Newspaper Page Text
. gmmuian alette I Every "Wednesday Xornin?, AT nx AMl'X. XaUnt to YWalcw Srtmttnt JXJKfc. f Omca On QnMc. Sswt. tie c&i I Ccsieei Hems?. Heaefciiz, H. I. HAWAIIAN GAZETTE, BOOK AND JOB PKHtTIKS JOTABLISMOT THK ,aAMrrtR, OTTKX Is aw trtfartj' t uct all 4r ft run hi fiki mini. Of SVkUT PKSCKlrTIWf, WTTK JTKATJTSB8 AND DISPATCH EOXOLCLU, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 15, 18(59. S6.00 PER YEAR. nw BUSINESS NOTICES- t 1 caffSa. r. B. B 1 UJ11A . s- WCL CATLE Jt COOKE. neosrsss, r;t.':aL jessscaxr. Ta tjvti -f it. aumrs, Jfca. Bo$ StnvC S3 SunN Chapit. T avil-v Svr Qbbdbii?. Htwa.f. TBaVw33eCBWipaf. 5Lu, Ti bV.---i. ar XjttA. Xuu. Tl V-iailea pr r.aaaaaffi. tXhx. aaX othr SCir ftaBr f Wvwff BO-f. XfMM. CuiC Ti "- tin rtoaBBExre. Kama, -Sr. 2a t ibcrrl rudr MtJtaDB. Warl: Wbbub; italic Xic&jjim. Tj Baas Is Cnea E3 '&XiMcxsa$luinn-trcwfACft- fSj' . bxjxzs. rx 300TS. shoes. Tta Obbbhe. FttruDtuc tudk PwriLiwe.. Ax. nrat at. mud Maai Sta Humsta. A. Airlt Vt ktv KHvaSjus-StMe-Ca. ttriMT dj. twa. ai pcrapti? aeBJ. ParBKBav IMJIM paoa to til iiipnumS rf Simla 2031 PHTSICiAT. AX3 Gen aa4 Mnn-5 Slirt Street. Smutati, At &m Air 3i if'. . iwa nut grefiiwimniBy ' ogy .' . 1UX(GILUI Jt CO Otfjrv. Vrr tmuifck Puidv Olte. tf ibitJ run 9rar sun. ! BKOHTf Jt CO 1 x- r. ..nuu. AIAJ1.4 Jt WILDER. I ATCT10X COXXI5SI9X rZSCHAXT5 i IT' iMSrK.Siinhi. H-1 Tjli II. ILICKFELD Jt CO.. 6ESESALC0XXISSI0X ASSXTS.I $-4; hm Stre. SmWv. II Or ED. EOiTSCHLASGSS & C0 t ncosnss ccxxsstn xeschasts 4 Smutala. S. L Til , THEODORE C. HECCK. V. A. SCUAEFEK Jt CO- C0X2L1SSI05 3CEHCHA5TS. 3T; gm.taltt. (Mil. H. L flj AC tvlf lumis rf WTtiMWr,- Xttttnain, Fort 5trt, A.T.T.Ky & CHTLLISQWOSXE. KIWJiIiUE, HA1VAII. ft02nM&ta Jiscctlr3t CxvaAMha ai( Reft car Mrvite m rv irarW r wI;Btup. at til. aaurCHC oacc ujZ ao. tft m JOIET T. WATER HOES E. irr; u IX. AV. I GREO. CIIAS. -T. SPC1CER Jt CO., coxanssiai jcsscsasts. i neCOLClX A JOITISOX. j MERCHANT TAILORS, C E. VILI.IAJIir JCASTTACT72Z2. rJEcCSIZS TTT IV. BE.1AETT, I EOOT AXD shoe y.T? 31. T. DO-TSELL. ciT;5fT y.vrra aid rpHoisrzaES. Xlsf iSTT.C, HtniiifelXa, opDuH Irr Cwivc i!Up. 41 Wat b7 Bolca KCOQiiraAa fSTBiCan. Ij5 jS3 raim. TfM. muHiJ TIBBETS Jt SOROSOX, &1 D. Inar t Ca t Oli Saii. TIIEO. II. DAYIES, lXa Jinv. dm A CB. ' XJ5302XE3 & COXXIASIQX XZ2CEAST, rumrn XriBBtla aol f 4rnd Xdrmtf bMnon Cow ui t 5V3ULX BROTHERS I DE02TE2S AXD ,-''"jrr T)7IT?. Ii rMaBjBB&b Cfacfuny. ffvi Cbo Bmck, 9umm. BaxtavBrr raBC7f Imi&mmu fanfMningBB. KirAlttif XKHaacSCmc. H.iBulnln, . rum. I. c mn. t WALKER Jt AIXEX, i SBHZrtG COXKdlQX 3CE2CHAXT3, I a Oaa tec TfamiJTTfTi. g. I. pji j X- I TO KB EXT. I nrtTT? or LCX2Z2. AXD ETE2T ZEE 07 37IIBI5S -riTryrtr ; BOLLES Jt CO- j ETT? nriTTiTTrre AXD COXXIUZOX XE2CHAXT5, t t&M- BBTSBIIB B3j I f OB3jBa VfiBOB. UTXX IHHbcI&UbGb, CbRSbbObsbb. EBWLV JS.YEJt, BEDCEE. A5S SHIP CZA5DLE3, SLbutb&X Xtrm fimBAnC bb &?b at t& bum drifts ii Gcsal Ajcit, IsrStf f Tm ct&ir Cbbrbbw Baii frpi Gtbb&i. Wartfutanj CBB&ariai Eivutu 1b4bxb. mml AcBOlBBrCaB' PaafcLa boA Irft Soxr FIbbSb. ttBBft. YbcbbX fern (tz Junann- StwC Ww nnr- s-ijs WW. RYAT, TSntXFUE ST02Z CEOICZ 636CBIB5 139 CBBMrirXaBBnAnBE2bBBfiL JS-Ir Broinia. I BUSINESS NOTICES. DI5. SEWCOHB, Kiivf bin til t9.-w tff Dc SmitV itfm hi .. KJ ta Joflbc ta rer iprenraC f ta C1IA1-EA31E1 Jt CO AX2 TyTTt IX TETXS3. Srtfa. -aJ. e-. . . 5aaaa Strxtt. 3. H. HUCHCOCX. JOTiKY FZTISZaKC. cij:guok.. a. r. cum. BSCAHX Jt CO.. A-3D 1CETT-Kr t& Prc&u mnd NaW or B. K. EHLKKS Jt CO- 'J-,.'-.'.-s 13 Ml bUUiBiJK vi . - . K. A. SniAEKEK. ACEST for Ikr BOARS I AjriE fee Mta 9rN(tiffx B0rf CaAfL.iLnnv C. S. B-VKTOIV. AUCTIONEER, nut Sa-raC It-ijS 33. . GKWBAtTIJt CO- tos. GuutU. SUn fa. Jtilw" SUick, Qruwa Jtnt aimrfaJtt. H. I. lWIJ .vro.c .v ACiircii gyratyr.JMM.Jg ""'tT JOII.X II. PATY. BiMtop C-, Ktiirmiwin iciC Sjnfciiu. 