Newspaper Page Text
CO.tmERCIAI. hoxolvltt, -it uav&T s, isn. We hare three "foreign arrivals to report since oar lut. The Brit. Lrk Clara HargreTes, consigned to W. L. Oreen. and the An. bark Agate, consigned to C, Brewer A Co. both from Newcastle with toil ; alto tthe TJ. 6.S. Jamestown from Valparaiso cn route for 'San Franciseo. The cargo of the Agate was told to the Agents of U. S. X. Z. A A. M. Steamihip Company. The Jane A. Falkinburg failed on the ath inst. for Portland with a cargo of domestic produce, principal It inrar. Talotd at $46,000. The Oneen Emma and Cambridge are both loading, the former for San Francisco, to tail abont the lint of next week, and the latter for Victoria, with augar ana molasses, to tall in a few days. The A. 1. Jordan from Ilnmboldt "with redwood lumber is fully doe.". The D. C. Murray from San Franeiteo U dne the firtt of next week and will prob ably bring onr next mail. The City of Adelaide, also from San Francisco, will probably arrive on the 16th inst; the Albion Is the next steamer expected from ' the teuthward, and may be looked for the litb. "Wo bear that the ranch of Mr. J. K. Lcgan, at South Kona, Hawaii, has changed hands, 31 r. T. E, Cook being the parchater, nt ttnnt private. "We hear of no other traniactiont of importance during the patt week. We Mtiee that the Tobey Sugar Plantation, tituat- d at Koloa, Kanal, it in the market at private tale. The property it a molt desirable one and offcra a chance for Inveitment that it seldom met witn. EXPORTS. For Haver's Island per Josiah L Hale, Aug 5 Bran, sacks 18 Horses Bread, ml 1 Oats, tukl 15 Tloor I 3 Potatoes, sackl 30 TalBomrrod HW.B6. Val ForI'rod.....nC7.W. For San Fraocisco per AJax, Aug 1 Bttus tachm 100 Sbeep Eklos, bndls a2 Betel Leaves, boxes 8 Epeele Calf Sates, pos SI Suaar.Ibt 710.53 llldet, pes C60 Tallow, lbs 1,6 Limes, halt 3 Twine, bales PmmiIi Ih. 1OXR0 lVlri one. cell Tula. lb. 8.907 Wool, lbs C8,3 Ek. lbs 14.092 TJnspd Mdlse, ca TalPomrTod...t5Ul.41. Vairorrrod..... 38.76. In tmnvltn trum Jiew Zestand Sutter, begt 143 rlents, box Motion, case 1 Trunk For Portland per J A Falklnburg, Ang 4 Bananas, bnchs 0 Peanuts, lbt 3.3S3 Limes 2,000 nice, Ibe .000 aioUsees, calls 1,702 Sugar, lbs 732, (US talue Dumestio Frodnce.. II1PUUTS. From Newcastle per Clara rjargrevet, Aug 4 iSO toni cf Coat. From Newcastle per Agate, Jtng 700 tons of Coat, pukt or iiorvoKsUieir. AIUUVED. Aug 3 Schrt Mary Ellen from Maul, Eate Lee from ntwall and ranahi from Molokab 4 Brit bark Clara IlarcTavee, Jackson. GS days from Newcastle, 3iSW; Echr .Nettie Merrill from JIanL t Str Kllanea from Eona and intermediate ports; Am bark Ante. Brown. 34 cats from riewcastle. IV ; TJSJamestown.Gherardt.63daTsfTom Valparaiso; Sehrs Kamol and Active from Slant, Hoknleleand walola from Alolokal, and llob lioy rrom hoolau. C-Schrs Hattle. Annie and Old Fellow from Hawaii. Uannokawal and Motkeikl from Maul, and Llliu from walaloa. SAILED. Aug 3 Am shlg Josiah L Hale, Pike, for Baker1! Island; Echr Jfairr woeen lor svanau 4 Am barkt Jane A Falklnburc Cathcart. for Portland. 6 Sehrs Mary for Kauai, Prince for Hawaii and Maty Ellen frr Maui. 7 Sehrs Jennr and John Younc for Kanal. Fauah! and Warwick for Molokal, Mannokawai, Kamol and Net Ue Jlerrm lor Men!,- Am barkt C L T.jlor, Eears, for 1'ort xownsend; scar vt atoia lor n aiaiua, 8 Schrt Active, Annie and Odd Fellow forJJawall, Hat for Kauai and Uoknlele for Molokal. PASSE.GLKS. From Wiodward Ports per steamer Kllanea, Aug a Mrs Thos King and daughter, J Girvin, Frank Brown, Thoe Cleg' horn, Messrs Grey, Constantino and Bernard, and 25 on deck. For Portland per J A Falklnburg, Aug 4 Mr Seligmann. SIIIPIIXG SEWS. Bsax Cliaa Haaoaaras Left Newcastle (a Itb coal to the agent of the C S Z A M Co at this port) May US, and met with moderate winds Tarylng from JiV to SE the Erst three dftji out. Jnne 1st encountered a heavy gale accompanied with terrlic squalls, which lasted until the 3d. Ou the 7th met with heavy gales from the eastward which contlnaed seven days with but slight moderation. On the Ast, (the .barometer at noon standing at 2S.75) experienced a severe hurricane which commenced from XE and gradually worked around to N W, finishing from EE, during which the ship was Xove-to under dose-reefed maio'topsail and reefed mieaen stay sail; the hurricane lasted with great severity until tbe 34th, with a tremendous tea running; it then moderated until the SOth, when it sprung up again from XE aod lasted S hours. Met with EE trades In Ut 15 south, long 132 west, and Carried them to lat 15 north, crossing the equator In long 134 west. Had pleasant weather during the remainder of tbe passage, with strong XE trades, which gradually moderated on Bear ing tbe islands. The Clara Hargraves left thebarkCeleaUa(wblch made sev eral trips to this port a few years' since) In part loading, but it was uncertain whether she was bound t o this port or Ftf is. Bui Aom Left Newcastle on the afternoon of Jnly 1st, and had flue weather with moderate westerly winds the first week out; third day after leaving spoke the steamer City of Adelaide, and on the.tenth day passed the longitude of New .Zealand. July 8th had a strong westerly gale which lasted three days. Sighted Tahiti on the 21st and crossed the equa tor in long ISO west on the 26th. Took tbe SE trades well to the eastward In lat 33 south and carried them to lat 3 north, after