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MUSK0Q66 cimeter. -.ns. Vol. 5 Muskogee, Indian Territory, Thursday, July 14, 1904- Number 4q 6 NEGROES SELECT NATIONAL TICKET Put up Scoft of Illinois, Payne of Virginia as Candidates. The Negro Liberty party yes terday nominated William T. Scott of East St. Louie, 111 , for President, and W. C. Pajneof Warrenton, Va.. for vice presi dent of thu United States. The choice of candidates was reached after a spirited contest, lasting for over an hour, during which the unanimous nomination was tendered to and declined by S. P. Mitchell, 'he Democratic chair man of the Liberty league. The nominee for Preside nt is a native of Newark, Ohio, of free parentage, and 60 yeais of age. He received a common school education in the free schools of Ohio, and learned the barber trade. In 1862 he enlisted in the United States navy as a ward room steward on the receiving ship Victoria. In 1863 he went to Cairo. Ill , where he opened a hotel, and later published Cairo Gazette, and established the first Negro daily paper in the country under that name. He has resid ed in East St. Louis for the padt two years, W. C, Payne, the nominee for vice president, is a native t Warrenton, Va., where he was educated in tie common schools, and attendend Way land semin ary, Washington, D. C. He is 37 years of age, T..e Platform. The platform advocates unre stricted suffrage for all American citizens, withour distinction or qualification. It asks lor the addition of two Negro regiments to the regular army, the promo tion of the volunteer and regular officers of the Spanish-American war, and pensions. It urge3 non interference in the affairs of the far East until the government is able to protect its citizens at home, advocates the governmen tal ownership of the public car riers, and self-government for District of Columbia, and appeals to all religious denominations to assist in 'he suppression of "lynch law," Davis, the big burley leadbr, who lead the attact on the Court House ring, as he termed it, was very much in sympathy with these fellows he now cusses, but thut waa before (for reasons best known to himself) he severed his connection with the gang, as guard, Its arother case of sour grapes and ingratitude. The lecral adviser of the fellows who called the meeting on the hill the night before the election is reported to be in high glet ov er the defeat jf the ticket and says, "de iheives, thugs and gamblers are beaten begad, van" This poor devil sems to have gotten into the world wrong and we wonder that he agreee with himself he remind- us of the won dering jew, Isar. c HOT SHOT Dr. Sims was on the campaign committee, as a representative of the Lincoln club we presume . . w'ell if the doctor worked a minute for the ticket we failed to see it. But maybe the god of i he club gave Doc. the wink. There were some strange cards played and dealt in the political yame, The campaign lie that Shack lvfoid refused to rent a house to a cj!o -ed man because of his cd or kept at least 75 colored men at nome, they reiusing to go and vote; it was a member of the Lincoln club, child of the Lily whi e club who helped to circu late the lie. FROM HAPK ON THE ELECTION. Mr. Editor: It is said that sometimes o hie has sti an, e bed follows and I am of the opinion that the -ayin is true. The his tory of the special election jn Kentucky School Board tars Filipinos, Louisville, Ky., July 6, The state board has instructed the high chool board to inform four Phillipine students, who applied for admission to the Dupont man ual training high school, that their color debars them fiom the priviledgcs of the public schools, when the rrqucst that the Fill'- pino bays be allowed free admit - . uo-uuy iusi, snows mar, pw.niea tunce to thJ fcchool WU8 preeentorl do. s indeed make Pirunge bed tJ th , board Dr. U. E. Galvin fellows. The Denvcraby in or- j inqi:imi j piilipinos are not Ne der to .