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THE CTMETER Published every week in tho in terest rf, the Negro by the (Jimtter Publishing Co, W. H. TWINE --- - Editor. II. WOOD, Ass't Editor nnd Manager. .I.T.TRIMBLE - - - Solicitor, Entered at the Post Office at Muakogee I.T. as second class mail matter. 8UB9CRIPITON; cjiMiywr $1.00 Six .Months. . . j 50 Throe Months 2 bunch of thru for five and hand ed them out. The Negrp picked up a cigar and threw down a dol lar, saying that he did not want any change as a silver dollar was the smsillest piece of money he would carry. Boy n ton ff the above it true it shows alf the d n phools are not dead yet huf, that one will be as dead as Hector when he gets rid of his money which will be iu six months at the present rate of ex penditures. LOOK AND READ CAREFULLY. 'ThiB is a positivo warning No pa pers will be Bent to any one In obt to thin nunnr until naid un. Take notico and pay up or you will bo deprived of J the, groat religious weeiciy. ino ro eross means your time is out. Thero are jome white folks so full of hellish prejudice that thoy blame all Negroes for what one does but we are' vlad that the majority are not in that ciass in this class. The resolution adopted by the colored citizens of Wagoner show where our people Ftand a3 good citizens. The colored citizens of W&troner cover themselves with glory and have made the right record for the race. Prof Johnson at Tallahassee, Mose Johnson and othors object to having threats made as to the annihilation tt the residents in that locality and wore prepared to be at the annihilation (Good) The-rot from the Wagoner Say ings will bluff no one. The Ne groes are for law and order, they did right to disarm the cowardly hounds who were making threats against all Negroes for'the crime of one. Barking dogs seldom bite, but we say to the Sayings man that the men who protected their firesides did right and will do it again, and if our friend doubts it, go out with the next gang and see. A man who will commit the crime of rape, no matter what his olor jfl, and ought to Buffer the most severe penalty known to the law. No mob has the right to punish the criminal. Our courts are sufficiently able to ad minister the law and no man, white, black or red has the right to take upon himself the authori ty to say who is guilty and pre scribe the manner of punishment Down with mcb law. HOW THEY SPEND IT. A Freed man living near Boyn ton sold his land the other day and came to t wn and entered a drug storo and called for a cigar. Tho clerk handed him a Henry George, which ho refused saying he wanted ' a ten center. The clerk pulled the wrapper off a HE WOULDN'T MIX. A Negro who persisted in oc cupying a seat with a white man in a coach on the north bound Katy train yesterday, gdt smashed in the mouth by the white man and is minus a few teeth and some hide. Officer Joe Depew, who was present, made a quick assessment of $10 each for the episode and the parties con tinued their journey, but not in the same seat. S'matter with a Reperate coach law?- Democrat. It was ai. even scrap and hon ors were about even from what we can learn; The colored man was Rev. Walk?r, and every body know? Walker will defend himself. There wan hide and teeth lost by both combatants.' They say the preacher fought like hades. Seporate coach don't go here, yet, brother, if yu need one we advise you to migrate to the twin hell, Arkansas or Texas. Turner Hardware Co. v j Carry a Full Line of BEST IMPLEMENTS, WAGONS, BUGGIES, HARNESS, SEED and EVERYTHING N HARDWARE ... GOODS THE BEST Call and She Us . . . PRICES THE LOWEST MUSKOGEE. . T, Kirshbam: HAND MADE CLOTHING, SHIRTS. All KINDS, OF HATS. Gents' Furnishing Giiods, OS -A-IjI-i ZHBSCX3X:E3'X'XOTf3: OUR BELIEF. We believe in obeying the law. respecting the rights of others, using our best efforts to capture criminals by assisting the officers of the law, opposing mobs and all classes of men, white, black or red, who commit the crime of rape; and in protecting our homes at any and all hazards. We believe that a mob is no bet-1 ter than any other eet of out laws and that they should oe treated as such. Wo believe that our Maker intended such and if w believed the opposite we would hurl the thin?, called life back to the giver as u thankless The most cowardly doed a man can do is, the failnre to protect his home, (wife and children) and the most patriotic act that can be performed is to lay down his life if need be in protection of the loved' ones who make home all that heaven is. Shirts, Hats, Underwear, Suit Cases, W. E. McCLURE, KNOX AGENCY. ENGLISH BLOCK. Muskojree. - - - - Ind- Ter' v. Do. Your Banking Business With The Territorial Bank & Trust Co. Oldest and Strongest Bank in the Indian Territory. interest Paid on Deposits Abstracts Made. Fidelity Bonds Written its." MUSKOGEE, INDIAN TERRITORY Patterson Mercantile Company. DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, ' BOOTS, . -. SHOES, f&fcaskozee. Indian Territory N. E.'Durant reports that the U. S. Commisionfer at Wagoner turned over the colored man who was suspected of the crimo of rapo to the city authorities after he had satisfied himself that he was the wrongman. That was a strange procoedure and we are surprised at the act. Official Statement of the Condition of the QQMMEBOIAL- NATN'L BANK United States Depository. Muskogee Indian Territory. At oloso of business Friday, January 22, 1904. I LIABILITIES RESOUR8ES Loans and Discounts $410,936.13 Overdrafts (Cotton) , 23,198.69 Bonds and. Premiums IOG.080,49 Furniture and Fixtures 5,046.26 Cash and Exchange 68,125.35 $613886.92 Ihe above statemont is correct. Capital Surplus and Profit Circulation Deposits' Rcsorvod for Taxes $200,000.00 16,978.26 50,000.00 345,142.28 ' ' 1,266.38 $613,387.92 D. N. FINK, Cashier. Business intrusted to our care receive prompt attention.