OCR Interpretation

The Hawaiian gazette. [volume] (Honolulu [Oahu, Hawaii]) 1865-1918, November 12, 1884, Image 4

Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83025121/1884-11-12/ed-1/seq-4/

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lOEort .St.,- x
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On Saturday Next. October 25
s au,,uj
107r,?109 t 1JL1 HIEMOMT STREET
Snn Prnaclsco.
iinT.nrMt!iN titltiJM n:cTH l
h esaWei te Lsrgelr Rek6 tte Rs'tss
.,.u tiii mix ant or
Vn lilVlU it (Ikiuk
TMI Ivlknuk
".U" HQf " fifl".
ritMwMjMMOM" r
JSfew by Irate Arrivals
Received by Castle & Oooke
Suitable for Plantations.Country Stores
Orl'VXlLl rirr r'lHrd hrtrt Neticr aid with
set tea I Vnktr. AUeertr. i IW e Mr
Improved Paris PL O "W
St.hf " m ?- v
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fcrsari. Km iw O - r
' i r hor 1 1 Iwcu
. - kl - .- fNi
) i w ti lr 1MIi
MMrw A
t t w B- V
Latest Improvements
.-v lo i T
Q? .ft JtP J- -3 X
Tm b4oh TV i
! lawrti -4 IMDv Ji
inwrJUivwi -i
TA1'LE GR'U'ERlfcS. Gkk
Xor Kerosene Oil "VTe Offer THE PALACE, and Guarante
it cannot be beat for quality or price; also, THE
VULCAJf. a srood oil and above test:
Th 1 1M ' fitw c
Agents for tne 'Superior Stove
miiwr ". su
Have Received a .Full line of ihe Pavorite
Dillingrnani Breaking,-
IUMllY . Sf-- " t! ; -,
lit mm FiM. .- !B1&AgBiaJ&
a. ht - v t
.i "
Ca3tiT;acs. Horse Hoe& & Hx::cu
Old Panes 2TlraePlcT&.
Bi2crenti&i Pailcr Blocii.
BcriiEre Xtsirtrs. Hvcnrlic J sets.
iuhricating .OilsCurpeiitiiie, Kerosene Oils
XMaa IZvi HM llf ajfctj iIiiihiii iWa.,griatT
MMir 3. I t tfi
SAjGHS,, .
- - -
i;tU' . :
' w
tHHeaiwg of Paddy.
mrri. Ttvrt.a'OMTi
ttiij. mMriw
'111 Br MMDli
SmWIHS .Mll.
Tie n i ..... ttt mpw41."
.- , i r rlrr4 xr
Xrckmt tfcst. Prrfvirtav t
' r,, i-Lir
tTWTfK fc
i w "
X- . -v Cs
in Shelf Hardware
. mm
Gak", S4ar 4 Superfine Floor
lUrr Orcws Co.' rrlr Orrn
- tt'T8?lrEitJrniBJ.
Montague Range,
T,w j
Csttcrsl Gftrdea & Cassl
fcrcrins Boilers, icam Pipe
Sarcs Z5 per Cent, of rue.
SayrrM 0rl ttk Hirll Il4
J 0. luv xt ai. tv Atom.
SM.CJ. XrCtff.J. JJ. Or"
tiMutKTnrinti wrt Mkl vaterrirfit T
lit IhUKS ef WiiJmi, 0W.
(Vcrjp) f kr ofetiJt tJ Is dirra
. 1 at.. ... .t.tl k. iVdi .M
uJ tlxiairtMal tkTtm. Th Cwrt
rc'.J lU nvtxw spo Un Mlotritt; cmiJm.
