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9 EVERY MAN TO HI3 JOB And 'Captain Howell Was to Do the Drinking for the Company "Every "man tofclBJob" was the hiottojj ot Captain'1 fivan P. Howell o Atlanta Gn.?; when vo was Editor of thofCanstftutton'itaaid, a Washington newspaper writer, who did his early work on that journal. "I will never forget the calldown the captain gave mo one day when I had shown up considerably the worse for a three days' Indian fighting expedition. IIo called me Into his den and read tho riot act to mo in this way: '"Been on another bat, eh? Now, boy, I, just want o say to you tliat this Joint is run on systematic prin ciples. There is a job for every man, and every man must stick to his job. Bill Hemphill does the praying, Henry Grady the scheming and, by gad, sir, I do tho drinking for the whole out fit. I am not ready to turn this job over to you or any other memb6r"of tho force. If you can't leg it around town hero ancVwrlte your stuff with: out drinking then you had best throw up your job 'before Jrcquestdd to do so.' "I didn't give tho captain another opportunity to jump nil over me again, but I det him go ahead and fill his own "job." Washington Times. Beware the Taveilng Doctor. St. John, Kansas, May 30. A- very peculiar case is that of the little son of Mr. and Mrs. Win, McBrldo of this place, as "reported by Dr. Jesse L. Limes, the attending physician. "Tlie little "bojr had severe case of malignanlscarletlna which eft him semi-paralyzed in the light leg and right arm. IIo also, lost the hear ing In the right car. -' J "I treated him and he gained slow ly and had begun to "try to usehls limbs some when a traveling doctor came along and persuaded the child's parents that ho could cure their boy in a short time. They used his medi cines, but the boy grew worse and be gan having Bpells very like epilepsy. "Mr. McBrldo came to me again and I proposed giving him a course of Dodd's Kidney Pills', which was com menced at once. The Impiovenient was instant and in a week's time tho epileptic seizures ceased altogether." Suggestion as to Army Love Affairs The lovo atfairs of army ofllccrs shonld be lofened to tho board of strategy, which has nothing else to at tend to. Birmingham Age-Herald. A HAINAN GATE SYMBOL. At a public sale in London tho other day an antique snuff box sold for $5, 250. This is running the original MSS. of great authors long dead a cioso heat. Atlanta Constitution. Curious Ornament to Be Set Up at Newport Residence. A curib Importer in Brqadway has received from .Hainan, China, a itrango symbol to Tjo sot up on the ?atopost of a fashionable Newport residence. v "I think," raid ho, "this Is tho first Uiing of its kind introduced into tho United States. The people I'm get ting It for visited China last '::ir and ordered It from tho provinco where these things are commonly used to irivo away spirits. "The symbol consists of the bones of a Python molurus. In Hainan, its jungle homo, it grows to between twenty and thirty feet long, has fear ful teeth in its upper jawbones, and a double series of shields on the lower surfaco of the tail. This particular beast was killed by tho villagers on account of its wicked appetite. It has a genealogy that beats that j)f almost any famous family Mn j(Now York. Its father and" mother, held a cave-homo for1" years. The old man- pythan used to suffocate harmless Chinamen by enveloping them in his coils, seizing them by tho head, and gradually draying them down Into bis interior. t fhe pythoness-mother made away-with the juicy sheep of the aeighborhood. Underneaththe bones will be a plate with the quotation from Bacon, 'Saith tho Pythcnlssa to Saul, fo-monow thou and thy sons shall be vith me.' " New York Times. Wise ' - Where Others Failed. "Each Bpring for five or six years I broko out with a kind of Ecze?na, which nothing seemed to relieve per manently. Finally I tried a -box of Hunt's Cure, which promptly cured me. Two years have passed by, but tho trouble has not returned." Mrs. Kato Howard, Little Rock, Ark. 60c per box. Tho boarder who passes the plate in church gets the cold potato when ho passes his plate at tho dining table. All Up to Date Housekeepers obo Defiance Cold Water Starch, becausoit is hotter, aud 4 oz. more of it for saino tnonoy. Always Ready. Cheatham's Laxative Tablets cured mo of third day chills and rid my system of malarial poison. Thoy do what you say they will. I now carry 'a packago in my vest pocket. They are always leady. " L. M. Duncan, Pleasant Hill, La. 25c per box. M " TIME TO ACT. When the back aches and you are always tired out, de pressed and nervous when slfcp is disturbed by pain and by urinary ills, it's timo to act. Tho kidneys are sick. Doan'B Kidney Pills cure Blck kidneys quickly and perma nently. Here's proof. Mrs. W. S. Marshall, R. F. D. No. 1, Dawson, Ga., says: "My husband's back and hips were so stiff and sore that ho could not get up from a chair without hclifc I got him a box of Doan's Kidney Pills. He felt re lief in three days. One box cured him." A FREE TRIAL of this great kid ney medicine which cured Mr. Mar shall will be mailed on application to any part of tho United States. Ad dress Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Sold by all dealers; price 50 cents per box. ar iL. viUiV La&aaffiSl V BBP2r Life consists of moulting our illu sions. We form creeds today only tp throw them away to-morrow. Tho eagle moults a feather becauso ha is growing a bettor one. Tho Jap soldier no longer relies, on his fantastic appearance to frlghtew enemies. Jefferson's Andirons. Mrs. ,George Horn, residing nt 41 Vienna street, Newark, N. Y., has in her possession a set of atttiquo and irons formerly owned