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umawt i " i'" i "' nwmvm'w i $- f ...jjiiii i Mill " t' i .KOI !" - -" rT... .VM1, ft n I't y . v K I'J .1 L-ti, P f- 11 li' vi- n!-. kVi n i 1 H V, " r ' .1. t,- v t i !" k w m r If6 i'ttre t'i'Jir tJciiirt i'liru V iui I t'ji:i'lirt PtirijcMcr vine;; ell r-ni'rnliv ne- rcptciti". the n"t deVSnftiV hurt', and yet riitjr u iiTj small tponloii of Hio vim ..-la-Kend.- and countri. I? pntilit"'d rum the iuil'tVnflhe apple. The inaJJH sopph of vinc,t:r I obtained , I mm KJiVi-e. .-. n.-:i.i!..iiirA'ral nehN, nV. Nydi.llleiv.- ..,i.'.K Wldte wine viilKfii' I- iiLiditTf ow vunr vuit;rii'-. la-' ". i i-i-il .jvpni.le.r-. ......,. v..i.... !.,. nm inn rior uhut;-vim lean and olutr honor., i. it i wiili i-iiii'f vim ar that farmers . hare to deal. Kaeh fanner i.'lT' inahe, lit leat, .'inii'li ttl.nli-Miiiiij vilijrnr for g.lhe ciiiiiuiiilioti of hi- (nnii)y T.vcu if it. doT'-i not pa t't tnrlkr c-idei vinegar v ifor market, it- p"i to make it tftn u' own ii-e. a the inegar- on th(Mjinrk.'tn are l.irgels eoinpoed of injtiriop neiil that rcnilei lueni iiiihealhfid. Win n vinegar i made dlreelly from tin applet, the mind ineihod t to grind the fruit eoai-'cly. fulling it uti'jii.-t nf !uieiill t pi". ii jniiv. ami let thu tiomafi ri'iimfii in a at f-ineveral ilav. long enoii-xh to undergo fermiilntiou. Then nre out and eioe the iiiv' in i . -i .- -'- nil open vat or voel two or uiree na.s nflerwhlfh draw it otr into barndVor cak. ami let it remain in a wArm V place, wliii the bungs mil. until ready fordiMwingolfand botilingor hloriig - in eliHi barrels. 1 ' '' To'conveit eider into inegar re.pilrcfi nto inegar reipilrei The eider U phieei!" -iitisiiIi'l-:lliIi time. I hi' I'llll'l- w I ill cak-or baireli. with the bimgK out, wltjn, Mini 1,ihi more to umlincovei 1 and stored either in loft, o-it-lioiie or. dogrtv-. for, there in abundant s: i similar .spot warmed bv the -unV- w. " concede stY'iuuch, and Vou have !.. and kept at a tight If miieratiire bv afti- '"ih-i of navigahle water. Sueh -m 1 llclal Ileal. " ' atopic ba-iii. witii mil-Ii mileage and When it U de-ired to ha-ten the e,-,,,. -navigation, .with Im num. a-nrcil re-ver.-lon of cider into vinegar variotH ex- .P'Krce-. yould jmi be-.v. a- :. dower pedientM are iv-orf.! to. Sometlimw a "U'" "v I'r1"," tie- 1 orii.g e. In).. ..1,1 vl. ,..- w ...l.l..,l. A.r.,l it... V'"' w'i bllUs.;nl It t.. Ihe-ih-ueeof elder N moved to a hi ' s . . ... i-fdtoa higliirtfinper.iture ami jxiiircd from one hair to bring it into contact wil 'another air. Or it is pla.fd where it w ill trickle through aea-k lilled with oal.. bi-eeh or hiivh !... ,. k :.i I ;.. vlt.... - r viiifgar. After hiirn-ls arc lilt t;.i pretaralion the I one-third full with -ti-oiig ntul jnire. cider vinegar and two gallons iif t-iiler. livery eighth day thereafter twogalhuwnf cid'er are addcil until the barrel i two-il.irds full. In fourteen d-tis afti-r the la-l two gallons are added the whole will have turned into vinegar, one half whieh I.- drawn olVand the process of.l'dliug with eider begun again. In summer the conver t-ion will go on in the -on. but in cold weather the barrel- iiii.m bo kept where Mho Ileal can bo at i.Uut0 of'inosipiilo placeo over will ever go out o; laMiimi. anil eve.. j ear wo.ptfstioti when a n.vv genius will arise to add a new I'aw-r. tu e.imji mud or IllM-Ilt anew wiriei-. The-e.s it period. 110 ili-uM, when their miml-er was 1 iv s-iunihv i.u-.i- to-d.iy. when mliK-o-ple- were all uiikiiowii .tiaiittly. iiuihllic. 1 and ice- wore nebula: ........ 1 ill liie linilii t the inventor, wii.-n eom- n..i.,k..ii. im.u u..p.. ..i in 1... i.voIv.mI 1 ' J ..... .''- .......... '. "I' I" "...' ,' ".' ' mi in. I. .iiiu hi ,. .i i toby-Sept inn fci'iii. ;.' h -' they lasted, lest . -m. lllil ifn rtw - oil Oil her Lund- and Lei'mi'.' a n ,.i.:ieh to her. Neither, on tue oti-er I. ti.i.l .--.iild she iuthi.tei the evl-l'-nciv i.t In" un tlll'illl liel-i.iliors b the i-eclleiice of her iiiiisei'M-, the It.eiditv of l.ei jell. It is dlllleiilt to beliexe" that Ihe tilim ever fi-ted when oine kind ol sweet meat was nut coiicoi'teil lo legale the miest, and what an era iiiu-t that hao been when the hoii-ckccpcr's lailure to iirtipaiv the thiintx of her anetstor re suited. -is it souif did, in tl.iull-coen.i.otof a tiewcoiitiiienL hut of anew coufcetioii! What a pre-tle it must have jriveii .. :ntioti"; In r friends, and how the Miiiner bu.od sulted, as proliablv it souiftliues did, in iiiiisi nave looked up t ity on coiii'i ciiiin-, an ries envied licr nod faetui.t of -vvi'c. . i heriisini ,-ii, h -.