)AILY MN. 'HE NITA V .,, M. , f T"n0.57. 1 V1NITA, INDIAN TERRITORY TUEBDAYEVENING, DECEMBER 16, 1902. PRICE PER WEEK 10 , r Muskogee Times Over Estimates the Effect of Senator Quay' speech In the Senate. Commenting on Senator Quay's speech effecting statehood legisla tion, delivered in the Senate laet Wednesday, the Muskogee Times eaye: "All statehood legislation seeing to be effectually blocked, though Senator Quay claims enough votes in the Senate to pans the omnibus bill. The speech made by Quay in the Senate Wednesday did In dian Territory moie harm than can be undone by all the progressive citizens in the territory in ten years. Quay has outgeneraled Beveridge and the old war horse of the Senate seems to have the statehood matter under his thumb, so to epeak." The work of "all the progressive citizens in Indian Territory" can. Dot be thus minimized and neutral ized by the intemperate speech ol one who never saw the Indian ter ritory and knows nothing of its people or sit a conditions, only that beard from others. i i $ What the Papers Say. J cannot pans, and knows also that it was offered to block legislation. I think I am perfectly faithful ic the cause of relief for the Indian Territory, and would like to have the aid of all good people out there." Beautiful wheat fields in winter as green as the flelds in other countries in April are common to Oklahoma. For thirteen year our fields of wheat have been the admiration of our people and the wonder if all visitors,, but the . wheat looks a little finer right now ,tban ever befarw- If there is aha or h n Hon tit ft this statement let him take a drive across the coun trv and be convinced that 0la homa beats the world on wheat. Times-Journal. An Okmuleee paper says thnt Theo. Gulick was forcibly ejected from the senatorial special as it was leaving Muskogee. Gulick wanted to tell tbem of the needs of the territory. The train stopped at the coal ebutes and be was in vlted to walk. -The Capital don't believe it. If Gulick wanted to ride Ihe senators would have d;s- covered his rare versatility before any ejectment thoughts were r o,A sn. fJnlick would have 1 V I aJJ vv - at.d the best thev had.South McAleeter Capital. Reoreeentati ve Stevens of Texas has introduced in the House a bill retrulatine the practice of medi cine and surgery in the Indian Territory. It provides that no person shall practice medicine or urgery as a profession without k being registered in the office of the clerk of the court in the district in which he or she offers to practice tu Kill also nrovidea that the United States judge in each dis nf tha inrritorv shall create IliVI v - ----- I for that district a board of examin ero to examine, all applicants to nractice. Ex. Sam Powell of the Indian Terri tory, who is In Washington to rep. resent some of the people on the statehood question, says: "There is no more show for Indian Terri tory to come in with Oklahoma under the substitute bill in the Senate than there was for us to get it when the omnibus bill was up in the House. The substitute is practically dead. Its friends with drew it. Whenever a vote can be had in the Senate the omnibus bill will pass, as it passed the House. Then the Moon bill will be forced to the lront and, I think, passed. The telegrams and letters coming thankiog Beveridge hnve hurl us some, tor the reesun tha we started -in to' pas'? ttt- Moon hill and switched too soon. They thick v fickle, for no one regards Sena tor Beveridge's substitute serious- Everyone here h sure that it United States Court Settings Judge Giil has issued the fol-. lowing announcement setting the terms of court iu the Northern District Vinita Second Monday in Sep tember. . Tahlequah