Newspaper Page Text
- t ilim-it t rr 1 t THE INDIAN CHIEFTAIN ICHIEFTAIN PUBLISHING CO. VINITA, INDIAN TERRITORY. THURSDAY, NOV. 27, 190B. ! "'" T "tlT" Wfl'' - - lf VOL. XXI. NO. 14 III Ifi AffiKl)' 'l (A I I If I! Fifty Years the Standard tHHTA i ve5v lip Awarded Hlgfcsst Honors World's Fair. Highest tests U.S. Qov't Chemists POTENT AGENCY jln Development of the South- west is Colonization Schemo of Rail roads. I RAILROADS COMBINE In a Comprehensive Movement to Exploit to All tho World tbo Magnificent Resources of This Section. With tbo magnificent resources of the Southwest ns thoir text, the railroads traversing this rich aeo tion are preparing to send mission. if arlnn to thn fnur cornerB of thb world to Induce immigration to tfcthis land of promise IV The organization eflectod by the t' railroads will have headquarters ' in St. Louis and will be known as II the colonixation aceucv of tbe nut linrnafarri ltnpil. Offirnil will ud irDBOU iti hid ucnn ui iuu i"ir road district and the headquarters 1. - I .1 f .1. t. -l Af .1 !l opened for action on December 1. J. W. Steele, well known as the dltor of the Burlington',) Corn eit, a nu-nllily nubliBbe-l in tho interest of the Korlhwts', at pres. ent located in Chicago, has been rtjtoointcd at the htod of the agen- 'WRivllli Ihu title of cotutnissioner. ijno special committee, Messrs. Sebastian, N.chols and Snyder, 'passenger tradic managers of tho 1 Itock island, tbo Suite Fe and the i'THsco, rtHpeotively, and II. C. . Townuend, general passenger agent of the Missouri Pacific and Iron Mountain, chairman, will continue hb a managing committee &&(quj. indefinitely. They will 'periecV the details of the organiza tion in continuation with Mr. I flteele. Ijf The commissioner is a man of wim experleuco in colonization 1 work ud railroad advertising, has i a wldoTkquilntanco, 1b an accepted 1 authority on agriculture and hortl- 0) the couutry, knows the Southwest, is a writer with n rep utation among the railroads, and 'was siinaniuiouely ohoaen from I amoitg fifty applicants for the posi- lion. Tbo committee on organization 'appointed at a previous meeting : just reported to a meeting of representatives of all the lines (leading into tho Southwest, and plans wero prepared to place igenta in all parts of the world to induce immigration this way. The plans Involve the expendi- lure of 660,000 the first year.whlch will be Increased as tbe operations aro extended. PRESIDENT MISSING. Ae a Consequence tockiioldess in Wyandotte Dank Are Worried. A warrant has been issued for , the arrest of President Randolph of the Bank of Wyandotte, who : has been missing for some tlra'o, Tbe warrant was issued on the j thdiComplaint of Richard K Bruce, jo Kansas City, who paid 81,000 Hot the privilege of being cashier t the institution. Bruce. 1b not so Anxious to eeo Randolph ns ho Is I to see tho color of about 8000 that it ia alleged Randolph recolved from stook Bales never reported. Randolph came to the Territory from Iowa and organized tbe bauk, Recently the stock woe increased, and it is alloged that Randolph sold nbcu' (600 worth of tho now ye ami departed fur other fields. iir-r SU LLi tm has stood the tost 25 years. Average Annual Sales bottles. Does this record Ma - uncioacq vnn every CLAREMORE CONVENTION Wide Interest Being Token In Single Statehood Meeting. tue All of the railroads have rn sponded to tbo request of the Bin gle statehood committee nnd have granted reduced rotes to '.he Clare more convention, From varloU3 points in Okla homa comes tho assurance that Oklahoma will send n strong dele, gallon to tho convention repri aenting all political, nartios It is proposed that the OJiiven tion provide for leasing n I'ullman car to carry a party of filly dele gates, twenty-five from enoli trrrl Lory, to Washington, in the inter ests of defeating tho double state hood bill and tho Moon bill, f.nd the securing of a einglo statehood bill in lieu of the two. This ac tion is earnestly desired by tho business and farming interests generally. Tho party, as now planned will leave Vtnila for Washington on Dicouibor 5 h, ar riving at the capital on tho 8th. It is to remain until tho 12th re turning to Vlnitn on the lC-.h. In tliis party will no doubt be repre