OCR Interpretation

The Vinita daily chieftain. [volume] (Vinita, Indian Territory [Okla.]) 1902-1913, December 17, 1902, Image 1

Image and text provided by Oklahoma Historical Society

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83025020/1902-12-17/ed-1/seq-1/

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7 U7 " 7.
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VOL. 5.
A IT i x I
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: ! i . mnvTTOn k wtTXiMTvrn m? pi? inn TCP 17 19flSL
NQ, 58. VINITA, INDIAN TJUttKiiurfcx HfiuiuvovAi " . ,
- . i ; . 7 . '
atnoinnrrr OADITAIIOT nut for this Bessioo. which will
" . mean, that it must go over to the
Alleged Newspaper M. Work Graft Fifiy-eighth congress There are
and Sign Draft For $i.ooo. on nan muiiuu peuyi-j u ..,
dian territory and their interest
. . .
R. M. Ryan, who ''blew'Mnto should be protected.
Muskogen some time ago and rep The Interior Department does
reBeuted that he was a bang-up, not look kindly upon the Moon
all-around cewspapr man who bill. 'Secretary Tli'chcock eaya
u.j BtTananrl no hid wav its Dassage would uitertre who
from Mexico to Chicago, and was the allotment of the Indian land.
taken in by the Phoenix, where he 9.v
j l ,.wii(vW In oot mimuv it W
..... ..... i itmn hirta lair to land W
in the penitentiary, unlesB he is
relieved of the i-dea that he is a
bond holder.manager of trust com-
Danies. etc. Of course be would
naturally be expected to absorb a
little inflated value lu two weeks
association with the editorial de
partment of the Phoenix, but on
that account be need Dot have
branched off as a promoter and
financier at the expense of the
Rock Island Trust Co.
The Rock Island Trust company
is engineering the sale of the new
tnwnti tin the M. K. A O.. and
Ryan went to them with a proposi
tion to establish a newspaper in
each of the towns if thty would
aeree to eive bim $1,000 in adver
Ueine. The trade was agreed upon
and Ryan requested $70 in ad
vance, to go to Kansas City and
nhiemrn where be could close
deals for the plants. The S70 was
advanced and Ryan weDt to Jvan
eas City. This was sometime ago
A few days later one of the type
foundries in Kansas City wired the
Rock Island Trust company, ask
ing if a draft for $1,000 sigued by
R. M. Ryan, manager of the hoc
Island Trust company, was good
. .ii ..
The company eeni a -uunj
J What the Papers Say. j
m t
The statehood fiht is waged l
Washington with but slight regard
to the wishes of the territories
Those who ko to Washington from
the territories find their influence
is nil, not because the national
coneress is wholly oblivious to the
desires of the people of the tern
tories. but because the greater
iseuH of the increabe of the electo
lial college and the enlargement
of the Senate overshadows the per
sonal preferences of tbe iohahi
tants of the territories. One con
gresional party believes that it is
fulfilling party pledges wden
u.lvonatKM siocle statehood, and
does not believe it incumbent upon
tbe national legislature iO provide
a referendum to determine the ex
act area or tbe exact shape of tbe
proposed new state. The mem
bers who oppose statehood lustily
their course in a belief that the
territories are Dot yet able to sub
min a state eovernment without
too heavy a tax -Oklahoma Times
Journal. ' '.
An exchanee asserts that the
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure.
Dieests all classes of food, tones and
strengthens the stomach and diges
tive organs. Cures dyspepsia, lnai
gestioD, stomach troubles and makes
rich rou blo"d. health aid strength.
Kodol rebuilds wortiout tissues, purl-
nee, fctrenghens and sweetens the
stomach. Q Gov. G. W, Atkinson, of
w. V.. savs: "I h?ve uced a number
of bot'lee of Kodol and have found It
to be a very effective and Indeed, a
nowerful fremedy for sumach ali
