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tJr'&ti ms -m, LOCALISMS. was the first Atoka fo,Mr NVIi " IP W t Aa i- i vl I . 'l. -4I .to. lon't forget the select rending nt the lt chnreh next Friday evening. llev. 1'iiXHOti, of Sprlugllcld, Missouri, le In on Frldav's evening train. Atoka w full of t runners last week i Id here by the floods north and south. , lloblnson and daughter, of l.c rit to l)cnlon on Wednesday hist. Capt. Hester returned on Krl- a visit at Whltcsborotigh, Texas. Blanche llrowu mul Miss Hus c returned f win their visit nt Mtts- t4pMWrjriliMfuTheh(Ml.vof flu unknown white innn. lie u butter mentis of finally deter- t 1 l" II t I I I I"") O V fy W, MHiL 'MH W 4 'loitntl m North IVirk river near ok imiiiingUio whoU iiumtion. Ilmve'vCI. (J r rl I I I I W ii S& rtta tfw'ftnMl TM) imilgcc last week, (sent a copy of the Commissioner' I w J J 1 1 1 U Lr 1 A V,J. 5m mffinr.ibmA rrin.iAt n,o r...i.i..nnn ..f i v i letter of last .Tunc mul n copy of our iff. .lolin Kuwaiti leit Tiiursti.iy fwo week's visit ut Fort Worth and Vitus, Texas. Mr. H. K. Ktllc, representing a Denl- n musical house, was In 'Atoka on u'rsday looking after the pianos. r-As.Wf will publish all the cattle news i the Territory we do not think a cow nn.caii gel along without n Hiunimnu :'os. Owing to the aitllcttlty of pelting mrted this HiuNMNO lito.N must not be jiketi as a fair Hainple of what we propose i turn out. I As the Kdltor will be "a stranger In a hrangu land" for two or three weeks we Ju)pc the public will overlook omissions ffml mistakes. f The plies of agricultural Implements jyn the depot at this place speaks more for he surrounding country than a whole mumlgration book. )' The south bound train, due here nt i 10 p. in. Thursday evening, for some Ionise did not reach here until about S a. I ai. Friday morning. J Wc think we make a pretty credita ble nppearnnce this week notwithstand ing most of our body type mm other ma terlul has not yet reached us. ! J. J. MeAlcstcr reports his cattle loss- es this year as fully'tcn per cent. As he U one of the heaviest raisers In the Choc taw Nation this means many deaths. Our carpenter, Mr. Fnlsom, has in vented . and . applied for a patent on a wagon bed and thinks he has a good A thing that will lead him to a fortune. We f hope no.' t i j Mr. Domlneck, from Hatred Heart Mission, 1b the 1'ottawatoinlc country, T Vame'lnto Atfoka'lnst jvcefc to get sup- I pltcMfer that acnool, all their freighting 3 tct,u looe from this place. fefc There will he a dauee, and supper at ' J Lcklfll I'm the 2'.ith ami they are counting ' JISLJUfi1 uve1' t,inc'' Thc nvltt,on ' 4 "oipreit are E.B. Mcftyovcri It. Uew- noar ottwiml B. 8. Tlionlpsou. " The Bocuv'n bauks were not . . At Ll .. ..." i.t.r.' .iX.i..L' ,-... A.'i, (." 'About iialf of the fence around the Held .7 north of town floated off and consldcra J ble damage, watf done all along the line. Jk J. V. Davidson, a iiierclinnt of Mill T 1 .rfrisik,iciit a ilny In Atoka while on his "Tnii ti Vi Smllli Mr. Diii'lilmili Is tilii- r.j v , .m....v... ..