-ueced for the time being, gToeH. pPof Mu.k 8lilJ he had layed down its hatrtd toward the ( investigated the law as to the Negro, ad the fellows who ire reparation of races in the schools usually called big burley brut us aIi found tlml the word 'cokred' were transformed into associates. arplied to all except vhi;e chil Tr.cse burl, y heads could be seen dren Negroes, Indians and those in the. hall way.s and the jfrivate 0r the brown races. rooms ana nices or tneir mas ters, mapping cut tion and gutting i line of ao tneir thirty Muskogkk Union Uailway. To and from pieces of silver rs the blood mon- Ft. Smith and Wagoner and tho There are some Negroes who just left the tw.n hell a few yeara ago, who are now assisting the democracy : if that breed of race destroyers continue io come, it will only be a short time'until the Territory will be turned over to the unwashed. Let some good brother pray that these cusses be taken home to glory and all will be well, ey for the betrayal of their party.- The meeting on the hill was, in my opinion, was a result of un holly combine; and wien this combination wci made, com posed of preaohers, dcacor s and what nots on one side, and demo crat wire pullers i n the ither, the devil and all th-j imps of hell danced wiih glee because they knew this meant the minister and his dupes n;uJ told and traded their birth right and imriior'al souls for, a mess of pjtage. Time will tell how far reaching is the outrageous practice of; Kansas and Clurokee Oil Fields, via Coretta and Missouri Pacific Ry. Lv. Muskogee 9:30 a. m. and 8:5 p. in. Ar. Ft. Smith 12:55 p. in. and 11 :45 p. m. Lv. Ft. Smith 4:00 a.m. and 3:15 p in. Ar. Muskogee 7:3L a.m. and 7:35p, in. Lv. Muskogee. . G:25 a. m. and (L-20 p. in, Ar. Wagoner. . 7:10 a. m. and 8:10 p. m. Lv. Wagoner 0:55 a. m. and 53-17 p. m. these hounds ot hell and thir Lv. Muskogee.. dupes. They are as dangerous 10:40a m ind 2:17 P' rn to the body politic as the prongs ' For t,mc ot' ,.tPain hV"a . , : .-. h i wagoner see Missouri Pacific anu iangs oi inn most venomous Iron Mountain time tables. A. Ft. PayinghauH, Traffic Eanager. Last Spring we voted: for mem liaio et( tha T?iirkQiialf. f.lilr) Mtta I cause thsy are nominees of the party. We expected the same from them when a memoer of the Muskogee club was a candidate but the vote in the 1st and 2nd wards shows just where those cusses were. reptile to the human being. They are real demons in the shape of men. and if not npavpntarl. will carry the whole race of neonle to'MuskoRcc Stcam Dvc Works which the belong into perdition. I am glad that the decent re spectable christian ministers of FRENCH DRY CLEANING on CHEMICAL PROCESS row our people were not seen on the Les' Gents' Garments, Curtains, etc 4. aim) mennani enuring. 4 wontcB, ao mast broadway mrnmrnr. street corners begging and bul dozing men for a few dollars and the sooner that class that parad In our opinion the Rooevelt club and the Lincoln olub ren dered great assistance to the democrats in winning the elec tion. Its a known face that mem bers of ihe club refused to vote and adviaed others to stay away from the polls, Isaac, the lawer, i3 an amusing cuss; agrees with no one, and and believes in like the old time hard-shell, "You can and you can't, you will and you wont, you'll be damned if you do and be damned if you don't. Just a word on this subject: As we find many who are led to believe that 1 Y1 a mnona 4 it af. ti irrxntl hi 11 alii frirr nn1 ed themselves in such a disgraoe sponging with some volatile liquor; but ful manner are dead and in not so with our process, for wo thorough hades the better off will be the ly nxamino evoiy article and then com a0G 1 pletely immorse it in u combination of t fluid which attack only the dirt, grease, If this is not sent to th e waste etc., leaving the garment with its origi- basket I will come again. William Haik. Go to CREEK Livery Barn, mil lustre and fiinish, not oven disar- iiiiiiii iiiu inuiiu uiuiatiuvu b lllllillllri j lace or aecoruoDn pieuies. BABY CLOTHING Wo pro past master in the art ot A trial cleaning this line of garmonts will prove it. STEAM DYING We are now prepared to steam-dye Ladies' and Gent's Garments, Portiers, curtains, etc. Such strides have been j made in tnis line that at the present ; time there are dyes that are fast to light and washing. Hut better still we give ev ry dyod article a finish which gives it almost the anoearance of new. You Now located ai new quarters note we don't say new, for we are un- on 3rd street, near Elgin Ave. , ble to "!fke new Kents 0 of old. e I Goods Called foh and Delivered- WM. RAGSDALE & CO. I . , .ro, ror