ME TABLE FOR THE MAIL SERVICE IreatBritain &ttew South Wales fts.n FranrlsM. Jlonoluln mud A a etc land. Prprd ipret!j fr tba HawalUnOaiette., OrTWAEO.TEIP VKOU LOXPOX. 1X4 VK bCIt AT Sad Francisco 1 & n inf IS Qtr Of X. York.. Apr 25' Mar r Mr 41 tier 31 n Jul! II . .. Jmr IS poly ; Aw CIIt S. lr. ur, ' - smi t,ZlaedLa.. .. ,.ep 1 :ct iCJf S'deeT. .Oct 10j let l Ae.trell NOT 7j v.i -s Cilr of S. Tork..n: A ox SI Rep Oct IS Nov HI I Uan I01 Hat 21 Uon. It IJoIr It A HE 13 Sep IS Oct fi Not 6 Die 3 Dec 13LC 31 'Jen IIOUKWABU BOCSU FROM fcTDNKV. Sjde.f, Per Stoaaw Llaadie ..." of sraeef Utralta r r Tort y vf -JJ- ItreU. . x. Yrk Uaadie Apr war ,Joa Jnn Jalr AM P .Oct Xoe ttrc 7 Apr b May 31 ,Jun o Julr Aur 2i, lcp i IOCS 20! Not 1?' Iiec It, Jao 2l!llay CI J an SOiJun tsiJulr IllAui iisp lOIICt 8 Not 4 Deo 3 Jan Mar lion 2Uu!r Sep ep Oct Not Dec II It "I 13: Slpao May S4 Jon 11 juir is Aue is Sep 15 Oct II Nor 8 Dec 6 Uan 3 Ju 31 rvoxEs op niK week. "JThcre wIH-la,.meeUnyrtpf the Young Men's Christian Ac&ocUtlon at the Lycra ra, to morrow (Thursday) e Train p. KcssfxK Cokscl. By notice In the officii, col -nmn It will be observed that J.W, Fflager Ej Us resumed the duties of the BnuUn Ylce-Coutul-ate for this port. Earthquake. ths Excellency Mr. Pierce Informs' as. tbat on TLnrsdaj- morniug before H;ht, he felt Terf sensibly an earthquake shock. Did any one clie notice It! Stock Operations. A quantity of the stock of the new ttid flonrithlnff Kealla Sonar Company wut suddenly thrown Into the market the other dir. It wis all taken by the but chert at par. It was live stock. aim of th Moon for the Month of May. 1877. jyrprta vj vupt .'- HOXOLCLU MEANTIME. Li Last Qrtr - . 0 7.5 x M i. x li.2 r m -& sa.8 Fii It, First guartrTjt.C.i - i F-3 Moon,, TIME KOX lUbfXO AND SETTING. t saa lU--.5 !I0i m Sod Seta 21.0 r u & boo Hiea & A M oua twu i r m t, MB lU- i S:a K. SU 0 25.2 r M CiWn lUw & 23- M bun beta 6 29. T M h Hon lUaea 2U2 a m aiin enaM-o r (t too Ule S :U am.. ..Sun KU....6 !U 1 M o.ii.iii:ik;iaim itOXOLCLC. MAT It, lZZ. at D. C Horn f arrired on tua 11 Ih from lo FrancU- TUUUo,lerealiclaDdeiaprtoriiercari:o. b will I mlth daaaauii for U above port, and aall arljr nut JlMin. C Brewer Ctw. A cent. n-k Tktor arrired m tbe 13th. froni Paget Sound, briof. t tb tiaaal wMOrtmeot of Ker VTnt Umber. couUgued to . II. HackfeU aCd. Sbf return lo ballaaU t?frl Laleta bar anid from Iwute porta, durlog; tbe Lt week, and left fur tb A relic TUm onljr two Dot yet In i tit !acinc (reported at Illlo,) and tb Luropa. TLa I tdtitpting wbaWt, rrpurted op to thlt date. Is Sneeu. Imoag tbe good TOTacet made are tboaeof the Tltu Pope, U 2 tiarreli vperm oil, and the l'inc. at 11 Ho, wub 180 i. 430 wliAle sad aoote SHJO Cm boo. i.rn J. A. Talk initial it nailed un the 1 2th for Port- pid with a lull cargo of alaad produce, coutUting chleflj vi c Cortoca leaee la a dar or two for IIouC tone, and am thitber a light freight with mam WwK) paMengcra. Pictures or their Majesties. In the window of the Bookstore tberc are on exhibition photograph ic picture of the Ktag and Queen, both ret In one frame, and surrounded with a very tasty border In card-board cut In fancy declcns. CoEHECnoN. Id the letter of lion. S. N.- Castle published by ns last week. Instead of "one fourth acre of tbe second rat toons of this patch Just ground gave 3 tons of sugar," read, one and one fourth acre of the second rat toons, etc This conn try yields quite enough sugar to tbe acre under favorable conditions, to prevent any necesaltj for a resort to exaggeration. The error was with the printer. RcroUM School. Tbe Board of Education has commenced the erection of a Urge and com m odi ous building on tbe premises of the Reform School, to be used as a school bouse, dining hill, boys dor nHtor, etc. Tbe bouse Is two story and is TZ feet lo length by 35 feet In width, and Is sltusted be tween the old Bcbool buildings, and tbe house ol tbe principal, fronting to tberaouth, Tbls Improve ment has long been needed. Kino Street Extension. M on b. de La Nux has within a few days surveyed a route for a new road runninc from the pieaent terminus of King street beyond Maklkl, In a nearly direct Hoe to the north corner of Kaplolanl Park, and according to his esti mates a road sufQciently broad for present needs, can be constructed by a gang of sixty men within twenty days, at an outly of about $500.00. It would be a great public convenience If this work could be completed previous to the 11th of June. Diplomatic Call. Ills Excellency II. A. Pelrce, United States Minister Resident, Major J. B. W ode bouse, lliitlfch Cummlesioner and Coueul General, nd Monsieur Theo. Ballleu, French Consul and Commissioner, made an official call on Her Koyal lllghnesi Mrs. Lydla Kamakaeha Oomlnls, Heir Apparent, on Saturday morning last, when they availed themselves of the opportunity to tend er their congratulations on her recent appointment. His Excellency Joho O. Domlnls, and several ladies of the Court were In attendance on the occasion. lOatT OI- IIOXU.IJI.U. AUUIVKI), kj S Scbr Falrj Qoeeo. I'e&l, from IlaoaleL Hrtmr ivUKtiee. Maixuaai, .row iuuaiu iutm. Am HDC Murray , f uller, to aJ irom wx rau- Ci-cu, tU llflo. Hriir UarMko. Chriatian. from N'awitlailL SchrlXAaokai, Kalaa, frua awililtL bchr rriitce. Uec., frwtu tCoua aal Ku. Am D h Mflura. Stif er. from 'w Bedlord. 23 Am taut Victor. Livery, 24 Uya from lort Gamble ettar KlUuea. Karckuit, frven NaaihwilL ttchr L'ilam. Paatjiaa, froat KwhaU mud llauakua. chr Eatuaile Cluury, from KaUmt. aud Wabuea. kaii.i:u. laj J Schr Nettie Uerr.lL Crne.tor Lahalaa. ecur it-anna, rt iiuur, .or a kuqiui hchr PueokabL Clrte, Uc MuL HDMS FntaMue, Jom Mquj, fjr MaoU X0-chr PanabL, lltipu, for llflo. , Am httue PuooTery, shepherd, for San Frauctaco. 