Br i rrd it ir?r 0 ! deftadmt
u Jtr nincKi Wore l taaiw
of 5T t). Pivh iM bTJi
& lud Afej kJ T0Effl(j Uira the nn
of k iprisn f 'KJi' J Titir lo ike
airr ri Jmfof Uif wttrtijll of Ik
lltiftU5t t 'raaVftCviU aaJ mtlir lani
icJ mriijcs for lias juwiktMa (f
lite CkecuHimn a fcead hi Srciicn PtT rf
tmj tku llrtHblleltTjf
to bar uf St!tmiiK til calio
ma) mrwtizg: rijku cf nj aaj tti" t
wtr tvxvra pnT&te iadtTn.ftftU or betwrca
ro F(wo7SS, i ucroJfd Iff ttirr!ef
1;Tn lkl "Ib mbKej it!i coctroTtrfiM 0
rnii !JI pre asds irmxm l
lu; Mdi iMtJcrcMe fPu U !bT
VanSiaJripauNrKtwrTi: ibt JrS
TW denjut coouc; is GO Ibc BE3tart
umI tats tnwt TO Ike dun ef pUiaUfia
tberr - dtAllr YcatrrTrTV rf tW ibU
Ire inkir ibe jmnjjKtM of tktf
CouuKnom Tfc" Coon m m remt caw
lx: TTtMt djii a fe Bl of
crwhclKW iw it rpeaird tbl w AVatu
prtlinS Ic Ur Cbaususiwrn to ''H tuniM lut
lrj nu wiibwl mUc; foeti a iUib
ntotoS Ito ta4ifh2.aU ro liisrtrliu f
mHtrKTliwBt Tssiinf Mtrr rrOT 'bow
rifUi rn duaei u U pulx to
tV 4pitiatt Tit drcatcn tDcrtlra
drcm4rjca or cxpciicfi ot te pUistl rtbt
to cottua WAler. Bh3 xp&rt sd a of
Ttstartrtoticbevdiiu liirdtJ tlnu vfao
riuuoi Itn tbui tifba m 5ln3 bj li
fJiiMiff .' cilin. AtMdlUI ailLcncord
UOoi U iick st lwliroTKv', ttreB,
clusliC aad c&e; ftixtat! toe CorksuMKOf n
TV itu raK3l nl
ftslamnl to wrf & let
diTRuecofTiSe Soti cUtr sbctW I
tiri:lj. of. a arilirMc it lit prept:
t ft it Tiansod ry fn3aes sovasol tt
tit Ccesitikatn live net jarwimHQ u
cdr oh JrtSrE to ltr dkustlf rrsare,
ud&as trrczi orilnja. crto oHrr4xls
of water coorMa raaro or to forbra tic
crrcucc of etorscSkcK, ud m rStcrt. to ex.
rratttlMfcaeSecaofi Csrt of BqtitT ?
Fauaiic to Ox asbtrc: TuiCer.
Tkt iot1laia tlat tir Csasuio?e:a
tare jsiiaiic&e: cdj lo dedlTT ttlJj
tail ft tf MRjt an aaj to
tic tisos of sac of Ibc "nlc to oadi
ciuB&ast or tie diitxibctre aiare of tie aaae.
aad tW nu boiag aesxleJ qaitT atn: to
rraetici. to a erffT lo vrctto tit tJTsat
ot lie til oc u rolnai tBfrwftsosll
1T do sot tiis tie LeciaUlsrc ialeoio!
(oaaiauttioaort. TWt an actions!, un
iare ob. to rrsdr: sci (.rciuoc a cut us
oaci parlKxtar caae appear S4 tiez to be jes:
tad ofolaMe tolvota tic pamot utrrcJirU.
aaJ At; arr tic Kit rairtt to icciii;er
catif. lo fwuai coKUsfCis a3 laat
to actrocsia s2 con;l lie attesdasoe
of witaeaaes. to enforce jcijaosu aa. taiae
UKStiostK ccU u csatenrs
robce CosTts." p. Gawiloi La.