-. m-,m1 , - .' I" W ifthowilld men of that section; and Is well known all through this, part of the country. About forty feet of track on the rail road between hero and 'Lehigh was wash ed out ly the heavy rise last week, just opposite the 'new Iron bridge. It was soon repaired and tralHe was only slightly luterruptpl. Den. Hogy, representing the A. F. tthaplelgu L Cantwoll Ilnrdward Co., stopped over Sunday with us. No travel lug man Is better known throughout thu country, and his father before him travel I ed over It when It had to be done on horseback. llev. W. F. File will give n select reading for the hcucllt of the public school uet Friday eveulug, the sstith Inst. Kx fxelses will begin at" :!0. Admission 'Jo cents, children 10 cents. Tickets for sale nt Dr. Folsom's drug store. It Is reported that Joe 1. Fulsom has announced himself as a candidate for the (Jovemorshlp of the Choctaw Nation. The election will lie held on the llrst Wc.U ncsdny In August.. KUmoml iMeCiirtulii, brother of the present chief, was an uouueed last fall as a capdldatu Mr. O. Kellogg, Uie proprlutor of the railroad eating house, Is putting np a two-story addition tt his building, nearly doubling hinrooiu, .Ato ka Is keeping up with the other, towns of, l he Territory in the march m Improve ment ami none presentK a', ,i)pcar- nee. ; .',.'' , Marshal Mershdn was Id towu last week and gathered In two parties from Uris vicinity, one, au tndlan, charged with horsoatcnllug, and a colored gentleman who committed an ass tult sonic time ago. lie went to MeAlert-r on Monday where he got two more men and brought them to this point where he has been In camp. When an Indlau wants to swear he must learn the F.ngllsh lauguage to do so, as there is nothlug In his own that he can use In taking the namo of the Great Spir it In vain," said the Uov. John J. Kelly, a grand Hpecltncu of the Chickasaw nation, In hi lecture liithe Fourth Street Metho dUt church last evening. Heading Timet. Territory peopk visiting Dcnlson will find at the McDongall Hotel near the de pot a flrst-clas house In every particular. Everything Is nest and clean, the fare tlrst-class and the clwuges reasonable. It Is handy to the baslncsH part of towu, the atret't cars running almost from lu doors, and we advUc tbe traveling public to give the a call. AMMtia TWrtWrf . Tkla fr"c to criminal jurisdiction only, and the clanse giving Mttakogve the court has ! been stricken out. It Is likely thnt It will n the Senate this session, but It will hardly get through the House. Yesterday being the anniversary of the birth of the Father of our Country, Prof . Flic, In honor of the day and to In still due reverence Into the minds of his pupils, had appropriate exercises nt his school by the scholars that were very In teresting, consisting of music, recitations and speaking. The editor was sorry bus iness prevented him from being present. Hcv. J. 1. Ash will hold a Sunday School Institute In this city Saturday and Sunday, March 1st and 2d. The evenings will Im devoted to. subjects relating to Sunday school work and will be full of in terest. On Sunday morning Mr. Ash will p"cach and hold a mass meeting lu the af ternoon. This is always an Interesting feature. He will preach again In the evening. Cattle losses through the Territory have been terribly severe so far, this win ter and especially during the past month. The Journal reports fully ten per cent, as lost throughout the Creek nml Cherokee Nations, and It will go fully that If not more. In the Choctaw and Chickasaw Nations, the former especially, the loss is heavy by drowning and exposure and the blackleg Is reported In some sections. George Hnrkins and Frank Colbert returned on Saturday last from Washing ton where the had been on behalf of Sain Paul. Strenuous efforts have been made for his pardon by his friends, of whom he has many not only in the Territory but lu the States as well, and all justly regard his Imprisonment as a piece of petty spite work. We hav not learned whether the above gentlemen were successful on their mission or not, but join In the hope that Paul will soon