Newspaper Page Text
HAWAIIAN GAZETTE SKETCH OF KLN'G LCAALILO, tatcKin? or ttic Hawaiian Islands. Wmmx Or&sucs Lpxaijlo, whoso Infill Wiefiy announced in our issue f mt''ws'booi in Homdnhi, January mjOBtaai nra$ JeHmJaa from life ML 4T -Uk Royal Hue SfTTawarian Hk mother was Keradiajohi, i aim as Aabes and also as i IIL, Ktstritts. Xui or Premier under OT and was married to qfcwta "Eaiwun, from which marriage tiwo iwir "were Wit, David and William, liw imer tWeel Tviten quite young. Wil 1 Smb. !h ailocJkis mother's death, when Am fight years of age, was placed in Ac Rja) SAW injUiis city, kept by Mr. jmi vHrs. OHHie, wlfcfe he received a lib mi flfeeatMB, aai as he possessed riatn nBf a ejatnL raind, he became one of the flkha in Uie school. For English sJtiMeaTlitastsjre be had great fondness, atttlfciiiwiliiiiTty with Uw English poets DWMMriaWs. It was tbis taste that SM Mm t wdnlge ia writing poetry, lino ofwtHti ws well jomjKsed. We Smi aawttg or old papers a jfmo, uMah be composed in 1652, when W wm, W. 17 years of sge. lie brought it soon after it -was -written, and nt&ti it printed, but as it did not rhyme i mi nil - CAinn finiclimrr ctrnlrp it. mU(, ad -forgotten by us till luejwitlf. As a ouriosit wc insert Isaa, ukiifc is apftareotlr a translation . 2 J .'TTaw.UneCT.oflttic.lPaciric. ahal JMtaM thjr.wnfUjcnewnM, s iiiihWiie rearm e wMi ttoatws tMft to do. Man, Hoeting, Jim llasavsr read aeja-rtc, , Hdmi tbeOcSo'Qseea!" 1 , wSJ Hawaii eta., mA, ai Ulo fafcb, fTlsjssJsass, jai ij n ii in ii ultlliliii ' ' .AMjk ae wMk mHK wMCt " -T, iahi of the nation, Jtat eseJHiniii one sad alt, tjMapMd akateat '9M0fcC Hawaii the Oena Ceca!" tf-tfck bmtop bright, i. to former Units $'1fi0hsMe Un teetse oWd, al r aartenM heart bs freed; rand aart. Wm. C. Lcnalxlo. Tears sco, : be called a)asa erMtorisrf sanctum and sat - taMe. Ia ibe coarse of the we staggeeted that he bc (xtor for the prise which had for tite beet Hawaiian vcr- CW frc tlte King." He took aatl ia Iftewi or twenty minutes varsae, which wo enclosed aed passed together with others to the judges, who l" die jwiee, and this is now taavwatifts Use Hawaiian National Hymn sppt tbc AVe insert below . ana atso ue r.ngnsii iransia- i Mr. Lvoas. Tlie -Hawaiian : of tbe grand eel productions OI km ?Io I kt Aloia; " MBU I'Ek ME1 XXEEIT w. & UJSAIJLO. I. Be Jm am au, ,.4C f l fc'M"1 ' J J Kaa Kaw awtBM, K Bukac Mi Mi, ,o J 1- - X. Kafcaa kaic Safe el m Tm mm b ke ea e li Mai. God SaiT Ibe Ivlnp. TtJ?StIrBf Tir'arr. 1 l.Ltoss? tH iKfal-aWM, Man. iM J MsU iWr, OarSawaiea Kia; V Twerfiiliann - Wm Abb asr Sre all bars), cSeloio atwe oar ftafta Meesd, 5 DMcRrcMirKfagt m.iiliL-Aof. lOagaf Ktagf, 0( aham al satare Msfi, Oar arajM-Vrfug ; .Tit fKi?ifi? 3 s ISbf jwaee sad ssia give, lal iX far can iwelre : i private papers tbcre exists mwmmmnm volume wiui some twenty ajr tWr tngs, possessing more or less Bwm'" mriiill Wc reprint the above to fBaliratc Ifes taJent, which was of more tlaM pS&ry quality, and for a Hawaiian fc wrtaiDiyToitrardinary. -r "Whoa Jvataabamoha V. suddenly djed ia DeesrAxsr, IS 72, wilbont appointing a raatftrrtr, It was apparent to all that the nafn. why he iailod to do so, ssas fl vry-&ne why "Prince Tlliam JiudU 1 the successor, because he out XM&rd'aMtbe Nobles. Had he been a 3mnte of the King, he would unijues-rhMTTljftTTC'receiTcdjIie-appointment. He at ow5cdecyb,a,candi jae 4br Sag, and was encouraged Hy she Srm advice of his friends, who saw thai hk claims could not rightfully be ignored. When advised by some to issue a ap aaSgs'(fcf a3fwerve ilBBIavaCT H1UM, VNIH, a proclamation declaring himself King, he answered that he intended to actstnet- ly according to the Constitution, and had confidence in the people. It was at this time that he was 'urged to abandon the use of intoxicating drinks, and pledged his word of honor to do so, which he kept during the interrcgnnm and until after his election as King, when he was pressed by some, who, when the "records of the Eternal Throne are disclosed, may find the charge written there against their names. God arid himself onljknew now manfully he btruggled against.this failing. Never was there among the Hawaiians a more genial, loving and confiding spirit than that possessed by Lunahlo. Inose who knew him best will testify to his warm friendship. There was a mysterious influence about him which made everyone whom he met love him and feel that he was a brother. . . . . In polities his views -wcrc"3emocratic. too much so. ncrhans. lor a ftimr. no was invariably on the popular side in every question that came up, and his sympathies were with the people. This was rcallv the secret of the extraordinary love for him, which showed itself in the wonderful outburst of popular enthusiasm at the election which took place January 1. 