aa . . , - ill v. tr - t ? i r Ik a) POETRY. Jim'tlt---, far m run uau.! IranlN aWl a, ? ; HSZSrr - rat fV. VM Jrr aw tut Sc -rear na-lllia ! PT'la- tl lt .III ! awaaaal iXMMfi -Maa. See "tin- Ve.-. Stia-aie aaato !... ilkwtrmMMK jaaj -iaua--sa---j-.. tan. aVejr ft iff B tMMtt at aa aVea. I rnUijriUc of yI. Uf. m Sntaaratad "rite to the Bs- it thatxl Proaee- ; Taaj- au Ban ahtt a ohahi i nair he K-w aenaa af hai afe aayariaaoe k saaMaa aad Of- j f"' waaaav-ia-aa., k that i i aaa! aa-tw tJhraa-r I to taaaurr the f -aossahhr he the me it ex- itui Wla i .aa m-m iaaU.ii.--i a. -aa)r eaaa W Aa AVa- JhfaaV afca MM iMito aatMaf eaaajBnr--T aatlia i Sanaa Wiitti Jialisat i X--a- Ma. Mill. u( at mail . M in i imaaau.nlaiia-LinTsa.ia'iliit HMII til aay-aaaa-T art, n pMm,- OAa li a , inai t-iraa m l laiilaWa . waaaaa -Baa-maa.-, r aaaac iMlnallltvHl' Aaa Oaa-a-aar-i a -aaa WhVu ana TVawwaraaf : An iafcir iaS iatuaaii yariarai at Caiii.tiia Oalii ' : aad. whaa thef ar rtaa at a aaratai aao. ta aaake witi. the Oorch. Tary aasatiat aad anam theai iato CWtsoaaitf . tbe mmj he aaaaM aa, aad whea h k ahi hewht aaaart fraain.' Oar arthaaavichawehaf have aiooaadaha thaarr that tha niiiui of the saatiili laaj. lar aao a araf whaar aat eaa raaii ardaaaaj natiatid : as th i agh ooe of the SfaraW ahyacas af piajai wt act to stesocthic - ni ion riaiiliiaali n T 1 1 i n i r T arsensaa cfaaaaa of heart that Shas "i hi a re anal he lha tweak af x jjidaal atixaj-!- I raaaaaaasraaataaraather. who wae (naidared aaerfaaaaaaaatof aWOst-aios OhoMh. taW ax that aaVaahowaaahoy k haaari f raan ago caa OaaVWe af Chratiaa aireeU ia r Kac iaad waaa aaaaaalad tajaai the tarn a whaa thef Miiaedats; saaMhii aea. 5ai he coaski aatfeat w -a a aaar wakaa he" aw -eaaaartad " Whaa r t war ecaicwd aad la Ben Hi ia i aar fataar 'irx ha) head Ml aah aad said it aa. aot the Or-Aeshaaj aaa i oali aayect thair rhaaai I baawr tha haatof the aaa.talaaaWiaaez- aaaea. thay aaa aaaaaaaad aad CQBrariad Whaa aaaaad. Baa a aaai k caaaaawd to tee a the- aaat alii aaa i n mbb : aM BBBee woo ,m.t af aa. whaa hoas cry aad taCaaaan the tatw aW haw iaraaa! ritaati Thar bat ahajr cta aaer err the aasae of aaaraotat. ne aa aaa eae ar two re ahafcat stkaa oac. Taliiiadl 'a-taaas af itwriili. at a hart Ta ha.- ahalarW ntiasr aa theaaaara . tm e.Tt . hf the hays at aVeaows. I act ay seaBBX ke aaaa- that bk BBBBa-asaat Basiaes t mCtaek wort The ' hare, the Oaa .ts. jW-aaf. k saM : Itn --rx -iai" t at ahe ftyhb af ahe Paris jaeraiir aad Tet k man ibm takcsifk. : t at Bam of the -raahL iad k oaoaai- Xaarawai. Paaxarr- Peafie i af Baaer aad ase, xad ' S he -aVtuad to hear taaX ' thr JWea PasMaoa af L Arowaf Sr- , as 1 taje Laaiw -Jaaw at vniailii wmm.mmtmm.mwiam3tMtm. naair las -re-twaataaa tiliLfiiiaitBhe fcaaai the P- the twoatav. sak of waaefc. has hacaaBt eaaai stars ufu ' atx wajrai aVaa the te. j J aaa mt aad aiiarat -we fahf ia Biraai Tart, hy the imariia jmtttaad ha-i af saaaar aad ahta tadM ad r-rae BV ha-fi a mtmmftf hsstaasaM far SBBe-ai oaa-aBBM, arthat raaai maaaat at wacj aaBaaar aaaBBaKt Bs-ilm A at aa-aaai. ra-aaaC harh areaS. The aBaaV af that berntagj at aa the esut af ' ahiattaaSaa-ahpeOaaaoea wariiialii hetweec asaaak aft-: MaB-. at the Barrx. isad fiat of 9otm M tW saath ; oc the aartfc hf the Jfeii. , isae aVtot-nari' aa bWOstbobi he the aaatb i . eTfetaab-sc Cmao. aa aV-a? aa mas, sj itr aWlsaaatofthe fclutU af Gaghafa. Qe th w-r, hf the aairt ef the g-Ta-e-a OaSens U -ie'wai-naai af the Sim Bai-ea, taec cawr CBTEBt be the -scESc af Oa Qaehriis ef 5e SLsa, thee Cf Uarasak Ml heas-w-ittc-t k tie Pa aaaajjf Ciaiti-a Tkas te ilai j haatiegtcaU east as Veaw-raatt : ac the aarth the tcrritarj af Cesuxrr , ce the sc ti rvitit fiuaa ef Cav-ftrrli. ts oc fee treat tie stale tf Ceiix rsrrsa. The w-xaerx of the Orsaeoo balie ks csslni heru far liarzt fftj asciez. Tie Ifita m aVawl thai terr-aerr fer tie' icaea s 150 i letj-sef. j-' ' rtial frtdseU tl t'tsxfjcajg&szij a fee tUji Tie wzaexi iirikres ti tevr-iirT are Bt-j r.'rc, rsie trp tJ a Urziizzstz, tz li-a itrXiaied c-tSec nd. isce of tia QasM. Tie trea ! ta-id nrtibt wts wis Kaied eo tie tea Ml&zT&&r-Jzbtixzizi ca P-p -"Baa wi-V. jr pr Tie bbi eaIs2edMei dL tie &rSem. rt tie lrFZ "LT l9! S'' t' wc . . . rraJ tie esw-iif-3 to a rrtre ta tcrr tie f tie Gsr-an ta tie ef ti Ufa. Tcwkt Tie earst4 cii faesf tasl Ha lattaetkiit tie temter-r t rftrzixr: cf t i-rff a -rT;T at rrt-irfj fcr tjerig fartr fcoci! reec k.r ir ar six We- At its ca--a aai assrta-sca extnaitM ceKcctiaai ef Qataa Vuk k a is W$-a qirnUtk;- To reb tee Mat a ewrut cakvl tit GOtalias Bark Ov&f&mx xmi ttvtnl -aArWails brebo xtnsth ud fivrtic tee bark far soere rnn jar. TW kijk -vsee it V-ns-- m t!w nirtrts of ta Ua-HrJ States " Eart-fax jsroofs ra&orat af to r-i MKtj. Ta part of tie fniai-K-u isa ti , ' ' AmrisadRiaXrTO WiMtrK rx-e tari-eJ, aJU-s-tjb. ia San Mr a aasl Tatara-aac rt has. tk ussc af e-siaj ia Qaaasi thei aar otter part. fciis oo skMMirtlr(BMkMNibis. Oc lk ksaks af tfc Amri ti liw rw"? ciacfce Ww as TW Msua rf caput e wtVcteJ bt tke A jr 3f VakaaM aad resit! are atatiiNMii Mi ut huaai rnWV tsjMt afwveds, puau. ami VKtaV yhal'; Tfcu k euflr towiviWt la fact, W 0oa Ws attndcd anck Kfei &tth tiaalfcam tW Ammb. time tfc ot HaiakaUt mc a riwtwd tac nnef AUraus. Makft? At "i i-aafcat t af t rstmrt axtfw,'oac VaanaiaVt af the aatafal ydcU a( tau resa ki aat pmc aaidi tixtaaaM. The ewnuwi far aaaaa tttms t imeni la tfc likrct ratio ef tk aaatiriiK af wigic l watrfw. MUra aa4 imlii-i- fmn af are er kss iatsitT Smi 13 ai af ifc-ttiBfiiii? w tfcB ; bet tW na( i iaair faalof tfc aair kaav isbsuact aaA tas he itftmiti aae to seatre iu afsUfiaci rftuts apoc tlie hii-iiFi Tsta. Sack aa, axat of Qatao. Jateits as the tatntacj af Sis Musk is uii t pasMSS is woctk aaaj coU W?. 3jei the totTT that aa them atar veM he eaaiaimi af pririkscr br Prorioeacs. Tsx TaxNB. Facamix The aeaber fcr I tee h& heeai ajcoic- Jo he of rrent bjjtofial rt. The &r?l Ktac of Fnaee aoje4 Heocr ii eaatseerxtei ao the 14th of iUr, 105 ; oc : the 1-ttk af Mar. 135. the Fanas rase apuaft iHaacrlll.; mi the kit HeatT wss i53aifhMtei aaa Che Jlti of .Mir. 110. Hearr it Becrbec I At taactewth Kia; ha hare th: tithes of : Fnaee aaal Xanrre, tai hti mzmt &m& t jest-fcarWiic Itttera. Hoarr IV. tzs sera is I SecaaaW. ISSS the Scares of which oste aMed parether aatke haitio eraetfr foorSeea eeata- ( ries, fcorleeo aVeaies aa foarteaa jears aer ! tV. . rv-it K bit i, iJ r . . , ... ", ,i . i - bju aa-a aa-e t fm va -ztm r a ar hattteaflrrj w$ faaeat aad aa ea the Uta of UsA,lSM; oc the Uk of Xt, at the ae aor, the ahiti? atawiij hero re heatec is. the fcaxh?! af Pssis ; aad oc the 14tk of Xoreai her, the axtaec SToce to oat rather Aasoher his , rata, Oa ahe saate oar, fix Tears later. v2 rvr uterei a Fife hal aapowenag the fesate of Baaae to aoauaaie aa oeeapaat of the Freack thiaae to Heatr's ejetaiioa ; oc the I4tc of De-niliii- I5M W w wiU ta tk TtVa nf ftahhea hr BaauaUc ia the Kae de U Ferroa aecw ; the a&sia'3 off ertaaitr beiac saaetfiod aaa hf the flnaf ire of the royal euntce. oaiae to the aanoaaeilJ of the street, which. Stir-six t WaTam. Hntr II. had to b wfcW. d. hk aBaMaW ardW aeariar aW the IXtk of iyx, n aaiiead aWt"aa cat, thai f ' the 14th of May. alavs i proaaiaeat part ia this iaHla, t af eniaeahiacu: ; aad apoa that stmt t aaae m lax, iro aju. an iae