Newspaper Page Text
--" SuvTas OX a30'sr3a.'J muimx utit 'a l a) a a nif s Uses Klacb. UP"1 TCBUSUKD BT , , ( " i K ItTJflM IM It) 4 a aa a w a we f M MBS was M ROBERT GRIEVE, fajT 1 a C xST sFfeys plv A i U Um Uaas a 2 loebes Inckaa AM Is) 3M IM M M tM TM UN MB MM I'M M MM M Unat 4 laches MM Ii ., ., -s,. Quarter of Colamn as MM MM ..v SM 11 IS 00 as oo MM M of Column., Third T9M 400 MOO DOLLARS PEE ARKUM llalfef Columa... WW MOO SM MM Mas AIJ1YE it na aa M MM TwfwTklrd Colaaae lrMM ln ,.J HIID JSU . Osa raesa.... uw .w - --, j'j.TABLE I.V AVTAyCE. Business Cards whan JWvjm" .tT?LS5j!!. SnaeerlDera.ST.00 to $10.00. aUowed a discount from tba "v" ",-'" " ii, when paid or charged unarlMiy. trkrchiBctudet poetnree prepaid. Tr 11 foreign s'dtartlsam.nt. I'fS OrMCE Merchant la tbe Street, new Post Honolulu, Office H. Building L VOL. XVI. No. 32.1 HONOLULU, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 11, 18S0. WHOLE No. 813 4.uunp. w& Proplt Will Talk. Tea sy St throsci world, but win be Tery flow, livJsiaeaMsfl that Is raids yon go; TsaTi W ncM sad frttttd. End kept la a ittir, TVs- asssirBea wffl bare somethln;: to co, Fer people win tilt. K ,tn nil bare It pwoatd -a rfaat yassr .ssaMpealtieia ! only assumed ; Yea wasf la sheep'a csolhl&g, ex else you're a foo; Bat aWt t extited, keep Perfectly tool, Tar people wOl tilt. If ar aeMe, they'll vest out their plcea ; Yeaftsacaraoae JooihinU thai you're selSsh and mean; IT n iltlr. laaiit saat fair at tbe day. Tiew I yw a racae h a aly snaking; way, For people wttt talk. Aa tien M jno he tfce Jeait be4ae!i or heart, QraaaMstrJbniai tetaie yaw own part, faMy vstslcaB ye ac sfwtart. conceited and Tain ; Bat keep straArat ahead, own'l flap to explain, Per people will talk. If Teresa-bare yaar dress, srr aR fashioned your bat, sssk aae will esrety late eee of that, Jtea Mat eataer Mrec tkat mc caDt pay yoar way Batehatl r est, whatever they eay, Fperte will talk. If ym arret in the fassiac don't think to etcape. Tea Shay iTsThrsi t 1- - acSSereatshape. leatt sfsesaet year Beast, or year tatter' nnpaldg Bat a " aar arc hatbeM, tbere't sasit to be cade, ftejltwiUtaJk. 3rw. kett way tt 4 ii ta da at yoa pfcsse. " "" v' ""' Tea sat laiaiaMTml WeMM. pas wtU ateet with all tort of abuse. Bat aaa -soak ta Mae then, tt slat any use, Par )eaate will talk. lleellnseous. " Dries' too gave me aJd." Raid a beggar to a I. nlfgt Mr. - rra alrsifl rll hara to resort to ar . , .t .1.. l.t . n V 1).a aa a dollar : and - Wbat M it, poor man. that I hare sarecl if -Work, was the moamlal answer. A (tat ; mgign n Ma eenusan to a T-a; suv zan jdarysvnie at a usiuatuuitr maW. -I was. bat i that Pete Johnson thinks Sb fjacac Bre """ 'um "1' that Zatatie faced VTUksu: Ctrl' hand all tee eremng IiiH In rnitiTBUT il " eacr M VTesdeU FhUhps that if m rife was to are thenecroeshe aa an to tbe Soath. -where thev were, and do -That at Husking of. rephed Fhillips ; I waat k -roar bacantnH in lite r" " lo MTe i some to heal, repuea tne diihito i ii nan ann nnrmnTn "lrrrT" biu FaW. k- WRIIaca 5 . beioc at a parish meeting, mil ease sroauoale which were objected to bj i Hiiai a Jficaty earajwd. be mid to the farmer, 6Vo knowtat I bate been at two aid at two ooUeoec at eeh uniTer&uy V uadtbe lariBer. "-what o that: I ba a calf that aos&rt m ooos, and the mair he MkH Ae sreatrca)r he crew." a. aawd ttorr is totd of General Bstler sarcastic anon a Jaascnae jwag, wxa "j trior a jaiing farorable ta a oaose he was Kim ... Mart. ... T1m ndrw rat oct of tvitience i, r. - at Ian and comewhat tefUlv exciannea. Batter, what k tug ''yfr I at here for V The Gaaacal aajettT'blirnaKed his shoslders, feeCoartteissotiBaow." , bat. a Pat eonunned to gaze earnestlr at aa asaoaor wmcti was ITOC in tne ticuuit, uie Sanaaam repealed bis reply that there was no work Jar ham. and adTied "- to so awar. " Not a bit orr. replied Pat, - till I see tie man ShaV ? to a that rack." fat oasaaeetaamnth. tbe ae a trees, it may interest aw to know that in Barl Spenoer's park, lHabiiijijiiiii Nortbampton, a stone with the date e xaear raantinc has bec placed in the ranons paasaaaaoaw xroni Qaeem babeths tune Thw costoni was betjnn by Sir John S The old oaks, on which tbe limai aow befld. are fine tall powins trees, wgfcag appearance of ape er decay about them. Tbe aa of which, is so eetabiubed bv tbe brethren of the " colored pexsaaaocT when they are engaged in any aaex, bas lakaom been better xllastrated thanby acoloredmail earner in who bad bees wall shakes by a man for ktckfer b doc -Look here, massa: you'd yoa shake dis chile ; cos when tb isaal im me yer shake de whole ob de United States: I carries de mails."" t u rao worse ocospstion for an earnest sanfamtfeac so Itsten to toe comptainu ox pwpw I ao he ilL A well-known doctor, who was aaBfi' ! msoii bv aie of hn rtauents for nolhin? mAi bv encoinnc. "Then a vn . . .. .... , ,,,AX-. -les.