r. r,
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Vi i,m awgtasr-,
Published in the Only
Excltwivo Negro' jCity
. in Amnrlca.
PltlCI 11.50 A YEAR.
,...,, I. I .11 I
VOL. III. - .
LANGSTON CITY, O. T THUlttiDAY, Jt'NIO 15. 1803.
T . au ',
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Miss Wells' Lecturing
Jlcctiiig Much Favor.
Her Presentation of Southern
American Barbarism Horri
. ". fies the' People inxthe
7 ; goyign CQuntYje?V
prel to ikitWewTorlifAe.
NtwcmLic-oK-TTH, May 9 In
y IsstXbad jnet arrived in afanohee
tr where I wm booked to speak four
tlnufs is two day, but it ended in be
ing Ave, aud one fhera wm from a ul
pit ot an eleven o'clock morning ser
ti'cp. We were the guests of Mr. W.
E. A. 'Axon and bis charming wife,
whose delightful hospitality wan Ligb
ly appreciated. Mr. Axon is editor of
the Manchester Qnatdian, one of the
loading dailies of that big city, as well
na nuihor cf sovernl books. A most
interesting aseeting was held at 7
o'clock Saturday, My 7. The thinkers
and leading citizens were present.
The dircu88Bion evoked wan the
warmest, and one gentleman present
urged Innt the meeting not only pass
a resolution denouncing 'Lynch Law'
as barbnrions, not only calling upon
America to remedy the injustice and
cruelty practicod upon Afro-Amcri
cans, but that the resolution be cabled
to President Cleveland aud the foreign
news service be furnished with ncopy
Another gentleman, a young (ditnr,
atsnred me that the columns of tho
leading papene, and tuaguziues of
Great Britaiu'wvre open to nny prcs
cutatioo of tho Nfgro question from
uny of onr'wiitets. A Unitarian cler
gymnu then rose and suin be would
like his people to be iufoiiued on the
rubjtaud invited metohiH'morning
LtAl?ft,'''M'm ' '"' 'n-tttvtrS
Rl tlicJiM' or practical ubriMintnty
in our anuutry by tho prm-tico t-f lynch
JrtW, nnd iu i.ther Cliristiau countries
l-y n failure to protest against the
liHngiug, thooting mid buruitTultve of
human lyings.
At t.'ck tk I ppoke tj o large gath
f ring nnd at 7 o'clock to a crowded
Ik utc on the same subnet. The Man
Chester Guardian gave a fine report of
an interview. It wus the third inter
view accorded any one in the thirty
year existence of the paper-the sec
ond bad been given Mita Fradces E.
Willard of the W. C. T. U.
I left Kbiucheatr forNtwcaatleyea
Irrdny and epoke here three tii.ies-be
tween the hours of 5 p.m.uud 10 p.m.
At three there was an afternoon meet
iug composed mostly of women; at 7;
80'ther was a crowded house of over
600 pers-jBS and an overflow meeting
in another hill ia tho aume block. I
poke to (be flrai and Mies Impey to
the second. When I had finished an
addreM of an hour I wetrt into the
6fbertaeeting and spoke neurly an
hour also, while Mis Impey explain
""ed the workings of the society for .the
furtherance of the Brotherhood of
Mao. The people arc btteaseljr inter
sted, and the work here was gieatly
helped b; mtr hosi-MrrDovid Bich
srvlsiB weahhy BMnnfaeturer of
Intopfcw, nil hia cwltond wife. Mis.
Kichardson ia the owiv of SUta
Kicaardson who wish one or two
friends purchased Hon. Frederick
Douglsss' freedom nbc he wus in
this country nearly fifty years ago.
There ladios live here iu Newcastle,
and are aa ready to give their time
and means to thaosus of philanthro
pby as ever. Lsok of tine prevented
a visit to those who did this noble
deed, but I am deeply touched Ibat I
am permitted to know somo of those
ardent autialavery workers. I have
already knelt at the fest of Elizabeth
Pease Nicfaol and Elisa Wingbatn of
Ediuburg, both of wboawert active
ia the cause, and now I have been the
guest of the kindred of those who pur
'i hased Mr. Douglass' rreedoarsad.
whe proudly exhibit letter they hart)
just received from him. This letter
tell them, that be whom they oaee
bought as a ohattel has eatered upon
bis duties aa OommiasieflW of Hayti
at taa World's Columbia Exposition.