aeares l. b. 4. X vhea aaaad. icn jirniaai iiM. the BMjkal . aaaaher of BMrtoaa. Loak XIV."teeaaW "the throae ia 1C43; aW ia 1715, eaaat to faarteea ataia ; lad fired to the aee of T7 seeea aari ' seaaa attiag fcatteac Laais XV. (Bed ia 1774 a data napajfriac the soaac aaaituv. both ia its 1 exteaatc aad the seat of iu caateai fcares. Loans ' AVI. had faanadjaet loarteca pears ahea he saaBwaaaed the Statu geaerai, to .timi to hriag , ahaart the ffuralariaa ; a theltthaf Jar,17-5, the Baitife was aVetraaad : aad ia 1S14 the Boar hoas ware jeatored a rear beat iar the sB-ua-aortaat a ha-, aoc oarr ia its Seafcs, hat iite wweiathariaax. Oc the 14th "of Jair, 115, pahaaia4ataWCapt.Xahkad that W threw, hja-ifaaaa Kaghad'5 pratrcf ; oc the 14th : of Mr. 1371L ihlilllaMlii reiataaas we HfdStm 'S:aChe4wecFiaacaadPraai: W Utk. oa ahe I4h af Aagast Marshal BkiaaK's xrm? rt- 1 tinted f the MoeeBe befcre the fc,, rf G-ra-arr Haaaas or TBI -ram- Eis-s or Sfxis. He ; eoaVrs the Fakce rseev ba he leeJ-cd ltd the fehts -atastit aa iauhf- He, isaa-esX n hr. 2-5 nred to rest toac aaW Ml These rw- -"T maMli iK- a T J. acsi ii ( here the asAtaes hrtUait -U II, aad whec the eceir ea-asi, ire cn-tfies " aaaai-i at riuiT sac sae mat faunr af akteBaaaef. Wait the Hr-. Grsodrs ef Emz-ka-ei ifl ta Aii I kaow ac BtXTiltto to the boot of MsBrid, aad zsMther Jlt!) to the air lane the otzsca aaaeia. He is soc to hold a rs-siew af the tr-wetr, ai aasiaU oa re- tie r.-iBl".i alio. He wits xtost tie !teu- riinm thoaaaer sTthoct xay : fceatr-, uc irraaa i aaait by aaaj oce ar two A4- i jeauats. He e-taSei sf-ac -mot Niaax.-ata Lti Ms baad ahot awsr hy the iaaae -rreteaef a&o a-aVi Pric, aad he taid ham he n ts eossider hk s!-rT-!fe ti Adpiliar tnaiasmd ta ran i f He hu doae ti izzie wjtt sS the Aayelut af GeSM-ol PraB. T-iraiag that the fuhhc tsbval aajJteri ire zssm isoalhi It -hna-I Tim at th4r ff, he hu tali Mjaister Maret ke wal Uneh am af bmi fa.f aatai thaar tfcsakt srs tisSni. The Srst -reel: af hu reize u seuir eTcr, aad he hsj BOt hrj-iat ami&iti3-'mK&ud,hi sajuc- reetaac ha txmni, Xi eiaa-hiAd hr zsisr. IbbW. t Bttas Fhtashm- k there a-rr af aar ef the lhaaci. that tk Qoeec iateask to ea acre hedace the ted af a taaaah. vA ifuit- fonM taa5 thit the ex Empress Eaie is ia jaati.niit V oaOer, ik Oscsi- Maatno. Aaotavreti thaaI hxst--eeatdof tt-Kiaz. He ewe-fied has iataatoa to east a nssenl taa-ii -ty a-eyartar-J ag-aa ; hot oc rsfereace tM Caat:trt-tke, a. ni taaad tUt see ef tie Bttiefcd enareif uihakili th Kmz rnsaiaz puml BBfafaaaeeJ, aafesa aataatiiaf br I iadel U of "the Cartet, aad tKs rteeiil'Uw yas fcatlna. ta he a-Ud far at tie oii tute -m waaeh tie Oartes were desaLl&Orid Garr. Lmm Thaaes. Fas-tt Fm faai a good thaif ahact Bsttaz . "Tiot IiS-m coi --a topohae fhsa erea-iari -Jbk ar ic (accOs, tTts if Jttz. a Tec deet wnt ta , are aaij fcec: hsK& It ccrit ts fas ta eTtrjalert ; t-it is New York-, wixrt peo ftt -ra eat fra3 tieir en cetn. ad are fce ixzjti ztftz btard af lAerw-Lni. izsi fir ti cat Urt ef tiai, j-u k.U titr su i&xi iz ir aie sees lire literwiri. rt if x riiij zsdesuiiEZ. t-AXsrSATZ L-xTtJae-r Ihrxri. cos cl tie ARRIVAL OP THE K& iow is the Time to Piircliase Your Goods From a Fine Assortment Just Opened ! AND SUITABLE FOR Plantations, Plantation and Country Stores, Household and Family Supplies AU AS WE DONT UEAX TO BE BEATEN, Will Too Sold Vfc Low DEtiatesI -BY CASTLE & COOKE I CONSISTESTG OF Groceries, Hardware, Stationery, Dry Goods, Fancy Goods, Cutlery, Paints and Oils, Crockery, Tin and Hollow-ware, Iron and Steel, Etc. Etc. GROCERIES.