- - loo arms, moi it?, t"mt dtea welt r "Certamly." "'ttonderfair saat tbe dactor. as be prepared to write a " I am eotnc to rate yoa something that wkl rat a stop to all that." Thc.S'araerw'LajajMMr twbhshes a speech made by De. Hardbed. of Podnnk Farms, at a debate aataiaaUSTasg: I danoo,' said the deacon, -a there's anv objection to the wimmen's nrnriin' ibe sbw4ct VebooK Set as to giTin' m ary xjabt ta make tews, both Scnpter an' common It pI.ti im t rGraat sensation.1 In the Sa jaWae baow on airtn are they poin' to pet 'em r iss soTaecK py njajjo wr tbe fact that ef the wnst comes to the wast tbe majority can lick the minority. Great - and cries of shame 'fctlpnrer &cA B the; can't lick, they can't rule.' " Haze con- ZBSKGu tanwars that sTerTthrEtr in Amend is now deebV ttVepbttse. AlSewport. for instance, it is tasHl Aat there is a tube from everv villa to a central ejSee. and tints the oommcnication is perfect. Tbe ttiher it tie 1 allowing interesane daloce task aiaceTirs. Brown, Enncombe Villa, to Central "feierboce OSee. me in mT doctor Dr. Jones, "Wooden XntmeR Oaaace.' Ibis was door. Then Mrs. Brown to Br. .Job: child 1 coaphirg violently." Br. James to Mrs. Brows: Let him conch at the liiiiiiaaiiiir" Child oonghs at telephone. Or. Jones v ir. Brown - -Whooping couch. joEenges. I come instantly." K as editor omits anything, he is lary. If he sfxMks of things as they are, people getangry. It be ziosnesi orer or smooths down the rough Tusats. be is bribed. If be calls things by their proper Tumir he is cnSt for the position of an eduar. If be does not furnish his readers with Jake, b is a mullet. If he does, he is a stabSirr. If he condemns the wrong, be is good feBow. 'but lacks discretion. If he lets wiasrsasd injuries go nnmentioned. he is a Jlf he expeaws a public man, he does it to spite-4" the tool of a clique, or belongs to If be indstecs in persrinalitif.s. he is a afe&seard. If he does not, bis paper is dull WebaTe nerer smoked a " Tin-tag" cigar, but IranLwhat the manufacturer, who it arrears lives in eJouEflctiinU. says of them they must betha nsfveraoa of smokes. Wo quote from his tobacco from wmch the Tin-tag is is enarelT in conserratones, and tbe cigars are made "on mahogany tables bv tbarocchbred Cubans in swallow-tail coats and what, aad proves. When a man smokes oneof t&ewe cscars he walks on air. and dreams that he km a ..mnj scarf pan and $65 suit of clothes 0-, a i3 just carritd rich. It makes the breath stweet. a- keeps the teeth white, and will force araossache on the smoothest lip in five weeks. ItEBproves and beautifies the conplerion, eradicates tan. freckles, and dandru3, and is enjoyed by a the sraoier's sisiers. cousins, and aunts." That will remove tea-stains and rsanv pour the water through the -. sad tires prevent it from spreading over the iibric That rrpe tomatoes will remove ink and other stains from white doth: also from the hands. That a teaspoonfsl of turpentine boiled wish white clothes will tid the wfcilfTiinr; process. That tntled starch 15 much improved by the a KtUe spermaceti or a little salt, or both, orahttie gum arabsc dueoived. That beeswax salt will make at-irons as clean and smooth xsgUss: tie a lump of wax ma rag, and keep it tar that purpose ; when the irons are hot, rub them wuh ths wax rag, then scour with a paper or rag sprmkled with salt. That kerosene will soften boots or shoes which hare been hardened by water, and render them at pliirite as when new. Thai kerosene will make da tea-kettles as bright sls new 1 saturate a woolen rag and rub with it ; it wtH also remove stains from clean Tarnished Tfce Tret which is said to have saved General MebkoS from Vladetski's bullet has f or msrv generaiiccs past been a common article of treaf wch the leading personages of 'Europe, the most notable examples bang Oliver Cromwell. Gustavo of Sweden, the present Car. and Locis XVL, Is the "' -ages these mail-coats were kamu " iBlaa Shrrts," and greatly esteemed far v. a-na nf their wortTnarfHp. A famous sy, ..r. ijtiw. who went into the battle of thss equipped, was found dead with tbe links of his mail sail unbroken, though the bones beaeaih it were completely Ehattared br the force of the death-blow. A "ballet-proof " vest of this kind was cSered by a speculator to the Duke of WeBmgtoa.wbocot rid of timiaaTery Bidding the man to put it on, hs caBed to the to load with ridfKsdexBeTrpatcjacei. Bat the vtsitoi's con- BcVccemhiamTention did not arpjnntiy extend to ths teasing cf itcohis owaperscn, for he took iojtjb seeista oaoa. gtismcsS ards. C