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vrrriioKXTY. ixOhamia aero Sa$e pretests tXaS ame Greet- iNJ3Cww Ye. Thai tie 2-it!xtire Assembly of TBs JBawaSaj- ItWi has oa this Twelfth Dj -rca-rax. A. 13. ifr, . elected iilA itOTAX, HlCT "VsjaTOJaTID "1IA-A1ATJA, KIXG or the Jf rfer f ik L-pUtfre AsreabJy. K. II - Stasixt, SanerT T e -yiire- Assembly. JDBu j uawuiPtbret 12. JS74. TK O ClV.fl.VTI O.T. t, kALAKUA, by ibe Grace of God tKfc-r" 'lit HawsSaxi IrfsaU, agreeably lo Arti-&eVH$-ieeisi of the Corulitclkia of Oar IfljgiW fcre ibe day appelated and do hereby yutWilin sat ess-;, kaewa that, failing an heir of b-fctvee ssrj-ct and Brother. His 5aa Mfepf.e. Price Whxux Put ' -a-be Oar Scocetser oa the Throne as aker khal bare pleaded God to call us w. 'Base at IJai Palace in Honolulu, this jtjm i-Wass eatli Dy of February, io the 'Me-.' (W T.-A IS.,iu. t.l f eej-kcr. JMwlSafe. EALAKAT7A TL tmnmiQ. Bui, JIfoifter of the Interior. Bi-ULKAUA, KIXG of the Hawaiian fflgPsaWt se pretexts may etme Greet- -Jlf 'VtB ef Ibe aesfeerHT of the 3JHh Article JiCib(&BieG af the Kkdea, do hereby -- M Decree, that .My Brother. William IPmtl JiiiahtVa hereby rarefied with the style zeal Mere? 11m Ravi! Iiig-aess, Pbisce Lelho- ItHs Jsrtber xsy Order aa4 Command, that JwniMit after the date f These Presents, he lAJXSEnceStsux of all ether persons chal OtffHimal Stale eeeaeieai. sat ilium Wiunuaf W hare caused these fMr1 2Men to be raaJt Pateat, aod the S-.-I . fjMa- Oar Kmgiwn la be hereunto afaied. ONJ" wboW Oar baade at lelaai Palace in the XmvMb, taw FacTieesth Day of Feb W .itytr af Otr Lord, Oae Thousand nUteflfcmireZ tea SereetT-Wor. JIT e Eke : KALAKAUA E. . . OakcJLfittaer. ; 3iMaMrf Fsraigs ASears. r mm tmt mm Hit jLuktt tbe Kisq to -jytf-t J4fees f ike Sapreme Court the tlaTa gmmc gesdeeMs: ' iBMtnMe Oaus. QNin Habmf, , Jnc .4wii Justice, VieeA.S.'HartweH, rwlgncd. . "jgtmniMe A. F.uw Jwsd. u, . 'jiK'WaB1 Astdh Justice. "WeoH. A. ViUemann, re igned. . - J5- 0. DMS, ITm MJeHT Prtrate SocreUry. au (nxaiCT Um Mjucstt tux Krxo to s - - ia$iesttle4e2ecieg Based geaUemea u Mem- flbenjlK Oribiset: "Siinu L. Gbbbc, i&msier o Feretn Affairs. Severable Hxkjuxk A- Widcxakx, J mstefg-ytierior. HowareJUrccs S.TTatnnxLi " ,-4e7Sy General. j , JyoiOi bokiNts, . Eb Majeft'ajPrlTate Secretary. t: t ' r aaiiTHiiir'ar,wiMMVr tauim trcta ux date of lliaillMi I'lilHl !' Ml ill aim Til ruilllT. niT in IT in ll Coriatpi.-ca-t caa,ine jtrtae or two Tasai. Laoea w tot ttmtmlftrt tar fan mouruicr. aod wwt mfit-f. mmiw i tot tan Dwnfec ! imiaiiii rilii liuiir i iiiiT madall jKnoea oo- B'taacivSaaair3rVcut2ack aaitaaod1 hat an Ibe left ua dcrtnj: tbc ptio4Ckf auattc jaUliSjiiiiuMin of fterdoi Cwmtriea, Osaiala aod jmtw. r cbthm xo ooserTe toe pnoa or a tbe pabae ceoeraHrare t3ueiitVKccrf1ralr wokBof ladcec ( moonliia dor- R. 6. CaaBBE, Oiamberlaln. 1ii1..iIiihC,T.-i. rvt a. KTa. Miaiiai CHrt-Ctmi Orna Feb. IS, 1S74- KHhaHa- arMM ttat Ha Frbraair Teno. A- D. IET, Bjawaiiii. joaaoai uzctut mtart. ia tabeu aata laiuatf bal(IM.a 3d dar TFebni- LaatMiMwrdia Uttdaj-of uM Pebruarj-. TSnanaerd aatf ta I! to 4ur af Xarek nett. 9fla tTAXXEBlt. Hx2 OeTE. caaamed acalsstiro- Is' : r Hmhfr ar mod, er otberwlae iflinnBiil Ulinii nriiiili iiiiiiiitihiiiiIim Hiim &rort. Saxl. Whilaler oT the Interior. ,maaamt.a. a. Iga. 4S1 MawiiiiM i ii in in rnasac Easaaaafaaesxlr IachalMlMatat 1st at Apia. in. to Jtr. Htnrr IX. "Waaaica. lecettn wi Se rood w of toe Ha visas Hiiiiii fcaJAc tS9aev9aoaa.tbe mpooaSjaiqr cf Idawac aaM avapaotM aeu Ma; aod jus Ma Siaiumtwai aaaa wise nfpnnwfrfr faraar vfewa wtamdai aafiEjwaparera. except far woat loar appear ililHI am in al wi -vf anatnir. Bbwix O. TTtTI., JHalittrof Interior. . Xarea 3a. ten. tf Xeocr artost at BCnaZ seed joT-old Seen and cotton "for bo- i aaTKE wars cot artidra or cetua raalhiia ! fi ra favor opop the aaicted brtoaklac najlWniflin.i hi mrtac tba u Mr. BUtr a, vbo 'JmSk gtlniT Uliaf are tantmrded to torir deaaoattao. (Bsnkraet af Ike Board ef UeaKh. Caua. T. Scucs, Secretary. tnamflaln. fcee. A. tea. LIcoikj Hxplrins la Feb. He Lai I. (Bxm I. BnuMraMt A Wiatle- In Strret. a--3JaaV A ca rjw gt. Hoaotelo Wallatn "VOaol eutl e. tatcn.iuas'fz - S-3frMB-5fJa..-aaniTrTiaTBat. .imoIeaaJe Spirit. I 6 Eipdea KaaSnssaaa at, Hooolula lUa KactftMCio..Crwoal, - Tlctrmltng. XU.TA&. Vooot Cb, HOTM. -QaBTi 1 -Hale 3Ca S8. 1 Tit VJ-'' "i" ! Kerne, y oil k S JLjlKaajai.XoI S llraleoa-yaa lau Tilo Taoca. j j-3iisa mesa. So SS betvriicat, Son, as lBa,Sa.. . fin TKt-a.TaMTO. y c jO-g rrranVt, "S -TlHlAljyO aa-napsi 3t ss, as .. tt ti t T TH-iHiSe?-323lSo3Co -i. - r -OSBactxa. So 1 f AT AGtt33oa n-XArat STSaonr Kosa 'a Uewtvr sursai abaaaalA liliflftaMi al H-at. Heeer rasx at at-Mga rr-iurt Kasano It, - asBeV 8n aaaaa it, 3Jiaomo KSat. Aebeoac, - a t-Brra, Ilxna tai-CCTOaae, Wattee II Drafeay. ltatakso xaavaa 3 alolaa Anahola HAWAIIAN GAZETTE AX IXDEPEXDEST JODKXAL, DEVOTED TO HAWAIIAN PROGRESS. rucusiiED axt edited by HEXRY if. "WHITXE Y. WEITXESDAF. FEBRUARY IS. Kins' Knlaknuo. ' Peince David Kalaeaca, who was chosen on the 12th tnsL, almost ananimoasly by tbe Legis lative Assembly to be King, was born io this city oc the 16lh of November, 1836. and is therefore in his thirty-eighth year. He U the eldest son of tbe late C Kapukea and Keobokalole. who were connected with varioas branches or the high chiefs, descended from tbe ancient sovereigns. They left two sons. David and William, and two daughters, Hon. Mrs. Governor Dominis, and Hoc Mrs. A, S. Oegborn. The two eldest chil dren. David and Lydia, received their education at tbe Boyal School, nnder the care of -Mr. and Mrs. Cooke, and were there at the same time that the late sovereigns Kamehameba IV., Ka mehameha T. and Lanalilo attended. Fnnce David and his brother end sisters enjoyed every advantage which tbe best echooU in this city could afford for obtaining a good education; and how well they improved these advantages, those who know them best, can attest. They are all as conversant with the English as with their own tongue. "Daring the past few years Prince David has held a" position as clerk in the Interior Depart ment, and has also been secretary of the Privy Council ender both of the last Kings. He has, therefore, had an opportunity to observe aad be come lamilior with tbe workings of government, as he has with all connected with it. Whatever may have been his former