sentative men from both icrutor tea, and thoir united action will unquestionably havo some felled upon congress at a time when the statehood bills are under consld oration. Tho Claremore cmven tion promises to be an opoch maker. Every county in Okla homa is expected to send a delega tion. APPEAL TO AGENT To Protect Estates ol Creek Orphans and Incompetent. Tho Creek National Council has anticipated a threatened raid on the tribal interests of orphans and incompetents by passing the fol lowing resolution which has been presented to J. Dlair Sboenfolt of the Union Agency. lie it Resolved by tbe National Council of the MuBaogao Nation: That tho Principal Chief be and is heroby authorized and directed to confer, with the United States In dian Agent rogmdiiig the adminis tration of property of inompe louts, convicts, orphans anil de ceased persons of the Orok Ni tion, and agree upon sorai manner of caring for suoh estates, tubjsot to the law governing appointment of guardians un-J curators. Bo it further iUsolved, That the Town ChUfd ebail be required to furnish the Prinoipal Chief a list of such nnmed persons ol their re spective towoe and also reoom mend to him suitable persona who may bo appointed guardians over the orphans and incompetents of their townB. INSPECTED OFFICES. I and Cilice Officials Pleased Their Prospective Offices. With Tho alterations boing made in Aidrlch Cottage In preparation tor the opening of the land office wore inspected by Acting Chairman Tarns Bixby of the Dawes Com mliBion and P. O. Reuler and Homer Needles of the land office force Satufday night. Tho gentlemen were escorted through tho building by Dr. Oliver Bagby and expressed satisfaction at tbe progress made in the work, They tuggested some alterations which, will be completod bofore the date4Eet for the opening of the ofiico, Passing of An Old Land Mark. Osbom, tho photographer, tias made a picture of the old hardware store which has stood on the Stap ler corner for more than forty years, The picture will appear in some future issue of the Arrow. This old building is about the last of the land marks, The south half of the building was originally built by tho Cherokee Nation for a printing office and was consequent ly tho first printing office in tbe Indian Territory. When the building wbb cold and the nation moved its printing establishment to the present brioU building south of the capitol, Robert B. Rosa oc cupied it with a general stock of goods, where ho did business for several years. In a few days tho old land mark will be torn down and in lis placo will Bland the Oborokeo land oilloa and Masonio to.nplo, Arrow. Grove's Tasteless Chill Tome ofmerit appeal to you? .. . - .- . . "" .. toius a j crt genti pacnogo ox drove's TOO EXPENSIVE. Councilman Woodall Thinks Regular Sossions of tho National Council Use less Extravagance. INTRODUCES A BILL Providing For the Abolishment of Ofiicea and tho Convening of the Council Only in Ex- Inordinary Se'slon Whin Nraossary. Tbe follnwfng bill Introduced to save the nation the expense of regular scrt-lona has been Intro duced in the lower house by -Councilman Wondal), of Delaware Dis trict. An Acb to ptOvldc for the reduction of tho xiciitc if the Cbcrokco Nation: "Whereas, the Act of Congress approved July 1, J 002, and rati fied bv (he legal votetaof tho Cher okee Nation August 7, 1002, has laken from us alnnst every attri bute ol tribal g-v rnment, render ing further nets uf tbo National Council near'y unnecescary; and, Whereas, there ore offices and oondiiionB of our former govern ment still existing that demand useless expenditure of the people's money; and, WhercaB, there cannot be one dollar of our funds dis bursed without taking such money from every citizen ol this nation, and "Whereas, It is the part of wis. dom to practice the ntrioteet econ omy in winding up tho afiairs of our estate, so that the poople may have tho greatest amount per cap ita paid to them upon dissolution of our tribal government, now at our very threshold, in order to be tbe better prepared to. meet the new conditions, therefore, "Be it enacted by the National Council, Thtt the regular resions of tbe National Council bIiciI, after the presage and approval of this act, be discontinued, and oh extra ordinary ocemdons and upon the presentMliiin of problems of vital public oonuetn, the principal chief uf tbe Cherokee Nation is author iztd to convene the National Coun cil at the st at of government, for the transaction of such business as may be necessary. 