Newspaper Page Text
- ?TyT.agi-; yU 1 v: 'fi ""."-? M- '1f-'''- f-., . ' j h$ . . i ' i wm i - : j.-r. 1 , 8 i A ; 1 : H . fo r. r ! " r CKf flf . I "' t 1 Si Branding Iron. m ficiAi. v.wr.n or rm: woe r.w nation. 11. M. ltOllKKTS, Km-roii. I.. H. ROHKRTS, Jlusiness Manager. ATOKA, INDIAN TKl.'Y, FKII. '.'3. MAMJTATOHY. Willi this Issue we present the first llUlllber of TlIK JIllANIItNO Iiion to the people of the Territory. For soma tiiiiu tho Choctaws have full llu need of A newspaper in their midst, olio that took nil intercut in their attain as only a paper miblish ' among them could, and thin feel ing remitted in a hill pawing their Council at its last session appropri ating )1,M)0 for the purport of es tablishing a paper at Atoka. And iveoguixiiig in tho Indian Journal, published at Muskogee, the esscn lialHof a good, reliable paper, the proprietor of which niuitt ncecssari iy have a good knowledge of Indian u'ffairs, the choice fell on them to conduct thu new enterprise. The money anpronriated by thu Choc taws combined with the amount of advertising pledged by the live mer chant of Atoka place's thu paper at once on a paying basis and buyoud I he possibility of failure. Ah soon :m contemplated arrangements can be completed -a iiumlwr of our col iimiiH will be devoted to the ''hoc taw language and undoubtedly gt.ut good will come to those who cannot load English by the dissemination among them of iicwh in their native language. Tiik HiiAXiMivqfJtaoN, like it cotcmporitry the .lour Jar, will aim to give all the 'news concerning the Territory in the best shape, ami, although we have no desire to mould public opinion through its columns, the affairs of thu Indian Nations will not be neglected. Thanking the Choctaws for their liberality in dealing with -us and assuring tiieni that we will give them a paper fully up to their expectations; with these few words of introduction we settle down to active work. OUR TOWN A Short Description of Ita Men, Its Bniidingi and Ita Buiintu. Atoka, the metropolis of the Choc taw Nation, nestles among the wooded hills near tho western bur lier of that country on thu lino of thu MissQurLPacific railway altout thirty miles from the Texas line. To ;v stranger approaching on thu ears it showa off better with ita k white. :ti4 solid-looking Winding'1 than) most of its sister towns along the toad and few have a neater, cleaner look. Its rank socially is high and YATiQW, " ,3'iilr" H,;'W la'rii inn uinn in; $ciicrnuy,vo oc ijjuuurrn a small (own, and for hospitality they are hard to excel. A good farming country lies on every side atul this with the trade from the cvtciiMvc mines in the viciiUj jatui I he numerous ranches, give it the hiMiies that has built it up up and made it the prosperous place it is, and as they multiply. . and grow, so will thu town with a good, solid, healthy growth. Among the heavy merchants of the place is in a large two,,ory brick, with iron front, lully fiOxTU in size, lie car- lies a large stock valued at fullv .1. .1. llll.l.ll'S. nl'.'i.OOO ot all kinds of general mer chandise, ttirutture, hardware, etc., and docs a heavy business. The place is .managed 'by Felix Phillips, nephew of J. J. Phillips, who with .io.Ncph Benson to help aru keeping up its reputation in good style. W. A. McHride, 11. Y.'l.indsey, .1. P. Liudsey, all young men, under the firm name of m'iiuidk, i.ixhskv a co., arc doing a good business in a large More, which with side room:, occu pies a hpace of fully 50x00 feet. They have a stock of 'about $lf,000 worilt of general merchandise which with the help of J anus Downing, clerk, they manage to turn over four or lic times a year. s. u. Hcit.viai & ro., the company being Win. l.eary, are occupying Jl. T. WibionV old 'stand with a $.i,000 stock until their new JMiildiug just opposite the post ofiiee i t omjlletcd, when they will put in a bim lot f goods. Their nevy place w ill be about '-'4x00 w, jth a 40x'-'0 ft. wing. The building I jivijlj be two t-toricK in height and tltu ujier will I mi used as a rtTUI.IC HAM., Xet. on the list, aud just opposite. Tiik BitAMiiNo IitnS otticer the l.