11 blwr KUauwa, UrcbAtit, for NawUiwilL Vrhr KrtBuluohi. Klaio. for llaualct 12 .scb r MariiMi. Cbnftiao. for Koloa and Waluea, Fairy Qweeu, Fenl. lor ivuiiaia. vbr MannoAUwal. KkluA, fr NawiUwIU. ' J4lir Klaau. Ahaibala, for Ilaaaiel I Mmr Ktliuea. Aiarcitaoi, lor luawsru I IS Tchr Pnaee. fleck, for Koaa aud ICau. Am LKtae J A laiKinimrg, uuuuan, lor runuuu. n wh u Milton, MiTrt, lor cruiaa. vi;i ;-.. i. four. HiaXKAJITlltX. Ooa. ir Ahmiarh. 41r4.rc1ng ' . t, s Jif. J-ifn. aiacharxiag Mere SeUe KaUrta, Oraf . duchargiaE iatae VlctAT. Uw), dlecharxtipc. itt D C Marrajr, FaUcr, duatargiaci -A JLA Manama, C Krainctar, Cilcord, repairlug. HCnOKA.'VUA Kzrvtt or Sums ic WAFiimnoi u,CIIamill. i.rtialkd from New Bedford Pee 14th, !S76i33da,i ItbtC4aatir,croMedltlakaic2dO w 31 d)toUt W Ktl auabuc: za aira muiw rsjuin raciuci eipenencea r aaaal westher off Cape Horn, with an uuuual qaatuhy of la: laocaed at Joan teraDdn. taeoee tL. iraon io tat w crewed the Eqoalor In ibe raofle April 13lh, iheooe cabna i luai aire tuna ue soin, la tai o nvMi in nLn.tCiradea: elrhied Maul Ma? 8th. Took 200bbli Ea and 1500 1U bone on tbe paatage. 8poke the folloatajc be)i Nar26U.Utalo 30" tf.lot eS V. b.rk Padae, iuk TO bbbi o. iam and 3 rifbt bAlnt Ul 37 e.loox 77 I , dai t. ittomat ivpe, wiin vo bu m per in, ana ucr dup Uatftema tedlj pru&x; oc Juan l-eroaooex. Data napoieou I net rrpored. fiiJpe are doing well on Chile. I Ketoit cr AmiDC Hcaaav, A Fcixta, UasTEa ift Saa Franciaeo AprQ l&ih, at 0 p m. In tow of ia Joe ul: nrt 3 darsoat tronr Lreexefrom IS and W. which trrwardt hauled la N and E. and continued ao tbe baUnee paaage; arritrd at lIOo91ajr3rdt diacharfod aboot liu too. iSre. and toot In 170 UiU perm al Irom but racmc, vapt ra. Ijch iiiuoo neanewuyi&e via, la uw oi auar t, and arrived at Uooololu on tbe 11th. CcKiiror Am vi an Wiltok, fivtTEto, SlAtraa. BaH- from Htw Bedford fe 28th, 1876, for Uooolula and tbe Lmlc; aecaod day out had heaey and NK cslea. and Teered miMttew ud w.and bkived wtut great TWence lor ! laya, had a3 the boatt ttoee on tbe cranes. Jan ltt, runnitig 4cr lowwaoDeaila aod loreaU. abipped a arar eea carrT- t a wit a ur board boat and dartt. and with her the carren- r .Norman j Keur. ata wasiMi. raised tnrouiTi inesuaiu t Le Maire Vlar Uh. arvl br Cie llura on the 7ih. Had itcht riads from the Cape to Joan Icrnandex C'roaaed tbe or Apru 14. i'imn uaa-aii on tot morung oi atay iwni ree-to off Dlmond Head at midnight Too Posts fer KiUuea, Mar 11 His Et A I llartwett. L W Tb art too. Capt Worth. 11 M Vhitoev. I'f Dlier, Caaa Baker, E P Adams nd wife. Mist Peatoly. Geo uer, ti uarnwcu, t u Aiexanaer, r uuu, ii ruaroy.j ArmiUft, Rer J Bridger, 1) U BaVlaio, Eoll. Krohom I M oeca. raoa fax Faaansco Per I) C Vurraj.May 11 Ceo n rar&e and wife. Kra DrAli &ou)e and tlauxhler, J 31 Flood. J it C H toon, C U Wallace, wife and 4 children, G 31 Luke and LA avune. Foa NaWiLiwru Per KHaaea, May 11 TI LSheidM a Irwin, J F Brawa. J II Black. Geo w Martariaae, yr J fc. l, Capt BeynoUa, u w u King ana 3d dectu I Fbom N'kwiuwtu Per KlUnea, May 13-Capt Makee, n L HicUoa, J It Elaea, Cspc ReyaoUs, u w jiaciariane, u irwia, u m tt Mac i tuce, J vuiaaa, uapc itoaa, j w jr, W 11 Armitage, NatbanUl, and about u decK. FoaWrsDWAU Pobti Per Knauea,May 14 CaptUakee. Vr Tremble, Mr Arnold. U CorawtB. WT McLean, DD l.MwIu,Xlsf Harbort, Mrs C B Aadrewa. Miss Aadrews, W Godal4, JVC Wilaon, Mr Klag. Q U Logao, G U Wyne kai wil. Capt Beynolds, J L Flood. W II naUtead. Mrs roca,Mraurowaingburg, ami; jksmd. aim iwria, a r uarcy.uso Juuer. airau r AUtuis, ana ic9cm. I.UPOKTS. From Port GunbU. ier Am barkeatlne Victor. Mar 43th icrt irfi iimivr, SdUil R rocgu ituuDer, iau J. Otisglw, is 3a lata a. Wailccu, May 10th, 1 873 TO TBE EPXTOK Or THE IUWAIIAJf GAZETTE: Eta t Tlitre occurred In tbe harbor of Kabul al this sorntDg a tidal ware or rather a ineeession of thsm Ir. E. Bailey wu oat U a eanoa with soma natives htc, and ths fint he notiesd was that the net Eulle4 heavier and then the canoe grounded where here Is usually 4 or A fathoms of water. This was .boat quarter, to re, and thsy ran ashore leaving eano and all. Ths satire bottom of ths harbor was 1 hare and ths seow whioh li aushorsd to the Ka loi'i buoy was aground. A good view was had of ths basin of the harbor and the entrance through tbe reef. The sea thin poured In through the open- Kag list a rirer and naireled the harbor. It Is described by those witaetiiog tt to hare been I magnificent light. Mr. Bailey says the saa first receded then returned very high and fast. The see load ware was not quite so high, aud the third 1 is still bat tha fourth was almost as high as the first. The sea ran Inland elear to the pond of Eanaha keeping ths lumber belonging to Mr. Bailey along j with iL. Then returning U carried a large part to a, some of which has as ret failed to return, and f the balance lies scattered along the beach almost to aiaea. rue storehouse at Kahulat was noouea oat fortunauly but litUe sarar was moiled. The lea still rises and falls much more than. usual 12 M., hut trine agtUUon Is subsiding. I Vay is this thus t There were bat few fish thrown iaiHore bat they were thankfully received. lours Truly Iaabclux. TiDE-GCAOE. Tbe United States Govemracnt has recently sent out a tldc-guage to be used In tbls harbor lor registering the-rise and fall of the tides. It has been set up In a structure erected for the purpose near tbe outer end of the long wharf