”000000 o 000000“00““! © : TACOMA : :00“0“00000“0““00000: THE PACIFIC LIQUOR AND WINE HOUSE. N. REUTER, Propriet.r. The best of Wines, Liguors and Cigars. Family Trade a Specialty. Tel. Red 1781, 1506 Pacific Ave. 1505 Commerce St. Tacoma, Washington MONTY'B THIRST STORE Berlin Building. 113 South 11th 8&. Telephone, Matn 194. TACOMA, .. - . “ WASHINGTON THE ABBEY F.J. MOONEY. Proprietor Telephone James 2121 Wines, Liquors & Cigars Rooms in Connection TACOMA WASHINGTON o e Pennsylvania Dairy 313 So. 11th Street DEALERS IN Fresh Butter, Eggs, Cream, Milk and Buttermilk All Kinds of Ice Cream and Ices. Also the Original Billman Bread. Private Cars and Special Orders Given Prompt Attention Phone John 2271 TACOMA STYLES RIGHT PRICES RIGHT Menzies & Stevens Latest Styles in HATS, MEN'S FURRISHINGS AND CLOTHING SPECIALTIES 913 Pacific Avenue Provident Bidg. TACOMA, WASH. Kentucky Liquor Co. Incorporated. Phone Main 113. WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Wines, Liquors and Cigars 1130 Pacific Avenue 1131 Commerce Street Tacoma, Washington Puget Sound Electric Railway Interurban Leave Tacoma—6:oo, 7:10, 8:10, 9:15 (Ltd., no stops) 10:10, 11:10 a m, 12:10, 1:10, 2:10, 3:10, 4:15 (Ltd., no stops), 5:10, 6:10, 7:10, 8:10, 9:10, 11:15 p m. Leave Seattle—6:3o, 8:00, 9:00 (Ltd., no stops), 10:00, 11:00 &m, 12 m, 1:00, 2:00, 3:00, 4:00 (Ltd., no stops). 5:00, 6:00, 7 ;00, 8:00, 9:09, 10:00, 11:15 p m. PUYALLUP DIVISION Leave Puyallup—s:3o, 7:00, 8 :00, 9:00, 11:00 a. m, 1:00, 2:00, 3:00, 4:00, 5:00, 6:15, 7:15, 8:15, 9:15 p m. Leave 9th and Commerce Sts.—s:4o, 7:00, 8:00, 10:00, 12:00 &m, 1:00, 2:00, 8:00,4:00, 5:00, 6:15, 7:15, 8:15, 11:15 m. . (5:30 a m omitted Sundays) Tacoma Trunk Factory A good Trunk 1s always a good bargain. You can’t judge from mere appearances. We sell Tranks that not only look well but wear well. Suit Cases and Bags of all sizes, styles and prices Repairing done. Phone Red 2772 $3l C Street TACOMA, WASH i. R. MANNING, Pres. A. T. HOSMER, Sec’y. L. R. MANNING & CO., Inc. Real Estate Loans and Investments. City and Farm Property. Timber and Coal Lands. First-Class Mortgages and Investment Securities. EQUITABLE BUILDING TACOMA, WASH. A Delightful Dish WHEAT-HEARTS Makes a delightful breakfast dish: with fruit added, a lovely desert. Requires little time to cook. A light ex ronn for fuel. Is guaranteed absolutely pure and costs ess than any other cereal Bold by all grocers. Five pound package, 25 cents. THE PUGET SOUND FLOURING MILLS CO., TACOMA, WASH. TACOMA THE ANNEX MARTIN ANGEL, Prop. House of Fine Liquors Phone Main 446. Cor. Eleventh ud Pacific Avenue THE McDONALD CIGAR GO, Sells the Highest Grades of «.CIGARS... Manufactured by the best factories of New York and Tampa. Also a complete line of Imported Cigars, Cigarettes and Smokers’ Arsticles Tel. Main 765. 956 Pacific Avenue THE DAMFINO P.T. McGLOIN, Proprietor Telephone Main 164 ESTABLISHED BEFORE THE WAR Imported and Domestic Wines, Liquors and Cigars 1502 Jefferson Avenue, Corner Paeific TACOMA WASHINGTON The Best is None Too Good for You. Get It at The Trail Saloon & Cafe RUSSELL ORMSBY, Proprietor 113 S. 12th St., Tacoma, Wash. L. L. ROBERSORN, C. H. ROBERSON, Pres. and Treas. i Sec’y. EAT T. B. C. BREAD Made by Wholesale Manufacturers of Bread, Cakes, Ete. We also make a specialty of GOOD BREAD. Tel. James 261. 