Newspaper Page Text
i a Protectlvelnd Detective Assn Texas. i). 1 dny ; Mr. J. X. Wright, of Denton, i two limne: Mr. It. P. Ilncei of ! Dallas TexiK. onu : Wm. II Mor- ' ris, of Denton. IVxne two horses; N. ItOtfal, 'mcrl Xnnn&or fnnMr. Ifiilin, ofCinlneMille, ono hornc, IiiAIhr Terrllorjr. 'nml thicT captured ; Dr. H. C. try, f Santa Joe. Texas, one horae; Mi. W.ron nil Conummln.tlousto Protective' Atnliew l..liitM-k, Kcllcm, Jcxm, ' uml l)ctoIve Association, Atoka, 'ojie mule; Mr. Num. Lcroe, Terrell, Inkn Territory. ; lex nmH, a,.. I -iv. Vol.. ir. iKi. ' lirniiiliiij: t-ntlle the fee trill he ..,....,' .7 ". . .!.. , S 1 Iter head mi unv mitnlivr itmler luunoirxriivo mm . ; , , n.i lots over Hint nilllil BOCIHUOll Ul l i':n tiivuvM n in until ' olllee for tlio Indian 'Icnitory here on December 1, IN.Sa, and appoint- ur. i. 7 "". ' ""T,." or (Inn. 'Ihu rewind for cattle . maimer, nun .ui. r . r Dalits, nccrettirv. S nntocUtion sines that time (rretlnp. To our Friends and l'ntrnns: Oft en in the opciiintx "I" the .seasons, we lttikn flitfhltfTltt It fit I ! ttiul rklftltl ' patrons to take advautn-ie of the newspapers to send greeting to our i eustomeis, not aloii ndvei Using onr business, but with interesting read ing matter, styles, what to wear and Iimw to wear it, o that mc shall all become better acquainted as to wear. , Wc cannot shake you all by the hand, ,(M, 1 but we can always gicet you one and Our iiiim u number . . .. . . . I I I IV C Vltll lino iivrr ww. ui ri-iii iici iiu.iii , itmi I 11 I,. ..I. ....... 1 ...,..l 01, lots of U0 and upwards. 2 ets , m.M (jis eflnW,,,w, '""T'''rl:, I )f years; we have always studied S. O'Brien,. , " T ,,,..V patrons, and, as I. lie brancb . " ... . m... ' Mar as we know, have always given ... T . ,. , rt .satisfaction. We are continually I ho Association l on n firm ilnnn-l ... j....1m. 1 ' rial mud-, ai.d is mi institution be. ' I' - w - -" -- T - - - -- coming more popular ami favorably known every day. None but responsible, sober men ... ..........I ,.- 1 1 ........... 1... a . r ., . . ! ... IHU nmiivi, in i iiiiiiif, rw lis livciiui cave no part of the com try,. l(jU AM(K.inlm) ',,,, ( ( , , w in uiHH -7 " -- " ,,.,.,,,..... I. ulllllnv.l n.fMt.1. in,., "'. '." less he come, wall iecommuided by I1'" "i?!..1?,. mi. v. iiniriiiinii, is has been jliHflotly employed in securing pood ut4 re)onftibtc agents throughout tne Territory and so fur have suc ceeded, much to their satisfaction. Their mui.i object by so doiim is to of all stock ill their New Store. Save Money. New Stoi CALL AT THE NEW STORE One Block from depot, 111 AVo llavo Just Opened the Largest Stock of Mam w' Stwtf I IMIIMHIIMMIM I t I I I I th proteclloii brand. 1 The Protective and Detective As ocintion has now been two years and a half in exigence and under the ju dicious inan.igeinent ot its otllcers has eurmouiiled all iu dilflcultics, and lias come to ihu (rout with n record that it may well be proud of. On January the Hist of this year the Association, in its paper "The Kstrny Itecord of Texas," had a list taken from i's hooks of nit the slock branded, stolen or strayed, and all recovered, and it shows a percentage of ,ovcr ninely-tive terovered, this extending buck to the dale when the Association was in its infancy, when the protection waa not what it is to day, aril as it extends so will the protection be greater. Anyone ol tioiiud judgii-cnt can see that the As sociation I'as surmounted its dillicul ties. They havu now over three hundred v.mkiu agents in Texas and nearly lilty liere, and hope soon to be able to ivporl u hundrid, and it is thoroughly ndvcilic(? through out