SAVE TIME AND EXPENSE ! BUT THE CHAMPION POST AUGUR, OR POST HOLE DIGGER! I AM- THAT IS RTOl IRT.n TO 0IX; ANT OSE OP th. Tvt Bfnu of .hie Unpln,t?ni i for dM ni to it operate. DIRWTIOXS, Hrtr tb hand), a shown In thr mt v -tr.V.i.K In the- utnr tJae-, 01 M r IttitW-r : nuw Jt ont an! dri i It on khiiuii in tin- liaii'l. oiid tht- t-artti 'IU rtrlvr l !iarplr Into Ibe rrotind r It in. til th cant, stick In Ib holtlttic Hit- th ffrotllul fUl) win, fs!l out. YliV DIMM 1 We also Offer For Sale, Mnr MfcUw Umi, AttMf How.. Tarts Flows, Harrow. ( ulttratnrs Mi'oii Vnwlttc Martlm-. QCIlSUI IIr. I latiKl Hoes, Umb lief Iv-fc Asev 11-fe -,-,- ... it, pat . : Iron Mid m I, Ravkta; Crnr Ki'lvi-i, 0 Bvwa, Ox Yob-, Ox ChaliiK, Scyth- hiinih;, Grind i MMi. ant llstim-. Hav inucrs, KaatU I'wd ( titti r-. Wh f 1 and Canal AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS! Ut Kxeji on hand a Splendid Assortment of Builders1 Hardware ii Mechanics' Tools' And an ciftaiaJlUy making addluotiS thereto, vv- make rcclaitles of House Furnishing and Ornamental Goods, Lamps. Lanterns, Chandeliers, and Oils. C UT 1 !: I Y ! Seines and Twines, Fish Hooks and Lines WE ARC IfHta for the Averill Chemical Paint Co. 777 I'M XT BS MIX Fit HEADY FOR USE, jstsfltsva totmtmta V S 1 ad ralkra fonudnm. A vry lair quantity Is ln-lnr s M In tbe Tnitd states, and It U Mt m t In tm mmy athrr faint nH . v - i,v m Mocfc r.i jiwn! only (Up pnrr V. hllo. hut ran - : ' - .. .' . ' '( m hk h !. s. -1 fu-iii m uanipli- ri bi ;tir offlci-, U. mix 4m." frwii Um- time rwtv- the order. HAWAIIAN GAZETTE i AN INDEPENDENT JOURNAL, DEVOTED TO HAWAIIAN PROGRESS. PUBLISHED AND EDITED BY HENRY M. WHITNEY". H". fir it; tritft Mattvfacturfr.i ami Aa-nts of all kiiids of IMPROVED FARMING TOOLS AND MACHINERY! am nncmiui Solicit Orders for any Class of Goods in Our Line ! 111 mi'OUT T( OKOKK. from LnsliiJid. (lermany. or i. Mtrtet. St oft! libc-nd t DILLINGHAM & Co., M mill 97 Klnsr Btrcc. JOHN NOTT & Co. OFF El? FOB SALE I Al.VAVIZEP IRON PIPE, 6000 feet nssoited sizes, i, jjf, 1, 2. (iilv'J Trmitiiinp. RflwMKj T Ways, Reducers. CoupliiiR, I'niun Couplings, Check Nnls, CM Charcoal Tin Plate, 10x14. 14x20. 12x12. 1C, IX, 1XX, 1XXX, Beet Bum Tin, Copper, lion six! Tinned Tacks. Tinsmiths' Triinniings, Full Assortment of Hand made and Pressed Tinware, Sheet Copper. 10. IK, 20. 24, 40, 00, W) oz.. 46x72 CL, Sheet Zinc, tl!A AMI SiKT SOlJiKK. Irou Wire, Lead Pipe, i'LCMBEBS MATERIALS. Sheet Lead, Huse Biljg, Stop Cocks, ARK PMENT WATER LOSET, IMigl.-is Pumps, Bubber Hose, Hose Xozzles, Sprinklers, Full Assorlniont oi" rX"invsii ! AnrAl oN Hand. QALVAXIZED Bi t KETS AXD TCBS, STAMPED TlXWAftE. We would respectfully invite the attention of House Keepers to our full and complete assort ment of STOVE3 AND RANGES, From the best Troy anil Albany, New York Stove Foundries, consisting in part of the " Buck's Patent," " Magna Charta," Laurel, Opera and Coupon Ranges. Also, distress Range, Victoress Stove and Pacific Caboose, made in Glasgow, where iron is cheap. And to Arrive per City of Hew York uuci Byrea, tioitK! Tartir on tlic otlier Islands favoring us with orders by mail for any of the above goods, &c. aar depend upon having their requirements filled as satisfactorily as if present in person. In Tiering . Mate requirement and limit. Goods carefully packed. No. 9 Kaahumanu Street. WFDXKSDA I'. SEPTEMHER 6. Our Honolulu l.rlter. ft'romtbe S. V. IoturmiiC? Kvitn) IIom.h i.c, .Juno 20. 1876. Etlitir Coatt Hfri'ir : Dkar Sib. From an undnrwriier'H poiat of view. Ibis is a cily of oppo-ils, Md, during my month 'a pnjoaro here, I hue been endeavoring to reconcile the theory Ih, i frame nuiueo of the most auproved tinder box puitt-rn will burn, with the fuct thai, for many j ars past there has been bnt one fire of any Bjagaitnde in the frame district, and that only amounted lo roint S.1 000 or 94 000. Mr obsi'rvutions have rt-sulled in lb discovery of t-everui reasons lor the city's past immunity from fiies, and al?n some tendencies which, if not cheeked, will probably retail in greater fire loss lu the not far distant future. Three prominent causes for tho unusually smal. nuruier of fires heretofore are : First No business is transacted after dark. The Mttbultl generally leave their offices at from 3 to 4 P. M-, either to diuo or for a drive to Waikiki, wliere. alter a cip into old Neptune's dominions and a few momenta' flirtation with the 6?be. one emerues relre.