- The Flnel -rrr Clarts. Bib, Yts OMr 00. lVedrarJ Mil, TmVIe HXE5T FLAVORING BXTR.VCTS Ft FicUs. Fk Fnrio. Jai xmi JdKts. Vmr CUl 5p, T.Ut &p, Pnxe Oil Braaa WiaJior Chtsiol 5p. ui Tariao, Cub. :?! ul Cms Tutar, etc tti. TvT"V P T? K "VO'V frrPli The Best Qnalitr and Finest Assort JJ J. lT 1? ijLi V JL VjWvyJJlO.nientor Prints in the 3Inrkct-Frint4 SIu-MiBVs, PieatU. BrBhasts. Cuktsms ma4 TiHt. Print t4 Luttns, Ham Put Staff. Rotn aad TcrtHarr?, Faacr Tf-ij. Li.ra raeas and Draft. Baff Liaa. Fin BraaddUif, Dotsfcini. Cordu rr asd Bctrard Ciri. F BHe T"flt Xarr Flisntl. !! aad dsuble. Faacr Flaantls for cbadrea't wtar,sr stjlts. L1NKX tiOODS Sati3.rs. U It Ueht. FUlow Ltacn. CtUn Sheeting. Drrsi LiM9. Hallaads. Atastle Liaa. Bman Late. Bkatatd aad Cnt!abd Linen Dtmut ef tb i&tat qsaXtr. Tcrej Rtd aad Btac Plaid Daauk. S-t Dasutk Dgj!i, Fa Dacuit Xapaiu; a larr rarktjr f patttras. Iisa aad CaaVrie Uaadttrshiefi, HcaistiKkcd Bxadaercairit. KqU BUper Ttrj- cieif. Ktji Crub, UscaaV&ea. All Weal aad tiff. Water-rroof Clati, Aisortcd Towels. I HOSIERY. A Fine Assortment Ca9drta' live, tdearfcrd rrrj cbearsSBk iets. Faccj Zfecati. CIUn. Braids. 1. Ptart Bsttaas. Haabt and Em, SUk Twiit. Sbtlaad SHrU, Alpacas. Csbnrcs. Alpaca Pop- Ka. Strird Groiet, BUei Sk af tb eettfcratrd Banter Bake. Straw Hats f.r Men aad Bjs, as- MrtaJ Wad Hat.. TbSWi -kU, Wuk.l). Ooi)t llnlt SlirWli. T.Srtt r.lin-, R!..,V1 srtd Weal Hats. IafaaU .bite BUakets. Qaiks. Laaieacaed Catlaai. a aasrts:eat ef Sew silk Ribbaas. Elaetu Crds, Jara Canraj. Opera Flan rel. Mil ward's Xeedlej, frs 1 1 12, ia paper or cases, Om A MeXanrbl's Spool Cotton, from 19 ta ICO HI "DTTP" A TJTT1 The Finest Cast Steel Saws Haas. Ripping, Back, Conpass, J3jJ 1 1 AJLaXU. Batcfcers CireaUr aad Pit. Drawing. Batcher. Caae. Fish aad Tabic Kaires. Spakesfcares. Berets. Plane Inns, 5nares. Hammers, Cblrels, Ganges. Bits, Aarers, Rireting Bassers. Stab's Foes, Spear A Jacijea'e FUe$, Flat. Qaarier Baaed, Hind, Mai and Bastard Files. asps, Barse Basps. Cabtaet Rasps. Cpfr Tack, Stece Haacers, Sledge Baaners. Ac AGRICULTURAL BiLPLEMEOTSa-S'Ja Sbarels f all kinds aad prices. Frk, Rakej, Scaap;. 0srMaUocks, Picks, Hatcbeu, Meat Kaires, Piaster's Bees, aal a ssaereas assortseat of eticr iaplescats far tht as of planters aad others. Qrp 'PTri""l7,T-?"V CaP anA Ler Paper of the best qnalitr and very O X-JL lWit JClJV JL . 4.p. Xte aad BUI Paper. f th beat quality aad rerj cbap. Eo Tff af all siies aad prieee, Orcriaad Paper. Letter aad Xte, Wrapping Paper, Beatting Papr, the Tcrj neat. icaraa amis, .enstet aaara, SADDLERY. Bstkles, Bjsrs, Tarret, Swirea aad Past Basks. TIX . & HOLLOTT ARR-lVlVcrTA: Faa-aets, Braikrs. Milk Paas af all stjles aad siies. Pass. Sesres. Jelrjr aa4 Btaae Mange Maalds. Sir Zareeas, Dsst Pass, Cak CROCKERY. Tareej. Dj Pa-. Cal. B.T.. Pi. Pi.!.. T A few superior ia tb isarkeC. alea PStehers, Fwers aad Basis, Caps aad Saaeers, etc PA TAt' P OTT Bo,,ed ani Haw, Castor Oil, Scats Fcot Oil, Bright Var A. J- WJUL. rish, Saf-eriar Carriar Varaieh ia an gallon eaas, D)tar, Capal. Coach ; asd Farsitsre Taraata. Baatoek's 1 Wbrtf Le, j asd Zise eat Ibe gaad ar oedina quality, tat I the Ttrj lt- Red Lead. PaMr. Tesetiaa Bed, Chraae Teltaw, B.iia, Uater, Drop BUciSIeana. Q TT VTiT)Tl?s! Brashes of all UVJilxAl'AJJU. Ce ctriar-al- BliA.r. Beat Cut Ste. oetagMfrca j ta 1 ioek. Carbo Pass xsl Teis, Fese Writ, reeeired a ipeesdid -ALSO- EXPECTED BY THE MOSES TAYLOR & SYREN, American Hardware, Agricultural Implements A FIXE ASiORTMEXT OF KEROSENE LAMPS, new- jtyles and burners, CILAXDELIERS, LANTERNS, BRACKET IAILPS, Jtc DOWXER'S KEROSENE OH, FROM BOSTOX, BYAM-S EIGHT-CARD MATCHES AT LOWEST RATES. The Celebrated Paris Plows and Extra Points, &c. w o Inxrite Inspection of" tlaese Goods ORDERS FROM THE OTHER