Newspaper Page Text
" 'QrYMr'y'WwWvw- s",--'' "V ' .T 4 . m. WTWwiSmwiiiwii & ' pWpWW8HtwMwCBj6tHBw'y 9fiSGSSSSSS9!S!S!! -E59-9- ....-EEL-, .--,.,- mmmmrnmmmimm vmrnzmmmmmtmmm'hnmtimit mAum,ii Mw"HiiiibrtiHi'Kiiiinjij . f , i ' fa i i f i 'i -- - ', MinnmmmmmrKmrnrn-tr tr tr, vii - ' ...,, - - - - ---.-r mi1taM. - ,tol ,-, - -jr: - . . . , - ii i mi ii i iTTmxaf-- ' -"-"" .- . s -- i ii i-n J,''' " tBK j. r 1r JrU t -fc.VTJl'T-.BHk' ii 1 -J . - iiiii i i ii - w-f i- i-wrt r iw rT , k I M Ml ir m.i I I in III if IT'T " - a "Ml ..urt.fcj.n mn t 41 -c J V : . flaHilg 2 '" ;- 5i L ati '1 p p'r '"1 rwl Euaeno Field's Vfcr wi AmbllloB Bad By pepsla. rTr-ThM wrote Euccno PJold, often tncapaoltat-c t, nan for enaeavot sd Ketlmcsextlngtilshw the flro of nb!Uon.'.' Though great despite b wmplalni Field suffered from fndlges MoD all hi Ufa. A wejk, tired Itomach nn't diets, your food. It noeut mV Yon can only !" et ft, tteiUon llfco Kodol, which re staves It of work by dlgsstlng your food. Keit soon restores It to its normal urn. IrwDthentaiij Envloorntlng. VS Jufaoulo contains 3Vt times the Wo. tie 36 HEREFORD iiDtl LLoni FOR SALE J'rom ten month to four yqnrs 'ld, rerjisterod, nnd soino jovon rijbtK. Hereford and ono eiSfe erVrt-IIorn, At $50M'EACH net right to turn with hords. (nailer's ranch. " miles south west of ChrHopn ns. M. HOLDERMAN. THEUVt STOCK MARKET OF ST. LOUI8. Tho St. Louis National Stoc c Yards. LocaUJ j'vEist St. Louis, III. Dlreetlr apixxiti the elty of si. toolt. Dot n for ill dttgrttU of LIT Stoek always 11, tad wittira-tka rroonda of 114 SUk Tarda Ii a B.ef Caor.latOorr.anr, WHS eevtaU7ortlar.(htlrlng t.woVaadofetttlo 4!IT. e roik raeklar titHUSm.nt fiit iirtellr foruof htUr lynnjiorj iit. 0. O. KSOX, Vlco Pr. 0. T.JONEB.Oe .Mi'r. L. W. n.RA.KE, A't. Den. Ut. IIUUIU. HUNT. Otn. AnV for Textf ib4 loHnn Tirritorr BADGETT & MILFORD, I'.O.TINITA.I.T. AUo "U U 3 R ? ATW S 9 00 nxljt hip and ilda noar bsck. tlTM &aa ronneor nattio nM it otdtr cattle aro tally-branded with ra lfl (bonlOir or tide. Yoantar eattl M&rXcd under half crop right and nndirbll Uftear. Pattnraa an nnek Ore.V. near Adair Jadiinarteri aro at farm, at MMItarr ' of Oablo Urtek. Herd prlnclpallj Uron coin J. f. ORA.Y, Mui Korlhet of Vlnlta. 0 Range on Ftw f aw Ureek. Cattle of .Ms brand old only tor iblB Btot. I1D0 reward otcon Tlctlon of tteallng bit braid. R. R. TAYLOR. Poatofflcf. Vlnlta, I. T. Smooth erop It liftiar.tndorot and iplit In Ibi rltbt. Bonn cattle Is vtrloua other braada Amaria, ILonga on 1. eaitcraak, foat niia. I1LLER, iia, ina. Tor. King a on Lo- oatJaodLIt tie Qabln rreoktObrtB on rich I sldi ana hip, Ta- riona ear marlnt, frtd Oniriortfilp' Bant. Half-Breed O. I. C. Shoals For Sale. Cross, with white belt hogs. JPI-IN SWAIN ';' ' J. W CRAIG, Wl. D., Physician and Sirgeonjy OfflceWVa'r. '' Cherokee National SHJTA, INU. THU. K ixrlmoui wlrs, small turners laud .il- al blSiSLee nerrnanently reaiovtd Lv eleotriSiTi SnraliM. iotut troubles -t .rlicujiijii (Hitcestfuil treoteA bj J.l tUo-Tberiai iwetttou. Pllci1rltd without us of knife. &' " l w TaW I) anj coc-JItlon of 11 t4ueuted by the oecas- htalti tN K.JUll A: 1 nmi). )jif id MI-A-N-STabule. For irtutt. The 6ve-cDt twckn II w-fgh rVkuWleary occasion. Thf a 1 ial A' jutifB nniilnliiM a taalts At r?i'r- dtf fc.' 1: V&taeaa nU-fiV V0 JGS& t ilVKMM hitlw - dusaw . r . JCtJWVC III OIKJt". VVoHad hi your n Shot:oith ' -f rnv cpot. '1 R jfi iWa ' iHLHdu7 W W,HJ 1 '-.' -K. rti , -j-pnunjuw, nro.H.M... -- jsr"-&2'y, ' ""' "- W MMBMHMBmHMHHHk KIDNEY CURE. Them 1.4 no dlscnso m ln'slnuftt- alow but euro, ns kidney dl raw, or so wlile-rfproml. Tho fiynin tom nre no slight as to generally esonpo notion. Tho tint Indications appear In tuo unno, wun vaneu enecis. 