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The jyiuskogee mm. &?' Vol 5. Muskogee, Indian Territory, Thursday, August x 904- Number 43 , CHEROKEE OFFICERS ARE LOCATED HERE. Freedmen Desiring to be Enroll meni Must Come to This City. , The freedmcn desiring to have their names included on the Cherokee rolls will now be compelled to leave their nation and come fo Muskogee. Cherokee Attorneys Davenport and Bell have opened offices on the third floor rA the Dawes Commission building urcl have brought all the official docu ments over from Tahlequah. In the fu ture all evidence and argument as to the right of f recdmen to be enrolled will be heard and determined there. There are as yet some 400 who have not been ad mitted by the Daws Commission, and 750 applications passed by the commis sion whic have not yet been passed up on by the Secretary of the Interior. The Tahlequah Herald, in its last issue, says: "There is a rumor afloat that Chief ttogers was not at all well pleased with the manner in which the attorneys for the Nation, having charge of the i recdmen division of the worlc have- been attending to business, and that he thou ght the Nation was getting the worst f o the businesc, yet what evidence the chief had in this codncotion was not pivulgod. "At any rate, the freedman will now have to hit the pike for Muskogee and butt in on Attorneys ITooley Bell and James 6. Davenport, who have charge of this division." -Phoenix. Colored Teacker Appointed, Creek Nation Fo lowing are the appontments of teachers for colored neighborhood echo jls in the Creek Nation as made by Supervisor Alice Robertson and Super intendent Cheesie Mcintosh and ap proved by Superintendent J no. D. Ben edict. Ash Creek, Miss Lizzie Jefferson; Black Jack, Miss 3. E. Marchnt: Cher ryville, John H. Wright; Biush Hill, Mrs. J. E. Cri instead; Blue Creek, Mrs C. A. Hunter; cano Creek, John Hou ston Parker; Chicken Creek, W. A. Randall; Coul Creek, Mrs. E. N. J. Sims; Coon Creek, Mrs. Fannie L. Lav ender; Marshalltown, Charles A. Eig gere; Now Hopo, Lelah C. Diggers; New Paradise, Odessa A. King; Old Agency, llattie T. Davidson; Salt Creek, J A. Anderson; Spring Hill, J.N. B. Wall; Spring Valley, J. E. Douglass; Sugar Creek, S. Sinn; Wild Cat, W. G. McGowan; Pleasent Grove, C. C. Byrd; Willow springs, Cora Lee Welch; Beggs, Bessie E. Hill; Rentie, Willio May Poston, Oak Ridge, Pearson S. Br -ant; Oak Grove, A. L. W. Shiol ds: Mount Bethel, Mattio M. Smith; Mprxis Ronty, Carrie M. Watson. ffAU the above teachers woro appointed , upon certificates from the late Normal, L nrnffirnnnn in nnnnintmnnt heinir iriven . -.4?v to.tljose making the best grades. 'GIVE US YOUR SUBSCRIPTION. RENTIE ITEMS, Rentie, I. T., July 30. Crop are boking fine in the vicinity and grown cotton -bolls are no strangers. When at Uentie call on JV H. Reeves for groceries of all kind and cold drinks uf the best kind, prices to suit your pocket, and groceries and drinks to suit your appetite. Rev. D. D. Spots the A. A1. E. pastor is doing a good work here. Rev. Spots is an amendment to our past religeous constitution -"The right men in the right place." There was quite an interesting entertainment given at the Mas onic Hall last night (Thursday night) for the purpose of raising money to hely defray the expenc es of Masonic delegates to the Worlds Congress to be held in St. Louis, Mo. Do.i't forget the grand barbe cue to be given at Rentie on Aug 4th 1904. Come one come all. Rev. D. D. Spotts and and del lgate to the S. S. Convention will leave for Grayson City on Aug ust 8th 1904, where they will tend the A. M. E., S. S. Convention. J. H. Reeves is putingin a new stock of groceries which he will Sell almost at cost for 90 day? call in and see him when in Rent ie he will treat you right. J. H. Reeves is Postmaster at Rentie, I. T. and is doing good business in every way as ha9 been said: "The Ne6ro is a thing of ths past" but he is being used in the present, now. Prof. J. H Higg9 will leave Rentie for Parsons Kansas to day on business and will probably be gone for eight or ten days. Prof. J. H. Reeves P. M. at Rentie was over to Muskogee a few days ago attending to free 8chool business and think the school will open about tlie first Monday in September. Monitor. Mr. Editor: In the fight for postmaster now on. I believe that the best interest of all con cerned would be to stay with the past few years and who has filled the position