We ooralrse tiu as citizx tie aticr.ir u
tat ? to rac ta ccoen aa
car 1 looiraU aad tteceaaarT to tie eo3sa.
eziorstscs: of tieir fcstxl. TTe tiil tie
Leyi.Uitrr Iai ttol iUai to co;ei parbes to
ea:ihhtii tiearrictaiaoae tores asi eotsjre
tieaa to resort to ascoier iorca to tare tirx
ririti esfokted or rcosrctol ToeTeiroojtct
of a f.raal Cocrsof CoaaMoaors taeaoi
oleckci atHot sxpasttl lo soaaeaa'jfeoal
asovjoirv he tin rcrruoe to wnle
vfr rt?rcsirf Tirtr tf a3 wxur
riju vuucwi atorsa tor toe coepte
a4tt?iratoo of ei zzaUert isijecs to aroal.
Ti3 Cot mico ratnot, of cccrrekxreate kt
arbilrariT vitioet refertace to its title.
A caotintia caaat argear. Ital JEtx&
lo irw a oocitotctt ccoli be rccsaksei.
excopc bjr ose partr uir zoore lias Im
aotxiioottisspros vtcra to accoesrfcti
tiu ot osuchBT fias ec jscreair tit alte
ofcoi .-! or iocrrarrof litciei or oarJ
aoae xc tt3 zsxst txo7o tan.tx tj
M9 satta So tie eeaatxa tier iresre u
vice lt art! ooaraoad of vort oot. rf lie
as coB4aiool of aiosU be focaJ lo bt
ef tit r4aiefe riit.
Oc rtforace to tie XEStrosi cue donitc!
It tiu Con oc acal : iU l kc lli:
oaaar cat3e as lo tie rearral of arj aad
olior eclrslisrf iart bros roofed crca ir
Tie Greste. for defealul cojtssJ to tit
aatroJaclkic ec aareal of lit miesot of iu
aesns who ItatLtjoi betore lie CosrzaKoera.
Tie totae, SW CtasjiW L7, ycrscrib!
ton e Ciriiit Cccrt tc Ssrctse. Oocxt aiaS
iear an! dclerreao tit caw a SaocoanJal
lew tit izlroisnxc of sew enccrM.
Tiu u tar tfra! tie liiriajt cssi
is aoftils ires tie OesssitsteaHi sf tss.
ane Tthati tocrita tiat tit trori of tie
lottonsSMserv rtai i: evsocsre "xa lie
Coart aiaG tie oirodxrJiez of tie ctv
oectf Tiaotkt uiiiooeT ts oec es
rtoors.'ictGOt Oogo2ITi
ft3 II aUo iinfca tit stalset cxxzrs.
oc affeaU a tie ftU Ctert tns tie ftcucs
of CX JsslEt tiertof. Titrt tie law
roaistiit "xoarw troitue liaP t
vai n tit Crcrt abcrt; rrmioJ airajs.
saxt ise ukt. arert saT a cast eTictaro a
ee5trt! r dtarlT nrrrr eSssrrroS
Sescr. aai stttnal to lie jrst jecfsc of tie
a-Ti Jre tie aaBe." Cecsffltd Liti p
Cs tie xareals fros CosaKaoostrs of
Tate ai ririta, "kt tTiimee
sit bt ixiroitcsl Te Jo sot coos32tr tin
to Ilrarffita oerlr cbojuueJ eriitaee.
Xor az a bt cecixoi u lie rrKtaee of treti
lama. 'rTe Jsf a sore liberal rex and
lie lesexser ef eiitr stw tesm
Vliatt sot cxasistd is tie Ccrrt bthrt
cc of TTtstopa ezaoo btlrr rx tier
tieart (ivi. tc srr aaiaota sere rrpebtxa
s wat Tras me aac tejarw
WecsoeacwtxtitrxbtUretoials! hriu
arcea! ec tie criaeaci.
lie ottooasi boot; u lease cr ecberrui
tici rr mm.i! ti.ii4 alio. PjlrtBrxi.
Faisal iK. Ieica a: EaEa. aso otitr
asss sot rms. Tie Tralerorosi to tie
ounce xaC laalts soae&Hf of
roaafiar eari Kcsx. Tit water Stm freer.
"W axolbrraaj xfapi
water So rarreii tc Tttlea of !aa!i
rneB: Sn&d Sj tcT tc
nJtrrilrif is liSe let mt rsaxter in rice.