at the extremity ol tbe Xj plana de. The apparatus Is run by clock-work, and the action of ibe tide la reels -tercd on an endless strip of paper, recording accu rately the height of water at every hour of the day. It Is a matter of regret that tbe guage bad Dot been put In operation a few days earlier, so that lt could have registered the tidal disturbances of Thursday last. Tbe apparatus Is under tbe charge of the Chief of the Government Surrey. We anticipate valuable scientific results from Its record. Tbe Mango Season. Tbe melancholy daya have again returned the saddest of the year when the mango trees, whose name Is legion, of this city. arc loaded down with their yellow and green fruit, and when numberless old women avail themselves of the opportunity to spread their languid forma on the sidewalk, on the shady side of the street, aud doze away tbe livelong day by the aide of the piles of tbe unctuous fruit, a Ho spread out on tbe sidewalk, and for sale at the Mtl tortjj fiyfor a kenl on lace and hands and clotliirif bt an absorption of these apples ol thCv-Hesperldea has juat been consummated, TroiL-DiaTnnBANCS.-fnivdar last- abont twenty minutes past five o'clock In the morning, a number of Individuals on tbe wharves noticed that the tide was running out with great rapidity, and by accurate measurement, nude by Pilot Babcock, It was ascertslned that it fell Si locoes In fire minutes. At six o'clock there was a tctcrn tide, when the sea rose 34 lucLes In ten minutes. A similar Influx and reflux of the tide continued all through the day and night, gradually diminishing In volume. Tbe greatest difference observed be tween high and low water In the harbor during tbe forenoon was' 53 Inches. There Is no doubt but that this disturbance In the billowy main Indicates soaae terrible convulsion of Nature thousands of miles away, probably on the coi&t of North or South America, Theiidal oscillation was observed on the Islands ol Kami, Maul, and Hawaii, as well as on the shores ol this Island. At Kahnlul, on ibe north side of Maul, tbe subsidence drained the 1 harbor, leaving the usual anchorage of coasters. which Is In three fathoms of water, perfectly bare. ; Tbe scow of the schooner ilol, which was lying at anchor In the bay, was lcll high aod dry at an angle of forty-fire degrees on tbe side of a sub marine sand hill. When the sea returned It rose four or five feet above the usual high-water mark. just covering the floor of the store-house, and slightly damaging the sugar therein stored. A letter which nc publish lu this Issue from a Maul correspondent, furnishes a graphic account of the appearance of the bay acd of the results of the wave. Nothing has been beard yet from Hllo, but as all previous tidal disturbances have been more marked there than in other localities ol the croup, excepting perhaps Kahnlul, we have reason to an ticipate newa from that bay of an Interesting nature. At Kawalhae, on the west side of Hawaii, tbe difference between the rise and fall of the sea was about fire feet, or abont the same as here. It may be of Interest to note In this connection former tidal phenomena which have been recorded Id this country. A tidal wave Is said to have oc curred In the year 1819, a short time before the death of Kamehameba L, w hlch calamity It was supposed to prognosticate. In 1837, on the evening of the 7th of November, the sea retired from the harbor with such rapidity as to grcaily alarm the foreign ers who fcarod that Its reaction would overwhelm the town, like the great wave wblch destroyed the city or CU to In 174ft. Tbe fall on this occasion was eight feet. Al Hllo aud Kahnlul, after the first recession, there came a gigantic ware which dashed upon the shore with a roar like thunder, Involving "houses, canoes, fish-ponds, animals, in short, property of all Mods In one common ruin.' In both places a number of natives were killed. "May 17th, 1841, the same scene, though on ft much less violent scale, and at tended by no loss or life, occurred." Tbe fall at that time lo this harbor was three feet. The last phenomenon of this kind occurred In 1SGS, on the IStb and 14th of August, when tbe difference be tween the highest aud lowest tide was fire feet and four inches. This event, it will be remembered, was almost simultaneous with tbe nnparallelled earthquakes which occurred In Pern and Ecuador on the same day of the month, when some 30,000 lives were lost, aod three hundred millions of proper ty, and twelve cities and towns were destroyed. Ar qulpamnd Aries, cities of 35,000 and25,000 Inhabit ants were totally deatro red, not a vestige, of them be ing left. The followlngls what theft CAdtrriistrot October 3rd saya of the event : The great earth quake occurred at 5 o'clock on the ISth of August, corresponding with about 13 o'clock noon at Jlonoluln. The distance between Aricm and Honolulu Is abont 6,600 miles, and as the first movement of the sea lo suddenly receding was ob served here at 13 o'clock mld&lcht. It took the oscillation twelve hours to travel tbe distance, or at tbe rate ol a little over 446 miles an hour." Aa in 1SCS, the tidal phenomena of last week were ac companied by volcanic activity al Ktlauea, confirm ing the theory of ft connection between the sub terranean fires of Hftwall and those of other paxta of the world. t3T On our fourth page will be found an Inter esting decision of -tbe Supreme Couat, .and also, some of Dr. Scott's Ideas In regard to the Hawaiian Islands. t5T Attention Is called to tbe new advertise ment of the Great Eastern Auction Hdose, and alto to the largo 'bale by Mr. Bartow, of burlaps and horse-blankets slightly damsged by salt water, which takes plsce tbls day. iy- Wo know of no vessel due from San Fran cisco previous to the 31st of this month, on which dsy tbe E. M. steamer Zealand la may be expected with tbe mails to the 22d Inst. Should I here how ever be a vessel on her "way to tbli port at tbe pres ent time, the strong trade winds now blowing Mil bring her down In ten or twelve days ACCIDENT. Our fellow towneraau Mr. C. E. Wil liams met with a severe accident last wet-k, wblle riding on horseback In Koolau. UI bone shjlng suddenly, threw him to the ground breaking his collar-bone and dislocating his arm. Dr.