-hed and vigorous, and entirely relieved from the lassitude which las been creeping over tim during his day's c jiifiiiement in tbe heat aud dust of the cily. l!y hull-past six the stores ure all doted, und (he streets in the business portion of the cily ulmost Jufetted. This dues away with the gas or coal oil hazard. Tht; Second and quite as important a cause i. that, InfleenCed either by their own good judg ment or by the restrictions placed upon them l y 'heir home offices, .the areola have heretofore per-istently refused to write upou either slocks or buildings lu the long rickety Irame ranges bordering Nuuanu Avenue aud they thus pro vide lo the reaideote of thai section the strong est possible motive (liiat of self preservation) fur endeavoring to avoid a conflagration. Third lu ibis tropical climate, it is neither necessary nor comfortable to build u fire except tor actual cooking purposes, aud this lack of con stant use of stoves or fire places has a material agency iu reducing the fire hazard, for the dwell ings ure all lightly constructed, generally without laths aud plaster, and uuder the constant and urdeul rays ol a tropical sun, are reduced lo u combustible condition lillle short of actual tinder. 'l bs principal portion of the business of th I city is confined to the four blocks bonode 1 by and incloding both Bid tn of King, Queen. Fori and Xanana streets. The inherent fire risk of ibis section it not great, especially in the two blocks fronting on Qaeen street, which are RioatJj built op with brick and coral, many of tbe buil -inci being of fire-proof construction, but the tec lion it, unfortunately, exposed on tbe nnrlbeasi by tbe Chinese and native quarters (a name which to your San Francisco readers, doubtlett, rarriet its own description), tnd the Sailors' Homo, a la-ee. rambling thiee ttory edifice sur tounded by verandahs and abounding in haltt and stairways, DOottl and corners, where the fire fiend would delight to run riol il but half un opportu nity were afforded him. So 1 eg iu they are without insurance in this native quarter, there will necessaiily be caution exercised in avoiding fire. But when I think of the possibility of some " enterprising ' agent of a e ass witb wbirh we bare nil more or lets experience, descending upon this quarter fully equipped with powers extraordinary f-oni a BMV nagerie of feline insurance companies, and offer ing poor Hawaii a thousand dollar policy in either or each of his coro;anifs upon his five-hundred dollar stock, it makes me shudder to tbink with what an tvidtlf the rodents of that vicinity will betake themselves to a match diet. should a fire once obtain headway here, it would sweep down upon the busiuess tectioo on the wings of tbe prevuiiing N. E. Trades, and I lie) buildings must he fire-proof indeed, which would resist its MMMUring breath. But this is not a pleasant prospect for underwriters : let us rather hope that the same good spirit which has heretofore preserved them from this douuer, will continue its protection until, under tbe influence of increased prosperity, the " Native Quarter " will retire before the encroachments of business enterprise to some less threatening location, and the trustees of the Sailors' Home will feel justified us replacing their present building wiili brick or coral. w. J. D. INFL AT ON!! the nr. i run. NEW STOCK! OF THE UNDERSIGNED Hai accumulated tn inch to extent per tbe Steamer "CITY OP S' FRAXCISCO," That it needs CONTRACTION. theo. h. da vies H. HACKFELD & CO. OFFER FOR SALE! OFFF.M rOR HAI.R THE OAROO jfow Mm dtarhanrtnl from the