he adjoining stales, consequent ly they havu not in one cae out of live to pay the reward of $100 for diploic and conviction of a thief, foe the reason that a thief will not ngw-handlu a Iioiho branded with the letter, C it invariably gives him nwuy, ir'cuuuol dispose of it, con sequently' he does nut want 'it, unlesa, he thinks :fie can get rid of St, and inc consequences are ueiore lie can, gel very Ur tlieiu are hundreds ol iliscriptioii of that horse printed of fering $100 reward lor .the capltiYc and conviction of the thief, and sent out oveillm Staled and. 'lVrriltiiie.s, into the lia'nds of all theii agenlM and .llit! lit!'i(;iil bheiill's. The lltii-f, iiuUsrt he-Uury green, knows this, and if he d(oes not he will learn bel ter I lie next. lime. Tlio AssiM'intion was chartered by t c statu of Texas November 0O1I1, 1J8I, and' the trtiiU- 111:11 U, Irilur C on le.t jaw, craned f rum I lie United Slates fSovcmlv-'r -0,h of the same year. lis olvjecl is to place slock in a position lll'.UUiieVti.s havu no for it. Tliu Association issues a cerlillcate for -very animal bramled and ivis teied. Kvery ccrlilicatu is iaoied from Ihe general ottice or the branch otlii'u of Sinte or Territory, where there 1 impiessiou of the seal of the Associ ation nliixeil thereon, a duplicate of which is H'Coidi'd in the books kept for thai piupou. WNen r.u agent brands any stock lie taken a ibsciiption of the animal, giving a U'ceipt. lo the onncr lor the fee chaiged for branding and regis tering thu same. Ibis dist-riptinn with the naiue and pustotliee tuldiess of the ownor is t'urwaided l the gener al or branch olllee by the ag ut. 'Ihe coililiieMn after being mad' out is forwarded hv mail to the own er of the animal so hiamlcd and leg- isterod. Should in, one have slot the nit lhal 1 1 icy immediately notify ihi ollli-e, giviuvc tli number of tin county. In nil the officers of his instances agents will be required to give the Association a bond in the sum of 8200 with approved security. The size of thu Association's brand, the letter 0, is 1 inches in height, two inches from top of arm , o.' I ar lo bottom of C, and one inch , in width. 1 Audit are instructed to be sure and put a twist on thu nose or car so as to make a plain and lasting brand, and when that ia thu casu 110 thief can get away with such' an animal, fur thu biunil will stop him .every time. Atoka, I. T., Feb. 10, 1884. Kditor Hiundixo Inox : Dkah Sin: The great nim of the Protective and Detective Association is to arrange a complete network of L'uarils r.rouud all stock taken under its protection so as to render such stock iis(;(ss to thieves. This wc do by liiving the owner of a C horse a ccrlilicatu (which is a title to his horse although the horse is in our brand.) A thief may ste:d the horse but he cannot get thu title, and the V brand is now so well advertised Unit no sensible man wants to buy such a horcu without the .title. This is what we. mean by saying that our aim is lo render such stock worthless to thieves. Our modu of proceeding has bueu prulty fully explained in another article, but all know that we hav to depend largely on agents fr the detail work throughout tliu coun try. We try to u.