which had light baffling winds for three dsyt and then got the XE trades about E by Ji and had them fresh until reaching tbe Islands. ' Sighted the east point of Hawaii Aug 1st and came through the Hawaii channel, arriving oif this port on the evening of the 4th after a passage of 34 daye. .After eightms; the bud met with light and baffling winds until arrival. The Agate was built in Kewburyport, Mass, is three years oM and has made three voyages around the world. She ar rived at this port last year from Newcastle with coal and sail ed for Baker's Island on the 12th of May; twenty days from leavisg here she sailed with a cargo cf guano far Liverpool and made the passage in 112 days. From thence she proceed ed to Boston, from theuce to Melbourne aod from that port to Newcastle to load again for Honolulu, arriving cere after an absence of 14)5 months, which is a remarkable voyage and -one not often made even by clippers. USEmr Jaxiaronr Sailed from Valparaiso Jnne 3d and experienced fine weather to the SE trades, which were mod erate, and carried them to lat JO north; from thence moderate southerly winds for three days. On the morning of Jnly 10, In lat 14 north, experienced every indication of what appear ed to be the outer edge of a cyclone, the centre of which was supposed to be a couple oT degrees to the northward. At the commencement of It the wind was about SVT by IV, and dur during the day It worked completely around the compass. Sail was reduced to storm-sails. Had the ship been but a short distance further north she would have met the fall force of tbe cyclone. At 8 p m was all clear of It and steer ing course with the wind SE by E. Prom that tlma had vari able winds for several days and got the NE trades In lat 21 north, which were moderate and unsteady, with occasional light ratn squalls until approaching the islands. The greater ' part of the pessage was employed In exploringjthe positions sjivrn to several Islands which are reported on the charts as doubtluL The barkPowhattan at IIIlo, discharged her cargo In eight days and tailed for Fort Gamble on the 3d inst. The schooner A P Jordan left San Francisco July 1st for this port via Humboldt and is now due. The brig Bobcrt Cowan arrived at Victoria July 10, 2S days hence. She was to nndergo repairs and would sail again for this port during the latter part of this month. fiPABBOWg. By the Xevada oa her last trip from AnckUnd, His Excellency the Minister of the Inte rior received from Thos. Kirk, Esq., the Secretary of the Auckland Acclimatization Society, cine Ecg U&h sparrows (four males and fire ietsslcs,) ont of twelve originally shipped by Sir. Kirk. These birds had been caged by blra a month, to snore them to tic conHncsient on shipboard. That cine ont of tbe twelve survived the voyage, Is sufficient proof that they were in excellent condition Trben put on board tbe steamer. They were placed In charge or Mr. Hasslncer Immediately after arrival here, who pnt them In a laice cage built for tbe purpose of keeping imported birds until they recover from sea voyages. Five of the sparrows, two males and three females, have "been set at large and all of them except the odd female bare fonnd homes among tbe trees In town. Tho poor forlorn female without a mate, f till HnRers around the cage, having; been, no donbt, cruelly snubbed by the little party which had been set at liberty, and prefers imprisonment to scorn. Spar rows being very hardy, and lncreaslnc: rapidly, we inay expect soon to see tbe increase from this little colony as plentiful as the beautiful linnets, whose early songs delight those who arise with the esn. tOCAX. SXWS. Phases of the Soon for the Month of Augriit, 1871. nxrixxs at cart, siirax surra. HONOLULU MEAN TIME. August 7th. Lut Quarter.. S t2 n August 15tn, Sew Moon 8 00 August 23d. First Quarter..... 1 04 aw August 2Mb, Full Moon 7 49 ns TIME SCS RISING AND SETTING. 1st, SunBlses SS7 an.... Sun Sets tSirn "Ui, eon Hlees....... 60 .......Sunsets 30 .. lith. Sun Rises S 42 Son Seta 2 .. 211, Sun F.ltet S 44 Sun Sets 22 .. 28th.'8un Rises 5 45 Sun Sets. lo ., 31st, Sun Bites 1 46 Sun Seta. 6 14 .. Testzhdit, their Excellencies the Ministers of Foreign Beiationi, the Interior and of Finance, visit ed the TJ. S. Eloop-of-war Jameitown. Their Excel lenciet were received by Capt. Gherardi and the 0Q cert of the ship, and patted a pleasant honr onboard, The customary salute wat fired en the occasion. The P.oriL School. This institution will toon be in need of a new Principal, at the present incum bent. Prof. J. IU Kinney, we hear, has tent in hit resignation to the Board of Education, to take effect at tbe end of the current quarter. The Tax Assessor, in a notice in to-day's psper, re quest! tax-payers to make returns to him on or be fore the 1st day of September next. By heeding this request those who hare not already made returns will enable the Assessor to expedite his business greatly. . It Madame States and Company tail in the City of Adelaide on the Sth inst., at was tnppoted at the time of the sailing of the Wonga Wonga from San Francitco, the people of Honolulu will hare au oppor tunlty of littenlng to that admirablo artiste on IVcd- setday week, at the Theatre. AcCIDtXT AT KaCPAIXEl PLANTATION, HlLO. One of the centrllugals at tbe above plantation, bnrsted ono day last week, Injuring the China man who was employed In drying sngar with tbe machine. At