943 Tacoma Ave., Tacoma, Wash. Phone Main 748 Paving Plant, 15th and Dock The Barber Asphalt Paving Go. ASPHALT For Roofing, Street Paving and Reser voir Lining 4 CONTRACTORS Strect Paving, Driveways, Floors and Sidewalks - 203-4.5 Providence Bldg. TACOMA WASH. We make a Specialty of FINE POULTRY Private Car Trade Solieited Commercial Market HARRY HASH, Prop. Retail Dealer in Fresh and Salt Meats 1114 C Street Telephone Main 292 TACOMA J, B. TERNES, Pres. and Mgr. Tel. 48 Tacoma Carriage and Baggage Transfer Gompany OFFICE 108 TENTH ST. Carriages and Baggage Wagons at All Hours Private Ambulance Perfect in Every Detall FIRST CLASS LIVERY Hand your Checks for Baggage tc our Mes sengers, who will meet you on all incoming trains, | TACOMA, WASH. “Growing Pains.” The evil that may be caused by a phrase is well exemplified by the term “growing pains.” Many a cripple to day owes his misfortune to the fact that the first symptoms of his disease were misinterpreted. The recurring pains of which he complained, which caused him to limp at times or to cry out in his sleep, were called by his par ents growlng palns, and were thought to signify nothing more than the effort of nature to adjust the growing bones and muscles and sinews to each other. Of course every child has Innumer able little aches and pains, the result of fatigue, slight sprains, stone brulses, and the like, and it is well that fond parents should not take too much no tice of them, lest they foster a dlspos!- tion in the child to worry over llinesses. The cause of such occasional pains I 8 usually apparent, and a night's rest or a day in the house will dispel it. But when the pain recurs from time to time without evident’ cause, or when ordl nary romping during the day is follow »d by a night of aching, and is perhaps a llmp for a day or two, it is possible that there is some serious underlying cause, and the family physician should be consulted. Frequent complaint of -pain in the tnee is one of the signs of beginning: hip disease, but examination shows the knee to be apparently sound, ana -~ the home diagnosis of growing pains is made, and the real trouble in the hip is overlooked, often until it Is too late to prevent permanent lameness. Although not called growing pains, repeated attacks of stomach-ache 1n children should not be slighted, for they may be a symptom of early spinal dis eace, The complaint of pain in the stomach, when not referable to green apples or a surfeit of pastry, especlally when the complaint 1s made at the close of the day or during the night, ghould Indleate the necessity of a care ful examination of the spine, Growing pnins may be due to rheumatism, which, if not detected and correctly treated, may lead to disease of the heart. A less serious trouble, but one de manding medieal treatment, which may cause an aching in the limbs, {8 ma laria. This lg a dangerous diagnosis, for if incorrect it may be as serious in ita consequences as that of growing pains, and even If the child has had an unmistakable attack of malaria, the parent should not be content with that explanation of its aches and pains; but should refer the matter to the doctor. 1t should always be remembered that growth is a normal process, and should no more be accompanied by pain, than digestion or breathing.—Youth’s Com nanion. GENERAL STOESSEL. CONDEMNED TO DEATH. General Anatole Mikhallovich Stoes sel. who has been condemned to death for surrendering Port Arthur to the Japanese, was for mnearly a year one of the central figures in the Man churian war. Before winning renown in Eastern Asia he had fought against the Turks at Plevna and at Schipka Pass and had won promotion in the Turkestan campaigns. When the Box er outbreak took place in 1900 he head- GEN. STOESSEL. iReA o S e ed the Russian contingent for the re lief of Peking, and was the first Rus sian officer to enter Tlentsin. When the campaign ended Stocssel was made a major general and was stationed at Port Arthur and began strengthening the works there, little dreaming that within a few years he would have to defend them against the legions of the mikado, and when the war with Japan broke out he was made commander of the fortress, The general was born at Orenberg fifty-seven yesrs ago, his