Newspaper Page Text
IHE LANGSTON CITY THE HElAfj) Tho first N"v,t )n icr ipuhliyhcd in Oh rf .in; Tho Negroes Vrfflo I Ami I'lililinluMi in i rxjluruvn lmno City. Kpiiow i r inb'nt I Loaded Willi Piogn-Mivo blew, F I I l''lNilll)IluinniiCiili'rt'ncc, mill fliij.loil 111 III 1'itnnA llliitu ... li.... .H .j . v..tVf i ivij mill rnniU'll'IILI', CJLIDESOVERTIIK S'-iiurnmiri-MiKiti. ( IturuiriH'ii iur i..;i.lltl'Illl, IlinillllnU Of TIHJ Iri'O, ?RICE; SEEOUII'AI)' ON PAGE 2, WITHOUT FEAR, FAVOR. OR PREJUDICE, WE ARE FOR THE RIGHT, AND ASK NO QUARTS." Vt "".JUSTICE LANHSTON CITY O. TM SATURDAY May 7tl77Iw SINGLE COPY J VOL. VI 1, "I l-t k Hh'.p a r rv HMiALD V V LAHCSTON CITY HERALD ISSUKI) EVERY SATUKS1MY Iy The Iikiiami I'unmsiuno Oo. iiiui'tnii is the most promising town of tlir west. Those looking for substantial merit, tiiimiM wind should turn loword L n nrs(on, pro perly ow hits w ho hero- to-fore have permitted their properly to become tax ridden, ele; should rirlil about fnee, clear up Hie title put siibstan tinl, neat and lieautiful improve ments there on and receive l'o.m! rVAilvcrllMnir Itiilcn mmln Known num. ! 1'Clltllls. and nrolil on iiivivhiu.iit. niu'lloUKi'i. Colli'cllmm tiimlii tlii lln-t il ovurr ! ,.,. . ... nioinK i'iirtitfiiiuiririiMRifiiiiiiiint tin mini I"'' Lanjrston presents nl this tune A. .1. Alston Hon ok. SUBSCRIPTION RATES Ono Copy On j Yonr SI OO. Ono Codv faix Monthn (JD. Onn Cony Throo Months . . .4 i. 1 lrln Hilviinculolnstiru t'lolrlunurtlon. !(,, il, ,,,,,,, 1, ..,.:.. . e .. . I . I I i, i in. " "- miiii iiiiuii ii ii-n ii ii 1 1 t-i i KincriMi ut iin iifHtuiiici in I.IUIWI0I1. o. r. .dollars an opportunitv to realize n K8 bl'L'iiiiiI clima mum j ' ' fr .?T ., . frood profit there onandat the same Notice to Agnnts, and Correspondents. !i,,u; "s1,u,,l.is1' " ,mI,I ,,r ll ,,l,simws I in the leading section of the west. Aliordenmuttbo In for tho llm..... mil . ,.,m nt lc ilisillllwl 1 llnr limn M.iiiilin i .'...i.. All tlioso humlliiir In corrcspiiiiiloiicii will pluuso remember, Hint bicvlly In tlin kihii nr wit, nnii mil) iirtlclns uliiirt hikI to tho point will lionolod. All mattor concornlnn Atlvortloo muntu, Cuts, Pntonto, otc, must bo nclUruosol to tho Uuslnoco rVSan'Ki. "eminent counsel." -if he he up to crisis. Independence should ae-l.-nl snull. will rather sillier injus ' company recognition, tn ethan risk his nil in hopeless: ' . ,, , ,, . . ligation with a rich oppic.ssor. Atlanta ( onst,t,,l,on. It will always lie thus if lawyers' eonlinuoloinnkoourlaws. Ifihey HDV A T D A -Tlf 17 don't know what the law is in a UilljA I DA 1 1 Lilj jriven, how can they he expect- i cd to know what law in to n CUBA 10 GOVERN HERSELF, Ajrain we come, and as lie fore to applaud tlicjrnncl, condemn thelmd and continue addressinir ourM'lves to the W't'omrcs mihI iiminsil inns ill'. K3- If you viuit to kocp pr-atod on ,,,,. .i... . re i- i ,.,,. , ,, .l ' lectinjr llie conditions which con- rJllnliomix nnii ilia novo io (oucrul ' l.i!so Tnr Lanqoton City Hciaib. ,ml lll(' """"S (,f (""' (,"""',y 1""1 li a ,.. , if-'overn the .slate of num. The HV An Agont for im, yon niiiut vo