1873, when he received ncarry. c very- vole throuchout the uroup. Iscv'cr was such a scene witnessed in any country, as when tlie whole Hawaiian people, with scarcely a dissenting voice, unanimously called him to be their Kim;. He was always averse to any show or parade onjijs aceount, wishing. only to be known as one of the people. Js-On the day of his election ,as King, whermasked if he would have a carriage provided to take linn to and from the .Legislative Assem bly, he answered, " No, I am one of the people. I will walk as they do." -And all will remember how ho walked from the Legislative Hall tpithe Palace after his election, with uncovered head, amid the wildest shouts of an enthusiastic and ad miring people. These little incidents show What he was better than any else. Of- his short reign we shall have little to say. It commenced well with the se lection ol men to be his constitutional ad visers, who possessed character, and who gave his government a high reputation at home and abroad. His creat desire was to do something for the advancement of the nation, and he listened eagerly yet cautiously to what advice was given But before any measure could be matured and carried out, the destroying angel came aud marked him as his own, and tlie best human skill proved powerless to save. For six long months he patiently bore the sickness which had attacked him, gradu ally wasting in flesh and strength, till his spirit fled to its Maker on the evening of 1' ebruary 3d. His disease was pulmonary consumption. . Durincr his last illness he suffered, but little pain, "as usual with consumptives. So mo days before his death, it became evident that he could not live long, but he rallied so frequently that the symptoms were quite deceptive. About half-past eight o'clock, on the evening of the 3d of February, he looked up and said to his attendants, in Hawaiian. "I am now dy ing," then turned his head on his pillow, closed his eyes, as if going to sleep, and calmlv expired. Such was the death of King Lunalilo. There were around his bed at the lime, his venerable father Charles Kanaiua, Queen Emma, Mrs. Bish op, the Governess of Hawaii, Minister Stirling, Mrs. Jsaca, and Drs. Irosseau and Oliver his physicians, with several attendants. The 'late King left a will, which was made June 7, 1ST I. It leaves his person al property to his father absolutely; his real estate to his father for life, und failing heirs of his body, after the decease of his father, the real estate is devised to three trustees, to be appointed bv the iudscs of uie supreme uourt, wnoareio.seii ii, ami of the avails, the sum of $25,001) is to be expended in building an "Infirmary for poor, aged and infirm people of Hawaiian birth or extraction." A codicil was exe cuted by His late Majesty on the 31st of Jauuary, 1874, by which he leaves to Queen Emma his Marine Residence at Waikiki, upon his father's decease. It also directs that the avails of his real estate, over the sum of $25,000, shall constitute si ' i " . '.Til :r ' i La,fuud for, the support of the benevolent Vlnnf mmttimm1 i i lin v nnn lilrr hnr that his remains be entombe'd in the Ka waiahao Church Yard. The estate may lniouut to $100,000, the bulk of whiclnvjll "go to fouud what may be called Lunalilo Hospital, a .monument that would .per petuate his name as long as Hawaii is known. A few hours after his death, the corpse was transferred to the Palace, where it was laid out in State, dressed in the clothes which the deceased King wore ouj tliSflay he took the Oath at Kawaiahao Cimroh. At 10 o'clock Wednesday, Feb ruary 4th, the Palace gates were opened to the public, aud from that hour till quarter past two r. sr., a continuous pro ccssion'passcd through the Palace. Not less than eight to ten thousand persons vie weH the royal remains, and it was affect ing to hear the piteous wailing of