Newspaper Page Text
iLza l ;H V I ta,yji.g u wm m ?, a ww d nti j-tfcmtu.r W 1 D.'i'i'd'r, !!!.(!. A J u , i'iM.,icr viMd.' i f'v If'ro ' Ml' tllf f.MIt tf .-t V'lf't -3l.ti. p'"'ft t" 1 initii- ili .(.- ft''" i 'h'.t i . an 1 1 ' i-i i.i :t' ' i i i' ii"i . i!i i . , 'f t u' l'f il I ' I . 1 . ,y I III . i IP ; n,i k I' D u cV'vni,ta mi-: !. .'.: Hie .u u'l n ,oi! Qifr i.f ilio ilrtt, h Vvh 'Ii -v u ii-fii:icr(iif l).M'M't5jiiiiniiir-i ! I 1 .rl ti l.i in llii-ii jlot-k, :n wliii-n r. Iicp it'll. ' don t know niitliiti"'- "'.mit tliut. i biitij,'-' a I:ilv, an1 I d.jn t iluui; lie ous iniii'li btvt. I'lHsIliir tnioti 'li a vviilt; u'M'fini.ivnv llllVcd illl IllC'IU l'OMltf-.iltlC. tliU llii'lV juniij mi ns-ia i , iiiiM'iMitirifi' .MHiiii-ainu upon a dinall ritmp. oon) of livo wotnen ami i-k'lit inun. I'lin-o of Hit' ami vim v( thu tiii'ti hail arrived in I'o.u'lios. Ah this ltoiiii i!.,.i-, in thn Mily morn'ii;'. one- i with a 'I i-, a mi".' r tin cup', lonkin;. iiii.i'i-iy inl tin' t'lttt in tin' i uvft on oi ilui l:tii!r!i(irlii ' neiM. t!uv won In n n-v Ifor liluml. l'l'i -I'lillv n iittn vihiii.t llroii"iit in'lo tin! pen aiiiPthL' lmU- w.i Ichwcd bi'liinil Iiiui. Two nii'ii. In a i i Ii'Murom iimwiniMit, tiliiiiiH tin n ,f jf two roniM iU'oiunl thu li.illofl;' nihil loirs, iitnl in nnotliiT infant ho tlan-'lfd in midair, head downward. A liittdivr, tilooil-bcjrriined from head to font, wur- a lui'ry hat and heavy hunts, with jus troiHi'irt tucked inside, cnU'ivii the- lien a 'tucd with u knifi1, the inot-1 w; bladi) of wliich ;rlNtoned in I ho a jrht. He wait till n ni'tneiit until tlio ftninial io'iso I to heat tiie air with his fort'li'j's, and thin luwnlv cut d,..n :i inall portion of tic -kin at tin k I.1111I -cere I the jir,o"i"-. vl.--ti a ciini- Mon tide II iwed from tin- im ,,,. At t'.e siht of th. it- l of !, lnov .h m;r luillock tlic ce.- . i all iu ..- Ii'iit irli-li'iiU'l Itli an ea-'crn -s ti i'c. Jif lirsi cup. Tho blood .iii'k.v-. (Ur lint i- what t' butcliC'iall tiiuin) arn HOI P' rillUH'll Ili-.-tU! Hit! I, CM. Mil ill.S woil-in abi.tit tin pP'inUcs make it a point to be on hai 1 e.'ery moruiu-j wiii'ii tiiu killing is in 'ir.'c'iws and tln'V tak'- tiiorci'i'iiac!li in. I .: : i i te; timlor the foiiniaiu of blood un;.I i, rittuiioi them to their re.-pceiiw ,n-i. its. ('in; :r"tnl man a'ter drainin .ds tntitr it refilled and offered it to iliu reporter, who, att -r a little Imllle with liimst'lf, ta.-ted tne lliini. It w.inot i!t'i 1. aii'l he tirauk tho emit eniteiits f tiie mil''. Tne lale a n , h unlike tresli-inilkeii l.ieti a! Iliu rued. In fact, it tasted - Mineri i vhat had been imairiuud tiiattheiv m Hie at l.e reiuaikableerowlh Pof the habit. After thy depm t' r of "tho eustoni'er.s fthe report r ukd iliu foreliiun whether had nuttiv vccy morning;. Yes. 