lc released. Mr. Thompson McKlnacy, the Na tional Secretary of the Choctaw Nation, made us a call Thurodny and gave us a number of items of new. Hehad just returned from Armstrong Academy, the former capital of the Choctaw Nation, and brought with htm all the , governmental papers and document. f He will take them to his home at Mountain, I. T., oast of ,M,cAlester, where they will be stored un)Uthc new capital building at Tushka hotmua Is completed.... - . -. Armstrong Academy was opened for the reception of fifty orphan boys -pu the I lth, but owlug to, high water tip to Tuesday only three ;'h';presekiiel ..them selves. The sehoolUufier. the charge of the Presbyterian rt?'-4lth' 'liiv. Mr. Lloyd as principal, and no doubt he will successfully carry ltot . Tberlaw-pruvid-lug for a school at that place also provides for a sclioolto ai?!Unodatc. fifty, girls. We 'regard the establishment of these schools ns one :of the 'wisest acts of the Choctaw. TJie schools celebrated. Washington's Dlrthdajbyaoproprlate 'exercises, !M!ss Kihmerella Sullivan read a sketch of his life; Hugo' Hus.s read an eulogy, and Kevs. J. S. Morrow nod John Edwards de livered appropriate addresses. The music was of appropriate character. Miss Klanche Drown, nsslstaut- teacher, pre siding at the organ. In the centre of the west wall hung a large steel equestrian portrait of the Father of his country, and on the blackboard was the words, "Wash ington, 17:i!i-18S4. Died I78t. First lu war, first in peace, llrst In the hearts of his countrymen," besides other mottoes illustrative of his life mid character, all arranged lu neat order. The whole. was completely successful nnd for such an en tertainment to have been gotten up on one day's notice Is remarkable. Last evening a reception wa.s given es that he did not own, so they concluded to go up In the Territory and and get him. He was not ready then to take an other trip south so he resisted and the of lleers tilled his head with shot, probably sending htm to a place (leu. Sheridan would rather live In than Texas. They also had a wan a it for a man named Ketchum whom they secured and took back with them. What I he Delegation are Doing. The following private letter from one of the Choctaw Delegation con tained so much news of interest to the Choctaw that the editor begged the privilege of publishing it: Washington, I). C.; Feb. 9, 'K4. Our business i nt a standstill now until we get a copy of the resolution which authorized our coming here ami authorizes us to leave otT or out the Hth section of the Freedmen bill. Please send it as soon as you can. If you have sent copies oV the printed law we have not received them. We are getting along slowly but as fast ami as well as could be expected for bus iness in Washington. We submit ted our nrmimcut on the Freedmen e on of the House yester- and they assured us llobb, bv .1. S. Murrow, on 8aturdav,'n,t,,,,on1l ,tl! ' M ". At"kl Fehruarr 23d, lllram Mcllrlde to Miss , to' pnhhrhaA as soon us it come Kate Moore. Immediately after the eer- oMt i"" JMIPr; of h,h thto w' emonv thev took the south-bound train, In ft "Iwn,w have for m "''; company l.h Mr. and Mrs. 1). N. Hobb, ' J V r "'" "T"; .1 ' w , u u ' tin olhce. Kit. so that the people Kevs. J. S. Murrow nml S. S. P.ixson, for ,. :f, ,i.'