I p ut Wookly. If yon ucll tho piqiors ' Ii:itAI'" '""' '"sled for ollice and ou sca.ut, yon muot mnlto it up and , other repairs and during the sus. nrnd en our i oaiitluaco. &l . j pt'ii.sion coverninr a few months If iV ly 'lcrort;u1ornl Nolico onr; hopes not to have forlitcd the re- 1 kmVk m1"'"' ""'.' U.lKl JTr! Hpoel (.fccntcniporarics. or for-ol-LsvVJlX lUiiiKiy tco.iiliiily, ' ' ju u.ii I.., H.o i..i..Mi-. tui , ten the true Mauihird of relialile, A I. Ml ...... . iini.i in, r l , ;..,. ,, . . .. ii. in ii.;- .inn iiiivinciii W! think the rot was well earned for .since our nppearance now iiitc .six years ao. through stomi and calm, we h:iveslrmrirliil .ilmur. I " -1- i-' fi lie I'iium.'oiliji unci I'.'ioi'imrrDiuj, i.u.i to us only ou timsiHiml nioiiuy itu. C'ulia must, and will l.c tree. Since a halt isaliout to he called on the lon', protracted carnival of blood in Cuba by the demand that Spain withdraw from the soil of , the unhappy island, our thoiiirhts are naturally directed to the capa bilities which C uba possesses for Kell-ro eminent. IJrief v. t leoiies ' I II 111 It'llt.tli HKiOii ill ll.t.i !.....! I i.wii .. iii, ii in i-.i-.-i hi im-, jlllll-LIII I' may be stated thus: NCubaeipial to the obligations which sef.r(iv ermncnl entails upi u her. or in she not; Hut what of Cuba's lapnhilit.Vs for self rovermuent ( In. the lirst place, sho is abundantly possessed of that spirit which is necessary to maintain imiolatc the sicreil prin ciples of freedom. Thisiscnnvinc in'ly attested by the lonr lirht which she has made aiaiiist super ior numbers in the strujle which is now in iroiricss. In spite of statt'tnentsto thecontrary. her pop ulation is more largely liouiceue Dewey's Fleet Is Tn K.v- celleni Comliliou lolo Diitile. EUROPE WILL INTERVENE. I Tin- 'ccond cnb'e difmittcli rcceixeil I I... II I....!. .1 ... . . I -- i.iMi-iiiiiiiiiii (unci' nuiioiiniii Unit (lie Spuni(,i ,'overiiiiieiieral had t.i fiiM'd Io Miriender Hie torpoili ch, Kims ami cabin cllicci, and Im h:.d i IIICMMlll-ll lllll lliriilll nf ll,.. l.,l... I. I " w"' ' " ,i""i company from coiifcniiiK with !).. wey. 'I ho uioi.siipi ended with the slate-' nii'iit dial lli riitis!if,'oerimr er Mm NliailH stitt lenient evneiMed lln Imin Imnlineiit cf Manila would l.cnin Men ', ilny niorniiiK, when tha Sj aniaid.s would cut llm cubic. 'I ho lirst of Huso cubln nirsnrp'H was receivxl at '.) o'clock veslonbiv oveiiiiifj anil the mxtiuI at lnidniKlit. I hey liae not 3t )),.(.n (;iu,n lo Hie HH ARU TIOCD IUIL B?L n L . . - . i a n ALU.' 4 f. m FOOT A8AIN, AF TER SEVERAL MONTHS (facaton.) in,.,,,-,. ll,. ..!.. . il... iiHiii.m lion,. .mi hiiiii iiiiimn Hiiwimn" v . . ,r . . inchMiKes have been re mil IIHIIJ AIWII1 rt'IMIVt' unci tlic Pons arc in tho Throes of Iiitcinnl Dis rupt iou-Hevn-n I ioro I):iyH must. Flapso Hcforo Any Authen tic. News Oitn 15c l((!civc(l From Commodore. Flee't. Do You eeivrd -ii tlioNtilijoet in London, al though the foreign ollice nxpei Is new.s from the Mritihli connil nl .Mnmln. Tlieiefom it is mippos-il (Im 0; ecla lion of the j.'overiiorof t lie nil nits nt tnlini'iit.s has been fullllletl and llm Spaniards have cut the cables ; DEWEY'S ULTIMATUM. London, .May .". Conmiiuio Dewey, according to a repot l dis patch from .Madrid. j;ave Cnplain (ieueral AiiL'ii.sti twcniv-l'inii-limn.. Wamunoton, Mny n.