Newspaper Page Text
hi Tarsal f j-Hj-'r i V ,- ,T A5 '-X ' f J . v -si rfY . v. y ft a MmKtow collection Atoka, Oct. 12 190 .f A .IL C jU-fc-8 -rOUR HEAD HAVING FAILED TO ARRIVE i t 1filV '.. l ' Our Readers Will Have to Guess at Y the Name until our next. l' i 1 , DEVOTED TO TXDIAX AND,TOCK "NEWS. !.. 17 . VOL. 1. NO. 1 ATOKA, INDIAN TERRITORY, FEB. 23, 1884. $1.50 PER year; 1 n J jr.'? 1 ) 5 r wiMy hi i3.1 ft the! wti i'' aVi cr hor Sa s'lsi .11 JOHN FRINZEL, ATOKA, I. T., Wagonmaker AM) Blacksmith. Wagons antl IlugiderMade?to farter mmI Repaired. ;pr89 Shoeing a Specialty. I . V'v ' 6wb and Farming Implements Itcpnlrcd on Short Notice. tips. ' 4TOKA, M. J. MOOKE, CHOCTAW NATION, INII. TKH., 4 UUKfiR and DRESSMAKER, w Spring Hats, Flowers, Ribbons, Agency for Demeresfs Reliable PattrrnM. tp. J- Brisco & Lorden, ' Livery, Feed and Sale Stable Trams, foirrliuxos and Saddle Horses to Let. Drummer's Outfit Always Heady for Long or Short Trips." . Atoka, Indian Ter, 0. RAMSEY, ATOKA, I. T. ''W7.1IKER AND JEWELER A nil Dealer in ovlJ Silrer & Xicke-l Watches A Fine Lnic of Cuff and Collar Buttcns, Vest Chains, Ladies' Breast Pins. Bracelets, Neck -md Guard Chains and Fine SOLID GOLD RINGS j . ... r v SILVER PLATED WARE, FIELD AND SPY GLASSES And ti I'inc Lino of Spectacles and Eyeglasses, In Any Kfjloof Frame. ICLOCKi i ?. .3pociai Autmuon uiven to R opal r rrv F ne Wl Branding Iron, OFFICIAL VAVV.H OF TIIK CHOCTAW NATlOM. L. II. A H. M. ROBERTS, Pimm's. ATOKA, I. T., FED. til, 184. Ratos for Advertising. On Coluiiic, oue year, '. 50.00. One Square, one year, f 75.00. One Square, on month, 1 .60. Ten liasw of Irevlr coaaUtutjatjt mm Local, 10 Cent per llae, each sulwe uuent Insertion s Cent. Stock Urands published In the Hiunu ixd I no.N nut! tlio Indian ."ontN.u. for 85.00 per year. aWO Ck Aaeatei. Wkj oat yoa gat somebody to adopt your" asked oae elegantly attired I'ouug niM of another, m the two lolled a graceful attitudes on sofa at the Grand Paciio. "Several ef the nicest boys in town who are in hard luck hare told rat they were going to try it" "Good idea, b' Ceortfo," exclaimed the otheryouujr man, brightening up at the thought hit him. "U'a uuoh more genteel, yon know," the nret yeung nan aaid, "than to make your ewn liriug. ae you lust now aid you were afraid yon would have to da A young fellow of goed form ought to hare little trouble in hecoraiug a rich man'a eon by adoption, if nature hasn't done the proper thing and auppjied him with a real father whe hae plenty ol money." Vory true," mnnnnred the ether youn; man. Think of the rich merchant," re mtracd the first young man, who bar lloaven knowa now many thotisanda to upend, and who haven't any freutlo manly kooa to epead them. Think of them, dear boy. There't a protuiting field for yott. Why Owtildu't ovnry ouu of theta nave a handaomo fellow like you in the family to give it social tainlingf" "Very true," mid tha other young man, hesitatingly. "But arau't'tlioso dreadfully rich people inolinod to be vulgar?" "Vo1l," alowly answered tlio flrt young man, "there's bo .iuhVing, tut di'tir fellow, that one mu.sC run acre vtilgar people everywhere.'4' Old folk never hare elegant manner. If. you don't a-uueiate loo much Hith the onii that you allow to adopt you, a liulc vulgarity on thtir part may be over looked. Vulgarity, dear boy, can W more easily endured than hard work." "Work!" gasped tho other younc man. "Yes, to be sure, I'll got auoptu J right away." Work is disgUHting." Chictujo ActfJ. A Funay Man YThe Wat Kot at IV. Fakay. "U the man that gets up the funny columu here?" askeef a smirking little chap ae he poked a bulbous littlo uoao iuto tite room. "O, yes," said a bald-headed man with a dUordcrod necktie. grir..Ied heard and face like that of an under tukor at an expenaivo funeral. "Vnlk riuht in;" and he caught the little muti ioioiinly by the collar. "Want to see the funav man.' don't vou?" aud he butted the little fel low's head through a eeventy-tive-ceut looking-glass. "Like to look at the 'comic,' wouldn't you."" and he tore tho ititrudor' coat ilowu the back and took a fresh grip on his shirt. "Come down from the country to eo the 'old clown,' haven't youP Like to u-n him stick his head through a paper hulloon, say iley, diddle diddle, the foil's in the middle,' and gut cut ;t round tho logs by the ring-master. 