political sentiments, as expressed in Legislative debates, the events of tbe last two years and particn'arly of tbe past few weeks, will serve to show him, as it must every one else, tbe necessity of adopting a liberal and conservative, yet Grra policy, which will tend to unite as much as possible ail conflicting interests in the kingdom. Never before has a ruler in Hawaii needed so greatly the aid of prudent and wise councilors in his administration, possessing tbe respect and confidence of the whole people, with tbe loyal support of his native and foreign subjects. On tbe sagacity of his choice much of tbe success of his reign will depend, in inspiring confidence at home and abroad, and in removing whatever causes may tend to create weakness in the administration of the govern ment, or want of harmony among the various classes composing oar small popalation. A mis step now may launch oar frail ship of state on a sea of turmoil, while prudence and caution jul at this lime may secure the independence of Hawaii for many years to come. King Kalakaua was married some yeara since to Kapiolani, widow of li. Xamakeba, who was brother of Naea the father of Queen Kmma, She is also oeice of Keliikabonni, one of the chiefs of Kauai, and was named after Kapiolani, tbe famous chiefess of Hawaii who broke tbe Pele Kapu as described by Bingham, p. 255, and who was one of the earliest converts to Christianity. The lady who has thus become elevated to tbe position of Queen is not only connected with high rank but is in private life, a most estimable woman, who has been, for several years, an nn ostentalious and exemplary member of at. An drew's Church of this city. In his marriage re lations, the example of oar new Sovereign will commend itself to all wbo deplore the growing tendency of Hawaiians to set them aside, and will doubtless have a good effect on the people of his kingdom. Tbc Inauguration. It had been the purpose of His Slajesty, after bis election, to hare tbe inauguration ceremony performed, as has been the custom, in the Stone Church, aad in the most public manner possible. Bui owing- to the unexpected disturbances whicb took place on the election day, and the strong advice or his counselors, that the oath of office tlioald be taken as soon as possible, so sa to re move all causes that prevented the restoration of qaiet, He waived his wishes and appointed 11 a. v. of Friday as the honr. Kinau Hole, where the ceremony was perform ed, is near by the Palace, and tbe most conveni ent place obtainable. At.tbo Ibovohour, the Cabinet and other officers' of the late King, the foreign diplomatic and consular representatives, tbe officers of the three war ships in. port; the nobles and representatives, together with native and foreign citizens, to the number of two or thren hundred, assembled there. "A few-minutes before 12 x. the King appeared on tbe verandah, and addressed tbe audience as follows : Nobles ako Retbeseictatitxs : Ton have been called lo assemble at this time with the representatives of foreign governments to witness My assuming tbe sacred trust of the Constitu tion. I am sorry that, on account ol tbe present disturbance. I cannot, as I had designed, give My people a new Constitution, as a blessing to them, and to establish tbe independence or Our king dom, and tbe throue of Hawaii Jiei ; bat ibis is a time of commotion, and my one great object ii to strengthen tbe foundation of ily power at Guardian of ibe people. Iain conscious t bat it is a biab responsibility, and one thai demands great caution in the possessor, but at this time, as tbe disturbance is not over, and as 1 see the fnriBfnnpnfMa nf llh rjcit nnnnltianinMiiinlalii-aa I in My presence. 1 ask that you will aid Me in as- sumii.g ibis sacred trust. His Honor Judge Uartwell, Yice-'Cbancellor or the Kingdom, then administered is Hawaiian and English the following oath, His Slajesty re pealing it, sentence by sentence, after Justice Hartwelt. and both Testing their hands on the holy bible, held by II. R. H. Prince Leleiohoka : I, Kalakaua, solemnly swear, in the presence of Almighty God. to maintain tho Constitution of tbe kingdom whole and inviolate, and to gov ern ia conformity therewith. Rev. H. H. Porksr was then called on by His Majesty to invoke tbe divine blessing, and offer ed a fervent prayer very appropriate to the oc- ' of ion. t. Tbe audience then gave three cheers for their sovereign, which the crowd in the streets took op and repeated, while tbe goes on Punchbowl bat tery boomed forth the first royal salute to KING KALAKAUA and his royal standard, which was responded to by U. B. M.'s ship Tenedos and tbe 17. S. ship Tascarora in tbo harbor. . , Tbe diplomatic and consular representatives and other officers, as well as the people present approached and congratulated His Majesty, after which tbe audience dispersed. X2ic Proclamations. ' Immediately after the inacgnratton or His Majesty, at Kinaa Hale, His Kx. Governor Dominis, accompanied by Major Boyd, Col. Jndd tad CoL Allen, and escorted by ..the Hawaiian Cavalry, proclaimed KALAKAUA as KING of'' the Hawaiian Iiknds. This proclamation was read at the Court House, end at diflerent points of the city. " In the Dime of tbe Constitution. I proclaim KALAKAUA, King ot the Hawaiian Islands Itls Ihe pleasure of His Majesty that His lata Majesty's Ministers or btate dischaige tneir sev eral duties until further advised. It is tbe sin cere desire of Hii Majesty that His people main tain peace. u COD SATS THE KWO I" On Monday another proclamation, announcing the selection or His Boyal Highness.. Prince Lixtionoic to be the heir apparent and success or to the throne was read by tbe Governor at tbe various poiuts where Ibat or Jjnday was pro claimed. Both these documents, as well as one from tbe Secretary of tbe Legislative Assembly, and one from Bis Mnjesty fixing the rank of his successor, will be found in their appropriate co lumn. Closlnc of tbc Legislative Assembly. His Majesty the King having signified his par pose to close the session of the Legislative As sembly at noon on Saturday, that body assembled at their ball a few minutes before tbe hour nam ed, whicb was filled to its utmost capacity with spectators. It was a sad spectacle to witness the representatives, seated around the half-furnished ball, with beads bandaged, and arms resting in sling9 a sight that has never before been seen