Sunau, ni the sauio point where tho previous attempt was made. Dynamlto cart ridge1) hid been placed on tho track, which were exp'oded by tho train, put ting out nil tbo lights. No cluo to tho Identity of the guilty pa'Ue ban n oblolhtdr tiHWRli a ferctfut olu. t YMiKmy-uns To7Bmrmto atf" OnoMinwCa Is tlio only harmless cough euro that gives quick relief. Cures coughs, colds, croup, broncliiti", wbuoplug cuugli, pocumoiila, asilima, Ingrlnpo and all UiroHt,(lu8i and lung troubles "I got scukod by rain " uysGerirudo E. Feuncr, Muntlo, 2nd., "und eon trnctOtl a severe cold and oough. I failed rapldl); lost 48 lbs. My druggist recommcbded Ooo Minute Cough Cure. The first buttle brought re lief; several cured me. I uni baek to my old weight, 148 lbs." Ono Minute. Cough Cure cuts tho phlcsm, relieves the cough at oocc, draws eut Inflam mation, cures croup. An Ideal remedy for children. Ai)y. Itfreman. dw Free Delivery For Ardmore. Postmaster Roddild, of Ardmore, ha received notification from tbo poitofflco department that freo null delivery will bo eitabllihcd In Aid nioro December 1, and that the mall boxos havo been shipped. Flvo out of scveiteon upp'loanti fur carriers havo pasted the civil scrvlco examination. Ardmore will havo tbo distinction of being the Urn city in the Territory to secure free mall delivery. bllluus and seeking If you ure advisers, Take De Witt's Little Kurly lUscrs, Jutt before going to bod. You will 11 lid on tho morrow, You aro rid of jour sorrow that's all; Just enough saia. hose f annus Ills do not gripe, but move the bowels gently and easily, clcaiislug the liter. Their tonic effect give strength to tun glands, t revont log a return if the disorder. A. W. Foreman. ' dw Hay Uarn Uurned, The M. K. & T. hay barn at Wag oner was burned Monday with nil ot Its contents. The burn was one ot the larko.t structures of Its kind qwned by tho railroad. The oauso ot tlu Q10 U ungnown. ? nilIUUB niWIIIUllfcV, Some ot tbo must anxious lours of aniother'n llfo aro those when tbo llltlo ones of tho household havo tbo croup. Thcro Is no othor medicine so offcatlvo In this terrlblo nialnrtr ni K i) n il ( f! "",l ai t' ' ' huu-i I, ill f .. di fir I lung iu iv an ' "ii "'t- f "0 opiate it vol"' "t i-uu 1'tsifely given. 1 ijio,, 1 iu iiin 1 'f Uw IVople "fng tor W. 1lvIIotron tl Finch, Ark., writes "I wish tvrepoit that Foley's Kid ney Ouro httBurod u terrlblo ease of kidnof and blander trouble.that two doctors bad given w guld by Peo- plo s drug storo. " dw Commissioncrr conrt, George Adams plead gullt. to a oharge of introducing and dlopotuing nnA uinal.riiKirl nvnrln llinililni lit i.Tl. If. nl.A ..,.-., I . An ..I.... .ts 11U HfCU pitJUU KUIIL 1U WUIij'llIK u kuu and was lined f 1OO and costs. Bill Dofhago plead guilty to carry ing a gun and w& asscssod fiQ und costs. Timber Cutters Acquitted. In the Commissioner's court Tues day afternoon, Koy Miller and Willie Miller, charged with tlio unlawful cultlug ut timber ou Qiand river were acquitted Uy a jury. Hvautiful Clear Skies Jletbm 1 exeru a direct loauence ou the boalx, liver and kidneys, purify, lug And strengthening ihee organii, an tt,"iuiit -i u.i 1 mil ' . ! I I , a PENDING BATTLE. Ratclif Statehood Forces Are Being I Thoroughly Organized for Congressional Campaign. BRIGHT PROSPECTS WE THINK, and others agree with us, that we have the handsomest line of Suits and overcoats for Men and Boys ever brought to Vinita. For Example, in allthe range of styles and prices in flen's Suits, we single out two special bargains for your inspection. HIGH ART.... If cither price mi its you, we'll insure the suit. OVERCOATS. Long, short, medium nccording to your tnsto. Proper materials, corroct cut, tiiilor-mtulo in tho bast sonso of tho phrnso .50 to $20.00 An iiulespousiblo gnrmont that is not n burden to tho purse. 