1 suppose," and a No. 12 boot collided u'itU the seat of the little wroU:h'i troupers with a shock like that of a dynamite bomb. "The 'buffoon' ain't in; heU training t new juitkass. Come right in. Chil-ti-en half price. Just going to Im-iIii. Sit down;" aud he liinuicd the torrilifJ littlo visitor into a keg of printer's iuk. "Tho queen's Jester' will bo alone pretty sooa. Waitfor the great nhow! lie yelled, m the little man madly tried to ecapu through two closet doors, and tiu.illy rolled down stairs, accorapaulud by tho water-cooler, two ink jugs and i ho nasto pot. "Want ono more paragraph, Mr Graves, " said a voiee through the speaking tube, and tho solemn man wound a wet towel around his head, Kit down at the desk, and wearily wrote: "Is a man getting op stares when be uuyd an eyo-glassf1'- Boston JSulktin. m A False laiprcisleu. A Dntrolter who was taklug a newly arrived Kuglisiiman around tou-u the other day har.puund to pass a carpenter shop, and '.lie Englishman remarked that he hid always heard that Ameri can wmktuea were rather slovenly and eart'Uws. "We will go la and see," was the reply, and they eutored antl sat down to wait for the boss. The carpenlnr wai using his brace- and bit to bo, holes in a frame of some sort, and after nnch holo was borod he had to.insort a wooden wodgd. Wlien ho had bored a hole he would walk off two fret and JjiijT MH-hU braee, whloh would he After whiTTiTjigdut iach weIge he woult iiirn and place hie knife an a shelf, an very time he wanted Ids hammer i was oa the bench six feet away. "Ah! I find I was sadly lulstakea," aid the Englishman, at they filial h deputed. "Why, that man had a. much order and system as any work niaa) I ever sa in Knglane. lie must have eecupted four-fifths el his lime walking baok and forth for and with his tools." "Yes, he was working by the-day, yon see!" explalaed the cltisen as they waiaesi a.-MtrM rru rrm. rri Relief ef fteeea4 N iya N CUtm J. Hum, of WH?Dres4eo, Me., while excavating for aeellar far a house, opened what seemed to be aa old cellar, in oae eoraer and below the Itottom of the original cellar, he found deeply embedded ia the soil a small iroa box, the contents of whlsh ate of some value aad quite earioue. Amakg the articles was a gold cress euriously vngraved aad with a Latin Insoriptloft. Theio are two Spanish dollsfit, oae American dollar dated ISM, number of Knglish and American copper coins prior to 1801, and some papers which arc so much decayed that nothing can be dociphured. Theft is aLso a very curl ouslv wrought gold ring, somewhat blackened, but still very beautiful, and a few small silver ana copper foreign coins. Votton Gieee. Tavares (Fla.) lehertnea have In stituted a new and novel method of catching fkb, which seems, however, to be very successful A ire is. built on a board laid across a long row-boat, and the fish, attracted by the bright light, leap toward it, fall into the beat, and are captured. Ilew to Harrr Hca Girl. Noxt to tiger hunting there is nothing so exciting as making love to a rich girl. Of course, you arc supposed to be a poor young man, and how to cora- Eete with her rich and accomplished dmirers is a question that haunU you.' Success will be easy if you know how to go to work. In the Arst place, yoa miut get nil mercenary thought out of your mind. To do this there is nothing like earlv rislnc ntid n. roolinir dint. Ilaylng gotten yotir.sclf Into a s ooiii: conuiUou set about: Uiu.fnsk vtWi, liitsa.UkllSaanlinnnn- v-,i-J lmtHMSve'evcrv onuortuultv of poltfn' Into' the 'compHiiy of the niilljouairu (inughUT, but always appear entirely unconscious of her prsuiicc. if you chance to find yourself near her, go to nuotliur part of the room and pay court to the homcllcit and most ueglet ted git 1 in tho Itouse. Tell your bct stories and display your choicest wit; pres ently