First Monday in October. Miami Third Monday in Octo- her Pryor Creek Fourth Monday in October. Sallisaw First Monday in No- vember Claremore Third Monday in November. Nowata Fourth Monday in .No vember. Vinita First Monday after first Tuesday in December. Miami Second Monday in Jan uary. Pryor Creek T bird Monday m January. Vinita Fourth Monday in Jan- uarv. Saflisaw-First Monday in March Nowata-Third Monday in March r.lnrflmnra First Monday in April. TnhUnnah Third Monday in April. To Cure a Cold In One Day Take Laxative iiroaio Quiuine Tab lets. Ali drutfuists refund trie n.oney if It fail to cure. E. W. Grove's si nature Is on each box.; 25c. dw Letters from Women- f.,rmA htr Via iiu nf KaAal ra received dailv. Their troubles nearly all begin with indiges Uon or other stomach disorder. If the food you eat fails to give strengm 1 .,.,...;tinHv It I hKrailSA thfi iuiCCS Se- creted by the stomach and digestive organs are inadequate to iransiorm mo nuinem pub erties of the food into blood. That is inJin. inn TVia mlcm (a rir.nrived of the IllWwitwit. ... "V l amount of nourishment required to keep up the strength, ana tne resuii is mat obo or nnr.. n ih Ar-atn nrffana praduallv crows weak, and then weaker, until finally it la diseased. Hero a great misiao is m0 That of treating the diseased organ. The best doctors In the Jand make this very mistake. Why should they ? It is so easy to see that the trouble i3 not there. Cures This famous remedy puts the stomach and digestive organs in a healthy condition so that rich, rea Diooa is seni coursing iiuuugu everv muscle, tissue and fiber throughout every organ of the en tire body, ana Dy nature s law 01 neaiui, iuu strength and vigor is soon restored to each. Kodol cures indigestion, dyspepsia and all Stomach disorders. have taken Kodol tor nearly two momns after each meal and It is the only remedy that gave relief from the terrible pains I endured. After a time I would take it but onco a day, and now, while 1 keep a bottle handy I seldom need it, as n nas curea mo. Mrs. J. W, Ooolbauoh, Milo Center, N. Y. Kodol Digests What You Eat. Bottlei only. $1 .00 Size fcoldine 2 time th trial size, which sells for SO cents. Prepared by E. 0. DsWITT i CO., CHICAGO Favorite Family Remedy. v '-rpnnKnt.lv Hrcfdeuts occur in the l. t...l-4 .uV.if.li ra t:a hlirnO. P.llt.ta .i.nta uT.n iimiMPS: rur ue in ui u t:atMS. liallard's Snow Liniment haf fur mans vears beeo the cirictaut favorite family remedy. 2jc, 50c and i ot. vtr,uf' rtnikf wtore. dw . , f"v w Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. Dlests all classes of fond, tones and streoKlbens the stomach and diet- tlveortfaus. Curen dyspepnla, iiidt ueotlou, stomach troubles and make' rich red blo'd, health and strength. Kodol rebuilds woruout tissues, puri tier-, ktrenijhens and sweetem the stomach. Q Gov. O. W. Atkinson, of V. Va., say: "1 h?ve used a number i.f rwittles of Kodol ai.d have founl n to be a very effective and Indeed, a n,.orfiii irpinpdv for stt macb sil- ruents. 1 recommend It to my friends.' A. "VV. Foreman. dw Thousand Dollars' Worth of Good A IT. Thurnes. a well' knon coal oDerator of Huffalo, O., wrlts. "I have been afflicted with kidney aud bladder truuble for years, passing travel nr stones with excruciating nil 1 ri T uf.t. no relief from niedicineK I tieiran taking Foley's Kidney Cure. the.. th rPHiilt. was surprising. A few doses started the brick dut like fine stunei and now 1 have no pain across my kidneys and I feel like a new man. It has done me a $ 1000 worth of koo1 Sold by People's dru store. dw A Cold Wave. The forecast of sudden changes In the weattier serves notice that a hoarse voice and a heavy cough may Invade the sanctity of