- "..tiipora 'ti V. Id iiiatiti a d.'alerv which Is. how. " i -u.'cr r.; irded a- an Ufcoiup sin i- i.i lnc even llrid-iet has can.: i i. I. . k. Niiture seem- lo liave li'Vli ittustekil to till the pot ami ,,iu' w.t i l'lciiit sweet-:" it is not oulv In. i.i"'i!.ii fruit-whir , hive the ,-un-hiiie iu itieir iulp lor ihi pur-po.-e. tue sti.iiv'icrri which -tt ei-c iu Its delh'iite fihihc the iVii'lh'- .Hid per- iiiiiiivoi dewy slimmer nm n u-j- imi tim cluMors of tiie barbcrrv have 'ripened for t'.e p.-i'sei-ve keiie. ami on I'm shores of tl e Aifv llhire h.'lis the her-vrie-ol ihe luclisiii. which ;;iows there tin ah iiMinncc. tno vajoled into an tierce tabic 1'i.iiiiHiti-. an I is put rife-leaf con- sere In lor ''.id- i.nd poetsr The . otic who plume- .''.'-iif todav upon her candied trnit- nud pte-erves lias thu lar;:e itiaiiiilaetuiers and impoiifi--. for rivals; and it Is lionl tfi I If ti ey can bo iiroiliiccil bolter or cheaper at home, if uer In'iois and auvietic- arc not iu the nttciiipi. In the days win n it wa- itn- 1.0s-,..,.. to buv them, i! v:.sof course . . . ' 1 -. . .1 ... ... CS-i.l to' devote time .111 I tl.u!,t to Hi.:- fot u-nat i. iiiiimi witi.out swei .. "U-? ISul noiv -he mav -unlv ? i ii(.-ih.Ml llml lHi.IH4oris1t.ln Kmrn-t.. ; nfM In WlU? !.iul.,ii ideal,." : l ,a:,Bfntfm, fr-n. iV..'.tS?k."r.! 1 )" ,! U iW.. , W. ?Cn',ribwhlehl,as I,".,, employed I oM,me jg n.l!:. ,.n. f. ,,, . (ri.(. , ,. iX " M., V.-, i.: . E5 cMent in lid- countrv. n n follow.-: '.'l- . ' ,V. . , . . --. -tv well ktmwn - the np"-" - hmiin and tiH fn- fV7.v- ;, U ; ' IRRBrM' Hulling vinegar . po.i.ed into old eider . "f?v th ' dlcja e- of natu.e A- - ..,,,. ,;,,, ,....,tJ ,., ., .,, . . . , ,n,,,,,n, "- "" ' '' " I (HHgfj or vi..ear r.arr. i-. the bungs closed " "!K'; ."" '' ' ";. '"Vi i"M F' '1 !.U,C ' -V" ' -'te. t . ". h m.,.M i .. ", , ";,., mS ' ! V V ? ' Ptal rolled two or llim-.- for a da v or ''l''' increasing fa-1, tlu-t -h:Ps tlll,; , ,,' .,, ,.,. ; ,.,. J. H.s i i.iij. U.e-ler ( . .W-. iJUfli m II li .i i i. i i.'t i... are biilhiliig I'lori-ami more even eir. i ,.. ., ;. , . . jiI his .-we inucl -eight jiars. tu- al.-. inn iiiiiii iiii.iiiir'i ii s.n in .i.i'ii ikiiii ..ii' .' .. t i 'ii- f.tii i : t i-i-itii.i-ikri i i lileirees. Bv this proee-n il lakes a lit- ' ' nli uc 7 . ,- IT., i . . ninnufactiirur, "wo probablv have more (lUe'morf ' two months to pr.Mluce I l,,f ritlb.GWrutnent where iu in ter: nionjc,mr mlrnI1H hun a'n the ri.ta sistcn gallons of inegar. fZ' Ml'u'n " ''m "r XMh" t-onfeclioncry stores iu the eit v. lneo Th.- l-'st barrels" are iron-bound w" ' l'-' natl. H.iefs of Lowee I ougo; this clas. of cu-toiners have a "natural ...... .....I ... i i.. mm protect iheui as vou nromiscl to the jshh... i t i wiiiskv Mr oni Mii-mir iiarreis. i ot:.-e -.. , , V .1 .otr .1 uisiiitr mi ummj; uiiuwihk Kimi over n should I left with the bungs out until t'li fr Wl. ih lHlMhro your tmvAcx. We l.ave immv patrons- 1 i.i..-I. f.. 11. 1,. n...t .1 :- ....- .nival olllcers. If ilebver these peo- ..,, :,.., ,1 ..... t ,iL....j illv VIUll ir1 IMIM IIHIMI lllill llll till HMIf 1 . . 1 1 - I I f 1 a " ,r ( 'IKI MIIVO (ISt ft ..,. i, i..i.i. tt... ,.i.i..r a. .;.... de into Hie htuuls of the rortiiffue-e. , ,Ti1t.-..Ji.ft k....- .. or wire netting slimiid lo tnr should 1c llll' llllll" 111 IV --! 11111 111 M-ets. It is not w.irt.i wliile to trv ami ". V. :......' ri . , . JTMni lias cureil mm 01 tlvspep-ia. One, ' ... ' Tr.V,.,r V1 make vinegar from cider that U not :l!lV,;-,v- VVW'" r,"l'",,M,f ,H- f the ladv momliora of tl.e Amarmth "'d il nppfir.'d In etonlit"'. nam- pure. The" addition of mu-taid ,-eed. " '1"" ' "!;' proclaim a pro- niIlint,0 -Sooiolv of Brooklvn, m b-r of the paper." aVhl. or other anl-eptie will prevent ;'"; r Uwong... an. preserve , ; t fi t d f ,TTTVv,-.m-. elder from ovm- b.-iug vincgar.lA. Y. l" vou p..nde nrtm ..-r pre-eni-iu,. , 'wv ,.k,lown sin cr inaTeading "A M IT 1A .N(XSK.SSK. n-oru. ; ?' s ;; w ; x. ;;: , ;,; iou,,, choir is ll0-f lir !,,? -..-i-,,.. ,i.i..naru,i n.- ; 1 i, lm., mnc.Sd'!,rone hlnit ' fZhito"? P 1 M T"f h- Wirfv ' ,' "" ?M?mr' W,,T,,r: . Swc-ltiieab,. ,.l,",., .resell movemm-. so . U i.e' tb. fi , " iv, j wS l ' ' ',l,!, ,ll"?;l''(' ? 'V.'tM"","i h ... . . ,. ,',,-r . . ' l-Veiieh nor l'ortu2i.e-nor ..1. itl..