father having been a prominent mer chant. He was educated in the Im perial military school and after jolniag the colors became noted as a serlous military student. TO STUDY AMERICA. Soldiers from a Russian Province to Look Imnto Our Methods. For the purpose of studying Amer ican methods, four Russians from Kho kan, a remote city in Asiatic Russia, are now in Seattle, says the Seattle Post-Intelligencer. i‘bey’ are a part of a party of 28 Blavs who came over on the steamer Dakota. The rest of the men were from different parts of the country. The party of four from Kho ‘kan were formerly military men, and ‘one of the number, General Takipsville, fought through the Russo-Japones: war, engaging in some of the largest battles, and was wounded three times. He has four decorations conferred on him for valor. M. Zataforaskoff, one «f the party, speaks English fluently, and :tated that the party was in this country for the purpose of acquiring American ideas and advanced methods. “Qur part of Russia,” sald he, “ils different from any other part of the em pire. We have practically a self-gov erning province. The peopte are all soldlers. This is one of the first re quirements for children. The province of Ferghana, In which Khokan is lo cated, s & vast mountainous country, and only the hardy riders of my coun try could live there. This is what makes them among the finest soldiers in the world, and what brought about the promotion of almost every one of them who served In the Russian war agalinst the Japanese. One of our most famous products is silver work. In the fac tories the rarest kwnd of things are produced and the art of the goldsmith is carried to perfeetion. There is much commerce, but it is carried on with the surrounding ecountries. “Mining for gold, silver, copper and iron I 8 ecarried on- quite extensively and It keeps the citles flourishing. At the present time the country is overrun with wandering Kurds, who do nothing but loot for their living. Plans are now on foot to run railroads through the country, and this will have a good effect. The mixed population of the province makes it hard to keep every thing running smoothly in the govern ment, but as practically all power is in the hands of the native people there is seldom any comptaint. This prov ince Is not represented In the Russian douma, as it is considered unnecessary, owing to the fact that we have every thing we want, “Our party will travel around the United States and possibly through Eu rope, for the purpose of acquiring spe cial Information regarding the Euro pean methods of finance and econo mics.” The others of the party speak no English. They state that their natlve costume with large knives, bullets and revolvers would be discarded for Amer lcan costume and that they would en deavor to imitate the American in every way. GREATEST TUNNEL BUILDER. GREATEST TUNNEL BUILDER. Charles M. Jacobs, Who Is Boring Under New York’s Waters. Leaving out the Panama ecanal, the greatest public works going forward to day are the two Pennsylvanla railroad tunnels connecting Manhattan Island with the mainland, running under the Hudson river; the four “McAdoo” tun nels for trolley cars under the Hudson, the four Pennsyl vania tunnels con necting Manhattan with Long Island, the two subway PR W TRUNS. cannale to . Brook lvn under the East river, and the Bel mout tunnel, which is being laid under the same estuary. No such extensive tunneling of this sort has ever been projected elsewhere. Charles M. Jacobs, who, as engineer in charge, has built the four “McAdoo” tunnels, now almost completed, and who now has charge of the Pennsylva nla tunnels under the Hudson river, has often been called the foremost tun nel bullder in the world. He !s an Eng lishman, rather more than 60, of strik ing appearance, a roundish