Tit wabr Stoa FaiiiSici ew s-i tie
Si. ja tpritp. IriciSlUlariatrxioicrlelTv
tic alia tfciETi tirrc 5 is arcatxt itri er
arrxi ItorVg tierce xs2 xaaxrr;
of iV Faicxx xsi errsr tie axwai recxsroi
trtex it a rsaocr of water tirtti at cfoiis;
iXtiabuSs. tinier alea; lie axwurtetrrrs
aawier aaaacatKEec'rti tzfjr ef water
iroa tit Xitoxa rfne after LtTar rtaao11
.taraarrerilbaher !fw
tie tetfc is i in In ii ifisffletroarittlitlartti
UVj eWaxttaliatiEawii.
'wiier Ox r tttuo3t iij
XEiatoarrxl . e. bttweexsie axwa2antie'
vaviah Htwv vb 4oX.ko T" 1 .- 2 ?
e sBat ii weB euarEsitd Vr &e toioJ
boot mar sie!aroar iarexaejilie watrr
Sot a fesiei. xctcit erer twrxtrTearo ciszrjbcl.
amw x aeaeire atsiielTss xtweT
acocWsctttiefKile. Tr jaa.
xer, IUth. ias ti water oalssiaods twiaci
it rot ij oeed xreeo Xxr; TTT
itliSI tTtrr wret. Tien is
a bctwecx tie xaarzcrS. Tiirr
sokKo comiiul caxoe artaa; lie oefcaroxa
wo rJ xoe rrxaslalrrecea fanoc coirrsuj'
acicf txrire rrttrrt xa oterraart riatit
aas j'tuIJt&roaaBai tit nreeVef water
aeesiareo to Srw ia tie xtaxa oxwaz to xiear
eoTTT Txalie ias cooetiSt It Jxaratj; two
ti Stx trotxto or fcaaa aajerxa. arras tie
xaiiB axwai titaJlj Isr lie ,! tt
cbatawx: xbewaler iraextotrirc lanicotie
ararer saae of sW axwxi. T)r n. ra
ewt sisrai onecf Ibsees &arat caeasxAo
t nee itsi of tie eresaast ca tl iewerer
rrrrr ui .(tiearwuittirrt lottsBarr
xial xnri water lies a Ss tit tC
rrrre ani ij Voai.
Tiejii2iti& alaooariaailattie
laaei lie wajcr fcxx FaixxS Hi to ecbrr
aaaot err xssar arorarr orrrw wiii ria
rcerexoi fiie wxlorrrrra rw3r rreo lie ltaa
poai , .
Aarettr cseexkarat of tie xiainiia at lia:
liecirfrir'nr' UlcCaai tjruuti! lie bsxia
ofliesamagwai. astial io.eaa
Tore as? a U an tii trdra it xiarxx.
' jlMissuj resxtfrtexbtcTiracxclaa cc
water reaant ef eWniiirt"t aria, aai Bars
sajs tie aiptr of water to tie lands of tie
plaiatZl is rtJecod ao tiat, wiereas forroerlr
a trr S ioeie broal be 6 iocbee high
wreU net carrr off all tie water, now a trocji
itches wiaotj S iacits iiii is eaSeieot
Tie plaiatiSs contend that tie endence
IV. roiehoi aducert to the irinan, w fatld
bT defrwlara are ad entitled to water as of a
rfit obtained Vt The eTidenee
ft thai lbeoe rtcie wben in talo,
were aceasietsed from aooent liases to be filled
with water, as they ncortd rt, dirrcQr frm
tie raaia aswai lireari ppeaian asade in the
)utL Won ooe rtch was full Ihe wattr
was Bade lo fie Mo the next below It
Ul this was fall, aoJ whea all were fall tie
aatfr woM be storred ot f too tie maia axwai
by tltinr; lit eat rr opetmgr who ois or
iiMM The .rrnmeat ks made that ai these
patches haJ no realar dirt altcUrd nhkh
they reewTed their water sanlj. brt took it
as tier needed it; and as seae of tie witneasea
say no njrni cy pmKnpri
that acqairea.