last reports the man was still alive, though It was considered donbtf ul if be would survive his injuries. Bepaxbijso. Tbe schooner Kate Lee has been hove down to examine her bottom and repair the damage she received some time ago by getting ashore on the reef below the light-house As the rc pairs required are sot extensive, she will probably resume her trips next week. Accnos Sales. E. P. Adams will offer at sales room to-day at tbe nsual hour, a fine assortment of dry goods, groceries, drags and medicines. On Tuesday next, assignees1 sale of tbe stock of Crow- cll & Co's grocery store. C S. Bartow will sell at noon on Saturday next, a lot of cattle belonging to tho estate of Owed Holt. The Lecture of Archdeacon Mason on Friday evening last, owing to tho unpleasant weather that evening, was rather poorly attended. Those who were so fortunate as to be present on tbe occasion were highly entertained by the eloquent remarks of the lecturer and the masterly readings of choice se lections from the great novelist. TnENEXTSTEaMEES. Thesteamcr Albion, which takes the place of the City of Melbourne while she Is being refitted, will be due from Sydney and Fiji on the 17th inst. Tbe City of Adelaide from San Francisco Is due a week from to-day. Should the D. C. Murray.bave a long passage down the sterner will most likely be the first arrival from San Fran cisco. Oeb TtEinrrts will please take notice that the Kilauca sails to-morrow for Kauai, to return on Saturday, thus affording a rare opportunity for those desiring to make a flying visit to that Island as well as giving those who wish a few days at sea, a rare chance of Indulging themselves In that respect with tbe certainty of being able to be in town again at a certain time. Tbe smooth sea and pleasant weather which prevail at present will render this trip of tho Kllanea a particularly pleasant one. A Fixe Passage. The dipper barkAgate, CipL J. B. Brown, arrived from .Newcastle on Saturday morning, having made an extraordinarily short passage of S5 days, which Is the quickest on record made by a sailing vessel. The trip Is a satisfactory one in every respect, as her cargo of coals found a ready sale. Capt. Brown has furnished us with Newcastle papers up to July let No shipping were reported up for Honolulu at that date, although a vessel was expected from Sydney to load for this port The Agate will probably proceed to the Gu ano Islands and from thence to Europe, as shc.did last year from this port A few years ago, the mango was considered about as rare a lrult as grapes are now, and It was doubted by many whether the frnit could be raised except in favored localities. This idea has been very effec tually exploded since that time inasmuch as there is hardly a garden or lot in town which has not an abundance of prolific mango trees. Grapes, tbe most delicious of tropical fruits, might be quite as abundant here as tbe mango Is If people would only take pains to plant vines and take care of them. Wc have had tbe pleasure of tasting most lucious grapes grown by Mr. Edward Everett on Fort Street, who by care and perseverance, has succeeded in bringing to maturity quite a large variety of grapes which are now repaying him for his trouble by bear ing abundantly. The Arrival of Tin: TJ. S. S. Jamestown. Tbe Jamestown arrived at this 'port oa Saturday, Sth Inst, Ci days from Valparaiso, having, under or ders from the United States Government, cruised for some time during tbe passage for Islands and reefs laid down on the charts or reported as existing J but tbe existence of which was considered uncertain. Among the officers of the Jamestown, our citizens will recognize many of those who visited Honolulu In the same vessel a year ago, and whom all will be glad to receive The following is list of tbe officers of the Jamestown : Bancroft Gherardi, Commander, Commanding. Chas.L. Huntington, Lieut Commander, Ex-officer. William Welch, Lieutenant and Kavigator. y. M. Cowgill, A. C. McMcchaa and J. D.Adams, ilaxtert. Geo. It Wattles, Paymaster. W. H. Jones, P. A. Surgeon. . C Thatcher, AstH Surgeon. F. C. Elliott, a G. Nolton, a Millard and W. Dougherty, JUatet. Andrew Milne, JSoaUnain. E. A. McDonald, Gunner. G. D. Macy, Sallmaier. W. A. Hinds, Oprain's Ocri. a W. Sinclair, ibynuuitT's Clerk. Emma Square. Our cotcmporaries have been commenting In highly laudatory terms on the present picturesque and ornamental aspect of this little park. and we heartily endorse all they have said on the subject Wc all recollect the unsightly waste in which it lay for many years after its dedication to the public by the enlightened munificence of our late lamented Sovereign Eamehameha IT, nntll touched by the magic wand of our veteran pioneer horticul turist, who has so succcssfnly demonstrated the won ders which can be achieved even on the very poorest and most barren soil by a skinful combination of la borand manure. Many ornamental trees, especially the araucarias are now flourishing there In unsur passed luxuriance, and nothing can be more pleasing or grateful to tbe eye In the present parched condi tion of this neighborhood than the refreshing ver dure f the surface of thai which three short years ago was little less than a public nuisance. We too have had the privilege or enjoying a specimen of the deliclously tender and luxuriant asparagus there growing, and which can hardly be surpassed in size or quality on