... . i... ., , , .' ...f., . , , ., , , , ... , "wv inform tliemsclve as to what hi Paso, Texa where the bride will we art, dciini' spend some time for the benellt of her Ve him- jilao submitted n loiter health. Hit: IliMxmxii Htox joins with ,u, qut,sliol; of dianutwl citizen- their many friends lu wishing lliem all the Hj$I,.. to tjK, Commissioner which I hupplnesb possible and that both may be ' think will receive favorable cousid- loug simred for the enjoyment f this L.rjltion, and be the mean of set- world. tling that troublesome question. I "TZ TTvni a ' W'U 'il"" i!inl a copy of that to the Horse TWef Killed. , I(JW t,r fw nt1liV.tiort. itill in Jolmsonvllle,elghty-tlve miles west of ' rcft.renee to intruder nnd timber J1'.1 !..n; ! Ti .M!ion' rr.'J!" depredation will be reported by the punt iii ii niiiiuu iuit nii. . I'"n. tt ... i 1 v named Jim Cumeron was badly wanted by i Committee on Indian Affair. Texas authorities for riding otf with hors- e were before the Committci Public Lauds day morning they would recommend the forfeit ure of the land irnuits to the Atlan- ti; nnd Pacitic railroad in the In dian Territory. That i the survey down the valley of the Canadian river through the Chickasaw and Choctaw Nation to Van Iluren, Ar kansas, under the law of Congress of 180(1. It involved about . :i'2O,00U acre of laud in the two Nation, or nt a law valuation 400,000. Col. Craven, of Fort Smith, and (le'jrge Hnrkins nnd Frank Colbert, of tlio Chickaaw Nation, are here in behalf of .Sam Paul to gvl him pardoned out of the penitentiary. We are helping them nil we can. An order went out from the Secre tary of War Hoinu day ago permit ting the Fr'iHco Company to go on and build their bridge over the Ar kansas river at Van Iluren, so I pre sume it wont lie a great while before the road will be commenced down through the Nation. Write me all the new in the Nation. Lota of rain here. I am well. Your truly, I. S. Standi.kv. r.i ATOKA, . .--w INDIAN -TBRlHrfORY?" m LEADS TS2S VAN IN TIIK- .. ' fi us tf . ' M question some time ago to the Com missioner, who in turn, a few dav ago, submitted the matter to the Secretary of the Interior with the simple statement that he saw no rea hou for changing hi opinion. All are however much more favorably disposed toward us now, nnd all unite in Haying that we liavu'dotio the fair thing and oh' much ' a we ought to have been required, to do. The only question i whether we have atilied the tfeatv? We of course contend that we fiave. while they say tbey have doubt about it. We have feat come from the Interior Department and gather the impression that tkerq is a diHDosition there to aaK von gress to makothe ratification That same odp4c!Uh 1eiiijf lup tn Cqu- gre about approprjiauug more o-, the remaining iuu, me pun poe of education among the' Freed men', they seem to think it would .LIHUL JIWEWHRH Wg"! IhI l ,t c ;l .11 "'.I '.) . i:i ot CHOCTAW AND CHICKASANV NATIONS I :f .1 I IP ... s . . .Ufl ii UiAiii:i ... . , .: "if,,, ji .. "tw ,. . . ml-,.. j it -:'J :.l Ut rt U "r A Furniture, Boots, Shoes, gJJ'ilJLIlKH Atoka, I. T., Feb. 18, 1884. Chchta okla hash puyutta ma: Chahta Nishun aiiukaka yn Talli isht i ('huli vat ahika he; himak nan ahisa isht aiopi kut atahli tok ako, aiiyakava' mak osh. Muskogee holt- ho kbi yoh-Chotuk nt Atoka Tama- na na nan iHlit.toksali .niotna ka.aut atahlct. toksalit daht iya ehih mat. Nowsimner v.i kashsluit):! 'k:i 'C'hntita Hnumpa yolona, niion'ti' kash shooa kut Nahullo auiimpa yj ikba, ,011! iiusii 1 Kuua poyiuut k:i 110110 .11a alipj-ot raaya ehatuk n imotUmi ciiish te. ,Micha kuna hoh kia, hoiiaao ha himoiKi hovot nea bciiuak mat imu- hliHisaehi mak o' imottatri clifshke. AKlr l-rfMMti ' A tnV rrv..Y.ii.n Un .'