1 Be it further enacted; That after the pritcnt session ol tbe National Council, tbo three ofiicea composing Ihu executive council, all committto clorks and inter preters, except one Interpreter and ono clerk for each of the two houtos of tho Nation Counollal,are hereby abolished." OKLAHOMA SURE Of Admission to Charley Statehood Curtis. "Says In an interview in Kansas City yesterday Congressman Charles Curtis reviewed the statehood sit uation aa follows: Personally," said Mr. Curtis, "I should like to see, Oklahoma, New Mexico and Arizona all three admitted, hut tbe outlook except for Oklahoma is not the brightest, 1 have always thought It was a .mietako to incorporate the claims of all three in on omnibus bill,but whatever tbo report of the senato rial committee as to the other two, I believe Oklahoma is assurod of admission. In case tho report of Ihu statehood committee is unfa vorable to Arizona and New Mex ico, the senate will probably strike out those two territories, pass the amended bill and then ask for a conference. There ia very .little doubt that the house will conrpr in whatever action is taken by the senate." mil II lajS W Ono Mlnuto Cough Curo. Is the only harmless cough curo that gives quick relief. Cures coughs, colds, croup, bronchitis, whooping cough, pneumoolu, asthma, lagrlppo aod all throat, chest and lung troubles "I got soaked by rain," says Gertrndo E Fcnncr, Muncle, Ind., "nnd" con tracted u severe cold and cough. I failed rapidly; lost 48 lbs. My druggist recommoiideu One Mlnuto Cough Core. The tint bottle brought re lief; several cured me. I am back to my old wolght, US lbs," Ono Mlnuto Cough Cure cuts tho phleam, relievos tho cough at once, draws ut Inflam mation, cures croup, An Ideal remedy for children. A. w. Foreman, dw K over Ono and a Half Million No Cure jWx-a..50oJ . . ft HII" 4 -!-- M Blade tp'4 -sUii2i uic LLJ SENATE COMMITTEE Continue In Souwtliest For Longer Period Than First Announced. The Senate tub-committee on tek Ned, now in Arizona, haa re vise urogram and will contin ue ifk -ligation for a longer perlod .an at first nnnouncod. The committee has lound It im possible to cover the ground in the timo allotted for the tour of the three territories, nnd will post, pone the return to Washington at least a week,- As a consequence of this change tbo advocates of state hood for the territories, will not open Ibdr campaign headquarters in Washington until the latter part of next week. NOTICE ISSUED To Telephone Companies Which Have Not Compiled With the Law. Tbe following notice to all tele phone companies operating in the Territory has been issued by acting Indian inspector J W.Zevely, under direction of the Secretary of the Interior: "By direction of the Secretary of tbe Interior, publio notico is hereby given that all companies or Individuals operating telephone lines in the Indian Territory, who have not already procured proper authority therefor, and complied with the provisions of section 6 of tbe act of congress approved March 3, 1002 (31 State. 1083), will be re quired to file applications and otherwise comply with tho regula tions of the department promul gated under baiu Act. "The department has obtained information aB to these telephone companies, and now expects that all companies shall make applica tions in accordance with tbe law, without further delay." "J. W. Zevkly, "Acting U. S. Indian Inspector lor Indian Territory." Muskogee, I. T Nov. 21, 1002. TO PREVENT TROUBLE. Indian Agent Considering Plan to establish Uranch OlflCis In Land Office Towns. To prevent any trouble incident to placing alSotteeBin the Chero keo, Choctaw nnd Chickasaw na tions in possession of their allot ments Col. J. Blair SboenMl is considering the advisability of es tabllshlng branch ofiicos of tbe Union Agency In the several land office towns. Ilia reason for this is that it will bo a great deal oaslor to han dle the business of each nation from where tbe land office is local ed than it will from