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Local Savings. ) No Darling;, I will use JL1 M(CiIM)l FIRST AID TO THE INJURED. It Cools, Soothes and Cures all Burns, Cuts, Bruises, Sprains, Insect Bites and Swellings instantly, fey sweating out the Fever and Liflammation. Every Mother should keep a bottle of PARACATvIPH in the house at all times. It prevents Pain,. Trouble and Worry. Every bottle is guaranteed to satMy or money refunded. GOLD ONLY IN . 2So- SOo. and SI OO BOTTLES. , i . i Al? JOJL, GOOD PBPOCilBTS. - v AT PEOPLE'S DRUG STORE., I Perry..... Lumber Co.... We : u'rry ; th "ar Ja. at es. ; ull stock of: LUMBER in ades from the best down to f he best plastering material "Acme" and sharp, sand will be found at our yard. Iola Partland and Louis ville cement form a portion of our stock. The only trouble from our point of view is the fact that prices are too low. Of course you'll not lose any sleep over that till you itryj the plumber business yourself. ... Come aroundjanyhow and inspect'our stock gm We Thought V&ij Everybody knew,-. Brinson& Patterson Carried, in addition to their stock of HIGH GRADE LUHBER, a full line of aiVl Excelsior Paints.-c Every gallon of which is fully guaranteed, and our price on same is lower than any other, standard paint on the market, r If you do not know it, this little "ad" will post you. We back tip our little talk, and when our recommendation of any article we sell goes out, we make it cooi. Four barrels of Peirce City White lime goes further, and makes better work than 5 barrels of any other lime on the market. We sell it. It is the "hot stuff." if you are going to do a first class job of plast ering, or mason work, ' We also have everything in the way of building material, hard plaster, sash house specialties. Sole agents for 5 of the largest mantel and tile houses in America. Come and have a talk with us about your house and barn bills. Location, WestJIllinois (st., Opp. Presbyterian Church. Fresh Meats Fine Juicy Steaks Home Made Sausage Beef and Pork Roasts Game in Season Your order promptly taken care of Vinita Meat Market. Finley Darbcr Shop. r ) We tave j ut la arTa'iou f;sV al iliair and now have f.ur chairs in operation, ?na1.l:r r tis to pe better s.-rice. Yoii'ilon't have to .-r.t T. YIZLKY, fr-.-.-k--r ' DR. WIMER, ine only Exclusive Eye, Ear and Nose HZ Specialist in the Indian Territory Syet treated ami glasses properly fited Office at Drug Store. MEREDITH BROS. Veterinary; Permanently located. Office at Wchb Bro stables, Soutr Wi!on street. OHIoe tho!v? $2, ;-o::c to. II j-.-f.i rts. Headquarters for Santa at Frazee'. New. line of picture) frames and miildinR at Smiley & Graflunder's. Itert OwIdks has gone to Seattle, Wat-bliiBton, where he has a position A nother car load of furniture la be Inu unloaded for the B'razee Hardware & Furniture Co. today Those intending to donate to the Hautist bazar will please have their tnimiH ready Wednesday. It pays to buy a buggy at Itamsev & Gerlach's. They tiive a nice set of harneiss free with each cash sale. All the Sunday schools In town are arranging for Chrlstriias trees on Wednesday evening of next week. Mls Anna Walker hai returned home fniru Italy, Texas, where she was employed in the rulllinery busi ness, , ' Don't be imposed upon by taking substitutes offered for Foley's Honey and Tar. Sold by People's dru store, dw Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Crlttendon of Dallas, Texas, are visitlnu their song Norman and Earnest Crittendon, this week. The United States jurors were dls charged for the forenoon today wulle the court heard some cases argued by the lawyers. ' FOWLER for artistic photos. E. B. Frayser Is planning to erect a brick business bouse on Illinois avenue west of badgett's sixty by one hundred feet, two stories high. Mrs. Jim Harmon and children re turned last, night from Claremore, where' they have been visiting Mr. Harmon's sister, Mrs. A. E. Ball.' The two show windows at People's drug store are worth your notice. One representing savage art and the other civilized artoftbe 20th century. Hot drinks are now being served at the People's diug store. Hot choco late, tomato bouillon and clam bouil lon are a few of the most popular beverages. The holiday rates to the Southeast this year via the "Rock Island Sys tem," Choctaw, Oklahoma & Gulf It., are unusually lowwith additional dates of sale and long limit. Ask your nearest ticket agent for full informa tion. V E. N. Rate! Iff returned from Wash ington yesterday where be had been as a delegate In the Interest of single statehood for the Indian territory and Oklahoma. He thinks it probable that the omnibus bill will be talked to death, but that It will pass if it ever comes to a vote. As a power In the national senate Mr. Ratcliff thinks Senator