'im ntiantltv mav bo Increased or il cream!: It Is llkclv to be lilclilv nol- orod mitl nonlillmr: It inn - twle I or thin, or thick nnd milky with a! isoiinipiit. lAter "ti more pro- jnouiiewl symptom-' v ill lo present, sup.h at alKiil"- blontlns;, etc., with marked bluid.r and urinary dlftnrdnM. rolaonon ttmio matter ooiieetea hr thn tiEontl from nil iniia nf the re lent and oarrled to the kldtify e, where II 11 aeprnieii nnu ten mil inronun ine nnne. inoRianera ueei wiininfriwai only, deriving iionrialimeiit tberf- irom. nenee, u mo umwi . oa "" kidneys nre not only overworhM. mi imderfiMl. How neriry It It, llir- fore, tlmt tno purity mm Titaiiiyt" " blood aliouM Im mnlntnlncil. ltlpl'" why the gitmi mooa .r"D" ""' .ir.nihr..r-l)r. llnrtnr'a Iron Tonic- ha. been iueeeaafulty wed In treetlng kidney dlaoaaea nnd In tireTentlngMtne. Inpitrlfylnstthe blood Che kldneya are new atrenglU end m Tllal ty flTen theae oraanv The following letter tells areicUsiSr;- . Pif Knot, KrM Juno 36, 1KB. Tkt ft. itmu ''nMne Ox, Dauton, O. rirrrrfcMi I had a iCTcro crn ot typhoid faver ix yean ago, which left my kidneys in WW oraer. i uavo inru a namber of remedies and taken treat ment from doctors, bat Dr. Hartcr't iron Tonlo has done mo more good than ercry thing elea. 11 Cordell, Merchant and Mine Operator. There ar thousands of Just such ca3 as tho above that aro treated without results because they aro wrongly treated. Mr. Cordell's condition resulted from an exhaust ing fover; tho kidneys, ns well as the rest of the system, had been wasted by disease No wonder Dr. Harter'slron Tonlo promptlycured, because It purl fled and enriched the blood, ana such blood carried now strongth nnd vitality directly to tho kidneys and to all tho organs. FOB SALE EVERYWHERE. R. R. Time Table Saint Louis and San Francisco OOINO WEST rraln 07, Passenger ll:Mam rraln 409. Meteor 1:15 am rraln Ml, Local 6:00 am UUIEIU AA31 Train (03, rasaenger 8:lipm Train 410. World's Fair Stieclal lt:5T a m Train 440, Local 7r39am Aisscurl, Kansas and T:x&s Railway SOU ru BOUND. Traia I. rassenter .7...7.'.r., 4sMaa Trains. Flyer 19:7an Train, t'aaeenger e:lpni Train SI, Local liOOpn NORTH I10UND. Tralnt. raaMBgtr Iratan rraln . Flyer BilOpw Train I. raaamger llil art rraln 00. Local lllMam -PROFESSIONAL CARDS.. EDGAR SMITH, (MolletU U Smith.) ATTORNBY-AT-LAW. Rooms 1, 2 and 3, 1. O. Itulldlni:- Vinita, I. T. rR.I. DACBY, -' PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. Office In New Ratcliff Building. Tele- lioue toi. VlulUt, mil. Tcr. f AIBS S. DAVBNrORT, I ATTORNRY AT LAW. aooms ) and 10, New Ildsell Building, Vihita. I. T. u jveiiport & Hall, Attorneys at Law, UonU Building, Qbxrcnioie, I. T WH. KORNHGAY, ATTORNBY AT LAW, And Notary Public. Office In new Hal, ll building, Vlnlta, I. T. Will practice in aH the United State courts of the I. T. GHAS. W. DAY, D. D. S., ta?DBNTIST.HeTJta Sold Crown and Bridge Work a Splair 7. Office oyer I'iret fiiivtAl Bank -viwrrn, 1. 1 . E.A. STUBBLEFIELD.D.M.D. OnicoovcrEitlln Kurolturo Co., Gray Ualsell buldlng, Ylnita, l.T. MER EDITH BROS.'. VeterinarySSSr Permanently located. Office at Wehb Bros', stables, Soutb Wilson street. Office phone 82, Residence phone 69. Hospital for patients. Gex & Miller, Livery, Sale and. Feed Stable Special attention to driving trade. Wagon ya-d in connection. phone No 6. So. Wilson St., Vlnlta Flnley's Barber Shop. We hare put In an addition al clialr and now have four chairs iu operation, enabling us to give Letter service. You don't have to wait. T. PINLBV, Proprietor. I DR. WIMER, rue only RxcIoal-.-e Bye, Bar and Nose Specialist in the Indian Territory SSfetVt BJes treated and glasses properly fitted uuice at Drui; Store. a- TheMost Direct - Route from either irth or south, to the Famous Health Resort ano SprinRS of is via tilt EuRijBu i-riptftr'c literature concerning A tJ iwtt (fill $i ft ft 1 1 1 at 1 nA thtsj ib uw.ku. jyit w..a.,VM upon appiajtion Uv rflBWrtjteryrraffrc Department, PRISCO SYniAtT isinf L.'ul.. jIllSm( EAR IP SULPHUR, I. T, Loc&Ijppmgs - BLTJ' A- WILSON, y ATT OR S-AT-LAW. 