you will have a erowd of llxtoners who will hung upon your words and bo swayed by jour eloquence. Tho rich young lady will hear ih-j r.urmursof np)luuc and for a time remain ob livious to the (sensation you are making; then she will grow uneasy, aud give nonsensical orders to the servant-). She will tisk foolish questions about the weather in Scotland and the fashions in Holland, and finally, with an ingeni ous nir of Indifferent surpiiMo, remark: "I wonder what that young man is saving to thobo foolish girld." Of course you hear tho voting lady talking, but you niut elfct-t entiro ignorance of her preseneo, while you continue your eloquence. It will not bj long before the beautiful heiress will slyly nsk what you are talking about Tho reply will be eutiruly nusatisfne tory. J nen tho lieiresH will invite you to hit near her. If on are wise you will be brilliant and' further exeito'lior euriosilv by a few wordn, pointing a witticism or two and sjicedilv to your friends. Tins will - .. i roll i ruing tiioti'j tho noli young i.-vay, and tier nuiu't will tjiirn with anger. A.s noon a-, you dis cover that sue really interested in whntyou are sayingl and seeks' your society, make preparations to depart, (io through a grand llouiitdi of leave taking with your neglected liMcnexs, keep them amu.scxl uud mulling until the vory last nfaient, I lieu politely take loavo of yournmmu and go lnmiij. This little ninnuuAiro youi-.t will end her pleasuremTor tko evenJugV l'reciotis little nleep will rthe get that night. All tho fincphru.-ch and lioweiy compliments of her wealthy suitorf will ho lost in the thought of 'how you klighted her. Unli'co men, women are impetiinii. They do not wait. On tho ery uext day the hoiross will send you an invita tion to uttend u party. She will be there and mj will you.' On this occa sion you roust pay her vour linust ad dress. Do it in a tine, ilolicatu hut in dillerent way. Your conduct will aynin j)erplux the heiress, but never miud thnt. You must now tnlk constantly of lier to her friends. Tell them th'at you would like to shoot three or four of her lovers; that if she were not riuli you would walk over ton acnn of bayonets to make lovo to her. In u few iluy you will get mi Invitation to another party. If you are wie you will send icg.eU and decline to go. l'pl.tii u her f i lends that you are madly lit love with her, and that your sense of honor keeps you from intruding upon her preseuee. Send her ani.uymus bou quetsmerely writing "From a friend" on tbo card. Your sti.r now begins u rise upon the horizon: you must go .il way for a fcjv week. lillo jou are gone write anient but very reKpcctfal letters to her friends from your place of exile. Oa your return yon will get an Invitation to rail oa her. You must En at owe, talk to her as 14 you owned er, give her good advice, explain your views about self control, then change the conversation until It concerns your self, naally hesitate, stammer a little, blush a good deal and make the girl your confidant. Tell her in a warm gush of enthusiasm how much you love a rich girl, but add that yon are poor aad feel that it would bo dishonorable to ttffunnait In hmr. ! "- -- Wsay nial ' you Intend to leave the city in a week forevor, never to return again. This will make the heiress tremble. She will ask you to name the girl. While she catches her brcatn, blush again, let your heart swell aad the tears How from youreyea. Say teith a sob that she is the one-you love, aad then rush forth door, ioar sweet, beautiful heiress will give one cry, fling her arms around your neck and sob: "I love you with ail my heart; take me," etc., while you clasp, her to four breast and rain kisses upon her ips. During this period of divine ec stasy (which will seem about two centu ritts), suddenly come to your senses, tear yourself from the girl and wildly exclaim that the sacrineo must not bo. Say that .her friends will re proach you and Justly accuse you of de stroying the life of a poor girl, say that you love her too well to drag her down to poverty, cheap laundries, etc., etc., eta. That night