face, a full mustache, a bare top head and pleasant manners. So far as America goes he was discovered in London by the late Austin Corbin 15 or 16 years ago, when the latter was planning a system of Bast and Hudson river tunnels that he dldn’t live to see bored. Corbin brought Jacobs to the United States and he worked out the plans for the tunnels which Corbin had in mind; that they were never dug was due to no fault of Jacobs’, but rather, possi bly, to Corbin's death. Jacobs, how ever, did the tunnel between Manhat tan and Astorta for the passage of gas pipes. When MecAdoo and his backers got ready to take hold of the Hudson tiver tunnels, now known by McAdoo’s name, which had been abandoned and full of water more than twenty years, Jacobs was the man to take charge of the work as chlef engineer and push them through to completion. - Drinking of Healths. The drinking of healths in wine or liquer or other kinds originated in Brit aln at the time of the rule of the Daunes, before Alfred the Great finally succeed ed In driving them from the land. Ow ing to the assassination of Englishmen by Danes, It became a custom to enter into compacts for the mutual preserva tion of health and security. These com pacts were usually pledged in wine, and hence the custom of drinking healths. Very Like It. His mother tucked 4-year-old Johnny away in the top berth of the sleeping car, says a writer in Youth. Hearing him stirring in the middle of the night, she called softly: «“Johnny, do you know where you are?” “Tourse I do,” he returned, sturdily. “I'm in the top drawer.” '~ The Trouble. Nuthin’ 'gainst this worl’ so bright, Flowers its breast adornin’, '‘Cept we've got to say Goodnight, ; An’ doa'; know much ’bout mornin’! —Atlanta Conatitution. When you visit a hardware store, can you name the use of half the ar ticles dlsplayed? : SEATTLE WASH 3 SEATTLE TRUNK FACTORY Meanufacturers and dealers in Trunks, Suit Cases and Satchels Trunks Made to Order and Repaired 817 Second Ave. SEATTLE WASH THIRD AND COLUMBIA 'PHONE Main 13 BONNY & WATSON CO 2 ( BUCCRSSORS TO ) BONNY & STEWART FUXERAL DIRECTORS AND EMBALMERS e A temtence. Scattle, Wash., :0000000000000000000000“: k- > s MISSOULA MONT ¢ :00“00000000”000000“03 H. E. CHANEY, A.A. HOWARD, Proprietor. Manager. Florence Steam Laundry THE GOOD ONE Established 1890. Telephone 115 Work Done On Short Notice 112-114 West Front St. MISSOULA, MONTANA Missoula, Montana. Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Draught Beer, Fine, sc. Bottled Beer, 25¢. a Quart. All trains Stop 15 Minutes. Opp. N. P. Depot. MISSOULA MERCANTILE CO. MISSOULA, MONTANA T HIS modern establishment with its immense and varied stocks merits the patronage of all. Whether it be something to wear, to cat, to furnish your house, or any thing else, you can get it here. We want every reader of The New Age within our territory to join the mighty ranks of pleased and prosper ous customers alrcady dealing with us. REMEMBER OUR MOTTO —“We Sell Everything and Everything the Very Best.,” When in Seattle visit HANSON & CO’S Biiliard Parlors The Finest in the Northwest 621-23 First Avenue SEATTLE WASHINGTON POVOVOPIEH Trunks Mad to Order and Repaired Phone Main 2816 SEATTLE TRUNK FACTORY M. V. STRAUS, Mgr. Mhnufacturers and Dealers in TRUNKS, SUIT CASES AND LEATHER GOODS 817 Second Ave., Seattle, Wash. WATER TANKS Fir Spruce and Cedar Lumber Box Shooks Cedar Shingles Grays Harbor Gommercial Co Seattle, Wash. Just a Word About Rolls Little Rolls and big Rolls; plain Rolls and “ncfl Rolls; Rolls for breakfast; Rolls for lanch; Rollnffoi aupopchlalrllgoo:l :gru of‘ilog{n g:%:’rywmgs{ ;:op{)er lgol\r!ls(:goul: kno?»v ::o:t —g TEVIS & CRAWSHAW GROCERS AND BAKERS Hay, Grain, Flour, Fruits, Vegetables Confectionery, Etc., Etc. 131 Higgins Ave. Missoula, Montana