'r Oflta-, , New H, ha' .IK. VtHlTA.I. T. Next wetk (.i-oiirethanlo-Kiylnt. Vlnlta seems ti he the tncea or the fakirs. Mr W V. Lenox of Adair to t-iwo 8aturc!ajr. Judge (Hil (ip'nel mi" t 01 are timre Momlajr. Air Cunningham was ' Jr.) f ruin No wot Monday. .1 S. Specvr has returned to tils hme in Coffoyville, Kan. Co. w. M. M elicit 0 wan afnonir tbo M-itvge visitors Sittuntpy. V. II. Goad mill W. It. J en in of Adulr wore hero Thtitsday. Mr. uud Mrs. 5iiek I'umphrcy moved to their farm Monday. Little radon 'foltjort, Jr., Is qiilto slok with a bronchloal affection. Fatlior Daunts suffered a sevcro hcniorrbOi;o Saturday morning. Miss Cora Trundlo ipent Sunday wlih her puronts In the country. Kuece WcDjiibI I Is enjoying a visit from his falttor from Glrurd, Ks. Mr. J. H. Turner loft Sunday tnra two mo nt lis' visit In Tennessee. Mrs. J. J. Spencer and little grand s n, John Heady are visiting la Olarc mure. Georcc IWsr, claim agent for tho Frisco was down from 1'elree Oity Friday. II. O. Wand 1 f the Townslte Oom mlslon came up fnnii Muskogee Friday, T. C. Johnson of i'ryor Creek spent Sunday with hi brother, N. IV Johnson. Tbo third week of the Chorokce council Is lure with no signs of ad journment. The Thomas' wheat drills are the host made. Sold .by Green tc Rood Implement Oo. w Charley Kllleurew, Oscar Ettor and Claud Bnswortli of Miami spent Sun day In Vlnlta. Sapulpa Is to build a new 310,000 court house to be ready for the Feb ruary torm of court. Gicen & Rood Implement. Co. aro making special prices on buKKlci, for the next 30 days. w The home of Mr. and Mrs. Willis Iiurchet was made happy Saturday by the advent of a son, A marriage license was Issued Satuidiiy to I. S. Harden and Miss Salllc Holman of Campboll. Ilert Chandler went to Claremorc Sunday to attend the session of court lo his oAlelal capacity. Alien Crockett returned from Shaw neeThursday night and beln work at the Taylor & Lawrence Grocery. Two good allotments for sale cheap. Apply at Chieftain office, d30wl3 Green &.Rood Implcmeot Co. un loaded a car of Thomas- wheat drills ycatcftlay. 0 !.. bvfuib bujlua drill. w John II. Coody, uustodlan of Intru der Improvements for Coowoeooawce district, sold .several such furms'at auetlon here Saturday. Ily Jennlnvs, Unltod States Ojdj mlsslon tt Claremorc, has again em barked In the newspaper business. He now ownes and odlta the Clare more MeMjgB.r.---' Carsyilollruan was here Monday en route from Galena to Anadarko, O.T. his present home, Carey still longs for thr, flesbpoU ot Vlnlta and will eventually return. You Know What You Are Taking When you take Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic became the formula Is plainly printed on every bottle show Ing that It Is simply Iron and quinine in a tasteless form. No cure, no pay Me. w Roll of Honor. Tho following Is a roll of honor on general average fur the month ending Friday, Nov. 14 from Mrs. Anderson's prlvato school: Gladys Anicraon, 93 1-0; Helen Andorson, t; Ilattlo Carrlco, 92; Annette Weaver, SI; Jen nie Carrloo, 91 3-6; Lauham Mallard, 90 1-4; Albert Matuoy, SO; Jessie Thomas, 90; Eflle Ware, DO; Mabel Kenny, 90; Alpha Graham, 00. The F. A. A. ' The Fr aternal Aid, No. 272 have new badges. Thursday night overy member Is urged to attend mooting of coudciI. There Is the most urgent business. There Is a dispensation ad mlttlng ucw members for 92, and those contemplating joining should mako the application now. Any mem ber desiring to give time to securing new members will be paid f 2 premium for each one secured lu a limited time. Cscape Prom Drowning. Mr. and Mrs. Iiarnett, who live near Estellu attempted to cross tho creek Saturday, bu' found It too deep to ford. Leaving their team on the bank they attempted to cross on a foot log, Mrs. Harnett going first and Mr. Ilaruett followed carrying their two