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ionium i ii MUSK0066 6ilH6t6f.'1 -A W 1 238 Hg Vol 'S. Muskogee, Indian Territory, Thursday, June J 6, 1904- Number 3 STILL ANOTHER' r J' . ENTERPRISE. .ThcTCreftJk Citizen's Realty Bank an:l Trupt Co Will Sjuii , " , Start Business. Cuttings From Exchanges The movement of so many Negroes from nil over, every pait of the South, leaving idle many fields and plantati jns tell a story stronger than wo can hope to get in any sort of periodical. Tho Negro loves the South, bub the limited oxeciseof his rights, thp continnal reign of the sdirit of slavery has caused him The Creek C1.i7.ens' Keal'y 13ank and ' to turn his back upon tho South and to Trut Co. is a new enterprise for Mus kogee. All the stockholders, directors and officers of this institution are color ed people. Tho capital stock of this institution is $50,000, $30,000 of which is paid in, and the location is one cf the new brick houses on tho east side of North Second stieot. This is perhaps the only institutution of its kind in tho United States, that is a concern that does a regular banic i ig business, inwluch all th so Interest ed are colored people. Articles of incorporation liavs been prepared, and the doors will bo opened for business by tho first of next month. The intention was to oron sooner but owing to tho floods, tho furiv'iure and fixings failed to arrive Tho directors of tho institution are as follows: A, G. W. Sango, P. R. Caesar, W. A. Rentio, Geoige K. Davidson, R. E. Mcintosh, Lincoln Oliver and David Dickson. Tho following will bo the officers of the bank, having been elected by the board of directors: A. G. W. Sangc, prcsidenr. P. R. Caesar, vco-presidcnt. George K. Davidson, secretin y. W. A . Rentio, cashior and Treasurer. There aro many woll to do colored peoplo in Miuskogco and sui rounding country, and thoro is no doubt but vl at the Creek Citizens' Realty "Rank and Trust Co., will do a good business. Phjoni. Freedman Sale Held Valid An interesting and important ca&o came to an abrupt conclusion yostorday in tin office of tho Indiun Agont wnen Nanie Yokley, freedman, was informed that having sold her allotment she could not sccuro aid of tho ogoncy in regain ing possession. Tho land in question had been sold and a warrantee deed giv en, and a non citizen in possession. The allottee filed a complaint and asked to have the alledgod intruder romoved under tho provisions of tho Crook treaty. When hc caso came up for trial yester day, tho paity in possession claimed that tho allottco having sold the land and, tho deed being on rerord tho nut ror has passed out of the jurisdiction of ' tho agont. On producing a coitified copy of tho (fo td, Mr. Bennett, chief clerk in charge of '.ho department of in tru mltcv conferring with tho agent .nol iff tho allottee that the agency would tako no action in tho matter, tho "hiilo having relieved tho Govornment of "further responsibility. The caia is' important, in as much as it Ootaulia ice! a precedont and goes to Rhow that the dopartmont rocognizos fcio sale of freedman land as bona fide, . and will not interfere with tho right of possession after tho land luiS'been deed ed by tho allottee. ' her will never return. Item. Very little religiously moral strength need be expected frorn our churches and pulpits while the principal services is money-getting. Anyway, what will it profit is if we get all the money and lose the souls. Item. Lawyer Cummings, a Negro attomoy of Boston, has been selected to make one of tho speeces at the National Re publican Convention at Chicago, at which time President Theodore Roose velt will bo nominated as tho republican candidate for president of tho Uhited States. Mr. Cummings is said to be ono of the finest speakers in tho United S. Ui 03. Notwithstanding the "World's "'Fair in St. Louis i3 unpopular with the Ne groes in that city a good many Nogroes from other suctions of the Common Wealth are pouring in to see what is wliap. Tho Negro who comes into tho Terri tory with no higher motives than to rove around and commit assaults upon women is not