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Daily Chieptai INITA VOL.5. NO. 59. VINITA, INDIAN TERRITORY THURSDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 18, 1902. PRICE PER YEEII r E I ) I' STATEHOOD REST Will Sleep Through the Holi days, and Be Resurrected at the Opening After New Year. THE OPPOSITION Want Delay and la Gaining Strength Oklahoma in Fine Position, No One Qaeetiopa Her, Right To Immediate Statehood. Save for the wire pulling on the part of the ecore or more organiza tions from the territories and the parly pressure which the republi can senate oligarchy can bring to bear all statehood matters will rest until after the Christmas holidays. Senators Quay and Beveridge en teredinto ao agreement yesterday that Senator Dillingham's speech would close all discussion until January. When congress convenes after the holiday recees opponents of statehood must be prepared to take up the discussion. It was appar ent yesterday that it would be im possible to secure a quorum of enators the rest of the week to hear speeches. Senator Dilling ham talked to empty Beats. Sena tor Quay wants to epend as much time in Florida as possible during the holidays and it was therefore easy to patch up an agreement be tween the opposition forces. Every delay in the statehood de bate gives the opponents of the hill an advantage. The various. committees there from the terri tories are thoroughly disgusted They came to Washington under the impression that the fight would be over before the holiday recess. If they return home for the holidays now they will have traveling expennen piled upon them and if tney remain Washing ton hotel bills will swell expense accounts bavond all reasonable proportion. The statehood fight is no nearer solution than at the beginning of the session. Quay has the votes but all the advantage of parliamen tary position and senate organiza tion is with the opposition. New Mexico and Arizona have been mercilessly assailed. If the omnibus bill fails the ter ritories will have little hope ot statehood for years to come. They are derided by a part of the eaater n pre8 and unfair comparisons are made against them in the senate As for Oklahoma, it is in a better position than ever before. No one questions its right to statehood and compliments of the new terri tory are heard at f7ery corner. Whatever may haf H to the om nbua bill, Oklahr, admission to statehood in t .r future is inevitable. Ej, Speech made in Congress or"'1 'tatehood bill proclaims th,f jsion of Okla homa. It 11 in no way be decided tv-'' '?feat of the omni bus bill S9? p paOingham'a speech wh led the Senate for two , labored effort to prove ) utirsio lf Mexico and Arizona were O t' for statehood and that the inspect for a speedy change in t conditions was remote. The view point of the Vermont senator was provincial. Westerners in the galleries not identified with the territories were not infrequently provoked to laughter by some ot h'S statements. Friends rf Arizona and New ;Mxico wer indignant V a jti submitted remarks which e.ud things in a forcible Western ver caeular that would have alarmed the New England eenalor if lie What the Papers Say. J s Foi the tirnt tim in her history the neuro tikes a piece beside O e white man n the gmna jury in Ardmore. Iwa eonn ot Ham are on the Bait. plane with white men parsing judgement ' "Hr ("how. man. Wm tni why r(-eui g AUori"v Jo'nH'in forbad tti pu Is lication of the gran I jury li-t this yeat? Arduiorn Tri Ardmorile y vry truly: "Miiskogfe with he' great politi cal pull, inserts politic intoevmy thine. A.meetiua '" nVtriocrts has been called to nominate member for her school board If there Is any place where politics should be omitted it is on the school board. Elect cip)bU ma terial, regardless of politics, if you tvmit to make a success of your enhools." LOBSTER CLIMBS TREES. Or i Inland lea Capture of the East ! dia Inland Tbat Are Fond of (Jutoanuli. In the Eat I ndiun islands is found a curious lobster uliicli climbs trees. Al though jt prefer a home on land It at times feels a longing for the water, where it goes to moisten its gills; and here th eggs are laid, and the young are raited on the coast, where they have the benefit of Rait air, always good for children. But most of their time is ispeut inland, living at the root of trees where they have burrowed deep hollows which they carpet lux uriously with fibers stripped from co coa nuts. They come out of these home at night to climb the palm trees, for al though it seem funny to us, their climbing is quit a scriou business to them since it is-in this way that they secure the cocoanuts of w hich they are so fond and on which they live princi pally. To get at the content of the nut the lobster first teare away the fiber which covers the three "eyes." (You mutt all have- noticed those black spots on om end of a cocoa nut that makes it look like the wierd face of a monkey.) It hammer away with its claws at, thesa spots or "eyes" until a hole is made, when it extracts the" kernel by means of its smaller pincers. Sometimes af ter drilling through t.h perorated "eye" it grasps the nut in its claws and breaks' it against a stone. STUCK 10 HIS EYEGLASS. Th EnglUh Diplomat Wore It, Een Whra Ho Was Capsized la the Sea, Recently a party from the embassies at Constantinople went to Inspect the international lifeboat service on tho Black sea coast. At one of the life saving stations they thought they would like to test the conditions of life-bokt work, so, clothing themselves in bathing costumes and cork jackets. they each took an oar in a lifeboat, to the huge delight of the Turkish boat men. One of the secretaries of the British embassy is never seen