S. BARTOW, Auctioneer. Salrrocn oa Qarea Street, ont door from Eaahamaaa tC Street, ly lIK.a. II. Al'SXI. J."T X.JJL.XV 803 No. i3 Kaahumaas street. II. IIACKrELD A: CO., GEKEEAL C0KMISSI0H AGENTS, Qseen Street Ilonolcls.n. I. i: a. iiitciicock. ATTOKITET AT LAW, HILO, HAWAII. oTt;) BMi Promrtly Collected. ly F. A. A: CO.. Importers ft. Commission Merchants 47I9J IlftBelnlo. llawtlUp ItUpdt Vj E. I. AIA"IS. Auctioneer and Commission Merchant. OBeeoStreet.nonciliilii.n.1. K. O. IIALX. A: SOf, IKPOSTEBS AND BEALEBS IK HABBWABE SryOoodl.ralBti,OUtasdaeseraIMerdiidtte, 77fly CoeoerrortaadKlDcSti. JOII.I II. IATV, SOTABTrUBLICacd COHEISSIOKEE of DEEDS, Ter the SUletof Cmllfoiola and JTew Yort.Office at tbe Bank .r DUbor Co.. llunolnln. o!Wly ki. uoffjchi.aegi:u A CO., .IJtBOBIEBS JL5D COimiSSIOS HEECHAHTS, 11. 1. rtH ly Z a. v. itrsii. CROCER AHD PROVISION DEALER. Farallj Grocery sod Feed Store. T.J y id Fort Street. Hot olnln. A CO-COMMISSION MERCHANTS And Importer of nd Dealeri In Ilaj, Grain, andGenenl rrwluc. HonnluU. H 1. :mij WtLDKIC A CO., Corner d Fort and Qoren fctreets Hcnoldo. LMtoer, Palntt, Oils, Sailt. Salt and Building (500-!) Matarialt of eTery kind. III.L.I"1IA"1 A CO.. IHPOBTEBS AKD DEALEBS IK HABDWABE Cutlery, Dry GooJt. Paints and Oils, and Oenersl Mer- cbndi.e. No W. Kinr; Street. H.nololB (I5 ly IIOL.IKS A CO.. Ship Chandlert asd Conmisnon MercissU. mportrrsandDealerln OeoeralMercnandUe.tJneenRtroet Usnolnlu.lUwalUa Islands 9 ly 1. C.DICISOt R0IT. LIWIKS, C. . COOKE LEWERS A BICKSOS, IMPORTERS & DEALERS IN LUMBER. AndallklndsofBnildlasMatertalt.FortStreet, Honolulu SOS-Iy T. lVATEKIIOUfsE. IKP0BTEB AKD DEALEB IK 0EKEBAL KEBCH1KDISE. 77t Queen Street, Honolulu. H.I. ly t.cii i:ixow?r. ATT0BKEY AKD C0UKSELLOB AT LAW. S0TAEY PCBUC. And Agent for ukloc Ackno!eJsinents cf Instrnmenttfor tbe Island of Oabn org XfcSKaabnniannetrtet.ilonolcla.II.I. ly lroBT13t ajen jobbeb or STABLE AKD TAKCT DBY GOODS, CLOTHING, BOOTS, SHOES, &c. At Great Eastern More, et Fori Street, Honolulu. ;a ly ii. r. Kiii.r.u.s a co., DEALEBS IK DBY GOODS AKD GSKEBAL KEBCHAKDISE, Fori Fellows n.ll If. C. A ItltOTIIKK. GROCERY. FEED STORE anrl BAKERY, Cornerof Kin? and Fort streets, H0SOIXI.C TSSly A. S. CLEGUOJO A Co.. ixroartas iio auuu u Ceonoral r8 Curner Queen and Kaahumaaa streets. ly ItlCIIAKU I BICKEKTOS. ATIOEKEY AHD COUKSELOB AT LAW TTill attend the Terms of foerts on tbe other Island Money tolend;eif Freeholds. No Z3 Merchant Street. 2 Juors from Dr Mantnald's 608 3m C. V. HOI N.tlAS, (Late of Canadian Faarle Hallway Surrey,) Olvil Enginoor. 0: OTerDr corner of 3m " Fort and Merchant Streets. S08 A. V 1KIKCI2 A CO.. SHIP CHAKDLEES k COMOISSIOK KEECHAKTS A0EXT9 10B Brand's Guns and Bomb Lances Perry Dana' Pain KWer, Pierce's Megnetic Trus, w tJAiemeu'Sf nipplncLlst,c.,c. TgS Qcen Mreet. Uonololn. ly B. X. WHIT J KT. J- vr. B0BXKTSOSI WUITA'EY A HOBEUTSOX, (.SuxuMTt ta U. M. iriilaey.) Stationerf, Puhliihere, Hews Dealeri, and Book- bmders. ;fj Merchant Street. - Honolulu. ly TI1EO. II. IIAVIES, Llir Jastos, G him i Co.J IMPOBTEB AKD COMMISSION flEBCHAKT. asn Asasr roa Lloyd's and the Liverpool Underwriters, British and Foreign Marine Insurance Company, and Northern Assurance CotapanT. o;so 'T a. 1. r. caana, r. c jojis, a. C. BREWER & CO.. SHIPPING & COMMISSION MERCHANTS, tw Honolulu. Hawaiian Iilandi. iy CIIAS. T. UKLICK, FTJBIjIC, Agent to take Ackaovledgnienu to Labor ContracU AND GENERAL BUSINESS ACENT. OSca In M.kee's Block, corner Queen and Kashnmanu Streets. Hooalota. 6i lT JA3IES) 31. JIOASAUIIAT, Attorney and counsellor at Law .tt.nttnn na!d til the negotiation of J Coineyanclng. and all matters appertaining to Keal I Estate. Coaniitioner cf Deeds fcr the State of New York. 0Sce aboTe Vhitney A Eobertson'a Book btore, Honolulu. 11. 1. 763 J. W . G1KYI. Commission Mtrdianl and General Bnjler la Dry Goods. Groceries. Hardware, Stationery, patent Medicines, perfumery, and biarsware. 752 WA1LIKI. MAEI. ly T a TUT'iarrEIOIV HOTEL, JAX12 IMlUH.PKOPKIKTOB, CORKER OF FORT AKD HOTEL STREETS, HONOLULU. Ut of Ale. Wines and lienors coostauty on band. Livery Stable attached the. Hotel. 771 ly C AJb'OraG. Importer, "Wholesale and Retail Dealer in (ienerai raercnanaiscj And China Goods, In tSe Fire-Proof Store, corner of KtnS and huoann itreeta. w .11. S. GItlBAi:.11 A CO.. ISPOBTEBS AHO WHOLESALE DEALEBS In Fashionable ClottinE. Hats, Caps, Boots. Shoes and variety of Gentlemen's superior Furnishlnc Oooda. very Stir. la Matee'a Block. Queen street, Honoluln. U. J. J. . ATBialOW. (.I.CASTLS. CASTLE A COOUE. SHIPPIHG A5D COXJnSSION MEBCHAKTS, IMPORTERS A5D Dealers in General Merchandise, So. SO KlnsStreat, Uonolnln. Hawaiian Islands. ....AGESIS FOB The UnlonlarurancaCoopanyofSlaa Francisco. The Saw InrUod Huteat Ufa Insurance Company, Boston. ITbe Kob Ja Plantation, Tbe Ore-on Packet Line. UrVn. The Hrfk. PIantatl.u, JtralaluaPlsntstloa. Wheeler A Sewint.nam.kna Plantation. Machines. (oSWlyl BISHOP & CO., IB jSl. 3NT 3SL 33 3t S , uosoltjlt;. i t islasdss . DEAW EXCHASGK OX - lHE'EWK OF MUFORSUL t :"t : Im FBaKISCO axn xaxsa xasrt ts Sew York, Boston, Pari, , , Ancklani. THE 0RIESTA1 BAM CORfOfiATIM. : : : L9Ba - as reira nxaxcau is HeaeKooi, Syttaer.aod ' efeoarpe. - w And trasaact a Genera! EaaUss Easineaa. 