here since the establishment of a constitationar government. A few minutes before twelve, a salute from Punchbowl anndunced tbe departure of the King from tbe Palace. He was accompanied by his staff and tbe Governor with his staff, and the Hawaiian Cavalry and Rifle companies, and rode lo Ibe hall, in his state coach, with bis brother, Prince Leleiohoka and the Hon. A. S. Cleghorn. In front of tbe Court House, tbe marines of II. B. M.'s ship Tenedos and the U. S. ships Tusca- rora and Portsmouth were drawn np, and saluted His Majesty as he passed them. At quarter past twelve, he entered the Legis lative Hall, and ascended to tbe Speaker's desk, bis brother standing by his side, .with several kahilis ranged on either side of the rostrum. Prayer was ofiered by the Chaplain, Rev. Mr. Paikuli, after which His Majesty read, first in Hawaiian and then in Etglisb, tbe following ad dress : Nobles and Representatives : The vacancy of the Throne of Our Kintrdom by tbe demise, on tbe 3d instant, of Our much lamented Predecessor, made it necessary for you to meet in extraordinarv session. There has been no unnecessary delay either in your coming together or in the discharge of the important duty imposed upon yon by the Con stitution. By your free choice I am now Kins, and I hope, with your aid and that of all my faithful subjects, to make My Reign a blessing to my people.. 1 Tie present session havintr been called for a special pnrpose, which has been accomplished. I hare no other basinesa to lay before you now; bnl tne regular biennial session will be convened in April uext, as required by the Constitution, at which time all matters nertaininc to the welfare of Oar Kingdom may be considered. iNOELES AND REPRESENTATIVES Z I deflfe OITflin to thank yon fur your partiality and kindness to wards Jjysell ; uml l pray the Almighty that He will continue lo protect and orosoer Our Kimr- dom. I now declare Ibis Legislative Assembly pro rogued. At the close of the speech Hi3 Mnjesty re tired to tho Chief Justice's room, where he re ceived the foreign representatives, and after a few minutes delay returned ti tbe Palace, in bis carriage, escorted as he cane, and frequently cheered by tbe popnlace, as he pased through the streets. To those wbo are familiar with our State occasions, there was nothing new, though to strangers it was all novelty. Every one remark ed that His Majesty appeared well and delivered his addresses in Hawaiian and Englishwith per fect presence of mind, although it was bit first jjuuiiu apjicaiauLc, ouu uuuer ery trying circuuT stances. Tbc Rioters. Tho examination of the rioters commenced yesterday before His Honor the Police Magis trate, whose office is temporarily on the second floor of the Station House, Attorney General Judd appearing for tbe Crown; Seventy-three arrests of persons supposed to have been engaged in the liot have been made op to yeslerday.npon. and of tbose examined ed fir, the'evidenW has been sufficient to detain only about one half. Several have plead guilty to the charge of riot made against them, and of the whole number that may be arrested proBably not over twenty or twenty-five will be committed for trial, at the April term of the Supreme Court. That all who are found guilty, especially the ringleaders, should receive tbe full penalty of the law, is tbe gen eral eentiment of the community. Had the leaders in the mutiny at the barracks last Sep tember been tried and sentenced to tbe pdnish- jnent wbicb their offense- demanded, tbe lesson would have beea a wholesome one, which would not have been soon forgotten. Jnstice demands that the fullest penalty of ibe law shall be exe cuted in ibis as well as in every other riotous proceeding. We have been altogether too lenient, and it is time that all who deliberately break ibe laws should be made to suffer. Our 3IIrortune. There is no nse in dissembling the fact that the most intense indignation was felt and expressed during and since tbe riot, against tbe noble lady who was the rival candidate for tbe throne. ' That she did not act discreetly in not promptly seek ing to stay the destruction of property and injury o t0 be. persons of the Representatives, by calling off her supporters is also : evident, bnL what her reasons were, we do not know. On tbe other hand, however, it is argued that had reasonable .measures been taken on the part of the authori ties to provide tome kind of an armed force to be available on a moment's notice, tbe disturbance might have been checked at its outset, with sim ply the arrest of the leaders, and in this case no one would have thocgut or casting blame on the rival candidate. It is easy for people, after a dis aster or any kind, to say what should havo been done and what not, and to cast blame, when they themselves had never suggested or even thought that any such measures were necessary. Riots often occur in American, French and English cities, where every precaution is taken lo guard against them, and freqiently more destruction of property and life is done in a shorter spice than occurred here. Tbe last news from England, re ceived this week, reports an election riot in Eng land, with destruction of property. We all sap posed ourselves to be tolerably well protected by tbe volunteer companies, wbicb now we find are unreliable. Tbey were ordered out before a blow was struck, but tbe officers reported that no de pendence could be placed on them. Hence, when loo late, we found ourselves defenceless, and welcomed tbe intervention of a foreign arm ed force. Let us now profit from our experience and provide such means or defence as can be re lied on in any future emergency. JST- His Murirr the Kmc, accompanied with several members of tha royal family attended Ka walahao Church on Sunday last, and listened to a leraoa preached by Rev. Mr, Parker. Tha Chnreb was well filled, and the natives appeared much iratl ficd to tec the King" ana his finny wonhipiag where four of hb predeeeiiors were accnttomed to attend. The Riot. .Immediately after the announcement of the .election of Prince Kalakaca as King by tho La gislativo Assembly, which took place about three o'clock on the afternoon of tho 12lh, it became apparent that the' crowd which surrounded the building were not pleased with the result. No outbreak occurred till the Committee which had been appointed to notify ibe King of his election attempted to leave the- building