fln BRITISH BARK " CLETA," day trom IjTerpnol. The rrt;n conalta of a ftill aaanrtmenl of COTTON, LINEN, THE FOLLOWIM; ew c;oohn: JUST RECEIVED, ! Per Hawaiian ' Bark Ka WOOllen, Just Arrived from Rrcm.n Amci-icauM Ituve tile Honor. The following article, from the S in Francisco X- - fetter is of great value as a contribution to tbe Correct history of ocean ateam navigation. Apropos of the urliclu published in our last weik's isiiie, iu regurd lo the first steamer -lliul crowed ibe Atlantic, the fallowing letter written lo the London Thnts iu 1 8ii I . by Pay-directi.r John S. Cunningham, now iu charge of the Na val pay station here, wdl be found conclusive on the subject. Tbe honur -is clearly due to ibe Americans : (From tbe I-undon Times. May tt, 1851.) To the Editor of thk 1'ihf.s Sir: In your journal ol ihu 22d inst., the following statement occurs in uu article descriptive of machinery in tbe great exhibition : "About 183b 37 the pro ject of crossing the Atlantic was started ; the Si- Tbe diet ol the nutivo population consists of i "us was, we believe, ice nri aieam vessel wbicn raw fi-h und poi the latter, u preparation from perlormed this leal. !l?e the UufO rout, ami resembling in itppearance and lasle a dull of bill slick-r's paste. When one as pires to furnishing an epicurean repast, he pro vides in addition ulew raw flying fish (considereJ uu especial delicacy) uud a dish of seaweed. They eat. drink, and eieep ( ill day) out of doors. They riqnre a tire only lo bake their turo, and. as they have a variety of more satisfactory ways of spending their meager supply of coin than by purchasing coal. and. as wood is a very iucun venieut fuel for a lacy Ulan, requiring too much chopping and packing, they generally light out IrOe little fire per week, which they build in a hole iu the ground, upou thu coals of which t'aey place their turo and cover it with earth until baked.. This, of course, reduce the cooking hazard upou each native house to one day per week ; but they are all immoderate smokers, and (.iu referring lo the Times of June 21, 1819 you will find the following patagraph credited to MarMuaea Commercial report for lhat week : "Among ilia arrivals yesterday at this port we weie particularly gratified and astonished by the novel sight ol a fine meum.-hip. which came round at 7,lA P. M. without the assistance of a single sheet, in a Style which displayed ihe power and udvulilage of the application of tteam lo ves sels of the largest size, being 350 ton burden Shu is called the Savannah and sailed from Sa vannah, (lia. 0. S.) the 2Gth of May, and arrived iu ILe cliuunel five days since. During tier pas sage she worked the engine 18 duys. She is Ihu first ship on Ibis construction ibul bus undertak en a voyage across lltu Atlantic." The Times of June 30. 181'J. says : " The Sa vannah sleam-vessel recently arrived at Livennoi f A mnrii,. tl.., fi,.l MMI ni ll... L-....I I h .. t was chased a whole Kite, revenue their universal custom of mrrvinir a hlnetr .1 matches behind each ear, ns a bookkeeper carries j eTer crossed the Atlantic was c hi. en nn.l .niokimr uuimaalna in .leu., tam ,.r day off the coast of Ireland by the three limes every night, certainly does not tend cullBr 0,1 me. Corn aiaiiou, wuicu mislooK Der , : lor u snip uu uie. v Lloyd's List reports the urrirnl of the Savan nah at Liverpool, on the 20th of dune. 1819 HUNT'S REMEDY. to Mt nv vk orh.iwi u rr Mr Hunt to prw r" r! and aim liny, t'.i-fiit' n.