the main of fico in Muskogee, as It will be at those places the cltizenB will ee leot their allotments and there will bo many casea in which the aid of tho Indian agent will be necessary to put the rightful alio toe in possession. The pretence of Indian police it ia thought will have a wholesome effect on the unruly oiemont and prevent any serious trouble. CAR ROBBER dithered In Uy Jim Kirk While Loot ing a Frisco Car. A man giving his name as Ed. Turner was arrested by Jim Kirk of the Frisco, while looting a freight car Saturday night. Kirk wan on duty at the Frisco station, when be discovered tbe man, who was industriously engaged in breaking open aomo boxes oon tainlng clothing, He was alone at the lime but arming himself he Blipped'quietly to the car and shoved the business end of 5 Colts undor tho surprieed thief's noae, with the command for him to alight. Tbe gun pre vented argument and the man wsb marohed to the station, where Kirk telephoned for a marshal Being unable tJ locate one be marched his prisoner with hands up to tho jail. When Bearohod a razir and a gun were found on blB person. lie is supposed to bo a member of an organized band of petty thieves, who haya boeti operating along the railroads reconlly. The preliminary hearing ol Turner was held Monday morning and waa bouud overto the grand Jwy. Foley's ll?uey and Tar for coughs and cold'i rclluijH tried and tested, safe aud u,rr Sold by People's drug store. dw Then' is uu y uno Hound Oak lloiter, It lm tno uuuio ui Um leg. xo nuvd u, jrru uanwaro rur WHO THEY ARE. Chief Bufflngton Submits the Muster Roll Of Cherokee. Attorneys. The following expensive array of tygal talent engaged at various times by the grace of the National Council at the expense of the Cherokee people has been listed by Chief Bufflngton and submitted to the council in response to a ro quest from Senator Morgan. The list is as follows: W. W.' Hasting-, in making a roll of Oherokeo citizens before the com mission to tbe five civilized tribe-; L. B. Bell, J. S. Davenport and W. W. Hastings in making Uhoro kee froedmen roll before tho com mission to the five civilized tribes; W, P. Thompson and J. S. Daven port, defending the nation's Inter est before the United States court in the matter of intruder improve ments; Wm. M. Springer, in tbe Injunction suit against the secro tary of the Interior to restrain him from granting Cherokee Oil and Gas company from mining coal, oil, gas and other minerals in tbe Cherokee nation, This suit la now in tho supreme court of tbe United States. W. T. Hutchlngsand John R. Tboma, injolning tbo commis sion to the five civilized tribes from enrolling certain persons not entitled to Cherokee citizenship; W. T. Hulcbings and John J. Hemphill, in the suit of the Dela ware Indians against tbe Cherokee nation. Tbe namo of Colonel John G. Carpenter of Kansas, who was en gaged by Chief Bufflngton last year at the instance of Senator Burton dooa not appear. The colonel haa at various limes an nounced himself as attorney .for tbe Cberokeea and his promised hiie waa 65,000 a year. No refer ence is made of any services he ever rendered or ol any warrants drawn to his order. The friends of es.Chlef MayeB are looking an.x. as and nervous while wailing for him to do or Bay something toward clearing him self of the ohargejof heir impli cated witli otherB in tho mouutroue steal of 8120,000 in the "nigger deal." His politioal enemies say that he nnd W. W. Hastings have arrangements whereby one or tbe other Is to gel the Downing party nomination. With the McOonnol report fresh in the' Cherokee voter's mind this meana death to that pirty. -Table quah Herald. Some patriotic members of the Cherokeo national council ought to introduce a resolution asking how much money Judge W. M. Springer has received for his ser vices aa attorney for tbe Cherokee Nation. The Cherokea people have a right to know. Pure and Sweetaro the Skin, Scalp, and Hair ol Infant Purified and Beau tilled by MILLIOK8 can OcTiotrru Boat, as slitod by OuTicniu. Oiktkkht, for preserving, putlf ytng, and hosuUfy- ins mo ssin, xor ciuuuing tho scalp, ana tho stopping ot falling hair, tor softening, vrnuening, ana sootbiDg red, rough, and sore hand', for baby rashes, Itching, nd