health in your own borne. Cautious people have a bottle of One MiDUte Cougb Cure al ways at hand. E. II. Wise, Madison, Ga., writes: "I am indebted to One Minute Cough Cure for my present good health, aud probably my life," It cures coughs, eolds, lagrlppe, bron chitis, pneumonia and all throat and lung troubles. One Minute Cough Cure cuts the phlegm, draws out thf Inflammation, heals and soothe the mucous membranes and strengthens tho lungs. A. W. Foreman. dw 23 m m Try Ssiiriilborinie5 Cofifee Moinndinig' DR. COSTON DODSON, Osteopathic Physician, "Up stairs in Raymond Bldg. ITmirs a to s and 7 to 8:o. Consultation free Telephone 263. Ii-8idence rnone zii. n 1 2t' 2& It vill brace you up. Almost with reverence does the grocer's Vinv rpcnrrl r SanDorns Seal Brand Often has! he been ad monished 'to bring only Chase & . Sanborn's Seal Brand,' he ' now realizes that it stands in a class by itself. Vi The be s t" people to whose houses he is sent demand this brand. X w;. No matter what Ke may forget, no matter what he may bring wrong, he never makes the mistake of bringing another kind of coffee when Seal Brand ' is ordered. Badffett -Sanders filler. Co, M&xjnnz&n dddqisqiz". . I Holiday Goods i AT 5 DRUG STORE VvX 9 Rose'5 News and Book Store What's In a Name? Everything Is la the name when It comes .to'WItcb. Hazel Salve. E. C. DeWitt & Co. of Chicago, discovered some fears ago bow to make a salve from Witch Hazel that is s specific for pile. For blind, bleeding, Itching and protruding piles, eczema, cuts, htirn. hruises and all skin diseases Ie Wilt's Silve has no equal. This hi-t given rhe to nunerou worthless counterfeit. Asic for DaWUi's the genuine. A . W. Foreman. dw ; Foley's Kidney Cure makss'kid.icys cad btedfer rr.hi S;: v r- ' .rug nwc. Too Numerous to Mention U You will have to make us a visit to see them all. We have a large stock of silver novelties and fancy articles that have been carefully selected. Diamonds Watches Bracelets All new designs, and will need to be seen to be ap preciated. "We have alt kinds of books and toys for the Children. This will be Headquarters for Christmas goods. Come and see us. . Miff K'itfMl 0 2) Ing'ersoll Watche It is just the thing for X-nias presents for the. boys. We have bought them for that purpose and we guarantee mem 10 seep goou lime ior one year and chain is only )d time for one year We have a good many other things suitable for gifts which we olfer at remarkably low prices. We invite you to come and see them and price our goods before buying elsewhere. w Our Motto: SSSSSSi- ROSE'S NEWS AND BOOK STORE. InfRaymond Building. 1 ? 4 - OtiVKU Bagby. rres.0 J. O. Haix. V-Pres. W. P. Phiiaim, Cashier First National Bank, VINITA. INDIAN TERRITORY. CAPITAL, f 100,000. SURPLUS, lfo,ooo. A Oldest and Strongest National Bank in the Cherokee Nation. 1) V DIRECTORS. j OUVfJt BAGBY, B.F.FOR7NER, E. B. FRAYSF.R, A. U CHVi.HIU, E.N. KA TCUFF, IV. A. GRAHAM. J. O. HALL, G. If. CLARK, If. E. HALSELL. Uotd a Safe General BanKintr Business. Folis a Deadly Attack. "Vy wife was to V.I that t'fcd phy :u, vvnc unable to help her,'' ri'ps ?I. M. Austin, of V'iuche-ter, ' Ind., "but was completely curd ty !.-. Kiry' ew Life ViiU." Thty '-rk wi' tler-s in sf oaeh and livf r tr..ul,5i-. Cuie cm. st ( patii n , v$ci ;; . "-."c at 1V1 ); and A. " ;'.(:;,!.' !' . t"r-.-. dw He Found aCure. U. II. Foster, 3JSS. 2d Street, Salt Lke City, wrifr: ' "I have t-pen tuiicre! IUi i!)p" S!a vt iiulipie l.i.n f r 21 yearr, have tried runry onaors without iclifcf. but I have fi ii'iii -a cnr( 111 Ilerbine. I recom mit. l it In a'l my friend-;, who are af iVctffi 1 hat, wnv. ivt it. Is curiiitr th"ni :o- at IV.'i: s ("r;;i: tt-i-re. (t 'i . - l --