ISLANDS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. WIRE! WIREM WIRE,'!! FENCING WIRE, BEST QUALITY Nos. 4, 5, and 6, For Sale cut tlie Lowest tvti -t. BILLI GHAM & CO. 5-2B. MUTUAL LIFE MSTJR AATCE COMPANY OF NEW YORK:, CAPITAL FORTY-FIVE MILLION DOLLARS IN GASH. The Largest Company in the World I THE ASSETS, RECEIPTS, DIVIDENDS, (AND ENTIRE SYSTEM) ARE ALL CASH. POLICIES Non Forfeitable and Exempt from Execution J. R. HELEN, Special Agent for the Hawaiian Islands. E. P, ADAMS. Local Agent. Tor Sale In (friar title to Mult, WHALE AND SPERM OIL I-T H- IUCKFELD . CO HEMP aad Coltoa Sail Tariatv-Far sa- -T B0LLE3 A CO. BEST Eacluh Fartlaad Cerneat Fee salt tT fll EOLLES A CO YICTORIX aad Celifaraia Bed BricL fnraaSehy m BOttES A CO. fJlAK ASD PITCfl Asseritaa aal ttU!s, -L ttmia aad ka1 ta-rta. Far ial ky 2 BOLLES A CO. Oars. B "i or seaiora am uar AB u--f, Far tale 7 q GLLE3 A CO. MOI FROM LONDON I Assortment of Spices in the Country Cwsii, Alljpit-t. Mc, Xatarct, Ginrrr. Mntunl. CutU in and Diirj Silt. Tcut rowJtn ul Cora SUrcb. THE Vital . Fc. Crtltrr. le. Crvnt i BUAwM't of Gents', Boys', Ladies', Jlisses' and aad BaMeaeard, BUck Lae Shawls. Sonar Sbawlt. Beoss. VTriftbaads, Jt e , a fin assvrtBent f Trimming Ilearr Blukets, Lirbt aad Medina. Bleached aad uuer t.ups. l.pjia ink, i'ess asd lieliers, etc. English Saddles. Terr cheap. 3tedinm and Best Bridles, "Bits. Heaaetalb. StirraD Leathers. Martiarales. CaOari and Uames. 0s set f se Sisrl BerrT Harceu. Breaat Cellar. I - . pAf. fHl r- flT.n A ... cu. r.a. r: . v tracer,. Can )T.1. rr j. V- r - T.. r.v. -n.. tj:..-:. d... .v. i ' 7 r Dinner Sets, warranted superior to any Median , V.pm,, rv K- !!..-. lands Paint. Varnish. Hair. Teeth. Crrimh. Jr rN.,tt Tpm .r .i.utt J .;. e.-j.. FiKers. Charcoal Tin Plates. Sheet Ziac, Galraaued erJcr ij easks csated with Ur. 6-lra ATKDrrSTEATOE'S 2T0TICE. mil K UXDEHSICAZD basin; been daly , Silra, Uie af Hi-t-.iiir, IaUad cf Oaks, de-scxaed, j trrt&jBscifes all fartlet Hitlttd ta ttii Fixate ta . Eaka iamedia! fajsest to tia, at iis eea Is : Hf-taisla : a4 aS nai-dea Larur dais asraisit tke sail Zj'-lU a.-e Verttj t.tiifci ta frces.t tlie aasse. da! aatiezticltel aaii wili tba fnftr ireaeLer, at ti l aftreeaii witiiji aisc mcuhtfqa tilt date, r tiej wfil fc trtTrr tarrad. F. H. HAEEI3, HtxtUIa. Vani f. U7t. T-4t CALaTOSSXA CHEESE, AL005 PILOT BREAD, CKACXEKX, 1 JentT Lttd Caiei. Jcstlc.cte-. etc rcettrcd STATIONERY. &0. STEAM IN THE PACIFIC 1S71 TBCU COXXSKClAXi PERIODICAL AND MEWS AGENCY FOR THE NORTH PACIFIC. HAVING tlKK.V Ft) It TWnSTT TKA11S MUMniitd ia tbU cllj u Agent ftr U leadlsf Aneri cu and Karer.a MCas-azincs and Newspapers, ...... asp-.... njeying M Ixst Ftwililits for Supplying 8b- scrHxrs at tie Lotctst Possible Cfesi, Th nftdfrticaed iWti tbe eontlanattc f f tb ratront of kt. frteaJj aadrairw. a a will to tttni wtib prBrinM aad cattr MtitcUa. even la tbe imUrt Matter. At lb vtMUU &D W M taMWbeJ. eonaecUac llenlala with Sa FraarhmaaJ tbe C4aia. nealblr ,Y'rr rOKK, LO.XDOS ASP JtVSTKALLUT iWiCUIiO.YS.Ul b. rraib! t fabMTlber. AVIUtln 10 ta 'Jtl liar, frara th date orpnbll ration. Aad at prim tbat bare); rarer lb cat of enbetrlptloa and pvetaee Ibereva. Faptrs Delirerrf Free of Postage or other Charges ia aaj part of tho Qroap. Rack nnmVera ct U leadiac U retail t aad tTeekliee at wap ra b.ad. ITIn nude p at abort notice fcr wkaleoen aad trareier. Sabacrlpllona Paralsl Altrar In Aitranr. AMERICAN NEWSPAPERS. Xew Tork Weekly lleraM WeeUr Tribaa " Wftl,Tine. .am . too . ten . in . too . too . soo . too . 5 00 SCO . 600 . 