Rata lrm wmAr of these palcaea l
Kwrrd to lie ItTKiili, or ceoeral land owner
icwnoM land some of liese sreinrs wiTttt
crrjTtee water are tunatol,
Bt the rales of aeeteot llawaiiaa jnelrart
the iooofciti pitches woah) l eaUlled ! w.
ter. ArJ ll is a feotral principle, and m
dwpaled. thai aland owner entitled so the
tse ef Ihe water oripniunr. cpoohnland,
tahVet esrlT to the nchlt which ethers nroT
arnaire bT preempuon. Aa to the patches of
land in the immediate proximilrol tie spncfm
ot owned by the kenehiln, bat granted aa
taleanas, aid tow la rctseswe of
we arc of tie opimect that ririu of water
can bo acqaired for them br a sacjosllT Ioo
and adreree cpea ase ol saco water as xoit os
mrcired for the talttralion of the crop, tboarh
tie water be net lahea daring suttd periods
of tnoe. Bet lie ionohiti, or owner of the
land in lwch liesepnnsare.canneas
he pieous, whaltrcr water from Ibess has aot
oeeo arrjairea dt aorerse use et outer.
The xdamnffsYceteod that thtT are entitled
Vt adrerse posesaioo. t lie ae of tie aawai
fa!) of water ladia from ll pnnr Tfat
defeadantV coanstl ooarrnd list "n rtjrsrd
t tie water pomped frees lie defraMnl Ma
alwTe tW dilc i attto eitber of his I its there, he
bad atirhl mu U , tt base water antns;
from a spnaz: ori hw own land, and that be
lie same rirl Iher were acthonxed in draw,
ice rcTtislnXxi water to other land of Itteir
owe. The FaiciS land beio lower than tie
acwai, it is ccxla.a tiat water code aid car.
reach the aawai in do other wot than br beiar
allowed to coUed oo the raiciii lou cnlil tt
eTertLebasiaoT tie aswai, and also tr
iu Ccncr, either as fttuare water, or be
terraaeaii rrcolaliee from the rahxhii spnaj:
relo tie lower Italia spring, ibal toe
VSt iare no rht lo soci CTeraow, xarotTicc
it it does the eectaaiVT of ttertrr tiejlaai
ia sari a eoodiliec that the waier wedd
its becads, aad so rirhl to the arcrettoa
to atia s.ela water free carfare water or
br sxbterraseaa percolatica from the Fabian
sorter, ourtr tie teiew roeatioced acliontioi
ia oarrort of the rositica. tiat no leral rich!
caa bt srxured to the costianed est of wattr
bj sxilerraseazi ptrcolaliec cr froca scrfaro
AOtn ts. Slsraletl, i:.S US.
CbasessreTs Kkhards, T H. 1. Stl
Eoalh ts. ttnocoll. TC tel SU.
ts. Csta, 5 X. H. iM
TCaSe ts. S Y. C. E. E. ii Barb, 11 J
Gocdale Tattle. 1 X. Y. 46.
Siss Ta. Gredj, N". Y. Kl.
Oase Ta. SilTerttsGe, C He. ITS.
Wasibarn on Casraeats, Steticos TI, VII.
The rnntiple eolHcttd froca these
lies is lias slated tr xrasilcra in Hs woii
oa Eastaesu p. til. "It roar be staled at a
rerieral pnocrple of searix erjeersal apprsca.
tree, Iha while cue rjroprrttor of land cost
cot stop or diTtrt lie waters of a stream
ia a svr'jrt cshtjioa liroshst, soaslodo.
pnrt a land cwaer whose estate lies apoa tat
stream below tiat of the proprietor rsl
e lie cse of tie case, or esseatialjr
uapair or diaunish lie cse thereof tf, witioal
u tsteauoa to tajare aa aajocoa: owner, aad
whole sukinr, w o! lus own land to aar
aad iawfcl ase he cats ef, direrls or
dutrors tie cseot aa aositeioroaarfsnruw ot
ormt of MtT ahKh has no know cr
aed coxrse. he: has been accustomed la penetrate
aad rewrote tat lard tf his neighbor,
he it cot ItcrebT liaKe lo action for tie
fiTeruos or slare of tcri waur."