-d 1 provt?d ttit-iTtca- j I lanT fklllnfr Into raJ and exwnnlvp, watrr InrrwMlnir down Id btd. and i atitlnc pobturr-. the advirr of the y irw trld. In nppry to pre- i InMire this Uwm i r? and com- t WILDER $c CO., Importers and Dealers in LUMBER -AX D- l from th "tlon a dex'trlod ltn prove men t tXTame pya were immediately affected and mrelliui: of ibe ler rapMly nub-Wed. 6 and tsmmed their beaJthy and - flee oftlmhe reaomed Its elantirlty. . and he 'a rapidly conxialervlnic prompted by tlit rapid Improrcment. '. for tbe curative priea wan ar amred tn thetr artton ncain hs-roni-r tnrreaaed it)i fiichtftil rapidity tnd himaelf In a ver- alarmlnf ataU1. n haul recoarae to. and by lia penw- a aa a aemod time eahdtied. Rnt ntfel and neve re raw, and It took all Mtfy, eflbjnbined a itfc rare aud time, la of tbe at Hut tbruich a per nnanena cure was -0VTted, and be it -of -door occupation, within a abort er In wtatrh tbe Remedy was hrouKbt then for a period of twentr Ore (3S) a been prepared after tbe aame ap r Hunt, and uned by our fimt phyal practir. . for thi and ptmilar rom- d larnrahly known and extensively it aJ I i both with and without irm. and ban been the mmm of iavtnp frjfitTful diaeaae, and untimely death, imable and well-known citizens. HUNT'S REMEDY. I aiel with Dafloata- the fot of Me- HUNT'S REMEDY. Ha hero before the public for more than twenty years, eaat lata ban tbe aaean of aavtnc from imirennc and f nebefai Sbrir aod untimely death hundreds of our moat ;.t . k: w j . ,ur- Tilt Medtcine was Never Known to Fail. Price SI. SO per Bottle. MIIIIMII . f tea Isnte Aetata for Hawaliaa Islaad Oi Bows, Ox Bows, Iron Ox Bows, SO per Teir ! r pats nii.L lakt teak by rs th .r Sum aaarlnc of AO per ow.L M made ov.r R ' Ortm from the other lataoda atteoded la K r. raimra, qatda, aa sxl Oanom House. California Beef in Bond. PES S.'BLI.Li; BWBERTn- ';; lnu.l - CO Per Ceylon, Direct from Boston, V" Him H.IR.V ln 10 IEET TO aria best auailtr. hr ,4M BOLLES ,t CO. MANILA CIGARS. O. 2 Hit AM Ml APE t Asa a (ood quality. FarBatohr sn noi.Lt co. OREGON LIME. Cilt Jl IV KILV-lECCITCD PEB 3 sue ad. dm' aad la pacfceteaeai 1 ..: FALe - v by BOi-l-Kb CO. BUILDING MATERIALS ! OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS SUCH AS or'West Scantling, Boards ! Tongued A Groored, Surfaced, Planks, Battens, Pickets ! in. x A, 1x5, and 1x6, for Fencing! Laths, &c. REDWOOD Sc.: Board,, Plank, Batten, 1x3, 1x4. 1-2x3, and 1-2x2 Picket, Rough and FancT, Surfaced Board, and Plank, 7-8 to 2 in. CLAPBOARDS, LATTICE, Tongued and Grooved RUSTIC SirJINCi. TIMBER FOR SHIP USE 2x12 to 116x16 Clear Nor'West. for Planter's Use EASTERN WHITE PIUE, California and Eastern Doors, all sizes SASH, all Ant ; BLIND, all rim WHITE LEAD and ZINC I I'AIM Oil, M! A I.J. PAINT CHEAP, Pettr and Varnitb, Ola,,, No. 2x2 and 2. Wall Paper and Border VERY LOW! Bron Cotton, Iron and Tinned Tack,, Paint and Whitewash Bruthef , METALLIC AND FIRE-PROOF PAINT For Plantation or an; Other U,c, Lock,, Butt, and Hirge,, Bolt,, Screw,, Dook, and Eve. Ac. NAILS! Salt in Quantities to Suit. 4S 3ra CALIFORNIA OAT HAY. C ALIFORM 4 SILVER NKIN ONIONS. CAUFUBMA POTATOES. Becdred per Murray, aud for MUe by f Tl BOLLES dt CO to reduce the fire n.-k upon their frequently straw thatchej and carpeted and ociusiunollr straw-sided dwelling. At u preventive against fires, the city is provided with three hunt! engines, two hose c.irts, and alioi 'a and ladder company. I he de partment it volunteer, the Kini; being u mem ber or one of the companies, ami il is said that he attends zealously to his obligations - aa a I member, aud may tie eeen "running with thu j muchine'' whenever the bell rings. I can only apeak from hearsay iu this matter, as there ttas not a fire occurred during the month which I have spent here a striking contrast lo Sun j Francisco, where our fire bell i much more likely to wear out than rust out. The companies ut present represented here ! are the Imperiul (Gre). ably represented by A. J. Cartwrignl; Northern (fire) und l!riiib ami : foreign (marine), both in tbe bands of I heo. II. Darietj HuiuOurg-Ureiueii (tire), whose inter esis ure can-fully protected by v. A. Schaefer ; North Iirili.b and Mercantile (fire), conducted by Messrs. Hoffschlaeger & Co.; ,Siss Lloyd (murine), in the bauds of Messrs. W. U. Irwin & Co.. (ihey haviug tukeu this agency upon the withdrawal from murine business of li e Home Mutual, which they formerly represented); the Transatlantic (fire.) und Transatlantic (marine), and California (marine), all represented by