and enter the carriage wailing to convey them to the. Palace. The crowd surrounded the carriage and. laid hands on tho members of the committee,. who attempt ed to defend themselves, as best they could with out weapons, and one or two or whom were badly wounded before they effected entrance into tbe building to whicb they retreated. Tbe carriage was almost instantly demolished, the spOkes and other pieces serving as weapons to arm the riot ers, who now began to be warmed up for further destruction. AToreigner by the name or Foley, a British subject, who attempted to assist one of the Representatives, was knocked down and beaten by the rabble, nntil tbe British Commis sioner came lo bis relief and rescued hira. Tbe crowd around tbe building now rapidly in creased, and became more noisy till about four o'clock, when a rush was made at the front door, through which they burst. Tbe government offi cers and others inside succeeded for a while in preventing tbe entrance of the rioters, wbo then made a rush for and broke-open the side and rear doors, and commenced demolishing tbe. furniture. while a volley of stones from tbe crowd broke nearly every pane of glass and sasb in tbe lower part of tbo building. Except from.those station ed inside, littlo or no assistance was obtained from tho Police, who simply stood by and looked on, apparently sympathising with the moo. It may be added that nono of them were armed with even batons. The entire building was now at the mercy of the mob, and the destruction of chairs, tables, furniture, papers and books was executed so rap idly that in less than half an hour the furniture and contents were thrown out from nearly every room on tbe first and second floors. The office of tbe Clerks or the Court aod tbe Library alone were respected. Marshal Parke, Mr. Barnard, assistant clerk, SherifTDayton an I two policemen guarded these records of tbo Court, and per suaded the rioters to leave them untouched, as tbey were tbe property of the people. Had the wills und records on deposit here been destroyed, the loss could never have been repaired, and the confusion to which it would bava given rise must have affected every interest in the King dom It now became apparent that nnless an armed lorce could bo brought in to check the rioters, the building would, be fired, and the destruction of this and other, property would follow. An order bad been issued, immediately after tbe riot commenced, for tbe Rifle and Artillery Compa nies to'appear oo duty. Uapt. ilassinger report ed that only a portion of the Artillery Company could be relied on for this service. Capl. Gulick reported tea or twelve responses to bis order, only six of whom were willing to serve in sup pressing the not. Several gentlemen bad been to Queen Emma, and requested her to call off. bcr supporters, but no response came from thai quartei. The only alternative, in this emergency, was to seek aid rom the war vessels in port. About balf-posl 4 a request came from tbe King elect and tha Cab inet, addressed to tbo British and American diplomatic representatives, asking for armed as sistance. Both these gentlemen immediately re sponded, and the orders wero transmitted to Captain Ray of H. B. M.'s Tenedo3, and to Cap tains Belkuup and Skerrett of. tho U. S.S. Tus carora and Portsmouth, from each of which ves sels detachments of marines were landed very promptly, and reached the Court House by half- past 4 o'clock. Immediately oo tbe appearance of the marines, the rioters threw down their clubs and left tbo building, most .of them going in a body to Queeu Emma's residence, shouting that to-morrow they would aee that she was chosen Queen. .Here tbey continued to be very demon strative, hurrahing and .making speeches, until a detachment of marines entered the premises and dispersed them, Among tbe foreigners who were prominent in efforts to check tbe rioters, were Messrs. 0. 0, Harris,- S B. and George Dole "When the rush was made for the Police Court, room, Mr. Harris stood in tbo doorway and, at tbe peril of bfs life, resisted tbe infuriate mob. When the rioters raised their clubs over bis bead, he threw-off his bat and dared tbem to strike a blow. Then sin gle handed pitched about a dozen of them off the steps, and continued to guard tbe outer door, though tbe rioters effected entrance at another door and succeeded in their designs of destroying tbe furniture. Tbe American Minister and tbe British and French Consuls were also active in endeavors to check tbe fury of tbe mob, and when tbey found them useless, tbe two former quickly and cordial ly co-operated in complying with tbe request of the Government- for the landing of marines from tho war vessels. Nothing but tbe prompt ap pearance ol these lorces on toe scene put a stop to the riot, and saved tbe further destruction of property. ' As oo outbreak of this kind had been antici pated, no firearms bad been provided. Tbo Mar shal had one or two pistols in his office, aod two of the represen'atives were armed with pistols, but they were not used r and it is perhaps as well that tbey were' not discharged, as this number could have bad but littlo effect in staying the riot, anu may nave increaseu it. xiau mere oeen twenty-five armed rierson3 in tbe buildinsr at the outset, there would have been no outbreak. It was this entire Absence of means or defence that encouraged tbe rioter;. The fury of the mob was aimed at the reore sen tali vea who bad voted for Kalakaua. and the building was searched for them. Whenever one was found, he wan seized and beaten without mercy. In all, thirteen representatives were wounded, also one foreigner and one native nut connected with the Assembly. Messrs. Kipi and Haupa of Hilo, Kakani of Hana. and Aalnno ol South Kona were the most dangerous ly injured, and will require several days or weeks to recover. Tbe others. Messrs. Birch, Kaokaba, Moebonna, Kapule. Kaiiie, Kopibea, Koakana, Lonoaea escaped with slight wounds. It is re markable thai nobody was killed, when such sav age attacks were made on the victims. Pools of blood covered the mattings and floors, while the plastering in various rooms was smeared with blood. During the nigbt the foreign marine forces held possession ol tbe Uonrt noose, the 1'ruoo Palace, and government offices, and have con-1 tinnorl In a m.'i it mt.nlii.. rtr tn tri-.ttma S.asmI I shots were'fireS on tbe guards stationed around tbe Court House on Thursday night, but since I tfaat there has been no demonstration el any kind .iTiinr thorn I Tha i -r iv nn .:j.i. -.', ' t7 .i uTli.t. - .. i ."1 from Koolaa, Ewa and Waialoa, who came into town for tbe express purpose of influencing the election. 