-)7; foo building Of ', ' ' ' itdnii a m.ossoM. The main store, with its ten foot warehouse, holds 'Jf,000 worth of j.u..ds tf every description. Mr. D. N". llobb is the brother of A. W. Ibbb at Muskogeo, aud Dave Bios soin is well known all over the Creek . ition.' They do a large business w ith parties at the mines aud have a good force," consisting of Kd. Mc Laughlin aud Jas. Corbau. We liavo wp expresses, the Adams and I'aeiNiS'Mr. A. myliola, our wor thy p'Mmaster, lieing agimt for the foriiicv nnd Mr. J. R. Brown, our ef fieiont hfatiiin agent, for the latter. Mr. Ifugher is the proprietor of vir butcher shop and slices thu cows in an artiitio manner. MhCCox runs the brler shop, keeps hjs raxora sharp and can give jou a tirtclaM hair cut. II. HAMSKY has a neat little jewelry store and carries u good stock of jewelry, clocks, etc., etc., and does repairing of all kinds. Parties up am! down the road would do well to give him a trial. j. w. owkxk, a good, smart workmen, has a splen did line of saddles and harness in the building just opposite Jno. Dillon's, and makes a good addition to the business houses of our town. .mux a. im.i.ox, and who it. the Territory has not heaid of him, has one of the neatest stocks of family groceries inhe Na tion, fully 4,000 worth in a double front store building. He is one of tltu old citizens and has cut no little figure in Atoka affairs. DlK. I. W. KUI.SOM has a good stock of drugs and has a good practice besides. mi. i.Axmiox, one of our lirst subscriber, also has a good successful practice and is well liked. lilt. SALMON AN!) Illl. IlUXX, two more of our physicians, also have their share of thu practice and help to keep our healthy. MKH. MOOKK has a neat line of millinery just next to Dr. Fulsom's place and does a good business both in that trade and in dressmaking. OK NIIOK SHOPS wo have two, one run John Mahnkcr and the other by Mr. Lumlcy. lloth are good workmen and deserve pa tronage. Our livery stable, Itrisco and Lor den, proprietors, is well cotiippcd and does a good business with trav eling men, sending their teams all through this ami the Chickasaw country. lir.AC'KSMITIIH. John Frinzel has a shop at thu north end of town and has all he can attend to on horseshoeing and wagon work. He is a good work man. Tom Itrown (colored) also swings the hammer in thu south part of town. TIIK COTTON UIN of MuHridc, Inidsey A Co., at the west end of town, is a large, first class gin in charge of Win. Harp and in a good cotton year has lots of work. TIIK Pl.AXINO Ml M.,' run by a twenty horse power engine, owned by 8. 11. Scratch & Co., is kept busy planing, dressing and matching pine lumber brought from fifteen miles west. Thu products of their mill are found a hundred miles iwest ofj here in'oyry j inferior fowa. OAKI'KXTKns. Tho constaut improvement here re quires a good force of carpenters, 'ainonir whoini are Mr. W. W. litis, sell, wlWiflito an AlAkur, Mr.; Harding,' Will ami -to 'Disard,' brothers, Mr. ImiIsoiii, who spends most of his time at wagon wood work, and Mr. Jackson, giving build ers a choicojof good workmen. ? ' ' '' v iiom.s. Of hotel we have two, and both hi vu first class reputations. J. . Brown's nenr the tai'road, is a lutgc two story building, and being run by nu old liniitl ut the business is a pop ular stopping place. A. NiclioPs, though not quite so large as Brown's, !'OU!OH U, '" ,l '".CV0';yiJ,,-,"Pwlt '' fc " Wll"? 