chafing, and for all parposea ot tho toilet, batb, and nursery, Millions of wotnm U30 Ctrrrcciu Soap Id baths for sunojlng irrlutlous and InrUmmsUous, for too treo or oHenilvo penplrstlon, In washes tor ulceratlTO weaknesses, ana for many san ative, antUtptlo purposes which readily suggest themselves to womon. Comploto Troatmont, SI. Cuncuiu tkur (Uc.), to. ekanto tho skin ot cruris and sea'e and soften tbo thickened CUUclO. COTlCtllU OIKTMSKT (0.), to t&- stantly allav ltchlnr am ooUissift heal, and CuricuKA 1U. nil inusmmauc Inflammation, and VlLLS (iJo. j, to cool And cleanse the, tlooa. IITlCltUi llMU LYXKT Oottcuna. ItnoLTiXT Pius fChosobta OoaUil) arsaixw, UtUless, edotlru, cconoov, Ital tntxmsu tor Iht UhrW ItquU Ccriru2.1l KtiCl.TS!iT,HUlJflUltKt SQt ouwui uri wn.w fiticura SOAP 9- ?? ItOrM ( '. -,-i 9dlto ....? "k. I HK kr An -"fcTi'Jr " --., WASHINGTON'S GENEALOGY. It llm Ileen IJlalmrntPlr Trncril la Connection with SnlftrnTC Man or, Nurtuninptomshlrr. Borne excitement appears to have been caused in tho United States by the announcement that Sulgravo tnunor, In Northamptonshire, unco tho homo of the ancestor? of dcorgc Washington, is for sale. The project set on foot in America many years ago for purchasing Shakespeare's birth place at Stratford-on-Aron and rc- crcotincr It in the new land, which claims a common heritage with our selves in tho greatest master of tho English tongue, was not allowed to succeed, and Its renewal would now be impossible. nrgo Washington, however, is quite author story. If wo make a possible exception of the ax and tho cherry tree, no legends have (fathered round his name, its lived within the memory of somo who havo not long been dead, and no cryptogram can ever oxplnin away the groat hutorlo facts of his famous ca reer. It is therefore not very surpris ing that hopes should arlso of achiev ing at Sulgravo what failed at Strat ford. Certain it is that tho projectors of tho world's fair at St. Louis are In treaty for tho purchase of the plctur esquo old house which was the abode ci the Washington in the days of their prosperity, with tho Idea of transporting it, brick by brick nnd stono by stone, to the great city which has grown up in tho far west, states tbo London Standard. It Is, no doubt, difficult to setbonnds to tho extravagance of hero-worship, especially when the hero concerned was so fine a character as tbe first president, and tbe virtual founder of a powerful state. Hut the connection of Gen. Washington with Sulgrave manor is exceedingly remote. Ills family parted with it half a dozen gen erations before he was born, and it is qulto possible that he never even heard of the place. Nor Is Sulgrave in any sonse a "stately home." It is a gabled, Ivy-covered, sixteenth cen tury farmhouse, with about the same number of rooms as the typical sub urban villa. To Americans the most attractlvo detail of the house is the presence, both within and without the entrance porch, of the Washington arms, carved In stone two red bars and three stars upon a silver ground, or in the heraldic tongue, "argent, two barsgules; in Chief, three mul lets of tho second.'' Here we certainly seem to havo the origin of the stars and stripes of tho United States, flag, Washington is known to have worn theso arms upon his slgnet-rlng, al though it has been contended by pur ists in armory that he was not per sonally entitled 4o use them. The shields were probably, nlaced In tho Sulgrave porch by Laurence Wash ington, lord of the manor, who'wns twice mnyor of Northampton in the time of Henry VIII., from whomhehad received a jrant of lands which, had belonged to the priory of Canons Ash by. Ills son Hubert was tho hut, ns he had been the first, Washington of Sulgrave, for some 30 years after his death, in 1S84, the littlo estate (which now extends to 200 acres) had to be cold, the family migrating to Brighton, not far away, perhaps to be near their powerful relations, Oio Spencers of Althorp. Laureneo Washington, thd grandson of the lord of Sulgrave, Is buried In Great Brighton church, wltn others of the name, and their tombs have long been objects of pilgrimages from over the water. Th family was very prolific Laurence of Sulgrave had It children, and his grandson, Laureneo