7 ly gnsincss (ards O. S. 31. .. STTEOEOX AKD HOHEOPATHIC PHTSICIAK. Ofice Coraer Fort mad EetrtanUMt. Hondo!.. Tt K. IV. niAKKE, M. .. 3E?la.yffllolnjtx and Sursoon 811 OFFICE WAItCKn.MATJI lr J. 31. WHITINKY. "II. !., IK .S. Destal Boons on Tort Street, OScetrj Brever dock, comer cf "tlotcl and tort Streets. llj tCf r.ntrtpce. Hot.l tlreet. ljal n. cook ivi:int. .11. i HOWEOPATHIST, (Late Chief ot Staff HomeopatMc Hotpltal, Ward'a Iiland, X. Y.) 03ce CO Fort Streeu attcntloa to dliruet of women and children. Oflee honrj Until 10 k. h. 2 to 4 r.x. SCO 4m 33K. (Graduate qJlcGitl CoUege.) Lata Frofeteor of Medical Jorlprndcnce, and formerly Demonstrator of Anatomy in the University ot Hithota College, ilontrraJ, Canada; and for eomo time llose Sorseon In the London Hospital, London. Enzland. OFFICE Corner ot Hotel and Fort Streets, (orer lie Hit 4 Fisaer. store.) Hoars, from 8 to 1U a. m.t 2 to 4. and 7 to o p. n. ai3ni rdryXIGHT UOLL1STEK A CO., irwcyufa, Apotftecaritff Importers of Tobacco and (Cigars; of boda Water, Agents for P. Lorlllard i CoV Tin Tas; W. S. Kimball Co's Vanity Y air; and Goodwin d. Co" Old Jndgc. Tobaccui and Cigarette-. 704 Xo.N5 .Mtllnuu Street, lluuultllu. ly CASTLE A: HATCH, Attorneys a. Xjaovr. W. R. CABTLE, Sotary Public, attend all tbe Court, of tbe Kingdom. Particnlar attention paid U the necotiatlon of Loans, ConTeyaucmc, Collectlnc, etc. CS Money to loan on Mtiruare. Office: No. 57 Fort street, uier Dilllnibam A Co's Store, IIoooIulu.llaMraliau Island.. 3t ly s. aasr. t. aonarto.1. GUAT & UOBEKT.SO.1, (Saconsors to A.S. CU;horn if Co.) Dealers In I'nucy ami Mnple Dry Goods of every description, XiUintTi and Srtu Jlaklng Jkpartment Attached. Orders from the other islands promptly attended to. 80S Cor. Fort and Hotel Ms. ly Til OS. 4.'. Tftlttj.U, furoBTiNo ixd krAXcrscToaiNo STATIOKEB.KEWS AGENT. AHD PAPEB BULEB, Merchaat St. near Fort, and Fort bt, near Hotel, Uonololn 0.1m, It. I. Also, PnUIcher ff the liavralian Almanac and AnnnaL and tlawa'lui Directory and Calendar, Ac, Ac. Tbe Herchut atleet atere will be deroted to General HUnk Books, News and Btudlns Herurtmenu. The Fort stree Store all! embrace line stationery. Books, ArtUts' UttrrUU, T,ys acd Faocv Goods. 783 ly G. V. .11 ACFAUL.AE A CO.. IMPORTZKS AHD COMMISSION UEBCHAKTS, Robinson's Fir&proof Unlldlng, QueenStreet, llonolnlnill.l. aoaNra roa Tbe Glasguw and Honolulu Line of Packets. John tf ar Co's Liverpool aad London Packets. Tbe ITaUapu PlanUtlvn, TbeSlencerPlanL.tion. llllo, Ilakalau PUntation, Ililo. .Mlrrlen, Tail n atsoo. So jr Machinery. The Pnaloa Sheep Ranch Company. 79 6. c. au. a. r. aoaiasox Air.Ef a isouiasorv. At Boblnson's Wharf, Dealers in Lunber and all kinds cf Building Materials. Paints, Oils, Kails, tc, ic.,c, atfrsis or schoojxss HALEAKALA KCLAMAXU, KEKAULUOnr. MAET XLLUS, TAUAHI. UILAMA, LEAH, 7r) Uonolnln, Hswslisn Islands. ly glontesfic produce. KAUPAKUE A PLANTATION C?lJAIt M)H" CImG IX uuil for sssle In 1 ouantltles to suit purchasers oy 7801V C- AFOhO. HAWAIIAN SOAP WORKS GREY & CO., Manufacturers and Dealers In ALL KINDS OF SOAPS, Lelco, King Street, Honolulu. Beef. Mutton and Goat Tallow wanted. Orders left at Holies A Cu.', Qneen Street, will meet with prompt attention 7 ly SOLE & SADDLE LEATHER, Tanned Goat and Sheep Skins COXSTAXTJ. V OX IIA.VD AND FOB SAX.E, from the well Known AVnimen Tannery. J. P. Parker, Prop'r. IIIIo Tnuuery, F.S. I.mnii. Ppoprletor. tW IT A.S.CLGHOKN'CO..Asents. .UETKOPOLiTA." .1UKKET U$? C.WALLER, Propriotor. King "treet. (77 ly Honolulu FAMILY MAHKET. Junction of Hotel aud Union Streets. G. WALLElt, .... PROPBIETOn. sejTfjM Cholceat Meats from the Finest iJY) Herds. Fish. Ponltry, Vecetables. etc. nlshed to order. Eitnts Tuesdays and Thursdays. Veal : Fridays, Flsb ; bnndays, f amb, nnles other wise ordared. me sroprletor havbur leaded tbe neat aud commodious Vegetable. Frnit and Poultry Market, cdjotnlar; the Family Meat Market, will be prepared to promptly and satisfactorily fill orders for everything to famish tbe tables with all the Substantial and Delicacies the country affords, as- bhlppinr supplied on short notice. Meats, c., delivered to all parts of the dty without extra cbarpe 602 