Quay is perhaps with out an equal. fiai-nage Licences. James M. Gilbert-Alice Layton, Exeter, Mo. N. O. Johnson-Leila LittleJohn, Nee i more. Highly Indorsed, South McAlester, I. T. Dec. 16,1902. J. H. Butler, Mgr. Opera House. Vinita, Indian Territory. , 'Weary Willie Walker" the best musical comedy ever here. Lee Garnett, Mgr. Opera House. ' Christmas Presents. Carvers, silver knifes and forks, berry spoonn, sugar shells coffee spoons, cniidren s sets, pie Knives, salad set, table spoons, dessert spoons tea spoons, dresden ware, pockei knives, razor, safety razors, nut cracks, scissors, shot guns, legglngn, hunting coats cook stoves, boys' wagons, sewing machines, everything useful am? necessary at Darrouxh Hardware Co. F razee flarduJar? and (irniKire Company... 1 VVV W 1892- 1902 Giifils for . Clhirisilinnias from 50c to $200 that are useful the year around 5olid Gold Brooches A;r::::rs... ... $3 to $25 Other Brooches from 50c to $5 00 Watch Chains For Ladies and Gents, all new and assorted Patterns at priccj from $2 tO $15 Sterling Silver Novelties Seals ' Paper Knives Darners Roller Blotters Embroidery Scissors Hat Marks Nail Files Match Boxes Stamp Boxes Key Rings And many oth r novelties. Cuff and Collar Buttons Solid Gold Cuff Buttons Solid Gold Collar Buttons 75C tO I.5O Other Cuff Buttons 35c to $10 Watches You can't please your boy any better than to give him a watch for Christmas. Our boys' wotcbes, stem wind and stem (J? w f, set, only PleUU Gents' Watches to ....j..,. Ladies' Solid Gold Watches Ladies' Gold Filled Watches .... 3.50 to 50 ... 20 to 00 10 to 30 Sterling Silver Flatware Teaspoons, set of 6. $3 50, 9$, 6, $8 Berry Spoons, $3 , Sugar Shells, I. 25 to $3.5o Olive Spoons, $i.5o to $3.60 Cold Meat Forks, f2.5o to $5 Pie Knife, !5.5o Cream Ladles, $1.25 to t3.50 A full line ot 1847 Rogers Bros. Goods Call and get prices on anything in our stock. If you are not already one of the large num ber of our customers, we will be pleared to have you call and see our goods, whether you are ready to buy or not. n n n JEWELER AND OPTICIAN. 2! aLa W s V v Coffins, Caskets and Fun eral Directors. T. F. CRUTCHFIELD, Embalmer. I WANTS. Two bouses to rent See J. J. Bpcncer. R7 WANTED Girl tor general housework. J. I. MoraiDK. dfil WANTEDSIX room house to rent. Apply to Dr. Foreman. While In the court house Mondnjr mmf one Plther eicharBfi hats with m or 1 w it It thPm 1 would (rlad 10 bavi; th? mlMu" n-i'iili .(1 as i.iy ht, v as i prcaeut from i .y son. ijjac Mi(l, Til V ANTKD- Mou to learn brhf r trade. 't fnrnish stdy prrtir hy frt-p work. I t -Ktrnci inns, tvrturog and drrrimistratioiis l y f'XjH-rt.. Mure experience In Of? rnnntli :il r.tPihiM) in on1 yfnr. Vncsand fchp r "i.: atorhivs. I'osition.s WMit- (,... r-u iti-H tf'. prfsfntfd lonrd provid ed n.aUiui; tiiaili fret'. Mok-r l':ir' -r Coil"-.-.. ji. ( :. Mo. tiiil t t 1 VJ m 1 New Year Offerings Buck's Stoves for the housewife wife who labors from morning till night. Keen Kutter Cutlery for the men who have a big Tur key to carve. Guns and Ammunition for the young man who enjoys hunting. Dainty Queensware for the young lady who enter tains a great deal Prices Right on all to the fact that you are positively throw- rX Ing money away by buying at stores where quality is never considered. When you buyat stores where quality is never consid ered. When you buy at this store you can depend upon the highest quality at as low a price as is possible Start the New Year Right Begin to save your money and trade where you can get full value for every cent expended. Fours for business in 1003, f i4mi Darrous-h Hardware Co. - . . j t 1 tf l" F7 ) .rJt r- Ji . J. W. CRAIG. M. D.. Physician and Surgeon. Office upstairs, over Cherokee National Bank, VINITA, INI). TER. Superfluous hairs, small tumors and facial blemishes permanently removed by electricity Sprains, joint troubles and rheumatism successfully treated by Electro-Thermal method. Piles treated withoutluse of knife. iffl. 1 The New Frisco Hotel has , been opened in the old Bachtel building,- half a block north of the Frisco Depot. Board by the Day or Week. Will be pleased to have all our old customers come and see us. MRS. G. A. WHITNEY, PKOP!?!mi?LSS. Gex & Miller, Livery, Sale and Feed Stable Special attention to driving tra-le. W'ngou ys-'l in connection. iifKne No 6, S'. 'ilsm St., Vinita I Do You Know Smiley & Graffunder's New & Second-hand Furniture Store S is the busiest place in town? WHY? Because they sell their goods at a SHALL PROFIT. You can buy stoves almost at Your Own Price. You can have your furniture upholstered or repaired Under Guarantee. You can have your pictures fronted from 25 cents up. If you wish to buy or soli anything, call on u Zjt at Wallon & Wilson's ohl Ftnnd. 1 Smiley & GraffunrJer. :5 ml ftr"