year old baby. As tho two reached the center tbo log gavo way. Mrs. Darnett seeing thorn carried down tho stream by tho swift current plunged In alto to help save tbo child which was finally rescued by tbe father as die was sinking tho last tunc, Tbe mother soon bucamo ex hoqd an-J clung to some busbes un til bclpxiuld roach her. Dest Vtnlmont on Earth I. M. Melhoy, Greenville, Tex., writes, Nov. 3dJsooQt "I had rbouma tlim lust winter, hw ama ,n bod B)x woeks; tried evoryvtji,,,, hal got no relief, till a ftlond gate rM n part of a. bdttlo of Ilallard's Snow L',nmeot. luiedlt, and got two more uttlu It cured mo and I haven't felt any thcu matlaoi sinco. I cin recommend Knnw jSfglment to be tlie host liniment on "earth for rhoumatlim.'' For rheuma tic, sciatic or neuralgic pains, rub In Ballard's Know Lloturut, you wiil net tinier lorg, uut will ij grtli.j: with a speely 8.1I ftffet'.vacur? k-, -'aiil fi -t l''iple dfugnUiro w he Cough Works off the sSfaMve lJfosiio iodine Tablets cold In oro day. No cure, no Mr. itio cms. w Wtfrnut Payment, The psrmtrit of tbo Oherokco war rsi.t nttnue. at Muskogoo and to date JBJS.OOO bus been paid out. It Is eWated that about 1200,000 Is yot tu bo paid. Stray. A black, or brown maro pony, about 8 years eld, branded "A" and "IV broke to ride. Running at G. I). Uuckncr'o, three miles southeast ot Haydcn V. O. w!3 &A, fnnri' This signature la on eterr box of the geoalM Laxative Bromo-Qulninc Tablets tho remedy that ctirre n cola In on Hey riarnage Licences. Chauncy L. Crawford-Ruth Creech, Colllnsvlllc. Silas Prlgley-Mlnple Herald.Catale. Hudson Grlmcs-Georgta Crowdor, Ilamnna. Lowls Carpenter-Ada Iludlcstoo, Oholioa. The Best Prescription for Malaria Chills and Fever Is a bottle ot Qroto's Tastoless Chill Tonlo. It It simply Iron and qulnlno In a taitelcis form. No cure, no pay. Prlco COc. w Dr. Youngblood Arrested, Dr. Youngblood, tho Adair drug gist, who has been wanted for some time on a chargo of dispensing was arrested by Deputy Gll.trap Friday about sevon mlics from that town. Ho was brought In aud locked up in tbo federal Jail here. To.Cure a Cold In One Day Take Laxative Ilrumo Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund tbe money it It falls to cure. E. W. Grute't sig nature Is 011 each box. 26c. w School Uoard Election. Tho date of tho next school board election which has been tho subject otsomo discussion is tho third Satur day in December. Sorao were under the Iniprcislun that tho election was to bo held tho first Monday In Decem ber but on consulting the statute City Attorney Wilson annouoced that the dato was tbo third Saturday. Freight Allxup, An open switch ou the Frisco, near Scraper street crossing rcaulted In a freight train, demolishing several cars on a siding Saturday. Tbo freight, which was running at a reduced rate ot speed, crashed into tho cars and piled tbrco ot them up In a mass of splintered wood. The onglno was al so badly damaged. The crew ot tbo train escaped by Jumping beforo the collision ramo. A Dangerous Month , This Is tho month of coughs, colds and acute catarrh. Do you catch cold easily? Find yourself hoarse, with a tickling In your throat and an annoy ing cough at night? Then you should always have bandy, a bottlo of Bal lard's Ilorehound Syrup. J. A. An derson, 3Gi West 61b St., Salt Lako City, writes: '"We use Ballard's nore- hnrnrt Kvrnn tor m'-tr1-- in! trf- T. gives lmmcdlato relict. We know It's the best remedy for theso troubles. I wrlto this to Induco other people to try this pleasant and efficient reme dy." 25c, 60c and f 1 at People's drug store. w Allss Meyers Receives Diploma. Aunng those who passed there cent cxamlnuCloti for graduation, from the All Saluts Training school for nurses at South McAlcstcr was Miss R. A. Meyers ot this city. Miss Meysrs was successful In passing tho difficult examination with high honors. Tbe graduating