by Thomas Jef ferson. Thoy were purchased at a sale of a tenant, who lived at Monti cello. Thomas Hilts, of Bridgewater, Va., came into possession of them at that timo (1826) and thoy remained in his family until purchased by tho present owner last July. The outfit consists of two brafjB andirons and a brass topfonder, and all arc in a splen did stato of preservation. Drinking in Berlin and Paris Tho population of Berlin verges on 2,000,000; that of Paris is about 2, 750,000. Native Frenchmen drink very little wine. One small glass of claret suffices for a meal. Natlvo Ger mans will hover over a stein of beer a whole evening, whereas an English man or American will guzzle twenty steins. Pnrls' transient population Is enormous, and they think it a duty to drink wine when in the City of Light. Upper class Germans in Berlin drink enormous quantities of Rhine wines and but little beer. Bismarck drank porter and chamnagno mixed. Visi tors in Berlin think they must drink beer, but not liko tho natives. Sabot. After toiling ten years at tho wash tub to support a worthless husband mn Ohio woman sued a railroad com pany because it let one of its trains run over him. Chicago News. ,.9oden shoes like this are worn by peasants in Germany, and many are made in Chicago for export. Fell Far and Escaped Injury. A man fell head downward twenty flvo feet 'at Augusta, Me., and struck fairly in the middle of a spring scat on a jigger. He bounced off like n rubber ball and landed on his foot in tho street'. His neck was a little stiff tho next day, but ho was otherwise uninjured. Under tho caption, "Tho Union Pa cific Railroad and Louisiana Terri tory," tho now World's Fair folder Is sued by the advertising department of the Union Pacific, which has attracted such general attention, recites these interesting facts: "While tho construction of the Union Pacific Railroad, Its trials and triumphs, aro a part of the history of tho United States, the important part played by this railroad in the develop ment of tho Louisiana Purchase can hardly bo estimated. In the building up of this vnst domain it has been one of the chief factors. One hundred years ago tho popula tion of tho region was estimated at 20,000. Up-to the inception of the Union Pacific (In 18C0) it had in creased to 3,233,529. In 1900 it num bered over 13,000,000 of inhabitants. In this wonderful growth, with its. stu pendous increase In all the many-sided phases of commercial, material and Intellectual prosperity, tho Union Pa cific as a glance at tho map will show has had a conspicuous share. It has opened vast regions of fertllv. country to settlers, and brought grent areas of an unknown and unproduc tive wilderness Into closo communion with metropolitan centers and mar kets. Thriving cities, towns and ham lets, through Its efforts, have sprung up In every direction. It may bo of interest to know that tho total number of manufacturing plants, and tho valuo of their outputs, combined with that of the national products as repotted in the census of 1900, give an aggregate production for tho Louisiana region of $3,500,000,000 annually, or 223 times tho original pur chase price. Tho same census reports (1900) also show the total population to bo 13,343,255, of which 8,303.096 In habitants are living in the states and territories reached by the Union Pa cific. On the 1900 census figures, it is estimated that tho true wealth of the Louisiana purchase can bo stated at about $13,051,868,359, of which $9,360, 621,387 is represented in tho states reached by this great railroad." Could You Use Any Kind of a Sewing Machine at Any Price? If there is any price so low, any offer so liberal that yon would think of accepting; on trial a new high-grade, drop cabinet or Mprlght Minnesota, Singer, Wheeler & Wilson, Standard, Whito or New Homo Sowing Machine, cut out and return this notice, and you will rcceivo by return mail, post paid, freo of cost, tho handsomest sew ing machino catalogue over published. It will name you prices on tho Minne sota, Singer, Wheeler & Wilson, White, Standard and New Home sew ing machines that will surprise you; wo will mako you a new and attract ive proposition, a sewing machine of for that will astonish you. If you can make any uso of any sowing mnchlno at any price, if any kind of an offer would interest you, don't fail to write us at once (bo suro to cut out and return this special no tico) and get our latest book, our latest offers, our now and most sur prising proposition. Address SEARS, ROEBUCK & CO., Chicago. Tho crease in a bank roll will never appeal to the fashionable dresser. FOR WOMEN Especially Mothers The Sanative, Antiseptic, Cleansing, Purifying, and Beautifying Properties of YIP Assisted by CUTICURA Ointment, the great Skin Cure, are of . Priceless Value. For prescrvingf. purifying, and beautifying the skin, for cleansing the scalp of crusts, scales, and dandruff, and the stopping of fall ing hair, for softening, whitening, and soothing red, rough, and sore hands, for baby rashes and cha fings, in the form of baths for an noying irritations, ulcerations, and inflammations of women, and many sanative, antiseptic pur poses which readily suggest them selves, as well as for all purposes of the toilet, bath, and nursery, CUTICURA Soap and CUTI CURA Ointment are priceless. Sold throughout th world. Cutlcur Sop. We., Olmt aitnt. Mc.. HetoWent, 0c. (In lorn of ChoceltU CottM Rill, tc. pn ll ol 601. D'Potn London. ' Chrtr kouM fti.tPf.rli, 5 Kut di U rlx i Helton, 1ST Columbw Avt- Pottir Urug k Chim. Corp , Soli froprtjtori. M" Uni In ' IUv Is Vnmm. Purify, ud BMtH." a m 'if V 4. - '- -- "" rm-nii . . , m KmJSmm .. .umuumimmmmm (Kitmaii r. , HHHHHHW - . .. HaMMHajMitthw. ,., ....