1jS II. -. AliDEJlA-TT. NOTARY PUBLIC, c iv. rvoKTorv. COOPHE AND GAU&EE, H b Brvpar!. D xtra tu xll war It :a kjf Ua itit 1up Beit ttrti Ctoteur Shim, vftm It e&a. ft tramt X voiHbaic kxsn. Hr htw- to. Ksuui alftirM(v liCwks a Barri bffuW. km, at-w Mil tMy wHjcft b viU Mil rnt th Terr- Ln-sC KtrVrt JLiAm. All wrV litma uz j. tftncamji ntt usil wtfruftft t ml&Sictwa. Jit lmi jt h 21. A: C S KG BLKH ITS, ZKC C0PPE2 SXTTS5, ' AXD SHZZT EflX Xrnxz Stmt. btva Xcrtri & Qeez. I Ea OTQjftaatfT nt IkaailV SbrrvK Ftp. j xniwMt Irm Ptp. Ikn at Bswt BiJilW. S vaI dim eumolatc. BrftTaft, aat aIw & my IC5 ajc of Xurran ;C tt iincTTgCuiii from. & KtliutilW wi& t)r csnftlliy altalVt Co. ThanSfil La tbr Cfimu f HraHafa aaE tfb? IIitaii rMnflr llrf" tSuir HWral patnmiz in tbr 7vc v twpt fty atnet asBun tuuMi ta mens I tta m S.r tt their. 3T-Z;& C00PSE AXD GAUGES, X2t OH exzztz Trry t Bdthil Sa. J. lUrxv Stick. f 6ti Shmiaj aa aX tf Covp asan&ia. B biMRM L ovnt a eua tuiaaac f viur& It. ntw nfeirM lkua tiiaaljl. XSax. J. II. THOJtPO.X, GENHBAL BLACKSMITH, HMCBiutBatlf an-Boaif aaii tirmLt iX theljwac X.u-tC PnrM. B mm! uMrnBB4rtBSnft R6jortl Bar lrm.BaiiauRHtH7nrBmitf gQial. 5SS .SBTr. iAr-!- 3-rrr- JOUT 50TT Jt CO- COPPEE AND TEN SMITHS, , TtiT-"nT St. a iizr aJjiT Tlitur'i, BiT Lt ralim tAt pniifitT thf tilBry an pn- j purwl t SirafaA a2 kfoilW Orppar WHt. nch an ( icffiiy Sm1 Puv Sjndimn PV Wjtsm. Pompt, eg. JJwo ate boott. a fislt aMrtaiiie oT Tin. Vatb. v&jtdt v atfWr Sic aaL aS tft Lowest XatxjC Ptkp. fcinL fltT Qrpairih Mm vixjl tadfta aot SufwOdt. Orien ttom; HW ocliac- Iataaita wM bzhc ! xi pnmjt anaat&io. l-3m. GEORUEWILIXU1S, LICE3SSD SEIPPI5G AGS5T, Ce 3. lists ?nVtca tk Ca's "Wtrl Gmtiuvi t& bqiiiBta an. if otd pDux af crSn-1 vitik. atScvrs aat aeaaiwit tainunaafiafr an. t!kavBin Btaif ax &LiCtt. OsrtixM firwrt r fanfinct cuo- j aacoro wtsSi aay anTiTTtnoT wt7i ftfiahmirag. aat a&fa- mil ww w w CTiiBnani nx an aisce, B atota w Ztr w iaC aaffwfairr&ia tb fatara W UM BjM u ta paac. K RYCKOFT, Xirj Street,, 3H ta ti Seazct's ELwaa. &aaiC SaxbrXabdt, Vatar-Cl.rCx. Vaabe. ataav aaI lift Tmtapm, Ll at GalvBooe-t Iran fmm. aarf Pteabvr' BrkM-awU Saiii; cba? WFrrhar ir - - ---- DICKSO.T Jt BOLSTER. tt r- -trt.-Tl - j. noose, aign & Snip Painters, ' Klrnf itml, Bnr Sbbbbk. f Ciaiac.XBrUlBC.6aSBBvCLBiininiBB 7evJlMntjnG. Ac. l.T bxbcbZbJ bk Cb PIANOS TUNED. PIAJtO- avaal Mlur Xula 1 icgjrrr? BEEST. as ta. fr Taeacr. Zbb Irnratae Pima at CaUtmr. 1 Bet af rBfiiriaeettffeg. L-If 3C BES HELD, j W2X-SX AX9 CA22IAEX 2CIU1Z2, TCKbsHmt, HbmIbIb. X9BtriBaT Abtb ff2a ear r2i ear faa ' BV fBRZBWpB) MM Batai. JuB tar aCZanalnia f .wa annTTiiiTg aait Bl ia ifliw T 1 fc. (Braacs tit Bear 1 l timid prwactj i ari raf &if f FOREIGN NOTICES. B.4.DOKSEY. AX3 rXSTiAXCS AGEtT, 4S. aaj J v.rcaaa!fY lacoaae,, Cataraia. !tM T Sao. Fbucim. Cai. Jj 3(n. B. KjciUAI Of . iKwhtlt. IJIOA K. MEYEKS Jt CO.. X3CSQSXE3S iXD X AJTCT A OS a. w. c s. out SETSSAXCE. CLASK & COL. C0M3OSSI0K XEECHA2JTS l AX3 SHIKCtS AGSTTS. s.r.cit. 3TCSASSK. V7rgT?TTT- & CO. ros'WASBDrs asu COXjOSSIOX" SEECHAKTS, ,,. Vg.!. alto, . rw k rust- unw Mr attn.. tnMuw.te . JCWitOk IrL Fk.n J-V2I- rvyxi A CiV I Win. T Wm Ot. AJUnt Lrf'j 4 -Mr! E. 31. V.X REED, COMMISSION MZSCHANT, t& btt ci2H3e tAronfi ua. tnthni era- awo wtco: tut 4Aiu)m cxOi Srr ta put ixit xJ SU. c,. "WTLLTAXS. BL AS CHARD & CO- SHI22IXG A CQ3QHSSI0X2E2CHAXTS, LA5GLST, CSOWEfX & CO, W HDTKATtK DEUGGISTS, 52 Car; 2asary A Clay Sa.Saarnidica. ! AMERICAN EXCHANCE ' SaviBoi Strt $an fnncl4av JLaV vaawl aai navtr rixmjjhfl. DaX fx tlk muwC BaiftC aefiiwmueal asd cumftirtabfe T ftn iry ooBiofliJis BjC naafcma nan jwui U ru putrft u oraw DMHtajC9rf w ti Bicat fiwh T I4 TM.JTHT S ASS EXT. Pwp. IZs'SLTlAATE NOTICES. SAX FBLVXCISCO BOAED OT TODEWITRRS. rilHE C.VDER5XGXED tuvlBr lVcn. JL ippouiLnI Avats f d Sta Jnasino Bmr-i Ca-ILfaml XAABirucc Campii j- Xrrlka.ata7XatBjal3axtB IbjuC, Pacific IiunniKt Cnapavnjv California IJajnd and Uame Intmal Xnaurmmce Companr. Bx am bt mfl.ra Stutan af Tw&r aat slta- ooft- aiKirvil by aititar af tiitt abua Onnpaofe. aiaaC prtf af ta &Naa aot dtber nitt, a aaar t&a jiHric!L Ifaatta wfll ba b b irvll &t tbenu CAia01IJL DfSUBAJtCE C0MPA2TT. npHE MDERSICSEDV AGEJTTS ar JL ta alwa Cumyaaj-. aara boa aaQuriaaii b