-o diullion iu ap pointing such agents and we gener ally etgoo'd ones, I ut wu meet and have to overcome the same dillleiil ties that other enterprises do in the selection ot help. Hut wc especial ly have cause to be careful for the errors or misconduct of any of our agents recoils on the Asociatiou with very injurious etl'ecl, and we cannot ntford to support any unwor thy agent, knowingly. Our aim, as stated above, may never lie tullvaiid in all particulars attained, yet the more earnestly and zealously all en-' ,ngcd wink and watcl ,'lie more near-1 ly we will succeed, rmcouraged 1 y ' very gratifying results thus far wu 1 expect to go on until we ge gel a nil-Hie bvuiu in.ijn mining uui the latest styles and novelties iu the market. We are not so situated as the small stores, who only go to market once a a year, but have lue advantage ot Our buyer, continually looking tip novelties for our custo mers. Iu staple and fancy dry goods, wc import our own goods, thereby sav ing the middle-man's profit. ' 1 in navinu connection direct Willi manufacturers of tliu country, wu can save one-third ot the price which you pay other houses. In clothing, we manufacture all our own stock, thereby saving at least one fourth. Out garments are all custom-made. Remember, satisfaction, or no sale. Iu Carpets, Mattings, Oil Cloths, Itugs, Mats, Crumb Cloths, Shades. Curtains, etc., etc., wc have the. fin est assortment in Northern Texas. Ourstoru aoom has the best light and ventilation in the city. Think of the immense space it covers- 30, 000 square feet. In custom-made Hoots and Shoes wu stand second to none. This de partment is one of our specialties. Respectfully, Watkkman, Stau & Co. DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, "3, tiling pretty and useful in this V ..,,.. I ..nnlilf 10 . WU.. .Jl.u.ll.,, , vr w Hosier)- lJennrtmcut. Styles changing so rapidly, it is almost impossible for us to give a description of styles in hosiery. Hut on our counters mav be found every line. 15 cents. Children's better quality, lu, 20 and g.r eent:. Children's extra quality, :J0, 5 and 10 cents. Children's fancy, best quality, 40 cents ami upwards. Alisis' main, taticv ami emoro- wards. Boots, Shoes, Hats, Trunks, Valioes, Carpets, . Curtains, &e., &e. in Denison. -: Everything New and Nice. :- ve uo Htnctivu uami JiusMrJna, so can undersell nouses mar cio a urctuc nusinwi Be Sure to cull if vott want to SAVE MOXJ5Y. vi We Are Agents for Buttrick's Paper Patterns. "SI ' : I J. WEISMAN AND COMPANY, BLUE SIGM :-: One Block from Depot, 111 Main Street, John Ourand Buildings. :-: Henry T. Walker, DKAI.KK l.N WaTMIHQ hiuwiko, OlMl AND DIAMONDS, DEMSON, TKXAK. All poods liouulit of tne will be engraved free ol charge. l'inu watch repairing a specialty. iin:er ny mail iiroiuptly luted Call on me when von comu to l)enl.on Change of Base. Change of Prices REDUCED PRICES dctcd :it nil price? from 15 cents - I Jmlius' hose, we call cspcci.'ll nt I teution to, botli iu white and color j cd, iysle throat, balbriggan and em- bussed huso, at prices ranini; from j In cents to 'ji'J. We have always an elegant line exposed on our show I line. If you don't see what you 1 want ask for it. I Vlll 1IMV 'l 1IMI1III O Hr., tt V, VIIV ft I latest and prettiest to be found. All ! j$ .sizes, stvles and (iiialilio.s., Stau & Co. Atoka Meat Market!! We Handle ALL KINDS of GAME IN THEIR SEASONS. MR. A. U. SMITH (our butcher) is well known in tliis country as one of the best. T. T. HUGHES. I 1 L1'jln Hardware, Iron and Steel, CutJ lery Stoves, Plows, j Guns, &e. by Lsp? and Soidriok Iinpnriaiit ltusiiiuss Notice. To the .Jobbiii'' Trade of North- T. W DOLLERHIDE, DENISON, TEXAS, WIiolcNile ami Itctail Dealer in l here mav be one, mid hi-u.'d I y thu !kimhI, teliable a-ient in each and e-irn Texas ami the Indian Territory: 'ivriilcui mill Secretary ami has the ''" seith-iiifiit of the Indian Terri- j "w melliod ol iiiloriiung torv. who will watch over the stock in the C brand as if ii was hid own. To tin end wti invite the coUpeia tiou of all good cili.ens ami resi dent of the country. D ? i Kntm, Manager. von that wo low, at the "('epcratUe Printing. "It l nporU thai tin- t'o-immitor (Irnpfiil Imilxiiit to nmki u ilei'iMou In r.'wui-il lo tlmt rliiiM if lU'wuiiaoorn known mk 'p.uciu iut lrtrn.' 