8,,m ,1' f.,,U miM!- hcllog s lailioad eating house catch rs ni(l of the lailroad bovs, and his large addition being ir.nile is an evi dence of his pnmpi'iity. Mr. litiin ley and Mis. .Sullivan both keep pri vate boaiding and have plenty of cuslomois. TIIK sciioot. At this place, ntiuilieriiii! fifty schol- ai-H, Is under '.lie cbar:e ot l'rol. File, and it is safe to say there is not a more popular teacher in the Teni lory. He is partly paid by the Na tion niul pailly by non-citizen ii dcuters. Atoka should have a good boardinj; school. The colored people nlso have a school, licv. Mr. Miller, Teacher, aud have a laij;c uttei, ''incc. i.ontii-.S. The Masons have a prosperous lodyc with their room over J. J. Phillips' store, and indeed Atoka uinv be cnlled the hcailmiarters o( M.-sonry in the Tcnitory. The Odd Fellows are al.o organized and also meet in the 1'hillip bnildiup;. i , , nivju.'ii ii:x)uNvrn.s, , ' Tjie fbvt .ifc wijlIi'iijiiipUttil llinth cnurelies, there liein a latliolic church with occasional service by Father Kobot, a Uaptit church, Hcv. J, S. Marrow, v.p:tor, and. African Methodisl and Haptist , churches Hcv. iMr. Miller in charge.' of tltu former and liev. Daniel Skipper the latter, all with good buildings, while the Presbyterians, Ho v. John Kd wards, pastor, with ten members, and thu Methodist (South), Rqv.Mr. Moore, pastor, are also organized. Beside these there is a good Bap tist Sunday school with Rev. lr. File as superintendent. ' AIkivc we lutve given a short sketch of the town, not half ft com plete as we would liko to mn Xf ami in conclusion we matt uoi omit tlrq , ' ' i. VKANUl.VO IKON, having the largest list of brands' of any paper published; printed partly in Choctaw and containing all the news of the Territory at only $1.50 per year. TAKK US, OXLV 1.S0 A YEAR- . ' . . J, Aobb A , -r ' Aloka, Indian Territcfy, OKXKUAI. DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, TEAS, T HARDWAKILCROGKHRY, HATS, AND GAPS, IPATEHT S1 ,.--. f-i Drugs. Medicines and O ' .i . it I ' ' w r( i -.l iA Wa are Now Selling til A Wt' t V i IHtJtS'.i 5 And Carrying the Largest StocTf Kvauduatioii of Our Sto'ck and believe it will be - i. i r i . Of Interest to the Public to Purchase from us ! , i" "'"":? ' "!' A.h'xvV ran uijV will I)i8ose of Our CSood Ht J.-iV" BDtt:m Pric93. Defying ComDStlt'icn. Arrangements .-: ,"4 , h.'.'JWi llTJUl L Keep.. . Constantly. . Supplied, .. VI-MluVi. I i'..t7wi .Hi.' ;. i '.' . - "i.'j VUrietv on Hand . . Satisfy the Mot i . I..'". ' UJ- :i . tvJv.U. v . i. tvlv.'J? f,r IXvift'jC-.'MslWiM.-jl Hvi'c'ivmg r )' '' IViccm;., COME AND JUDGE Bio LULU 1 T$- ,r-- tyl JlKAIjKI!!; IN BOOTS, AND SHOES, MEDICINSS. Chemicals. Paints. Oils. .. . fioods'foi Cash Only ! iil I . ill'l! 4 '.& in town. We respectfully invite ' ' i r.' .( , 7 '- ! rtTu. have been made to !""! I r t With all the Newest Styles, '. t .- V will Alwnva beisuflieieiit to m Fastidious taste. . : V, . I I lis t ' 1 1 1 . i 1'J I C!n?lris a Guurantuu of liottom ; FOR YOURSELF ! ! t 'tmri er r r ,& ' i, mm" "- V. ' m. - SwiV- lAr'ifi McBRIDE, LINDSEY & C0HPAN, W. A. M IIIMI'K, .1. U. Keop just what you want and ! Sloek'-- Nev, of the Best Quality and' at Priced to Suit Kvery I'urchatr. Clothing, Hats or Caps, BOOTS OR SHOES, DRESS GOODS Gents Furnishing Goods Wagons and Farming Implements Q '. M i ' 1 " Trv Them and You will io Ajjain. Fancy Grooerias t i i 'ST A Sp3:itlty. ja :' Ffe:t3r"i 1'imtmmy: wwr- - HTlkir iJWt. ".' r;, , y'Af sm mjtmas mm. a. 'if , I.INMSKY w. v. m nun K. you will always find their I! If you want 'i b .vt n" r-- Oli- ' "k! ..' iki jit hr l! liu tfjll h iht '10 CM t i :r pjr'' s.