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! . vi . 1 jfct-ir yyw ftfj j.. . !: , f 1 iX ""Li H jasV vm v. J 7llii .ifr If jk -. ...? "jp KTcit w09 Mo NDING IRON. 7. OKVOTED TO INDIAN AND STOCK NMAVS. . .-.. t IIIHI1 II r IK.4 1 rNf i I CCS 4 i VOL. 1. NO. 2 w JOHN FRINZEL, ATOK, I. T.t Waeonmaker AND Blacksmith. ; Tflgdnk ohil KujirIcs Mntle to Order and Repaired. iTcres Shoeing a Specialty. FIovtb and Framing Implements lU'palml on Short Notice. MKS. M. J. MOOKE, ATOKA, CHOCTAW NATION, INH. TF.K., MIUJNER and DRESSMAKER, J Now Bnrinc Hats, Flowers, Ribbons Agency for ' Kme.3 Domorrst's Br llnbta raUernn. Brisco & Lorden, LlYery, Feed and Sale Stable Teams, Carriages antl Saddle Horses to Let. Drummer's Outilts Always Beady for Long or .Short Trip. Atoka, Indian Ter. D. RAMSEY, ATOKA, I. T. IATCHIAKER MD JEIELER And Dealer in Gold, Silver & Klckel Watclies A Fine Line of Ciir and Cellar jautLcr.3, Yes UfoK Chains, Ladiso' Breast Pins, Bracslats, Keok and Guard Chains and Tins H ' '' 'J SILVER PLATED WARE, ' FI3LD AND SPY GLASSES And a Finn Line of Spectacles r,nd Eyeglaesos, In lnj St.rla uQFrrae. 7 a I Espocial Attention Olvcn Repair ine- F'in V';chos. r.'l I IUf KB I Branding Iron, OFFICIAL PAl'KU OF THE CHOCTAW NATION. . II, ct It. M. KOHEltTS, Pkoi-k'n. ATOKA, I. T., MARCH 1, 184. Rates for Advertising. One Colninc, one. year, 91 (10.00. One 8tiare one y car, 8 75.00. One Square, one month,. I. oil. Ten lines of Rrovicr constitutes a square Locals, 10 Cents per line, each subse quent insertion 5 Cents. Stock Brands published In the Hiuni i.mi Icon Mini Hie 1min Jol'kkai. (or 35.00 per car. How (lie Star Store In Goterneil. For the information of our custo mers i.ot acquainted with us, and to butter enable them to judge how we conch ct our busines, we beg leave to icier them to the following rules now in force at the popular Star Store: I. The employes of this house are requeued to hlrietly adhere to the lollowing rules and regulation: II. .The proprietors aim to make this a tirst-class trading place for all and everybody, and will leave noth ing undone on their part to merit the good will of their employes, and with their assistance gain the onli deuce of their patrons. III. Our aim is to build up a trade by fair and honorable dealing and strictly adhere to our fundamental principles Honesty and No Misre presentation. iv. ii ik eanitutiy requeued oi each and every salesman and dales lady to assist each other and give intormation as desired in a pleasant and congenial manner. V. A department will be assign ed to eacli employe, with a special memorandum book, stationery in the department, for the purpose bf not ing goods wild uut'.pt jLio depart ment. Salesmen mjurtalcr carcjfofc tht-ir own gdMspttHWjaSfihiinag. eci oy careiesbiiess, win oe euargeti up to the parlies in charge of said dejiartmeut. ' VI. The J)res fJoods Depart- i, . -i. , i nielli, tne Uepartment, the Shoe Department, the Notion De partment, and the I'aney Goods De partment any one in charge of said departments are requested to see that all goodd in their respective depart ments are properly Lugged, ami maiked with cost and selling price attached. Any violation will sub ject employe to dismissal. VII. A salcsbook will be furnish ed each employe in which to enter all sales, and tit Ik: accompanied with the cash as reference; the duplicate for the customer. Y1IL As it is oir mle to treat all ciMoinoii! :like, and only iiuin to select A 1 trade, by so dc ing tlit proprietors are not willing to incur an ri.