-Comnindoie to coinnlv with an iilliiicilmn wliii-b Dewey is llm hero or tho hour. Im-' demanded all war-iike s(ore-i and men llm world over ,1(. ,.,;,.,. sn,.,. f ,.,,,; J praiMo Ins p ek in Hi,len,,fj u Hlrni,K , f , government ollicinb. The Inn nor, without ivcomioisn:wum, and ..!4. , , ,,, , lit t hit i itk nf ifiwt riicl i mi i hi iititniu tik . What Newspaper Read? Were you over a Subscriber of THE HERALD! IF NOT, SEND IX YQVU .SlinsClMPTION Q TUZ M S uL tilL NFfJWO.lOlLRN'hl, IX OKLAHOMA. (,IttUSHUI) IN 1KJ.) , t" SStSa ., ,, , - ,, , ,. in iiin inn in inisirui-iiuii -iy iimiKS hi ... . .... ous than that of IVrn. Ar-enline, ml(lmlnr n ,, .,,.,.,, U( ,.ll()i(. w.l.l be made upon .Manila. or any ofthe other Siianish ()f ,i0s.siiiou and had taken itiinder1. ' ,H tfli say.s it is believed eoiintritintliihhcmiHplifiu. With tho yiuis of tliu land dnfensos of ! m ''idrid that the ;ovenimcnt has reseci io i ue naiurai resources (,i .Menila. il is Hie universal opi-nion ,'reaiiy cniiieoLnpiaini-cncral An- rnTTp TTTn T Ttl tl:ei-;!nd. it ii.. beallirii.ed with tlint Im is slill in iM-ellmit iliKlii 'j-'iisli authority to comply with the J j I J W ' H U A I j J-DeVOtet! 1.0 Hie 111. conlidcjuethal aiu.ther.siii.t ofeaitb either for an iiuiucdiale leaewai nl demand uontlicr course lioitK'niYfui. J- Al U il J Jjlv J I I j ( . V 4 I... ........ ...... , --.-..,-.....,, '. - - m m ii ii .. ail 'Ma , . . .1... i:..i.i ... r ..A i '. , .... . .. r " "" '"" iv... llm li;hl or for a protracted cam-! (irave events may follow publii r , . . ,, . ...,'. . . , coiiiiociuein.-u anouierspi.; oeaiu Lo! ho! Ihehau-hly shall bo and as rc-ular as the tick of the, (,Utlv productive is vet tobedis M'oil'Jilt down, Spam. c!ocl; have m fit forlli i-iu-li on,i I I ..,,,..,,. I ,,.:ii.: i ......' i. nai'rli. In his own cnimlrv li! v . . -. i imi.i ii nitiiiii uir itiui i u.ii triM'i " , .- . . l . . . ...... ' !...,. ..I I! i f .. .1 the ''lobe. To hi iellviucntion M'me "'-- ""!-f ", n-in.-u ior urn (..h.cUthaU'onlribntes '..,,.,,!, icusanan.Me.y as lo llm w A .., hiiicioi l o Lie Ainei can niivv. iiml' ' a.mii.m.hi.n, iipni knowledge of his complianci imr ii'iiiil- .i .i.ill 4.. n... I ...I. ..., ....i .. ,,,,i ,,. iiiv- uiiiiit;ii-,-r. " i.,'v.. Don't hear of mm h lynching now ,.,,.. !lnn..os?;.1( ..,. llllil.f1.:1.ll,INi i.l Cul r's pro I till ,." .!. f.t III,,' I ol.- 4. ll II' I. ..I . I ' """ l.i i.ini. miw i.iiiw. ,i.,;,.l,l.. (.. O... "'ll'1 "' MiiiiM,. w.ii;.nvi..v.. .....,- . . I - I .' ' " ., ... . in iiiiiii nun iiiiunu nil ITU pill MHO . . I r.!lr.i.1ll!ltwo.ft .,. -it. ., ....... ' ..I .ll 1 . .. t,i. ii'in i.t nil Jul-. ,i, .r ii'. I i . . .. I in. I u r, im i,l . Illll .ill i"iiiiiiniiii-ni,i K" llli'Ullnl lllll 0- n-(lav .'