you will, go home aCer-aer with Caesar's crown upon your brow, pad in a fow weeks you wiU be married to a woman who truly loves you with her whole soul. Hut not until you have taken possession of a noblo palace on the Hudsoa, with luxury and'nne horses all around yoa, will you bogin to realise iuto what depths of contempt a sordid maa can descend. N. Y. Journal. A gloomy dua encountered a broker's clerk on the stroet this morn ing aad presented him for the nine teenth time with a littlo bill The clerk smilingly excused himself for an other week. The collector put the bill In his pocket, and said to the inipmturb ablc debtor: "Do you know why you you know why : sV VfwamVs PIParW aro like the wci said the eku Mt!.'' and walked attheJokrwOfcofo llcr'atd. It, takes from twenty-eight to thirty days to hatch ducks' ecirs; twenty- seven to twenty-nine days for pca-fowis; iweniy-sovca to uurty dnya tor goce, aud twenty-soren to twenty-nine days for turkeys. ' Pnrnur, ---- "Mary! ilidn't 1 tell you to come Into tho house half an 'hour ngo?" "Yes, ma'am," responded the little dis obedient. "And didn't you say you would mind?" continued the mother. "Yes,, ma'am. I was coming in, but ' Uut you dNobeyed me, child. " "Oh, no, mamma," exclaimed the little ono. "I didn't disobey you; I only changed my mind." Nome Happening. iThitfois Fomclhing peculiar about Irish wit, and something peculiarly agreeable in It. When n skoptiu iiad been persuaded to attend mass ho was either Impressed or befogged by tho ceremony, no one could tell which, but ho turned to his companion and in a hoarse and solemn sort of a-wliKper ex claimed: "Pat mo boy, this bates the divil!" Tat did not even turn his face to his friend, but, reverently making the sign of the cross, answered: "Jimtnv, mo boy, that's tlio Intiution!" N. '. Herald. On a Highland car a half do7cn fatherti wcro matching babies. To the anecdotes of prize children a listener whose offspring had grown to the age of UilknthnncsH contributed nu account of his boy'u experience in peeling an orange with Iih thumb. With great ililliculty tho iind was taken oil', but to ruuiovu the inner liniiif' or film without breaking into the pulp was harder Finally, in' vexation, tho littlo follow erieOout: "Papa, what makes orange wear flauiiels?" lioston Globe. - ' Somo twenty-live years ago a lady, tow living in Salem, N. C, fell into a '.horn buhh and stuck a thorn in oue eg, near the knee. A physicinn, in ex tracting the thorn, broke. "it oft", leaving about u half inch of the .iliarp point r mainmg, being unatilo to nun it. IM... wouud healed, ami nothing more was thought of the piece of thorn that re mained, us it gave no inconvenience. The other night, however, tho lady dis covered a bhiirh looking pimple on one of her aukles, which soon became pain ful. She applied a poultice to tin.1 place, and, on removing it next day, was as tonished to fiiiu the piece of thorn. Chicago Tribune. lki iinit " "-- ( I "- --- j m m irwiB at la.1l t.t. .sakvViVA 11 itax. aaTPrf- - BvorsNtu - vf wwmmmm v Atoka Lunch House ! I'JIAS. JIOHLS, Proprietor. Lunches served with Hot Coffee Wo keep always on hand Fresh Bread, Pies a:id Cakes, Cldfjr, Soda Pep, Cigars, die. J. W. Atcka, Indian Ter., Harness, aim. AND nKAt.KR IS Harness, Side and Mens' Saddlesn(efeins,.Gollars, Will And Everything in Our Line. "TKXAS" Htid Harness Made to 'Order on r ' .-l K?"C;in C.'oinpetf with nuy Texan 11 ' ' " " " ""' "' . - i ii JOHN A. f - m f 'i Vtici " J 4BLmammml GENERAL GICEtllHmSif atoka;' . m--SBJI J. I-IAAS Will HIGHEST CASH ' :'- -Tor- Hides, Furs, Wool, Deerskins, i m Warehouso w A'i'Ok'AI JOB WORK OF KVKHY KIND At- this Office, Otxrsns, .j- Saddle m j lkJ,Uj. & ' Any Kind nf Saddle, Including CALIFORNIA' or Short Noti House in Price or Quality. J ' ""' ' .! ..-. . 4 ' ".V ' IT" DILLON, pay the A.i' MARKEE !?R!CE ' ,r,$. i ti ty$ - 4 .. i iiiAF'iiie. iv 4: .- tVi You NwkI tho t. m Indian Jaurm ', ?iIi;.sicota:i), I, ''Y.A To ktu'ji vdu puiitbhub . r , tat m. tA w , - or tu i I'mrory tiUsUCK taliuli If r 1 Mi "t . IlV SBSBBSSl t - F iUBH tA M ti ..