.. vftn.ivf. Aftivm. m ai himak n io)1ko auk bi'.yat uhltahat ikashki. ' Ncwianer hoh-r-Chifo kat IIrandiniV '. Ikon, , okvv 1 Mr. UobertM ukosh 1 Noshkoluikn yoki. 1 'i TlioMMIflX McKl.NNI'.V. 1 9HKSMlMnP CLOTHING FOR HEN AND BOYS, V I I .1 t . V I. it Tl ' .:'! ,i..r. i 1 i :-V- tri THE SPRINGFIELD ma . B. SCtlATCH, i r -OUR STOCK OF--r- ATOKA, INDIAN TERRITORY, Htt DKALKlt .1 IX by the "A" grade of Mr. Kilo's school- In honor of their teacher aud a large num ber of lit friends assembled to meet him. About 9:30 an elegant lunch was served, and after supper the Professor was taken completely by surprise by the presenta tion of nn elegant silver cup ns a testi monial from his scholar. The merry fes tivities were kept up until a late hour aud were enjoyed by all. Among those pres ent were Mr. anil Mrs. Posey, Dr. and Mrs. Fulsom, Mrs. Sullivan, Mrs. Drown, llev.. I. S. Murrow, Messrs. Jones and Bry ant; of Cndrttr, thcMlssc8 Blanche Brown, Minnie Nichols,' fcinlna ftusscl, Louisiana llehcrt, Lou Smith, Fnuiilo Doctor, Miss Kills nnd Miss Vale, and Messrs. A. Tell, Ue Doctor-IfeM. HuberU,,iiM, typf,. anfl'idsellllyHiirtuiil Mt-jifily-, '(( Mr. J.Vj. McAlester iamodbWn nil Wednesday morning to take u look at hi bridge after the high water of last week which reached 'within sis lucliepf the floor. It stood the. test uobly'and will probably stand auy rlt-c It will have to en counter. It was and put In place by the leaven worth Bridge and Irou Company; has three spaus, the main one bubig 112 feet, the north approatfr, bult. pf wood, ,il- .... General Merchandise AND MILL SUPPLIES. ; .A few of which wo Enumerate Below: BELTING,. PIPE DIES, PIPE TONGS, GLOBE VALVES, CHECK VALVES, UNION JOINTS, ELB.OWS, NIPPLES. AND .- 'COUPLINGS', SAW 'SWAGES AND.fiUM-"'..' -' ' "" MERS, CROSSCUT SWS,JILES -' , .:,.:;" 1 11 1 1 TO SUIT ALL (NfiS'QF SAWS THS ABOVE CAN BE BOUGHT being about forty feeV, khd ihaJaoutli.l of Iron, about tweiUv-;lyej f(et ja'length. The uorth end of 'the main span rest on a pier of polld musonary and the south cud ou two wronght iron cyilndc'r placed side by side, about three feet lu' diameter, thoroughly braced, filled with rock anil cement. A the whole force of tho cur rant In coming arouad the bend trlkes the south end this plan was adopted to afford a little resistance to the water a possible. Tho whole wheu nuif.had.will cost between eight aud ten thousand dol lar and will afford a pcraancat, and Mfej crosslag la all atagc ox water. JST TOR .'CASH OR LUMBER T . CLUMBER! LUMBER ! 9.k4 mm. 1 r .t . a ,-r ...-.. ,s V. vf "V-.; 1. 'tztt " ,n- . .-.ami'; -v 'r 'at ' . vi' tiww General Merchandise 'ev y-L l3jGompleta in, Every DoparLm9nt. r . m 1. : r t . t : to, The Celebrated "New Home" Sewing Machinp,, ti" The Best,,- Always en Hand.-"" r , 1- !i . f ' , . if Chuntu in'u'ha C'liikaslia j ykni V ' ::: . i" ". j 1 . tut uiena kn(r ..1 , ' . . J. .!. PHILLIPS. Ut vhlpoyak kanchi ktt inouia itikha hikia hoke . ' h . ' Lath, White .and Yellow Pine, Shingles, , ' Linie,'Cemeit, Plaster, Hair, Paints -; m Oils, Sash, Doors, Blinds, r , M ' I '.t .l x .hi -a I . 1. 'i.t J n ; . A 3 t . : tt . t . ll 1 1 i-l U si ' .r.C 1 I 1 f j. ,'WJat Dhlpovuh chukti ui isht chltnha, ShuluaU chahn, shulush kawahai-) liatak HstnV niieha alia hakni aieua i na fikka-. ! Sprtnirlii'M hi chunuHi utcuna kr c kanc) . .' j 1 .1 M' ;.l :;i "Ht , 1' 4 'nJ inafkk-. 4. ,..,.-1. ftt&A "' " JWm it. j tf M iWM .. twM ii ehattk oke; ' ,J li $. iit&.JM t'lilpoyak jKtyuta t lawa hlj)it:i hoke. 11. tu S;CCC. tyiW' '.V lP-f .j ? 61 M?il 'l JBWfIU .V1 Nati ui' "uhlehl.Va J'N'ew Homti1' aclii, aehukma kct mom jihabH'(rA , ehatvk u, kaneUi.Uoko. . . VM v4" M'' ; y 1. 'Ty a m "f'l iff . 0. 4. tt I V s t J3 i-m t ! AA' o r -,f 'v r:i iP "'t "a Ik : .';