Newspaper Page Text
to '- '. "...- , -i - ) w ?' ' ' V S r '.r II r ., ). r; .:' THE.UMSTIK C1T.T HERALD. v. . mg ' a- ' !" I - ft f Hf-Vf;' . .. A' 'f- . rf , IrAtS.-. u .d. rv;- 1 IK, IK If. i I ? if re j rij (SPAY k. BtUux. Rio PiiorniLTtma. -Gj uiwcmrnoN ATM OniCtpyOni Vaar OnaCrvi Mentha. One CeoyThrwe Mentha ajriMVt-f'1,1" HAtm "UMl "' "I"" MhMlioM. CWtl"sahflflwl"fvfri MMth. fewHB sdwirilsMwnU .' ' for W xiwinw in laiur t'ntr UiktHwi. hntctr.UilicH(.iiii lit Ijiifflrai. O. 1 lC1ll ClSf llUltl't. ri"-,l,l,l-,,'BI'',"ii Me to Mat., ti Cwopoeits AltoiHr taiiMss Hi lor the HemW, mil Uur thn Monday. - AlMtuxe rn4mic hi mmni',l'." ' l,l!frcHeilM-r, thsl levity l thr ' " wit, uJlrMlkHi ilM.rl Mid to Ilia mliil. will In- acted. All matter eonce-wln AdvorUse mwtt, flute. Patents, etc. mui. be Mareeeedtothe luilnMiMan'ir. M-Jf yon'wBbt lo keep posted on " Okletfiaa7!! ewajargeiirnl take Tun laxciwnVCti Houi.u. MT A Agent fur us, you inttt re port Wwkly. If jm II tbo pw oa ciwUUj'uU iuuhI inntin it up and Mtd aVonr rep,".tnr.c. a tSf Studio 'd ) early aubr-erlbr i.d uc Will Kesri ou n cony of the ------- Hkiialu I jmr fiee of tfaaige. Look here renders! Notion inr headine. iiml seuJ youi , Money aeciiriuiifrtyi or Hue tvu Will ! iho Uit, ) I McnmcTiiPR A Uwutrx, are I'i.'Pi.ihii ikb and FnornirroM, and to tin oiilj yonwust tenl money, etc.' A. Lr.r.J. khiwkthkk, Editor Y Lae quite BuntDur of ed ncatid Ji-ey critic, ahJ Imtfcw seM t.n ULcrtra. frrjutllc lilt the rui)(htj rlerp r tbf-rthnBdiifliutb, iu lit Atcericau coattry. A tnaiile Udy dietl in Ike ei'y of Srtttoti Mum , m-eully, leving kt wliru fottnue to Lrr tavorH ton eat -- Let m be ebaritubla, autl tto tue Coud..a can: Y. kl'a du.M) mLui' Jitfiui), auil not nkciiit auil pmy rjaili h muck. TL atrip ll kardty b of net) be fur (teptetubtr filing tr pet-pie good aropJe time to nake il Lare, aud jtrpar for tbo all go kouie tm. TroM all eu!enee, Ood will kave lo appoist a Sergenkt at arma ia Heat ea to kfeptkvfortakea black atao in aioag ere of Ham quiet. Our people in the South had better al opt thin oM adage H gowd ran ia Utter thai a bad" stand," aud pull their freight lor Laagetott aud OkU BOMS. - u eaaBBBaaaaw!a?s . .The NgrOe 'at happier bete ia LaagtUu and OkLhiaia ia one hoar, V '- . . im ., o-i fnr ever 250 jeors, or may he to w toi yearn to coaie aBBaBBaaaasaasRR Itaeeiae so atrange, tbutoacau ctlacate, a cclcied tuuu to the vary kigbest degree, aud dreae bin ia tbe scat pleasing episode r, but be will hate audthy to down his own rucu in ipitaTur Uith. " eaaaaaawaii ia ,i i Oar pfaaeera'will get up'iu'tb'e pul pit, sad 'give hia tueuibera the very devil about spending their money, aud jet when they fail to auti up to the peator' fund, you will beur a aiigbty roar froaj the pulpit. Tbe citiwee of Laugatou city, eat, walk, steep, talk, I We, sing play work, tteud churches aud socials, nod eujoy tbe coiuforta of home, with inestimable uaeuity aud liberty. Ytt we waat note t at here to help tbe baud go sweetir. ejaaaBsacacaeaess Wo sct