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CI ! He Muskogee Gimeter. taBBammmmmmmm '1 Vol 5. MUSKOGEE WANTS STA1E CAPITAL. Muskogee, Indian Territory, Thursday, June 30, 1904- Will Make a Bid For Seat of Government of The New State at Proper Time. $1,000,000 BONUS TO BE RAISED. And offered to the People in Shape of a Magnicent Capital Building Constructed of Tishomingo Granite. The undersigned citizens of Masko gae, Indian Territory, are in charge of plans to secure the caDital of the new state, and a part of the plan is to offer a urn capicoi ounaing iree, under such reasonable concessions as will certainlv meet with the unanimous approval throughout the new state. This build ing is ta be built of Tishmingo granite and will cost $1,000,000. Muskogee, now tne leading city of the new state, ib Hiupiy iiuio u uacK tnis contract. C. W. TURNER. A. Z. ENGLISH, J. W.ZEVEBY, C. W. RAYMOND, P. B. HOPKINS, C. N. HASKELL. The above is the result of a capital conference recently held in Muskogee and speaks for itself. At the proper time a proposition will be made to se- uro the location of the state capital in this city, and in the interval a systema tic pianof campaign will be carried'out. The building as shown by the abovo il lustration, "(through courtesy of con temporary will illustrate next week"" will bo a handsome structure three sto ries and basement, surmounted by a magnificent dome and will be fitted with -II - mi.- . . in i itiucuiii conveniences. AFRAID OF THI HOODOO. tuperstitleus Negroes Flee! Until ft Was Removed. Deputy ConsUbie Frank Penn of Houston. ToxH went the other after nooa to e-xmte a writ of; forcible ejec tion against a negro woman. He took with him two negroes who Tvere to carry a-ay the furniture. Fenn was abcer.t a few inin tes and when hs returned his negroc 1 wore not to fce seen. He got a glimpse of them about two blocks away moving at a rery swift gait Thinkir? that rerhnnn tha m. k stolen something, he tck after them. When stopped the negroes said that they wov'.i not work in that house, wai ii wr.s Hoodooed. Being urged they told him they would return If he would go Into a certain corner of the house and remove the hoodoo, which ho would find tied up in a bag hang ing from the celling The officer found the bag. It con tained becea tied up with kinky wool and halrrins. The woman said she could cast a spell over her enemies with it, because the bones were those of a black cat, while the wool was that shaved from the head of a negro born on Friday, the thirteenth day of the month. The negroes would not return to work until the officer had taken the bag of bones about a block away from the house, and even then they had misgivings as to whether or not it would be safe to touch anything In the house. Lucky Stones.' Thee is an old proverb whlck states that "he who possesses a tur Quolse w'll never lack a friend." Cer tainly from time immemorial the tur quoise has nevor ceased to be re garded an a lucky stone. Amr.V.Ls are much In favor at the present moment, and the wearers of them are by no means only of the feminine community. They are worn .. Limer 01 quaint designs. Each precious stone is supposed to contain some property peculiar to itself. it seems hardly credible that people of common sense should believe in such things, but true it is that amulets are at present much in vogue, and, apart from their sunarfitiHrmo ,,, of the dalntest presents Imaginable. The emerald is rraMa i.u ,. of eod Inflllpnpon i a .,.m. . - -w vijoumu is a cure for insomnia. Rut tua. i.,i, amulet of all is that containing a tur quoise, whether by roason of its "true blue" color or not it is hard to say walls will be of Hshmingo granite, the roof of copper and the interior finished in marble. The building will be fire proof and is designed to accomodate all necessary state officers. Pheonix. Old Maids at the Bargain Counter. Salesgirls In department stores ex perlonce muoh amusement In putting plnsters through the "third degree" when the old girls endeavor to dodge the issue of whether the name is Mrs. or plain Miss. Of course, long ex perience with customers serves to In form saleswomen how to differentiate between married members of the box, and dyed-in-the-wool old maids; and eonseauentlv Wfann th tin ...... - - w . u mi i rev In nrtfilr n nln.tAii'a m!..... n . , , "f"wi a auurunH me load- The interior ed complexion of the questions afforda Met Her Match. Wages I had the luuirfi on m .i yesterday. Boggs How did it happen? w-we wero out driving, and he discovered an echo that beat her out of t'e list word. ue neaaing (Mass.) man whose uildings have been struck by light ing for the sixth time should dig ender his premises and see if he doee ui irue an iron mine. Bringing Guatemala ants into the eountry to oat up the boll weevil is a form of cantract labor Immigration which should bo encouraged. , A Baltimore woman advertised for a husband then killed herself. Some men's luc'.: never !enveg them. The Sandwich islander's alphabet has only twelve letters. Some mon stop drinking for the pleasure of beginning once more. Number 38 Summer Excursion - Bulletin ST. LOUIS Very low rates all season UULORADO-Vcry low rates