-k by n 'i!i::g goods on credit, ii is therel'.ne requested of a'l cm jdoes to charge s.iid goods sold on credit, and betore allowing the goodi. to leave the house, the ticket mii.-t bo countersigned either by by Star or the bookkeeper. Any employ allowing goods, to go out on trial without having the ticket counter- j signed, or sell goods oven if onlv to the value of $1, witliout the chipli- e'afoi'hein'' countersigned, will be dismissed without Jurther notice. i IX. No foods in tl-l he mii Id children without a written order from their parents', unless pcr.sonalh acquainted with the parents. Due diligence i, expected to be used. X.- No salesman or lady is allow ed to WAiiiiANT any goods" only our 'Custom Made Shoes." All goods must-lie sold on their Jtr.itns, and I'OhiTiVKS.v no MisKi:i'UiKNTAno.v Ai.i.nwiai. XL No employe in allowed to re - ceive any money for goods charged in the ollice. This rule will bu .strictly enforced, and must not be violated tindor anv consideration XII Whilst we expect to see nlovo do hi.s clutv in pleas - evorv eninlovo do lii.t uutv in i ujm. vint. m xt ing and suiting every customer, yet to M. Louis. I hin ot it-eh is a sut the proprietor deserve the right' to ', ficient guarantee that ( we caused! assign custouiUiS to any salesman, jyou goods as cheap a SL Louft. and parliculaily leipient that the jiar-. Vlll. All wo ask of you is to ties in charge, of the Clothing, Hat, 'give us a trial order, or if you como Cap and (ioods depart- to this msivkot, give us a personal menu will wait on "all customers! in , call, ant) our wold for U, you will their department:, unless by special , have no caus.o to regret it. lequcst of the ciiftoiui)r and thun by i Very ro-putfully yoiirj, contiont of the propiietor. Wahiuman, Stau & Co. XIII. Competent stockmen will have charge ol the stock up-staira, and t'lioy c.lono mo rewponsiliio for the contiition of the slock. No em ploye has a rk'ht to go upstairs and to i tnc'ak a nacknuc of anv kind with mt p0! mi lisioiuii oi the stocl.mon, This ATOKA, INDIAN TERRITORY, MARCH 1, 13S4. IH'Hl I I D1HI I , I3MM "MTWJIJLMIl rule will be strictly enforced. Any one violating this rule will be di missed. XIV. It is earnestly expected that each employe will bo at his post in due time, ami remain there dur ing business hours, and only absent himself by permission. No excuse without permission will be granted only in case of sickness, and it found intoxicated during business hour' mcy win lie dismissed wiuiout mr ther notice. XV. No goodv must be sold to one party tor another without a written order, and said order before it is tilled, muHt lie countersigned by one of the proprietors or bookkeep er. XVI. Any employe misrkpuk si:niini, knowingly and wilfully, any piece of gooijs, boots, shoes, or anything else, to induce a customer to buy, bv false representation, will be looked upon as dishonest and dis charged at once. XVII. Loud and boisterous talk ing, using of profane language, is Htrietly prohibited. All disputes, if any, must, lie avoided in the presence of customers. XVII I. As we employ only nv Till', month it is earnestly expected that employes will live within tho'ir means; the" salary of each employe fs ready every Saturday night. Kaeh employe can have same by calling on the bookkeeper and sign a proper voucher for it. All cash vouchers must lie presented to the bookkeep er, who alone is authorized to pay them. No overdraft to the value of 10c is allowed. No voucher for less than 1 will be accepted. XIX. From and after this day all goods used by employes in the house, for their