1 hey were no doubt encouraged by persons in this city, whose complicity, it is hoped, will be traced out. Tbat tbey came here with the determination to create a disturbance, if nec essary to secure the election of their candidate, there can bo no question. They assembled in the morning at tbo residence or Oaten Emma. and a little before noon marched in squads of a nanareti or mora to toe uoun Mouse, where they remained till the election was over, tbe leaders constantly haranguing the popnlace. Al- though there were several hundred engaged in tbe riot, it will probably be found that tbe lead ers and prompters do not exceed a dozen. It is stated that some of the soldiers wbo were con cerned io tbe mutiny at tbe barracks were also in this riot. Soon after the arrival of the marines, the police began to make arrests, and before nightfall se cured at the Court House aod Queen fcramas residence some ten or1 twelve. This number has been increased to over sixty, most of whom have been recognized by the Representatives and others. Some have acknowledged that they took part in the riot, and thero will probably be no iroablejn obtaining evidence to convict at least tne most activa among mom. Opening ofjliB Legislature. Special Session, Feb. 12th, 1874. Honolulu, Feb. 12lb, 1874. 13 if. The Secretary called the Route to order. Prayer W2s offered by Jtr, J. IT. Lonoaca, member from Wallnkn. His Ex. P. Nahaoleloa was called to tbeCbalras temporary President. Tbe Secretary then called the names of tbe mem bers: RIs Rlzhness Cbas. Kanalna, His Er. P. Kaha- olelux. His Ex. P. Kanoi, His Ex. J. 0. Domlnls, Hons. D. Kalakaua, It. A. Eabann, U. Enlbelinl, J. Moanaull, W. T. Martin, J. P. Parker, A. S Cleg- horn, S. 0. Wilder, J. L Dowsett, P. Isenberg. His Ex. & R. Bishop, His Ex. E. O. Hall, HIa Ex. A. F. Judd, His Ex. R. Stirling. Hons. S. KlpI, P. Ha- upu, J. Nawahl, R. P. Kulkabl, D. S. Kupahu, S. K, Kaal, D. 1L Nalilno, J. H. S. Martin, L. Abolo, 0. W. Mapaepae, A. J. Kaukan, J. W. Lonoaea, T K. Blrcb, C. K. Kapufe, a K. Kakanl, D. W. Kalue, ; 8. K. Kuplhea, E. MikalemI, W. L. Moehonua, J. Kiklna, J. Kabal, J. Komolkebuehu, 8. 31. Kan- knoa, W. C Lane, J. A. Cummins, D. Kaukaba, P. F. Koakano, J. Kauai. Mr. Kaukaha moved that tbe House proceed to the election of Officers, and recommended the fol lowing: For President RIs Ex. P.Nabaolelua; Ylcc-Pres-' ldent Ron. 8. K. Kaal; Secretary R. R. Stanley; Interpreter W."L. Wilcox; Sergeant-at-Arms W. a Parke ; Chaplain Rev. J. N. Paikuli ; Messenger W.Ka. Mr. Aholo raised the question as to which set of Representatives were eolug to elect a King whether the Legislature of 1873 or 1371? Hod. S. G. Wilder rose to a point ol order, and said that tbe House was notorgaolzed. Let tbe Chair de cide what motion Is in order. After some discussion, the President decided In lavor ol tbe motion made by Mr. Kaukaba. The House then proceeded to tha election of offi cers by ballot, which resulted as above, with tbe ex ception of the Messenger of tbe Rouse. Mr. Kaukaha moved that the election of Messen ger be postponed until to-morrow. Passed. Tbe credentials of tbe members were then laid on tbe table by tbe Secretary. Mr. Cummins moved that a Committee of Cre dentials be appointed. Passed. The'Cbalr appoint ed Messrs. Dowsett, Kankaba, Aholo, Nabluu and Kalue. Tbe Committee soon returned and reported that tbey found the credentials-In due form. Report adopted. On motion of Mr. Kuplhea, one of the Justices of the Supreme Court was called to swear In members. Uti motion, Ills ex. inc Alluuier ol foreign AUJirs was appointed as a Committee to wait on one of the Judges of Ihe Supreme Court. Justice Hartwell came and swore in the Nobles and Representatives. The Secretary and Interpre ter were aisn eworn in. El. C. R. Bishop, on behalt of the Ministers, then read the following address : Mb. President, Nobles and Representatives : His lato Majesty Ldnaulo was elected Suc cessor to nis late Majesty Kameiu:UEUa V, by tbe Legislative Assembly on tbe 8th day of Jan- nary A. U. Una thousand Jtigui iiunureu anu Seventy-three. After a short reign' ot One year. and twenty- five days, His earthly existence terminated at Uainioeipo, His private residence in Honolulu, in tbo Island of Oahu on tho Third day of Feb ruary A. D. One Thousand Eight Hundred and Seventy-four. His late Majesty Luxaloo left no heirs, nor did He appoint any Successor in tho mode set forth in the Constitution, with- tbe Consent of the Nobles, or make proclamation thereof daring His life. There having been no soch appointment or pro. clamation, the Throne of Hawaii became again va cant, and the Cabinet Council immediately there upon considered tbe Provisions of tbe Constitu tion in such caBe made and provided, and Ordered that a meeting .of tbe Legislative Assemby be bolden at tbo Court House in Ho nolalu, on Thurday, which will be the Twelfth day of February A. D. 187-1, at Twelve o'clock at noon, And of this; Order all Members of tbe Leg islative Assembly will take notice and govern themselves accordingly. There havo been filed with Tour President, a Certificate of tbe decease or His late Majesty, and a Certified copy of tb'e Records or Ibe Cabi net Council when tbe above Order was made. By virtus or. this Order, Too have been con vened to Elect by 'Ballot some Native Alii of this kingdom as Successor to the Throne. Mav the Blessinirs of Heaven rest unonYoa. and may tbe Uod of nil Wisdom guido lour de liberations. Chas. R. Btanop. Minister of Foreign Affairs. Edwin 0. Hall. Minister of tbe Interior. Robert Stirling.