Messrs. H. Iluckfeld & Co. ; the Union (marine) bound to .St. Petertharg ; und in Uoret Anoeal of Liverpool you will find this American steutn er t urnval recorded among 'remurkable events.'' The steamship Savanna! was an American ship, built, owned, aud navigated by Americans. Fraud Ficket, of New York, built her for l),iuiel Dodd ; and the engines were mude by Stephen Vnii. of Morrittown, N.J. She was commanded by Cmptain Motel Bogen, and uavi gated by Stepheu U-igers. uf New London, Con necticut, who is still living to see the same voyage performed in less l turn half the limo by a line of American steamers, the chief engineer of one of which (the Atlanlic, Captain West.) is his nephew, J. W. Rogers. Il is not inappropriate to mention at this pre.-ent wilting, the quickest trip across the ocean has been mude by the Pacific, one of the Collins lino of steamers, iu less than ten days ; to that we are Dot only Ihe first, but the fastest. In England. Copenhagen, Stockholm, and St. Petersburg ihe arrival of tho steamer Savannah excited great curiosity and attracted thousands of visitors. The King of Sweden presented Captain Rogers with a " stone and muller," und the Kmperor of Russiu presented a 'silver tea kettle a a token of bit gialiflcaliotl at the first uttetnpt to cross tbe Atlantic by steam.' Lord of hnfflund. who went passenger in of which Messrs. Cuslie & Cooke are utrents : 1 Lynedock the Fireman's Fund (fire uud murine), whose j ,ni8 "hip to St. I etersburg. presented Captain interests are guarded by Messr. Bishop dc Co. ; I Honera with a " Buperb gold snuff-box." All and the New Zeular.d (fire and marine), now, these testimonials aro now in tbe possession of unfortunately, without an ogeut, but. until two ' ,n" fiinily. The log-book, containing an official days eluce, represented by the late George N. account of the voyage, is in the National Iusti Owen, Ksq , whose body will this duy be con- i tute of Washington Cily, and may bo seeu at dueled to the grave by his mourning frieuds. i any ume and whose patience nnder mouth of acute suf fering, and uniform courtesy to all whom he met, has earned for him the sympathy and re gard of the entire community. To these companies may be added the London and Liverpool and Globe (fire), which has just tendered its agency to Messrs. Bishop & Co.. ami you have a total of eight fire nud seven marina companies, more '.bau enough for present requirements, as the business to be desired by carelul underwriters is so limited in quantity, that, when divided omong the various ugencies. il affords but a small share f.r each, und.ol course, creates considerable competition and a consequent reduction ol rates upon first-class business to a figure considerably below that charged foi similar hazards at San Francisco. Heretofore, there ha been no board orgauiza tion at this pluce, but the Taiioua agents, appre ciating tbe advantages frequently to be derived from united action, held a meeting about two weeks since, to discuss the propriety of organiz ing a local board, and 1 trust lhat before long the " Honolulu Board of Underwriters " will be a fixed fact. It is not proposed at present to adopt a turiff of rates at least no more thau u parliil one but they can with advantage combine at t nce to obtain increased reservoir capacity, to petition for the furnishing of a steam fire engine, both of which are needed, and also to influence the equitable drafting of a bill now belore tbe legislature, providing for a lax upon the business. The Esplanade or water front is broad, wull huill and kept in excellent repair and affords loading and discharging facilities much beyond the preseut requirements of ibe city. The best buildings are neaily all the property of the gov ernment, erected or commenced during tbe reigu ut Kaiuebaiueba 1 are the Government Building, Cusloin House note!, I -. Umce and Government W arehouse. Theae are all substantially built of concrete, the Custom Home and Warehouse being provided with iron doors aod abutters. The taller it