the old natives, many of whom spent hours in re citing kanikaus in memory of their de ceased Chieftain. After the public had all passedithrough the Palace, the military companies, including the Rifles, Artillery, .Cavalry with the Band, jnarched in and took a last look at thcir"Commandcr-in-phicf. There 'w ere present on this occa sion all of the high Officers of tlicGovern 'ment aud most oflhc Chiefs and Nobles. On Wednesday, about midnight, the remains of the King werj placed in a lead coffin, dressed as they, appeared during tlie day." His aged father, Kahaina, 'stood by to superintend the proceedings, and when the body of his darling and only child was raised from the Royal feather robe on which it had rested while in state, he ordered that the body should be wrap ped in Uie precious robe before being de posited in the coflin, saying, "He is the List of our family, it belongs to him." !Thc natives who stood by were startled . j i . . i . , j ana lurnea paic at uus sirane commauu, for it was the large feather robe of Kekan luohi, which descended from her Royal ancestors, the Chieftains of Hawaii Only onc like it now remains, that which is spread over the throne on the opening- of Parliament, and which is valued at over twenty-five thousand dollars. It is no ex aggeration, to state that one hundred thousand dollars could not reproduce a feather robe one fathom square, like that wrapped around the body of Lunalilo," for a million of birds possessed of rare red and yello-iy feathers, were caught to furnish the material of which it is made. There let it lie with this noble and beloved Chief tain' who was the last of ja Rbyal ifamily. 'The Jrwle of heraldr, the pomp of power, AH dut beauty, all that wealth e'er give, Await alike the ineritable hoar The path of glory leads bat to the grave." The Riot of February 12th, Immediately after the announcement of th'6 election of Prince KaUkaua as King" by th6 legislative Assembly, which took place about three o'clock on the afternoon nf thn 12th. it became apparent that the natives who stood around the build-. ing were not pleased with the result. No outbreak occurred, till the Committee which had becnfappoinlcd to notify the lung of his election attempted to leave the building and enter the carriage wait inf to convev them to the Palace. This Committee consisted of five renrcscnta' tives. The crowd surrounded the carriage and laid hands on them, and they attempt ed to defend themselves, as best they could without weapons, iwo ot them were badly -wounded before they effected "en trance into the building to which they rc- treaied. The carriage was almost instant ly demolished, the spokes and other pieces Knrvint? as weapons to arm the rioters, who now becan to be warmed up for further destruction. A foreigner by the name of Foley, a British subject, who attempted to assist the Represetatives, was knocked down and beaten by the rabble, until the British Commissioner camejto his relief mul rscorted him from the sceue. The crowd now rapidly increased, and became more noisy till about four o'clock, when a rush was made at the front door of the building, through which they burst. The government officers and others inside succeeded for a while to, prevent the en trance of the rioters, whonhen broke open the side and rear doors, and commenced demolishing the furniture, while a volley of .stones Irom the crowd oroh'c nearly every pane of glass and sash in the lower part 01 tnc ounuing, anu soinu in uie sec ond story. An extra Police force had been enrolled the day previous, but except from those stationed inside, little or no assistance was obtained from the Police, who simply stood by and looked on, ap narently sympathizing with the mob. It may be added that . none of them were armed even with batons. The entire building was now at the mercy of the mob, and the destruction of chairs, tables, lurniture, papers and books was executed so rapidly that injess than half an hour the furniture and 'contents were thrown out from nearly every room on the first and Eccond floors. The office of the Clerks of the Court and thcLibrary alone were respected. Marshal Parke, iMr. Barnard, assistant Clerk, blienit JJay ton aud two Policemen, guarded these records of the Court, and pursuaded the rioters to leave the'm untouched, as" they were the property