exercises were held at All Salnt'd hospital Thursday when Bishop Iirooko presented the diplomas. Jail Notes. Charged with timber cutting Dan Bullfrog, Roy Sanders, John Sanders, and Charlie Washington wero landed in tbe federal Jail yesterday by Deputy ntiodos of Tablequali. Dan Suagce ot Nowata, who was ordered by tbe court to pay a certain monthly allowance to his wife pend ing tho settlement of their domcstlo diaicultles failed to comply with the order and was brought In on a charge ot contempt by Deputy McGlnnls s Notice, Notice Is beroby given to all whom it may concern that I have bought of D. W. C. Dunoan all that part of his enclosed farm lying on tho Nt of SWi and the Wi of SKi of Section 2, Township 25, Range 20, Including the road spaco 40 feet wide around tho same; and that I have selected tbo same as an allotment for my son, Ru dolph II. Hacgert, who Is an enlisted sold lor in the U. H. army, and now do ing service In the I'hllllplnes. Mns. J.S. Martin. Chickens Are Scarce. A number of ministers wero dis cussing tbe cblekcn market this morning when Rev. ,Grerham, editor ot tho Indian Territory Baptist, said ho bad made a thorough canvass of tho poultry outlook In Indian terri tory aud could truthfully say that chickens wero never so scarce as at present. Ao a minister, Mr. Orobam has an especially cultivated talent for dissecting chickens, and his remarks wero not disputed. South McAlestcr Capital, Narrow Bscape From Drowning. RoyStcelo and Earl Kendrlck, In attempting to ford Cabin creek Friday wero caught In tbe swift cur rent and experienced a narrow escape from drowning. Tho bono which tlioy were driving was swept off Its feet and drowned. The buggy, with tbe struggling animal attached, was carried u considerable dlstanco down tbe stream, when It overturned and went to the bottom. The young men escaped with dhiicijty from tbe dan gcrou current. They wero enrouto to Pryor Oittek to attend a dance and lost the violin vjth which they were 1 j u?piy tie rnoai . Foley b Honey ami Tar forcltlldrcnsjfe.sure. Vo t7pt Foldoy Peoplts' drug elo-e. Stopst , Hire ft WHO THEY ARE. Porsonnol of tho Land Office Announced by tho Dawos Commission. Muskogee, I T., November 17. Tho Commission to tho Five Civilised Tribes ban announced tbo appointment of (be following clerks (or the Cherokee land 0OI00 to be opened at Vinila January 1: P. Q. Router, chief of the land office; Homer Needles, allotment clerkj E. O.-Funk, clerk; W. W. Wallace, index clerk; W. A. A. Davidson, law clerk; A. S. II Walklngslick and Samuel Fore, man, interpreters; Q. W. Irwin, Roy Palmer, II. M. Vance, E. 0. Rolbpnberger, E. 0. Bagwell, J. 0. Carr, stenographer; George R. Smith, J. 0. Rossen, application clerks; W. S. D. Moore, George D. Walters, James K. Gibson, Thos. J. Farrar, looatlon dorks; G. 0. Pitts, chief draughtman; Moses P. Lyons, draughtsman; Orlando B. Jones and Charles 'E. Webster, trad book clotka. FLYNN IS TALKING. Tells N ashlngton Correspondents That Chances For Statehood Are Bright. After posting unscathed through a railroad wreck, Dennis Flynn has landed in Wt shlngton with his vocal organs tuned to concert pitch. In an interview Flynn Baid ho bad not seen the members of the eub-committee of tbe Senate com mittoe on tetritories who are in vestigating the conditions in tbo three territories, as they bad not reached Guthrie when he left, but ho felt suie their investigation would convince them that tho ter ritories should be admitted as Btates. "The result of the elections in the IciritorloH will not have any especial effect upon the statehood bill's prospects," said Mr. Flynn. "Oklahoma went Republican, New Mexico gave Mr. Rodey a tromen- dous majority end tbe demooratio victory in Arizona was generally discounted. The bill will bo called up December 10, and by that time tbe statehood forces will have been organized for the contest. I feel sure the