iaiwr nati on Carra. Fralfbic aa Trcaa- Btrr. by Coavatarv frra EomJaLx L aSpurtaof VI K. HJ.CSTZLI Jt OEX XAP.HTE I5"SUEA2fCE COXPASY Or Saa FranclMa. THE 175DER5ICJED baring 1mb appauitel AjanCi fir t&a abwa- Ganpatrj- arv prvpan.t tMMu Man an Carga frc ttata aat Trtaiut. WXLXXX JiLZX. CAUFOE.MA UrSTTRASCE COMPAST. THH U3DERSIGXED,. AG EXT OP ta aJW Ooagaay baa bn aatbnati L fawtr rwfc a Caurav Prallkt aal Trtai xrcy frwa Smulgfit u all gtirsa af tb wli, asi mfwia, IHf K. UXCS.TTLD a Ca lIAMBrRGn-BREJIETf , FTR2 ISSUE ASCS COMPAST. THE LAUERSICSTID bitu; BflpofBl ACS f AfitfT GcOBBar. BT - yi ubi -rf bnrart rub aauoiic 7ir. Si Bat Brlk BaOMtBigB, asrf u XntBullH cmnt tafm, n to bubc CtnnUt umB. 7jr prtAcBlBnBspl7-a tBBfiorflf MjJ r. A. KSAZXZX A CC Insurance Notice. . f SMITH ACCIT FOR TBS BKIXI4H bj. bbb mitii BagtractiuBB L fWm iX raca( lBraiBtm&nBlB;M.fPortbiod4 u jrtyi k poQd-B a akb: XaBfa;wteBflpMBlrBeCBMlBn FmtiU Btf SCBaaB. r TSUI H. DAT1T EriZ. JWlJAzr. Jttx. Cb. (rtmififj 1 Of Ttfa.fas.-EttJ Vfirf A. D. 1MH. i CASH CAPITAL. 91,09000 tm COLD. TUX C3SESSS3tX9 BATT5C tm BS(i3la cf Xa aonWB CangBTiy t- ta Emraui XjtaaoB, btb prBBBil fc fctBBT aBB Tn sa Enek, Suae aa Wbsbw TiriMTBfm, Ba4 bbi Xtcbbbm, bv fi& awe Mnai teau. Fdr BartacaUcB, BBplT at ta.vnf TTACtrz i iirrr. 31 K- J. COSTA, JEWELER SD ZSGSAVES, Tsrt Stztes- epeaU Oil reEoTn7 SiQ, 1 f rrjl tiujm iritijrami ci a art ta hm Bxm f bbb&xbm, a Bda aaA OacA rtttair. ;JaarelE7aaaZS4?xt?3C. t "1 SUGAK & iMOLASSES. 1S6 1ULO. II. 1. CHOP COKDTC IX ASD SALE IX WALKE5 A AIXEX. I-3a Aati. Oi'OSEA PIAXTATIOy. : Sopiraiumola.v Crwp ISO Coxlvs nr. toe sale i- QrAXxr ties to jait ;tnbND. r -. tTALKES A ALLEX, Ha Arntf. PKCTCETTLLE PLiKTATIOX. k -tftJttXG IX. Ft)K SALE IX QP.1XTI- Vy la ;j sou pon&ajc$. 6t J WALKER A ALLEX. t Ma -Strati. HAKEE PLANTATION. ' op oC smpxi- Jt 3iias f "ye" comexg ix. axd tor sale ix C. BSEWXR A co AaU. WAILITKIT PLANTATION. "TEW CROP XOW CQIILXG IX. FOR JLi caI ix qtLaatitics ti oxt pttrcouers, It C. BREWER A CO Aztuts. DET GOODS, &C. AT WHOLESALE AXD RETAIL! BT GASTLE & GGOKEj Onuistiay ia Part of Ht Witt a3 Wool t- FUaael. TbMSt TCtt aS aail AaU WSiti Fltnnb. GoI Gnj asA White aS Wwl Thampwa! Gbr-F!ltin5 CurcU. Arau4&.x DrcLus. JVaas. IhrilL aai A Sup-'r ass-'t of Stationeryj "Warer LhI Xit P?r. Wti Eolcd Xate Yzftr. Wilt Rnla Laid Lf. Letter 4 AatVer Laid LctUr 4 Xbcc EaTvStfp$. Pxsoa'f IniitKble. CaiteKj Copjis Iai. ArtHts' A RwkapV FliiW Ralen, Soiti A Wessa'i Piull 4 CartrilfM. Ft' Girtii. Stimp 4 Leaden. Spaaish Trej. Cmopert aa d BiiH. Oak Bdtias-. Street Brooms. WboJ. FaEC5. Ti.imp Blaek. Italian raclin Ij Iailicr. Paints, Oils, &c. Wait Zie A Leai, ta I.I 4 E eoatalaen. Paris aal Caracie Greea. Cirooie TeH. Cater. Sieaser. PaUat Orrer. TenaEffito. Pruaiaa Blae. Widen BUiien of Purr. Carriage and Coach. Vanush. BrijlU Cvpai aai Faraitare Varaiaa. BcHed Liaieed OB. Tarpeatiae. k LvMa'i Bttesiar. Cafe illlLf. Aae. Pirk. Slel j. Ail. Hoe. Oo. Finrmer A Cauel XlaaiBea. Wt Carli. SHIe, Eaaaieled Trial). Coopers' Tools, Crcxcr, HveU. aad Caaaiperiaj' Karru, Carpenter's Planes, Fare, fciMta. Jtsi A Jsiatert. Cat XaSj. 3. i. S. S. 19. I. 19. M., M aad Md. Eet XaH.. 1, I. IJ 4 : iaea. PreaMd Xa35. ; 4 li iaea, Cooper'j Rircu. 4. 7 4 S 2f , Capper EhcU 4 Barf. . i, I 4 i meh. GiatpTacki. Ins 4 Cupper Taeki af all 3rre5. . Bet Rasoer Ha. J, J. 1, 1 4 I tneh. Ccatrix2L Varaba. Palat. WHte-Wuh sad Serati Braia, Car'd Th Pa3i, i. I, 2, 3. 1. 1. . It 4 li qaaru. Ctrered Slop- PaiU, IHcperl, Dtia aad M3k Pxaj. Jtaaiar'i BiU. Eotieriai; Iraas. THnjes, Stetli, Haatsen, Gaaii. Spun. ChlseU, Aaen. Sutm. LEm Siaeerf, Yarl Stasti, Baa; Starteri, Axel. SaaTelf . Spade. 