the most fertile soil of other and more favored countries, and we earnestly hope that tbe excellent and landable example thus set by Judge Montgomery may serve as a stimulus to others " to go and do likewise." A Paeis letter says: " Tbe other day It was rumored that au American Company bad offered to rebuild the Tnlleries, the Palais Royal, the Hotel de Tille, and. In fact, repair all the damages done to this Paradise where the souls of good Americans love to Inhabit - The condition under which tbe Company has proposed to set matters right is, that It shall be repaid In five years all tbe money ex pended, repaid In Trench Hcntes at the present price, say 63 franca: If the Rentes In five years time were to attain their normal value of TO francs, then a vast cum would be cleared by the speculators." Among the Communists. We make tbe following extracts from a private letter, dated Paris, June 15th, written to a gentleman In this city:" I wrote you a word Immediately after the taking of Paris by the French, to let you know that I for tunately was not nnmbered among the forty or fifty thousand poor wretches who made their last account during that black week. By this time, of course you are familiar enough with the scenes iitai iook place here at that time; so It would be useless for me to repeat tbem to you. Fortunately or nnlor- tnnately, oughtl to say? I saw a great deal of the fighting. By accident King and I, and an English man named Ponsonby, spent Sunday night (the night of the entry,) at tbe house of Major Hitchcock, In the Boulevard Malesberbes. When we awoke on Monday morning the Communists were building a barricade across tbe Boulevard immediately beneath our windows, and at 10 o'clock the fight there began. Luckily, the family of Major Hitchcock had gone to Italy a few days before, and so we had the entire house to ourselves. From the upper window (fifth 6tory,) we could overlook a large part of the battle-field. The fight commenced at 10 o'clock on Monday morning, May 22d, at the Malesberbes Bar, rlcadc, and ended by Its capture at 5 o'clock on Tuesday afternoon. Our barricade was the key to tbe whole central position, and when it was carried the last faint hope of the Iuturgcnts was gone. It was situated only 200 yards from the great barricade in the Rue Royalc, and the loss of the one wat the loss of the other. It was Just at this time 5 p. m., on Tuesday that the Communists set the first fire In the Rne Boissy d'Anglas, which you will remem bur is a narrow 6treet Just west of and running par allel with the Rue Royale. Fire was then set in this last named street and during the nlgbt all along tbe Rue de Rivoli, in the Tuileries, etc., on the line of retreat We had some pretty narrow escapes during those two days. Twenty-five bullets struct the facade of the story In which we were stationed, and a bomb shell carried away a large part of the cornice. In onrXront room almost every window was pierced by chasscpot balls, the mirror was smashed, and the furniture badly damaged. Of course we had to conceal the fact of onr presence In the house from both combatants till the struggle was decided. If tbe house had been occupied during the fight by either side, we should all, very possibly, have been shot at once as bclonglng'to the other. All during the week, too, shells were falling everywhere, many people were killed or wounded, and many others bad miraculous escapes. I see by the American newspapers that they are with them, of course. The American public are very badly instructed in regard to this second great French Revolution. Idonotdcsirctogo into a long defense of the Commune. I only beg that you'wiU reserve your judgment till Its story is fairly told. have studied It with core for two months. I came to Paris as strongly prejudiced against it as any one could be. I saw reasons to modify my views. It was a blind, spasmodic, natural movement this rcvolu tion of '7L You will find the solution of It, not in politics, not In religion, not in any chimeric princi pic or Utopian.IdeaL You will find it In hunger. It was simply the old struggle OTcr again tbe protest of the unfed against the well-fed; and It will keep coming up and coming up, until It is settled the right way. They call the men of the Commune canaille. My dear , the salt of this earth always has been, and always will be, tbe canaille. It was the coaoilfc of the old Hebrew aristocracy the fish. crmen and carpenters, and the like ol such that started the revolution of revolutions eighteen bun drcd years ago. I happened to know personally some of the men of the Commune, among tbem Dom browski and O'Kologowick the two best soldiers in the movement and I know that they were by no means the fiends and scoundrels they have been rep resented to be. You will not misunderstand what I have said. Don't tblnk that I uphold the murder ing of innocent persons, the sacking of churches, the making of forced loans, the burning of public and private property. Politically speaking, tbe Commune was a mistake and a crime from the out set But let me not forget for an Instant that there are things in this world Immeasurably above all politics." Exchange. A Card. Sa.