- McGrew was called to attend him and the patient Is' cow do ing at well as ciuld be expected. X3T We desire to call attention to the new ad vertisement In to-day's Issue of the Cunard line. It Is nearly forty years since It was established and It Is a remarkable lact that tbe line has never lost a ship or met 1th any serious disaster. These facts speak volumes for Its management, and have earned for It tbe distinction of being the most popular line on the Atlantic with tbe traveling public Large Bale or Cattle. We learn that Mr. Charles Xoltey ofUsmikua, II a wall, has disposed of hi herd of cattle, numbering about three thou sand head, to Captain Eldarl's of Puna, on the same Island, for tbe sum of $20,000. Mr. Noltey Is to de liver the cattle on CaptaluEldarts ranch, which will obi lire bltn lu drive thcra from the northern slopes of Mauna Kea, wbero they arc now rutin lug, for a dlstaucv of some ninety miles. Tas Wbatuek. Tbe weather has of late1 been In a very anomalous state. If any old resident could be suddenly vaUed from tbe dead, he would without hesitation declare that It was the month of Febru ary, Instead of being tbe middle of May. For the past few weeks high winds, and heavy showers have been the rule, and the country Is now greener than It was In the midst of what Is "Usually our rainy season. If this style of weather will continue through the summer, there will be hope thatlhe country may yet be saved. The Drama. The opening of the series of enter talnments by MIssRena and Mr. Maedcr,'at the Koyal Hawaiian Theater, ou Thursday evening last, waa a decided success. The play of "Sweethearts" Is a very pretty thing,- and was well acted. The stage -was converted for the time Into a veritable garden, being covered with pslms aud other shrub bery, making a tout etttanU of great beauty aud reality. In the Irish Girl of To-day" Mls Rena distinguished herself by tbf vividness of her repre sentation of an Irish coqnette. The comedietta of "Little Toddlehlna" was a great hit, and so con vulsed the audience at frequent Intervals wiih laughter as to almost Interfere wiih tho play. The apiieitrance of Mr. Derby In the character ol unjold mafd aged 48 years, but who Imagined herself only "sweet sixteen," was too fuliny for anythlog ,Oh Saturday eenlng the second entertainment of tbe grson was gircn to a good bouse. Tomorrow evening "Little Toddlckins" will be repeated by special request, aud My Uncle's Will," which Is highly spoken of, willbeglven for the first time. Season tickets with reserved seats can be procured at Mr. McWayne's for nine dollars. Kapiolaki Park. In a recent drive over tbe extensive avennes and roads of the new sea side park at Waikikt, we were agreeably Impressed wiih tbe energy with which the work' of laying out the grounds has been pushed forward. From the park gate a broad straight avenue runs nearly the whole length of the park, parallel with the sea-beach. The mile race-track la nearly In the ccuter of the pflrk. It is sixty feet In width, and Is In a forward state of preparation. In places It la somewhat toft on the surface, but a thorough welting down once or twice and a little more rolling will make It a most admirable race course. Tbe whole extent of tbe park has been laid out under the Immediate su pervision of the rrcaidenLjf h 'oclatlon Captain MaJijTjwTndlng roada and drives, and NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. New Coffee Saloon MIT. EE LEE BEGHTO ANNOUNCE TO 1TW fnrmrr tatranL and to the public eperallr. that he shall open n SATURDAY SKXT, May Mtaa Coffee Saloon and Bestaurant, On the corner of Berrtania and Hmith E tree la, opposite to the Keomefcapill Church, where Temperance Drinks and Warm Meats will be served at all hours of the tlay and night. In the most rccAenAe style, and of a quality to silt the moot fitsttdloua. CofTee and Tea, with the customary ooncomtnltanu. Ten Cents. Breakfast, utotier, or Supper, consisting of Steak. Chops or llaah. with tbe Vege taMea of 'the arawn. Fifteen Cents.' ftflr Back Door open on handaya. Ml it ROYAL HAWAIIAN THEATBB. OR THURSDU EVENING, IATO, 1877, THIRD TERFORM ASCE BY MISS RESSTj! AND j Mr. FRED. C. MAEDER. Another Fashionable and Elegant Bill! By Uptdal Ileqntat WBI bt repeated Xiittlo Toddlelclxxa! Or, IS Yrars Older thnn Hfr Fa.tb.t-. For positively tbe laic time. To conclude with a charming Comedietta. Vi played by MaOce llobertaou and sir, Keudau, at the llorai t llayniarket Tneatre, London, entitled, TSTy Uncle's Will. . Florence SfJtrlroM KENA Cbas. Ctubmore.K.G.Maeder Mr. Barker tkne Drawing Room at Brighton. Tune The Present The next performance win be SATURDAY, May 19th, when will be given Sweethearts, and Harried for Money, nyUnt author of IJttleToddleklns. In rehearsal TennvMm'a Idrl DORAr and WKsMncton Irvine's RIP VAX WINKLB. Season TVk eta fur Reserved Seata, for acoureeof 10 Performances, tx-gtrmiiia: from this date, can be obtained for i.00, by Immediate application at A. UcWayne's Drug store. 