-. . Minister of Finance.' . ' - '" Ar Frakcis Judd. Attorney General. Mr. Kannlc moved that tbe address of tbe Ministers be adopted, and .entered on the 'minutes of tbe uonsc. rassca. Mr. Kaukaba moved that Inc. House proceed to toe election ui a ciug, iruiu one 01 lue name ana, hr ballot. Passed. . . . Mr. A'auksha moved that a committee of two members be appointed as tellers. Passed. The Chair appointed Messrs. a 0. Wilder aod W. L. aloeuonua. On motion. It was resolved that each member de posit bis billot when bis name was called for. . - After all tbe members bad voted, tbe tellers re ported the result of tbe ballot as follows: D. KaUkana received ........33 votes Queen Emma...... 0 votes The then President declared that DAVID KARA- KATJA, was elected King. ' Un motion or Air. tvauKaha. a Committee or Ave was appointed to wait on the King elect, and the President appointed the following:. Mr. Kaukaba, Mr. Muehoana, Mr. Abolo, Mr. Martin, aod Mr. name. Mr. Kankaba moved that tbe Secretary be Instruc ted to Issue a notice on tbe election of tbe King, and furnish to each newspaper a copy of tbe tame. un motion, tne tioaseaoiournea to meet again to morrow at 10 a. m. .. ' , , Second DAT, February 13. Tbe Rouse was called to order by the President at 11 A. M., there having been some delay in obtaining a quorum. Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. Mr. PalkulL Minutes from last session read and approved. Mrl David A. Eldrldge was chosen Messenger by acclamation. Mr. Kankibi, Chairman of the Special Committee to wait on the King and inform him of his election, reported, and the Secretary read the following reply from Dj Majesty: iotM" PlLlcs Hooololo, Feb. 12, 1871. To His Ex P. Naiholelua, PnOdent of Ue ZegU- Auenaiy cj MS uavnum uumat: 8ib: I have received at tbc hands ot four Com mlttee Ibe certificate of mv 'election to-dar by tbe Lrzialative Assembly at Successor to tbe Throne of tbe lltwalltn Islands. T orf.h tn n t.M V tat.ft-n A ... m V. 1 . thruogu you, my thanks for this highest mark of their confidence; and to aa v that I accent tbe Rural Trust Kalajcac-. Hit Excellency C. R. Bishop tUted that Hit Maj esty bad signified His readiness to take the oath of office at yt o'clock, at Kinan Hale, tod Invited the Legislative Assembly I o meet there at that hour, fie also expressed regrets tbat tbo premises were to small as not to allow" tbe Invitation to be extended to tbe public The House adjourned at 11 0. Third Dai, February Htb, 1S74. Tbc House met at 10 a. m., nis Ex. P. Nahaole- Ins, the President, In the Chair.; Prayer by the Chaplain. MInates read and ap proved.- U Hori; Mr. Wilder, nnder a suspension of tbe Roles, Introduced a.blll appropriating $10,000 to defray tbi expenses of the special session cf 1371. On motion of His Excellency the Attorney-Gen eral, the raits were again suspended, the bill passed through ItsueTeral readings, and was Qnallypassed, and a select committee, consisting ot tho. Hon. Messrs. "Wilder, Abolo, and J. II. Martin, appoint ed to lsy the same before Ills Majesty. His Ex. lbs Minister of tbo Interior stated Ibat His Majesty had communicated hlslntcntlonlo pro rogue the Assembly la person to-day at 13 o'clock noon. On motion of the Ron. Mr. Kaukaha, a Committee, consisting of RIs- Ex; J. O. Dominis, Hons. J. P. Parker and Kaklna was, appointed to prepare and present resolutions of condolence to His Highness Charles Kanalna, father of tbe late King, on the death of Ills Majesty Lunalilo. The following communication from tbo forefgu resi dents of Hooolcla was laid before tha Hoosa: To IA TraUUnt, Vlc-rraldent, XoMu and Stpratn tatlea ef tit Maxaitcm Kingdom in ZtgUIatin Council AutirMea : We. the undersigned, citizens and foreign real- dents of this capital, beg most resjecuuHr to pre sent to Tonr. Honorable Body tbo expression of our most bcaruell sympathy anu commiseration "im von. and more esDeeiallv with those of Tour num ber aha suffered from the attack of a lawless mob- on the day ot tbe election of tbe Sovereign to the Hawaiian inrone. We are universally anxious to tender yon this ex nreaalnn of nor'eilreme mrret at the occurrence of so senons an ontrao commiucu upuu juu nuiia discharging the duties of the highest trust the peo ple of this nation conld confer, and we trust that Your Honorable Body wilt be pleased to accept this as an assurauee or oar&cartrcltaympauy witnyon. Honolulu, 13th February, 1371. F. A. Scbaefer, A. J. Cartwrlght, J. C. Glade, Wm. W. Hall, J. C. Pflugcr, Frank Brown, J. G. Dickson, E. Krull. Jno. S Smithies, U. It. Whitney, J. W. Robertson, W. Babcoek, S. M. Damon, J as. L. Lewis, C. S. Bartow, Ira Richardson, John Rltson, Chas. A. Castle, Theod. a Reuck, E. P. Adams. W. L. Green, P. C. Jones, Jr., Sam'l C. Damon, -M. Uyman, S. F. Chllll-gwortb, John 3. Walker, W. G-Irwlo. II. t Nolle,, M: Lttuljson, E. Fnrstenaa, H. Macfarlane, B. F. Bollcs, W. A. Markbam, G. W. Houghtalllng, II. R. Stlllman, Then. U. Davis, C. P. Ward, G. W. Macr-rlane, Jno. H. Paty, Thos. R. Walker, Chas. S. Ueustlce, Godlrey Rhodes, J. D. Brewer, Fr. Banning, Wm. Johnson, Tb. Opfergclt, 0. G. Clifford, W. Martens, A. W. Pclrce, J. D. Wlcke, D. P. Petertoo, II. Braullecht, J. McColgan, Julius Hotlng. M. Green, Jaa. S. Lemon, Thos. Cummins, Geo. 11. Ross, Geo. II. Luce, W. R. Buchanan, Em. Fenard, II. L. Sheldon, Wm. S. Luce, J. II. Black, A. P. Brlckwood, Alex. Campbell, R. B. Davidson, - n. Schmidt, R Merer. R. Rlemenscbnclder. On motion of Ron. Mr. Kaukaha, a select Com- tuitteo was appointed to preparo a reply expressive of tho appreciation of the sympathy thus tenuerol by the residents of Honolulu, and tint this correspon dence bo published in the newspapers of this elty. The following was the response sent by the Chair man of the select Committee: - Legislative Asskmdlt, 1 Honolulu, February Hlh, IS".. 1 Gentlemen: In behalf of the Legislative Assem bly of the A'liiL-dom, we have tbc honor to acknow ledge tbe receipt of tbs memorial presented on tbo 13th Inst,, by the citizens and foreign residents .of Honolulu, tendering tbe .expression of their sincere regret at tbe occurrence of soserlons an outrage on the Assembly, while In tho discharge of the high trust to them committed ; and moat candidly than!. you one and all for your assurance of heartfelt sym pathy so kindly expressed to ns as a body, and mora especially for tbo cordial manifestations of benefi cence for those of our number wbo suffered npon that occasion. Very respectfully submitted, " Jno.