- "ie Tuion Nntionhl Bank in iill stivct , n..,k.--a man ookb ue."---;o.i; 'raf.- It is not probable ihnt sweetmeats 1 lem 11 1101 loiiu-Hife not in., fine. i, ,,,,, f ,.f ii.p tll..,op.n Imblt l.i- ., ... Wl.ll llilirillll 111 f HUH IMVUIXIII i. llllt " - - .- " " " ".,,..... 1 eieW II" 'lllll Olltsiilu of .... -...'. . ujiii; . ,,ui n i; - . ! -. lu.i-.h.,.;a uu.I itnorv .om l W, VVi' l I'w '"'.'V"! . V VK V.,rk CitV. lurf, Inlnm"-:.0 i, i ' " Vl " '" ' f ' ' in their ilifiu.ev. Tobesiiivihehou- s.UI wrte 1.1M .. . nn w lie . all tin- ., ,;, , ; tl,t. and - "i'o m,u ln-.w w! v vmi an ICeort . keiferof t',.t a,.-v w..; no! hh.-d to i,i,,,',1,r,' '' ' '1!,', ,Ti Tl .'. Southwest. The is handled bv four' r t' ..I i-l.-oflv.. liIe..f ...... .-.W . brou overt:..' UI..5..M -v .... .;,.,(.,- "i -.1. w.,1 .,-., ,- u ol JiI,. '" ih;- uiMrffru.i-nntn-lU rs,w:le- .- - I . o-.n? Isvh .rfn. ..:i v ,. . , i.ier - dav. ruin ...n i. .. ml en- -' ' ' ' mnV.vtwt--'.-. ,atL. -rroi'iis. dru-.-i.-ts and fancv m o,s h' hue:, , ..;l for :, . . . mam dant'cr licr.:iii.-;i. c. .'..,., .. put-, LW,,"'--'l--'''' " n ;- f ? a,j ,) ..' ' ' - -, , .;.' fjva.- tle r. jlv. -MM niiir mi iiivii- iiiui tii.i..i'iii ii-n iimip i ... . . i'l'i. t i.i. ....r ..i t . t -1 . ii,. i, 1.1...1. . ., . i a turn 1 ntul u Win"- trive ik' il t:.b! J-C"'"' li'iifiil- 'iiio swi ftcrehaiiuel-, 1 r 1. sij in .otticr t'liileavor. - . .'.nt at -he -houhl - - M.-'ttXtii the boilin.r aiitl 1 ' " "',It'1' ' tvo a "' i.uln IioiiMihold well -Jlttnicr'i Itos'ir, he -houhl ..... t-f .. i! . ..r i f.t... nun num. ; ium.iu ij.-.,t-i- tu At h ivceiit incetiii;: of the ItritUh As-ocintion. Mr. .lohtisloii tend portion. f n l 'U-r w'.ich lie had reeelvi d from Mr II. V Manlci. dated Leopold villi-, Mniih'y M'..I, only '-', I::. After inentioniiig the dir.tli.of two cspl.irer-., " Bl;;l;iii and a hv'li itmhm..i'i. ho wrote: "ton .imu-e.l me with wim- ifiiiiin.- ii.m;i wmj.1 !. i Iintir. Mill will in.! In. li'iii'il oil lit III ..If-intere-tod ho.piulhv.o. the l'.,rl. ...... , . ... . . .. . .- -. . -. - ............ ... to givi Miur voto thai the Congo ill be gheti to tiiem iM-:ii"laud but oh a littlo -he will M'e.'tiJJleientea.i,. juugo i nai Mie iin ns liuicii rignt us ,y otlier nation whieh only -wk- to o.- ule Ilrltii!! Irade from thit outlet to til ml African trad.. D.spi very igiKtcnlion to the uuiilniry. tlni at will ct leileem the lot eoniment. itself It fornix a Milll.ieni prospect; I when oii eori'idiT it.- inagnltieeiit '.utaries; which How on either .-ido, Ing -iieivs to eivib.ation to what peared hopidessU inipenetntble a few ars ago. Uio reality of the iri'iieral ijlily and liu-iii in tlie-e dark tribes . - . - .. .;, , ., i. i . o "" mi- ''- -i-hm-wui auiuuu """ -si v,,'l' 1 'nilk'" inerea-e. my f!lhi;5a-in fjr nn work and eoiilirun m (Ir.-l impn-..ioii-.. Civc l,Oo:imilf? '" ;io main channel, :) to the Kwango, ';0;. J",' VBk,'1r,ln,l,tI!r'Vl' il0. 4 .Moliinibni.prol abU .VXI lu the Kiuwai. t Mobinibru.jirobabh S'X) lo the Kaisjai, - ",K to Ihe Satikuni. iiMi to the Aru- - n i ii i V " -""""'g ccu...nesr ,..,n vi.ii nm i-.f ,,-,o,ri I'iriiiiigiii oi i... uu.ra'iii oi -'t'"1 l,n,JI ,'t "' l-."Uf M-ekinglioinea '-1""' ! r ' " " w,.n "" " ,,,v ,"" :''r 5.n '"' ".V'T51" nl" . "'V U$T i.wuair i imyrouiiM i-.iu -ire caneo iraw is . ieinriig. mai uie re-.fmiu N "" ',,ll,n-,"!" -'',,v.J -IV ;" in';, iua,,.w.!aiiii mccs-auny uows irom all l:imUto Kitgl.nnl, thiit education crcuti:.- tho'ii-lauds dailv of men lit to cope witil life h lioci wor!.(tiautely. to thrive ami multiply and we lire "well aware thnt'-'thc ite.-etit (JoveVnnifiit i.s not c,,s .-tide than its pri-deee-sor- to direct amlfhiaiutaiu the force of the na tion. Thc.n.v'whv lock the gates-m a itr..'w i...i n.iii.. proiiiKing uein agauiM our.seii' ueeo , '"V FTAS . .'. . .' nft,y w L"1 'r. m V .Wa' ", ".. ,r inl ?' ie pad : aches 11 :ir-t as well a well as tlieMuvsent li S WMU o.vpect. - oil deliver paitii'iilai- nation sbhll'tlefiimd Knghiuil of her riliis ,uul privileg.-s-ln Af.-iea iu bro.ul da light, It wtw liivingst.iiu-. hi l.iigli'liinan. who ilisgjiviM'fil ihis rivi: it .-is An- -.iiiu-ili.'; o moiinv wim. 1 eplored it and mad i(. Known: il w:ls iuleriiati.uial nu.nuy, pari of w'duh was i-'llgllsli. which hilglll) the t::k of I't:' - - 1 . - . i-v . t . I i.,at tl 1 t . !... (It. .).! It . .. r- " " '" '"' l- S$."w" . "' "- 1 ii-ii g"iis. pro. ngis ami 111.ur! k lures ,.,,,', .1 1 ,, . 