0j. Laateru. Eagle IIbtk, A aad 0 Plon aad PoiaLf. Parb PliwT, extra laTT aad rtrsaf. PratBxile af Iraa, Past IHITer, Polaad's Wait Pia Cemposad, PaiU. TaW. Braau , Elev, Eic Dowaer' Kctombc OH, Fnet ta Boetsa Hsaie. And Many Other Articles 1U TO BE SOLD LOW. VOLCANO HOUSE, CEATER OP SHAOEA, HAWAII. THIS ESTABLTSlUfEXT IS IbSb f t&B rBCBBCaM OK TMBtfir I taT aWaa ItMCa. W mar RfT cbi r cbbb. XX9neC gcUe Bur ta Qaxcr alvaja aaufca. STZAX AXD SULPHUR BATHS ! KaneJ Graiad aad 8txa!ed If Belirtd CHAIICE RE1SOSABEE. ranBTlrftfadUTaleas rfa H3a oi frarxr BBtBttafl warraaled t Bat tk JtMxwtj, fcr Ik. H. Hrrrrrwrr. L.J. S-lri. BARTLETT SALOON, Crar Batel mjad Part ttmti. HLGHEM Jc BlTCtE MBariBlavrfrrB9iaai4BarfrBteaMB d ta aksn nfttam piat af enterrtia- BB BBtaa. nU nnctia5r hLLra Ik taat ta-r karBBamAaa41B ka aarkisx bttt tacteatal Supreme- Court 1 at Atlualralty. ) cw of toh natttiv, a W tabrrrt the JUcK J,Jtf,twill iJWW ptaUhaB Uordlarjc. bo rcqaUla j prompt actUia, norallowls tbo tuatotaroo- Ii, A irrw. fcr daaaj fho ) t ,uh Mtu xt dbcUQ0 la tuch aU aad htUrry br tae Mate, .ad blt oattr can not t arinjatrd to tubordloate trvatBKBt or tte Atattr. Lltwl fiW tv-c f piScrr t, 1. aad o dUaa-Jaratwrcaattoa aad de- ln; ctn roBsll ratn wbo pit of U fcr pro aad oa hoitlus, , but ther m not fU tie twpwadcBU r cited to Frt 1 rrOw tl prrity of PanWtat 6, aad ak .b aa-, orhur b Ue JboN.Tt5S caa war taey ltoald kU b- oCctt3 i, An u,.,, .w- to ta UbcL Tt. aawrada5ti nooe b 3W ktll to w foa8(1 l(1 tbjll of ta alfcswi Fobat I ,M th under offlvtrr of whka. take tt aoa. - replicatJoa u Ul Oa the hw. lat0, xtelr owa t0(1 ajs)n the lm. rrtara dar,taUtttint' proctor toQTtd for p,, aad passion of the moment, while eootlacia aatB th aext day, to coarfder , 5law- ta trew at thrlt UVor, vwl to thtsaaawer. The twotiattiow wa graated, j lafikt jamavarraod uiatrwtl vonlsharat. the UNiQaat to par cost therebr locarrrd. ' Another principle of la w, u wU of com Taetxxtdir. tW proctor for the rcspood- : moa datr, raltr the mater, while he eat ttwred that a rtpKcatJoo be fiird, bat ,BUlo hi .ahordiaate orSr la all their the Coart rated that ander the statatw aad i w., m.arrilo -Ire irr exaailaatlon oractlee stone wu rwairtsL ami that th raase w as. l$bc oa lac aun ot tae aa- "r. laereBpoa, toe tejllmoor m the caaae wxs jna, aad recorded by the Clerk, aad a poo the Sta. of Dceember the Court rccdered lu optaloa, ii follons: There are certaia alhrsatloaa, both la tha libel aad la the aaawer, to sepport which there U b erldecce. There U eoafilctlasf ertdecce of the sererity aad circaautaacea of the taprboocient lealcted cpoa the 11 beBiat, aad of the biowi struck by the mate; bet apoa ascoatrxtiieted trstlmooy, orapoathe respondent' admisslaaa ia their aaswer, 1 10 atUSed that the foUoxto; EuU are tree: Oo the moralo of Feb. StS," 1S8 the UawaiUa whaleahip Jmtim, of which the respondeat are taajter aad mate, aad the libettiBt, coaaxoa tcamin, waa cruUlc near the Uae; the libvlUat and the rest of hi watch wire oa deck cJea&iBg- old catUttses aad Iroa whaling laiplemeata; the mate told the Ubellaat to 59 to work clcaainc the irocs, to which the libelliat rt plied that he had bo knife, whereupon, the mate told Mm ta jp and get a knife, and npoa the libel Iint'a detiy to comply with thi order, the mateKized Ma by the collar and palled Mm aft, aad. Bear the hatch, struck hua repeat edly with a broomstick aad with hi fiat, aad kicked Mm screnl times ; sear the trj worts, the mate seized an Iron Implement known asaGrteaerlrooorwhaliej lance; the the tibetlaat went into the store where he had been ordered to set a knife to eleaa the iron, aad while ia there the mate poached him, first with the bloat end of the lacce, aad then attempted to punch Mm with the sharp end. bat the libelbat seized the iastrament; oa their way to the try-work, the libellaat tried to ward off the blow?, bat did not strike the mate; he called oat for the ere w to help, aad they came toward Mm with the cctlasses aad irons in their hacdi, a if to release Mm, bat the mate got the libeUtat below, where the Captain wa, and afterward had Mm Ironed, and tied up to the mlzzen-mat part of the time, and con fiaed, first, in the ronnd-hoase, aad then la the tool-room, until March 1, when he was released. There was no evidence that the libellant had been la aar prerioc difficulty. The maritime law ires the master cf a sMp power orer the liberty of person, which is a a paralleled on the