ot the people. Had the wills and records on deposit hcrebcen de stroyed, the loss could never Jhavc been repaired, and the confusion to which it would have given rise must have auectcd every interest in the Kingdom. In this room where ttic records were preserved, were four Representatives, who remained unharmed during the riot. ' The crowd broke into the library room, and found one Representative, whom they robbed of his money and then beat very severely. The books of'thc Court library were left untouched. It now became apparent that unless an armed force could bo' brought in to check the rioters, the building would be-fired, and the destruction of this and other pro perty might follow. An order had been issued, immediately after the riot com menced, for the Rifles and Artillery Com panies to appear on duty, but a sufficient number ?oT members not having been found, to be of any service in quelling the mob, all hope of aid from this quarter was abandoned. Several gentlemen had been to Queen Emma, and requested her to call off her supporters, but no response came from that quarter. The only alternative; in this emergency, was to seek aid from the war vessels in port. About half-past 4 r. sr., a written request was sent by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, on behalf of the Government, to tlie American Min ister Resident, for a detachment to bo landed from the U. S. ships Tuscarora and Portsmouth, lying in the harbor. And a similar request was transmitted to the British Consul General. These notes we ,.iuscrt : UErAUTMENT OP rOREIGN AFFAIRS, 1 Honolulu, Fob.' 121b, 1874. ( Silt: A riotous mob bavins uoorpcctcdlrmadc a violent attack upon the Court House and tbu Mem bers of the Lc-cUDttire, which we have notttic torce at baud to resist, 1 have to request that you will cause to be furnished at the earliest moment pos sible aid from the U. S. ships "Tuscarora" and . " PortsmoutU" to the Police, in quelling the riot and temporarily protecting mo ana property. Your obedient servant, Ciias. It. Biauor. Uis Excellency Henry A. Tcircc, Minister Ucsidcut of the United States. Department of Foreign Affairs, 1 Honolulu, Feb. 12th, lb74. f Sir: A riotous mob bavins unexpectedly made a 9 violent attack upon the Court Honscnnd the- Mcm- UCrs ul lue XjelMltlulc, muuil n uiimnuiiuuiuiLi; at band to resist, I have to request that you wilt cause to bo furnUhcd at the earliest moment pos sible aid Irom 11. B. M.'s ship " Tencdos" to the Police In quelling the riot and temporarily protect ing life and property. Tour obedient servant, Cuas. K. Bisnor. Major James May Wodchonse, 11. D. M.'s Commissioner and Consul General. JJoth these gentlemen immediately res ponded. By preconcerted signals from the shore, the troops from the American vessels to the number of about 150, ac companied with their Gattling' gun, .were landed within five minutes after the sig nal was given, and those from the British shin Tencdos some ten minutes later. Im- "moiliatiely on the appearance of the naval lorces, inc rioters inrew uuwn inuir uiuus and left the building, most of them going in a. body to Queen- Emma's residence, shoutiiig that to-morrow they would see that she was chosen Queen. Here they continued to be very demonstrative, hur rahing and making speeches, until a de tachment "of marines and ijoHcq entered the premises, arrested somf: ana dispersed the rest. ' Among the foreigners who were con sSilfuous in efforts to cheek the rioters, were Messrs. 0. 0. Harris, S. B. and G. II. Dole. When the rush was made for the Police Court room, Mr. Harris stood -in the doorway aud, at the peril of his life, resisted the infuriate mob. ' When the rioters raised their clubs over his head, he threw off his hat and dared them to strike a blow. Then single handed pitched about a dozen of them off the steps, and continued to guard the outer door, though the rioters effected 'entrance-at1 another door and succeeded in their designs of destroying the furniture. The American Minister and the British and French Consuls were also on the ground during the disturbance; and active in endeavors to check the fury .of the mob, and when they found their efforts-useless, the two former quickly and cordially co operated in complying, with theTcqucst of the Government for the landing of troops from the war vessels. Nothing