1 .. ... ""'I H.ll A curious natural proit.iel ha- ree.-ut- i.. i....... r.....,.i ... ii li1t l tii'l'll i.'uiMi ii. i .'i, in-,11 . l.ak t'il. It i- it lK si'-'-iMin.'d, 'whit , - tailitie lln-i ie -, the rAili- of w in., but si;r.t., i-nherent, Jvbnr mil the me I. the iippeM'nue.- o: a -oi;1 .-lone. I'oi'inius uf the rock aib-folored siihtlv vcilow In oide of Its ph'i-phor'c-iciu propel lies nreSvrv re liiarkablc. entitling it tu tank teVtVuew Mirietv of liiuesloiiu. It wa.- Kin nyii noticed b Hecotierel that sotiK' IJino. t . -.-.- ? stones wee i-l.-luly pho.-pl.o,v-lVut. but. so far as known, no other iniJon., possesses this property in a dejrljee at all apnroachiiij: that now desTibcrVtho pliosplioivscence of which i neafr'as .strong a-that of lluor spar. ho-wior-e-iceuee is iieek'cd when the r1 'is either struck, scratched or li.aj-d. I 'pon li-ititr metal. 'j;la-s or any ..jjhr hiird siib-t.-ttiiv lo -triko or lo scr.-ilifit. led Iihl is I'lnitte.l. wh c'i c.iitiituw sometimes for -evcral -ec p. - niter. ho blow. lbilihiitiT with . Uur lt,u";iiifut. i or ciindiu iu u' deiilopeil 'a white lil-t Tic in i-i i uarkiii.hi piiosplioi'i-:. n.-e i- li.wcl iic.l I w hAt.t iii ; ii tra:iii nt "t t'.e buicstone lij a ;hls- HiIh- over il tl.iiiiu. it then ,'Ito-s will; a deep red liir-i' wdeh lasts loKn .iiiu. ,!.. .,.' .i.i.tsi fifl.i.' it'll lulritli tuir lfti.i llauie. Tie-1. 'lor of tic li-'l t etnitt.vl ii!eui',.i t o of ,1 red-li' t I'odv. Sovjf. nil s.-c , id. .. tore di ni'' out the lbrlil .r bluiiti-while. I'poti coo in:: 1 iiini -' -is in nt lieatlti''. pi'o- plioiv-cciicc i-a-'a it! 111 '.i - same Irairuient. but more fffblv and lor a i shorter period, and after two or threo 1 t " such heatiiiL's ti nhospliore.-ccnce is de - stroyed. .V. 1". Ot rivr, Several I'aliioniia iratnpsp.t into :i freight ear that was loaded with wine, '.u.w 1 .1 a .'.u.."i 11.10 11 iiierous s raws, sllcceeilc.l 111 , """- " r "-' ' 100 .." iey wnim-il. hen the car w.n-opened .11 1.0- . vuen 's 1 iii nii-ercaiii.s weru loiiinl in u drunken slee'.i. Sun '- T 1 t-iVco CirvitivU, ii mi 111 1 kiim t1 iiiuiv wit riitii 11 tii 1 . . t nt.iifir aim iiii 111 ivtui 1. tium i- tiiiuia i siiiit iiii... t.ii. h... . i ; ! ts ..... "iiii '.Mi'iiii Ki'issnti in miMirino' iimi i ' i - i . i; i c.-ain -toi iiiu i i:ii:i.ii i-s.,. ii . j iiii - Ti". i iti.ii. it. -i i i' -tiiikttiii mil -- --- .--.-.- ..... , .-Abov of l'a-s Clirlstlau, M I (Utcen vi-nr- old, has made mi 1 Pnoiih ihii Miiumor bv -olllm,' -.'taees o buv a cow ii'"d a calf. ' money mil kvjt MMMkAixuvr3enKiate.R.-amri7tTi.t rfcftTtfntr.flam. . .-,-. A dozen stlolifl of chevin'-nim, Mcc," said n portlv, tfr.ry-haiivd'man 03 he stopped into a confectionery store nn Third .ivciiuc. A biMauder rcooj,'- nlzcd him as u lc.-tditi;; Vc-t Side tner- chant, and, lis he dfpaitc.l iiit'ihlsi.tir-1 (.UM., KSl(. "That Is u singular habit br Mr. , lo encourage in his children, u re- ........... iiiii ii'i . ..hhil.lren! Tl,,,. ,,.,. J. .....W 'Childnml That mn:i i a bachelor. and one of the bust known club men in ' New York." I "I'or whom does lie biivelicw in then?' ...;r himself. He l a dv'esfl". or ..,, f0P , claims that eiie'v'!--"i-n H.Heve.s him from the unpleasant "ff. t f that dbeiwe. lie i.soiieot'im ie patrons." ' ..j., . ti10 ot,y ,jVM,t.,rt:e w,o ,ot jtp" ' ' '.j,, no. ''.ro rre Vl-,if fo ny nothing of actors ami .-.ingei-. Win-, ,. 0f tK. jwit kmmn n.ln - -u .Ami.r! u .m.., .',., ...,: f,vtlt. .,.,.. .':. for KUVl. ,.., .(lll " . . ",-r- " " ' ' " "M uiKler.-taiMl. luit for it l--u. In-al elV.ct '(.j,,.,, jK,r voice, wide!- :- f.Jii c-U-ar I ,.,) fj She ividtes willi Teat -r.ii- i fl(L.tiri tliat one eveiilii". w-liile pbniu" , ., fil -ou-e, -he di-cover.-.l. w.'lT ' fu'big her li-teners in ,e imo-r i ,i avt In the tdii, where -he rl-e- f ' i oil act in t!iep!ii, where -he ri-e- t' i- ' it of i :m-ioii thai is slniiilv m ig ' ' '!. :n. Hint u pt'c-of ginuor g.-iifiitu-,'t i ..rti..Mv wa.- in her uioiith,'wirh y. ij..t.-i!fii lo r.-niove it. --i. ' - ! i. mi- we more wannlr anplaud- 1 in iu life. -he. sayn, uinl I u.-v ; tj .-'.. tin- lines hotter: but, I ,sir ; , 1.- in ll:i:oi-l.i:;li:i-liair nr.M ha' " i".!;. I a -iiigiila;- pi-oSubeiuiiue itiopt '. Ill- fill I'lvls.' ",!'l"'n. .-gain, llu-re art- -evcral well hu.iwii bign,; who ii-.. gum for i!o -iinii' piirtnie. l'u: the bulk" of l!. tiitdeis vvilii children, who. -im-e t ! invention of the. 'everlasting gum." ."ft ii"i ' ..'