bill will be paesod." JAS. H. PARRELL, A PROMINENT CHICAGO MAN. And the Oldest Member of the Illin ol House of Representatives Makes a Recommendation. James II. Farrell ot Chicago Is one of tbo best known figures In tbe demo cratic politics ot that city. I For years he has been Marshal ot the famous Cook County Democracy Marching Club, which has participated In Dem ocratic campalgos In half tbo states ot the union, and which went to New York especially to assist In the elec tion of Mayor Van Wyck. Capt. Farrell Is tbo oldest member ot the Illinois ITouao ot Represonta-tlves-ln point of service having been a member continuously since 1837. His constituents havo elected him eight times. He has been a leader In .that body from the beginning of bis career and Is one of tbe best known figures In Illinois politics. Capt. Farrell Is 69 years of age and ono ot tbe best preserved men for his years In the Illinois Legislature, dc splto his arduous and constant duties In tbat.body, Mr. Fairell is engaged In the real estate business in Chicago. Under date of March 14, 1901, ho writes as follows: Springfield, III. Pei'sin Sruur Co., Montlcello, III. Manufacturers Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Fcpsln. Gehtlbmen: I havo found after a thorough trial that your Syrup Pep sin Is a most excellent and successful remedy for dyspepsia, biliousness and sick headache, It Is tho most effec tive and pleasing In all cases; ot this nature, and It Is with pleasure I ro commend it to others. Respectfully Yours, JAt. II. Faxrel-. Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin and Herb Laxatlvo Compound Is guaran teed to cure all forms of stomach trouble, biliousness, sick bcadacho, Indigestion and constipation. Not an Irritant but a corrective. Sold In 60c and II bottlos by People's drug store. w LEASE IS DENIED. Interior Department Puts Its Dan On Fruit Raising. Tho Interior department has de nied tbo petition of D. A. Hawortb, a Cherokee citizen living near Tulsa, to lease his lands to a nur sery company which was to plant and cultivate 10,000 peach trees, tbe company receiving pay from me proceeua 01 me orcnaru lor n term of years. Tbe department bases the ro fuaal upon tbe lack of precedent in Buch matters. The aolion prao tlcally limits the planting of tbo orchard in tbe Cherokee Nation lo tbe lesources of Individuals, and will circumscribe the orchard area for some time lo come. The effect Is far-reaching, in aa much as many,! Indians wanting to engage in fruit growing are unable (0 do bo on nc count of the Jao j&one,4ut who would, if permitted, contrect with capitftiitfte for the planting ul thousand it acres ol trees at one, t'uder tbo decision, fruit growng on a large scale is at a, etaid.'dl. AL. JENNINGS FREE. Notorious Outlaw Has Liberty. Regained Ills Al. Jennings, college graduate, lawyer, ex proseoutlng attorney of Canadian county, Oklahoma, con- violed train robber and leader of 1 the Jennings gang, which operated through the Southwest Irora 1805 to 18GV, has been releaeed from Ft. Leavenworth, where ho was landed through the tlTorlB of Deputies Bud Ledbolter and Paden Tolbert. Jennings wao one of the most picturesque characters ol the Southwest. Ho graduated from the law department of tho Univer sity of West Virginia, end laKr from tbo Virginia Military Insti tute, His father moved to Mis souri soon after the war and when Al. was through school ho joined tho family in Oklahoma. There wero lour of the Jennings boys, Ed, Frank, John and Al, all lawyors, and tho entire family was activo in territorial politics. Al. Jennings was elected prosecuting attorney of Canadian county in 1800 and again in 1802, and, with his brothers, he practiced law for tevotui years at El R'ino. In an altrecatiDn with Templo Hotis ton Ed Jennings was killed, and the killing soon led to the olhere becoming outlaws. Tho Soulhwost was the scene of all