own use, will be charged 10 per cent, on cost. XX. Some ill-feeling has existed owing to the bookkeeper refusing to furnish stajnjH, for postal usage, to emirtoyert. JJe alone is i'espoiidiblo - . . i .'VT -... i .1.... i .!...: i. vv-iohiims uuau;u uieir ' preferences for K'.!e-man or sales- ! lady must not be interfered with, on Iv bv .''Peial consent of the pro- prieiors. XXII. To all customers and pa trons we beg leave to say that they will oblige us by teportiiig any inat tention or discourteous treatment on the part of our employes. Respectfully yours, Vati:kman, Star & Co. Km'liuut", Patronize Your llouio Store.. To the Merchants of the Indian Territory: We shall be pleased to call your attention to the following very im portant point-- why you sho;:ld pat ronize voiir home store. I. You can order your goods from our hour.o and gel the goods de livered at your door the same day. II. it take-! three day, to get the same order by mail to St. Louis, and six ilas to get the goods delivered to you. III. nu can receive the goods ordered from u. ami icali.e , hand some profit, long before you get the t'ooita ordered trom ?t. i.oius.. IV. You can, if votir financial- standing is good, got the name terms from ua asi you can in St. Louis or t-Jalveton. ' V. If you go to St. Louis in per son U .will' cost you from $75 to 100, that money yo.i can save at once, by seudiii.; vour order to our hoiis-o. VI. ' You pay 1.."0 per 100 lbs fi eight from St. L. A piece of cali co "weighs C pounds, thai is the Vi eight on that piece of calico is 0 ccuitj; a piece ol vard-wido heavv uomesuc wegn.-i 1 1 pouuin, you pay 'on that piece of domestic iioj eenLs if reightV Now, will it pay you to send off and pay thb extra if you !mh do as well at home? II. e tjet all id our. staple or heavv goods trom New York to Dcn- ison 'for 00 jier cent, per 100 pounds 1 less than the freight from New York Cirt.ct IK-pjtrJia.-Mt. In this dep.i.'tment wo intend to carry the largest,, as well the best k-electod iir,sortimint outside of oast- ! orn cities. Our .success this i Spr to thf Jioittu, for..tho money and want amount 6fTU cunt!. uSpri.ighai ouir.pu'led usi to buy an entire new line for our summer trade. Parties desiring a bargain will please call early. 1 1 igga'n's Tapestry Urussols at very low dices. (ood Tapestry, $1.00, LIS, 1.20 and l.'-'5. Three Plyn, nil wool, lower than the lowest. Two Plys, supers, 7r, 8fi, IK), 05 and $1.00. t Two Plys, r5, 00, 75 and 80 cents! Full assortment, l2-:i Wools, Cot tons, Hemps, Mattings, Tapestry liugs, Mats, Crumb "Cloths, Oil Cloths, tfce. A few remnants to be closed out clicap. Do not make your purchases until 3ou have examined one immense stock. Watkjiman, Stau it Co. When Ordering It will tend to obviate delays and mistakes by observing the followind, namely: J . I. Subscribe your Full Name, Post office, County and State. t. - State distinctly Amount of Money sent. 'I. In making remittances do not enclose Money in Letters uot Rogic- torodi Money- should in all cases be bent by Post Ollice Order, Register ed Letter, Kxprct,s, or Draft on Den Uon, payable to our order. The fee for registering a letter, or procuring a Money Order, for any amount less than til 5.00, is 10c. 4. State clearly how goods should be sent by mail, and if to be regis tered; bv express, or by freight; if by express give name of nearest ex prcsn ollice;" if by freight, name of line, if passible. 