-O. Dominis. Chairman of Committee. To Messrs J. a Glade, F. A. Schaefcr, A. J. Cart- wright, and others. The following resolution was then adopted, and or dered to' be spread on tne minute's : " Ruolved, That' this Assembly hereby tender! ita sincere "thanks to tbe -Representatives of F -reign. Powers and to the officers and crews of the war ves sels now in port, for their generous assistance Io pre serving tbe peace aod order of this Kingdom on tha viva day or -cDrnary, 15 1 Ills Ex.tbe Attorney 0neraljiil, that aa there was nothing occupying the attention of tho Home, he wish ed toarail himself of tbo opportunity to make some re marks in regard to the disgraceful riot ef tha 12th Inst. TJoJoabtedly bis colleagues and himielf would be blamed for not baring foreseen that deeds of riolenca would be committed, and for not having provided tbat an armed fore be present fo prevent their occurrence- during tbe eleetieo of a- King. -This had been suggested aud discussed. The Cabinet thought that, aa some of their number had resided here for 25 or 30 years and out (tbe speaker) had been born here, they were acquainted with the Hawaiian race and tbat tbey were sals in trattlnz tbs ceoDle. The behavior of tbe people during tbe interregnum pre ceding tne election ot ins late Majesty lcxalilo. and duringother crises throozh which the Deoole bad passed, naa lea toe uaDlnet. to believe that though. mere wouia oa great excitement and loud words on the occasion, yet that would be off- That It wa bet ter to trust la tho law abiding character which this people had acquired duriog long years, than to havo the presence cf an armed farco during tbs election. A dUplay of soldiery would bo readily misconstrued to be either an attempt at coercion, or an appearance of fear when none reallv existed. Tn this view, how- ever, tae Cabinet were mistaken, as tho- murderous assaults on tbo lion. Representatives and the mali cious destruction of orooertr Droved. A fores of fartr policemen had been, provided, also a Committee of one hundred and seven of our best -Hawaiians had been enrolled wbo agreed to remain among tha crowd and' preserve order. This was deemed by all' who knew of the arrangoment to be amply sodclent. All present know of how little avail their eflurts were. Hon. Mr. Kaokaba regretted thtt His Ex. the Attorney-General had seen lit on behalf of the Cabinet, to make this explanation : After the txperienea of last year, when the populace had openly declared that If tho Legislature failed to elect tha man of thefr choice. Mood would be shed, and the e-perienceof tha " war at tbe barracks," the Ministers ought q have beea prepared and lo have taken better precautions, against a populace outbreak. Ron. Mr. Kaukaha then ofiered the following : Hooked. That tha Ministers ara harabr aothorlzad and directed to provide medical attendance from tbe foreign aod native physicians of this city, asd also nurtei, for the members of this Room' who have suf fered injury ; and to pay for tha same out of tbe pub lic treasury : and tbat the Minister of Finance render an account of inch expenditure at the next session of tbe Legislative Assembly. The Homo than adjourned to 10 minutes before 12 o'clock. At twelve o'clock His Majesty, accompanied with his Aids, left tae TJalice, nnder a salute from Punch bowl battery, Her Brltanic Majetly'a Bblp Tenedos and the United States Ship Tutcarora, and was es corted by the Band and Cavalrv. On His arrival at. ihe Court-bouse the United States aud British Ma rines were drawn np In. front of tho building and received tbe King with tbe usual honors. He rode down In tbc St'ato Carriage, accompanied br His brother, Prince WUIttni Leleiohoka, ac4 brothcr-ln- law, Hon. A. 8. Cleghorn. When HI Majesty entered tbc Legislative HalL the audience rose while be proceeded to the Pres ident's desk, aud remained standing, while be was present. Prayer was offered br thr Chaplain of tbe Assembly, after which tbe Klnf read tbe address. id Hawaiian ana tligllsb. proroguing the Aaaemhlv. prlnted in another (rolnmn." CAOUTCHOUC! Tbe "rVonderXal anil' Seaatlfal HAIJEILESS HOESE ! - List Tkee Days of Exhibition I opus; rsox 3 to s ax-b 7 to o p. . AdmlstiiB, l-iillcs null (leotleraca, S3 Cents Children half-price. LE(fAL.; NOTICES. SUPRESE COURT Or'TILB JIaVTAI IAS I3LA-TD3. In Probate. Lmnitof Oaha. Hawaiian Islands. IS. Ia tha mattsr of tha Estate af HIS LATEMAJESTT LUX AULO. deceased. Order appointing tie. far Erahata of WM al'irac Publication of notice of the same. A doeament, purporting1 lo le lh IA5T triLI. AND TESTAMENT and CODICIL annexed, of LUNALILO, deeaaaed, haviojr on- THE th DAT of FEBRUARY, A. D. 137t. been presented to said Probata Court, and a petltlsa for tie prsest thereof, aad for tb itraanee ef Letters Testamentary to CHARLES R. EISHOP. Executor, baviaff beea filed by Mm s It Is hereby Ordered. That THURS DAY, the 2-1- DAY OF FEBRUARY, A. D. 1371. at tan o'clock A. M. ef said day. at tha Court Saoai Lf aaid Coart. At IIalularba.and la aai U-taro- by appointed tha uml fer proving nid Witt asd hearing said applies. lion when and where any person Interested may appear aad contest the said Will, aad the granting of Letters Tcstame&tary. It is farther Ordered, That notice thereof b gives by pobHcatioa for three successive weeks, la the Mantua Cmtt and Xvatoa, newspapers printed aad publish, ta Honolulu. And it is farther Ordered. That citaajena be Issued to tha. so -scribing witnesses to said WS, and to tha heirs of the testater is this Rlagdaas to appear and contest tha probata of amid WttL. al tha Urn appointed. ALFRED S. HARTWELL, Attest, Justice af theSoprtme Court. E. Babnabs. Deputy Clerk. Dated at Honolulu. H. 1.. Fab.?. 1.7. 474 3t (JUFREJIE COURT OF THE HAWAIIAN O ISLAND3-It Probata. Is tha at alter af the Will ofPETKK J. MELLI3II. lato of Hoaalala. de ceased, ard of tha Guardianship of REBECCA MEL LISH. a minor. At Chambers, bsfara the- Honor-Ma Alfred 3. Hartwell. Order of notice ef petition fr al lowance of accounts, discharge, aad final liistxibatiea of property. On Reading aad Filing Um Petition and AeeonaU of JOHN D. ROBLNSO.V. Kxee-tor of tha WW of Peter J. Melliih. lata of Renolalu, deceased, aad Guardian of said minor, wherein ba asks to ho allow ed $H3 19, and charges himself with $170, aad aska that tha tame may be examined aad approved, aad that a final order may bo mad ef diartioution ef tb property remaining la his bands to the persons there to entitled, and discharging him aad his sureties from all further respoostbility- as-eaea Execute aad Guardian. It Is Ordered, That THURSDAY, tha 26th. DAY OF FEBRUARY. A. B. ISM, at tea o'clock A. M., before tha said Jnstice. at Chambers, tn the Court Rente, at Honolulu, ba and taw sama hereby is appointed as the time and plaea for hrarwg laid petition and accounts, and that ait persona in terested may then and there appear and show eauao. if any they have, why tha same should net b grant ed, and may present evidence as to who are snritHd to the said property. And that this Order, ia trie bnxlisb aad Hawaiian laaruage. b tabliaaad ia the Hawaiian Gattttt and A"a-txs and An Okm newspapers printed and published la UensMa. Jer three successive weeks previous to the time thereia appointed for said hearing. Attest : JusUc of the Snares Ceart. Waltsb R. Seal, Clerk of the Suprsm Court. Dated at Honolulu. II. I.. Feb. S. IS74. 