-.pain. A(i And tlVccales The Progress, Educational, Moral and Financial Conditin;i I'.esi.lcs It k .!) you Po.stud. with tliodoin-.t f ni,i.,i,.. . , . , -n, ' "IVIIMH.III.I, nlor- wild lioriirii n iuun no u.,.n ,,ii.:..i. ..i ' ,i .. -" i , """i iiii;ii .noun is worm ini once r , ..I.... J-r. n. iiHiirr. sue. i" eliiue and cciinlrv t hat e iiedon- , , ,. -- , . ,, i 1 1,'snniinn, diccolalt and npi'lnnih . i. Ii. ..,.. .i. .1 . lw.N . . . mi) 1'iiwnij im- ninoili-lli, ll-ltj,iui HIM- "! ilillil.ll .llll(1 I .s woriii nitMirice( iiHiiiuii nin.Mlli: l I. I I l HM" .S III lini, I I I.,.., 4 I. I ... il ... . i . ii i . it mi- l.ipci . It lias lliii lurosl hon.-i o c r!ii at on of m v t bo practically shut oil. lius i,.. , , . ., . . , " . ii. '.im-ih.ii.ioii, 01 ai , ""',,. uiu oi Ain).-Atnoi'i:;iiif.'rpumiahe(1 m Oklahoma, ', i 4- i . ". i ' l,!!l,i1":w' nifcotalt ":' viu-hhw nM ill!lliJH;( ., h() - aJternoon the Associated I' put Ki-htwill v. in. IheiUoie, Spain '" ' l,im ' '' '" "", '"'"'Mn-. thi! rich rrn.u.R Ucrcxtcn.siso imn ,,f tlm Cailisis and llm b'epuhli "L ladletins that the (lovernor Okh Jiasnobhow. Her ihiiu is cn.el '" ' ''':l'. Mji.M ai.d timber Irnds abievd iiMest f.up- car.a in :ln x: lew liour.s m.iy p.iove (ieneral of the Philippines had mr- :uid unjiiht. lh.w an she support birturin;; rotrainl. We l:im ica- plii..f ii('i:' lame v,i (.', ebony, ol alnicst iqiial ellieiu y mi n lihv in rendered. Later advices, however, ,i ( .:( e.ed. persuaded (litrtated many I't-,v'('( U'ahrary and other Spam's plans of eainpi.i;,'n. In'otous indicated that a lierce battle has A into comin.r to Okli.hnra wheie WVl'!,; f 'iKt' ,,,!!',:" :n' "lu'(' ,l,r ,ll,,ml,M,'lll',",.H rn r. oiled and ilm been in pro-ress the lar-cr part of Aj i fm mill. w.i.ifu,.ii i. 1 1 i .iliiiid (c i itii inn Sf.nii r.i tint it . . ... I 11111V. '. li'J V, I Ifltif .11 1MK.M . Il A modern adn.oniti, n will ho as! their c. r.dili, n ,(.uln.e bettered. ( Vl.r m ,,, y' m!X,Wt(U ;,',,,. Iielllul to an intamous inhuman llicir ltd nindijciiMiT, independence pera. gypsum, aulinn-ny and other Hiuer and their chances torn In n.e miner:'!.; in aliu'i.lancc mttii-n, as a sound thrashing to a boy pusv-csxjnir a code of bad mor als and a. set of dishonest lingers. coverii)r U'M acres of land past failure. It was theirs for the com- tnjr am r, r A:u.: j. r- s a r t if fi int i v, I 1 1 1 i u t rv i-. f- ri .ilmi.t im l.ittLini- tlrull for tlii.hln.ek the .lay. Spanish are h .Mimr on & lOOLV wl.ul. is h,elmr il..... no. lo ov.-i- 1eaci,,usy (o the forlii'Ication, of , tliiow ll. L.tiiiiiieiiii luleiM'iition s m .., . . , , .... ti Ciftlfili not inking ..,..,. 'mnMiv i V ,u,,"u 'I'U'U icceis c.u rem c-wwv wci.d.tof moluliilifv.Miin.i sr. .i...i. hidi id states that the An.eiicans Republican mnar ri r-ri" J f i lluM.HtliiIc d a. all i. wilt compi.lHiyolv, and '''saturated their bombs with SUbSCflbp foi' thP HPRAI of, Cuba produced not lo ,ll0 ,ml ()f fo,ri,,B.S,,,, ii,., ,. idtro-lycerine and that the whole '1 IO 1UI Ll IW AlILnML, less than Si:,,Wlt tons, of nil ., jH prostrated bv llm news 'il.V Manila is lioinir destroyed Aio cjunpiuVn .sheets like lltis .'d things some not for the At-k the "Oklahoma (luide" As worse, for advanlaires and oppor n politic-il projihet the (luide is a tnnities have multiplied with ae, wonder. How