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TG fllusKoaee meter. Volume 5 Muskogee, Indian Territory, Thursday October 6, 1904. Number 52. RIGHT PARTY FOR NEGROES. Republicans Maintain Human Rights at All Times. PRESIDENT THEODORE ROOSE VELT A GALLANT LEADER. HY CIIAS. ALEXANDER IN COL. STATESMAN. The Republican party was born in 1795 It was called into pxistence for the purpose of meeting stern and trying- condi tions and to solvo problems that required the organization of the best intellectual forces of the timo; and though it was deemed tho fir&t duty of the party to se cure political freedom to the While man, it did not stop there; it developed in power and mag nanimnity until it also brought political freedom to the black man. For over 40 years it has contonded that all men breathing the air of this grand -republic, whether they be black or white, aliall be free free to labor, free to exercise political duties as citizens, fro to engage in many business and professional com petition free to enjoy life and the pursuit of In ppinsss. In its platform of 1872 it eruphsized this splendid declaration: ''Com plete liberty and exact equality in the enjoyment of all civil, political and public rights should bo established and effectually maintained throughout tho Un ion by etfici?nt and appropriate state tedoral legislation, Neith er the law nor its administration in rerpect to citizens by reason of race, creed, or previous con dition of servitude" This feel ing has dominated the party dur ing all its splendin history; whereas the seeling of opposition to the Negroes progress on gen eral principals has been the Democratic party. Wo wnould not like to witness a departure from this noble prin ciple, so long serving as a corner stoue of tho one -great political party in tho United States, It would appoar to us that tho eru dition, the eloquence, aenuino couragh and tenacity of Presi dent Roosevelt, on account of the noblo attitude ho hag already assumed toward tho Negro, and on account ot tho noble attitude Jio hasilreaby assumed toward tho Negro, and on account of the now and praiseworthy type of statesmanship manifested by the chief exeoutivo of the nation, would warrant us in beiieving that we may not witness a de parture from this principle that we may trust to his keoping the legacy of the past, and that a3 long as the Negro will continue to perform his political duty with efficiency, he will find a place in the political arrena with the rest of the worthy. The Republican party has al ways believed in the common people tho working masses. It has always believed in honest labor; and, in token of this, tho thousand who attended the con vention at Chicago, at which the immortal Abraham Lincoln was nominated, went wild with enthu siasm when ono of theraih he had split when a boy was lifted up beforb them. This devot.:i to manly labor This aggressive Vindication of honest toil by tho Republican party never pro . ? recreant to its great trust, thai of maintaining the jcommon rights of all the citizens of this republic. And while the yells "f the barbrrous mob drown out the expiring groans of its innocent vie im in some secluded section of our country 3iju tjulitical man dicauts take neutral ground in regard to the subversion of hu man rights, and the p'jlitL.-l trickster skulks stealthily away with his impoverishing plundr in some rural district, of the South, let tho grand old paiiv, with tho gallant President Theo dore Roosevelt as it3 leader con tinue to prove the purity of its purposes, the wisdom of its mag nificont plans, and the splendid balance of its judgement in con tinuing its efforts in tho direction of human elevation human rights political liberty! MARRIAGE. Mr-. Tommy Gordon and Miss Ahco Sango were married ono day last week in okmulgee, after whioh they returned ts Muskogee for a few days visit, and left on the "4'' for Okmulgee where they will opon a hotel. Thursday night, September 29, Mis3 Odessa Bennett, daughter of Mrs. Rosa Bennett, North 5th St., to Mr. Cornelius Kimbreau. Rev. Toliver of the M. E. church officiated. Success to future wol fare of the happy young couple. -cDarshrshop, OPPOSITE OOUttT HOUSK. 6AT1SFA0TION GUARANTFKB Dave Richardson. - Proa Another Piece, of Cowardice, In tho last iscuo of the Cimoter I put such a hot dose under the belt of ono of the trustees, a big city parson, who pastors in tho city, till ho is forced to answer mo from his pulpit, I am in formed he tells that tho trustees had a right to do almost any thing they desired to do, all bo cause they are trustees What excellent reasoning! He takes the pulpit to do his cursed "get back.,: Now I desire to say in words so plain that a fool may not mistake. If anyone say I was informed of the chango in anyway, either by word or other wise till I had approached thorn after this dirty, black-hearted, debased, unscrupulous, piece of dirt had boon accomplished, write it down as tho biggest, most diabolical lie told sinco tho oafk day of Annias and Saphira. Now, when a man will take tho advantage to answer an article from his pulpit because I coind rDt he present rnd wore I there, 1 would not 1)9 accorded '.no .ib erty to answer hi n, and teUs a s.ep dyd, ucomproraisiijg falsehood, nc more respect should be shown him Ihrii an ordinary murder and he sv ws tho true sins of a cur Jo toil. Thv is an example of true leador.,p. ! God forbid that such figuerhuadi should ever preside within the confines of civilized communities I am reaady to say to the pub lic that another trustee, Rev, L. V. Sango, a man I have greatly esteemed since I met him, declares that the matter was not explained in the Board, and no real explanation was ever mado to him till I fully explained it to him. This parson tells his people that they should hear both sides before condemning him. Well, sir I am surprised. How could you have done what you did without first giving an investiga tion? But when I hit you ono of those solar plexus blows, you hol low foul There are others of tho Board who live out of town who no doubt, up to this good hour, are probably entirely ignorant of how this rascality was planned, and the hellish means used to further the ends of this conspi racy, I am too muoh man to uso my ohurch to denounce you, sir, as long as this government acoords its citizens free epeooh, and wo have access to tne press of our land. Having boon planned by the devil and his co horts, you still see there is noth ing but underground work which is shown by t a k i n g it into his pulpit you scorn to pose as an apostle of right then what about 'ho monoy you carried to tho Territorial Sunday School convention at South McAlister. They say your Sunday school gave it to ycu. Why not roturn it as you 'woro given it to pay homo one elso's way, and did not account for it. But of courso you are a just man. I thank God tho people are going to make tho scoundrel and daddy of this dir ty act, feel public sentiment as ho never has. P. TAYLOR, HASKEL ITEMS. Tomio 11. Rylo3 has been very sick this week with chills and fever. Messrs. Harry and J. II. Cob brey, Mr. Jako Simmons, Mrs. Katy and Jack Friday went to Muskogee this week. Mr. Juhn Ware has a beauti ful $500 resi lent finished up this week. Ware is 0. K. anyway. Mr. Joe Jaokaon has baled for scock to winter on, 45o tons of fin hay. M". A. C. Carpenter has 5000 pounds of cotton this week, Mr. Carpenter in a first class farmer .Mid is horo from Cherokee nd lion Mr. Jake Simmons has let a coutract to a contractor to build for himself a fine six room, two atory resident when complete it will be ono of the finest in tho country. Mr. Simmon9 owns Home of tho finest land in Arkan sas river valley. Ho is a good farmer. Perhaps there is no one man in his section has more in fluence for good than ho. Sister Doroathor Coats of Mus kogee, the lady preacher, spent last week with us warning sin ners to come to God. Sister Coats is a lady of fine culture and equipped for tho pulpit. She labored very hard for us. She was born in the state of Tenneseo in tho year of 1875, G miles from Grand Junction in Ilardman county, she has trav el over a groat many states and preached whore ever she wont. We wore glad to have Sister Coats with us, she is loved by overybody here, vv. rvvit y. -, J s a-if 'Lawyer. Will practice lb (J. 8. Oonrt and Daws Oommluioib OIm ftftooud Strut.