di vided into two compartment by a solid wall reaching to, but not extending above the roof, an overaighl, in correcliug which it would be economy for the government lo expend a few hundred dollars. In viewing the public property one cannot but observe tbe substantial manner in which ihe work has been done, while tbe honesty displayed in its supervision and the economy shown in tit execu tion would afford an excellent modal for tbe guid ance of those having in charge timilar work at your city, where there is frequently more money expended before ibe foundation ol a pnblic build ing is finished than would here suffice to com plete tbe entire work. Tbe patent aspbaltum (known in S. F. as com position) roofing hat been quite extensively used here, but recently, in almost every case, it has been either replaced by or covered wiili slate, it having been found thai exposure lo the continu ous heat ot the sun here melts the aspbaltum and causes it to run down lo tbe eaves, reverting tbe object for which it was intsoded by effectually slopping ihe guitars and exposing ihe roef. Very respectfully, sir, your obedient servant. John S. Ccxmnriiam. ..libber Paint. Rubber Paint. Rubber Paint. Xaiinractnrtx by Hie I'nriflr Rubber Paint Co- of Hu Frauciftco. THIS PAINT IH PIT IP IX HI VIM ME. oue, u.,-: live gsiilon UuB, also la five ptiltin pails and barrels. Jt u pirpured in pure snow wbltr, Jri black, aud ail colors, comprising an nuxubcr of duTertnt itaUc-s. 7 ready for immediate utey being a great adfantage as It can be osed by an; one. The Rubber Paint !a unafTectKl by chanice of tempera tan, is impervious to water. Is adapted to all classes of wuric, and U every way a Better Paint for either outside or ind le wore ttian and other paint known, ana will last at least twice as long. For Wagons, Agricultural Implements, Boata and Vessels It tvas no equal. The Bobber Paint dries with a gloss equal to varnl-h. iVoiJiirjeiH anion? them I and at the same time so adhesive and elastic that it will P . nnt , mm n.ol nrT a,i I. lh.rQr..ra amlrahlr asl u lit oH for house palntlmT In this climate. In addition to the above It la the Cheaj,t$t Paint ever imported here! Sample cards of different shades to be seen at the office of the agent. For sale In quantities to suit purchasers. Orders from the other Islands solicited, especially from those who Intend repainting their dwellings. W. C. Irwin & Co., iBB-tM Sole Agents for the Hawaii Islands. This Elegant Stock CVMTS ot tbe FOLLOVTIMJ ELEQA5T stylt.b Article,: Ladic,' Riveted Sola Leather Trunk,, Ladies' Riveted Bridle Leather Trunk,, I.adiei' Elegant Leather Trunk,, Ladies' Caaras-corered Trunk,, Ladier' Slate Room Trunks, Oirl,' Toy or Doll Trunkt, LADIES' RETICULES, Id variet j and in all colon. Gent's Riveted Su!e Leather Trunk-, Uent's Riveted Bridle Leather Trunks, Gent's Leather Trunks. Gent's Riveted Sole Leather Yalists. Gent's Bound Kde Valises, Gent's Black and Colored Leather Valises, Gent's Talent Corner Valises, Gent'a Boston Valises, Gent's Carpet Valises. Ladies & Children's Manila School Bags A bsautitul line of Dolls Trunks, Shawl Strap,, Blanket Strap,, Trunk Strap, T 0 Uli IS TS' VA LISE 3. ALSO JUST TO HAND, A Beautiful Line of GENT'S SHOE WARE. Including the celebrated CORK SOLS GAITERS, Kow so generollj u,cd in tbs United Stat,,. Ttiti Shoe is Perfectly ll'rftr Prf ! ! ALSO X Full Um or Xen sm 1 or JEWELRY! or all !iln. Is mid I.nli-si Dewlsns, Watche-, in Gold and Silver, Locket,, Locket and Neck Chains, Chatulains, Gent', bett Chain, and Guard,, Guld Ring,, Diamond King,, Diamond Bracelet,, ; Silver Fork, and Sporn,, Silver Cak, and Fi-h Enivel, Silver Butter Knives, Berrv Spoon,, Salt Spoon,, Sugar Shell,, Ac. Zj& Ladies, you are Respectfully Invited to examine these Xiee Goods before Purchasiitg Elsewhere. 