land, except In the military serriee. The interests of commerce aad carl xtloo, and the lire of passengers and of the sMp" company, require that all lawful orders on shipboard recelre prompt obedi ence, and that discipline and good order be sustained. To this end, large discretionary i power I riren to the master. Be I In- I trusted with interest of the highest magni-1 sport among the men and inciting a mutinous tade. In times of emergency, he must 1 spirit, instead of o beting orders. The mas often rely upon Ms own unaided Judgment, ter used Ms Judgment, and thereupon ordered steady eye, and strong arm. Impressed, as j confinement, which I do not regard as ex he cast always be, with the absolute neces-1 eesstve under the case, then by hint tup sity of maintaining discipline, he may often , posed to be true, and which confinement take measares on the spur or the moment, continued for only twoortlireedaja. There or even after anxious deliberation, which, is no evidence that the libellant was refused for their excuse, require us to place ourselves , aa examination of his case, or of witnesses in Ms position, and to reflect that Ms action i ia bis behalf, and the presumption Is, that may have bees Influenced, not merely bj the I the master performed his doty in this single act which appears to u to call It forth, but by a course of bad conduct on the part of the seaman, or by Indications of ill feeling In the crew, which can not be put la evidence, but which were all the more to be guarded against because they were hard to place a finger on. I do not, therefore, regard It as my duty, sitting here in Judgment upon the conduct of master and mate, to require of them the same moderate and consistent course towards seamen which woald be ex acted of persons oa lasd ; nor, 00 the other hand, would I forget the position of the sea man, dependent upon the master for bis comforts, If he have any, for his rights, and even for life itself. Excuses are often to be supplied the seaman, for acts dose by him while under Intoxication, or for words used towards Ms officers which may tare been well meant, although rough, and not such as landsmen would term respectfuL Making allowances of this kind for the ne cessities of ship, and for the situation both cf officers and seamen, the rules ot maritime law are dear, that ssnecessary cruelty and severity mast not be used ; that although a seaman be knocked down, tied up and Ironed, he is not to be assailed with weapons, the usual effect of which Is death, or extreme bodily Injury, unless there Is actual mutiny, or an emergency from which there is reason able cause to apprehend that a mutiny may result. It ia only la this last case of a ma tiny, or of mutinous appearances, that while the master is on board, the mate Is authorized to inflict corporal punishment. The mate's duties and responsibilities are of a high character, and it is the master's duty to uphold and sustain the mate in all his reasonable acts aad lean! remeets with the crew. If the mate. lawful orders are dls- j Si"f fhj'.L,0. . for three miles, Use same trace serves both obeyed, or obeyed only with a ttnggish and ! rooia, and then two tracks diverge, onersa-d-tcEipered manner, provided the emergency ' nlng to llarwood and the other to Y.ilcjo be not such as to reoclre instact eorooral i Mills Stockton, etc. Both route are now . . . . . - , pcnWuaeot, If the master be at hand, it is J the Bates duty to report the case, asd ob tain the Baster orders, before resorting' to personal violence. If be do not so do in such ease, and if be psccced to use unwarrantable Z , , n?Jl T,, tie legal exmaequescra. There need be co , &r IbU Usk Co3rt wHi take seen aetioa, la I f ta a caae oerore omcno: corporal puntah- The seamen hare a right to look to the master for protection against abase, a well as to expect from hi hand punishment for their own misconduct. If he sanction the unlawful action of the mate, he 1 lUble a a Joint trespasser with him. In this case, something was said of the. anomaly f the mate acting a the witnesses ay he did, without