to put over 20,000 Ke ii t ou bouirs iu this eoajtog oj eu ,. -i i fvr this rctson we ask you to .ii -! name of yoat' fruud hA -uy t;iu th( in a psier. That lit h bold u ttoubltu( as, aud we must uid will trouole tbe Nenxs. Oirkctor Dvokak SRys Ibe tnasio of Aawrk'a, teu we kave a national 9 . Mt te biieo aacu tk u!o- dire if tbe negro, an baeia it hna I tkMrerth of originality Mil the aweelBeaa of atmpuiled nntnre. Any HAtio might go much farther and fnre wucb worto. j I TbeCniToB oftbe Hehalo ia alnaja out oa au inspection, With a ktea edtfe quill and nm to mark li'a tnrt coticeptionf. tie cotnpilo his tboughtH, nftcr a little eoiitiilirittioD, And reftroilucea Ibem printed with no griM prehbitlioiia The bitC tUb, Iho little flab, uud n.iu tiers ore nil rcutiiiiced. tnd jou can ictt contested Hint bis imrticuluia re mit bused upou lira. He ia binte I to note but iibsohttely tultratit to al) I'rtyirig freedom and equity with untlauah'd gull, Tbe traitors he gloat nnd their Hius " wiiTMirciy recall, And bo no .ipecial favura to thy (urge or to tbe small. Their doiuga nrc briefly priutett aud tout both far uud near, t'rngrapbet to yonr ouuvoinonco fui Oiiu dollar nud n bdf per your. R'luoatiou, mooey aud laud art bis plainlito provlainiitiona, Uelicvlng IliPae threo exigent to fbii ode Negio (lrntiin. Y ung tnen, tiain your uitibition drat to the elrments of honeoty and tine mai.bood; tLeiitowtrdsoondnct ing eucccsttul, iirugfct-rr. ilty gooils Moiea, btj, futmti uud other comuiercinl proles.! ur, mid not to cboi testhing nnd piracbinR, fur the world ih getting full of them. JeruBclntu: If Clint would tend u chariot dowu drawn by fotir of tbe AlcU Angela, put tha Negroes uud white fulka iu it nud start up to Hear Mi, none of our Ni groea would ak the driver to tp aud l ut Mtivb aud ucb a Ni gro off. It seems to bo iu the Ni-gro from too nail to tbe top cf the bend, to be prejudkd towards euah.utker. Tbe reasou we are treated so badly by our white frienda, ia because we aa it race stand so far apart, revel iu die tension and have soauu.y gaps down. Now if we would all come together and stick like other races, to each oth er, we would readily see uow quick mob violence and lawleseaeaa Would take its flight lato oblivion. One of Ibe worse practices tbat i(ar motbera ure so familiar with ia the sending of the little children to corner groceries, Mow in most all cases, these groceries are lined with bums aad dead beats, using all aorta of laugusge, aud this meeting tbe ears of tbe little ones, acquslate them with tbe tfrst atepe of vauity aad.ajebaaeh ery. Stop this thing mothara. Look ber yoaog people, wkaa you bear a yourgv maa vJw against phy sicial labor upon tbe grounds tbat its too hatd, dirty or disgraceful just watck hitu, for times out of 10, you will hear or ate an account of bis stealing SMuetbiug, and being s route to tha. perijeatiary. Ob, my Oar people are nlwnyagrowl iug, bringing suite and lighting about their being refused at the firit cUh hotels, barbershops, teatnurauta, Thea- trei. saloons, aud