59t-3m M. MclNERNY. H W GOODS! Reciprocity Prices! Just Received BY DILLINGHAM & CO., PER JIL1A JM. AVERY, The Largest and most Elegant Assortment of Triple Plated Stiver Ware! Ever Offered in this Market, COMPRISING Tea Sets, Each Four and Six Pieces, COFFKE URNS. CARD RECEIVERS, Slop Bowl,, (Chared and Gilt,) Ice Pitchers, Cream Pi'cber,, Sugar Rowla, Butter Dishe,, Berrj Dishes Cak' Bakela, Jewel Boxes, Pickle Cston, Goblets & Cup,, gilt Suitable for cbilddrea. Vases in Fine Bohemian Cat Glass Restaurant. Table and Breakfast Croet 8tanda, Wine Stands, Toilet Stands, Toilet Standi, Egg Stands, Celery Stands, Waiters, Syiap Pitchers, Knife Reate, Balta, Napkin Kingi, Ice Tubs. Sardine Boiea, at. ALSO, One Handsome Epergne, Suitable for the Banquet Table. All these Goods are Warranted Triple Silver Plated, And areortbe most Elaborate Workmanship We have also on hand, Spoons and Rogers' Knives. Fine Triple Plated Fork,, The largest Assortment of Pocket Cutlery, Comprising over one hundred and Sfty different kinds, T .010 Culler;. Seisaora and Raiura. Aleo, Toilet Articlea, Buttle, and Powder Boxes. F O It, SALE CORItl G ATED IROJf, lo Sheets of , 7, sad t feet la length. Calvanized Piping, I-2 aad 1 t : In. wide ; Fence Wire, Ko.i; HOOP Iron," ' Inch aaeurtsd; Sheet Lead, assorted; Lead Piping, i-:mch; Black Iron Wire, soe-t to is ; Tin Plates, asaorted, at Ml tm tr. A. SOHAEPER StOe'S Hair, Tooth, Clothes and Fleah Brnahei ; Hand Mir ror,. Plats Glaia, Soaps, Lubin', eslebrated Perfum ery. Watch Chains, Albums, Chromo,, Pictures and Picture Frame,. Lambs' Wool Carriage and Lamp Mats, all eolort. Spy Glutei, Opera Glasses, Field Glasaes, Ac., As, Besides these we have the Regular Assort ment of Shelf Hardware, Glass Ware, Tin Ware Paint, and Oila, Breeeh Loading Shot Gnu,, 8. A W. Revolvers, Rifles Air Guns. Wad,, Shot, Powder, Cap,, Shot Pouches, Powder Basks. Ac, Ae. (M 3aa B. F. DILLINGHAM I CO., and 87 King Street. FANCY GOODS! IX LARUE VARIETY. Fire and New Prints, Emb'd Muslins. White Cottons, Denial,, Saddle,, Weal Shirts, Printed Shirt,, Neck Tie,, Silk l-nibrelia,. Undershirts, Pilot Jaeket, and Tvoser,, Blankets, Tweeds, Drills, Stationery, tipmp Canras. GusDe.l' Fine Perfumes, Valval Rujrs and Carpstt, Waterproof Clothing, it i soni: sfc siMfr FANCY PRINTS. piNK PADS. CIIOCOLATS A5D WBTTC GROrSD PRINTS. JkTinrS. WHITE COTTONS, Horroek.. Loaf Cleib. Ittia. A H at. asd H tt ha. Tark.y Red. Bm.i C-ltea .( Drill. Blue Coiioa Drill. Tleaiac Harks fflitsij. Striatal Praia. Cotton Sheotiog, 77. tt). anmet IM n. Maeqailo Netting. WataT-pnof Ctota. Black and Colored Merinos, BI.ek Coboarg aid Iialisa Clalk. Bares, la all colors ; I.iasa. PARIS PLOUGHS ! Bedrord Cor (made expreaaly for tbe Island trade.) Base's Ale, Blood, Wolfe A Co'a Ale, F.dinon d's Pig Brand Purter, Lalande's Claret, no i 11 k m NAPOLEON CABINET CHAMPAGNE. Fine Brandy, Whiskey, Sherry and other Wines, Aloohol. Jams and Jellies, Caator Oil, Lea A Perrin'e Sauce, Paint, and Oil,, Sloop Iron, Fence Wire. Corrugated Roofing, Bar Iron, QsWaotsed aad Hollo Waro, Tin Ware, Knives and Forks, Children's Cribs. LONDON PIANO FORTES HAWAIIAN PL -OS Pipes, Flnwer Puts, Earthen ware. Glass ware, Leather Belting, Celebrated Silicate Paint, Vegetable Machinery OH, Powell Duffryn Steam Coal, Twilled Cambric and Silesia. Black Lasting. Flai P..ld .. Cotton aad Liaoa Tar.ail. wkt. Mae aaaat fer-wa, a.'ortH .W.. Whit A Browa Coitea Tarksab Teael. A. SILK FOULARDS: Linen aad Coltoa ITandkerchiof,, tor... rad ; Table Ctotk,. Mea'a Soaks. Ladies' Stockings, amort. Whitt and Brown Cotlua M.rino Find. WsUr-proof aad Flaaatl Shifts, WOOLEN SHAWLS Black Lac Shawls. Silk t assrelta. Plaids, Poachue, Meake Jaea.ts. FLANNEL SACKS AND PANTS, Buckskin aad Clotk Saeka and Pant. Aa Aasortiaent of FINK St ITS. WOOLEN BLANKETS. eenrUat, green, bio nad waita . Wtit I ..11. .n Btaakeu. TJomn Blanket. Light and Heavy Barlnpe. Woolnsek, Sail Tome. Bug- end Cnrpeta, Rubber Uond, Garters. Si Etc., Etc., Etc. t03-3m. THEO. II. DAVIE. C. BREWER CO. OFFER FOB SALE BY LATE ARRIVALS FROM BOSTON ! The Following Assortment of MERCHANDISE ! Anchors, A00 to lOOOIbs, Leather Belting, 3 to 6 in, Oak Tanned. Spring Beds, Boxes Jam and Bales of Rope, Boats assorted Styles, Bomb Lsnces, Cane Knives. Cultivators, Carts, Hand, Mule and Hone, Copper Paint, Canal Barrows, Cumberland Coal in Casks PESCE WIEE, BEST QUALITY ! FIRE CLAY. FIRE EXTINGUISHERS I 1 Horse Power for Sawing Wood, Planters Hoes. Hay Cutter, Kaolin. Fire Clay, Yellow Pine Well Seasoned Yellow Metal, 18 to 2S ot. Composition Nail,, Ox Yoke,, Plow, varinn, style, and lilts. Pail, i tloop, American Prints Desirable Styles I Best Quality Rosin. Turki Island Salt in Oak Barrtll Nest, Painted Tub,, Wheel I: .