61111 Books Lately Received. HASWKI.17S ENGINEER'S POCKET BOOK Wrinkles and Receipts, How to Write Letters, Young Folks' Centennial Rhysaes, UtUe Women, 2 volumes, Roslne, a story of the Red Revolution, The sun Maid, a Romance, Anne Warwick, a Novel, Hongs for the Uttle Ones at Home, Tom bAwyer, or Mark Twain's Autobiography, For Bala by ! 2m H. M.. WHITNEY. ELEVENTH of JUNE 1877!'. Kamckamcha Day AT KAPIOLANI PARK. It has pleased bts Majesty the King to slgntfr his Intention on this occasion to formetly open the cronudi aa a place of public resort, and to confer the title of KA 1'IOLAXI PARK," In honor of Her Mafeurr the Queen. TheGovernment Rand will be In attendance, and a Salute will be fired by the Artillery. Prog rammo, and girl one meets Is -either unncn,prl4anted now. is time, to make H a most lovely spot, frail, or KI. VOtuSf-l The T ' ft.0' SSS lV Ibe algerobas, appear to be vigorous and lu-althj Wc would surest thai It would be nell to clve es pecial attention to the planting of cocoanuts, man grove and other trees which llii Ire on sandy soil aud near Ibe ball water, many varieties of which can be procured at a little expense from the groups lo the south west. A good beginning has been made In this work, wblch we rvgard a national In Its character, and If It be proeecuted villi tbe same energy'ch lias been displayed thus far, there la no doubt but that lo a very few years the park w 111 become a place of public resort of which the country may well be proud. IN AVCuXaORXASC. YJulreral Terrwruiu Orbla Archltcctonli' Sunt sal sd Glorlam. Frnm Ibe Orientof KamcAamtha Lodge of Itrjection So. 1, In the City of Honolulu, Kingdom Ha waii, under the celestial of that ten lib, which an swers nnto21" IS' north latitude. It having pleased the Supreme Grand Master and Great Architect of the Universe, in the decrees of his Inscrutable wlMlom to summon from an cart til y to the Celestial Lodge Ibe spirit of our beloved Brother WiluaM I'itt Lelciohoku, one whose youth, devotion to tueobUmc principles of Free masonry and marked abilities gave rare promise of a careei of future usefulness lo his count ly, therefore, Hrjolvtd, That while In tbe decease of our lamen ted lirotherthls Loditc Las sustained an Irreparable loss, we low wttb reverence aud submission to the will ot God. Jietatctd That we tender our most sincere ind respectful condolences to onr exalted Brother Kala kaca, to the"RoyaI Sisters of the deceased Prince, and to Her Highness bis adopted mother. In their bad bereavement, and we earnestly pray and confi dently believe, that God hlmselfwlll give them thc oil ot joy for mourning, and a garment of praise lor the spirit of heaviness. t TH. OrTEROELT. Co mm Utcc. -j 11. L. Sheldon. ( C. S. Baktow. Hokolblu, April 24, 1S77. Sire, and Brother Sir Kmodt.-Wc find It written In the' Great Light of Masonry' that 'Mt Is appointed for all men once to die,1 aud the great leveller Death knocks at the door or a 1'rlucc's Palace, as well aa at the collage of tbo peasant, and although we have tbe consolation of religion to console us In tbe hour of trial, still wbc'n the summons comes for mic In the pride of his manhood, aud with' every prospect ot a long and prosperous career before him, and eventually to a seat on the Throne which yon now so' worthily fill, the blow falls with crushing force; aud we, the members ot Honolulu Commaudery No. lot Kn lie tits' Templar, feel that the Masonic chain which bound us together has been severed, ere yet the link which bound your Itojal Brother lo us had become dimmed lu Us Masonic lustre, and that that link will only be re-united wheu wc as semble before tbe Supreme Grand Commander. But. to yon. Sire, your Sisters, bis Mother by adoption, and your Brothers-in-law, we tender you on behair of our Commandery that sympathy which Sir Knights should bear to each other In their afflic tions. We are. Sire, Fraternally and respectfully, D. K. Fire, . WM. O. IRWIS, I I. B. Petkrsom, f Geo. Williams.' - Committee, II nil of IIwain Lodge, New SI, F. at, A. M. IIonolclc, May Sib, 1S77. Sire; It was with the deepest feelings of grief that tbe Members of Hawallau Lodge No. 21, learn ed of the death of tbelr brother W. P. Lclelohokn on tbe 10th of April last. The Lodge desires to express to your Majesty, and to the Royal Family, their sympathy wilb you all, in this your great bereavement, and to assure you, that they feet very severely the losa of their brother, who bad In his short Masonic Intercourse with the Lodge, made himself respected and loved. Sire, In timet of great grief and trouble, human sympathy and condolence avails but little to soften tbe blow, but the little the Lodge can offer you and your family of aympathy, they do Tully and feel ingly. Aa a brother Mason yon know lull well, the brotherly feeling one Mason should have for anoth er; we can assure you that his Lodge, had the full Masonic feeling for your brother, they feel, that lu bis early death, not only bts family, but the whole nation have met with a great Iota. With the renewed expression of the Lodge's sym pathy, and condolence to your Majesty and tbe Koyal Family. We hare the honor to be. Tour Ms lest .'s Most Obedient Servants, W. F. Allen, PvMv M. Locissok, CfiAS. T. Gcucx. To His Majesty, KAT.AgirA. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. A CABD Mr. F. A. Anderson. f Srai of Messrs. 