riding iu first class cars. Now if tbey wuut a free bojiss to nil tbaea things, knowing tbat tbe whilo msa will never mako concession teby in the mibcbief dout tbry put their minds aud mouey ti getber und JNailtl tbfui? Ix.Kk here brctbreu: you wbo are iu fair circumstances: Wbon yoa see one of our race u oeexl doo'i ckiee your kearie and doors agaiust bita, bat ho?p him, Reaiembar aa a people we have becu tbe viotims, of robbery, brutal oHlragt , diefrancbiaetaeot, ditcriaii uutKm und low wages, aud trying to over come tbe waves cf adversities, we rM meet witk misfortunes. We ... J straggle oa ia hopes reaieaberiag kat God'a promises are sare aael da liverauce will come by aad by. Bo tt Join heart tad hands aud tread the chillv itreaoas tc ethrr, The Negro Denoerata are detfttid eg office mid party recogoitioa. They will get it. When the Nrgro rihidet politically, and Ji.lne every parly an der the aim, then, and not till then, ill tie incite recognition naa factor jn Ainrriemt tulitfv - NVgro Solicitor TLtitViigLt, IrttLcr Tsjhr, but jin tuu'l luilc Mine if i,sr 'Ootl bless iTc I'liMuTtis" Xegrere pro Ibis Never mind, "do publceu" wlllforco tbfin to ee it bifoiv lie end of tiinr, we prnlict. flo to h with your poliliics, wo hnvc no time for Ihem now, Nl Ni 1 bybucks, we have ouo f)o f istcnodon sevrnd t'lousand ncrCN of that rich land that is to be opined about S(p tember 18lh. and ib ether eye ou those 10fl-yoii,a-to-gct-ai-ouseil No grots, We want our people to have eotuejf IhitJind, und for this grcut niin wo nrc viciously bevyii g every obftscle down, in ordr that our poo pie imiy tee the reiililv in coming mil msling m run dm free In 'inc. Freo hviecs, in tbo psrs word hem in 01.1a hotna, nnd if you wnnt to join this band, step to the pod of iletennina tion, and stamp your mind with hopo ann luiiu, and tti. inuininn (io in paid One of tlio ln(,'4ct stumbling bluols that hinder the pr.)erity of iur is Ibe pirsthiug plngno Now nhen Iho rmlnij t n.. of the gl rions sun brcou.0 lno hot, tbo hotl nnd pick griusome to rule, tbe plow, hoc and nthcr li.b..r tbnt ihidlciges tbe jli! tzerlinns and products pers pirn! ion aud bl.Mne tbo baud, as in touated by the nodes of L.ziniMt, the very first resoitns a refuge from tbosathiiigi.isii bilih uu I hymn bjok, aud to make sure uf tiivnd, they bo gin ou this text, "God loves tbo cheer ful giver." Tbit airt of nuisance never give Ii cent whether the race prospeta or uot, jiut no tbey gei their pay, and hctco the result ia our peo ple is advitrd ngainst investing ia race institutions an rpeniig Negro ontnnn Imi--iWitiirJi.-tirA' eloar us of such olwlsclta. A Pkibidelpbia ice dealer ws re reutly arrest! fr kitiing a young Negress, wbo. remonstrated. The :ce maa wae arrested and placed uuder $000. 