all sum Through sleeper service. CHICAGO Very low rate all summer. GREAT LAKE RESORTS-Vcry Ion rates all summer. ATLANTIC CITY-One fare plus $2.00 round trip. July 9-10. INDIANAPOLIS-One faro plus S2.25 luuiiu inp. juno 2(1-27. ST. JOE-Ono faro plus 2.00 round trip. Juno 28-30. C tHp! " - WESTBADKN AKD FREVCII LICK SPR.NOS. --On fnro plus $2.00 round trip. Ju- LOUISVILLE One raro plus $' ''fi round trip. ' COUNCILLS CASE CHKONIC. The wioked Chioago Conser vator leaves nothing: but a greaase spot of the reputation of President W. H. Oouncill of the Alabama State Normal In stitute, because of his alledged attitude ofsupervisery to South ern white people in his speech and conduct. But Preaident Councill will hardly reform his ways in this matter. He is a onn firm fid ninnotv Wa nira K,'m " - w v B",c mm up as an incorrigible a long time And yet some Negroes down here believe that Council is "IT" His speech here was the same old down-south humble, eat-pir, please-kick-me effort that ho has been delivering for the last twen ty years It may be pleasing to the fellow who loves to be kicked and licks (fiat hand that smite? him but never go to the indepen- delight to the a-lrlu hahinri h .... ter. When milady instructs the good to be sent to "A." Smith, etc., the sell er makes it a point to Inquire If It Ii Mrs. or Miss the buyer said. The spinster affects to misunderstand and repeal "A. Smith." The saleswoman Is unrelenting and not until the old girl snaps out a reluctant "Miss" after three or four repetitions of the Inquiry does the comedy end. Then as the spinster departs the girls laugh. New York Press. Revenae of Jilted u. Prom Arad, Austria-Hungary, comes -..D u. m luinuie revenge which two girls had on a young man named Peter Krott. The man had promised """lK lO no leU'Of than fkro. li mA .i, . ' . " """ 8"i -u uunuy selected one of the trio. The other two, smarting under disap pointment, conceived a terrible re venge, rney waylaid Krott; one ol vo gin s orotners, a soldier, neld the man s hands, while they throw vitriol Into his face and also upon theli flm Kr?.t d,ed from the wnd4 Inflicted; his wife lost her eyesight A large crowd witnessed the tragedy, Jut maintained a passive attitude, ai wicy ympainizea with the originator! tf this terrible revenge. To Enlarge Water Power. Measurements are being taken bj tte German government to exploll the now dormant water powers ol the country on a large scale. 8ong of Hope. Children of yesterday, Heirs of tvmoirow, What are you wenvlnc? Labor and sorrow? Look to your looma again. Faster and faster Fir the firreat shuttles i fi?.pW,by. the Maater, Life s In the loom, Room for It Room! Children of yesterday. Heirs of to-morrow, Lighten the labor And sweeten the sorrow. Now. while the shuttles ft FaEterand faBter, up, and le at It. At work with the Masters He stands at your loom. Room for Him Room! Children of yostorday. Heirs of to-moirow. Look at your fabric Or labor and norrow. Seamy and dark nwi i.dM,Jillr. nnd d'ter. n'2J,er de"'Kn of the Master! Ihe Lord's at the loom: ' Room for Him Room I -Mary A. La thbu ry. Tact Behind the Counter. Talk about beinir a a-. -i woman," said a clerk in nna .-. Wg Stores. uMrs. X. oama In t.i- morning to -v a rain nlnair Dn,i i. do you think I sold hert" "Can't guess." "A pink chiffon party dress and lace parasol." "Well, I didn't do so badly myself" Mid another. "We had a w nt Mil caps, made of Swiss and lace, and I old about ten for plncuchicn covers." "That's as bad as my brother in the drug store. A man came in with a headache and wanted to buy a men. thol pencil to rtih nn Kl t-u They were out of menthol pencils an4 George sold him a stick of indellible Ink'Indlanapolis News. For full information call on your near est ticket agent. EO.H. LEE, C. P. T. A. Little Rock, rk. J. S. McNALLY, D. P. A. Oklahoma City. When You Want A Clean Shave A Neat and Stylish Hair-cut Or Shampoo CALL AT THK EXCELSIOR ONSORIAL PARLOR So. Second St., Next to Creek Gro. Co Clean towels, Bharp razors a specialty. J. A. BANKS, Proprietor Certain Teat. Daughter I sometimes wonder If Jack really loves me. Brother Well, you needn't. I'rf keen borrowing money from him for mc mb hiiiu monins, ana he hasn't decreased his visits. Princess Christian, Princess Charles of Denmark and the Princess of Wales could earn their living as stenograph- .o ntiDu iiui-esBsry dui tney arent looking for a place Just now. The esteemed Birmingham Newa recently "editorialized" on Dress aa an Influence. Seems to have a very depressing influence sometimes oa the head of the family. Love's Quest When all tke clamor of the world. Its nolHc ffnd wild alarms. Has wrapped me pitilessly round. And in Its web my heart Kw bounC I crave your shelterlnv arms I " When f the brazen rraah -a- The silence rends apart: -"" ....... - .., oievcu iii ion ana Atrir VH.t -K .IKOL lUt The stillness of your heertt viiBinTo nimon 1 1 'on, In The Reader. Romantic toldier'e Ae. The following advertisement occ pies a prominent place lc the Gazette de Zurich: "An Austrian officer of the balloon section wishes to marry a ladv who win hBA u - . ..... TV ,.uv vuurag-e is) . make her honeymoon voyage with mm in a balloon."