8. BOFFNUXQ A CO of Bydney, Australia, b prepared to receive Indents for all classes of Engthb, Continental and American 'Merchandise, and having agen cies la these respective placet, an prepared to execute neb upon particularly favorable terms. Present address, Hawaiian tlotel, Honolnlo. Ml St Notice. I the v?rrKRi3iEi. Brni rkkli at KOLANI. of tlonoluin. uahu. hereby rives public to- tici that I have duly constituted and appointed SIMON hOLOA KAAI, of Kailna, North Kona, Hawaii, to be my Aeenlfbrthemanacement of my property In this King dom, both rd ami personal. And I do hereby enjoin upon my xooohlkU and tenants and persons holding leases of my hods, to recognize his authority as my saM Agent. All persona navmg claims aron. iuu man prrufgi uie muie to the said Agent, and all indebted are to settle with him. IL KKKUKOLAXE. Honolulu, May a, ivn. w im Labor Contracts. THE ITlvnEIWIGNEn If AYR If AT PRE PAttRD br co oj Detent legal authority, with special reference to the Master and Servant laws now In force In this kingdom. Blank Forms of Labor Contracts, Suitable ftr all cases, which they would now offer for sale to tho desiring to employ venrants, with the frill assur ance that they are the only forms now In use that ibmpty In every particular with the law governing the relations between Master and Servant Agents on the other Islands will be furnished with these blanks at liberal rates for cash. HENRY WATER nOuSE, CITA8. T. OUUCK, Agents to take Acknowledgements to Contracts for Labr, District of Kona, Island of Oaha. Honolulu. May Sth, 1377. M im HAWAIIAN o AMERICAN FLAGS, F AU 8IZCS FBOM 12 INCHES TO 30 FEET. For nale by ta 3m iL SfctNKItNY. KING'S l'VllSE-8230. Open for all honn. Two mile dash, to carry 118 ponnds. Eotraooe f I&. Second none aaves stake, 8150 PURSE Trattlor race to Wairon or llarneM. Open to mil 'iioraei. Mile heata beat two In three entrance f 15..' FOOT BACE-830. Opea to an. SOO Tarda. Flm l'rii., $15- fcecood prira fl. Open to all horeeimllo heata UT"-- In tbree, En Uanc. ,11, eaten welcbta. bmuUki aarea aaakes. TUree-legged Foot lUce, jDUUuce lOOyarJffee to all. ,A1IKV rriLNE-&ioo. Ojn for all horses. Mile dah, catch weights. Entrance 1 10. Second horse aaves stakes. MVI.E ltACE-810. MDe dash, catch weights. Entrance f I. IIKE.VAI,I-S0. OpentoalL First irtxe, f IS. Second prlxef3 4iUrANKI lMILa-$.o; I'rixe o be given to the first one who reaches the top of the pole. IIUltm.E RACE-$$0. Open to all horaea. Two mUea, catch weights. Entrance &to rntKE. Open to all horses. Half mile single dash. Catch weights Ku trance SJ. FOOT HURDLE RACE-30. First rvUe 25 ; second prize li. More than two to enter Open to all pedestriaus, 4 hurdles In 150 yards. Hurdles to be 4 feet high. rots' n:rtsi:-sio. Fret to all ponies not over US hands high. Prise l. lUmi.IC lUfLSE-T20. Hack race. Sweepstakes mile dash. Open to all horses that have not run In any of the previous races of the day or thatliave not won a purse In any poblic race, rust niranc f 1. Judgtt ....Ttanry Cornwetl, Jdo. II. Brown, Win. Wilder Cirri of tit Cbunt W. &. Buchanan 27s. Ktepert ... IL F. Hollos and 1). W. Clark: Szaritn J. T. Chayter and nenry Nacfarlane CUrkttfScaU.m. Col a IL Jadd M JHttamct JJe -w...J. D, Mc Jmdffa of ;nili....llls Ex. i M. Kape&s andS. Parker SftmruV Ills Ex. Jno. O. Domlnls, Hon. A. 8. Cleghorn, Ilon.J. I. Dowsett. Sam. Porker, John H.Paty,J. Moans all, S. JI. Damon. A. HerberL tonati&e o rraNmrati CapL James MAkee, John IL Brown, O. Waller, Ueorge Lucas. X. B. All Entries for the sports of the day rant be made with tbe Clerk of the Course on or before Monday, the 4th of June. The Roles of the San Francisco Jockey Club will govern the Judges lo their decision of cases In dispute. A tingle sounded at tbe Judges' Stand will call horses to saddle. The souud of ibe Bell will call burses up. su Trotting Wagons 4 "SSFsarr- WEST & CHAYTER HAVE RECEIVED Ex Bark ' Coringa,' from Boston, A FIXC ASSORTS! EXT Or Skeleton Wagons' and "Sulkies, AND OTHER LIGHT ROAD WAGON MATERIAL All of which can be put up In the best Style land atmoder rata prices, ALSO, FOIL SALE, lost Received a Large Aasortmiat of Ox Cart Hubs, Spokes and Felloes, trim Iron iilta to Salt. Mllm King Street tod Etplajade. Just Received from New York AND FOR SALE BY THE UNDERSIGNED, CIlOIfJE CABINET AND CAItTE de YISITK Photographs of Actresses aud other Public Person- ages. winter Views of Nlagr Falls, itereseoptc-.Verr Flat A few copies of Marie Twain's Last and Rest Story M The Adventures of Tom Sawyer." Also, a lot of Engravings. Chromes, Plctars-Framts, Washington Medallion, EsnKand Falcon Pins, and otfctr articles too nomerous to specify. SiJXm H M. WllaTXKT. FLORIDA WATER. Hurray & Lanman's Florida Water 1 Till IS CELEBRATED FLORAL PERFI'XE has been a favorite with tbe fashionable world la all parts of the O lobe for nearly half a century, rrpcutf in dVIidirv ei durability of iu odor, the flnet Kau De,' Oulogne or other Perfunirs that have been hitherto lm Irortcd Into these lahtnds. Mdrkav it Lanuan'b Florida Water Is unsurpassed aa an Extract for the Ilandkrr chltrr, and Is also superior U any perfume ever uaed'for Bathing, Cleaning Utt Tttth and SwttUming tht Bnath, tt alw alUya the Irritation caused by ordinary trvptiotu, and removes Ton, Irt&Ut, FtmpUs or BlolcJui from IMtM. back and armi, tt relieves nerrciu keodache and Imparts a glow of frvsbness aud Igor, however used and Is a most gentle and stimulating odor. Foa Sals Kviqtwheuic M. M'lNERNY, Sole Agent for tbe Hawaiian Islands. JV. B. Tradt tupptitd at ATaaujefyrert Prices. Uewareof spurluus Initiations, and see that each bottla bears the genuine Tbadk MaUK, MCKEat LasaNs tunsiDA WaTick. Si: ly Notice to Tenants of tbe Estate His Late Majesty Lunalilo. HAVIIYU BEEN AlklOI.TED 111' THE Judges of the Hupretne Court, as TnMteeof the Real Kstateof Ills late Majesty lanalilo, under