cImm-oiiM it be when j !""l '' s'dl remain, therefore, asa its very soul is soaked to tho utter-' l1111'1 ' l'"' business and jiolicy of most in the puuU If the (Juide, ,,1' Hi:it.i,i) topoint out Oklahoma, however, is overanxious about the, ""'I !' west and south-west to the Herald's puriioM' we kindlv re-' hop'd'ul and nspiriuir younir man. ... . i - - . I thetakiii". Times have ,. . "'"" w r3 ""?". " 1'ono l.,o is prostrated by llm news '' l .Manila is l.ein destroyed " i w IulU nnitiimt . lie iii:'i i.,il TIs "0 1 ,.r .i... .!....... i...i... o i. , I... i,.,. 'ri.:..: i 1...1: 1 mm... I thill" not for the' """1 ,w ,,m npiontn arum. ".' " iu,- is uui kuiiocii. 1 lie -' ' 1 t ns. In the KMiii( 1101-iiwl slu lii-M. I.nlnl inlriniu Imm M.. ..:!,. 1 iiiii.i,, ..:, ,..:.. il,... il... :.i..: I I v.. ....... ..i.ii.iiii iiiii jiijl inij.! 1 --hmi i- 1 iiiii 1 1113 .smi y I-. . I'll,"; ihii 'fit K .',(111 lu ir..,.,.wl j .,f,j.,.- -liur. n 111! Mi'iiin nl l-ili.vl i.t I.., .... 1. ,,..,. . ,, (.. .. 1." ..... -. I. pMII. ...,-, ... (I.. ot w hieii amount shee.sjKM te her-heads. Witl.t.ul froiny too 1 .,,,.. in im-uiMihiiT 10 urn iipiuiifcii aniiH. ". 1 ms is 1101 iieiievco. i ne ho pro- Latest advices tio-ii Manila are noL impression is (hat thostory is I cinj: - . v -. ilasses. cloar,...!.'. seem at latest io have been calculated to ICurope.ineoun Rp H I -rI TV"1 I fQ1 d7.(ir.l eiitoreiuimiyliy iho nitilntfof llm iriot. Naval ollicer.s do not doubl A a-OtV4 AICA.Am 1 30 1111 r loo 'ble. In this event an authi-ntic Uml C.iiiiiim.lm.i I i,.w-,.v ;.,,.. ; . (piest that it await developments, or take a glance at our motto. the homelessaud oppressed old man as the one spot and section olierinjr a handsome and substantial reword Let the World be informed that, for worthy ollortsand intelligent at Lauston, tho A. aniLM. colle.'is action. The IIi:it.i,i, as in tin minutelv into del.iihi ui. .iI.w.mim 'j.orl fio.n Coiiunodoro Dnwoy hini- i1,,Ju!,1f i.,!i., ..i.i.. : .' 1 ' . - .... . . ---. .'.-..'l .'I ilil III lil. I. u III it J-, lllll hurri.lly that in this sune year she -" '" .MMmiay,,, ir hi mas. u ,iay ,)f ,,,,. ,, j, irf likl.v lhlll t,K exported '.,.",( IS piiies, iiT.Mu bides oi tobacco, M7.:Hi.,0(i() ciar,, and :tit,rSl, It: packages of cirarettes. Do not these li;ures speak in elo- epiout tern.s of the splendid to tich t or two. X THE DETAILS. Spanish have cut it to prevent news of their .surrender from reaching .Madrid today, when the city is cel ebrating its annual festivities and when feelinjr is ruuniiif,' hi;li over bull hjrhts winch are in prorrc. which the ( ubans have nut lheic le.soiine.s And surely if they can London, Aluy, 2. Tim dotails of Admiral .Moutio admits in an olli .succeed in iinidncinir n,.li iw'.wiili.i "10 baltlnof .Munilii have been rocoiv-,. I, iiili..u.,..;.i. ... I . . -...., ,1 ... , . i I I iiiui-jniin iiiKiii- aid And Be Wise Sample Copies Sent Free To any atldm.N, upon application. '"I r .I.". ,' ' '. " e hiH,il.ofll,,.l.f.,mlm,,l,mi- -" t '.'' 5r,.,H, colonial ollico Tlmy .,,,,1,1,1 the whole Spanish licet a with tfov- past, pr,o.scs solid shot, fads and ,,;.ti.,- inlluence of Spain's brutal cm'1" '!' ,wo Wl,.,ln W roe..ivMl is .i,,,,,,,!.' T(J ti..