. . j i r-ai hil.iii-.i ...mem. . o boe in Jl J 'I . i r, ' alfl ill i .- r ' .. 'id-'o m M'ifii.'.'.ii .. i !al.-: 1'i-it.i wii-h ladiiw" m .1. n i-v is frccn.1 miiK Kl. One box was composed of Miialll round slicks, tightly wrapped in tin-foil; an other of thin", square pieces, wrapped in colored paper; another of long sticks, notched at regular intervals for separa tion. Still another kind w:w mixed with licorice and recommended for colds. hewiiic .......:... A wholesale 11.0.' K1U11, :,:,.,,, s street Kaih tho usoof of dvupepsia. Ono - - -- " - ............. ..,.... .. . ,. the ti-u of gum. aud mauv others havo done the same. Some use the gum lu'.Nfd with tobaeco, t-.tnl graduallv dim inish the amount f the latter. Others j v use tee gum lor the in.-u of imaginnrv, ', iiungmnrv f-lii't 11 gie.s to 01 tier troui.'es. a m-in, 'in V(-M- .street, who had a tumor in ona' ;t 1.:.. ..V... i .. I......... .1 .. .. ;... 1... e I 1 lll-l Vlll-l I.s, K.'VJ.S llll- lll'l ll"l lllll'l iy j en -win..r .rum. But the oriucioal ii.iirnns! , ir." .1 i.n.'i ' ...... ...... c Jl iiiu. vi 1-0.11SL-, inu i-iiiinii'ii - ,, ,. ..I...,.!.... "tin staple ela-ses o cliewuij; .inn are uootit -is, -aid a clerk who lit.iu.ii-.s ,jm j.,,,,, rAt ,- (1Ill.of .. urirt. i,.. eery loues in eity . l Im-io is ex.-r-liistiu finni "run. mastic, p'irai.iiio pun), ppiuee iiini. tally tolu and t!io nld-f:is.ioucd -nappiu;; iruin. I ive you l'u- naniip b which tins are known to the ehildicn! The -pruce tuni i- inaiiu-f-ictiired iu New, the lnrj:'-t uiatiutactory hein at rorlntid; Me., lui tin) new puns have roiti the niiirkct aud i.ireiy uinfii n ... i ..... . ,. w uiivc iiiuu leiintud for iu There is more of the ,. or rubber pun sold than ol n , ot.T.p varivtU-ii togcllicr."-.V. T. s,;( ' -.. .'itilerlnkeiV Ktieriiiuiis l'rolits. Collins are luauc by the wlaile.salo and irtied out Ity he t!ioiisaiii very mouth, liner ail'cle- of liiueral furniture arc n.'.iiiili.eturcd in the .same way. Thcro ir.- l.ujre nhops for tiie ma'uiifailure f 'liiouds, and the inanufncuircr nils to the undertaker. lie' u-nally, is .!.. --ii u niiin who makes cnl.lns at d ; Ibn iii"imiu. and even thin,; he Ms. Hie nud.'itak.'t- is. n-n ni e. .-on for ! the ret a) I price, and often for l"-sriiiiu tu.'U itui'tii'if -o t hat thein-der- t- i-er iiiikcs, .i'e. 0:1 ilu 1 .1-1- ut n . .. I 1 . t f-t 1 11. .11' '111 The h"i-t co;ll -hroiul, . fi at i.m.i.s f..y ?-J..i. co-t.-T tint inithir- trfA-i 1. i.fe Ihtiti uinotv cents. XTor is-t' '- .-t'"Ut- urolit cVnitiiied lo the sitro.. ' In nil that ihcv inireha-i from luv'sc i: ' 'o'l.-ttiivi's, irom tue colliti to ..i i. il'itiino-k M.sii'iiiiifiiut ttappliii: oi tiie 'rave, there I- a 'aln 111 the retail of at , ' M.'iiVtlitti per bent, and often more ' Thihe is one linn in lid- cltv that never ' linsless'lhaii '. .(kvo eitllins iir-tock. varv- ilmr In iiiti'i fnim in in ftiun nml iivi'ii norcr---:: 1". Il'orW. -.. .... -AjNiii";tou lady bclieviti,": she was eoin it. die called her friends around uer aiiipaiceli'd her worldly jroods out to them: The moveables we're tearfully curried (.fTiitfl placctl where iliey ivoulii do the tSiost pik, .-mne hemir turned into reaiftv moiii'v. N'uvv .she is n-cttinrr ' I -)) nml wiiiif s Mi.. thiii'iNi In',, 11, rl,i K.w.L 1 ,..,. , ... , ' ... - ...,".": ' - coiiiu-iiin nnn I iiieoiiTcnienis. ;ii;.'o.'i (A'. '.) tor. mil "Of adult lrnm-chewer." said the 9Xf:?Trxaupmfvit. J ' XV. nrnuri'.'lt vtl f MIM'IIWlYI T.. i i,i,iviwui """"""" LouUrv V. JJryant, n colored liidy, practice law In Conrado. George Washington weighed L'W potmdint t!ic clo.'u ol theRevoIuli '.tiary War. Tie .ttid-e Illfiok owed much f)f .,itl furi.(. f n7iirna"f to Ids famtlinr- it-win t o ;..! Ti-Iitam:-nt.-(i..vo ,..,r 0,. i. t,, ..i. r....,-... ,., " " Z? ' ..l.M" "" " .-"' ? :.'" "" v..'. , "i i.ian " '. rii'i'uiri -.- i . rcniro oi K.ti.iu JCort'i, I1 rr- oil w Lad in . :i visiting frieinH ium: lot n. (ii'os'ye W. Jonci, of Wn-i.iiiioii, hr.' la-en third nix hundred doli.' for ( u-lng Hvim l!iell(iovernmciit 'nu-l"po.i j lor lii" prin.t'i oorre-pomu m. xs jion-i-ioii claim r.g-nt. y.r. I'niil I tana, who fs hHr to the N'ew Vori. Stir., own eight hundred pug ii "'. If, n addition to ttiT. tho un; n..iu i up In the itvrie of b..3 bxll, he will mi-I U-ori'. ft Jo;irindit, Iwlint'iprthtlo ir, il. Ir. S. Vaitilerijeulo'i. i.ulH-ld. I.. I., uiuiiif-' bfea;ioh' TT:tnonve.