474 St CIRCUIT COURT AT CHAMBERS. THIRD Judicial District. Ia tha mattes af tha-UtaU tf KAHEPA (k) lata of Honokaa. North Ko'oala. Hawaii, deceased. Proper application bavin r Wen mad by Geo. C Williams, that Wm. Mereeburgh be appointed admin istrator upon the estate of the late Ka-epa (a) at iionokane. North -Kebab. Intestate : -There fare. SATURDAY, the Htb day cf Marsh, next, at 10 o'clock A. M.. at tha Court Rous at Xenh Kekala. Hawaii, ia hereby appointed at the tint aad alace far hearing said application and any aejeetkasuat may be made thereto. CHARLES FREDERICK R RT, Cir. Judge. 3d Jud. OressH. North Kobals, Hawaii. Jan. 2Sih, X3T4. 474Jt IX ciiA-ttnEitN, cincvrr Jiirr.u jrru dal District. Haw-dan Mauds, la tb "Betas f T. LYONS of liana, Maui, deceased. un muting -oa nunc toe petmen or A. Tmna. iflmmi. tr-torof tn AUbt of T. Lroo - mf Hd Umax- St- ceased, asking that tua acceaaM as tath -ilsaHHstratar e- approved, and he dSset-oxed frees said atSe aad ta pro perty distributed to those entitled thereto : It ki ordered that J rWnj, tb. at ! r JtmrrH, lass, at A II. at toe ilMtl House n. IIaa-,e.apertatfc9 um una ptoe rer ne-nntj saw peatsea atxi aay oeaMS that may b ottered thereto. . I-ahilna, Jan. Mth, 1S7L ttl H Ix oiAJtiii:iLs. CTKcrrr JciKJE-iJt:ri. dal District. IlawaSan tslaoda. Ia t- Xa-U CLKVEI-VD of Waili-tu, M at. deceaae-. Osi readlinr and BBrar the pennon of J. It BavvkeM, cxeeutoi mytee tbo 1TB1 of to hoe 8, F. Clrse-UKLef WaSuku, ManL U I. deceaed. aaktec tai -Ja arewnta aa Deis executor b approved, tbat ba Hrju-rt rrona aald execntorahlp. and a trnarillan appointed tWr tWrwwa and property of the minor -iufcl of said nevetaad. ileeno ed, and the property paid over to Utoe eaotlerf User to .- irta ord-r-d tot Wdti-ts7, t-33tb oT retsne rT. U71. at 9 A f. at liia rfcare IIa-- tm u-.,k. set apart as the lime aad pUre far heart. aaM petMua and any objections that may be offered tkerrta, ABK. FOR ANURR. . . . 3r. Jode. Id Jud. Dtstnct. n J. Tjhntrm, Jaa. 37tb. l7t ns It X CIIAJtBKRS. CI It CI" IT JCOGESd JCDI. . dal District. H.w.Han t-trt. tn IK. Ttr.h. SALTElt o." liana. Haul, deceased. Ort reallr-r ani tlanr ihm -rt a- ctj..v- aaklwr that the last WW asd Teumftt of Kiw. fJaKw, late of Hana, Maol jr. T.. dwawd. b ads-fte-d to1 m-bate-and tea eaeeutsr aamed tberrla be -pp-tut-d; n.-un-i was r ritmy. me atu jTzaerl-v tyre, at I A It, at to Court llovm In liana. MiaL ssmiu-ku the time and place for heartmr sadd petttlen aud aay ofcfre Uona that may be made tber-to. ABK. FORTCAjCIiriK, , . . - . . ar. Jnda-dJ-d. tHatrlet,n.r. tahahia. Jan. 30th. H71 rrj jg CiiEcrrr cocrtT, Axcri.tjinziLs, tiiihi Jnd-rlI r-alrW. In ,K. -..,- . ..- .7 . KAHOOKtmu (kA late of SUkapala, Serto Kou-. Ha waii, deceased. Proner aooHeaUoa hai-trs---.- . t- -s , --. . Ar5!'? PPOlal admlolatiator upon US Zatat af ttu. late Kabooktunu ik) or North Eobata, IXawaa ii asiT. ta testate t TherefoT. Nalartlax. " mth day af Febroary, 1871, at W o'clock A II. at ta cwtt Hum at North Kobala, Uawart, i, hereby aspomted a to bum and place for heartnc aald appUcagoo. and anr aSdecsma U-U may be made thereto. aUBXBH TO BD BRICK KABT. Clr. Johr. M Jud. Clatriet. JCorth Kob-s, HawaS, Jan. 1IU-. 17 1. m n aiETKOrO L,lT,lit JIARKCT, a- WALLER, Proprietor King Street. jtn lyl lle-.e4-Jtw Hotice. Am. riri-soNH Ann 'ifrrtr-irr xornrto not to hunt, or otberwlae tr-.ruM upoa U um . r Ma.ih.nato and lvpekeo. llmS, onder penaMr ef in Uw- (US toy APONO .ASHBW-- Isost ON FRIDAY I1.VT," A C3-T OP OTTO'S OEILSfAN (JltAUilAB. Nan-s t)u ya,r n! dar. Tne floder wai be toK-bty rewarded by ieaTtBetb aaioe at the) Dooaatore. mIt, For Sale. Tin: Iiorsi: imt svn nncra-. KALOPATCa. at tl en-raae-i or l-u!-9k VaSey, beJooglcur-to tn 1-ttaSe of tlx late .7- 8trwartIL Cooper, rer pirr-rs apply lo or. a. hl rtjaoHaiar. JEsectitora under tb wfil ef Stewart it.-ist- cooser. 4TS tf Notice to Creditors. SUFItroiE CO CRT Ef I'K O BiTE IS TlrC matter of tha at of srrevVAin- tra-rtrm--r CCOPEIt, deceased. Notice B lirr ir1.n hr th- nn.n'.. . . the aixm named estate, to aB d-w t.t-, acalnat said lew art llamtttym Cooler, d-reaard. to- ei-K-S the earn with lb aec-aa-ry oers, ij-slyanttienrt-awil. whetlier secured by tnoruac er ot&erwta, a r-us KtxV7-ats-edexixut-r. at t-otScf ""Trn I nrs in. oa tt V'1?, at bi otSc on Queeo IMree-to HoooSato. within alt mouth from the date of pMkakKi f beat oc Oce, and If oot ao presented Usey wB be tsrevrr barred, jjto-ololu, February Id, is: I w. r. oRiuar, a . cueaaB&s, w t of Stewart I laaaBeoa, Qaep-r. Sent Administrator's 2TciIce. THE UNUEK-SIUXEIS IXATCXQ StSXX Oatr appolntetlift-nimilntorof us Xauisof J. ft". r-X. Uit, lata of Nortii KoJ-U. deeeated, tstiaesl t p-vaaan bavlag chums aettnataald Eatst. tapnaeat toes, wltia ntcet-try voorJw. if an v. wtthla its a oatAa ftr-n twibt. lot tl-a poMcat-m or ttey be fc-rrtr taurredVaailaSt T :nwnut lourows as WSJ Bnsw a reran Err mtg.-im. medial paymtst to nr. msBsmzmeB. Admln-of ti Estate of j. W. S-C-7. dec-d-North ICsbala. Jan. Iltn, 1S7L jjj t Admmistrator's Notice. -TOILS or DANirX Ki-SOOITAZ. bbiof HfrooieJa, deeal, ltt-ie. ara hereby re quested to prt sea t tsetr esaAma. duly vertflol. and wS proper rouebiTa, If mar exist, to Bta admsoislrat-r at - ocarw. wlthui ta moeitsta fmw this a fnro -irnlrss tft-ry s!l.l t torerer narre " Uooc-nld, Jut January, 1174. H. B. BOLE. AdasAalatntar, tlltt KmtM ot DmaM SirtuxmL Notice. - THE rSDERSIt-NED IIATTNO THIS AY been appelated by !A lion. A. ysroa-er, eb-.K Judge ef Uaat, t&aSakmlat to tb Cttato el tftBUt JOHN VEBSLOV ot W-Htapo. tsjaad f 34ssLj auai-t" la -5fo notice to aH persooc kxUbted to ax-d eatatotaaeak lmaditepycoent,aridaJlw&s -ara rfslrn wrnlt-a ifrt estate are reoueated tu presen t ttie saasc sriaUa aut aamka from data or they witt b Corwer baned. " ASTCTSIO w SU.YA, Wises to taaartv Uxsbv W. Dornxa. WaHnin, Uaut, Doe. SO-. IflX a