0 ale of Men's FOR NOVEflBER. If J mfM tiTi?ir $12.50 -ANn $7 tPsbHT t rfrTruiier JTI vKir Cornirtitoisoa. Kor Favorable Aollon By the Ben ale When the Omnibus Bill Ib OslUjii Under Speolal Order Decerabrr Tenth. ADDRESS ISSUE To People of Twin Jcrrltori . by Single Staleffood Ex ecutlve Committee. REVIEWS- fctlSTOR Of the Battle ForEnfranchlsflme and Urges a8ffllwart Contln- uanco of the Struggle A'naweretlie Arguments of Double Staters. 1 inaiil AltT."" CojyjUMeJlMS.),. Speoial ClotSiitifi: 25 Suits at 5.00, worth $7.50 25 Suits at $7-50, worth $10.00 Youth's Suits at $2.50 to 12,50, coat, pants and vest. Children's Suits, ages 3 to io,-Norfolk-and.3 piece Suits, $1.00 to $6.po. 1 ' iL "IHjJSggg. '-JSSB1 3& jBtsjBewSBii". 1 ci rUiiitkiKu The ddlogates from the throe territories,, acoomprnled by Inrge ilelegationt-, will moot in' Wash ington noxt wek to prepare lor the statehood campaign which will be Inaugurated iu the-jenate Deo ember tenth. The etatubood bill which has been passedxby tbo homo will be made a special order in the senate on December iOth and conlluuo until tho bill is die posed of. Thero is no thought in the minds of any ol th'e statehood ad voot'es but tbiit the renate will act favorcbly upon the bill In the Hticrgtiio ompalgn that wait car rltd on at the lt tjalin It was hIiowii iIihI the mrBUre had mire pUp rtrre in the than hml beu rri di'eil tn it. I hn ilelfgnttr from Hie ttrritorlt;e wcrn o mvinoml a h rtFult i.f thr otnvi-s tliu the lilt iiitil bit nMe(l if it trrrt. tnki-n up fcr 'onslilrnl n by liu senate. I'hie niirHnc wta the catire if t'ie tIterniinHii eflon made by Spiiator Quay to itvBf tho bill to a voto iu the cloeiiig day 8 of the session. Tho oppnal tiou to the measurr was euQielent to prevent conslderatlonj-burn agreement was reached to Anally dispose of tho hiU- December 10. h. The advocates nf tho meas ure are convinced that they have Ioul nothing by the delay, but that the bill line more friends in con gieis now than ever before. The di-legaics und their Iriendi will make another canvass of the eena'e befoie the bill is called up fur consideration. They are con fldont that a majority of the sena tors will support the measuro, but they aro coming prepared to bring in-uence upon any of the waver mg members, and hope to reduce the opposition to a minimum. If the bill passes the senate It is ex pected that il will provide for con stitutional Bunventions and an ol.oiMibrtClwjtrsrjjmirB tull js f Ui The following an exevp'e froi, a stirring address made to lh people of Oklahoma and Indl Territory by the single sluleho executive committee: To tbo people of Oklahoma an Indian Territory: "By tbo unanimous voice of tb Single S'atohood Executive Con mitteo of Oklahoma and India Territory a third inter torrllorlt convention has been called to tneij at Clartmoreon December 3, 1003 The call provides for Ihe teltctio nf KHO a. frnm n.Ah nf th twin trrritnries. This appoUJ' r ment g'vee approximately one dc! egate for rvary I 000 person, , ) the rnnet cmeervative edlma'n oUcti Ihe comhined unnuia'ian i OVliibiMiia nd Inilisn Territory " mi ln'c than a roillinU people, bi remc tVH iihiiuUtioiis boin!? v ic uutflv iquil. The call f nh. provides that the delr-gatei b ohnsnn by mars conventions on o li, ml H.ltirititv. NiiVBliinnr li). It .... wu M"'."