their opera tions, which included a daring train robbery at Chickasha. They were coustsntly pursueH by mar shals, and in abattlo with tbs offi cers at the "Spike S" ranch near Tulsa Al Jennings was wounded. Soveral days later be whs cap. tured in a trap laid by Deputies Ledbettor and Tlobert. Ho Berved a term in Columbia penitentiary and later wss removed to Fort Leavenworth.wbere he has obtained bis release through a technicality. THESE HAVE LOST. Interior Department Affirms Decision of Dawes Commission. Special to Dally Chieftain. Muskogee,;i. T., Nov. 17.The Commission to tbe Five Civilized Tribes has recoived from tbe Sec retary of Interior official notices that tbo deoieion of tbe Commis sion rejecting the following appli cations for citizenship in tbe Cher okee Nation havo been affirmed by tbe Secretary of the Interior: AltaTbeurer, Fort Smith, Ark.; James M. Welch, Bartlesville; Valzie Van, Fairland; Arthur J. Brown, Nowata; William Smith, jr., George 0. Summers, Fairland; Frank B. MartirJ Mottle Jackson, PatBy M, Martin, Joseph K Mar tin, Pryor Creek; Casper Peyton, Thomas H. Cooper, Helen K. Bears tick, MuBkogee; Julia Mc Bee, Miami; Lulu Martin, August Epple, Thomas L. Horn, Mary E. Roberts, William Hilderbrand, Cripple Creek, Col.; Joshua W. Wbltaker, Pryor Creek. An Oklahoma paper declares for a coach law for whites and black's and says "such a law should be onactcd as soon as we can get a governor who doesn't think a negro better t'jan himself." JOIN THB CROWD. The New Northwest Is Increas'ng from immigration, by 200,000 people yearly. This region offers a field tor farmers, stock raisers, miners, lumbermen, mil lers, fruit crowers. nnd all classes of labor. The Cody-Wyoming extension Into the Big Horn Region offers a splen did opening for the live stock and wool business and for fanning by Irrigation. The Industrial expansion that Is now the basj of wealth In the East, will be repeated in the Northwest. Give some thought toward a home In Nebraska or Minnesota, the Dakotns, Montana, North eastern Wyoming, Northern Idaho, Washington, the Puget Sound and Col umbia River region. Northwest Train to Take. "The Butllngton-Northcrn Pacific Ex press" is the oriy through train Into the Northwest territory in connection with the Northern Pacific Railroad. Through coaches, chair cars (teats free), through tourist sleepers over this short line and time saver to the Northwest. Connect- Int? tralu from Denver to Alliance in connection with tills great through train. You can reach tbe Northwest either via Kansas City, St. Joseph or Uenver, oy the Burlington Route. To the North. The Burlington has two trains dally to St. Paul and Minneapolis, reaching the valuable territory of Minnesota and the Dakota traversed by the Northeru Paci fic and Great Northern Railroads. The Burlington Is the main traveled road to tho Northwest and North. Investigate the Northwest by addressing either the Industrial Departments of the Great Northern or Northern Pacific Railroads at St. Paul, or the undersigned. L. J. BRICKER, T. P. A., 823 Main SU Kansas City. Mo. L. W. "WAKELEY, O. P. A., St. Louis. P. C. SHARON, 8.W.P.A., PSlMahi St, Kama- City, Mo. Ono Mlnuto Cough CUro. ' Is the only hsrmess cough cur6 that gives quick relief. Curd's coughs, colds, crofp, brongbKls, whooping coughyneumoola. asthma, lagrlpno aoflyi throat, chest and lung troubles "Iot sooksd by rain," says Oertrudo EFennef, Munclo, Ind., "and con tracted u sovcro cold and cough. I failed rapidly; lost 48 lbs. My druggist recommended Oats Minute Cough Cure. Tho first bottle broughte llof ('sacral cured me. . I sm.back to ID7 old weight, 144 lbs." One asTnuto 'lough Our outs the pti'egru, relieves tb'1 ooughat ooce, rtrova eut Intlam-rr-atlon, cures croup. An Meal remedy .fgr children A Y. For.iniao. dw L. X. MoQUFPIN, President. ...The Cherokee lintta, Ind. Ter. 0?1T-Xi $25,000.00. L. r. Tarker. Jr