'I'hat isa small iol. When i we don't have moio than a dozen blood-thir.-ty ladies and eiiilemcu here it is a poor i lav. Scimodaysthuru arc as many as thirty." Do the s'iimo persons com often?" Well, as a rule, thev ait; patients who are s-ent lit 'e by 1 1 eir doctors. Some try it once, et diited :imI never come ajrain. UtUetx tome a few Ltimes ami think thev are eured of ion- jinplioii or som(tiiur eNe and stay nut there arc sum who come Lilly everyday or every second day i uiiMiiii.s ai, a nine, iiiui amioii :u tho'o is seemingly nothing the matter wt! tin lit. the appetite for blood lias vi jrpjwn on them they cannot slay nwiu. How much blood can your oldest "tiMoiner.s ilriuk atone timer' 'fj- neralh thev confine themsulves i nie f;lass or muir, but we have one ill' i wno comes every nnoriuie nay. M.t i ''s on h.riii"; Ihrco full bump er . w1 lie that old man you saw hero Uir'. two f his eupfiil 'everv iia.' .','., i o.... i t, :..!.' .1..: h ' i'. im im- vwiii i.iiiii-. in. it iliu 1. ,.i .... :..,i.:i,:..., t.i ....t-nt ri"-,i an 'i im iiiiiiiniii;; iii;ini, rriin Hlfl 'ol'il' M'lui i.mnn lini'.. nrn con"ii' tie-, while there are a uuni- bc'if r'u'iimaUcs, eases of jirolraeied l.itiAt's leitvinj: iuinovi!n.iieii blood. sijpe cAtn niely ajjed people, rcipiiriiijj ;m; nj'isio i of net lite." "!o you ehar;r" them ainthiiijr for the bl i-'I' hey drink?'1 ." m a re i. Wo are only too ;rlat! ,'i rio t to t'lein. s-i lon a. lee iio:t t ini ; ' or iiiterff'.v in our worr. The iin v l.o ret the blood tor them .'lid ,vh 1'ieii' inus generally ;.'et n few ei's fr mi the rich, but they n,-e noL (u jm 'i d to dema'id an t'dn;.'." A a ni'iny weiltliy persons seel; this l fiul i mei'llciiii!"' "fie greater' portion of thcin nrn well-to-do. i' nd .lome dins (here er at least a eoiivi.yanees outside wair iu,'.' until their oceiipants have hud their morn ii'r cocktail." "Are the other abattoirs also til ed so oNtciisivc'v?" izei "No. The other sl(uiliter-h()ise 'lo not make tho killing of beoves a .speci alty a we do. ' They kill eturythiii": bujC.'ks, cows, calvo. shecji and iioj ,T at irregular hours, so that people, don't ,'o much to them. Whenever y mi want a rood jrlass of voiui'jf luil- fc s blooil come hero at the hujriu- r or cloe ot the wook. ntlnW about tint liot-wnler eiifj's?" .iske.l tlio reporter. jXothln in tint," iMiswered tho I of blood; "hot blond is the tiling. ,Thow', bluod i thicker than water. nit tlia' in oitr jiipu and Mnoke it." .V. Y. Journal. lisli'Tiuim on tliu StntiK miw. tlio i Ucrii'l!! v':il-) y " l'i'" aftfi- l.inin;,' hiuilfil iMii-t f lii-i nut into tlio l)o:it. loiiinl "'in- ililli'iiltv in L'''iiiui,' in llio roiu'i'iuli'i'. rpoiiiuvc-tint ou la found , tutit a" ciim'inoiw siia-k li!id",.v:ill...i'il i lo'jr or iivi mtltniii or it, witu tio Sk-;, Ji'Mils niul i lire.' -aliiiou wiii -Ii it