the pro vUlonsof his nut will, we hereby notify all tenants and lessees of any portion of the aald real estate, and all per sons holding or who may hereafter boM or collect moneys on account of rent due upon tbe same, to account to us for ail rents due and owing from them which have accrued since the 1U day of March, 1877. the day of tbe death of his late Itoyat Highness Charles Kanalna, aa well as for those that may hereafter accrue. We al give farther notice that no one U or will be em powered to collect the r-nts of the add real estate, or to represent os In tbe management of the same, without our written authority therefor. We request all who hold teases of any portion of the said real estate to anbmlt the same to us without delay, with thelranplicatloiu for renewaL J. MOTT SMITH, KDWIN O. HALL, A SA.KFORD IL DOLE, Trustees tma?r the Witt of Hit late Majesty Iunaluo. ITonolola,TOth March. 16T1. 4 . S3d 3m AUCTION SALES. Br E. P. ABA31S. REGULAR CASH SALE t ON FRIDAY, : : : : : MAY 18th. At ttalr-pat 9 A.M Kt SaIroBi. ASST. OF NEW GOODS XAMELY Fine Print,. MoiHn!, Linen Prilli. Brown Cottons, White Cettoni. Merino. Vfetorta Lawn, . Silk llandkercbiefr. IlemtneJ Linen Ilanilkerchlefa, Ilarrard Ehirlt, Fanej Flannel OrarshirU. WOOL SHAWLS, Tnrklsh Towel for Cathlnc Illanketl, White Shirt,, AmoiVeag D.ilml. Amoikeag Strip.,. Cotton Drill. ErilllaoU, Be.1 Qniltf. Merino and Cotton UodershirU. Felt and Straw Half, Ladlea' Holt, Men', Soekf. Bridle, and Bitf. Elc. Etc.. Ele. G- x o c e r i e , &rc.s Teast Powder, Sardioef, TTrappInj Paper. Soda Craekert, Clothes Pins. FUms, Baoon. Candles. Pickles, Tobacco, Cigars, Floe Tea, Oysters, Salt, Pea Not Oil, Wash Bine, Pain Killer. . P. ADtlSI. Aarl'r. Executor's Sale VALUABLE REAL ESTATE! On latins: Street By Order ofM. Pico, Esq.. Executor of the Estate of An tone MaaasL deceased. ON SATURDAY, - - KAY 26th, At 1! o'clock: noun, on the premises. King Street, wiU be told at Public Auction, All that Certain Piece or Parcel of Land On King Nireet. near Xannakea. And recentlx occupied by Anton. Manuel, dtceaaed, wltn ariOd Stars and Two Story Dwelling Howe, Doth upon the Prtmaet, The title to tbe uropertr la perftct. and la. atand la aa nunsoally food oiim tor taa retail trao,. FUn of la, proaw ertjr can da aeen dj appneuon 10 ja. i vr a. . Cartajtant. aq. A pocttoa of tbe parcnaM H.7 eaa rvmaiCi on wonxage. as,, E. r. AlLVSti, Anctlonear. .1 I... if i T. I we . a I i n I " Ja -, "uy -OF. THE - FINE BRITISH IRON SHIP "DOVENBY" Tust Arrive 3., C0MPRISINO A . FULL ASSORTMENT OF Cotton, Woolen & Other Goods i JjU.VE NEW BTYLEN OF PBIXTN, Blue Striped Denims, V'elret Carpets and Rues, Haaaocks Pilot Cloth! ns;. Towels, Counterpanes, White Moleakins, Skirts, Orenadiner, Ecarrea and Tiei, Silk Umbrellas, Blankets, Crimean, Oxford, and Regatta Shirts, Flannels, Tweeds, Ponchos, SADDLES AND BRIDLES Swiss Mulls, Printed Lawn, Waterproof Clothing, Victoria Lawn, Book Mnalins, Laco Curtains, Bags, stooging, Canvas, Twin,, Leather Belting, Faint, Oils, Pipes, Statlonory. Wiro Rope, Corrugated RooSos;, Blue Mottled Soap, Oalranlsed and Tinware, Fencing Wire, Hoop Iron. Hollow.ware, Chareoal Irons, 0-os, Cutler, Bar Inn, Len & Perrin's Sauce, JAMS AND JELLIES GoineU' Perfamei. Soapi, and Brojhes. Hennsiaj'a, Msrtell', and Robin's Brandj, In casks and eases, . Fin. Sherrj, in quarter casks and esses, ' Genera. Whisk, Ruin, Uock, Moi.llo, Alcohol. etc., etc, eto. Blood Voire t Co's aid Bass Pale Ale. Edmund's Pig Brand Porter, BOUCHErS IUP0U0N CtBINET CH1IPAGIE, Lalande'i Red Bar Claret, Dunsill,', Whiakj, Board', Wine, and Spirits. snjcm paut r s PAIITS FIRE JJR1GJCS, BED BRICKS, CEMEFT, CHALK, WHITING. POWELL DUFFRYN S STEAM COAL I WESTON'S CENTRIFUGALS ENGINES McOnie's Coolers, And to An-ire, Me8nle's Clarllers. rOR SALE BT THEO. H. DAVIES. tUt So Administrator's Sale or Real Estate! ZY KONA. HAWAII. ON MONDAY, - - - - MAY 28th, AT 11 O'CLOCK NOOM, The undersbroed will sell at Public Auction, at hU itale. Room, In Honolulu, by order of W. L. Una, Adauinktra- tor or tbe Estate or uaulel Hoataomerj' ute or Kaiiua, Kulia, Hawaii, and Attorney ftr Jane Jones, the heir to the property, th tight, title and interest of the said Daniel Nuntsioaiery, and the said beir, to ALL THAT PIECE OR PARCEL OF LAND Situated In the TUlare of Eallna, Kona, UawaH, Known ns iho Anilrera I'rcmlncii, Conlalnlns; 1 43.100 Acres. TFiM aUtht BiuUKngtandlmprofmaiU thereon And which comnrlae a arood DWEU.WQ HOCftC ANtl ST0UE. which were rwcrnUr leaaed to aod occBfc4 bj ii a, vii ..a ,!, j at m. not vi rj per lijv all iriAi rittt m .rAutL vt utm i AUCTION SALBS. Bj C. 8. BARTOW. UNDERWRITER'S .SALE ! THIS DAT, WEDNESDAY, JtAY 18 At 10 o'rtoeK, a m at Meej-oetn, X wttssAatiMbBai aactito. Tvr Account ttnUai It Mr TW tbilomttni ZLotsoEt.oscja.jDa'aDxaaaB Arrirea by Ihm ;tm' Car T.rfc. frota a Damaged by Salt Water, II D 507. 1 1 JO yanl toirp. - ane..pama,IoaTarIBsr!asa atn.7 slva3S47ardaBrlap. SI 0.7 ptw. 250 rrdm Hartap. til, 4 fcUc., TaXJ JT(1. BarUj - 8ti 1 piem. 1M Tarda Braep. 111. 10 ptrcea. 300 rKte avrtap. . SI4. t race 73. raI SwUp. " sis, a PMc.a. 9C. jann aanap. " 814. S perik, 710 jarvi. rt.rt.fM Tarat. aa psen. and aaeo yMm B IX It SIS. too palraGrar ZUrw BbMaen - ao.looilraOrarllurwrlUaeta, M S31. ISO pairs araf IlanaOUeatHa a jS. BAKTOW, Aact'r. SUPERIOR FURMITURE! AT AUCTIOX, ON THURSDAY, : : : XAY 17th. AT ! O-CUJCK A. X. At tbe Residence or Mrs. C, B. Lewm, 1fiab.MJ.aaUM Furniture of Said Prints, iterfetaf I Hair CVlUl ?fu. I.r aJ4 Pr! 7tim t sto. Coir. Table. Watawt WbatwX. Claa. CaJTaat flower Taeea. rarlor Xtatrv SPLENDID GUT FRAME MIM01! 