3 00 . eoo I Weekly Lmlpr, (a itorj pre0 1 Tbe Xew Tork Weeklj, (a etory ppr). , Tbe Sew Yk Iritb Amerkan Tbe IIobm Jeorul t 5deaUfic American ... .. ..... ' Boetea Weetilj- Journal .... . ' Btoo Weekly Adtertuer 1 Erery 5alanlay lUlaitrated. BontblV parte) Iktoa Weekly Trseruc 777....... . .. Tb Xew Tork NaOm ., Tbe atixea anil Kad Table... , , Sew Tort Ojarlerdee Etate Daie (Frencb) w T-wk Weeblr Zeilaar IQensaa) too . S 00 . 5 00 . too SCO . too . too . SCO . too . a oo . eoo . 000 . i 00 14 00 .1100 . 900 Sew Turk 0 'o Mead (lYrtsraeee, lUutrated) .... ILLUSTRATED PAPERS. narperalBastrated Weekly .,. Eatar Udfe'a " Weekly " " Zeilaag (German) " " Cbhnaey Corner " " BadfetoiTan Arr4etQ' rUafl&atej Joarnal (moatbly parte).. 1 " Ery Stard.j (ocolblr p,ru) Tm,.Vi'v fm) '"""'"i"; -- Grarbic Weekly ranca . Miscellaneous Papors. , S'ewt of tbe World, II aamben, a centa each I f teamer BnUeUa, , Tb Aaiencan Acriraltarirt (njaotbtj). , IBVe Baacet cf ran (Koatbly). i Tb seieauac American. , Tbe Cosatry Geotaaa (weekly) Reral New Torker weekly) . 300 . 300 . . 2 JO . too . 300 . 400 . too jaray aoa jary journal . . ...... Juvonile Periodicals. Onr Toanc folkt (mootbly) . 300 . ISO . 300 . ; w . :so . 2M j in ihii vroraBicn iweeaiTL. : lVncre.t'a Tones America (mootaly). Tbe Chkaro Little Owpcnl (weekly) I TOeBoetm Sorter? (monthly) I Merry Mowcm, Boatea(mootMy).. .......... .... i Csibirea llowraontbly) California Periodicals. San Itiaciica Weekle BaHeUa i " " Alia I SacraaeeU Weekly Tjoini . 6 00 . too . too .10 00 . 300 . too . SCO .3900 .iato . 400 . 400 400 . 400 . 400 aw mm,, uwimwiw xrerux.. ....... ..... ... Weekly Faciat , " Sew, Utter Orerland Meatbly Baily AluCbkfarnU Daily BaHetts 1 Religious Papers. Sew Tork Independent CBrrertiial organ) Chruttaa TsJoa II. W. lteecber-e paper) .' 1 o iWotresiUnal). ? -"Sres.aa,i. Sew Tork Obaerrcr(Fmbyterian). . " PcaniJi.r " . 400 . too . 4 0) Tablet (CalboBc) ".."IIj;!! Boetaa rat(Cataeiic) London Papers. Londea IUaetrated New. " Pall Mall Baaette " Eu-aJaer rreaisc Mag (tri-weakly Timee) ... " BeH-.Uft.... : " Ceepaseh ataraay Rerfew .... . .... ......... M Iioy- Weekly Timee " Weekly Taaee " Satare London Monthlies. Loedoa Art JoaraaL .. , - 5eeaely Maaeae .T. " Carabea HagirJo Beegraeta Maraabae .............. Tteaple Bar Magaxiae Ea glfctb society. .. . .... .... .......... An tb Tear Booai. (Kwleiu' AUraitae. ... . BUekwaaTa lloatMy. , Caaatbors Jaarmal ....... .... OoadWanb ....... loadoa Qaarterly... ........ .. ......... .... WeeteaimaUr Qaarterty EatskarghOaanerly North Bmab Qaanetly .. American Monthlies. LUteir, IMmf are (weekly) Boeaea Warerly Magaais Edarak Siasauae Haaf i Merebaafl llagaiin Harper Uegeetae . Attaatat Maaxbiy Teribaer'a Maatbly LrtOt't Maiihe SoOey'i La4ye Book Fywcent'. Monthly . 1100 .UuQ . IS 00 ..3000 ..tco .1J00 U(0 .WW .19 00 .SCO .14 09 .. TOO .. TOO .TOO .. TOO .. I to . ceo . 500 . 3o0 . 40 . 4(0 4 GO .. 400 . 400 .100 . 500 . eoo . tie . 560 . too . 560 . 300 . 300 . 300 300 . 300 . 34 . 300 . 3 CO 460 Ta Ualaxy ... !&er.MS I Artbrt taJr )lfirto , war tear ta ...... Sabbath at Base (Tract Seeaety-i Monthly-. Australian Papers. ' Tb Aattralariaa (weekly) 1 Tb Town aad Cecatry Jrcisal .14 CO .100 .1C0 . eoo jieiaoara -jeanraraiea 3ewi , Tb Weekly -Fyeoey Herald Devoted Exclusively to Music n-trAxeek-lMagtrJae...: , Peter Kartell UentMy 400 400 Aa-Aay Perio&au, sot la tbia liit, a-ffl be ordered at ax J tea, and fap4i4 at poet and cbarrea. AM-ef II. 31. IVIirr-tKT. neaeeoia. 