I leave early ia the morabg for Glas
gow again, Glatgow is, after Loadun.
the largest ally ia Great Ikitaia, and j
is not satiated with the oaa meatiaf
. held there. ,
BtasRXMaii, May 14 The past ser
a ilaye have beet aatong the bur Jeal
wok cf my life. I harepokefi eleven
times i,i fst wiffc, and tmvtleit
nearly evrrv dav. After Mven lioute
travel lt Wi-iliM'S'luy 1 reached GIk
cow at -1 i'. i ipikn at 8 p M. iu tli
Kant Kn.l, and the next evening in the
Wl. Kud. took thotrain next
mntniiiii fur Dxrlinutoii, Knlatid.
traveled all dfty reacln-d my Uektinn
titin st ix oV'nck. 1 aptikn t a
lawo audience r.t S to'dork'mid it;
Upttej)f Weariucts so much did 1 lose
cmselfdn llipsuilject'tlmt i apoku W
an liar anil fiitctii mil nti'switl.ciit
iirtes. M
Darliigton is the home of many
wealthy itiCHihciti 'ofthu Society of
Fr ends, ntnl of all tho luxury wl.ic'i
wculih luin'O, they onto taincd iih
royuKy. Tho uiectii g raa a tnot en
thtisiastic one, thanks to the i ff uts ol
Mr. Win. Cud worth and his two uin
ceo, nnd Muses Jeffrey. On tl e pint
form were teited txiine of the. tiuift
prominent c'tz"D of tlm place
alt ot whom joined in the ic-io'utioii
(InnoMiicing lh! wroig and injtisiice
to Ario'AniericMiis. Here as else
where they teemed itorritifd to think
that peraoiiH art excluded fiom
churches, toll ola, reuditi)r rooni9, ho
tels and railway cairiea for no otic
fr icanon than that iliy are "color
ed." If this B'jrpnsiB I hem. it ia
to jUll'0 of the
they leal n of th operations of Iho
cnnict leuse syateni and 'Lynch
I am in Hinniinjli in for I he fit st
quiet Sunday in aiveral. lroniain
teru till VediK8ilay i.ext who I
finibh my wtirk lure and then i to
l.ondnii fur iheflua! two wet Lb of my
day this sido. Hiving given nearly
two months to the work, I liiiistcoino
home i my owu woik, whicn bus
been neglected f-r thic-IoiA.
Dvliboratoly StnhUd To Toath for
a Trivul Offence.
Jackson, M's"., Juuo o (Special to
ibo Hiciti.n.) A lejwirt c inert to
witire inspoiident here horn Ilnzlo
hnrt, MisH, contuining prticnlarB
of oae-of therarat diabolical deeds over
committed in Ibat section of the couu
try, and challenges tho criminal ro
cord of quito a number ot otbsr states
tor a mpctKr.
At that place lives one Dr. C. E.
Otia, a white pbysicinn of a considcrn
bly largo practice. Otis wus walking
down one of the streets recently with
three other white men, when u Negro
who had been knowing the doctor for
quite a white, nnd always treated him
mauuerubie, bnt acted quite familiar
approached the doctor ami asked him
for a chew of ttbncco. This impu
dent acton of the Negro enraged the
white moii, and after cursing (be Ne
gro to ervernl Hard names drew a
long keen edged pocket knife, and
JlMKAU.aa u . 1L- 1 - a
liberally slabbed bim to deatb. Iho
"-P"-!--".- """?""' -I
others stood by and saw the horrible
butchery well doun. after which they
all rent on their way talking and
laughing, us if nothing had been done.
No arrest haa been mado as lliciloc
tor ia a prominent "Whito man, Iiik
victim was a Negro and tho deed
committed in Mississippi
' , fT
A cow boy in Texas thought be
would have some Jan with aa Afio
Amerioan and ordered him to dance,
but, it worked differently front what
lie expected. The atrauger not only
refused but kaeekedv the eew hoy
down, took hit gun away fromfbim
and thea made ;hirardaaee until he
fainted irons exhaustion;
The Circuit Court of Berkeley rouo
ty, W. Va r has decided that white
sad enlored cl ildred cannot be taught
in tl.eumn school.
James. Hiljlbe rclored man who
lias beea Pot-matrr st Vickagur
fora'long while rekigued his pokition
on he U ulrl1" His succetaor, who U
a white man, lias discharged eyeiy
Negro employee ot af the p st once
except one, the portor, and Ilia chanc
es are slim. "
C. W.Posey of Muuhall, Pa.U'lh
tim Negro crsntedtaehkW;eng)Tier'r
liflBime to jun a stesmhoet on the MmT
iabipiii riv;r snd tributsries. JU ia
now general aiaaagrr ol ihe, Drlta
aMio,c.rT.ho.tri....y. He
ii n su a BiucRiiuuicr in tnat ;uinjiany .