-v Frascisco, Msy 10, 1S71 Wc the Undersigned. Sole Agents for the Pacific States, China, Japan, Sandwich Islands, and Australia for tho Delaney's Patent Wire Cnshiont, haro received the following unsolicited testimonial from A. P. Rudolphe, acknowledged .to be the best player of the day. Parties wishing Billiard Tables with tho " Delaney's Wire Cushion " are cautioned against certain agents who are trying to infringe on our patent JACOB STRAHLE 4 CO Sas Francisco, May 20th, 1S71. Messrs. Jacob Strahle A Co., Billiard Manufac turers, S63 Market Street, San Francisco, California, Gextlekex : J am hawpy to declare to all ama teurs of Billiards that, after my long experience in the principal cities of the world, I feel convinced of the superiority of the Billiard Tables manfactarcd by Jacob Strahle Co. I alto find the "Delaney Patent Wire Cushion" Tery superior for its elasticity, durability, truth, and correctness to anything now in use ; in short, the whole has my most unqualified approval. (Signed) A. P. RUDOLPHE, Professor of Billiards.- Witness my hand and teal. (Signed) SAM'L HERMANN, 9-3m Notary Public. T) fVyO TnE SANDWICH ISLANDS can -U J -L Kj learn a way of making money during their spore moments, easily and without capital, and SUH EL T. Send your address to American Stamp Co., Mcriden, Conn., U. S. Wo refer to the publish er of this paper, who knows the nature of our business. IB 4m NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Host TThroo 2?Xy INDIA RUBBER HOSE! 1.3, 3-1 and 1 Inch. FOR SALE BY 30 lm H. HACKFELD A CO. For Siale. THE Undersigned, intending to leave tbe Kingdom, would offer for Sale The Hardware Business Ol the Store Under the Odd Fellows' Hall, Fort Street. ST TERMS EASY. 30 2t J. V. WTDDIFIELD. HOIiliAD GIN"! Bell and Key Brands. Superior Sherry, in Or. Casks, Superior Sherry, in Cases. Old Port Wine, in Cases, IVcncli Conixc, In cases, French FF Claret, in cases, Genuine Ehine Wine, in qts. &pts. Bass & Co.'s English Pale Ale, in qts. SO lm P. A. SCUAEFEU fc CO. DIt. J. 21. WHITAXrworUd respectfully announce to hi.' friends and tbe pnblie, that hit Dental Rooms will be closed from Jnly 29th to Sep tember 18th, ISn. " 23-5t VfOTICE. MR. 1TM. JOHNSON trill act as my J Attorney during my absence from this King dom. J. McCOLGAS. Honolulu, July 29th, 1871. 29-4t Dbith avoso PouTtctaSS. The New Tork cor respondent of the Rochester Democrat writes: Tbe recent death of vallandingbam calls my atten tion to the remarkable exception which It lorms to that of other departed political leaders. It Is indeed worthy of notice that this cists of men hare lired to an old age or to Its near approach, and that they have seldom been removed by violence. On this account Mr. Vallandlngbam's case attracts particn lar attention. His death and that of Peter Cagger, arc among the rare instancf s of the death of politi cal leaders by accident Tbe death of A. P. Upshur, Secretary of the Nary, by the bursting of the big gun on board of the Princeton in 1M3, li the near est parallel, but be was not a political leader, 'ibe Revolutionary patriot ol Massachusetts, James Otis, who made Faneull Hall ring with his eloquence, died by a stroke of lightning. Lincoln was slain by an assassin, and was the only one of our Presidents who died by violence. To these may be added the inferior name of Hiscock, whose fate, while a mem ber of the Constitutional Convention, is fresh In the memory of our readers. Webster, while In Albany In 1S15, was on the point of taking passage for Aew Tork on the stearper Swallow, which was wrecked near Hudson, and bad he done so he might have been among the other tlctims. Among tbe short- lived politicises, the most distinguished was Hugh S. Legree, the bright star of Tyler's Cabinet, who died In Boston in 1542. He was only forty-six and bad served as United States Attorney for two years, bnt had won eminence in that time Of our states men, Clay reached the age of seventy-fiTe, Jackson seventy-two, Calhoun sixty-eight, IVcbstcr seventy, John Quincy Adams eighty-one, Buchanan seventy- eight. Van Buren eighty-one, Taylor sixty-four, Cass eighty-two, Marcy seventy-one and Edward Everett the same. Benton was seventy-six, and what is re markable, Webster, Calhoun, Cass and Van Buren were born'the same year 1782. Going back to men of older date, John Adams saw his ninety-first year, and Jefferson bis elghty-tblrd, both dying on the Fourth of July, 1826. Burr lived to eigbty-one, which was a striking contrast with his ancestors, for bis father was forty-two at tbe time of bis death, and bis grandfather, Jonathan Edwards, was only flfty-tlx. Monroe lived to seventy-three, John Jay to eighty-four, and Patrick Henry to sixty-three. We thus learn that our politicians, notwithstanding their cares and vexations, enjoy an existence much beyond the average age, and thai tbe early death of snch men as Legree and Henry J. Raymond forms the exception. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. AUCTION AT LA11HULU, WAIALUA, or Horses, Mares, Foals And a Variety of Suudriet. On Thursday, Aug, 17tlt. It W. C. LAKE, Auct'r. Pound Notice. 2r .The Undersigned gives notice that f tue loltonlng uesenned lionet have been brought to the Honolulu round for trespass, viz : 1 Mouse colored Horte, 1 Grey none, 1 Bay. Horse, 1 Bay Mare. 30 It P. KAAIAHUA, Pound Master. Tax Assessors' Notice. A LL Tax-payers tn the District of CX. Honolulu, Island of ushu, who have not made their retnrne to the Atsessor, are requested to do to at his office, 'in Marine Street (Aienni), on or before the l:t day of fceptcmber, 137 1. OEco open every day, from 9 A. M. to 4 P. M, C. II. JUDD, 30 lm Tax Assessor for Honolulu. Assignees' Notice. TTTIIEREAS. ou the 4th of Aucust. 