Ia tie t case dad. A&t rt. 3.'k.
the Oocnsar xiere u a xaarked and
dtSereoce between tie law as lo tie right
to esjo t as xadtrrrosad oprxr of water &n5
that be ich a water cesrse, owix; oe tie
sarfase ii CTTersei." Xt. Wajsbxm t.ad. p.
Ittt oars thai: "aaoof lie ooeuideratkes
apoe which tits ejftrctxe is based, is that lie
coe beisg sotoriou. wbcerer bsrs or ra3li
it knows what paases, whale lie ether ts secret
aod xnkxewn ax tie riroo of rcrchase arid sale,
and cut t io ils narcre oarataallT aiifbsr.
Norcaa it ordiaxrilT be asoerlaieed what part
of tie snpptr coses frcs oses cwa Land asd
wia: froa lia: of another ." The coaCrollia;
ctrrsxrslanre u cos whethtr tie strearo was
abere or leew grossd bst wirtier xt was or
was sot ososrfoiceo aad etaesf as astretrr. If
litre ts a satsral s?ris, the water froro which
ows in a nstanl a: rimnt be law
fcllr directed rr aij oae to lie tejajrot
rtfariaa procsetora. UtlKchaaaeiorcoxrte
E3irrT03d is koowa, it csaaot be interfered
with." Id. 415.
In sp tie docmse rial rrhls caxw
sot be arasred ta ssbterrariear. aakBCwsper.
rjwirtyg water, tie rearaed aather (at. it is
4&rsar&; "?ienaJditioc lo lie Sortotar
tnVriOM ii as reeotrobered lial tie oororaoa
Uwodoaef prcjnptsoe tsp&es a CTaalfrrrs
xa txteUireat rrastor of seaelBxr witi wrach
cite3asloptrt,toarraiee wxotaterais lo
arcept it, aad liar opes aOTerse eavtorxoed ia
sari cases u oolaz&f raore nor less lia3
ef rash a rnal, rt is chSnit lo see how
tie idea of sari a rrart iarisr tees raaie car
he raised, wiee seitaer partr ooald iare
kaowa that tie oae was oenrtar
frm the other. '
AafsTiar ties pnaciaees lo lie cast at bar
wxxrii frees the eriexsire that the water cerres
froc these sprmrs taso the axwai is kxowz.
and ascertained saxasjelc: theT are posettd est
by tit wircesees aad xaarksd oa eis chart of
lie land is endcore.
Tie ahore slated refer tosatxra!
straaros bsl theT applT eqaallr to arlirHal '.
water cacraes as tau acwai ts. srsiias
rstermrr be tie Srectsits of tha Com.
A nt bj icescritckB caa be arqrirec to
tie waters ef a sjwixf wiori cazre to lit err.
fare and nakt a peod asd see erer cc rnirr
lit basks er lirrcrh act aa Ihesaroe isto
a-e xxwai cwrs!.i.U!tf for the cxreess parproe
arc rgcysrtrrr tie walxrto taaos wirrrrt
xrar be csed for imralios.
It ss. we tMik, mred ta tin cue that the
patiTT f hare aarxirtd anrhtbrrrestrriptiea
lo tit warrrxwwutrcsatit rxcrrrs xacces.
bos into lie atwii. ajhc lie kale rolcies r
ertber side sf tie xxwai xsdaiiacest therese
hare receiTed a sxpelT of water rsflroesS for
lie cxtctTirKi? of kale.