W. If. Darrnugh. V. tt. McOwrge. Fred h B. N. Itatcllfr. Thos. T. Wlmer. h. K. .IcOumn. r.very Courtesy Extended that is Consistent with 5oun Interest Paid on Time Certificates ot Deposit READ! We arc handling no ''Cheap John" goods, but we are making the cheap fellows "hunt their holes" on prices. We are selling the following lines: THOMAS GRAIN DRILLS, MITCHELL WAOONS, ' STAVES BUOQIES, SOUTH BEND WAOONS Emerson & Fisher Buggies, Sechler Buggies, Canton Line of Implements J I. Case Implements: Come and look at our goods and see i we d t treat you right. GREEN-ROOD IMPLHVLENT CO Keep 117 Toucb Witb 5&ii?t Loui? Tl-a- "-J. T A i-4 :TI)t:Ort:RrH.bllen I I7C ti L-OUIS IPrtrorAnerc. Th OrM 4wpap-ri: of the Won. The Daily Glob i-Dem-Krata without a rival in all the" west, aru' 1 ml at the very front among the re&lly great wrpera of the wo: ' and the workfof preparation tu 1903. By AtiJ, Postej Frepaitl Sfcllv, Iocludlrj" Suntfayi Oao Vs-Titt; SUtJmonUi , 00; Three Mouth j ,,'a JllyilWItbout 5 up day, One yert; JM. Month .oo;JTrec Moetln :.w 5ui)day Rditioq, One Year ti.oo; Six Months l.-oa I r The "Twic-a Week" Itsue of the GloV Dfoic-i' ii'. l, ' io J? 1 JJ lar a vetr is the greatest nswtptjaeT ban-am ofth;.- ' most exual to a daily At at the price of a -.reekly, It gives the latrat t iieivsfrom all the world every Tuesday nnd Friday. Its market rrinttsar-i dip; . t and correct in every detail. It has no equal as a home or hrai! j wni' M ought to be at every fireside In the laud. Two papers evarr w;cfc IUk'i : or more every Tnesday and Prlday, One dollar for one Tear. Sam, . :jt ' 735 ka 15 or 20 head horses and mules and a lot of wagons, harness and farm machinery. AT AUCTION, AtESTELLA, I.T., John Franklin's ranch ten miles west of Vinita, TUESDAY, NOV. 35th.- 250 cows, 100 yearling steers, 240 calves o' yearling heifers, and a number of valuab'e bull Terms: 8 months credit on approvi security., Parties desiring to purchase at private "le please come previous day. Badgett & Milford, vinitti, i.t. I ALARfl As the days are growing shorter ii is time to get up. You'll thoroughly reliable alarm clock THATWIL! WAKE YOU at the right moment. I have :ks that wtl help you get to work on tlm they don't co. great deal and are fult warranted. Only 98 Cents. 1 Other clocks from 2 to 816; when you want a clock come tee them. ' CJ'l'lne and complicated watch repairing a specialty. Motto: Not the cheapest but the BRST work at all times. AUGUST SCHLIECKER, 3 No, 16 South Wilton St. FmmiEmmmWFMFMfii PVSIl'&1Sl'9&1V9,SVlt?'. Omvhr Bagby, Tres. J. o. nAW. First National Bank, VINITA, INDIAN TRRRITORY. CAPITAL, f 100,000. W-.WW..".'.-.J Oldest and Strongest National DIRECTORS. o OUVKRBAGHY, B. F. FQRTtfBR, S. RATCJJFF. If. A. GRAHAM, . 0. HALL, G, W.CLAKK.W A. 'Al.h. Uooa a SafeOonoral Qanklns; !Jusfn. -&tsvstiws&iV9sri's&'t 'v'- PAtsSvrQrtS0AVfli.Tv(sWAvvl, Psf-tfV A. VJ JL J (aa Lumber Co.... We carry a full stock of LUMBER in the vartous grades from the'best knot holes. The best plastering material ' "Acrne" -and sharp sand will be found at our yard. IolaPartland and Louis ville cement JojXa portion of our stock . The only, trouble from our point of view is the facttfhat prices are too low. Of cmfrse you'll nof.lose any sleep over 4At till youigire lurribff Business ,-' r&. yoiueii. Come arou'.rj stock. 4 -VVtV-kw5asV'1 THOS. T, WIMER, W..R, MfcOEORQE, 1 Vlea-Presldent. OasM' National Bank.., Kellty. Banklnr . READ!! READ!!! ' GIobe-Derpocmt for the great warUV.fair StaMcrlbo lor J CLOCKS. :.-. 1 TSC i: l ticinentlr til! lu:k. Yihtn ocilry unless you have a m Jeweler and Optlcllan. - V-rres.""T. W. P. Pnn.r.:r3. v. SURPir WW. Bank In the Cherokee N B. FRAYSEX. A.h. tf f nil I .-! .-.?-. , , anyhow and An .pect .t( dofCatte s K - Ox'imrtitnf-' , K 'rum -- !-4baM-a, - tWiWMatMWyat? ?-'fw - '--, i.y.awwmfaM .Jet' raA.aftr,.(ri ?HapS!asia,flaiTte -' ,