but the prompt appearance bf these forces on the i scene' pnt a stop t6 the riot, and saved the further destruction of property. As no outbreak of this kind had ever occurred hero before, no trouble was anticipated and no firearms had been pro vided. The Marshal had one or two pis tols in his office, and two of the repre sentatives were armed with pistols, but they were not used ; and it is perhaps as well that they were not discharged, as this number could have had but little ef fect in staying the riot, and may have in creased it Had there been twenty-five armed persons in the building at the out- cn tlinrn n-nnld biivn TlPPn no Outbreak. It was this entire absence of means of de fence that encouraged the rioters. The fury of the mob was aimed at the representatives who had voted lor avai. .A katja, and tne Dtiiiamg was Erareutu i tlinm Wlinnpypr one was found, he W for as coirorl nnd lipatnn without merCV. In all. tliirlnon i-nnTTWPntnfivpS WOTO WOlindcd. also one foreigner and one native not con nected with the Assembly. Messrs. Kipi and Haupu of Ililo, Ivakani of liana, and Nahinn of South Kona were-thc most dangerously injured, and will require sev eral days or weeks to recover. The others, Messrs. Birch, Kaukaha, Moehonua, Ka pule, Kaine, Kupihea, Koakanu, Lonoaca escaped with slight wounds. It is remark able that nobody was killed, when sucn savage attacks were made on tne victims. Pools of blood covered tho mattings and flnnrs. while the plastcnnir in various fWmmd wne innnrnrl M-itll lllood. During the night the loreign marine forces held possession of the Coiirt House, Prison, Barracks, Palace, and government offices, and continued in possession of.part of the premises till the 20th, when all were withdrawn, oeverai suois wru fired on the guards stationed around the Court House orf the first night after the l.iif nAnr flinf. llinrn nn flo- fmnnotrfitinn nf nnv kind no-.lilist them Tlie Artillery company, uiuier oaptain TTnccStirtiii lino linnn nn rrilfirfl nf. t1lf Tfl lace day and night, since the death of the late King, and has rendered good service. This is the only company that has bcci i . .1... .1 . . T . 1 nnp .nfXn.1l on constant uiuy, uuimj; niu jjdu muiim, and it has iii addition fired all the salutes which have been called lor. Tim Ini-rrnr nrii-r. nf the rinfnrs wprfl from Koolau. Ewa and Waialua. W HO came into town ior iuu ujtpruss (im pose of influencing the election. They were no doubt encouraged by persons in this city, whose complicity, it is hoped, will be traced out. That they came hero with the determination to create a dis turbance, if neccessary to secure the elec tion of their candidate, there can be no mtrw.inn Tliiv ncspmlilf'il In i.lm mm-mii i,u-.jvw... -"vj n at the residence of Queen Emma, and a little uelore noon marched in squaus pi a hundred or more to the Court House, where they remained till the elegtion was nvnr lm Inndors pnnsl nnt.Iv liaran!ruin!r the populace. Although there were sev eral hundred engaged m the not, it will probably bo found that the leaders and prompters do not exceed a dozen. It is stated that .some of the soldiers who were concerned in the mutiny at tho barracks were also in this riot. Soon after the arrival of the marines, tlie police' began to mako arrests, and be fore nightfall secured .some" ten or twelve. This number has been increased to about eighty, most of whom have been recoguized by the Representatives aud others. Some have acknowledged that they took part in the riot, and there will probably bo no trouble in obtaining evi dence to convict at least-- the most active among them. Up to this date, about fifty of those who have been examined have been committed for trial before the Su preme Court in April. Curiosities of tlie Deep Sea. The London New furnishes the follow ing hints'with reference to the results of the Challenger expedition : , In the section between Bermudas, the Azores, and Madeira, the bottom tempera ture was ascertained nineteen fimes, and seventeen station series of temperature soundings were taken at various intervals and to different depths, but usually at in tervals of 100 fathoms from the surface to 1,500. The bottom temperature was found to Co on the whole very uniform. This section, like tlie first between Tcnerifie and St. Thomas," is divided into"' two trouchs. this