ments. 1 recommend It to my friends.'"
A. W. Foreman. dw
Thousand Dollars' Worth of Goqd.
A. II. Thurues, a well known oal
operator of Buffalo, O.. write. "1
hare beeo afflicted with kidney and
bladder trouble for jearw, p i-M n
gravel or toiie witb excruciating
pdiu. I got no relief from medicine
I began taking Foley's Kidney Cure,
tbeti tbe result was surprising A few
dn-ps started tbe brick dust like tine
stones and now 1 have no pain across
ni kidnevs and I feel like a new man
It has done me a $1000 worth of good."
Sold by People's drug store. d w
. A Cold Wave.
The forecast of sudden changes In
tii ivMt.np.r serves notice mat
hoarse voice and a heavy cough mai
Invade the sanctity of health In your
own home. Cautious people have a
nottle of One Minute Cough Cure al
ways at hand. E. II. Wise, Madison,
Gil., writes: "I am Indebted to une
Minute Cough Cure fur my preseiit
good health, ftfid probably my life."
It cares coughs, colds, lagrippe, bron
chitis, pneumonia and all throat and
lunir troubles. One Minute Cough
Cure cuts the phlegm, draws out the
' nf irnnla ktatehood Will be
nswur that it was not. Since that . , ,
. , xharffDfi tin to inose id louiau icr
.. . . ... . -
time nothing nap neeo oeu , ., . , onH,a the
I1LU1 V Tt UKJ f V
either Ryan or the $70. The mem
bers of the Rock Island 1 rust com-
pany seem to think they are um
against it to the extent of the $70.
The Tennessee Congressman Work
ing for Tirritorial Form of
scheme. Such silly rot is in lu e
with some of the bigoted ideas of
would. he leaders who and solace
in mnotinir an d bv resolutions de-
r - ----- 0 j
dare that "we the people," etc
want this and that. There isnoth.
ioe that Indian Territory could do
if he desired, that would change
the statehood program this winter
Resolutions from no one town or
coterie of towns will cauee sena
n.,0nitiir Moon of Tennes- tors to drop their political echemts
A v as wv i - ...
Atprdav (0red in tbe house in bot haste to abide by the de
- 0u,.intinn Hirudin the commit eiresofthe unrepresented people
,oava- J I , .
tee on rules to bring in a ruie of maian lermory. mui -
jiin . rlav not later than ritorv is not the bone ol con.en-
t io tn. tk. .naiHnration linn In tha senate this wiuter. She
wanuarjr iui v'---,w"-- t - -
nf the bill providing a territorial Hg being used by a designing pon
form of government for the Indian tician as a sledge to gain support
Thia hi . which was for a substitute measure mat uevrr
introduced by Mr. Moon at the had any show of being enacted.
last session has been favorably re Houtb aicAiester capital.
ported by tbe com Jiittee oa terri- tufe a Co, n 0ne Day
tpries and it Is uuaersiooa Take Laxative Bromo Quiulne Tab-
thr ia little opposition to it in ieu. a 11 druirlsts refund the money
.b. hm.. It provides that the if lt fails to cure. w. urove ssig-
V U V v - J I .
Indian territory shall be given a nature la on each box. -c uw
The Epworth League will meet at
the Methodist church, Friday even
In at 7:Ji) Instead of Thursday even
lug. This change Is made so those
attflndtnir school may attend. Let
us have a full meetirjg.
J. M. Gross, Pastor.
Christmas Presents.
Carvers, bilver knifes and forks,
herrv sooons. sugar shells, coriee
HDooos. children's sets, pie Knives,
form of government similar to that
of Oklahoma, Arizona and New
Mexico, with delegate representa
tion in congress, the new territory
ta be known as "JeHerson tern
tory." Mr. Moon urged its passage
. ik. last HAHHian. but it was
BKIa ftUU j
rrnwded out by tbe omnibus state
unA hill ino.e the oDeotng ol
thi sBBSion interest has been di-
i a u . A k aa htatAnnnn
rectea auogelUBt - d . gD0QB
discussion which m. f dre8den ware, pocket
the future of the Indian terr tory . . ra gaMy moM( DUt
I Samilboirinie's
you up,
Almost with
does the
1... t.avir1
Seal Brand
he been ad