farther apparent cause. It Is always surprising that men will girt way to violent bursts of passion, aa 11 they were not controlled by moral forces; bull do not know why I should refuse to bellere the story of common seamen, so far a It la consistent with Itself, any more than I woald refuse to disbelieve the evidence ol any other members of the rommnnlly. The characters of the witnesses and of the libellant are good, so far as I know. The evident desire, on the part of one or two witnesses, to par ticularize very exactly to the extent, no doubt, of sayiog that they saw some things wMch they hare only heard or imagined, and that the blows, were more numerous and severe than they really were,! not, incon sistent with a narrative wMch Is truthful In the main. I do not see. In all the evidence, any occa sion, or legal Justification, for striking the libellant. There Is not a particle of evidence that he used any Improper language, or showed any disrespectful manner, except in hesitating to obey the order to get a knife, or that he tried to incite any mutinous spirit In the crew. Until the crew were excited by the scuffle and by the calls of the libellant, there was no appearance of any attempt or intention on their part to resist the authority of their officers. Their approach, with the weapons In their bands which they had been cleaning, and wMch they might use for deadly purposes, was certainly a cause for appre hension. I regard the mate's action in striking the libellant, either with fist, broom-handle, or Iron implement, as utterly unjustifiable by any law, or by the evidence. The appear ance of the men approaching to rescue their comrade, would have the effect ol removing the appearance of malice from the subse quent action of the mate. The confinemest of the libellant In the manner described by the witnesses, was not an excessive punishment for disobedience of orders. The only difficulty In regard to It Is that, being done by the direct orders of the master. It appears to approve the assault and battery. I bare no doubt that the master heard the mate's story, which was to the effect that the libellant refused obedience, and, as the mate swears In his answer, that he was making regard, and after bearing the case in detail, discharged the man, although cot so promptly as might be welL There Is no evidence of pecuniary loss caused to the libellant, but he Is entitled to receive, as against the mate, a reasonable sum as Indemnity for the Injury done to his feelings, and to the dignity which belongs to all men, and for his physical suffering. I do sot wish, in inch cases, to set the datnaze so high as to induce seamen to pro voke disturbances, or to bring petty com plaints Into Court. In fact, the Court will always discountenance puerile complaint In connection with the stern and manly catling of the sailor. Bat I must prevent, so far as I can, the practice of subordinate officers in exceeding their powers and abusing their ,otBOritr jn UJ. iBeh manner as appears in this case. Let decree be made that the master be dis charged, and that the mate pay the libelUnt $73, and costs of these proceedings. W. a Jones, Proctor for libellant. A. F. Jodd, Proctor for respondents. Kail.Koad Accident. A terrible collision of trains happened on , the Western Pacific Kail-Road, on Flitch's ! ranch, near the High Street Station, Almeda, , by which IS persons were Instantly kHlrd, aad a large camber serioaaly injured. The j jhiScttJt gives the following account ; " i The Almeda and San Leandro Railroad j has been in operation several years. Tiie j Western Pn rifle Railroad, recently finished, I uses three miles of the trick of the first naia 1 ed road. The Oakland track and the Aimed . . .a- - . i. -r it meds and are connected by what Is known as obwo am openua oj ik nnuni nose Railroad Company. At 8V o'clock the Western Paetfc- Train left Osklasd a usual. On rracnin: the nigh Street Switch It woald be impossible for the engineer to know wttetfcer the train frotw Haywood bad arriv ed and passed oat ot sight toward Alsacda or not. A