ly GLNOWJLES' STEAM Vacuum Pumps. rinni: have jcmt he- B. rtXV'ED per Amy Turner, from Boston, a fjll as jrtmeni of these ted to be cheaper and hetter than any other style ot pomp Imported, We cull the attention of plantert Lo tbe Vacocm Pomp.rhicli Is less complicated nd more serviceable ban other pomps. Mi Srn i 11RKWER & CO SALfiMAHDERFELTING Covering Boilers, Steam Pipes ETC., ETC. Saves 25 per Cent, of Fuel-PRICE REDUCED TO $7.50 BBL. THEO. H. DAVIES, tt am Acent. Honolulu Fire Department Notice. fifii THE FIKK TOTTER BELL WILL BE J2U5G AT 4:30 OCXOCIi, On the Last Saturday Afternoon of Each Month TU1 Further Notice. Per Order. CHAS.T.GTJLICK. Tc7 6ra Secretary H. F. D. CONFECTIONER? ! Ho. 71 Port SL, above Hotel St., KEEPS ALWAYS ON HAND An assortment of the best French and man factored TThlcb be offen for aale to the Trade, or at BetaTl, AT REDUCED PRICES! -ALSO THE BEST BRANDS OF CI6ICE CIGARS To be bad tn tbe market THE BEST KE CRM, SOU WATER CORDIALS A5B TKX $eehaniral (tnrds, W3I. JOII.SOX, Moroliant M?a,Xor. TM No. ti Fort bt.. below Dr. Btantenwalffs. ly U1K C HOWE, HOtrSB AKD SIGH FAlZffTSS, TAPEEH yGZVL Ac-, 7SS Ko 114 Fort Street, lloaolnln.n. I. ly J. II. WICKE, 2513311., Alaken Street. One door below Hotel Street. Tnrniture of all descriptions mado and repaired atrea aooMe rate. Beat workmanshlpguamnteed. c7M ly THOMAS TASSATT. So. S3 Fort Street, opposite E.O. Hall Son. WAH'IIES. CLOCKS. JETVEUTV nnrl j ! i; JlACIIIXKlt Y cartfnllr repaired In a wotkmanliko manner, y Orders from the other Islands promptly attended to. TSS tf c. suauus. e. utauaa G. 8EELKF,.f A CO.. TIKSMITHS AKD PLUMBERS, Xo. 3 Xanaun Street, Keep constantly on hsnd fall assortment of Tin, Sheet Iron, and Coppenrare, GalTd Iron and Lead Pipe. India BnbberHose.&e oM Nrr C. E. "aVIEEIAM!, IMPOBTEB. MAKuTACIUBEB, TJPHOLSTEBEB, AHD DEALEB IK FURNITURE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, Fornitare No. M Fort 5trrU Work shop at the old flUnl oa Hotel Street, gOSl OifrTfromtheotberitlodpromptlrtttndglto. fly HONOLULU IRON WORKS CO. j5S STEAM EM51SKS. SCCJAR JIII.LS 1 57? Uollera,Coolers, Iron, Brass and Lead Casttnrs Filachlnory of Every Description, Made to Order. "SO Particular attention paid to Ship's Blacksmithing tCflOa WORK eiecnted on the shortest notice. o74 ly F. J. O'BRIEN, PRACTICAL JPXUXUEIl Jz a AS UTTEIt. TIN SMIT1U.NG. OOPrKR SM1TIIIK0. MKTAL BOOFIKO. SAip TTori and Jobbing promptly atiendeil to anil satisfaction guaranteed. HIiop. Hotel hi root. A'cnr Fort Street. SOS 3ni PARISIAN RESTAURANT, 40 iioti:i. rsTitEirr. IiEOn DEJEAn, : : Proprietor, (Late of Sau Francisco.) THIS KESTAIIKAXT MIM. BE Slip piled witU the best Mests. I"oultry. Fish. Frnlt. &c, Ac which can be obtained. Families and parties will be served at their residences with Frenchandotherittsbe. prepared In the most recAtrcftc style. Private rooms for families. 76S lr J. H. LYNCH, 8001 and Shoe Manufacturer, KIX- STBEET, - Has just received, per last steamer, a line assottment of Gent's Boots aud Shoes of the Best Eastern Make; also on hand, a Fine Stock of Home Made Year, all of which will be sold cheap for cash. All orders from tbe other Islands promptly attended to. SO. 3m TIIO.HAM LACU, M AOHIWIS T, No. 40 Fort .Street, Sf will attend to all orders In the LOCK, GUN & GENERAL REPAIR LINE. He will jr. ve specta? attention to repalrinr and rfffcUtiny hewinj MaebLne, and all other kinds of JJsat MscmneiT and iitui wort or every iieacrtptlon. etc. Also, 011 band and for sale cheap, A Variety of Sewing Machines i.uus, I'islols, Shot. aVmiunuIIJon. IMachinc Oil, Wcedles, &.c.t &.c.t Ac ewig Machine Tnckers. HinJers. aud all other extra and da plicate parts of macbiaes sapplled on ihort notice. 43 Best Macblje Solt Jjent in UUt Kingdom for Tbe Florence Sewing Machine, from 4Q to (30. White front to ,75. Homebuttlebtwiiig ilachlne, from f IS tof35. Cg- Including all extras $o 17 BLACKING. 31A.1 UrAtTTURED r i K ft G. S. PINKHAIV! & CO., ts KOLOA, KAUAI. EOLLES & Co., Agents, ItOKOLtTLU. v? ly qr '. wW ONIHOVTB TIO J IIAVU SECURED A FIEST-CLASS Ife JU r&i ''R njip Anil stm prepared to enrry on tbla alrauels ol my Btnlncis in n manner antla factory to my Patrons. 