of Brighton, 17. Two of tho sons born to the latter were Knlehted. nnd tho oldest, Sir William Washington, was the brother-in-law of no less a personage than Gcorgo Vllllors, duko of Buckingham. John Washington, who emigrated to Ylrjrlnln In 1GS0. and became the great grandfather of tho president, was the son of another Laurence, an Essex clergyman, evicted from his living dur ing tho Commonwealth. Tho pedigree of this family of old English yeomen Waa long a crux to genealogists, and It was not until that remarkable Marcher of records, the late Col. Lem uel Chester, took it In hand, that the way was made plain. He came to Eng land to settlo doubtful points during ft six months' holiday. Ho remained for a generation, and it was not long before ho died "faint, yet pursuing" .-that ho unraveled his last knot, and mado It flnnlly clear that from tho modest home at Sulgrave issued the line which culminated- In the great genius who sow sleeps amid the cypresses on tho banks of the Potomac IIott Javnncso Induce- Sleep, Dr. Stclnor observed In Java n method omployod to Induco sleep. It consists In compressing tho carotid arteries. Tho oporotor sits on tho ground behind tho patlont, whose neck he seizes with both hands. Tho Index and middle fingers nre then pushed forward Into the carotids, which aro compressed toward the spine. The method ia absolutely harmless, anesthesia la rapidly ob tained nnd tho jmUent wakes promptly, with no symptoms ot nau sea or malaise -Cleveland Plain Dealer, t A NHW TOWN POR NBW 1IOMBS Ul Bertn, Texas, Offers Bvcryoue an Op portunity to Own a Home. Lots wcro sold at Lawton, Okla homa, by drawing. Tboy havo quad rupled In value lu n your. Dawton now lias 12,000 poople. Loti In 1.1 Borta, 0 each. Drawing In Decem ber. IC you want a homo, write fur full particular.) to Juntos Barter, Gcn'l Pas, and Tkt- Agt, M. K. & T. By., 618 Wuluwrlgbt BWg., fit. Louie, Mo. III I.II.I.M. It you are bilious and ueUIng' advisers, Take DoWltt's Littlo Early Risers, Oust before, golug to bed. You will Hurt on tbo morrow, You aro rid ot yuur sorrow That's all-, Just euough sala. boio famous puis do not grtpo, tut tbo bowels gently and easily, PSP tlnir tho liver Their tonkMlIecl I ftitrcnVth io Uu 'ap3s. nrovent returner, tue. disorder . -- -- - , " 'j I Bringing Out the Facts. y to l Wc want how That we give at the same price, a luwer price manieisewnere. Wc believe first, in giving- the best lumber; that money can buy, and then in making IhU price as low as possible for that kind ot lurnM, bcr. And still we prices man our. YA-, If you leaye our yard dissatisfied, iff yjnn1 own fault, because we do our level bestflo please every customer who buys btldhg material here even to giving him the tfwrt stock and the lowest prices. If that won't satisfy you what will? Any way, be sure and see us before buying; not afterwards. F. E. Mi & Ck 0 V.E ROUND OAK 02& .The Round (Name on Is the most perfect heater made. It burns all the heat ouLof the coal and don't pass off a great part of the coal in the smoke. The smoke from a oft coal ROUND OAK heater is l niore like the smoke from a wood heater. It takes less fuel, don't clinker and lasts longer than any stove made. Call at our store and have them explained to you and bs convinced. Yours for FrazeeHaiware&FiirnitnreCB wmmMmmvmwMmwmm 1 WATCHES........ In buying a watch get one that has a good reliibja,, movement one upon whose timekecpiUrf- quallueSTiyott can depend. The watches I sell maintain theb 'plaeesjfit the hcatl of the procession. Their reliability places tliem there. I have Elgin, Waltham 1 Hampden WArCIIUSiu all sues for Ladlex aud Gents, Boys and Girls at prices that please. When you wnuta good watch call and see my Hue. CK-Plne and complicated watch repairing a specialty. Motto: Not the cheapest but the BUST work a time. ' M AUGUST SCHLIECKER, & No.a6 South Wllscn st. JwUr and OpttfUi. JH ' M?s55;.SgSlWnll PB1NT1 - to make it as strong as we know v j i . , you better Lumber or equal graces; at defy you to. find .oMrl Vlnita.Int-Iai Oak Heater. the Leg.) business, 4 of all kinda promptly and proptil douc; at tins office. Prirt byj cousistfctra "Jh inatMMil ana none St ti M fl s tLjiiJluau-. - ,"i"-)", ""'' t Ul. !Mr . 4. .f .-fco.JM sJ&