1STL 313 me as o cs O US FAIijL TRADE 1870 Best A 1 Hawaiian 2 MESS BEEF, PACKED BY C. BERTLEMANN, KAUAI, ASD WAEBA5TZD. Sf Tit shore Beef is packed tj aa experienced Eauler, nrsd ia Lirerpoai Ealt, aad packed is Turk's Wand Salt. Tb test reference can be rtrea. For sale ia -jaanlitiea ta salt by THE0D. C. 1IKIJCK, Hraetala, eVpt. Kth. U7-ZH a 200 BBLS. of 0EEG0N FI0UE, JOST 1TECEITED AJfD FOIt SALE CUap by 4 C. EEEWEE A CO, Russia Bolt Rope, 1 SSORTED SIZES For sale br I A. GCJEIUL 1SIOBTHE3T OP Groceries and 8hip Stores ALWAYS oa hand, aad will be Bold at tie bswrst price, ij I 2 E0LLE3 A CO. SOLE & SADDLE LEATHEB, Taasei Croat and Sheep Skins, Ct03tTAXTI,T B3T HA WB tad fat Sale, traea ta weS-tcowa VAIXEA TA3TSEKY, C. X&TLKT, Vrrfr Aj-U A. 3. CtXQK0S,lBt, MEW'irANDISE. &C. THEOD. C. HEUGK OFFERS FOR SALE iTuusfc DELeOOl"VO3Lr BT THE HAWAIIAN BARK KA MOI A LAKC1E ASD SPLKSDID ASSORTMENT DF NRW GOODS SELECTED WITH SPECIAL CARE EXPEESSLY FOR THIS MARKET cossisnso or English. Genua), and French DRY GOODS! FANCY GOODS! DRESS GOODS & CLOTHING Consisting ia Part as follows ITIREXCn CASHMERE MEKINOS, . Coborrs and Baratheas, Italian Cloth, Bine, Brown and White Cotton Longcloth, Ilearr Denims. Superior White Linen, Bleached Moleskin, White Muslins and Jiconets, Black and mixed Broadcloth, Victoria Lawns, White and BIoo Flannels, Doeskin, Buck Towels, Men's Fine Merino Shirts Whit Linen and Mourning Handkerchiefs, Linen Sheeting. Coatings and Wadding, White Sawing Cotton, assorted. Col's Linen Thread, Linen and Paper Collars, Cotton Cane Umbellaj White Quilts, Dutch Tape, Crochet Cotton and Patent Eisenjarn, Ladies' Whita Cotton Uose, Gents' Brown Cotton half-hose. Button Rings. Brown and White Cotton Undershirts, Patent Highland Playing Cards, Philocome, Pomade and Macassar Oil. axd A Lot of Fancy Articles. ALSO By Otliox- Pi. -yxr-xrcCLs, A Choke Assortment of Silk, Woolen and Cotton Dress Goods, Clothing and Hosiery, Broad and Brilliant Cloths, Sailtllerye Groceries, FnintH and Oils, VTal! Paper, ASD THE BEST BRANDS OF GERMAN PALE ALE & PORTER, qts 1 pts Deetjen A Schrooder's Star brand. Best French Clarets and Brandy, Rhine Wine, Genuine Holland Gin, in eases and in bnlk. Sparkling: Hock, in quarts and pints, Port Wine, llofl"" Mnlt Extract Ladies' and Gents' Boots & Shoes, of the beat maio and manufacture. 2 Splendid Rosewood Cottage Pianos, of the newest pattern, and unsurpassed in bril liancy of tone. Three Large Burglar and Fire-proof Iron Safest ASD A Variety of Other Articles, Too Stmerons to Mention, Suitable for Town and Country Trade Jlsi- For Sale oa tha most Reasonable Terms. ALSO On JEBlCLUlCLI jyjcJIUUItAY-S Fresh Outers, .Vo. 1 Hawaiian Eire, Best Island Paddj, Manila Rope 11, 2, 2 and 3 inches, Harana Cfgars the best in the market, Saiss, California and Limburg Chees Boxes Salad 011 j Century A Foreit, Rose Tobacco Xew Styles of Ladies' Trimmed Hats, Gents' Furnishing Goods, American, Ae, Ac, For Mule Cheap, at tb Store of THEOD. C. HEUCK, Fort Street. HonJalu, Sept. Kth, 1870. 3i-tf Ship Chandlery and Ship Stores! fllllE LAUUCST ASSORTJfEXT O.V -a. Hand, kept ty aay lions on tbes Islands, and for sal at tbe Lowest pcniMe Prices, by I JIOLLES A CO. Hemp Cordage I t STRASD, IJEST QUALITY, BUS t BIAS MaaafaeUr. Eiies. from 1 to 8 Inches, in bond er duty paid. For sal by BOLLES A CO. Manila Cord a ere. ALL HIZKH, from 1-2 to 5 inch, ia bond ct daty paid. Far sale by E0LLK3 A CO. Spunyarn, Housefine, WOKMLIXK, Xarlln, Heixng, Katlia. etc., tie. A full assortment for sal by f UULliUS A CO. In Bo ! er Duly I'.ldt Optton jOixcIsl. A GKXX HAXT AJWOKTJfEST of Xum- . bers. For sal by PERIODICALS, &C. THOS. G. THRUM'S STATIONERY, PERIODICAL. NEWS & CUTLERY DEPOT, AND CIRCULATING LIBRARY! Merchant Street, Honolulu. THE ADVERTISER harlng purchased the Interest of Messrs. BLACK A ATJLD In th Sttknrr. News and Periodical Bnalness, will eontlnao lha aam and KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HAND A FULL ASSORTMENT OF STATIONERY, Such as