7 feelbrsVwltaAteStSaaal. Umusim. CbaixViVra. Diane Cbalra. lateirtoI)tatocTabKKoaSrt. ONE GRAND PIANO Cetal TOO Ualtara. nana 5UM4. flat Staad. Elrraut EsvtraTltic. OUt-1otblSrpet.Cbaallera. JlabanT Wartlrob. "It Lart. Mrrrar Dan. Koa and Iroa ftrdaleaja. lUllnan, Waiibatia, Cheat of Drawer is Crta. CROCKERY, CLAS5.WARJt.fcc., laian Cl'Brrl.ntar. , KIlrataVuMkHra mt4K Ami a Yartety ef 4a, Caasal AlStlaV: CA2SIASS, SlSStJ x 1 SadsHasi, C af riago Hohf. H mrhmtM. ! c . . . 4 a a ON THURSDAY, : : : MAY 17ft, vmb.aaU.ta. VALUABLE RE1LEST1TE Os th. earner ef Dentaata aad AMm rtfMta tbe KnUeaceaf Jra Laara.tUiaa a THE BUILOISES lilO IS?fUWESlTS THEBCSS. Tb premlaea bae. a fraataar. f abeat 1S SC aa We taalattrrt.aaiiaap4f ITS fees aa AlakeaeltMa. sa. DnlUata aad aasaaatianrbaat.l.twaaw abalfurlesbUb.wttlaveraiilatafTOaiadrear. ta tba drat Ooor ta a Ura. aad auho parfar, aaactaaa ball. ellUnar roam, dl.l.c rooaa. paaur aad avn n ml tat large bed roena wltb duattsaad batli Rwa im ta. I Htwr, aad twa aleefWac ream. .Prr 0.,.raaeeat water M laid aa r aad aitaad aoara. latseMfaa Ur,e aad ccmpl.U klubea.lw. carrta. i" MaMa. waab biw, Ac. Tb. Broaada are cend wtaa taaar tmportnl trra and plaata. The el ef tbla TaUaba. rw ertr will aObrdararcbaarwfraaraaearfrlab , cbaee a pbaaaal aad heal the reeUee.a, TITLE r EKf CT. Tar fanbr, aartkalara eaaatra af C... BAKTOW, ADMlNiSTKATOfeS: SAIXI atr aedar at, tea- a lata! r tf ,lba eabwa at WsJIas. A I Kona, ITawaU, altoatad about XX mQea from KaHaa. juat above the Goveremeot roaO. an J. coll tain lac Aa Acre, more or leas, aa more particular! dracrloed In Ibiyal ratent S0 with the DWELUXU IIOL'HK and all tbereon. For further partlculara appt to Mr. W. U. UIICXN, or to K. r. ADA1I8. Auctioneer. OS raiBAYi - ' a rt-" S earn nars 1U si; s so ci'.m w ! r 2?! ft CONSTANTLY ON HAND A QEHERAL ASSORTM'T OF Ship Chandlery and Ship Stores ! far Hale by TloIXr.S dc CO. PER bark R. C. Wylie from Bremen It IKON STOCK ANCnonS. sUes from to np to U00 Ibe. SUAM. CHAIN, In cuantlueato suit, aliea H lacb to b-lC of an Inch. Cn UN CABLES, J-!,H,J..l, 1 W, j jj, mai j M Incb. for aal, low by I" OOLLEa A CO. GOal Tst:r. I-X BARBELS AND CASUS, L For Bale by (411) BOLLE3 Jt CO. R California Beef in Bond. ECP.ITKO I'EB X. BELLE BOBEBTK vr . ay A CO California Lime & 'White Brother' EXflMSII I'OBTLASn CEnEST-Eeet oa.l Itf. ttJJ BOLLESaCO. MANILA CIGARS. NO. 3 HAVANA flKArE I And a ,ood qnalltr. For Bale br ni E0LLE3 a CO. B Oat Hay. KIT CALIFORNIA 'OAT HAT Tor Rale br aoa wjLua a CTJ FrniU Prepared by the Alien Procea PEARS. OP DIFFCBBNT TABXET1I3IS nnma, Ac, Ac For Sal, br B0LLES a CO. Saloon Pilot Bread. IN BOXED AND CASES. ALSO. A CJENER AL Asaortment of Crackers, from tbe Cracker Co. For sals br. 1437 EOLLK3 a CO. EBICAN MESS L FOBK. For (sal br BEET AND PRIIIE EOLLCS A CO. PER KA MOI. CASE OF BCNTINO-Beet, White aad Blue. . For Sal, br BOLLEs a CO. Columbia River Salmon. A SHALL LOT OF SCI'EBIOB QVAUTV, Innarrela. Just recelred. For sal, br BOLUS A CO. Stockholm Tar, in Bbls. RECEIVED PER KA HOI. For bate br E0IXE3 a CO. aajaMmaX XAT'Vtt. At 11 a'cloct, ana, ea ta, arlm fa, Waasabasl IVul. 1 Canoe, 5 Pathoms ia Lesgti, 1 Canoe, SlPathoas ia Ltrgth. 2JiiaHeU,l Bait Hrt, C&.BAKTOa'.Aact'c. a ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE I or ETJILlDIKrGrS, Of rauta ef His kU Olgtecas, C. Ks lsa OHSATTODAY, : : : : : XATlStk. At lIVteka.aa.aatbe pteaalwa,.UIbaai ataabUeaaclaas V TWO WOODEN BUILDINGS I It bet ha, br U 'feM wMcaa Kir, rareH.. trw tuf fnaatU OatrraaMat baiMlaf.oa. ta. Waibtal aita. Asia, aTUr Ibe sale af Ibe ataee hubbasji vtd be ad Ibe Stable Balldingi aad Small Essie. On Faacbbo.l Itreet. dafs trees day ef eats. , C rAXU, adalhdatreear. C..lAETO,Aat. VALUABLE REAL ESTATE AT AUCTION I OH SATURDAY. TT : : : JtAY 19. At It M-.altal are iwa,wBa sabs. The rollowJHjr Piece ,r LaBd, rrCATCD AT EAfALAKA. CMsieUaf ot I U.IHO acre, Kate Lead, adjalabac Ibe anajenr ef Mr. UoacbtaUl.f. Tbere la abnl M acre Haa.i Lm watb aaewtrntllasTlIeaeta,aadlb.Bataacea8aBa4 KOm ratcbea. abb aa usaMed eupalr at waatr. IV. had Maa la ea. Mock, aad .til eiiLlaaia. TITLE riKflCI. rart ef U aateaaae aiiaay eaa re aaala u taoniatje. C ft. BAATOW. Aasl'r. Or bs a. f. sHtrCEHOil. Lease of Kali Lank 1 erjer tht Cwalsfiaawf i W ftws Wl, f vCl seO tf fimUiC aaeUaa, at salitrsssa, 0K SAZTJBSAY. - - - - XAY At ll.'eleck.Baaa, THE LEASE OF THE LOIS I i KtwedatWaialkMal,kBaaeKertaabeaad Eaia. saaaaaaaaa. reafalalira- aa area af Z9 aerta, aaer. er least, e aerlbed br eoire as blks a Part 27 aaJ 33. CaaMaarlat al tbe aab afritbefa al a tdaee ef coral saafc la Ibe eertb. tbe amaaf ran. a la ay tblaadalfcdta.lMll'WlWb.aiiilaaa,i.a and Haaaele's tand.S4 W Ml st. tbaaa. aawa, m. baakafaaaawalbataasarta NaaaOe aad Kaaae.X M?U Wt&S. fcecuaaas tbe-sat, af Ik KaJa Had aaea dirf br Kaaae's laad. ft V K 117 IM. tkean akaw aaa tttnaibamaai. ai.-ial.aera IT aora. rartM. Kalaiaaaaaaaaa. CaaaaeaHac aa Ibe ee aaata aeT Uia W a baak ef Ike atreaaa aaa. Kaka 1 7' sTMIwt frees Ibe west aasssef KaW aa4 Kavkea. tae t laasar. iweas alaas; U. iiluiaia laad (abaata, S H'T W 3(t Itm. tbeaeealoct Kalaabale, 1U V W Kt sM.tVaab Kaaakaaala.1 tt'larWeii sVet. tbeaea alaaf Iiailii. fj JI 30 K 3B0 S-H. tbo. abaf eaaa.S tV Sen trrtUlbasUeaf Ibcstmas af sTssla.aeeae -a,' earawty abot tbe aide ettb, stream 111 feet ,. aai.saaat.aawa II ,4.109 acres, (aid LOTwea.edeeiedavsilart!ur KaI.erKat.aa4 O be leaieA Ik a Krai ef tea Jura. Case, ask. bKM. a a lixiosr.Aacti- ON WEDNESDAY,. - MAY 231, Al it doc: A. H u Safc. Boasa. ana UBald a Dry CiMis, firtccrks, C. S. BARTOW, AaeVf.