-iiuii was Onn year ern.ncnl support, is beini; erected, j Inures, and expresses a hope that yoke, is it not perfectly rational to K"'JoV"r receive-.! just before the cnttin- of ,slx ,,,,',!' The doors of said college will open 'it will merit and receive the conti- t-uppowo that thtv will have little i.r.,H' ,,, ' Mi,;,U!'!!!! "r ,"1, ' hm,'iil ''( the cable. Tho l're.sident is con- ..... ' . eie i. i i i. .i i m ii (iiiii nun oi oi um colonial ,. ....... ... ,. in duo time for the lull term with deuce, respect and support of the lllll'"l,.v iidiikin care ot them- ollico today. (Mdurm the advisibihty ot landing . i . . . . I . . ... sol vi is I f.t i i. . .. I i'.i. ii w .in 1 1 1. 1 Pli ill. ...!... 1. 1 1.. i .. every tiling complete and in ample, intelligent, and interested public, readiness to "ive to the youth of now1 as hoion our country a linn-licd education, also a linished course in ii'ricultui ,. al and mechanical pursuits. Come A FAIR PLAY. how nnii mrls wake in, ,. H.,.l ' '"w.' ,lh l',"',t",,l and adniinis ' V , ' . tercel in Ihe.sodays is called by its uml i ii. i i.n 1 1 . r .il .-.,1. ,. ...............:. .. I . ' fiinii im iin and inorniiiir of your opportunity. Sullur il not lo pass, f,,r oll,.(. ,,s devotees the hinr.s( (,f tj,0 sciences. Some tolerably intelli gent jieoplt) belioNoil to bo a com pilation of absurdities and incon- I hat lawyers don't kimu- the law is shown by their disputa- ..nt..... v it i .. . noun on inmost every e'a oucs olhcors. Now UiicleSain. you have .; ,, . lu, ., . ..... , I....H.1I.SC. r.veniiieleariiei SUBSCRIPTION RATES- f ... .SI I ll Tliroa inontliK 0 In clubs of ten, ono year IOcIh. .To il can never bet regained. L'nclo Sam wauls tin. Voir.... ,.,.. ' J,rruities. f" 1"! l.i vate, but does not want the NWro been throiili one war with the Ne- .'ro, and know that he, asa soldier, has no surperiors and but, few eip.als, and yet in lliufaco of all of this you still porsist in under rat tin' his worth as a leader of his own people upon the lield of battle. Now Uncle Sam why is this, do you fear that ho will equal or excel! yon I Why htand in tho way of merit when tho Xero sees your hidden hand as well as you your self do. judges dispute each others nr.mosi- tions and over rule each others de cisions, showing that in the matter at bar one are the other (and prob ably both) do not know the law; and yet the law which neither law yers nor judges know, presumes that every citizen "knows the Jaw" and is held responsible for his jr noiaiice, if ho don't know. The law as a veliielo of justice is also a failure. What chance has a p()()r man to hrin' a rich one to iusimiw So notorious is this that a man who cannot command tho urvices of selves. I .r. i; . ......i,, ,i:D..r....i troops on the l'hiliiinine Islands to J . ..i "ini, . ..iiiii ii n.uil'll num. lJ(-i14 While Culm is small in area, be. tho United .Slates hVot entered l'i,,;-erve order. ! in;; less than tho size of this state .Manilu harbor at daybreak yostiuday,1 '''U! 