time by the plateau of Azores ; but there seems every likelihood that the'1 Dolphin rise" ot the hrst sec tion is continuous with that plateau. The eastern valley is here, however, very much contracted, and the western, which in cludes the little pinnacle of Bermudas, is widened to a corresponding degree. Twenty-five depth soundings were taken in this fccction, and on each occasion a suf ficient, sample of. the bottom was recover ed. The depths between Bermudas and Madeira were not so great as in tho first section, no single sounding having reached 2.000 fathoms. A number of soundings in the western valley gave a calcareous ooze more or less mixed with red clay, containing many foramenifera, but not a preponderance of recognizable globigcrinaj ; to this Professor Wyvillo Thomson has given the name of "gray ooze." Near the Azores the ooze first be camc mixed with small lumps of pumice, and as the ship got in among the islands, gave place to a volcanic sand, the product of the disintegration of beds of volcanic ash and of traohylic and dolcritic lavas. The deep-water dredging along tho lino was not very productive so far as animal life is concerned, though many new forms were added, Feve'ral of them of great in terest. Many of the'snecies were identi cal with those developed in the Light ning and Porcupine and in the (Jhallcngcr in her northern section ; and the entire as semblage certainly confirms the opinion that the deep-sea fauna is very unilorm, and that its constituent species are very widely distributed.' Many ol tliepjcies which are found in the seas of the Azores at-depths beyond 1,000 fathoms have"1 a remarkable correspondence with northern tvnes: and Professor Thomson regards this as simply additional evidence of the . . -' r i r t:..: wiue extension oi a ueep-sea munu hvuijj under conditions similar to those of lesser depths in higher latitudes. On Wednesday Juno 18, tne snip was in about laU 35 deer. N. and long. 60 deg. W. In this part of the voyage tho absence of the higher lorms ot animal lite wasj very striking. The Challenger was now' in the neighborhood of the Samasso Sea, with which those on board had now be come familiar, as they5 had already nearly circumnavigated it. NoV a sea,-bird wa to-be seen, with the exception of a little flock of Mother Carey's chickens, which kept playing, round the ship, on the TCrtch for- food, every ridtviSh'd! then cdncpnfrat ing uppp some peculiarly rich store of scraps as it passed astern," and staying by It while the ship went on for a quarter of a mile, fluttering above the water and daintily touching it with their feet as they stopped and picked up the floating crumbs, and then rising and scattering in tho air to overtake us and resume their watch. Tho sea itself in the bright weather, usually under a light breeze, was singu larly beautiful of a splendid indigo blue of varying shades as it passed from sunlight into shadow, flecked with curling white crests ; but those on board felt very sol itary ; day after day went by without a single creature (shark, porpoise, dolphin, or turtle) being visible. Some gulfwced passed from time to time, and bunches of a species of facu-t, evidently living and growing, and participating in the wander ing aud pelagic habits of tSarffassum. The floating islands of the gulfwecd are usual ly from a couple of feet to two or three yards in diameter, sometimes much lar ger ; on one or two occaisions fields sev eral acres in extent were seen, and such expanses arc probably more frequent nearer the centre of its area of distribu tion. They consist of a single layer of feathery branches of the weed jargas sum bacciferum, not matted together, but floating nearly of one another, only suf ficiently entangled for the "mass to keep together. The general color of tho mass of weed is thus olive in all its shades, but the golden olive of the young and growing branches greatly predominates. This color is, however, greatly broken up by tho delicate branches of the weed, blotched with vivid white of the encrust ing polyzoon, and riddled by reflections from the bright blue water gleamiug through the spaces in the net-work. The! general effect of a number of such fields and patches of weed in abrupt and yet most harmonious contrast with the leaves of intense indigo which separate them is very