-nful, and mvii aficr arte ainer brought r letter from l-'ranoe nvp-iir.Mig him irgion fi ,'" rr'iieh pn .v. wiih a cherk for one , ." ' alai-T in adranctj. .V. T. !-iin. i A innnlfigo notice in a Meadr;'! . ; !'.. paper i i- foil, v "i .- Ms.rv ' I'nr--. of N'.uti -l.v-1, ssu-n:-; 1 ' 1 nr-i-. of N.-iti -l.v ', -'.up:-. n.ircnts tv bringing home a n-. ' o'.ng . nrir. Til w.i-i in , Inn-hand. Tin till! IOiM UrX a i ... . . liAle tuvlill f'lr-ome tlum iew." Mr Annandabol .TtMhe. a Brah inin lady, of India, iifn reached i'liil.v dnlphia." when.- he will xtu-li medicine. at tue 7oir.un medical col gc in thai v'l . Sli.i is I'm lirst .f tlntl liir)i ;n" i ca-te lo the ocean. Mf-i a crossing J hf-in.' forbidden bv her n IU:s.on. Fnil' . wl ,'iiliia lrcM. Tlicy l.RM- a Socorro, K. !., Ktrnngi eharactr in a wild, iink-tupi lr d.-tc r. whoe name i- Captain o' teeth. He boa-l.-l that he ha I i.ew ' i-itcd a i!etiti-t. i .: hud I e ever h-sJ a tooth. Ills li.-ili w i- ih!i-k npfin hi- hc.-i.l and iu person li ua- r.-i'g'r, and gvd luuk'ng. He was burn iu Ko urj Jiit'v. but mo-t 'f l-i- life vvifc- spcti: a a tucrchanl in .New Vork Cit. thong, he had traveled .'o-i-id -rablv.and conld sp'aV 'vera! Ia1)gi!n.-c. '.V. ' May!. - The Columbus (tl.y .;-,'. ays of Hon. Sanii.i-I S. C.x. who was in ll-.W-r.t uti editorial ivi- i-r for the C. lioubus S.'atf.ihttm: "Il v; bio in the afternoon, and the sun was jun dipping below the horion. Smkieuly Cox rushed Into the loom. 'Boys' lie aid. 'did you see that siuiset? It'stlm iaot beautiful thing I rvor saw ' And seis ing some papor from th -r-o( aud leaning over tho imposing Mono, he w.r"' ',e 'umous pon-plctur that gava ''"" "" -"Z Mior.i)uci im .-s,,n.oT. v 'V ieit-ww lanca oy tan com- ?T j 1 lf,l - '. this own. :- ' . 1 ' a rickety steamboat bo'li'i- I :".- been in- t. ''Ir nl - :.'.! rigiil :ifi 1 - .11111, don't 'ie.t I in-.. It'- t thiii. A". J". 1 e Ir-ngii uote; the. fact that a l-te iec-'i of iiuiiif fi.u now 1 . .: 't for iftii same prh-. .-. a liu'-fi t . but'tho bolhi-r of it i-, it '- .-. it s I .' III '.' i'o ii v.i:i!i! mi do without pool-? V e l.ui-l piece ...' informat'ot- in vr.. b ;'!: 'T'u ..Men-rod is m'.'.w. I..-.-I horr' i! i; Wi. iild lei:i i.i.ii t "ii1 !.( bit n obi" jed t ri'.iiaiu uiidei t. - i.a"u -i.-.atioti tiu-t t! c ol. Inn-rod w - .si'.-iri.t. (Ml fi.' J):rrtL A .''ci-'.ohkuiH ssaiifVitif-- by thu fa;u',lv i. ". .'.... ." o, siU.i: "ftuire no rav-rrnirr.'vi.i.-r ,, 0 j,,.M'mi',hrt avJ n nin fall. tIui ' RnU ih9n ytniimy brithor i rob, and iuv puir girl J (!, mtdtbore J?; ,L ;,. v" iV r Zli hi! I'm yfctZ. . "' V V itlZZZZ , " " Xf ' ' ""?' "ILue, witr!" seUintNl Sialth, "what do you iuo.iu Wivln no dirty nankin?" Th w.iisr twk nwav the nolle. I aupkiu aud ; Suiilh a clean ou. niuiwiuniAj &- w.!ik! uvvav, "Well, if liiV am l t' n mo-t pitilieuli-.r mail I ovr fc.-.v. Tiiikt naj'kbi I .-.s beet u-ed by mo hv lUu h ii.uun uuu, and he's tlic- lii-t ouo to unkv any com- pla'nl. ". trnit h.-L - Mirahnni 'Uid .b.s'iipi had bum in- viled to ti ;! -mlhl diauer. !l v.. itu- "Mnicior.iu'iiu:i not lo uiaKev.-v, '...! "'t of Mich it'll nn I'pnoriiini'.v; .vcenvdin ;h ic 1 to lip u -liver -puon . 1 I ' mana; . t . ... hi- iHMi. .'.'tranani was iiiNum wi ' nvv at du-hua k -ueccss, for hq had not f V'-u nuiiilt.uhileti r -.tlt-Nwion. , Uul nn hh-a struck him. "M 1 euu,' beVrieil. "I will -how yo-i soi.10 drl-ks." Taking' P ' spoon, he said, "Vou 700 dcc. spouiir en. 11 . c ziw: ue cricn 1... 1 r. 1.1. -i .... ' 11 n 1 in jjiccvc "You vill tind Il wui fouud. ' .lo-lu ma's lood." .v. r (iratthte. I "anv. you, have you -'ot auy hurt ' trltiiminir to co with this ulufl?". nsketl ' it llsiahilv (IrfAseii woman of a t.tore- I keeper. "1 think so, imW' ansVvered 1 l.'ie iirlmno saleinnn, lakiier down a ! piece of goods and s p read i ne;' il on tho I counter. "Buff! do you call that bufl?" ' exclaimed the woman; "guess you don't know yourbiisiuess, vounp;uian. That'll too dark fq'r abulT.,f "Hut, miss, thnt Is " It's too dark; I can't see. it,' itunid." "Whv. of eoursn it's duck-. me rlnar loife " iIia tu-iii .tll'a i.11' 1 I .','..., A: '.7 X.1 .iJ ... uuau imn uuu, u;v new- ?jj;u;l', tuu 1 feo.'' lie inld the poeds. dma;o Tribune. I ill' .111.-11 nr ll..(l ;i i. in s.- .r. . . 1 ft' 1,. , i i . t :.. .'(. '. iia ( hi. Kominolo Nation. CrSASBKDKFE I.I' l'llll.-. -. Kl n 1..)'. .I'i-H I l, "ll i ' I ,i I I n il01.C i R 111.' l I llwlll ' lp No -Infix ii ' fl out Mil of:ii' m .f.4 UJ KIII-KEE-HEE. I'd, KCOlltlK-lll.!!. ii.uiiic, :i uiiiis i . of iiliiive phuv. K.V on ri'-'lit .