switch lender Is therefore stationed there whose- doty It Is to give the engineer uif fDfonB.tlon. If the train ts tt fc goes forward, nmri ttot he wHt casegpter 1. . . ., . . nothing upon the track. If tha train has not russrd. he remain t the Juoctlox until U arrive. In this lastancA the. switch lcnd er signalled, the engineer of th Western IV clUctraln, who had 'slowed down,' tsat li was .11 rlxht, and to gvi ahead. To this fl tBfrrciattoa tha terrible tragtdy la solely attrlbatid. We wer ansMe'to learn the nama Of the. .witch tender. He was . new man appoint cd three or four daysato. U appear that he went to his breakfast a short tlino before the. accident occurred, and while there a loco motive with a train or gravel cars passed. Without looking out to satisfy himself, ho presumed this tu be the passenger train from Haywood, cad reporting It as such to the. en gineer, he precipitated the lialn to speedy de strncttou .nd a number ot passengers to un timely and terrible deaths. The ground over wnich. this portion ot tneroaa runs is lent, wooded onlv by such orchards . grow upon j some of the farm. Ordtu.rlty, a train of car could rte seen several tuues anrau, oat on this occasion . dense fog prevailed, ud no object could be seen many rod distant. The train trom Haywood seem to have, been a little behind time. Each train vu moving at the rate of 3) mile per hour. When a mile and a half south of Brooklyn Park Station, and six or seven mile south of Oaklapd, they collided. A passenger in the htudcarof the Vetem Pacific train state that he heard a whistle, the signal fur 'Mown breaks," and .lmost instautly a Jar and the sudden stoppage of the train. There w no prolonged noise perceptible above the usual noise of the train, and he supposed the train had been suddenly stopped without any es pecial lnjurv. On getting out he wsa utterly astounded in finding the biggest half of tha two trains a mas' of ruin. The nearest house was about the elshth of a mile, snd several others stood within the fourth bf a mile from the scene of the collision. The residents of these houses, the nearest one ex cepted, could see nothing whatever of cither of the train. They heard a uolse so sudden sharp and load that many supposed the boil er of a locomotive had exploded. There was no continued or prolonged crushing of timbers, such accompanies the falling of a building. Tbl fact show, how tnstaiita neouslv was achieved the terrible work of death and destruction. The noise, hdwever, was accompanied by a terrible Jar and tremor of the earth, resembling that of a violent earthquake. The Western PaclSc train was made up as follows: The locomotive snd tender, the express and mall coach, a baegage car, a smoking ear, two ordinary passenger cars, and a sleeping ear. The train from Haywood was made up as follows ; The locomotive and tender, a freight. car, a box car, and two passenger cars. Fortunately neither train wai crowded with passengers the Aimed, train having but few .board. Those who emerged from the cars unbanned did so to look upon such a scene as has rarely been wit nessedeven In the Eastern States, where railroad disasters bavo become matters of dally occurrence. Both locomotives were thrown from the track, each falling In a diagonal position on the southwestern side of the road. The boiler of each remained In tact, but with this exception, that they were literally shattered to fragments.. Tha wheel, cylinders, smoke-stacks, piston rods, wood sou Iron work were scattered In all directions. The track of the road was torn up, and Iron and tic were forced out of place In the direction opposite to that on which the engines had fallen. The boilers and fragments of the engines were nearly buried, by fragments or wood and loose earth. The tenders were as com pletely wrecked as the locomotives, and their fragments were plied on the boilers or scattered In the vicinity. The mall and bag gage cars of the Western Pacific train were not much injured, bat the smoking car and passenger car immediately behind presented a wonderful Mid horrible spectacle. These