1871. T V J..M. Cronell and T. A. Lloyd, doing business as Grocers and Bakers, under the name and firm of CROWELL & CO., made an assignment io Abe un dersigned of all their property, for the payment of their debts ; notice is hereby given to all debtors of laid Estato to make Immediate payment to the un- uertignea, ana creditors are also requested to send tneir Claims to the undersigned within thirty days, HENRY MAY. BENJ. F. B0LLES. Honolulu, 4th Augnst, 1S7I. 30 lm Notice. "DUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT X the entire hshing ground, lying between low water mark and the outer edge of the coral reef for kuanalu), along tbe seaward front of tho Ahupuaa of uonounuti" it tbe private property ot imoi A. Uaalelea, and notsested and held bv her as such. tubjectlo the piscatorial rights of tenants living on the said Ahupuaa. And all pcrsont not tenants liv ing on tbe land aro hereby strictly prohibited from taking fish within the fishing grounds of the laid Ahupuaa of "Honouliuli," and further notified that for any and every violation of tho rights of the un dersigned, owner ol the tstd nimng grounds, tuch persons will be prosecuted to the fall extent of the law. Dated Honolulu, August 7, 1871. 30 St .J. II. CONEY, Truttee. Marshal's Sale! Ty virtue of a writ of execution issued by X tho Hon. W. P. Eamakau, Local Circuit Judge of uann, upon a judgment agamtt ttamundo .Mesa, de fendant in execution, in favor of Tarn as Chaeog, plain tiff in execution, for Seventy Dollars, I have levied upon and (ball expotefor sale to the highest bidder on SATURDAY tbe 2nd DAY of SEPTEMBER, at 12 o'clock noon on the premises at Kalihi, the follow ing property : Ono w oodon Hooxjso I And tho KALO in three kalo patchet (the tame tobo allowed to remain until ripe), unlest taid judgment, interest, costs of suit and my fees and commistions be previously satisfied. DAVID DAYTON, Deputy Marshal. C. S. Bartow, Auctioneer. Honolulu-, August 4th, 1871. 30 4t NOTICE. mHE Public arc Cautioned against the L Negotiation of Bishop A Co.'s Certificate of De posit No. Z1SZ, dated April 21. 1571, for The same, in a pocket-book, was lost at Kaneohe, Koolau. The finder will be suitably regarded by leaving at the Bank. (29 3tl JOHN K. WILDER. Tor Sale or Lease. milE Building and Premises on Mauna X kea street known at Liberty Hall, are offered for tale br lease on reasonable terms. Apply on tbe premises to J. JlUiUUS. Honolulu, Aug. 2, 1871. 30 2t Notice ! mHE UNDERSIGNED having been named X as Executor of the last Will and Testament of the late WILLIAM A JONES, of Labaina, de ceased, said Will having been admitted to probate before the Hon. A. Fornander, Circuit Judge of the 2nd Judicial District of the Hawaiian Islands, on Tuesday, the 25th day of July, 1871, and Letters Testamentary issued thereon : Notice is hereby given that all persons having claims against the Estate of said William Ap Jones, of any kind or description, must exhibit the tame, duly authenticated, to me, at Lahaina, before the expiration of six months, or their claims will be forever barred ; And those indebted to make immediate payment- to P. H. TREADWAT, Executor and Administrator Estate of Wm. Ap Jones. Labaina, August lit, 1871. ' 3g-tt Adniinistrator's Notice. rphc Undersigned having this day been JL duly appointed Administrator of the Estate of JOHN NOMORE, late of Puula, puna. Island of Hawaii, hereby gives Notice to all parties having claims against this Estate to present them on or before the 28th of January next, 1872, or they will be forever barred : And all persons owing tho tame are requetted to make immediate payment to It. 5t,,liAnUii, Hilo, Jnly. 29th, 1871. 30-tf Adminittrator. Notice. OWEN J. HOLT having made an As signment of all bis propertr to tbe undesigned. for the benefit of his creditors, all parties having claims against the taid Oven J. Holt are hereby noti fied to present the tame to the Ijusderiigned, at his office in Honolulu, and all persons Indebted to tho taid Owen J. Holt are hereby requested to make im mediate payment to the undersigned. Z3-3t r. ii. iiAunis. BEST LEAF LAED, I!f 10-LB TINS, RECEIVED PER ST'B. 7 ' BOLLES A CO, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. PHOTOGRAPH COPIES (SIZE Hx2S) OF CLINT'S VIEW OP HONOLULU, (SIZE 23x60) fT- Can now be had at three dollars each, at the Circulating Library and News Depot. It Is suitable for Parlor, Counting Honte, or for mailing to friends, as it is the best view ever executed. HAWAIIAN TAHITI? & DIGEST OP THE Laws and Regulations of the Customs Pilot and Harbor Regulations, Position! and Bear ings of Light Houtet. Currency Tables, Post age Rates, Lilt of Diplomatic and Con sular Agonts, Etc COMTILED BY J. A. HASSTKGTK. JSr- Price $1.50 in paper: S1.75 board't, at . 28-3t THOS. Q. THRUM'S. J. T. CHAYTER, GENERAL BLACKSMITH, At the Old StaSd on the Esplanade, sear the Cus tom House, Honolulu, H. I., Would respectfully Inform bit "sntA ifriendt and the public generally, that he it prepared to da all kinds of Black- vl II smithing, such as Cnrriagcy Dray and Wagon Work, alto, Ship and House Work. He.alto keeps a First-Class Horse Shoer, and parties favfgihg him with a call, can rely ou having tneir bones' feet properly attended to by an experienced workman. Sick or Lame Horses Doctored. Thankful fot past favon, he hopet by attention to business to merit a continuanco of tbe patronage which he bas heretofore enjoyed. 