- I - -. s W I the ctveitil county seels in Oktn I lioma end in convenient plaoet j and build at nod for'ali pti3loQice(J ' in thelndian Territory. -riTV history of the present or ganizatinn promotive of the untoi and amalgamation of Oklahsm and the Indian Territory u.ide one elate or territorial governmrn is fresh in the roinda of all wl informed. Alter tho flrst single uta'ehood convention, which wa heldDio 10. !0J0, at South Mc Alester, an early demlso of the organization and its oauso was pro, dieted by those who would theni have two states erected of the twi territories. Tho Muskogee Blatetrood con vention of last November ool ihi.i1 1.& manllnnAn In hn rnmfffyl L :TBO "O KMWU..WU..M W MW -.; bered ab the largest and most rep-l . resentatlve body of men over aa-l . it .t - . iM t semoieu in mis -inuiou tuuunjr, - . either, betorc-cr tltej the "-'nq dUVsnd organization by 'xi r ti W J t ' 4k' aedgedAmemberakeongress frOm I ol lD8 territory oi uatanotx a .. .. 3- . i "-3-11- .. . Rtnnlu ulalutw.riT lfl firiv til tne tnree new states to me triy-i - ." -- eighth cingresB, What disposition will be made SHOES. Soloy Royal Bluo Shoos for mou (ho crv Edwin Glapp Shoes for inon tR anrl tfi Hamilton & Brown Boots 1 "7 C t (h r Hamilton & Brown Shoos . tlRflQRn of the Indian Territory is pro blemalioai A 'strong eflort will be made to have the territory ad milled as part of Oklahoma, by the advocates of single statehood, but the fight will be a bard one. It is the consensuo of opinion mi lernedial measure will be passed to correct the present unsatisfactory political conditions exiating at present. CHEROKEE HOMESTEADS. Table Showing, What Constitutes a ltcs3!?nd Usiier Different Qrades, "Hawes" Soft and Derby Hats at $3.00 Wo havo just rccolvcd our Christmas line of Fancy Vasts, Smoking Jackots, Mufllors, Nockwoar, Hnndkor cliioffi", Hosiery, Etc. AFfe STYLISH WRAPS reatly reduced prices on account of the ; continued warm, weather. Ladlos' Cfl-iticAt Oont in tho popular Oxford, folor a vory una wru. zpai, wortn f .ou , , UvL? f 1 .............. t. . PviVv BPISQIAI VlIGE. Automobilo Coats, 45-inch longths, raado with lnrgo storm collar, satin lined and well Tailored, (til Aft Worth 15. SPECIAL PRICE 4 I I.UU Ladies 45-Jnoh Box Coat, volvot coat collar, the swollost Goat shown this season, beautiful satin fl 1 Q C ( lining, worth $20. SPEOIAL PRICE. 4 I D.OU A big roouction in Ladios' 27-inclt Jaokots, raado of Kor- soy Cloths, Meltons and rough matorhtls ; sorao of thorn carried ovor from last season. Wo aro offering thorn at loss than half dn flH 4- P7 CH price. FROM iJ.UU tO J .OU EXTRA VALUES IN WOOL DRESS GOODS. 26 pieces 80 aud38-inch Wool Ejuitings, worth' 50 nnd 75 cdnts por yard. Wo havo put thorn all in ono QQ lot to closo at por yard , Ovu 15 pieces vory fino andhoavy majorats, guitablo for Goats, Suits and Walking Skirt3; worth 76o and 1.50 por yard. A special prico on thu lot for a few RO' days only, por yard '.,.,., HUK ' FURS;. V' Wo aro showing tho targost and hjwt stock of Fura in Vinita and can Bavo you from $1.00 fj 5.00 on a set. FUR SCARFS from Si.oo to SiK.oo - - -- - tw FUR MUFFS Jr from $i.oo to $7.5 CHIliD'S FURSmS. ' from $1.00 to $5.06 Thtra has been a prevailing opinion among allottees that forty acres of any grade of land contti tuted a homestead. This is a mis take as a homestead as designated scheme of a few designing against! the nubile welfare, but it ia thel work and the will and the hope olj the'people. The cause of single statehood is the properly ol nc political party, no favored few, nc special claBS. It has sprung spon-j taneously from an honeBt desire