Footscap, Legal-cap, Letter, Sole and llillel, anil Harpers' Eartlop, Account-current and BUI Paper. Cloth-lined, Vellum. White, Bta. Huff and Canarj Enrel.pes, Black, Copying and Writing, Violet, Bio. Carmine and Sympathetic Inks. Pons abd Holders, Inkstands A Pencils la rarlety. Files cap and letter sis. Letter Clips, Paper Fasteners, Rubber, Erasers, Rolen, Penracks, Red Tap, Rabbtr Bands. Sealing Wax, Notarial Seals, Ae. lllank Hooka, ImIrc-sk, Joarants Day, Cash, Record and Memorandum Rooks. Scrap, Log. Receipt and Sate Books, l'enn'e Loiter Books, with ink. Press Copying Books, Drawing Paper. Blotting Paper and Boards. Bristol Boards, Water Colors, Domino, Chess and Backgammon Boards. Star Medicated Paper, Ae. To tha abore. rith a large Supply of AMERICAN & ENGLISH PERIODICALS BT EVERT MAIL will shortly b ei pec led, a fall and complete ass't o TABLE & POCKET CUTLERY of celebrated makers. Tlio CLarcn s 1 fatd ti g T 11ox--.r-y fiB- Will contain. Standard Works of Yletioa, and Sw Books wCI bo added by erery Steamer. J. F. Smith's, Dickens-, Bnlwers. D'lsraoll's, Eagena Su's, Wilkt Collins'.' Marry alt's. Miss Braddon's, Mrs. Henry Wood's. Mrs. Ellen Wood's, Miss Mulbach's. Thackeray's, Mrs. Orey's Victor Hugo's, T. S. Arthur's. Pierce Eagan's, and others are new en hand. EagraTis, Caligraphj, Stencil Catting Copying, will still be attended to. Thankful for past favors, tho advertiser hps, by strict attention to business and th wants of his pat rons, to meet with a continuance of tha r-imi. gStr All orders from th Country and tha otha Islands, promptly attended to, at tha lowest rate. Honolulu, Sept- 27th, U70- J"-8m MERCHANDISE. &C. SELLING OFF I Cheap for Cash. ! Cheap for Cash ! HARDWARE! HARDWARE! HARDWARE! J. W. WIDDIFIELD, tVould Cult the Attention of PLANTERS, MERCHANTS & 3IECIL1SICS TO THIS LARGE ASSORTMENT OF WELL SELECTED HARDWARE! PECULIARLY ADAPTED For the Wants of the Island Trade." Merchants in Particular, WOULD FIND IT MUCH TO TH KI k ADVANTAGE TO GIVE ME A GALL I Before Purchasing Elsewhere AS JfA.VF TI1IXGS WILL BE S0LD Not Only zxt Cost, BUT IS MANY ISSTASCES. GREATLY BELOW COST! TO 2IAKE R002I FOR A LARGE & VARIED ASSORTMENT agricultural and Other Implements, Comlnjs; from the "Cust. TbeUsnal Discount Made to the Trade! 29 Orders from the other Islands eepectfua'y solicited, promptly attended to and fiUed with ear.. V37 So Connection with tha Flra aeroaa tha "WeT 3m 24 f Pro Bono Publico!" M. S. GRINBAUM & CO., Have on TTn-nrl ASD IS TRANSIT, Direct Importations FROM AMERICAN and EUROPEAN MARKETS 'I'll c IJirRCat a .111 Best Ass't of Ready Made Clothing O.T THE IIA1VAIIAS GIIOCP, Consiating in Part of. Tlx th C.Ubratad O-E! ICTTJIlNrDE! Scotch Tweed Suits r Caahmere, Clotta A Drill Garmtnta, in all Tine tier. Complete Black Dress and Walking Salts, Boys' Whit Linen Caihn-er aad Cloth 3 nit A FULL ASS0RIMEST OF Cents' Furnishing: Coeds. Saratoga and Genu' Leather Trunks, JOHN M. DA VIES A CO'S Celebrated Patent White Shirts, Styled Dairies A Jones, in all grades. Oreralilrta! OTc-ratalrta! Orerahlrtaf la Grey Flannel, Diagonal, Printed aad Crio-taa. ALL OF THESE GOODS ARE AT EXCEEDINGLY LOW PRICES! Hats! Hats! Hats! Hosiery ! Hosiery ! Hosiery ! For Gents', Ladies and Boys. AMERICAN ENGLISH FANCY & STAPLE DRY GOODS AXD Yanlstee IWotions ! Boots and Shes, DIRECT FROM THE MANUFACTURERS. At the rery- I owe at folI- Price By tho orlgltal pee 'or. A If ASSORT MTMJS XT OF French Gaiters ft Pumps, Of th Latest Styles, warranted renalne, of tl Ttry Ust material. Asia (onstanUr on head Tit wesr xt lassostattteSKt of Jtanita Clfars t jror Hal by M. S. GRINBAUM ft CO., IWf Maksv's Block. i! yn Kcwr 7ij1;t. fT) BOI.LE3 A CO. B0LLES AC0, 4