'IiiMiIkm. or VD-oiM'rmlw,' ilmi will iUHTM.uillyoMin.-n ari;i airnlTo" Io.mI pillMTH, of liiu miMUit rlri'illrt'lnii Hint Ini't IIIIIIIIMU'C, ire tullv prepared to couiuieucemeul of the Kail, tliu hirgc-st and assortment of Dry (!nod, Clothintj, Hoots and Shoos etc., in Northern Toxas. Wc have employed the. well known and popular 'Merchant's Pet," h. L. Stowe, who will call on you shortly with a complete line of samples iu Dry Goods, Clothing, lloot.s and Mioos, .Notions, etc.; ami we guar-' antce to you that any orders extend-1 cd to him shall have our personal and prompt attention. We are fullv I . - 1 to mcel ail competttiou Ammunition, Sperling G:cds, Fishing Tackle, Etc., Etc. 1 Keep a Full Line of WINCHESTER K1FLES AND COLT'S PISTOLS. "SOMETHING NEW" Colt's repeating Rifle. All Kinds of Denison, Texas, Ileforc their removal to their new and enlarged salesroom, Corner of fe yur' Main Street and Houston Avenue Nos. 94, 96 and 98, Near Union Depot. Wo Kpccially Call Attention to our Complete Line of Cooking and Heating Stoves to nutm'tiil imlillciitlon. Ill i in. I tii'iMiat'iMl m ' . . . .. .. . "- 1-- .-" ' tor bo iioiutf m iint iiiu ii.ipors iM'imt ;,.". i. i ....:.. m.: i ..!..... Ti-:..: M.ii ...1 TJ..ti.. ,n.. trill ijii ..w , . v .-i- ' iLUIJtlll III' J.1U1LL1V U11LL X I ULLillLl V .1JU11U m .. ...:..i t.. i .... i ' J Mn ..lll.rbl .HI J. II. !.(.. lit .It.. ..lMn.1 ..n.l .I..... Ill llllll. Itlll'll Mill1 I'lllll.'l " V- PKMI 111 III' UUII'i. II1 III17II iiiiiiiiiv Hutu .nit I .ui,. liv thu utilm m Oiniioiiiiiliinl ciiiiiii-vinili k branded and rouiMcrcd with ' "'". wlm prim tin nitnr tmifnt imnu., u , : .: . ,i . t .1 HUni'lOlU ovlilrllffl tliill flirh impuiN uro lint Association btolen it is import-1 Mr-t.M.titiimr. uu.i in timt utout divltliil tot'ioliulo till ni.'h 1 1 out tli.Hiu.tM n mH-oiiitoI.iJ-, m.itiii-. I'luM t, iiroittmiit lnunii Ii ere I pulilUttion lmil In llii imiiihIi, nml Ii tiu ,....... ...... ....i i I... i nil ma ooi lino it iifi .iiiot t ;ww wiiiii kik- ..uuiue ui in hi-m-ii iiiiiii:ii. nv , p,.n,; nm, tin, ivumlumv t..i of I'u V.v. releieticu t i the bonk- in our olllee mUvei. wnuM ! itithIv ntr.-m.-i.ious: ... , .. , . h ul nilllil thou Hlloiil to inilillsh tin. wliolo n We M'lt by the lllimour ot Hu- oertlll ilu-lr inHr:t: hes in tin. i-ml. the pns n.twr- ct.te the desc.ipiion of llm animal. X.S llul xho P' ""' b-memly ifut- The luee unuioilmtcly n.iMlles ; Tim foregoing item, which has an-' Surrlal Imiuctliunlr; to lSrcisimffier. .....1 .1... ..111. .1... . I . ' -A.. ...,..( .. .............. .......... ... .1.11.1. ...I l ' " Ul"l IIIU Ulll.ri llll IMC'lllllll '"..nil Ml n tlillllll I 1111111-! IMIIMI-ill'll .1. j Which f will Sell Very Cheaj). thus Saving Moving such Heavy Hoods. We Headquarters for Us the KxpeiiM of are also ton. (iivo us a trial-order and re member that we sell only to good parties and give von the same "terms as any other joobing hou-.e. Out; rule is: All gomls sold on their mor it.s and no misrepresentation. Very respectfully yours,"; Watj:jma.v, Stai: Si Co., .' . John Deere Plows and Cultivators Write for Prices. i I WILL NOT IIK UXnEUSOT.l) ! ryieiits i AYER'S ! . FW ik kW W iMM L 1 tliecouiilrv, uhiuu iu or; S'iIuV. O., U a.ioti.e,- evId-iM.. of fie. e nave mways on nam me niu- VM;ilt5 UUrH the Molon Mod:. A sin,, H,lur re vu.lictlv. llri-Niiimk hM.BM.V A.l. V M,rd of S100 is ollVred by A-. I ""' .SC'ft; )w ''t makes ot Luungs,, cont; .,,, forn ,.,,;,. eintionfor tl Mure and convic I K.1.,! 