only on tho"down grade" but is preaching "mother gospel" and ought to bo dealt with in great haste. Wo will never buy your dry goods, Wo don't like you any more. You'll bo sorry when you seo us Trad'ng at some other store, you can't sell us any ribbons, Four-in-hands or other fad, Wo will never trade at your store If you don't give us your "ad" A prejty octoroon of Now York has, it is claimed, "warmed up" to a rich manufacturer for $750,000' Thai's mon oy too. BOY'S ESSAY ON SOLOMON "King Solomon was a man who lived many years ago and in the country that ho governed he was the whole pual He was an awful wizo man, and one day two women came to him, each ono holding onto tho leg ot a baby, nearly pulling tho poor thing into, each ono claiming it. And King Solomon wasn't in a very good humor and said: 'Why couldn't tho brat have been twins and saved all this bother.' And then he called for his sword and was going to cut tho baby in two and give oach wo man a piece of it, whon tho ono who was too real mother of the baby said: 'Stop, Solomon, stay thy hand. Let old hog havo it. If I oan't have a whole baby l wonl have none.' Then King Solomon told her to take tho baby home and wash its face, for he knew it was hers and ho told the other ono to go to chase herself. King Solomon built Solomon's To'mple and is tho father of all the Ma sons. Ho hid seven hundred wives and three hundred lady friends, and that is tho reason thoro aro so many Masons in the world. My papa says Solomon was a warm member and I think ho was hot Htutf myself, That's all I jenow about King Solomon." OIL REFINERY WILL BE ERECTED Messrs Hatton and Hopkina of Buffalo Deoide to Erect Refinery. An-oil refinery for Muskogee is prac tically assured . It will bo one of tho largest and most valuable industriyin the city, as contemplated by tho Ilntfon Hopkins company, of Buffalo, N. Y. Messrs. Hatton and Hopkins of Buf falo, havo been here sinco yepterday morning looking over tho local fiold and figuring on the prospects for a refinery. Late this morning they decided that they would construct one horo and soon afterward obtained a ten da-s option on a twenty-fivo acre tract of land just north of the city limits. These gentle men aro oil men of many years experi ence and almost unlimited backing and tho industry which they will give Mus kogee will be ono of the best possible things for the town, which wo can not thank tho Chamber of Commerce and C. N. Haskell too much for getting them intersted in tho Muskogee field. It has been suDposcd that the Stand ard Oil company would not construct its proposed largo tanks hero if a refinery was built. W. F. Gates, tho Standard representative, is not in tho city this af ternoon, so that it is impossible' to do tail tho action of his corporation in this matter. Summer Excursion - Bulletin ST. LOUIS Very low rates all season. COLORADO Very low ratos all sum mer. Through sleeper service. CHICAGO Very low rato all summer. GREAT LAKE RESORTS Very low rates all summor. ATLANTIC CITY Ono faro plus $2.00 round trip. July 9-10. INDIANAPOLiS-Ono fare plus .$2.25 round trip. Juno 2G-27. ST. JOE Ono faro plus 2.00 round trip. Juno 28-30. CINC1NATI One fare plus 2.26 round trip. July 15-17. West Baden and Fuevch lick Springs One faro plus $2.00 round trip. Ju ly 25-29, LOUISVILLE-Ono raro plus $2,25 round trip. For full information call on est ticket agont. GEO. H. LEE, G. P. & T. A. Little Rock, Ark. your near- J. S. McNALLY, D. P. A CU.ihoma City. JFOR. THE HOUSBfe&ir s3 SATISFACTION OR YOUR MONEY BACK BsratiiK mm 1 i hsl m.i mm &mjaBEfflm&&Fms n. rFjori, .-'ig' raMrr: "V.ll fli Wa "ii 1. - I"i. .iirS - mT j-' "NI"r-l t-V--IB xjlpxa S" The Best People to Trade With.--Try Them. Smith-Torrans North Main St., Muskogee Indian Territory CREEK GROCERY CO., DEALER XH BTAFUB AND FANO GROCERIES ART) HIQM PAXEN7 TLOT7R. Tha Leading Color Q rooery Company In tha City, W also bay and pay . tha highest pricaa fot Country Prodaoa. Located Wast Snd St., Soutfcatf tha D. i. Poat OftUca. flfuskosree. U V J 1 r Im. TrfT w ,jaaitMt ... UwwffinS "r, ;vP5 T LvJ5jOfvf. r"rTfcrwi"- -