with credit to him self and his party. Mr. Esten is a good republican and has made a splendid officer and I believe he should be retained for the en suing term. He is an old soldier and a firm friend of the soldiers. There is not a blot on his record. Henry Burnside, FEDERAL OFFICERS TO PROTECT NEGROES At Hcldenvilla Arrests Have Been Made, the InfraetionistF to be Punished, and the Town Purged of Negro-Phobia. "I want the people of Holden viile to understand that they can not run Negroes out of town af ter they are there, just because they are Negroes, or keep them from coming there if they desire to do so." Mellette. The stand taken by the U. S. Attorney. Hon. Wm. Mellette in the Holdenville' affair, and his support by the balance of the court officials, is condemnable and shows that the officials in this Western District from Judge to constable, are in favor of en forcing the law and are in favor of justice and right. These are the same men that have been designated by the black allies of democracy as the "Court Gang." And it was by using this cry that Isaac and his tools succeeded in cefeating a republican for office. Now if this outfit arj notnoward ly cusses, why don't they name they name that part of the Court House Gang that they were so bitterly opposed to? If it were not for the people who are ac cused and abused by the crowd of political buccaneers, and pi rates these same' pirates would hot-foot it from the Territory in the dignified manned that they shinned out of Texas and Ar kansas and Texas when the op pressor was after him with his bull wnip and his crown of thorns And now the same cusses are going into the Democratic party and hunting for the Thirty Piooes of Silver; and like the thief, in the big city, who is chased by the officers stop and point at some honest man and yell, "Stop thief." The whole gang have been caught in their figers at the men who supported the ticket and yelling, "Stop thieves." Hsher & White, DENTAL PARLORS Reeias 5-7-9, Car Una Building. CORNER THIRD AND OKMULGEE. We use the best material and do high grade work at prions within reach of all SDeeial prices on gold crowns and bridge work Have your theoh saved bo foro its too late. The Best Advertising Medium through which you can reach the colored people is "The Cimeter." COLORED MASS CONVEN TION. Mr. Editor : Please give space to this short note, in order to cor rect a published statement ap pearing in last issue of a paper published in this city, called .'The Muskogee Cimoter." The editorial of the paper in question, that the call published for a mass conveotioe of colored citizens of the Indian Territjry, is inspired for opposition to the Republican party in the territories, and that it is in the interest oflily-whitism I wish to say, as 1 am chairman in flinf nnll for Hift 10th of All - : gust, that the call is wholly void I jf the slightest foundation, The convention is for the purpose of memorializing the senate of the United States on behalf of the colored people of the proposed new state, that the suffrage pro vision of the pending statehood bill, be retained as it passed the house of representatives. Ex perience has shown that the col ored voter has been the chif suf ferer, whenever political restric tions are appled in any state, and in this feature of the pr.esent bill, the callers of the convention feel that tho colored men are more directly interested in its pasace; and to. that end the mass conven tion is called. It is also proposed, that steps are to be formulated in that convention looking to a thorough organization of the colored Republicans throughout tho Territory, which organizations are to workuuder control and jurisdiction of the recognized Republican commit tees now existing in the Indian Territory Any other purpose attributed to tho oallers of the proposed convention on the 10th is a great injustice to the callers and likewise the putlic in.gener al. Respectfully, Cornelius J. Jones. Pheonix. Another dodge. If Jones means what he says, why did he call a convention of republicans, why was tho call made for other than colored men. Tho above letters are in diroct opposition each to the other. Read his call and then read his letter and any fairmind ed person will admit that Corne lius tho Great is making a splen did attempt to straddle. Go to J J . CREEK Livery Barn, Now looated at new quarters No. 512 South 3rd Street. Pkno 7fi opposite Cilli Smidvr' ; It I H- s