cars are about 43 feet in length. The smoking car was completely telescoped' into the passenger car. As the two ends of these cars were brought together by violent shock, the bind end ol the smoking car en tered the front end of the passenger car and slid Into It the entire lenslb except .bout six feet By this ojeratloo the sides ol the pas senger car were forced together, and the top was forced upward. As the one car was thus forced Into the other, all the passengers In the passenger car, together with the seats of the car, were Instantaneously swept to the hind end and compressed Into a space of six or seven feet. There was of course not a moment's time for precaution or self-preservation. This space of six feet was fonnd to be filled with dead and wounded human belnsrs, crammed together In a gory mass. The passengers in the smoking car escaped In comparative safety. The hindmost pas senser car and the sleeping car sustained but little Injury, and their occupants, therefore, suffered but little damage. The box car of the Almeda train was thrown backward on one end where It stood erect nntll lowered for the purpose of removal. With the two passenger cars of this train the effect was very similar to that of the other train, except that they were nearly empty, and therefore there was but little loss of life or limb pro duced by the crash. The forward car of the two was driven Into the hiitdmost one about three fourth of it length. When the pasaengers who had escaped In jury emerged from the cars their ears were at once saluted with the moans of the djlng and the piteous appeals of the wounded. Some, when they attempted to render assis tance, fainted at the sight of the torn and mangled, and were for a time unable to ex tend any aid. Others seemed bewildered or affrighted and were therefore Inc9cient, while others were so entirely Indifferent to all save themselves that they took their car pet sacks and walked away as rapidly as possible. There were others of the passen gers, and some of those who were qnlte se verely wonnded, who were perfectly cool and acted and advised with deliberation. Several procured horses and started to Oak land, Almeda. and San Leandro for surgical aid. All the ranchmen of the neighborhood rallied promptly to the succor of the suffer ers. Bringing axes and Implements of vari ous kinds, tbey and the passengers aided In culling away the timbers of tbewreck wbere evernecesssryln order to remove dead bod ies or relieve those who were llviur. White ! this work wa going on, many heart-rending Incidents occurred:, uae man woo was nor ribly mntllated begged a bystander to shoot bim to put him out of his misery. In .boat three minutes afterward he expired without the Interposition of the bullet, A dead man and a wounded one were wedged In between the timbers in ancb a war that the wounded one could oot be resaorea for some time. He Aegged a bjsUnder to cut off the leg of tbe dead man in order that be might be extricated. The operation was performed with an ax. It was nearly eleven o'clock before H the bodies were removed from tbe wreck. Justice Clement, of San Leandro, Itopsa neledajury with a view of holding an In qoeat, bat It was afterward decided to re move the dead bodies to Oakland, aad post pone the Inquest on til. to-day. The (Bust of those who were wounded severely or dasget onsly were taken to the Aimed Ashless." Pans excels all other cities in the taMfse Ura of artiscial eye. There an two larra, and qoite a number of small maaaEaeUiriel of artificial eyes in the Preaeh capital, wkleb to gether esploy Bar!y a tbcmaai bms aad women. Artificial eje ar exported frota Paris ta all parts of ta eivilised werM ; ska Ea gi Ui artiefe U so Bweh Isvfsrisr ta tin Pssaeh ca that it fadj sojearket. Tbe Eawrsss Eoftwie prtieated tk sMf af AJaeeio, dnrtsg bar lata visit, with a coHsstsd- rOTpoB4ese cf Xayoieoa I. Use eapy ft salaadldly bod fai Taskey ssoroase,. assd bears tie Isspatial arm oa. both sUa of tk eavcr. To saak ska gift saor preeloaf, rfc fair giver had 'aaxatVktr latofttyk to ska vtlisns