00 booda to nppeu in Ibe. dia tiiut court. If be bad boon iu Oakalxisa tbo girls would atver have preforeil charges agaiust him. Tbe kisa would have ruited to well. Negro S dicitor. Yoa, and if tbia hud occiirod in tbo Pouth, the white tuau would have bcea ceusured to h aud back for stopping at kissing, but if bo bad l o e further, mat tars uot whether from mutual consent or brutal fore, be would have been commended in tbe highest terms: Devil of a big dilTor euce is'nt it? Wa-5HBJ-W V The meat successful man or woman, . . rr., ,m tuat man or woman) race or people, that fears God, loves righteousoesn and worketb out bin own souls salvation with fear nad trembling before God. Likewise wnst we, aa a rscc, work out our sul vatioQwOusba Neb Enterprise. Now, you tee brother Trauklin, nereis whore tbe mischief come iu. Our people oa a roce, while workiug out this soul salvation business do so with fear and trembling before both God aad man, and while the southern brother.! teahziag Ibia thing, take advantage .! their weakness and with a shot gun, rope, pistols uud heated irons, woik t jut for them, thus eav ing much trouble to many of our peo plo. At this season number of our bora autt girls are thrown upon tbe tide of life to batlh for themselves, aud with them it remains to to be seen what pert of this gieat melodrama in life tbey will perform. Hating received thut e'sMutial portion tbat enable them tooome what ditecrn their way, it is left with them solely whether tbey will cultivato it or not. Let them aim high aad work wilb au am bitioa to retch H. Let them practice fregalit, perseverance and economy aad keep ia mind that "True mau kood aad wosuubood wine." Sv aoaik T?baa i "TH ? ' HE TERRITORIAL , C-i , , Appointment Has been made after A SHORT WHIUE, AND kC W. H. Or CtTTHRIX, Triad DWinctioB of hsvirgjieen ,W tf& -'U , "-r Groceryman in They handle Tba very best aud cbonpest hue of Oratories in Guthrie. For low prices iu Sugar, coffe, Lard, feed, etc., Thoy Csu't be bouleu by aur bouse. For nice fresh Fruits; Nuts, and Candtes,Etc J3 e Sure Ca on thtmi, for thy hold the iwtlm. 4 Highest Prices for Oppodti imMm, it- .j -fcf SMITH, O. T- HAS tha nppoiutel!tbe Leadiag aud Cbospest I?Tfifir-wty---' ti Territory. 'i CotinttJ Prodact). GUTHRIE. tt -. THEOPEiSlUSTG f t new laud ia attracting macb alteatioa, bl aolt mow haa tkl Otfrageons Low Prices on Dry Goods, Clothing Etc, at -Hazlewoocl & Walker,-- The Clothiers. Dfidorcrs Ii . Dry Good. Boot and S&QM, Hatu mil i;onU furiilHfiiiig fjooda Ltlis and ijliihlroji's hosp. Millinery goods, Cotton goods Calirorri, and Fnrtcy Unio Pn ttcrtia rtf nil kind. Notions and GENTS furnisher. or tjprgnitiH. in tititf, coats, aliirts, lmndkcr:liioff, dress goods, om I'ulMjuttoiiB, etc, call on him. 4 doore West )f Post OttUv LattgHton, Okla. m PREPARED TO!rt w"' noctor Henderson J02 i 104 W. 11 OU KtUiHt Dxh-r. A ft Graduato UHrtirfnt. OUitt In AjtnJ Ltmft LxMcJ. OVER 97 Yr2ARS OF SPECIAL PRACTICE. Amhorbo.1 br thn Stnta U treat CHltOVC. RMV0U3 out 8PCCIML vavBaaajaHaaaaTSiBT DlSCtlfS. Ciiru quarantrcil or tnonur rcfuLrtd. AU rrcUlclBni "rr.UhPdrca-t, foruxc Nomnrcuryorlnjurloiumtillclues twrd. A dctmtton from worl. Putlcnts t adlctaiica IrcntoJ br tnU m.dtirrji. tledlclnciRrnt evrrr'thcrp. frei from ra.ii nr hmnk. oi;o. Charge) low. 0cr lmiHinaui. iau lima ijook luua mnii. ycuir c3" txnu OtcpUii a ucatrniCoiuulUtlcur8flCUiaccnUaci.Ul,terOBiUyorbjltttr Seminal Wcnlvn ess & Sexual Debility, i'rrAi-.'jflf(rf''Acrr)caurdbr"'iutb.ulfoHI''nm(lcxciMc.nroduclnciicTTou- 0(3', iOfoi, pimpiL:iar.ii).mcni-3i'n iucijc. " .1. ..