0W1VERS OFFINE STOCK Will do 17611 to give me a Call. Horses sent to my King St. Shop .Fi'tf be faithfully aUtnded to. SM5a C. WEST. JUST RECEIVED BT CONCHEE&AHUNG FORT STEEET, ABOVE KISG, New Goods of Various Descriptions IX Chinese and Japanese Ware ! ALSO, LATEST STYLE OF EUROPEAN NOVELTIES IN JEWELRY! INCLUDING SOME FINE SETS OF TIGER CLAWS Silk: Handkerchiefs (hemstitched). All colors and qualities. A FINE ASSORTMENT OF Japanese Lacquered Ware 605crly Lime ! Lime I LIKF. U TbS For aale by BOLLES i Co- Golden Gate Extra Family PJonr, E I"UDY LAHPSOS," THIS DAT. ( BOLLES & CO. SPEBH OIL. PURE STBS. TNEDSPEKJI OIL IN QTJAN. TTnEStoralt. Groceries. LINE S3F GROCERIES AT AFCLL BOLLES ct Co't. gfnsttrancc $oHcts. Boston Board or Vader writerss A GEJTS ror tbe IlawallaTa lalanils, 3L Wt-IJ C. BBEWKRC0. Philadelphia Board or Underwriters. AGENTS for the Hawaiian Islands, & BIHStTKT. A CO. CALIFORNIA INSTJEAWCE COMPANY. TJNDEUSIGJIED. AGKSTS OP TUB TUB above Company, have beea aotbortied to losnre risks on Carfxo, Fretcht and Trcaanre, from Uonolnln to all pacta of tha world, and vlco versa. 79 ly It. HACKFELD A CO. F. A. NCIIAF.FKR. AGENT ofBrencn Board of Underwriters, A rent of Dresden Board of Underwriters. Arent of Vienna Board of Underwriters. Claims aralost Insurance Companies within the jarlsdlctios of tha above Boards of Underwriters, will bsva to bacertl fled to by tha abovarent to tnaka them valid. 70 ly FIEE INSTJEATTtiE COMPAHY. THK TJNDEnSlGNED having; been Arents of tba above Company, ara prepared to Insure risks aralnst lira, on Stone and Driest Merchandise stored therein, ot the moat fsvurable terms. For particulars applr at the oQce ot 7W ly F. A. gCHAKf ER A CO. FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, OF IIAHBCRU. Capital : : : Six Millions Reiclismark. Rinks iNMiiti:n ox Bi'iLnixu.s. mlmi. chandlse and Furnlbtre, on liberal terms, bv 37SI ly H. HACKFELD IX).. Arents. HAMBURG-MAGDEBURG FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, op n.vMBuna. BCItniXGS. MEItCIIAN'DISE, FUItXI. TDltE anil Machinery Insured aralnst Fire on tbe most favorable terms. A. JAEGER. Atent for the Hawaiian Islands. 7I ly UNION INSURANCE COMPANY OP SAN FRANCISCO. I1TOOBEOKATED, 1805 CASTLE & COOKE, AGENTS 767 Por the Hawaiian Islands. ly Fire Risks on Cane Fields, mUC U.MJIUt.SIUXED, AUEXTS PUB THE asr TTTi(rTi -sa Fire and Marint Insurance Company, of New Zealand, Are authorized to accept Fire Itlsks on Sugar Crops in the Field. Fur partlcnlara. apply to 3. b. WAI.KKll, S04 Sm Acent for Hawaiian Islands Rhonlsh Wostphallan Lloyd INSURANCE COmPANY. OF JI. GLAIlllAfll. Itheulsh Prnuln. Aachen and Leipzig Insurance Co., Limited, OF AACHEN. (AIX-LA-CHAPELLE.) CLAIMS FOIl PAHTICDI.AR AVER ALT. AUE susUInvd by Goods arriving here, and Insured In tne above Companies, have to be made with the cognizance of and ccnlded to by the undersigned. In order to be valid. (70 ly) J. C. HLADK. Agent. NORTH BRITISH AND MERCANTILE INSURANCE CO., OP LONDON AND EDINBURGH. ESTABLISHED 1S09. CAPITAL, 1,007,318 Accumulated and Invested Fund. 3,838,118 'SPUE UNDERSIGNED HAVE BEEN AP- JL POINTED AGENTS for tbe Sandwich Islands, and are authorized to insure Fire upon favorable terms. Risks taken in any part of the Islands on Stone and Wooden Buildings and merchandise stored therein. Dwelling Houses and Furniture, Timber, Coals, Ships In harbor with or with out cargoes, or under repair. 801 ly HP. I'Of rSCHLAEOEU A CO UNTOBT Fire and Marine Insurance Company OF NEtV ZEAAVAND. CAPITAL : ESTABLISHED AN AGENCY Hi HAVING Honoluln, for the Hawaiian Islands, the under, signed are prepared lo accept risks against Are In dwell-lugs, stures, uarebouses, and merchandise, on favorable terms. Marine Riaks on cargo, freights, bottomary, profita and commissions. Eotsea prouapllx adjusted anil payable here. 7M ly J. S. WALKER. FIREJIAX'S FDXD INSURANCE COMPANY, OP SAN PBAKCISCO, PIro and Marino, Cash Capital. Gold. 8500,000. Rlskan Speciality. Detached dwellings and contents Inwred for a period of three years, for two premiums In advance. By writlog small lines on carefully selected risks well distributed, oners INDEMN1T ECOND TO NONE. Losses Promptly Adjusted. BISHOP & CO., 778 ly Agents for tha Hawaiian Islands WILDER & CO., Agent for the Hawaiian lalanils. THE Mutual Life Insurance Co. OF NEW TURK. Largest, Safest and Most ECONOMICAL LIFE fNS. CO. IN THE WORLD! Assets.(i876)...$80.000,OOQ Now is a Good Time to Insure None but First-Clais Risks Taken, THE New England Mutual Life Insurance Co. OF BOSTON, MAES INCORPORATE, 18715. 1 he Oldest Purely Mutual Life Insurance the United Stales. Policies limed on tie raort favorable Terns. Example orNon.Forreltnre Plan, INSURED AOE, Si LIFE PLAX J Annual premium continues Policy 2 years 3 dsjs 2 Annual premium continues Policy 4 years 12 days 3 Anaoal premium continue Policy 6 year 27 days 4 Ant ual premium continues PfJiey 8 yearsls days 5 Annual premiumcontlnuea Policy 10 yearsSd days saots. $13,500,000! Losses Pnltl thronh nonolnla Agency, $49,000 ! CASTLE & COOKE, AGENTS 757 FOR THE HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. ly LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY AH5TAL EEPOHT. ASSETS (Cash). ANNUAL INCOME- 8.000,000 CASH SURPLUS 7,000,000 H. HACKFELD & CO. GENERAL AGENTS, O. O. BER&ER, Special Agent For the Hawaiian Islands. Tbe only Company that lasses Tontine Investment Policies, Bring practiexBy an Endowment Fotfcy at tba rssaal IMt Bates. 