pleasing. These floating islands have inhabitants., peculiar to them, which exhibit perfect examples of protective resemblances An imals driftinglrabout on the surface of tho sea with such scanty cover asahe single broken layer of the sea weed must bo ex posed to exceptional danger from the sharp sea-birds hovcriiig7 rtbovc them, and from the hungry fishessearchiiig for prey beneath ; but one and all of those crea tures imitate in such an extraordinary way, both in form and coloring, their floating habitat, and consequently one another, that it is easy to imagine their deceiving bothj. the birds and the fishes. A Small Lot of Westphalia Hams, A l'rlmc Article, Just Eeceived ex R. C. Wylie, And for hsie In quantities to suit, by 153 tf i II. 1IACKFKLO A CO. I.V 100 lb. 1CXU.S, ETioit saw: JIY If IT. ItACKFEr.D &. CO. NJEW YEAR, 1874! THE COMMERCIAL PERIODICAL AND NEWS AGENCY AMERICAN, ENGLISH AND AUSTRALIAN fUHLlCATlONS Furnlihtil to Stibacrlbeibithiii Ten to TiccHty Dayt - from tlie date of publication. Anil At prices that bareljr cover tho coat of subscription and postages thereon. Papers Delivered Free nf Poslaye in any part of the Group. No Subscriptions taken for Less than One Tear. 43 Flics made up at short notice for Whalemen 1 Trarelers SUBSCKll'TIONS PAYABLE ALWAYS IS ADVANCE. AMI3HIOAN KEWSPAI'EItS Jf. Y. Weekly Herald The Jt. Y. Nation i. N. Y. Weekly Times i, ,.. Tbo N. V. Irish American... ......... .......... NjlY, Lodger, a s.ory paper NfrtWeeklyTrihuno..,.. .(iunu--t4js N?Yf Weekly Zeltnng Courier des Etats Unis t..t.. .... Boston Commercial Bulletin i i. ... Boston Weekly Journal .. Scientific American ' 'illustrated paVeiis"1 Parper'n III. Weekly ..." '..1.1. " 11 Bazar ............ Leslie's " Weekly.... ,. ... ,..,.. - Zeltnnp.. ...i .w... '" Chimney Corner " " Ilnlcttor, Inn.... i. .i... London Weekly Punch ...f5 00 .. 600 ... 100 ... 5 00 ... S00 ... 400 stio ... 800 ... 000 ... 500 ... 400 ..Jo 00 . 500 .. 500 .1 &,00 5 00 2 50 h 8 00 Applelon's Journal, mommy pans ....... Every Saturday, monthly parts . ..j.....t.. Hearth and Homo London III. News T London III. Graphic ...;. 0 00 H'OO 14 00 . JUVENILE PEHIOOICAIiS f Our YonnR Folks, monthly , WOO Youth's Coinulon, weekly 2 60 Little Corporal, weekly 250 Nursery, monthly 2 SO CALIFORNIA PERIODICALS S. F. Weekly Bulletin S. F. Weekly Alta C... H'o.l-1 nntnn ,..,.,M0O .arm u uy Billy Bulletin Daily Alta California s. i.iiOJOO Weekly Courier (French) , i 1200 -RELIGIOUS PAPERS N. Y. Independent, Coneregational orpin.. Christian Union, II. W. Ileecher's paper ... Chicago Adrance, Congregational Hn.(nn n.inr.rAntlnnnlljtt. A . i..k. . . S4 00 .. 4(0 .. 400 .. 400 , 400 400 ,. 500 .. 500 H. Y. Olnerrer, Presbyterian , N. Y. Krangellst, Presbyterian , .1. 1. louict, vacuum. .... Boston Pilot, Catholic LONDON PAPERS London 111. News ... . ' flraphle ' i- Pall Mill Bndret . ... .114 00 . 15 00 . 12j0O " EenlngilU(trl-weekly Times).;..-...'.! V... 12100 faiuruaj iteTiew ... " Lloyd's Weekly Times . ' Weekly Times " DeSpateh ' Monthly Hometfews . -- ...-1JOO ....JS no !: fcoo ... BOO ... 500 ..vlOOO Public Oplulon i.... .i,,...J.. laoo LONDON MONTHLIES London Art Journal .tit 00 . coo C00' . 600 . a CO & on " Society Magazine.;. riirnMlMf airazlne-. Ill .1.. V,i- Ttniinil ... Blackwood's Monthly Chamter's Journal flout Words'.. . f T'.t .!. '. 4 00,1 i ihi.,p., i . . . . Temple Bar Slagazlne.. . GOO : 000 . 400 .4 00 .4 00 . 4 0il Knglun society. ....... Westminster Quarterly .K. hulnunrgn unarieny . llHtltl. OiLirterlT AMERICAN MONTHLIES , Llllell's tltlntr Aire, weekly JlOnO Boston Waterly Slajailne - SOO Eclectic Magallne COO Atlantic Monthly Harpers Magazine ' 500 Scribnere 'Monthly Leslie's llapizlne Godey's Lady's Book.. .. Demoresl's Monthly fi:I:::fez:ix::3tfc. I 500 , :i soo ....Ul . 6 00 ;. tM , 4 00 400 400 Tlie Galaxy Overland Monthly Peterson Macazlne Arthur's Lady'a Magazine. Sabbath at Home ........ . Clnr Vnnn? Folks "ilv ' ii.l-i.;..r.,i.ii 300 American Agricnunrisi , - ' . . V. t r. r. 1 'HTSI AuAiliiinia.i i-jirxiia Australasian, weekly tlOOO Town Country Journal : .... SOO Melbourne in. isews Sydney lit. News 400 .Crdner Steamer tlerali 25 3- Any Periodicals, not In this lilt, will be ordered at any ' time, and supplied at cost and charges. Addreu IL M. IVnTTNEV. Manila Cigafe! A SMALL LOT OF TH0SESUPERI0R QUALITY CIGARS, jnit received.. These cigars, like those vb had about one year since, and pronounced to be the licit article offered In this marketduriog the lost twenty jests. Specially pnt np for os 200 cigirs In a box. -For sale br . B0LLES t CO. SPESM OIL, WARRANTED I'.URE, AND VERY LIGHT Color. Forsaluby C E0LLES & CO. BLOtWAIEE ! CUTLERY OF EVERY DESCRIPTION! AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. AnpREAT ASSORTMENT OF HOLLOW-WARE ! Viz: Sanco Pan?, Fry Pans, Tea Kettles, Iron Pots and Furnace Boilers; -" . " Galvanized Iron Tubs from II to SO Inches; Galvanized Iron Backet?, 10, 11, 12, IS Inches, W Otins, Rifles, Pistols, Caps, Catrid-W, Powder, Sli8t-and Balls.- ' Seine Twino and Wrapping Twine, Fish Hooks and ish. Lines KEROSENE LAMPS1 AND CHANDELIERS I Downer's and Bevoe's best Kerosciia Oil, DIKEOT FROM THEIR FACTORIES. EXPECTED S00X TO ARRIVE. Dealers desiring to purchase the GESVISE ARTICLE at a Low I'lRUr?, will forward (heir orders 0 Immediately. We would also call the attention of Local and Country Dealers to onr fresh stock o HUBBUCK'S BEST PAINTS AND OILS I Just Received, the largest and Sest Assortment in the Market: Brushes of every kind and quality, Byam's 8 Card Matches, on hand and1 toArrive PURE MANILA AND NEW ZEALAND CORDAGE. Bits, Bridles and Spurs, Mole Collars and Harries, "! ' " Ox Chains. Trace Chains, Topsail Chains, Bar Cut and WroogpWsT Now is the Time to Buy Goods at 30 per cent, below their Heal Value, at the Concrete Block, Nos. 95 and 97 King Street, Honolulu. DILLINGHAM & CO. FOR THE LADIES! CASTLE & COOKE HAVE RECEIVED BY LATE ARRIVALS ! INE CA.1IKRIC AND IIAiUHUKG EDG INGS, Finn White Piquets, Fins Victoria Lawns, Whito linen Cuffs, . Bleached and Unbleached Hosiery, Lisle Thread IIosc, Fine Whito Handkerchiefs, Fine nil Linen Table Datnaik, Linen Napkins, Java Canvas in white and buff, A lino assortment of Pearl Buttons, Pillow Case Cotton and Linen, Lisle- Elastic, A full assor't of Orr's A Mrffaight's Spool Cotton. FOR THE GENTLEMEN ! Fine Black Cloths, Fine Black Doeskins, Fine all "Wool Tweeds & Buckskin ' Just the thing for winter wear. WATER PROOFS, medium and fine qualities. Fine Brown Mix and Orcy Mix ALL WOOL WATERPROOF FINE WHITE VESTING MARSEILLES. Fine and Medium Linen Duck and Drilling, Heavy Plain and Striped Brown Linen Drill, Just tbo thing fur boys' and men's working " ' clothes. Ucut'a Lnrgc I.lncu Haiitlkcrchleft, I.lneu ciiir-t. A Fine Assortment of RoadyMade Shirt Eaeotrj, SILK, MERINO and COTTON UNDERSHIRTS, Enpcrior Cotton Half Hose, White Merino Half Hose. ALSO ON HAND, Amoskeag, l'eatl River and English Denims, Finest American and t'n-lisb Cottons bleached and unbleached from 7-8 to 105 in width. American White all Wool and Silk Wool Flannels Scarlet, Blue and White Twilled Flannels. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS! rarts, Eagle Nc. 20 and 2 Steel XI and XQ Plows, Cultivators, Horse Hoes, Shovels, Spades, Oos, Hoes, Rakes, Rind Forks, and Coal Shovels. A FINE ASSORTMENT OP SHELF HARDWARE Coopers' and Carpenters' Tools, Ship Augers. Saddlery. EXtiMSII AXD AMEKICA.V SAII)LE.S ! Cheap and Best. Cruppcra, Martingales, Bridles and Hatters, Buckles, Rings, Ornaments and Girths. A LARGE VARIETY OF Brown, White and Taney Soaps". Downer's and Devoe's Kerosene Oil, A Fine Asiortment of Faixits oL Oils! Best English anil American. JCST RECEIVED TO-DAT, Kegs of Extra Fine Kohala Sugars, 0 CHEAP. 3d HAllDWA'llE 'I! mm 1. i.1J Steel and Iron, Wroai'hC'KaHsi'Ji LUMBER. LUMBER, LUMBER! ALL SORTS, SIZES & DESCRIPTIONS BUILDING MATERIALS ! AT The Yard and on the Wharf! COMPItlalKG ftWWest Scnnflina Timber ! PLANK, BOARDS, Battens, Flooring, Laths, Pickets, -&c. REDWOOD SCANTLING, TIMBER, Plank, Boards, Battens, Flooring;, Motdding, Pickets;, Laths, Posts, -Waihscottihg",-&c &c, See. White Cedar and Redwood Shingles White Pine Boards, Doors, R. P. lmo.iiio., it Sash SASH AND BLINDS, NAILS AND GLASS, Wall Paper and Border Id Lara Variety. PAIHTSrOILS, TUBPENTIHE.-VAnNlSH, Palsit anl IVIiItewnsIt llrnxlicx, Locks, Hinges Butt. Screws SahWeIshts'&Iine. AJLPUJJLOA SALT, ETC.; ETC GOODS DELIVERED IH TOWN FREE" OF, CHARGE, air At any Port In thH Kingdom as, per Contract. -Sa- ' r WILDER & CO;, C2 3m Corner Fort and Queen Slnett CRUSHED SUGAR. TPOR SALK BY JD 4W B0LLE3 A CO.