- ...T. ol cunhaud. &c cured lor life. lean Motjc: uuDtJiJtUeaia'iaror2i.-t(ulncii.b.-kr!i(ulniA',ii'ersIuntoeoc!ctr,losiole(uiilpnwrr,)u. :i Syphilis. far life niooj Itu fornuunilKtrtrf J cun. inaiiernai-)iiir.i5c,innii i niooJ Pulxonlrir. Skin Dlrpajrx. Ulcers. 8Tl11Ioi. Here. Cnnorrhfa and aiact, and !' iurtn of Trlrato Dlucsei rxnlllvtly cured or moiief rrtjmlcJ. Hnntf turtwtasojsi, top.-, cr ptc uuurv un, truo u lUc, wlta fan uv crlptlnnotftbovo UlKcaiitm, tbo c?cci nd ourvjBUiodint!annrsptcrrirealuiiUuirs. RetiftbislltUa UokknaaiMwcrqu'llkoB.. Hma Mucaiim rt Anarnrnv ibv IHH9I.IIIII vm iH.visi7 a'runi,rv.rMLrnlupovrcr.enl.truQ!UtrAinfUitnwrnhprtBUUms1io)oaflttormarrlca, Ufo-lll.oriodelutwaiC1?uredefBtyltnrrraJith'5mluil; ohnolol Inotruo tlnn - aermoa ibin t iroros. . B.lhs t wiiifiriicjor nw w:iutf am i wmc' crt, 3DoaXtor Xit All Kind of Hard aad Tin war s. StoteHnnd Stove l'ipee nrd IttDsI!, AIqo a Full Line For L.oele, Xail.. Strowa, Tacks, Staples, Bolts RtilibiTr, l3looi 11 nje, and general scpplius, cull on him. Uh handlo-. nothing hut (iit elasi gooil-i Washington Boul LangstoN, O. T AND Harness and Saddlery. Collars, Pads of all kinds, Trace chains, Back bands' and a FINE LINE Of HORSE GOODS. They also runs a firet olnes repair nhop in connection with, t!uir'6tubliriimeiit, and is qualified to do first uIofs wurk. rCullonlhwn. a doom East of Post qiTice, Langston, : ; o. T IRVIN GBEBN -DUALCU Staple And Fancy Groceries. Fruits, 0-0 Nuts. 00 Candicfj QUEENSWARE OF ALL KIND -e Wjlwit hm Paid For l bavo just opetu'd biiincr.s rt W J, Duulap's oM stand, and will keep og baud a large, full and eontplote stock of everrthiuj? roquirvil by the trade. My A'rices vill be found aa Idw as tijly botlse in EaH Okla homa, aud I respectfully ask tbo patronage of m frieuds and The Public in Generally- &T WsbinflOB Boule.ird ULZ LANGSTON I Mh St., KANSAS CITY, MO. 30,000 o; curttl. A(aii(t ubi o'b:-"l to i Up head. rln In thebtck,D t ...- ....... .. ,.."... . ni(2i lonjflg, iisrorn losi ecxutl ocr, ro- Stricii sTflfr llfr r'ianvnoy cuno Mia - - w out CLUVIIC, CUIUD, liOfl- rMutorBosnA. Ko cxronurc. Vv, lion ten usottin treatment st hotn. rhoitinnrlfsm ThnOrentTurfctjh vncuinuiiaiu nb?uwMioaire. ASUHKCUrti: ThoKtCtcntdlxcofryln t'leatmilanf uie-ln'tnc. poetlnt glri n lie! HfOYMlosoarriuovn rovrr nrt pln In Jnluls nrnroliiafowilnyu. Benilntntrmont oi r.Jtr, vua huwp i or circular. PorMrnVnlt. Ri-plrto rlth llimHioi'i feurlosltlc.T. 'Ihn 3a3JtftiH1ln tank, vkUH I Slew lau-. Dui'Keti. Kiy ug jiim-, of Quvenware. fcw LBJ McADAMS. Is Cigars, Tobacco, .' . AND Covmtxy PRODUCE, c Gonqtr Proiace, '.'Of J- K A- 4& 1 I 4 V 1 1 .11 ,1 ' r i , w-.. & 'a. i " B la M. W' & -