The Nsgro'e F,iiiure.
The corner stone ot the George R.
Smith college, Scdalif, was laid on
the 1st of, Mine. The college is named
in honor of n Virgiian bybirlb.who
grew to manhood ia Kentucky and
settled Petttt county. Mo., in 1833.
General Smith wAa a slsvtholder by
inheritance, bnt he became, when the
lines were drawn.'an enemy of slavery
and a believer in the devclopemout of
the freed people. He sold lots in Se
dalla (of whtch city bo wns the found
er) on easy terms to the colored people,
nnd designed to devote Bovcrnl lots to
the creotion for their ubo of a High
school building but died before bis
plan wns coMunrnatod. The duugn'
teia of General Smith, with n view to
commemorating their father's name
and principles, donated in 1888 twenty
five ncrcs of bind to the futinding of u
college fur the colored people. The
cuterprieo waa prosecuted under tbo
auspices of the Freeman's Aid and
Southern Educilionul escrety, and
now the corner stone has Icon luid.
It is expected the $50,000 college bud
ding will be fiuisbed ia November aud
the COO students which tho college
hTiifor with whichwillacc-mmudate will iu due time bo
iu attendance.
The history of the George R. Smith
college bo fur illustrates that, in re
gard to tbo colored people ot this
country, it in tbo unexpected that
happens. Thero was n timo when no
body could huvo oxpected n man of
General Smith's birth, breeding aud
antecedents to consider the possibili
ty of a Negro college; there wus a
timo when ho white community ouuhl
be expected to regard tbo erection of
bUch n school ia its ueigbboihood as
dtsirttbjt; there-waa,ti time, when no
o? crectig "a" building'bf magnitude;
yd tbo contractor for the Googo R.
Smith college was born n slave iu Ar
kansss. It will bo observed thut sev
eral, unexpected things hava happen
ed it is quite safe to predict that
much more will happen. Tho cesay
latstbe msguxinists who lmo figurod
out that the Negro h.i8 no future sae
exterroinatiop or banishment nre weak
in thi; that they have no ubsolnte
sure thing on prophecy, and thut they
have had no recent and confidential
communication with the Almighty,
while curren, events uro all opposed
t their theorios. Kansas City Star.
Kentucky Outlaws Deliberately Put
Tho Muzzle of Their Revolvers
in a Dying Man's Mouth
and Firo.
LouisvatE, Ky., May 22. A horribe
murder waa committed near Versallas,
Ky., at an earlr honiLlbiajnneiJcarJ
""' ouu,olu
STroauioru tlowaru mid lle . Htepb
en Daugherly from Lexington were
driving to Versaillea ia a baggy aud
seeing an owl in a tree, one of the
ministers drew bis revolver and fired
nt it, bnt hie aim sot being good miss
ed it. There was a white wnn living
uboot COO ysrds from wlfeie the shot
was fired and he jumped on his horse
snd gathered up some of his friends
and pursued the nen, who it is sup
posed, had forgotten1 all about the owl,
by the time they were overUkeu by
the whites. The white men at sight
of the preachers opened lire upon
them, mortally, wounding Rev.
Daugberity and slightly wounding
Rev. Howard., Howard managed to
make has wpe and this so enraged
a Mr. Ball; near whoae place the first
shot was fired, that he came back to
where Danhortj bad falleu aud put
the muzzle of hie revolver in the di
ing rauu's month aad irrp another
shot into bin. TljeuBcera refused
to arrest the uerderers, -but placed
the dying man jail aad refused to al
low any colored person to see bim,
until the last breath waa aboat to
escape his lips, when a preacher was
admitted; Before dying, however, be
told the minister that he bad bo re-
volver and took no part jin the (boot .
ing aad begged for bte life, bat that
iha IMHlaani.a IIIIaml aa. .. A aT
i lumnmuu Tiiuaita wsi UHl IOT,
blood aad aa uurdered, bin, The
euroaer'a jery found that Daufherty's
i .1..11.J LI.i ... ,
.uruwnaw .aMsme.se.
nsr. nowarajMa no neea aDinten. o hrrtef one haadrt J-bodia d,'M
bnt if bsahld b0iibifiri'Mi obftberaek. , The . C0KU thing 8wfjd' in
iea wilitbeWn' wlrebr..oaaflfiWnlU!rf4 yOUr.BUbifcriptiB.-ciiittAluid
atrreajisM rtt k it aafe. ' not k4n. r ' ,, cie'wis-. ?, a ' l
A--."1 .i "'- , fcr ' "L . r . :ji ..-' '! - . . JU. - 3aHBMKia&SSE&.