5. V hen goods arc ordered to be sent by mail, postage should be in cluded in the rcmittuncc, at the rate oi one cent per ounce or fraction thereof; where postage is uot includ ed in remittance we will understand niiiliey enough to pay for postage. To avoid do, ays, it would be advisa ble to hend sullicient money in ad cases, iiud any overplus will be ac counted lor on day after shipment. 0. C. O. 1). Orders exceeding 810.00 in amount will be forwarded C. O. )., provided one-quarter ol the amount accompany the ordoi ; please understand that the express companies charge you for returning the mono, which makes this mode of forwarding goods kxi-kn- S1VK. 7. Do not mix other matter with your older, but when desiring wim ples, or asking questions relative to the price (f goods, etc., always use a Hep.rrato sheet, signing your name and address thereon. It will also tucilitntu tlie Ii lltng ol orders liy writing one item on a line, Unit;: V.vanUdiirklirown Silk (bias).... i.H5 i 1-1 vards black grosi;raiu Itlbhou No. 'J 1!1 rt. A lady should always sign with "Miss" or "Mrs." to enable us to address our correspondence prop erly. To insure a respouce to all com munications for intormation, Jl-eont ,o.stago stamp should bo enclosed, Wa'II.HMAN, Sl'AU it Co. Kpittlu? fr I.uck. I heard of a nursii the otlior day, v' Ciiiiiine.v) woman, who spat alter .si tin one hud looked at the lialn.iti or.ltir, s! -vplniiKil, to aveit tho "evil cyu." 1 be lliirl. ilNtrict of (jei'iu.iny if lm iws are chiion befuru llio door of i ! wUohtlieliurdmuit.siiitlliri(!, (tlrini'ii. I Fihwtiuonspit for luck oullicirluinsol Ciio-e.) A boxer, i.vcn ii'iwadtn s. ' ipits on his hands, unci a smith .diotMi;' i refracto'T Likes the same piv autioii. Scot, in his "l)iMnurio u Wilehraft," recom mentis spilling into tin siioe of one's rigid foot to insiiiv aft ty from magic. I tiutl sonu .iiilsinces of tliis Tn "Vestiges of Aiieicm Mniiicruuiil Customs hi Modern Itulj ;t:nl bicllv." by .J. ,1. llliuit, l-':i, pagr H!l j "iimnaii saliva was heretofore rv generally uk.j.1 .is at.-liarin, (I'liny.) .N. Ii., .. VJ. j and was thuught partloi, tai.v eatcii'.:i'ius again-t liiu essoin of noi ouotis animal. 11 my quotes somu tut loritics lo prove that thu pernicious tsjwvrn oi toads tuid frogs may lw dl riuetl by tW-s means, sitid s'.'rpenl.s if.'iJereu innoNioiis l spitting Into their .iwntlw (X. II., wviiil.) Tlio lesd- .onj of Vsuro also, cited to show that l.ero were puoplu in tho Hellespont, J'a.siiiin, who could cure tUt. Into of Miiil.o.s by their saliva, (vii., -'.) Now, it s Elliot's that a sot of men existed ia -(oily to tliU day. ..tlie.l tiiravoli, w.o iifv'ss to bed i tic. wounds or venomous .tt.muU by tiieirsolttk. Tney fsecju nt 'to Mjgl'ihorliooil. of f?yraiiie, and niiwuliy iwvsoinbli) hi n umbers nt I'lar.- M'lto oil tho fe.tival ol St. lal, UioJ .W'XMi ehiuL ' Aofcj Utfwyi. that goods am to bo sent per expres.s aHilittiClr,'icord!gly,-'f!jliis h iy o.niA'aut oftlifc gocnl-tVutairiin; J. W. Owans, Atoka, Indian Tor., Harness and AND HKA1.KK IX Harness, Side and Mens' Saddles, legglns, Collars, Whips, And Everything in Our Lino. Any Kind of Saddle, Including "TEXAS" and "CALIFORNIA," or Harness Made to Order on Short Notice ! JSyCan Compote with any Texas JOHN A. ATOKA, JwiyS Will pay HIGHEST CASH ; 1 'I -Tor ii & fjPbriTia Ides, Furs, Wool, Deerskins, k, Warehouse a OF EVKKY. mXD At this Office. JOB WORK $1.50 PER YEAR. Saddle Maker, House in Prices or Quality. ,rJ DILLON; I IND. TER. krk& the i i' MARKET ' PRICE f k I "'I .! INDIAN -TBK. ,, , V;i XuL'd this Indian Journal, ruiro'OKK, ; r. I. . To kiup tycm posteil ill out' orth Tcirilorv afiaira. I ' rKi Tt- -AT 1 1 Li ff