721 ly nsttntntt otitis. Insurance Notice. THE VNUER.HIONED AHtt PREPARED to writs npon ilerchandlsc, per ressels between this and the Coast Ports, corerlnz loss or damage, tf amounting to Id per cent, or more, on the sound Talus of the whole shipment at port ot delivery, npon Xavorablo terms. BISHOP H Co. Arents of the Firemen' Fund Insurance Company. Honolulu. Jan. . 18W. 810 3m Insurance Notice. TUB AGENT FOR THE BRITISH Marina Insurance Company, (United), baa received lastrnettooa lo reduce tile ratea of Insurance between Honoluln and Ports In tha raclne, and Is now prepared to Issne Policies at tba lowest rates, with a spatial reduction on freight per steamers. THEO. B. DAVIES, ly 77 Agent Brit. Tor. Mar. Ins. Co. Limited NORTH CERMAN FIEE INSURANCE COMPANY, Capital, Fire Millions Reichsaark. THE rNDERSIGXED nAVINO BEEN appointed Agents for tbe aboTe Company, are now ready to Isene Policies acraluat Risks orFtreon Build. Inc., Jlercbandlso and A'nmllure on terms equal to those ot other respectable companies. Losses paid for and adjusted here. For partlcnlara, apply to 7SS 11. IIACKFELU &. Co.. Arenta. TUE Swiss Lloyd Iff arine Insuranco Co. OP 11NTKRTHCR. THK UNDERSIONED are AUTHORIZED to Insure On Cargo, Freight and Troasura From Honolulu to all parta of the world, and upon Coaster, by- Special Permission ! On the most favorable terms. J R. WALKER, 77My A gent for the Hawaiian Islands. GERMAN LLOYD Marine Insurance Company of Berlin. F 0 "RTTJ N A General Insurancejjompany of Berlin. ABOTE INSURANCE COMPANIES THE established a General Agency here, and tbe undersigned, General AjcnU, are aulhotlzcd to take Risks against lite Dancers or the Seas at the Host Reasonable Rates, and on tbe 3Iost Faiornble Terms. SOI 3m. F. A. SCHAEFElt A CO- General Agents. LIVERPOOL and YoNDON and GLOBE INSURANCE CO. Assets. $26,740,105,70 ESTABLISHED AN AGENCT IN HAVE HONOLULU, for the Hawaiian Islands, and tbe undersigned are prepared to write risks against FIRE ON BUILDINGS, SICRCIUNISE AND DWELLINGS On favorable terms. Dtrclllnz; Risks n Special. Ity. Detached dwellings and controls In.nred for a rerlod of tbrea years, for two premiums In advance. Losses promptly ndjnsted and pnynble hero. 'DO-CIU BISHOP & Co. :o. dtb tj. s. :do:k;, Hanufaeturtrt of and Dealers in DOORS, WINDOWS AND BLINDS WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, 44, 46 and 48 Market Street, SAN FEAHCISCO, CALlFOKHIA. 733 6m -FOR- Prescrving and Beantifying TltE Complexion and Teeth. A NEW AND VALUABLE PREPARATION y ptonoun cd by all to bo the most perfect In existence. Unlike other preparations, tt Is not only hemilees but favors s natural and health action of the skin, resulting in complete purity set clearness of complexion. Sample bottles furnished free to all, and for sale by HOLLISTER & CO., Druggists and Apothecaries, SOtily 85 Nnnann Street, Honolulu. CEOB LUCAS, CONTRACTOR & BUILDER II Honolulu Steam Planing Mills, Esplanade, Honolulu, Us Is Manufactures all kinds of Mouldings, Brackets, Window Frames, Blinds. Sashes, Doors And all kinds of Woodwork Finish. Turning, Scroll and Band Sawing! ALL HINDS OP Planing and Sawing-, Morticing and Tenanting. ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO And Work Unaranteevt.' Orders from the other Islands aollclted. llotiolnlu.MayZ, I$7. KO Im X. TT. O H, .A. IR, EC , No. ST Merchant SL, Importer and Dealer In DIAMOND GOODS! LADIES' AND GENTLEMEN'S WALTHAMAND ELGIN WATCHES IN GOLD AND SILVEE CASES. SOLID COLD JEWELRY, ETC., ETC., IN GREAT VARIETY. WATCHES AND CHRONOMETERS RATED AND Magnifying Qlaues, Sextants, Quadrants, or Nautical Instrument! Repaired and Adjusted, WITH ACCURACY AAD DISPATCH, 137- Orders from tbe other Islands promptly attended to, and goods forwarded C O. V. Ns B. CbronoBcters Carefully Cleaned and Rated Bt Transit Instrument and other astronomical observations. nndr tip special control of Ur.GEOBGE E. JACKSON, Retired Narisatlne Lieutenant, K. K., who will be Is constant attendance. EB-TERMS TJENCXFOKTHH Oasla on X3olivory. TKSts fV,.t.lA. uwj 1 at, . ,r . vrsuic ia ssaawne j.j riBLM ANtai.IiaosT SSMKac AST. J trwi JCted nam uimjc iauia ssow Tie Fori " V ejfgmgH WILLIAMS, DIMOHD CO.. SblpplBf; ari Mwctaarg ISA 211 Callibrnto Straat. gaa rraadsco. ly W- H. OROSSMAH & BIO.. 0OMMISSIO1T MEK0HA1TTS, US Cbaaatew Stwet. New Tork. trrracs Castle A Coosa, and J. T. WaUrhoOM. II. W. SEVERANCK, CeNSEL. SM CaiMaWBlss St., HAWAIIAN San rraadsco. Purchaiing and Coamiaiii itat roa TM SANDtncn ISLAXP ANP OTUIR PE05CCT8. It CAELSON & OUEEIEB, Agents 508 Market Street, San Franelaee. Wllj CONTRACTOR'S SPECIAINOTIOE SKmed. xaaTDoar, sucn as Carpenters, Blacksmiths, Painters, Engineers, Cooks, Bakers and Others, Furnished at Reasonable Notice, by tbo Employment Agency of Crosett & Co., 223 Setter SL, Sas Francisco, California. Special palna to select soluble persons to all all orders. coital ESTABLISHED, 1862-J INDIA RICE MILL, CORNER OF Mission and Fremont SU., San Francisco, CALIFORNIA. INDIA RICE MILL, nrter IS Tears THE of practical experience and Improevment. is now tbe nearest to perfection ot any of tba Wee Mills of the world, in thoroughness of Cleansing and Polishing It'staoda unrivalled: and In ylald of cleaned merchant able Rice, from the Padd Produces from 3 lo S per cent. More) than the Celebrated 3dllla of Amsterdam. TUE INDIA RICE at I U. IS NOW IN PERFECT ORuKK FOR TUE llulling and Dressing of Paddy AND UNCLEANED RICE From tba Hawaiian Islands, to which tt la specially adapted. Consignments if Paddy and Hulled Rice Will receive prompt and careful attention. VM. 11. OREKNWOOD, General Commission Merchant and Proprietor of India Rice Mill. rat m DR. J. COLLIS BROWNE'S o na: x. o del o x t asr ei 18 THS OSIOIHALAND ONLY GXX olHI. CHLOKODYNE Is admitted by tba profession to ba tbe moat wonderful and raluabla remedy ever discovered. CHLORODYNE la ths beat remedy known for CODabs, Consumption, Bronchlua, Asthma. CHLORODYNE effectually checks and arrests Iboaa too often fatal diseases: Diphtheria, Fever, Croup, Ague. CHLORODYNE acta Ilka a charm In Dtarrhora, and la tba only spectSo In Cholera and Dysentery. CHLORODYNE effectually cuts short all attacks of Epilepsy, Hysteria, palpitation, and Hpaama. CHLORODYNE! Is tha only palliative In Nesrslzls, Rheumatism, Coot, Cancer, Tooth ache. Meningitis, Ac From W. Veaallaa Fettlgrew, Jl. O., formerly Lecturer at St. George's Hospital, London: "I have no hesitation In stating that I bare never met with any medicine so caclouv aa an ana tseaauve. 1 nave nvea It In Consnmptloo, Asthma, Diarrhoea, and other diseases, and am perfectly satlsued with the results." Karl lluaiell communicated to the College of Physic lans that he bad received a dispatch from Her Majesty's Consul at Manila lo tha effect that cholera baa been raging fearfully, and that tha only reatedy of any service was CnLonooTHK " See Zaacef, 1st December, lsai. CAUTION. Bswass or Pisacr aD IstTsTloKS. Tba public are further cautioned ; a forgery of tba government aump having come to the knowledge of lbs Board of Inland Revenue. CAUTION. Vice-chancellor 8lr Pare Wood stated that Ss . Coma Bsowsa was undoubtedly tha Inventor of Chlobooyisk: that tha story of tba defendant waa deliberately vntroe, which, ba regretted to say, bad been sworn ta ee Ttsto, July 10. IHL gold In Bottles at la. lJri, 3s. M., Is. M. and lis. each. None Is geunlua without tba words "Dr. J. COLLIS BROWSE" on tba Government Stamp. Orerwbslmlug medical testimony accompanies each bottle. Bole Manufacturer J. T. DAVENPORT, S3. Oreat Russell 8L. Bloomabsry, London. Agents In Saw Tork, W. 11. Scsiif etux A Co . sud J 0 Wttxs 791 lo Corner Beale and Howar. Sis., SAN FRANCISCO, CALITORSIA. W. H. TAYLOB, Piei't. JOSEPH MOOKE, Snp't BUILDERS OF STEAM MACHINERY IN ALL ITS BRANCHES, Steamboat, Steamship, Land ENGINES AND BOILERS nion PRESSURE OS COMPOUND. STEAM VESSELS, of all kinds, built complete with Unllaof Tfood, Iron or Composite. ORDINARY ENUINES compounded when advisable. STEAM LAUNCHES. Barges sod Steam Tags con strutted with reference to tbe Trade In which tbey ara to be employed. Speed, tonsazs and draft of water ffuaranleed. STEAK BOILERS. PirUcolarattenUoniivrn to tie cruallty of tba material and workmanship, sad sons bat firsKUsd work produced. SEUAK MILLS AND SCv3AR.MAKINa XX. CHINERY made after tha most approved plana. Also all Boiler Iron Work connected therewith. WATER PIPE. ofBoDer or Sheet Iron, of any size, made ta suitable lengths for connecting together, or Sheets rolled, punched sad packed Sa shipment, ready to be rtreud on tba ground. HYDRAULIC RIVETING. Boner Work and Water Pips made by this isubllshtnent, riveted by Hydraollc: KIvetlngMacblnery, that quality cf work being to hand work. imp WORK. Ship and Steam Capstans, Steam Winches, Atr sod ClrcalsatcsT Fasaps, sssaw after tk. most approved plans. P PUMPS. Direct letloePssjps, let Irrtassen or Works narpaaes, bBt wMs tba celskmsea iswry VsJro Xotlon, ssjiertor to say staer sssaf. a fat m - VssssPAssAsjSisa,sasxrT4B ksBJL1TSatkesw' fJSLaaaas afsstaawsjawsjawsB wysj trw wsvw sfwswrsrsBB vvawsss jay waFawaw'svawawa. arsawasyffBjai, Pvsssa,. V Sas55ssssaawBSWS5awswswswswswsaa - '3-H, aT "i iiisMani a - CrOttare tf Lti. - asBJsssssssssssT 9f Jr