-row., Casks of EGG COAL! Por Stoves Imported Expressly for Family Use! A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF SADDLES. Bridles. Bits, and Spar. French and O.rman Cahfekia. India Robber Balle. Feninar Daatar. Blank Booke. Blank Sot,, Genuine Oold Leaf, Jewelry, snehae K,r Rings P rumbas' Aa. Harmonises. Pit... London aid Meersch.uar Pip. Genuine Eau de Cologne Lahin's Eitr .cti Soaps, Toth BrmsWs. Dressing Combs, ISTEEDi Pocket Knirn, Seisanr,. Ckanoal Iran. Wasbing Tub,, liaiv. Basket,, Is aad IX s. GERMAN, ENGLISH AND FRENCH Groceries! Crushed Sagas. Sardia,. A., A. w Taper,. Csatpkor. Safely slaieka. r LIJVTS :- White Zinc. Wbiu Lead. Grea aad Painla, Berila Bin. Hubbark'e Paiat Oil W I in i : : Jithannisbargar. LMhfravaasstiab, C (banpagne. Heidaiock', Ae. Sparalmg iloek, quarts and piota. ALES, Key Brand. Si Paul a. Lager Bear. Jeffrey', Al A Purter, Bavarian Be,. ejU t pes LIC I ) It S : Cognac Brandy. Gin. A.. Alenkol rs D'j.ka CIGARS HAVANA A GERMAN HARDWARE. F,ne Win. Sat. 4. 5 tad (. C. C. Tin Plato.. Sheet Zine. Kef ivaa. ;'.,,. I Irna Pip. , in in. I n. I, km. Babbitts Metal. Hoop Iran. 1. 1. i. 1). Wrappiif Paper. Horte Rope, "kita . Crk,, MnaMir;, Looking Olea A Clfo Tumblera. Weter M..nk. ,. ii,mhr nad Cantk, baaijohn,. i. I. dead gaile .Market Bevkx. KEROSENE OIL, Birch Broom,. Ceeaent. Fir Hay. Fir Btank. Slalae, Barrele aad Caaka. Ae.. A Orders Iron, ihr elkrr Mauds Urrlnllt ElfCBltd- 800 lejr Ex Favorite, From Victoria 100 Barrei, Fraier River Salmon, 10 Half Uarrel, Fraier River Salmoa, Brery Barret in Perfect Order and, FOB SALE AT A VERY LOW FIGURE, 100,000 Eastern Pine Sugar Shoob ! WILL BE SOLD At a Lower Price Than Ever Before Offer ed in This Market These Snooks are Thoroughly Seasoned And offer adTantages ovar all others, SOLD IN THIS MARKET: Holding a larger qaantitj of sugar, gaining from 2J per cent- to 3 per eent. in setting np and repairing M coopering after leasing tbe Plantation SUGAR MACHINERY ! Till I N IM KNIi. M I. ,, ., j sr IIIIIIIIO per Matt from LO. ceLnealeel Glasgow Iron Work of Messrs Mirier-, Tait, aid WatMi, K s act partakralars of ISaS etast of SUGAR MANUFACTURING PLsANT ! Of seventeen different cnaearaaen raaaatast 10HO Ih. Hna-ar la la Haesra a, a ran, at Us a s Irot-rlaM Tas-aaaa Pass te .Wake la Taaaa of laaai las la at m t aal af ei lia llvered la OL ALL OF THE ABOVE GOODS ! Will b? old Low To Close Consignments, AND To make room for new goods expected per Syren and Ceylon : TO All HIVE EARLY NEXT FALL, INVOICES OF WHICH ARE EXPECTED NEXT MONTH C. BREWER & CO. m am . Columbia River Salmon! II UT RECEIVED PEB t. A. FALKIXRVBCs ta oarral. and naif bar rata, for sal by as a suwusoo. The ondereurnM are pr.pent m earn m-hlo.rv. aod In arraoee or frHaHl anrppm nv a aaes Iron In tne y w or I Lave UUaazatr ar aasaeat t I -l.ri.or SfaaS. Tt. B Order for nil ktaa nt Mai kens 1 1 aaaS .r Enmpeaji merrnaod ee rn ehipaod nr la enoee nw' eboal I be eent to lb und-rssooo dnnoa lan. ea: a t Heptember or not later laao OctuSir Mas. ar Sate. ' frelaht ..-.-.- for. t7 r. T. I.I ri! t a m - From London Direct ! The Hawaiian Archipelago m siias It lli:i.l. BIRD. Iemdats, ItsTS lurnnui rtlceeaavsa wna Original Entrraviniri. and a Large Kap of Um Crater of Haltakala, on Hani Tale Work eantalaa late anna I alatst slieislp Uaa af HaaraUaa Ha aery tsaat nana over kasaaa paaaUSBaaea. aant aaaeaiel a la ervery Han s Library. Those Wishing a Copy thonla oidejr at e Prioo Four Xoll.r. at to, late ky U. at. WHITtST