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If You Want Your Orders Delivered PRO fl PTL Y Bring Them to Us Jft SUALLY people like to i know the surroundings of what they eat. A visit to our store will convince you that everything we have is fresh and clean. See our new line of China for the holidays i i .Local Sayiig5"U mm TAYLOR & LAWRENCE j TELEPHONE 66 RATCUFF'S OLD STAND. Holiday Sale WIMER DRUG CO. : AT: Perfumes, Toilet Water, Soaps Fancy Box Paper, Shell Boxes Smoking Sets, Souvenir Cuff and Collar Boxes, Decorations for Christmas, Tables, Orna ments, Toilet Sets, Pipes and High Grade Cigars, Clothes Brushes, Hair Brushes. Our Line Cannot be Excelled WIMER DRUG CO Opera House Dec. 17 n s -rinn UUcJlfV A Comedy plr with al luring musical numbers and progressive Vaude ville creations "Somethin Doing" all the J time i A host of pretty girlsl ana lamous farceus -r Hilarious exhilaration from curtain to curtain Vociferous praise tests its worth Halo Off 107 ONE GRAND CARNIVAL OF FUN By a Special Company of rare excellence headed i by the talented Comedians, Mr. Rube Welch CD. Miss Kitty Francis This i not a tramp drama, but a big musical farce comedy mith a choru of pretty girls, introducing the vejy latest musical successes. Don't Miss it. Prices 35, 50, 75c See our new bead. The sun t shining. The welcome freeze. Santa Glaus Is at Frazee's. Another national bank coming. Gingerbread at the Home Bakery. The city council met this afternoon. Ed Lee's scissors are jgood scissors. Read th new ads today for bargains. Leave orders for Santa at Frazee's. Tom Prather was down from Welch today. Pictures framed at Bruno Graffun der's. Pies. Thompson Is over from Nowata. - Home made caudlej, all kinds at the Home Bakery. Mrs. P. L. Super is In Kansas City vluitl rtg friends. A few of ibo-'e elegant pictures left at Frazee's. Senator John Franklin was In from bis Eatella ranch today Curtains to lit any ouggy at Bruno. Graffunder's. Window glass at Fore man's. Buy your ChrUtuim presents at the Baptist bazar. Tbe 5th car load of furniture since AuUbt at Frazee s. Fifteen days, uulll tbe Cherokee land office opens in Vinita. See the new hue of home made candies at the Home Bakery. c. L. Wasbbourne returned to Southwest City this morning., See tbe large assortment of holiday goods at People's drug store. MikeGabbert Is suffering with an abscess in bis head. Smiley & Graffunder will buy your second haud furniture and stoves. A new line of Morris chairs Just re ceived for Christmas at Frazee's. Mrs. Bovd Hamilton is assisting August Schlelcker during tbe holiday rush. . Freh ciudlea, strawberry, choco late and cocoanut at the Home bakery. W. R. Badgett presented bis little daughter with an elegant piano this week., Go to Ramsey & Gerlacn's and buy your bugtiy and get that set of har ness free. John M. Miller of Needmore is do ing jury service in Judge Gill's court this week. What comfort in the thought that you have a Cole's Hot Blast stove, for they are coil savers. Miss Peachie Blackstone is able to be .up aaiu alter a sevtre spell of tyiho.d fever. A Curisima present of a nice set of harness if you buy your ougy of lUoisey and Gerlacn. A complete new line of furniture specialties for the boil Jay traue. Ira zee Hardware & Furuiuiru Co. The First Nauoual Bin was dis tributing some very attractive caleu Jars lor 1903 today. Wu.hiiwi.fni Adair brouuhl In tt .