alni'd A't"i a im.d lij:lit tlio yii-to wM d')i'i'ht' I ami t. ! to fm; un 1 aftv tu'iii li -i'll l!i" nut and lili wrrt taki'n rin i li.i. Tlicro :i nl-ffound vihliiu Id- cii iiimiIii torior Mi'iroii row l-Ask. c !.:' 1 cu-of x.ilino'1. at't of a iioat-ho'iU, a laro can wh't'lifiad l'"ii u-cd a a lloat lor tho end of a lift, Mid a trip-liuimuut', ovidt'u'ly fro u coin. iio.iMor. ' j llill Nl ii it Tim I iii-itii'ii IIl,.i...ll I. t1 .'l.,-'"" - ' " fs that he inn o far if -iiu'rct r" ,u':miii us to of noli' io -in aiitr . , Ill I. ..!.. .!!..!. old iiiiiiuiL'. "iimi a ijoiiiinri. - fii'.t in i'oiii"iiifnit ) of .-' mit '"i rjta it . r t norrnr'. cf tho wtra Prlnon. TJio followinir nooonnt of tho stuto. of .Jfiiy-i 'n the pil-oinat (.'anion luv; hoen written ly one w'.io seems !o liuvw h! own by exju'ri nee something of tho :! h'ps and cruelties t-i w hieh p.'huti jr- a. ! lApiweil. Il U print ,d and clr .ulateil ratnlt ti-ly in the street in ! nnt"M rnil it is eiitiil"!! "An ecount, ift'io l!.':crt!on anil (.'tnehlos J'rac IVoil in tho Kauihol (treat I'ri'ou, the foniiuon rrUon. th front and b.iek Lock-up"', bv tho Keup prs. a d in f e I'oliee Tells by tho Po licemen.'1 It is perfectly rijrlu" (it nnts) ti lime !; epers to reslrii'n thu viclom and ii'bti'. atuoiifr the prii-oners. but who would suppose, that tl:u. would leajrue theniseUes with these cnnraol'M-- to extort anil otiprcjs? All the cvtU of Ihe prisons are fiom t liis fouree. I'epr'.vation of Money, Kit. By th' means the keepers fatten on the "spoils of th prisoner. As mhmj as a man en ters the pKsnn he is searched and tr p'li-il of hist money ami clothing; thus he him no mvans to provide him 1 with comfoits or to Keep ofT the sold. This is pr.wtlceti in both prison.- and police cells. 15nbii for AdiuiHsion.- When he is in Ihe prison he is compelled to wiitu to hi inends, bpwing them to fee tho keepers and to tUit him, ami there aro certain dav.s appointed for their com in?: they are also requested to brin money for his maintenance. If either of th-M things is neglected, the prison l:eo ers aivo mnnev to the old prison er, who fast one end of a nuni to his manacles, and ilie other to !in !; ti hook in the beam above; h i i ,' .i y hoist'd into mid-air, nr.l i'.oI i. 'v jerked n; an I (lon, ". ...t . ' :.e -ward an. I forward: the jei'n im.i i . ciueiat'ii,-.'. If he cr'es nit fn- j -v i. they till I: is mouth and thro':! ' . nsh"s from tho furnace, ni Ui.-.i I ' cii s aro ne:uly,ilr. w ued and h ..I nic rSl'ncatV'd. 'I'h's is ki !'.. - ' bun. i;i : raper. In tlic lar-.-e p i : .i 't i" ihiiie seinty'twol':iii"i 'lvu. ! in lit rii.i'iiiiiti prison lh':i-' tin . ', V,'! fi it", ein tlie hands o. tj.ic r v.reis tii".e is no lie'--' !.. it.,i .