monished 'to bring only
Chase &4 Sanborn's Seal
Brandt he now realizes
that it stands in a class by
itself. - , ov.
P The b e s t people to
whose houses he is sent
demand this brand. O
Ko matter what he may
forset, no matter what he
may bring wrong, he
never makes the mistake
of bringing another kind
I of coffee when Seal Brand
I is ordered. atT. -
inftamiuation. heals and pontile the
inucoiis tneiuoranes ami si,reugi,oeiiB
t he lungs. A. W. Foreman. d
Favorite Family Remedy.
Freciueu'tly accidents occur in the
Household, which cause bums, cut,
-.nraiua ehid ltruises; for uelneuch
Hses, Ballard's Know Liniment has
for many years oeen me cohhmui
f vorite family remedy. 25c, 50c and
fl at People's drugstore. ,dw
7:77777ZZ7777Z772 ajsomaia!
r H 3
Holiday Goods
Rose's News and Book Store
with that of Oklahoma, and tbe
iinnn hill has acaiu been over.
looked. Mr. Moon says the prop
osilion to admit the Indian terri.
tory with Oklahoma has no
earthly show and that be knows
.mn whv the former
.i m V. nirlnptfid in the house.
f UUUiU w
cracks, scissors, shot guns, leggings,
hunting coat?, cook stoves, boys'
waeons. sewing machines, everything
useful and necessary at Darrough
Hardware Co.
what's in a Nam?
v. vorvthins Is in the name when It
rnmei to Witch Hazel Salve. . E. O.
rifWitt & Co. of Chicago, discovered
If .nr statehood bill ia passed some years ago how to make a salve
"If any etatenoou uu v . .bat l8 a gPeciflc
it will be the omnibus, dui aumii,
i;n.r Arizona. New Mexico anaux
laboma alone," said tbe Tennt
,fe cotiarePEsan. Mean
while the Indisn territory should
brt givt-D ome delioi?e form o.
..vrumHit. The bill I have in
troduced is indorsed by democrats
ml republican. H it is not con
from Witch Hazel that is a specific
for nile. For blind, bleeding, ltcnins;
and protruding piles, eczema, cuts,
burn?, bruises ana an sain Diseases
bcWitt's Salve has no dual, mis
hu nl"n rl.e to cu'ren-us worthlrss
ounterfcitv Ask for Denitts me
Kcnuiuc. A. w. foreman.
rtr'c? tldir Cure:
mzksa kidneys &nd blssr rlht.
Too Numerous to Mention-
You will have to make us a visit to see them all. We
have a large stock of silver novelties and fa'ney articles
that have been carefully selected.
All new designs, and will need to be seen to be ap-
' predated. We have all kinds of books and toys for the
Children. -This will be Headquarters for Christmas goods.
Come and see us.
(Ebdstmae to$.
We also have a very big line of cloth bound
1 books by the best authors from 17c to $1.25. Come
early and select the titles you want before the line
' is broken. Our endeavor is to get a, liberal share '
of your patronage during your holiday shopping,
, therefore we have marked our prices down, and if
, fair dealing and low prices is what you are looking
for we are confident we will get your trade.
vyur ivxuiLU prices right i
4 4
- 4
Rose's News and Book Store
In Ravmond Build'ino'.
-ww ar ar i
Owver Bagby, rres.D 2J. O. Hai.1. V-Pres. W. P. Phjuips, Cashier.
First National Bank,
Oldest and Strongest National Bank ia the Cherokee Nation. "
Doe a Safe General Banking Business.
He Found aCure.
R. II. Foster, S13 S. 2d Street, Salt
Lnke City, wiites: "I have bren
bothered with ciysjCisu oriud'te?.
tio.n for 1 Dears, h.ive tried ran y
Moefors without relief, ut I have
fcunrt a cure iu IlerMfie. I recoin
mend it, to ail my friend, who are af
thcled that, whv, and it Is curing them
! "'0: a' IVi ie's riruc store. dv
Foils a Deadly Attack.
"My if(? , Mj il that.r'cd
ii. a nr"i.:,j i,, v., i,.
IM-M. M. AuUk, -f V.'.i cht-.-ter.
'" ";'i't m co't't'ltetv cure's v
!). jvii'h 2'ew Li liiR"
work o; (ire- in r nim-h
t ? ii I lfs. tJme itii.i irat if.:
;'rturl,r, al V ,1-, .
rrt'ii' hi's fr-w .!fr-.
1 V
t,,i,.rf'r it will be crowded
11 iiy jv i'! !' drcjr ttore.
r .

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