-adi-ili tj Cawau & Smartt tuat wtigbs five pounds. .Money to loin in suruc from 15 t fluo on t.hort time. See J. U. Camp bell, at lUtcilff'st-tore. difw The little baby of Mr. and Mrs, George Wetib oied this morning at 11 o'clock of pneumonia. The Baptist ldles are uolng to open their bazar Thursday in tbe Mayor's office over the potorace. FOWLER for perma nent photographs, Let us name t.o you what we have that, will make nice Christinas pres ents. Frazee Hardware & Furniture Co. The Teople's drugstore has put in ajoew line of spectacles, cold, aluml nua and steel frame. We make no chares for flttin glares to eye6. Ad early attraction an1 one which themauager cfbhe opera bouse claim to be the best of It Kind will be the farcecomedy "Weary Willie Walker." FOWLER has two large skylights and is making photos as good cloudy weather as when clear. IFLA 9 (3 Suggestions for Christmas Presents The largest stock of (I 1 A 4-A O I dolls in Vinita each from' LI Wedge wood pitchers, M eaon ! Wedcre wood rilacmes ORn W V 75c U n U 1 1 ! n each Bronze Statues each Terra Cotta Plaques each. Russian Bisque vacea each .Wrought Iron Mirrors each, Pretty Medallions each Ten Pin Sets for chiidren each.. . Umbrellas for ladies from A Set of Furs for Ladies to $20 $3.50 $1.50 35c $1.00 5c .35 & 50c 50c to $5 A Set of furs for children from...... A Fine Dress Pattern from i . A fine floor rug from...... A nice pair portieres from 1.25 to 5 2 to $25 1 .25 to $45 2.50 to $6 i i B A Nice Set of: Table Linen including to $7 $1 to 1.75 .25 to 50 A pair of dress kid glovesfrom. . . . . . A Pair of Golf Gloves from Waist pins, belt pins, belt buck les, fancy combs and many other toilet articles any of which will very acceptable as a Xmas present. Any one o the above items can be had in our store at prices as reasonable as good qualities will justify. LI F V r n n n inn iu and so is the 4th of July. I bet Xmas will get here first. We will have fire crackers, dolls, toys, tops, drums, Ol those nice little rockers for the little girls, they are beauts. Come and see everything. Come early, people are buying early this year, come right away and don't be disappointed. Buy some nice large stockings so Santa can fill them. Buy something for your friends if they forget you. Come and see our line of PROFESSIONAL CARDS.- DGAR SMITH, (Mlltl A Smith.) a TTO R NKY- AT-LAW. Wil, 2and3,r.O.Ki1lrttn. V lUiia. DR.L.EXJBY, PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. fflce la New Ratcliff Building. Tele- U . 1 Viniu, Ind. Ter. IAMES S. DAVENPORT, ATTORNEY AT LAW. r s 9 nd 10, New Halaell Building, VIWITA. i. i. f 1 -ort & Hall. Attorney it Uw, W II. KORNEGAY, ATTORNKY AT LAW And Notary Public. Office in new Halfc tell building, ViniU, I. T. Will practice in all the United States court of the I. T. CHAS. W. DAY, D. D. Sold Crowu and Bridge Work a Special "y. Office over F1"! National Bank y VINITA. I. T. E.A. STUBBLEFIELD.D.n.D. Office over Estlin Furoiture Co., Gray llalscll buildlDg, ViniU. I. T. Little Dolls Big Dolls All Sorts of Dolls Pianos Doll Swings Dining Room Furniture Go Carts Cradles Beds Dishes Trunks Laundry Setj Irons Stoves Blocks Games of all kinds Books Drums Wagons Horses Trains Trolley Cars Dogs Jumping Jacks Banks Violins Banjos Foot Balls Anvills and Sledges Boats Grocery Stores Watches, Etc. See our line of Ruby Lamps and Chinaware. u Of "Weary Willie Walker" an ex change says "The farce was a most delicate and dnlnt.y lautfh provoker and the audience wa In coniiuual chuckle except attinaes wheu It broke into a roar of laughter." You can seldom afford to eat a had dinner but you can feel safe to do so Wednesday night, if you have seoured reserved seats for "Weary Willie Walker," 89 that play is said to 1 the bestof all anti-dyspeptic remedies known. Foley s Honey and Tat cures colds, prevents pneuimiu Sold by Peoples' drug sto-. Now is ttlhe To make your selection from our large line of. Holiday Goods. Make that wife of your a present of a .nice Rocker. If you don't think enough of your own wife to pet her a present, get one for somebody else's wife. We are certain that her husband will not object. We haue just received an elegant line of Rockers that are going to be sold mighty cheap. Come In and get prices on Furniture of all kinds. O, yes, those Morris Chiirs, too. See 'em. N. L ESTLIN & CO. Undertaking ina!l its branches. Telephone: Day 163. Night 134. () i i . ' i i i l i ; ( ) ) i n, 1 1 n u !! 4 ( : ( : ( i l y V " 0 it t Building, Claremore, I. T IJo