oil the people for belter conditions oil society, greater opportunities It hiiBiness and for the most economy ioal state Kovetameut possible fori themselves and their posterity. The idea of one great state for Ok lahoma and Indian Territory was not born of a longing far the vlesnl pots of office. OkIahoma,and Indian Territory J in point of natural resources, are each the perfect complement oil the olber. And what is one with out the other's wealth, area and population? Compared with the magnificent stales about us, eilhfjrl territory alone ia puny and Insig nificant, but combined tbo Twin I Territories tlse euperbly until tbe by the treaty is "equal in value tot 40 acres of average allotable land." compaiison at all points is most il ine vaiueni an acre 01 average I flt(ierjnR i0 us, n..1 lm A tt WtxtkW nlatMAi n I .1111 land has been placed at 11:00, whioh makes the value of a home Btead Torty times 82.06, or 8118.40. Tbe following table will show what constitutes a homestead un der the different grades: Linil apprahed at $6-60, allot ment 50 aorei, homestead 20 acres Land appraised at 8-1, allotmHlt 80 acres, homestead SO acres. Land appraised at 83, allotment 100 aorea, homestead 40 tree. Land appraised at 82,S0r allot ment ISO aorej,liomej)tead 50 acres. Land appraised a. f allotniunt 1G0 acres, homslead 60 acres. Lnd appraised at 81 50, allot-. mentJUO acres, homestead 80 acres irand appraised at St, allotment k&0 acres, homestead 120, seres, Land appraised 50c, .allottnent 650 aorea, homestead 240,. r As a brave, devoted ad pro gierslve people, without regard to race, color, or tbe preseot condt. lion of our long sufTerlng, let usi again rtsejn our might and vris-i dutn, declare our will, demand our rights and press our suit before tbeiulers and tribunals cf this eminently just and justly glorious government oi uurn nntu tuq . uttuiiiia.iuu ui iuib iuuiid country is an accomplished faat, and thel tame ataia or territorial govarn-t ment blesses and protects alike alii the people of tbe twin territories "j NELSON SCORES Suprec-i Court Oranta Slayer eJP Albert morris a Ke-teerh. Tbo elate supremt) oourt of itv!A eaa bts upheld thq motion of ta? Jail Notes. altorneyo whq getended John Nel- Thero aro 100 prisoners 'pOntlntd lu ion for the killing oi Albert Mor- o I I Wl I file' l'eulie a diUjt at, ire !' It l,lUl 1 toil. 6'ic at ! iw j r M a ATPnn: Mrn rnwi Hn I f fj Ulall 1 IIIiLIGm UllliI the (eileral Jilt with 14 ubaont at uiariuure. Mary Ilazehvuod was brought lo from TablcniiHh Tueinlay cbarued Ith adultery. i i ii i Luok InTrilrte-tVi, By soodlnt' 13 raljw Win. waiion i-urna, vi. gat a, mp of fiuokloa'a Au,Iindlve, that wtigm rJ.i.A.4 lir.ltftfci. nu'lilj. f.. Nothing eUo-QBUld.. I'uaHlvelv uuru bruise, Mag, utcers, eruptions, W(i)k tjuro, euros ano, (pjtes. U8y aec, qoaranted by.J'i)! Oi'A. W. lwenin'H druvf ilerw. ' . &w sm PANY uicry o sxi'iiiftjy ,uic nuAfti kkintvs and bladiltr rfukt i ur$ cukbt. ' sold by l'KOple' iirug Hjf. Sol t Voiii' k ris at Ooileyvllle in 1901, saklr that a new trial be granted ih fa fendant. The deelsiou was ex proted by those whp have folia" the case, as tbo fevjdeno t, tha'. Morris waaaiJi wliK at least a moment Uwrattvt . ing occurred. TtHMHalr warip upeivtb Ii4 blsKd (hat hart itytotlw' the roe for se Maaji. Tbe t) eii9H s lhp4K. wmn Mauds the'' eaat tkth m t ror"re-biim,. Foisty's Hi t - iB MH t .", JSfTfc'j' t . 7 In. ( m rl4j V taVtnMHiM)lWM ax. wm mjnavfftr. im.X03 Uarlwftre $ Jux n..k wm" .TT'W vVSfy? "-- J:'l lit 1 VI u. pJi :r l& mratAi. w : ii Mf 7Bf t'.-ri TTttn m w A. -rjaai ,- im mozj;. "W 1