- yon survive or nit: ev n if y u -eli vi wile and pawn your ehi' !ivm lo y t th'-iu, all is of' no avail. '' i. .:;;. "fr '- r.Mt.n i! i'n.i ' ilO'itiis hi p.'i.on . ii ev v ten ;; mi st.irvai o . . two t'tr ..'. t e v ten from t I .. r.t. pi'iitlc I and b -a en. Tiiei-c or . '.' jiri-on keopi is -f tays say ! ;.t iTe ! iha'h a- on r-ly in " their h.-Cni'.i. Ilei tlie sai,i'r. ' n m-M. Yo i n !. I'rii'i to i' ct oil i "iyi,iit :oiliiiiMirlMinerMti.'t 1 ii r Irmt CM. I'i iwi-i. inowi:o nre uut Linn;: h i mill i oaten nre subnet. 'U to -..noinoi j plan lur rlndln iiionvy from tl'.em. I Sand and unliulled paddy ar-i iiiiked,! with their mora. ug mid cveuiti rice, or H it is tiiadit so watery or so hot that t.ny ! can not swallow it. ' Sojrrojraiioti. Tho prisonersaie made to sit in a dirty placo and nre not per mitted to speak a word to tlm'r fellow prisoticrs. nor arc thry allowed to til; ' a single step in Iho opun courts. The s; who hae received help from tliD r i friends outside are not permitted topvc any of the food thy lenvo over to thoir fellow-prisonors. If any one bruuki tho5e roulation.s he is cuffed about and cursed This is praetlecil in ull Iht I'lt'lsous and lock-ups. (enabling. Ciamblinp tables are open lay and nirht. Two-thirds of thu prof ' its o to tho prson-koopors and ono thircl to the old prisoners and the bribo payers. The wantons lend money to those who wish it, and ohnnre twenty and thirty per cent, a month. If any of the interest is owinj: it is ' kept bncl: from tho ff,od 'ami allowances. Unlesj settlement is made at the end of tht ' nmc. tho men are huii'r up and twice u day and put in irons. Starring from hunger and thin as roasted storks, they pick up lisli-bonos and melon boeds from the garbage heaps to cat. GAi'n erf. m ' A Useful Animal. A uhort timo sinco. according to on-) of our Chicago tonteinp'rarie's, an a--' sossor w'l.ose bus'iu'si ii was to collect tavos on dogs called at tin: resiih-jee of a gentleman on who - front poioh a , terra-eotla bull-doj was lepos'uig, and (teinaiiiJeil two dollars. When tp;o tioncd 'ist'i tho aiplicability of the law '.o till-, pi'rtieiilar.caso. no said. "It's r. lop, an't it? Woll. t'tion, that's" all I've got to know. Tas. two dfihii's.';" The man paid Ihe in... We do -: tin .l''.'tal;. to my whether or not this story is trtt". but i ii i-u't i mignt to btj. Tlia' dog Iiiui sad il- o'ine!' i. trreat many two dol!a-If ll-. Tne wandering tramp, on predatory !'e glit 'nt-nt, had y'ar. id : t t. Vn-vt.-' g. but with head creel a id at tent oars on the front pin'i. and had p S'cd on. Th'- wa- a pos tive saving: but there were also what might tctorniod tu'g.vivci'ir. tug-.. This dog hi'd never f.iteii thu )c. otf a i favorile'pa'r of l.oo y, tor chewed tho I stalling mi of n I'll.' dolL'ir loun:re, nor ups, t a big Ja a;i .