7 of tmi IWL- ' ' lK,uUo,Vr' r'"! V,,,,f.u-5 "'''V " .7 , ,:,;, :; r ' l "ssr; Dr!!Lz sn" veiu,s.u;,ci,et. Mctau js;.: ..r'T i hi iliil v i r "in niiiin n.srii i - ----- ........ ....,....., til ( I I I I I 1.1 III I II'IIL' J IVtirl Huttoiis of ovory Mitchell WQSons. Earbed and Sir.ooth Wirs, also 5"3; Avery, Kelly and south Bend Chilled Plows I 2 eeu tihciiild the olllt- r aueiits not rociire uoin-t-stock, the fact ot nnvoue amnitil for sale ith the ami iiiii1 f stolen u ring iui ,hM letter U brumled n the lell j w and the per son si) otuimg il.c ammal not having a ceililU-ate or uiviug salihliietory ii i)i'i'eucis is evidence of something vrongnud Mlllcieiit I'm the party iuniny the uniinal in l s po sis-ion to be detiiiued pending InWhtLation of tint matter. Within llm months of )occmber nud .itiiiuaiy la-i ihere las. v. bei-n over lieut-live hoist s stolen and re covi'ii'd, H'e give tlm i ames I" Mime of tlio paitie.s and nppi'inl a lew of their leil.-re: From Wn . K.-ntlliiu. , of Dallas, 'IVxas, om lioie, icci'V' rod iii'M day 5 Mr Jtlnckwiiil, of .tivKiuucy, 'JVmis, two wlicni the same are iir'u'ed. In whnl or in purt, and piildishi'd, shall ,-n fn'e through the mallsp Int the si'ttm' not Ihi delivered at h-t'T-i-arru'r oillces or distributed by e.iiMr. unir.- . postage is paid ll'ereou in by faVpiM-, vlded." IVom tli! it w'll be feu "thatj line roMnuiMiT m'nerm vuim-'s na' I bivn iiiiticipated by ttn Nntlomt congress, huh tr.e propoMt itceiion ; would Ihi illegal and of uo efl'uot. I CAiiMiv Haunt v. Uuttons: sie and I iptality. l'.eforo entering the sea on Dress-! makers should give us a en!', and in-1 tiodttce themsches to one of the j linn, who will take especial pains to i 1 appoint a competent person to wait , upon tlietu win-never tney tavorus with their patronage, and will give j tlieiu the i:.ti:a inducements which we oll'er to all DrcsMiiakers who pur-1 cliase a iiuerai snare oi ineirsuppuuA of u.. Vr.Ti'MAV. Star & ( o. h)U'ina !ii:illli; n U .o Iclmullit iillml.. VF. WASAK? AYER'S AGUE CUKE to int) cv.n mm- of t'tirrniiil Arih-, lnur-initti-iit or i."u I lcr, lii'iiillu-iit r.n-r iMiniti Aiii-, IliKoito I'nii, ninl 1 lu-r Ci-iii-..:ih. rmi.M.I l.y iimliirm. lit t-jti-u it frlnir.-, nttvr iltitf trl:il, tli : lrl-i :ir- t-itt .lorlm il, ! mir t'i.i-iiliir il:itci July 1st, UM-, to iiTiuu! (Im iniinty. Dr.J.C.Aycrt'tCo.,Lovell,r.a:s. bolilli)';i I Diu.ulm. . l. Write for Special Price on Colt's Pistols and Winchester KinV S. S. EYANTS, Wholesale and Ilctail Dealer iu -Ono of the engineers of the Hudson Kivttr Kallroatl, wln-u at work upon it in 1810, ai that tlm couitrotors and uinrim-orii made a otilveit uudr the niilroad larec- euotnrlt t allow Wash- biL'ton IrviiiL' to m-t out in his row-boat i A lloston man, w!io had his no from tlio littl'J Simustdtf Uay into thu! mnlied over liis face dining a iiorsounl .. . ,.. .... i .... .. -i . ' i . .. .. -i.:. .... i;. - i granq Piu iiuiiMia to t:ie pm'h upon iinra-swimf. in u" w i niii -whhili Imj oofniio-od thu M.c.h Uook. wm told by the tlm'tor that it wa -i i Hiav that tlnvallloo, Midon simple cjm of umlttciiltir disintegration. Ii n Jn aM Ltnrc f fhk liUrchlunniaJ drop -uteKr In tn memory Thank you," he said; ! begin to feel W15 odll UU dll Mil JO at lino JOB WORK hwlics, (lmj.itil by Iho thuf next j lo-v by hi.s pen of Ihu iu:m ".v!m nm-jo the .'..mtiy liuj. honor alrertdy, that somnU so muol1 HS.Ni homn."- Chicago Jl mitt. Office. Groceries, Wines and Liquoi Fine Kentucky Whiskies a Specialty. Orders by Mall for the Territory will Receive Prompt Atten "G y