29-3m 1873- Columbia River Salmon, IN Hair Barrels, or this Spring's Catch, and paeked with extra care, exprettly for family use. received per Falkinbnrg this day, and for tale by 28 BOLLES A CO. 1871. This Day, Per J. A. FaLkinburg, DIRECT from Portland, Oregon, wc have received Best No. I Columbia River Salmon, In barrels and half barrels, all of this Spring's catch, and warranted in perfect order. For tale by 28 BOLLES A CO. Ex FALKINBTTBG! Finest Columbia River Salmon 1 ALSO, Frazer River Salmon ! IVeiv Zealand Potatoes, Cranberries. FOR SALE BY a St THEO. H. DAVIES. Just Received 1 Ex Bark "Jane A. Falklnburg!" Oolum'bin. Hlvor SALMON, IN BARRELS & HALF BARRELS Nayy Bread, Oregon Hams, Extra Family Flour. For Sale at low rates by 28 n. HACKFELD A CO. A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY! FOR S Tsn, THE LEASE AND IMPEOVEMENTS or THE GLOBE HOTEL, King St. THE HOUSE IS IN SPLENDID ORDER FOR carrying on a first-class business.. It containi 13 rooms, 3 detached cottage rooms, bath-room, stable, coach house, henhoute, a first-class kitchen, with oven, first-class English Range and American Stove. The bedding, furniture and matting, and table tervice are all new. Water is laid on in six dinerent placet on the premises. Immediate posiession can be given. Apply to Mr. C. E. Williams, Furniture Ware house, or to the proprietor on tbe premises. Jlermt liberal. 27 FOR RENT ! -tISVTHE New Two.Storv Residence. 46? "fy present occupied by the undersigned, B'1 St-If 153 Nuuauu St. TO LET. St THE FINE OFFICE IN HIE NEW POST M Office Building will be let to a suitable tenant, on reasonable terms. Apply at the INTERIOR OFFICE. 20 Ship Chandlery and Ship Stores! THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT ON Hand, kept by any House ontheto Islands, and for tale at the Lowest possible Prices, by 2 BOLLES A CO. Cedar Boat Boards, A GOOD ARTICLE. For Sale by 12 BOLLES A CO. Golden Gate Flour. EXTRA FAMILY, BAKERS' EXTRA, AND SUPERFINE. For Sale by IZ BOLLES A CO. Spunyarn, Houseline, WOIUILINE, Mnrlin, Seizing, Ratlin, etc., etc. A full assortment for tale by Manila Cordage, A XL SIZES, from 1-2 to 5 inch, in bond . or duty paid. For sale'by 2 BOLLES A CO. Russia Bolt Rope, ASSORTED SIZES For sale by 2 BOLLES A CO. CHOICE ASIATIC POULTRY! IJIHE UNDERSIGNED OFFERS FOR SALE fO-OO- Olioico Btvrln, IN PAIRS OR TRIOS, properly matched for breed ing, contisting of LIGHT BRAHAMS, DARK BRAHAMS, PARTRIDGE, Black, White and Buff Cochins,! all of the finest imported stock. Alio Houdans, White and Brown Leghorns, Black Spanish, bilver bpangled iiamburgt. Golden Crested Polandt, Dorkings and Bantami, OF EVERT VARIETY. SF The undersigned is. constantly receiving the choicest varieties of these fowls from Europe and the Eastern States, and can furnish any one or all of tbem on order, and on the most reasonable rates. 33ss3 for EtotcTi 1ns, pasted in handled boxes vith an elastic bottom, and warranted to carry safely, Price 912 per Dozen. Have sent Eggs to all parts of tbe Pacific coast and to Panama, "with complete success. " Address, with btamp,. ceo. it. lxiavrrsr, 214m T. 0. Box 659, San Francitco. SPERM OIL Warranted the pure article. For tale by W BOLLES A CO AUCTION SALES. By E. P. ADAJUS. Regular Room Sale I THIS DAY, WEDHTSSDAY, - - AUGUST 0th, AT 10 O'CLOCK A. M., I will Offer A FINE ASSORTMENT OF MERCHANDISE COMPRISING Prints, Denims, Stripes, Brown Drill, Brown and Bleacsed Cottons, Alpacas, Coburgs, Victoria Lawns, lllnnlicti, Toircla, Handkerchiefs, Card Matches, Dovrls, Plates, Happies, Spittoons, Tnmblers, Teapots, &tn c. Hawaiian Sugar, Oysters, "STonjst UPo'txrcior-, aVvnri f Carnuiti, Tlnecnr, Ten, Sec.,-Ate KEROSENE OIL, SALMON, CLAEET, &c &o. ALSO, DRUGS, MEDICINES, BOTTLES, JARS, E. P. ADAMS, Auctioneer. ASSIGNEES' SALE OF GROCERY STOCK ! ON TUESDAY, : : AUGUST 15th, AT 10 O'CLOCK A. ST., J.-t jKTo. 74 3Pox-t JStroot, By Order of Henry May, Etq., and B. F. Bolles, Etq., Assignees of Jlessrs. urowell Co., . I Will Sell at Public Auction, (Unlets previously disposed of), TEH S T Z O 33. OF Groceries, Provisions. &c., &c. COMPRI1I50 Pie and Table Fruits, Oysters, Sardines,, Jams, Jellies, ESSENCES, EXTRACTS, Teas, Sugars, Hams, Shoulders, Corn, wnoat, tdtic, cfeo. ALSO, One Bake House and Fixtures! Suclcs Charcoal, Cortl Wood, Ace, fcc. E. P. ADAMS, Auctioneer. CASTLE & COOKE WHOLESALE AND RETAIL! THE FOLLOWISa SUPERIOR ASSORTMENT OF GOODS! Consisting in Fart of 1 Finett White all Wool i-i Flannel. Finest White all Wool A AngolaWhiteFlanuels, Uood Orey and White all Wool Flanaeit, 19x1 Bleached Sheeting, Thempton't GtoTO-Fiiting Corsets, Amotkeag Denims, Jeans, Drills and Bleached and Unbleached Cottons. A Sup'r Ass't of Stationery, Water Lined Note Paper. White Rnled Note Facer, White Baled Laid Leaf, Letter and DDI Fapsr, White, Caff and Amber and Letter and Note Envelopes, Payson's Indelible, and Carter's Copyinglnk, Artists' A Book-keepers' iflexible Jtulers, Smith A Wesson's Pistols a Cartridges, Hair Girths, Stirrups a Leathers, Spanish Trees, Croupertand Bridles, Oak Belting, Street Brooms, Wood Faucets, Lamp Black, Italian Packing- Iacc Leather, Paints, Oils, &c. White Zinc A Lead, In 1, 2 1 25 ft container Pant and Chrome Green, Chrome Yellow, Umber, Sienuer, Patent Dryer) Vermillion, Whitiqg Prustian, Blue, Bladders of Putty, Carriage and Coach Varnish, Bright, Copal and Furniture Varnish, Boiled Linteed Oil, Turpentine, Mason's Blacking, Coffee Mills, Axe, Pick, Sledge,, Adi, II oe, Oo, Hammer t Chitel Handles, Wool Cards, Saddles, Enameled Trunks, Coopers' Tools, Croxers, Howels, and Champering Knifes, Carpenters Planes, Fore, Smooth, Jack A Jointers, Cut Nails, 3, 4, 8, 8, 10, 12, 20, 30, VI, 50 and 60d, Boat Nails, 1, li, li a Z men, Prttted Nails, 22, inch, Cooper's Birets, i. 7 k 8 tts. Copper Birets a Bun, , J, i 1 1 Inch, Gimp Tacit, Iron k Copper Tacks of all sites. Beet Bobber Hole, i, i, 1, 1 4 2 inch. Centrifugal, Varnish, Paint, White-Wash and Scrub Brushes, CorM Tin Palls, i, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6. 