-e hull v.ise that cost a cool luuidrcd. Ne'tlier hud ho alien atod hi owner's b st fr'eutl by seizing' and (irmly holding tho lower portion o! his attire'wlien ho v Mled the house, nor caused his mis icsV calls to go unre turncd bscaiiso of the t nor with which he iupiri'd her lady vMtors. ilo never involved Ida master in a fight or a law suit, never spoiled his clothes or his temper by running ln'twecn his logs and 1 un-cttiiig him in playful glee, nor gava 1 turn I lie iiMi'ouiioiiia hy ticking & H.r.,t .h on K s hmul. With thu uo?siblo oxi'c)tion of tlio last nn'iitioood item, thi'-i' aro nil things that imv !ivu bull do;: of spirit and who woiild hnvt! anv o'.hiT kind is njvtty certain to do", Wlioti in addilioiitoidUlit'..) adnint:i''i'.s of t'm ti'iTa-cott animal isrcukminl tho Mvli'r on oidinarj' iqcnlti, thi-ri' is ria nioic r.ioai for ilis'itUm it- to iii? au K'tioiity. Thin C!il:npo man valued lilt rMitmnl n lilrrl 1 1' fe'int Im Ui..itifiil1 jiaid his two .k,lWtax: hut ItVprobi T, "!t VW" Z.'VXr blc Unit if all ilopj-owuor.s winihi restrict .mi,. ! -hi .1 -i m 11.. :.!. mi.. 1 In- thcniielvcstotliUvar'.etv.thukindundl' , , ' ' " - n-iiU, umuixnt law-maKcr wouiu rD!t ix on Uosrs I'titirtd v. Wc'atv glad tw hoc the uc of anlmalK cMiiuti; . I' rt'i 7t m uiidiB;. llio orfeoion of y'iH makini: tlft-m leave " W",u1 v V; "v ' tbo art ctuii flotUhiff-to r . r . .. I - icsthotio htDesn, fluo'-thoir uratitu;;ft over tlio 1 rd'iiury rll-llo, firanv otlier r. v r fnval6us (LutiM tc fur-Mi aau KaiTWrti . . t--nr-r.A,iJ-rtTv-jt-.r.ijtriMrarrjjri AYER'S Ague Cure t'ut iln nit nntlrfotu for nit nmlinliil iliu-oiilfi-HMliicli, ro fitrnj l.iHiv.n, Is iMttt la ho DtluT icinwly. It ciintnlii.i mi ('iiliiliio, nor any mineral nor ik-leti'iimis miIiA.uico what i'iT, anil oniKciiuciitly proilncrs iim liijurfom CtU'Ct Ul-ltl UlO COIItltUtll)ll, bill U'llM'g llio fyMem n ttcaltliy (is It was before tlio .it lac.'.. WE WARRANT AYER'S AGUE CURE to onro cwrycnsaof 1'cicr ami Arih, Inter- inlttcnt or CIilll l'eior, lioinlttent l-'evcr, Duiuti .giie, llllloiM I'ovcr, ami I.lvcr Com l'lnlnt c.iiieI ly malaria. In eiuo of failure, niter iluo trial, ttealers aro nulliorUe.1, liy our circular ilaled July tt, ISM.', to rvfiiiiil Ilia lnoney. . Dr.J.C.Ayer&Co., Lowell, Mast. Sold ty all DrUfglMx. KING'S EVIL Whs tlic naaic formerly fUcn to Si-rofiil:i bei-:itsu of i: Miptr-ti'len Hi:.: It idiild ho e.uiil fly a kind's touch. The world Is w ler now, mid l.iuws Unit 1'iiMi'iiU- l.' r-nr. d i a ilii'i-niii h innlllis in t th li'.ioil. ti till- s iii.'ti'U, .lie illsviis.. ;,. ri.ui:.i Its laillt tltlliltuli .'I'm I'.'i'l'l: mill' .'i li' l ml i,. uiill.' i'.s tr i t iiiiiiiii:i ii- licit m iiii-ii yro ''.eeiiin. uiiiiieoiit Im iipliulis, 'I'll nwiis, ! ti il . ( in ;.i.'H'.e,, j -it-, ii'iti'i.i V leei'i, ii'iuiii. mill i'liy .ieat i iillnjisc, '. I t.ii.wtn in cult'. lii.ciiiuii fiiii. S'Toliiloo-. Ch ut;!. KMu'vv ..iii 1,1 e, Diseases, rutiereiuur . ontinn; iun, i.l .mini.