'hnse today passed without ((ieorjria) there is no iirrmnent stationin,' itself opposite ilm city, division the delicieney bill appro- aainsl her capabilities for sclf-jrov- 'fhe fort opened lir.oin llm Atnerican printing .!.".,"..' 1,1) I. 1 for extraordi- ernment to he found in this fact, ships, wlmroiipon tlmy sliiftod their nary war expenses. The lloiiso Thercareseveral independent conn ,0M',''' to oimnear Cavilo, in Manila and Senate adopted the currency tries on the rlol,e much .smaller ,mv ,KiK ' aliorcoliKlilaKai.iHt report on the naval appropriation both in area and population than is " , . imi.isii wot. lull Cuba, ami if these countries with ' ', ""'"T1 "T ! '"' ,,0,lwi lnii.linK of trooii., in Cuba has deuce, we should extend to her at mti ,0,noStm"'Hllovoriiort,'()iioral, oueothe boon she bus , v,.'i .... ' '"",' tho surreiidor of all tor- 1T. W" should not humiliate PM,? ! Kik nt Mnnila iiih! pes- In... i.vm.i I ,:.wi i M'HNion oftlin cable o ce, huyinir tin. he, p.oud.spir, by undertaking to , theso terms wore co p ed w , ..".... her alairs or her. ,f ,,0 won. . proceed ( bon.bard .., ........ im.. runout io (lOHiltj ui 0111' CHy. own easo when wo entreated for re cognition at her hands, wo should have openly resented it; and w)iv now nuiiiiimio Cubaf Tho first cablo nios.sao ends hv Mtyiiifj that tho Spmiisli olliuiuls wro conferring with UriliKh consul mid iiio toleyrojih eonipany'H Kont ami ! :'-. r.t 4 ?, . 1 I r , ,,C f. V . yVl Such is tho deinocratie lmrtv'ri ' l.1'3.1, P,,J,lnK ' Uooialfin tlin cables llifli.l,. ,i,,...,l ,1 " ' ' ""I "ttitude towanl the present grave' w. pcruiitiod to liiindlo moh (6 '2 t, I r. ,1 J , .l I Ll.t l.' oinini-tt-. f 'rf ,,.t ( ,fc CWf il.l.i i) ?., ) f.,,,i )s'. And i".f,K(..-, .'.iNt lil,.., i I.,. a utl.;ot t.-n , R.iP -f,r "- is-7,1 vuitsl. Mi,u ,c pVon. wIlH dtoi'A IM V) j.lri, f , ii,-,ijr.lo t rol, (t,a 4, SUt)f. i)rr f'- drn llll i -,li,t ,u,H a v,i-..w ') t.. ii. rtiittu." iu 3twmf.v,il i,vi' It, M O.A.SKQW&QO, J IfMsrrni MfcitiMtirv : '2'.&mmm ill (Mi itsZA'j 1 orCu.,-' JeSPRI ;9lr : MnmSmm comparatively ,m,,r resources II T.1",,, been temporarily abandoned until Hh j t XmCm .minima to enjoy j,,spe,,,, &' ' .11 !' j"-' S,. n, , H ? WIS I.e.. what is to prevent Cuba, with m,ftzill0 VHhWlI ,,, (ho ,,,. f ' ascertained. It , bel.oNcd now to fefcrrV fBA licropulent advantages, fro... do. roads, for tl, purpose of ,,miiw I11"" I'" lcet which left Cape Verde M. 'gftiF '& MfM S rlS mi! likewise ! Cuba is possessed of 0o American vessel, tho lllimo f . I"l""l will rotunilSmiii iiwteal 'f' iMS4 Vi&W'NQ ' gffi every requisite which solf-jrovorn- which is not ineinioned, is said t'f '"lin across the water. j M- V" feJtA Vjttj incut deiuan(l.s; and instead of com- " been piMiblecl. 'I'ho President has decided to ap- l$iS.m . " 'V '4feri plicatinr matters by refusing at ' J3mv,,3' re.pmsted tho Hritish eon-'l,,,il,t (Jeneral Woodfor, former !M?'V':" this time to recognize her indepeu- M,!' 'S,lWHOn Walltor, to convoy nine.-' Aiiierieanrcprcsentativuat.Madrid, ItMm".'.-.?!;' WW a hrijMdior general. , MftHVttESflKSMi.A'a'Aft-W r- i i um 4 t rrriiri ".' t tv i n ft 'jM'ivuvn.un e m mmJi .. (,xmtMtM O