8, 10 k 12 quarts. Covered SlopTallt, Dippert, Dith and Milk Pans, .fY Jenuing'sbits, soldering irous, T hingtt.sttsjfc, Hammers, Gauges, Squares, Chisels, Augers, Sieves, Lime Squeesers, Yard Sticks, Bung Starters, Axes, Shorels, Spades, Oot, Lanterns, Eagle Horse, A and 0 Plows and Points, Paris Plows, extra heary and strong, Protoxide of Iron, Pain Killer, Poland's Whits Pine Compound, Pails, Tnbs, Brooms, Etc., Etc. DOWNER'S KESOSENE OIL, From the Boston House. And Many Other Articles S8- AIX. TO BE SOU) LOW. 3d Cordage, B OSTON LAID MANILA Anorted liiet, in bond or duty paid. For sale br 12 BOLLES k CO. Iron Stock Anchors, SIZES, from IOO lbs. to 4,000 lbs., in Bond or duty paid. For sale by 2 BOLLES- & CO. Wood Hand Pumps, X10B WATER 0B 01X. For Sale by IS 12 BOLLES A CO. AUCTION SALES. Br C. S. BARTOW. Assignee's Sale of Cattle. Tba undersigned it attracted to tell at Fnllic Auction, by order of P. B. Harris, Esa, Assignee of the Estate or Owen J. Holt, On Saturday, 12th day of August, At 12 o'clock noon, at his A as lion- Boom, in the City of Honolulu, 800 HEAD OF CATTLE! More or jLcxs, To be told in the following manner : First parch. sr to makt) his selection of from Ten to On Hun dred head of Steers in good order, the next nurehster to hare the second selection la the tame manner, and to on nntll tbe whole number of Steers are disposed of. AFTER WHICH WILL SB SOLD ABOUT. 200 Head more or less of Milch Cows, WORKING CATTLE, And ttlo Balance of the Herd, In the tans manner. Tho Cattle to be dellrered to the Purchasers at Owen J. Holt's Cattla Fan at WaJ alua, on Thursday the 17th day of Augutt. Tba abore tale will present a rare opportunity for 0 rasters and Batchers to increase their Stock or pur chase for market. By order of P. H. Hibejj, Esq., Anlgnoo. C. S. BARTOW, Auct'r. SPECIAL SALE AT AUCTION l C. S. BAKTOW nasi been Instx-utrtcd to offer THE FOLLOWING VALUABLE ARTICLES ON WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 16th at 10 o'clock: a. m., Bronze Garden Chairs and Settees, Umbrella Stands, Hall Scrapers, DINNER SERVICES, TOILET SERVICES, Class and China Services, Ac. 20 Exquisite Chromo Lithographs From the Firtt Modern Artists, and teleeteu with great care. 1 Miniature Billiard Table, 1 Well-made Covered Wagon, for 2 Horses, SYrinc jLooatlnsr Glnattcs, Tca-tandala Clialns. Cosnell's Perfumes, Soaps 9 Lswn blowers, 1 Garden Roller Carriage Bugs, Vulcanised Mats, Garden Hose, Iron Safes, Waterproof Hon Corerj, AND A LARGE VARIETY OE OTHER GOODS. At U o'clock, English Hams, English .Cheese ! Flue sCnnmpninae Ale, Dublin Porter, Champagne, .Irish Whiskey,. Yellow Soap, White Zinc Paint, Bar Iron 3flCvn 1 1v Ropo, ctoo., Ctao. On Friday, August .18, AT 10 O'CLOCK A. 21.. AT SALES K0CM, Will -be Sold, An Assortment of Prints, Muslim and Ginghams, , Brown and Bleacned Cottons, Denims and Blue Cottons, Socks and Stocking, A Lot of Clothing, Bags of Brown Sugar, Card Matches, Etc., Etc., Etc. C. S. BARTOW; Auctioneer. For &Llel Coolies' Cane Knirei, Double barrel Shot duct. Pistols, Target Sharp Shooters, Silrer Plated Harnesses, Linen Hons Coren and. Sheets. C. fl. BARTOW. RECEIVED EXFALKINBURG OREGON NO. I FLOUR, (STANDARD MILLS.) Oregon 2To. a IPlo-mr, Prices to Suit tho Timet. ifW- Johnson's Sugar-Cured.fe& THE VERY BEST AND CHEAPEST. Columbia River Salmon, in" barrels and half barrels. 25 Barrels Mess Fork in Bond, AND P0R SALE BT S-lm CASTLE & COOKE. To Let or Lease. Those very Dctirnbie Premise on the Plains, known at ULULAKI. at cres- ! nt nj.nnTt hr Mr. R. 71. Tin'.. Tim TivclL. line House consists of a lerze Parlor, DiJInr Room', three Bed Rooms, and Pantry, two large Store Rooms on basement j there U also on tba land a Cottage containing two rooms, detached Kitchen, Serrants' Homo, Sublet, Ac, io., vith a well of good water. Alto a Cottage in Nauaan Valley, if applied for immediately. For further particulars ap ply to 2ffJ J. 8. LEMON. The Wholesale Office 0 F THE- UNDERSIGNED AT THE TIRE. Proof Building!. 18 3m JOHN THOS. WATEBHOUSB. Notice. ALL PERSONS are hereby forbidden to trust any one on my prirtte account without my written order. 0. E0RNHOLT. .Honolulu, July 21st, 1871. 5S-lm Columbia River Salmon! tTKLI. PACICED A5D SALTED, IN First Class Condition, for Sale Cheap, 23 By H, HACKFELD A CO. Oregon Sugar Cured Hams. mHE Beit Article In the Market, Se JL eeired till day, per Falklnburg. . 2a avuiA&a a Fresh California Lime FOB, SLE BY 4-lf A. W. PEIECE A CO. Best English. . Portland Cement, yoa SALE BT -tr A. W. PEIECE: A CO. 15 Oases, each 24 dz,, , Perry Davis' Fain iuuer FOB. SALE BY Ut A. W. PEIRCE i CQ.