- niti'T d-iiiy r i : taiiu in: in -, nre " .uluwl 'tv I.. ' r' ; n t ? fit ilia . . y .' j . .f Vi I z iiu u ii j 'hr oitl iM",i' 'fit ow! uh'fi'i icUnblc '')''' ''" a '(''. Il I- Ml I lll'l'l- i i HI ill! i i"e Mia II r;iil!cmi . 1 1 mil s.nnii le"ciliini'. Scrofula, niul .ui'i "!, nciiii ..i t-i nriiciiis tu-ca-cs "i ''ii '. : -ii" Mint lime ii m- .e..l vi -illzi the h'm.,1. rcsliii'liiv ii i . im tin- )i';ii infill- niul j -l .'!'" ' -Mil. 'liisglMll !'.'.;, ..".craiivo rtfotlfaiiiB I '- .' .i' i,e mtiii.- Jfi .itiimis .-',- o.i. wi'ii )Voc lhck. SI'd- '..'.'. :l" lh'ih-t hi' iViftMsiiii) and a. ee'i ii'lcr in ictll' His of "itni pii. lii'i. circiuiiy .nut -cii ullllcaliy ciiln- ' ""Mlicil. its tlinmt.ll i.s 'cCI':illv'kl(W'll i" lie 'iin'iiMl pinle.ssiitii, iiiui the Im.i j'i.i'I.iiis coa-taiiMv pio.-eiilu Arr.u'.s 'ti-.i'.l!t:.i.. a-au Absolute Cure i .-rl! dl-ca-t can-oil le the vitiation of i ) .liotid. IM- cuitiviitra'cii to the hi'h- prai'tk'iilile di'u'ive. fir lieyoni! any Vi p-c-iar.1 hm fur wl leh like effects t 'i.aiiucd. i'li-l i t'icri. fore the cheapest, . v.ll.n- the b.'s l-'oid j uilf;iii'' niidl en, in th .or'"l. Aye. 'g Sarsaparilla j'i:i:i'.Mii.i in Or. J. C. Aar & Co., Lowell, Matt. Analytical Chemists. Sold by all DriUficMs: I'rlco $ 1 j six bottles for $5. A FEW HINTS FOR THE USE OP I)nnK. To move the bote els gent ly, 2 lo -J J'itli; thoroughly, -l to C mil. Experience wlllilceiile the proper ilvsc in fici cujf. I-'or Coiihtt;ialloti, or CohUvciiohh, no romcily is to tll'ectivo as Avr.u'a i'n.LF. They laturo regular ilnlly r.ctlon, rc iloro thu liOMeb to a healthy condition. IVir iiiIIki-sIIoii, or i).vati-it.!ii, Avtn'd I'll. I. si nre invaluable, anil u tare cuts. Ilcat l-biirn, I.o of Aiipctllc, foul l-ltiinaili, I'liituluiicy, DIiIiichb, llcid nilic. XiiiiiliiK'H.i, Nant-ci, arc nil luiiivt'il niul ctireil UyAvr-ii's I'iixs. u T.lvci-Complaint, lllllouHDlKorilrirt ii'.iU Janiitllcc, Avr.u'a I'll is tliouht uo Riven in iloscs larj;o etmuijU to u.e!to llio liver niul lovreI., aii'd iviikhh connliiallou. Asa cleansing iiieillclno In tliu .Soring, tlieto I'ilmi uro iiiu-iti.'ilUiI. ' "Worinit, cau.-cil liy a niorlilil eciiuUtion u llio tiotvelfi, are vxticlleil hy thoo I'll.!.. EriiitlniiM, SUIn DIkiiikci!, ainl I'IIop, tlio rciiltof Iiiiier,iliii nr Cumtli'.'iUon, aro cured by tlio use cf A I l!s 1'n.l.s. lor ColiU, taUo Aini'J I'll.M to ojieii tlio )orca, remove hillanmiutory icerctlor.r, allay tlio lover. Tor ttlarrliit'iiaiul D.vM'ittiT.v, rnun-il ty ruii.teii colli-, Inaincntlblu lotnl, itc,, A vias's l'IU.8 aro tlio truo remeily, ItlictimalUin, '3ottt, J.'rnrnlKln, niul f-'clatlc;i, often result from iliebtlvo ilerttiiKo liicut, or eolil), niul tlls:iiiir.r on rciuoliig Ilia eano hy the ue of Avi n' I'll.!.. Tuiunm, l)roitj'f Klitiicy ConiiUlnt( Mill oilier dliorilcr catmd by ilebility ci obitruciloii, uro cured by Avrn's J'ii.l. oitiiirkiuiiy anu i'Hiniiii ittet.v4i - ton, Ikivo a E.tfo and ready remedy In 'AVER'S PfLLS. I'ul'. direction, in TMioua laujiuaf;!