without an eye glass, and is said even to sleep with it. On this occasion he was faithful to his eyeglass and solemnly embarked in a cork jacket and eyeglass. All the prop er exercises were gone through, aud finally the boat was capsized and rightedagain by its own crew. As they crept out from under the en prized boat a howl of surprise came from the Turks, for the secretary's head ap peared, with the eyeglass firmly fixed in its proper position, its owner tak ing it as a matter of course that it should be there. A Cold Wave. The forecast of sudden changes in the weather eerves notice that a hoarse voice and a heavy cough may Invade tho sanctity of health iu your owi home. Cautious people have a bottle of One Minute Onugb Cure al ways at hand, E. H. Wise, Madison, (3a., writes: "I am indebted to One Minute Cough Cure for my present good health, and probably my life," It cures coughs, cold, lagiippe, bron chitis, pueumonla and all throat and lung troubles. One Minute Cough Cure cut the phlegm, draws out th ntlaramation, heals and soothes the iiuiiiMis membranes and strengthens the lungs. A. W. Foreman. dw ONLY A LITTLE CLIP. Am lasrealoaa Device for IloKlaa; Pa yer, Which Haa Beeome Yerr Posalar. could have them. A short time ago someone put on the market an ingenious device for hold ing sheets of paper together. It took the place of the pin, says the New York Press. By "short time" is meant a matter of some five or six years. To day there are more than 20 different kinds of clips, selling from 60 cents per 1,000 to 25 cents per 100, and con siderable capital is invested in their manufacture. The same general prin ciple is followed in all, and it is as sumed that each improvement is pat ented. Corporations have been formed to make nothing but clips, aud competition ii lively. The . original patentee will no doubt become a mil lionaire, though he may moke only one cent on each 1.000 sold. It is tin- t-int- le, dirt-cheap invention that brhurs e Viiir returns something' so inex pensive that all th? millions of us tvnnt it. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. Digests all classes of food, tones and strengthens the stomach and diges tive organs. Cures dyspepsia, mdl kifbtlou, taotuacli troubles and makes rich red blood, health and strength. Kodul rebuilds wornout tissues, purl nee, btrenghens " and sweetens the stomach. a Gov. G. VV. Atkinson, of W. Va., says: "I h?ve used a number of bottles of Kodol and have found It to be a very effective and Indeed, a powerful Iremedy for sU roach ail ments. 1 recommend it to my friends.1' A.. W. Foreman. d - 1 housand. Dollars' Worth of Good A. II. Tburnes, a well known coal operator of Buffalo, O., writes. "I have been afflicted with kidney and bladder trouble for years, passing gravel or stones with excruciating pain. I got no relief from medicines 1 began taking Foley's Kidney Cure, then the result was surprising. A few does started the brick dust like fine stones and now 1 have no palo across my kidneys and I feel like a new oiao. It has done me at 1000 worth of good." Sold by People's drug store. dw IF me ; Ho ootiwe V Favorite Family Remedy. Frequently accidents occur in the household, which cause burns, cuts, sprains and bruises; for u-e In such cases, Ballard's bnow Liniment has for many years been the constant favorite family remedy. 25c. 60c and fl at People's drug tore. dw FOR GENTLEMEN. "yyE have recently added the Stacy Adams & Company's Shoes to our line of Shoes making it the most complete line of Men's Shoes in this city. Wear Stacy Adams Shoes and you will have the satisfaction of knowing: that there are none better made out of leather. Come and look over our fine footwear. You won't find any that will please you better. Call early before the stock is broken. We have anticipated the wants of our custo mers whose minds are worried over the question of a suitable Xmas gift, and we now suggest a pair of these shoes. We have a great many other things here that suggest themselves to us and will no doubt appeal to you. Vici-Kid Shoes per pair . . Patent Leathers per pair 0 50 M e r c anti 1 e C o m p a ii y ; Holiday Goods AT is oiremsni s DRUG STORE inn eseomi: rSi - Rose's News and Book Store J3 Too Numerous to Mention You will have to make us a visit to see them all. We have a large stock of silver novelties and fancy articles that have been carefully selected. Diamonds Watches Bracelets All new designs, and will need to be seen to be ap preciated. We have all kinds of books and toys for the Children. This will be Headquarters for Christmas goods. Come and see us. foreman's Hhuuj 3 SSI dbvtetmae TZoye, DOLL, GAMES, ALBUMS. BOOKS and POCKET BOOKS. We also have a very big lino of cloth bound books by the best authors from 17c to $1.25. Come early and select the titles you want before the line is broken. Our endeavor is to get a liberal share of your patronage during your holiday shopping, therefore we have marked our prices down, and if fair dealing and low prices is what you are looking for we are confident we will get your trade. Our Motto: Sg55Sl -1 Rose's News and Book Store In Raymond Building. mum b Quuununnniunz r i: n r 5 Ou v M Bagby. Pres. 2 J. O. Haix. V-Pres. W. P. Phiiaips, Cashier. First National Bank, VINITA, INDIAN TERJtlTORV, CAPITAL, $100,000. SURPLUS, S jo, 000. Oldest and Strongest National Bank in the Cherokee Nation. DIRECTORS. j OUVERBAGBY, B. F. FOR1NER, E. B. FRAYSER, A. L. CHVLHILL, E.N. KA rCUFF, W. A. GRAHAM, . O. HALL, G. W. CLARK, W. E. HALS ELL, Does a Safe General Banking Business. C3- Uut r ' 111 Woodard for i-ns. Shop north o! your it: 0 MEREDITH BROS. Veterinary' 1 rnv!'V v ? ' I ':: l- (is-.. rcrmarcntly WcV.b lire'. ?trcct loraud, 1