: i S. . '.'.ayawa. v ',, TiaB Brairnan iriMMIm-a-f - ,t "' '.'-.fc'katar 1 1 nil II ' aBMSlMl iinWllanManMaW SmwaeMmmmM
The Dekotn rher is the longest ua
aavigablo river in tho world o-cr
Their are in hegstate of Misoa;i
711 Negro public bcHooI tesclicrs and
4S1 aeliool houses havies 673 rooms,
t liese 078 rooms will sott 34,-010 pu
pits, while the enrollment is 34, ' 13;
the school enumeration is 4!). 83J.
A man from v.bili proposes to viit
tlu Wuild's Fair by watef in a rovcu-teeu-fout
vclociped kciow propcll r
boat coming irouml tho south Amer
ica coEt to tbo Gn f of Mexico, tbcu
up tbo Missi-eippi to Chicago.
W. L. Brown, hou of tho luto liieli
op brou, ami wb was formerly n
teicber in tbo Sedaliu. Mo', puulic
hi-boole, hiiB been uppoiu o.I to a pu:i
tiou in tbo 'lieaEUiy department at
Princo Roland llonapaite, the
i;raud nephew of tho I'amious Nupo
liiou, ia nearly C feut thll nnd ha a
robuft, athletic limine. He lias black
hair and wears a uuibtacho unil eyo
glnists and dresiics liku u busiuetb
Paul I iitiii'iicc Duibar, tho Nuiro
poet, of Dayton, ()., gave a recital at
Detroit, M ch , recently before an au
diciicu f he bundled at the, Nowi
lion's association. On the following
day a niept'oii wab teirduicd him by
John lkel. r of that city at which
vert; jireteiit inan of tliu moat cultur
,! piotdqjQhjtA'i'y.,
Coeil Rhidee, tho African empire
builder, has proj osed to erect a tele
K"ipli In e fr. in Capo Tow u u Ugan
ill at his own expense, auioiintin to
$"50,000; and uliiinui-ly the wires are
to bo extended to KIibiiouiii mil
down tho Nilo to Aluxaiidiia. Alter
the wires tho steel raila wi.l piotciitly
titllow liom mo end of Africa to the
lho coloied citi.ens of Atlant.i, G.i. ,
own ubuut 5,000 houses and lots, 73
s'orts, (tbrto of thise Leinj; druy
houses,)15 wngonii,nkiog shops nnd
Wbluckhniitb shops, I four-story brick
hall. Taeroare bidos in this city
live practicing pbysieiuns, ouo law
yer, 20 saddle and harness makers,
75 MM else brick inusons aud ISO
Some of the wealthy Nrgroea of
ni.iD-..., - j.--i,
$150,000; Kdwaid II. Moiris, 450,000;
Mrs. John Jonea $210,000: And row
II. Scott, 1350 000; John Howard 25,
000; Daniel Se;tt, il225,000;' Then
dore W. Ji ne, $25,000; Dr. C. H.
Uetttlt'v, $25,000: John Hunter. $175,
1000; Clmrlea Nortlinrr.$ 25,000 John
W. E. Thomas, $400,000; Eraannel
(Taekaon, $75,000; John Smith, $55,
000; Eriuk O. Hollina,, $00,000.
Cbiaese ia San Francisco own prop
erty worth $75,000,010 and control
$l5,f00,00 in cssb. During the re
cent troubles, on account of the Geary
law, they rained $125,000 by a tax of
$ 1 per head upon each resident on
the Pacific Coast, with which to de
fend themselves against the effects of
the law. It ia estimated that in the
past forty years they have shipped
$-'5,000,000 in gold to China. If
thuy should leaie the couutry today
they would carry with tbem $50,000,
in money. '
The Building in Which Lincoln Wm
Killed Becomes a Tomb.
W'mhu;cito!i, Juue Speeial.
Tbif morning at 9 o'clock, the old
Ford theatre buildiag, where Liaeola
was killed, collapsed,, reealtiag in a
a. . . . at ais . -
i i"bi umiavinni ui ill. J.n nua
ing was need by the peesioa deaart
meal. There were ever ene hwdrad
i ..:..:' "-T,T7,
government clerfea In l when it m
- A , . '..V. .. 'f B ' , 'w-t.-D'
Tcttiry F'u'folic.
Real Estate & Loan Agent.
- 0:
rARTIES Who Dealro to l'urehaa'..
Chp ClainMh
or TOWN. LOTS, Would do Well
Ry Sooing'or Corrpondingilh
m. Sprcialjly in I.ooatini
IVrsbus, On JIninin.