-, ni oiDAtiy each paeknge. i riir.t'Aiinii r.v nr.J.C.Ayer&Co.,Lowoll,Mai6. I Sold If all DrtifrgUti .Missouri i'licilit U Uatihviiy kj,h c., m. . (, I III" lll'lli" Killl'lir I'i'i lills'll'l I III 1 J. AH 11. Nl.- i'-'i. Minrolii, '. i-i lirlr.'in-. U"."I!'U I 'I IL' I !....! ll.MI'Miliri. i 1, ,., s. .,r ., jmamu ( hWivmi-, Theii- ' !' ' ', "?vfey"Jl'' IT- .,!'"' ".'"''V i- . ii-. . 1 I'nii'r n-.1 riTi'"..iini'ln'il to nil ;"iit;.ll iMI'Minrl. I II-1 l-l -t'l !! !ul-i I I'm Im- I'm II II f fV'i I '! riiiiii'('nr CAMPAIGN WE TURNER &. BYRNE, Wholesale and LARGEST STOCK IN THE Wf The i t-i Agricultural ". '.i"i .r,: : ; .' j ; : . ?''-, ''r".'- - .,..T..; .,-.--- .--. ,- --,.,... ,.-, ... -(i B- te ; & : 6 S" F . . ' . .. .. LljwI :' i...:.., .ULu. mm and LaBelle Wagons; Bugles, Spring Lumber, 3L"CT"M:SEE3, We cannot enumerate all the articlesia "our im mense stock, but you will be sure to firita. whatever you want. We pledge ourselves to meet the requirements' of the trade in "' '',...'. QUALITY, QUANTITY ad PRICES. Call and examine our Mammoth stock before you go east, or order from the east. We solicit whole sale orders for our own superior make of Tinware. We keep on hand a large assortment of the best make of Breech Loading Shot-Guns, Rifles Our Carpet department contains the newest and latest patterns of Ingram and Brussells carpets, Rags, &c. , ' We can furnish a house completely k with Parlor and Bedroom suites, tables, chairs, iuso one uesTi xiifcwtje ui uuuiiig BuuvtJB, nea,ung stoves and kitchen ranges. We can furnish tin guttering and put up the same if required. Pumps, wheelbarrows, and all necessary articles for home and farm use. Wagon wood work, sprijiors and axles, wagon sneers ana Lenss, queensware and glassware , As before stated, we cannot enumerate all the articles we keep, the varietyis too great. We ask voii to call and see us ' when needincr anvthinir in ;:Hthe above lines of 'icimiWinii'iirrfii'i'fTM OF HAVE GOT THEM. .fcaTfJW kpsj mIm' Lowest P Fifty Car Loads of Implements of ! Window Blinds and Sash, TJXCE AJfcT IRON AND STEEL. goods. Orders r!884! 23T33- 13215 Retail. TERRITORY- c rie ; r"''i (? yfil '.V all Kinds. ,.. Wagons, . aii Sulkies, v - CSEatCECfcTT - .-. v f anil Pistols M curtains, &c. by mail promptly .'I . t M M n tr m 1 I 'k. .' WJ r t l I H tV c , A 1 , luusi-iiituic iui?ijii yi instant to tnuko tho jilv tlio valiin of real c-tato i.i lw on aikl'cM :.: ifilled, ana sausiacmon guaran&tjeu, i.fii I.. J v k(iii.)to mnj'luVir'io.'il Ii r.iuc.i w the world of a nub .-J-V. Y. MM VA. and Kzurcss. V i. r wilt. I -. : - Q. Ji. 1Mkt.tituU W