-I.!. ai.d hip. S.-iik bininl in oilier ink' llor-u Minn- biaie' NoiTe ok- iNci pi to sh p CHICKASAW. Coutinned 0. L. ROFF, I ! Mill froi's. i:.-im-li lAnillc- imrtli III 'Vltll Cll'l'l. mi llltlf. siitlil' X N en li-ll i -, I , till- snu l K- I mi IliUli. Cherokee -lation. rONTINl'Kl) Vv V U. L.DENNEY. Cleicinorci I. T K.iuch, west viile of Veiiligrl-, ill i tulles um-I oi IMid eiffk. Sonu on ili her -hit Various uiKs. lioiMs -ainc o.i left mioi!1 kr. honu Vuiloiis inaik- s'.',0 leiMirdfoi' 1 the capture oi nn wllli .stock in n.y bratids and uiarks. 0 0 FRY, hlhlii-.s' Station. Itaiu-h ,-iiuiL Ilrumloii both hip-oiiu- In aiioii-marl..-. -nine on k-ft -hoiil di r. None -old except wltlM)l.of Wm.A.Peak & Oo I". O. Tuba. I. T iouI IJxft.r, III. 1,'iiiirn nn 1 I'ri'fk f'u .'illni. I.'iiy'l liniiid 9 ulTT.1 Iiiim-s limmli'il .1 .1 on left shntililcr. B. W. ALBEHTY, 1. O. Choteiiu. Bauch near .Mili tary road onPryois cri-ck . .Sonic on loth 'shies llor.-cs s'liiii. on Icllsll lllder. No stock sold e.Ncept for shipment. Kaunas. C!!'i? .V f' i iLk. .-.-: Anv pcr-on offering stock or hide with above bi.ind, for alc, will In- pro ucutL-il. A lll.cial rewnrn will he paid nn teliiin of .stock i.'stiaal or .stolen fro:.. ni r.inclic, or liiforiiiniion whciehy I cai .cover iheui. A. .MILL'S, iliitona, Kansas. FRANK MAHAKAN I'. ii.,l,oireu,-. v.. l..i I!.,... 'fi - ...,.Ih lll. H i hi. ii la i reek afij l." nl.- -cmili it Vafl ' ' 1 ' x"-ii .Sunn JliBBSl"';:,-.s ii, wii'i arioii- inaik-. None Mild e.vept for shlpiueut. n. n hrls. t.-.,VViVitiJ4 A&A icu , Will practice '.a all ihe courts of the fleck Nation ami all the courts of the ( herohec Nation ami before th(! I'lilled Mutes Court for the Wc-tern District of Arkansas, e;-.)4 IF TIME IS ANY OIMKPT TO YOU LOOK .Vl bib ii". DIRECT KOUTi: EAST Via J3T. LOUIS. 2 Trains Daily. riilltnai. 1 .dace Hotel Curs lliioii''h to St. I.ouif, viiv .Seilnliii, Dailv. Direct Route West and. Nortel, Via Kansas City. At Kansas City I'lilon Depot, p:iscier for Kai.-as, t.olorado, NcWi.ic.Nlcoaiidi"aIlfoi'iilacoii' licet with Kxprii-s Trains of nil lines. At Atchison ('oiu.taiou.s iniitl'' with Kxprcs trains fur all i;o!its iu Kan. i- .mil Nebrii-kn. At ronnceifoii Is mad..' witli all lines K-iidhia.' to the tmrth and we-t. Tast Time. Snpcrio1 tammojatioiis. F. l!li:tnllti (Jon1 Pu-nY Aicoii V, 11. WIum.hi. Ass(. (Jni. Pass. vm" iw. uvtv iss 7 v.tKa 171 A a -3' -fl--KAai7iYlVS jsag 1 ' ' I rfWr'jf i 'jL.L -qpjg T re iJviwal W YfT mrarw v f n mm i 9 a ffliA-h-. mmZmMmr In -&& WbTfv-&2zanKK'.n Ufcy-W-Mf STJl--3,r'RV,--" j-rtSt-'" iliSwiglil nfM-tftitifr-fe GOING WES R1NC1PAL LIN I'llOM IHir.K.'fJ.IM-iOUIlrJjST. I.til 1IY WAV OK OMAHA AM) LINCOLN T.i m.Nl in.- I KauiW Cuv om Atchison to DJ 1 ,iiiuTlln;r In r 1,1 .1 lH-iiiil lit iCsin- Hinnli.-i iiiul Id 11 .! ullli tlirnii(.-li t ri-iti-1 SAN FHAXOIS A let nil ! .1 11 1 - tit tin- lit-eiil Weft, GOING EAST. HI I .ilillrrluik' ill Iti-aiiil i nil. I Depot tit Cl.i Willi lllllllll. llillli- .111 j XI: II' YMtl JOS t OX, Anil nil llii-li 111 Cllli-. ( t..m In it'll li llii'.iil'j.i Irnltiv f il T.wll ... II-, C'ill.-illtl.ltl, ( nil II I'll-', l"l. I till poilllM tnl siitiiii i.n-i. At -I. i.t.utr. w.iii iiiruiiii irl for till I'niiii- -niiia. I!Iil'iihi rii-.i 'ln - I'.'irlnr I 'nr-. uiit. I'tliilnl ii'wr- iM'.'iii- live -ni.iklnu (.'iiro vi l!rM.,lllt- ('llllll'-. I'll. Ill I It.'i- -llTtl l'.-u- nn. I ll.i- r.iuiiiii- ('. I . .V ... Iliniiiv-tl 1 11111 In mill li'iiin I'll 1' l'ii .mil Knit.', . I riiirnpi iiiiil 1 oioi.-il liiuti- 1 "I Icago mill il illillll'-. . lli'TtM. -1. .iii-i' ri, iii-ij-,,ii ;iltll 1 ll'l..'l M lllllllll I'llllliri' "HO OirilllKM IIIU' fil nlli'.Mhi'ii iiv. 11 Irani- li.-MM-en Chl'-uiro, l.inr, ' flltfl I llllll III HIT ' It I ! ,fl I Ii flll.ll. I il . ' ivi .. i.'i 1 iii ii).'! ninirii- t ilBI lioiiM'i. Mh'iiiikIi i'.ti lictwi'vn I nit:iti;ii(T Hill l lllllllll lllllll , i l II' II 1.1. (.'OlNli XOJITH- aM) SOL'TII j -11I11I Tr'iin- of Klriinl hay t .i.irlii'. n 1'ii1Iiii:iii l-'.lii,'!. -Ii'.'filii'f I '.'it ill . rim il .11- 4.111 IIMIII 1. I.'MII-, till 1., lllllU, nil i ..i n... l... ...... . ...i.... i i.i- I tn..u. t .. ...i ....... w. t ....i .... ti li .1 mi... iiii i.'ii. . .'iiii i.i!i- .ii. I, j tu M. l'u ill iouI Miiini-.'iiK'llrii I'.-.rlnr Cnr- wi; r.uvuriii in .- . nm inn -m im'ip ni;u vfl i n.-i f iiilv.iiii' I'tiiiiu'i' ill 1'iiri ni'iuui'ii si. .i ml !.