:- Offico In Bamforcl Building, -:
GUTHRIK, -:- 0. T.
Physician and Surgeon.
"Will bo glad to tivat pa
tioit in the country.
All Calls Promptly Attenood To.
-Call On Him-
Number 111
WiiHlitugtoii Boulv.
Langdton City,
Livery Barn.
Wimjuii- SrAi'U-roN, Proprietor.
For iiivt class Turnoutn.
Mr. Slnplolon, is nn oxpoiiwieed Liv
erynitin, nnd keopa n firht elnsa
Stnltlo and Pol it o Workmen.
When in Githrie, be Sure to put Up
With him, on Clovebud Avo.
and cheapest place to put up in the
city. Ho furnish convoyaticon at any
When c vr you fall t iret rnur rapcr,0ou
fall to notify u. aodnnt t nut ou to pay)
tor anr-uilfti ibaA-)ondcntmjii (
Wo would hnvo unr rrmlvrs to dis
tinctly uuderhtiind Hint all inoniedHe
or money in uny wy etht tint Herald
niabt be sent to tboJimiAt-n Put, Co.
Langston Citv, OrT', nnd uot to Hon.
E. P. NeCabe, or W. L. Krtglouon.
READI to wiae, and sae yourself
time aud trouble.
Notice Agents.
All money amounting to
nnd over 50ots. must be nent
by Pootal Note, Money order,
or register fetter,c and not
stmis. '
Bar If you wanfall of th
latetstnews of Oklahoma and
else-whore, aubucrlbe for the
Herald; Only $1.50 ayoar.
L yirthenk by dont you
HMisiHotu im tuts, ana rnnwe
-'-, Mnnmim't. 11 it .u
7er-" "r- wW. Tftw1lt ,,v
"""""""""BMMBMm" l- -
.... -.. r inn - r ii i r- .i..M i
Lumber Company.
Lumber, Sash, Doors, Cement,
Lime Piaster, Shinglsa, Bto.
Gravel and Felt Roofers.
Huilditig and Shfoting I'apors,
Ki-mfhig and Kooftog Material,
V lllnrk IS NorllKirUntlnfo .Ntloiiil
Guthrie - -
-! 1'AHaUHAtlSON A MOttlHS. -
It TiimiM and Uarbcd Wiro a Spticialty.
Hardware, Tinware, Stoves, Guns
Pistols acd Ammunition of ali Kicd. A llrsUto Tin and Kepaiiiog
Shop In Connection.
Bo Sure lo Cull on Tlioin for tho Best and Qlioapost Goods,
OklalNiDa Ave, Near, Railroad Depot,
Bridles, Whips,
. : , " " ROBES, BCUKETS.
t2f" Corner Firat and Oklahoma Avenue.
Well! J Knew They'd Do It
And It Don't Surprint Mu llio LeanlUlt fo TToa, TK,.
Oil KmtMky WWit M.Hriiilt Sw Misfc BrmjNes. Clfifi Eis,
Thy aro the Only Firm iu the city li.indliiitho
;VVKclXou wrint a first clacs drinkor lmoi dont fail fo ' 1
call oTTtllmr at their liewly fitlcd upnflwiu vi
9u uood Order btrictly Obacrwd, fh'
Th Popular SrucCiit.-
-3D,ieir In,- '
OfHs, mi, Mi, Sw$tl Stf liis, Fancy TtHtl Arliclis, Cigars
-i)ATTOJlNEyT LA W. k ;'
i wil
-t ..-r h.m.ui ..i.om h
.. m. ... . .. r:
Will trailx. ta 111 L. r....l 1m jit...:j L
iumKY .
Loses N-goH and BinaMtp sl,tai.
A a Jet a i at au ai ' ( 1 m-T . -. i - il' 1.5 .
tneunretwe aim una I in ails Wiiaanlnali
m,. w kmimimkAk
Oil Ihpw'ii "liicur Uiiitltrcoti j-l
: Oklahoma.
GllllilJ OklPuOJ.
.j jfi2Li.r,'
Finest nnd Che.iiM T,ii. ,.r
w VT--
.iaiMa . . . - .. ' 'I 1 ' aL.
it . 4 ! V-V 1TPM1Va W KMH tfA MB&MfliBHi . . Ul
i .k t i TrTia" n ikBi,a nw . m
wai aj me nm TrmuwrrrMse aVIner
ft rniU-rt!. .'..IITiT.aVa-.. ..'.,. VT.
r-r'-T. .. ,'- : -
,. -.! .. - - -;,T THif-
r"l. g