- Mmiii'i, liiwti, .Nrlir.i-kii. ..iiirnin n I ..'liver, ( iiIiiiihIii. It liilfo the iinlv U.ruiiul' llim lie lui'cn :S1. Louis .Miiuu'iiiioIt V S(. Vnu i i II i-Kti.inn a :lic jri'.u tiiriin.-ii i-nr a.i-di , .nii'rii-ii,.oiiti(.uiiiv.'r-iil.y tiiluiitTct lo K-it Fines' l-.(itini;ie(l K.iilriiui! in th s( lor nil fl.i-sit:s of travel. i iii iiiiiii in mm - w.i mi- iuiu iii-r rniu iii mi ( f IB It. rm:ton ticket Mttln In the tnlte-i States andl f'n ti 'lll-l ftk-1! 11.. .1. flint.. .1 In ll.l ll..n -.- -!.. 11 t( T. .1. I' Vii-f IVrf.ACr-. M 1'KltCKVAl. I.OWKI I., .a. I-nr. Ajit. nhfKo BKTTKH TU IN EVKB. K 'The Inter Ocea:; for 1884. J i M.nv li-w feature- lunc lii-cn InlrmiUFi-ri in tin. Inti.ii id i.avi.i Hit lithi tw ci u uiitutlii. than In iiii nlliiT piifcr In iiii i-mintry. Ijt-taliitnc , iiii nn-iiiu ii.'i iitniri :.iiu l.i'inillni'lH" 1!U piililhlu-rs li.iw iiiiiii it ilpi-tmiKt lii.ijfraiihirar M-ii in-, in iiimi.i ,11111, iiiinuv iifiiiro l I'lilill.' at il.'iti- uf , nlilti a Inn'iii'il n" ' eli'i- nil iini'iirtMllt lilnliirii'iil mill rum-nt ..t.iiJ ur III riui'iilatliill of klitiniiiii'iiiii ri'H'.'iiili nrlil i. ii-iiiii.' i-i-.'iiiuiiiii'.M nn iii, 1 1 niiiriii ir.ilili'tiis: nilili- l.llir- Iruin I.uihIii,. i ciiitIiij,- tin; licM nl l.lll.ipr.lll ni'-lnrxiii' ilril,, f),c, ;il runtrl- I. uiiiuii' ili'inii'il in i i it i ii Ki'ii.Vf uf aimv nml p.ilillciil life, iouI iicu-ni'iifs ut r.riii J i-'ulicn lir-.-1'l- iiiiilililf ie nun niiillii'tloiis of 1 H'liiini'iu uii'Mry fi'iiiili'. '1 In- IMi.iin. lAsuili ii'ii,iiiiiunriiii. rl-liiL-ly I.Vpiilillniii; will I'i'iii.'ilii lu iri"-.tii tiltitiiilu on Hie iiii-riui nl 'M'li'i'liii'.'.iiiiiii'iiiiiiiitiirli''i; Will .-..lllllllll' til llllllll' .t lal Utll'lltlllll to tiiiilc, 'uiii'i uriH'ii. iiml i'i'ihuiiiiIb i,ii,'llonh, ill ii'i.itn Hie ili'iuini'ii'iui- uf iA "I'nrio-ity Sim.',' i.i. -in teat cm i'..ii iiiii nMiiiiiiu-, In ifii'-ii.i .inn vnliaililf iiiiiiiiiiiitlim I'ulli'il out Ie i-tiMiiirit uf .tiii.i'ri: !-.: 'ju- Wouuin'-s J-iili--. I lie (ilei. ili-.l to I'm .r.irrct.h.i niovt , iiu-tii in vlf li uiiu'ii ii-ii,l.' tin); iliL-"Karni nitil linilii ' i. ..M in,-.-ii.., if. .1 coi'liil Inter e-1 in n.i! in-, ilu i iinv ili.-ir i-hililrun), till' " I'll',. - ,. ,iiim.,i limit n- in if "'fill nmi, i iV in i,i , i'niil nnil ..-I i-i iinii.i. , , ic ,,, ii.,. ,,... imi,!,..,, , .,. f '.ill-n Ilu w.sij: i.nil't . im !., t,,!, ( li i,' til .il'-. I' 'lllll,, ll,ll.l.llil),. .(., l nil ii n Iiii li nn ii. i,.. ,,, i,ii . .,,;) m.,. , - ui iv ;.. i.iilii'iii. in ni., ,,,, j-imrt i-to-' ''".-' ,"'r',!" ""'' ' eil -Kilil,. p.uiiif, iMiil Willi im ..-, il fti-iHilc-:ir iii'wtKJittieriiis t in tlu. sli.'iin- .. .i0'.i , n .. vmliiiijrtim mill m ..i- . n, i i'i. rh'iii i ! mii't'iiiiiiili'iili, , ull. In-iliu. It.iii.f, mil iil.,.,u, Uil more oi'"' miiiin !- i.iIi Miiinl.,1' I ii,;- t'liU'iiiri-e .im! i' . I r.."t 'li i. , i; i,i, , r W-, Wl'ili ...imi-; i-i'.',ii.P li.iM',ifiui.:iile ''' J' I .in.; ,'i ii ;'i ) im im. Iiffii ii'iliii'i" '. . (i.-i i.'ni ; .;.nii ii.i linl'nl, Tln :"';. .. I-. . i.i I-, , n in.,iuiiii iHfiif t"'"i"? : tl- I'm. i llieivitiler nt Ilu- 1 .1.1 ",i i . i 1 I- Inl'UuL 'I Im i 'il iii'i ., in Weekly laliTflremi nut Ilu- Lett Inni Iv new -I'.iImt in til.' rii.iiiti'. I, in il 1 .,' Tlic MiliM-i iiilnn inii!ni Hie liiiiii'Hi'fin, iJ. ns IllllllWl.' ir . i.'iiiiiuii, )i-r it ,. on Sntti-It ivi;! i:,! It Inn, 1 o -H lrt.7, Inrluillii, Sin ;. I 'J Oft thillfi, r.rchlttliit Sltlltt.iy, 1(1 (Ht ll'rtu,-MilH0 tltlii, i,t ,,(! i M. ilrtil Sitfijih lllrnt, 'JOO Sn I ii rtl il H m rillllnii, IU ,,., . ,,. ,. f,.,f ,j nft SimihiffM ullli,,,,, in ,,,. !.,. IIU -JOO-I'u-IAKU ircili III enrli i mi, ...r Xwi&'ir of ,,,c ,,,,tT u' mn " '" ,,u 'tnt senil itmney in llepl.ter. il Lmicr Money Or -ler. Iliinl. lirnfi.i.r Ry K,..-. m ur r., ,;n,i lie .me int.! nrlte ill., ium c mil mMh.,, I ea 'l! riilir.'t iliii plmnii. iitiii,..,. . h nn: i.vtkii in i:.v ' IliHlpI, in. Ti., I',h,;s, oasris s-)clls I 'Kl! YKAK. ' .The I.tniri-i ,iil l,., v,.(iv. Xuws. lii.per in Ihe W.imi l'..r l. JVico : Dtnl.V. tuv year. . . . gj0 qq Sei-.Y, cklv. ii.'i' i ca,. , ' 7, nn I'..: v i i o OU I ll-N iM-lvly, - . - 0() ilinlnyjiilljj,,,,. . ., 0Q ; cwhik 'H:,Nrix(s(coM Seii,,III,,,.,,l S'.. . ,W . . ;i'!:r"'''r- m,v i',.,,,,,,,,' ,, tU ' " -t. . ,' hV . .--.i ! i I r . VMil. I!c3li;'llii'ie iii'ii.ini'li KM. !' fi,., ', , , ii. ' '", I!'" '' IVll-ltl all li tfir -j . 1 t i i