ite saj that lit derendazt lo iare water
stirifK locrJtTatrrij Urjdiatafa iocacte
tiss ss lie rxxre of tie xxaorxt of water xsed
tr lias land fnis aaaeat tzroes and roeatxms
lie srofsst ec water whsea rrrraizs to tie see
It 2 xrrtd apes ss taat st is ewaft.al lo
nee cxtrsrr tut the hd l draaed drr wh3e
tie crrp is zsarernr; and wsase, after harrcst,
st is beaig rotrrai inr tie next fsasEBKrard
tiatlkusrsi: l dew tTi a jr. Itriia
erideacr that a roonth rrcared at lit end
ef ears crtp. This world necessitate lie
sbirrtsr tfef teelasr! for two milhi of lie
rear aid ss the grass rss she aswai
aTlhi water wosld Veless St she niaosix
crrrnr lisstixa. wises woaU be cot srxsi ec
tit whose nse, dstisr wasch xheplaisiiS
rtesatj be sesfesed.
Tie trwrh t draxo xasde trvm one of
oeieadasti ta4cis s aaoaber aae lewer one
rxrts xaderxad traxtrrerveiT to tie aswai to
lit rstof wxecstle iiirfftft are eststied
IVj, Ij aT. tit be 3hral,
for lie act here xs net ese dent br lie
ox has owe Saad bat it a trespass sserx
the aswai ia winch the stoacnfs itre as
roese. This eaoltsa ro so the exttastsxi
llie acwai is not ! l cat, xarrrwed or
wai lr deeertiant lo lie aayrrr of plaro.
7e thxak the truarl rcdrarx as sa enratr
whoch lakes the place and is the etasiralenz of :
She etd waaie rate ts set oeosrraoraiEe and .
Tin cber &sm atHr ite ti. re
,-.. - -
ctrraexs lo ti ixattaass sac esr joeriopse .
Ibal inrr xecsi Te restrrec ane sne seats 'l
tsrnsrk wnsri SSnf5sXJt lt
cat a the nCarr pasa? seftl iltorsscissrd.
Ts4 teaks ef sbc axwsi xrcrtee i ranted "no
lie water re xW rrwer sjse
te i ' i- rT,;TT waos lor a rer.xi ta walk
tffiitwrfie ercr;xsr treia tiuaauifc see
cater ec seess u see axafer el waler.
&Klsk,lrUiBtz; A..Esrtwelt,er
Emalsix, Sr. 3d liii.
aTassaTt srr Xaiwxtx ts. J L. aaacx.
.vai.r.1 jErf'.ivx jm
, - . , . ,
ant rtcart oi
- - -
: . - i -v,
awpitfuio Cowrt ef tie rtawsOlam lauid
OrtsWrTira. 1884. ImBaao.
Tet Boixp vt Ixtoasjiticxt?. BrMTO
Tmirti niEsTtnii.
JwUl J, -lotus i -
eW rewt r C J
Thiscaso comes up by appeal of the
plaintiff froca a lccfioii of Hon. C F
Hiri, CSrcnil Jrnlpeol tlic Islttaj of 1I
lnui, in faror ct defondarit.
It appears by Irrcrrcorvlthat tie defend
anl tagnoi a ccnttract In on the
fth vf liar, 1SS1. at the Mrl ol St Mi
chariv wherein it w ftatoi that h
sans of cjnisTrating' to the Hawaiian
Iacds. 1x10x0 to be employed under the
dircctioarjf thr Rni of Irauigration of
thi Hawaiiatt rutsJaa, and tit wn?lfni
tionol facilitaiinc (roceiTing)
to tho HxTrairan Islarnls on board toe bark
nc, Kai n farther nndfrtfaE that th
IVvvnl ot Jmrcipration will pv or cano to
bo rsud to sum certain wapes. an.1 other
nriJertakiBxr' as
itttadtisco. etc, thcrrin 13ntiom,,
the iiefeihiafil agrood to "dttly aad faith
tally ii'ifiuiu snch tawhilouilrirorwrla
boras no raayledirectettojvTforni. nrnlor
the trsiscw of the Kosrd of Inunigrstioa
tor and denng the sjam of ro years neit
jnereodinr; th date of the corarneocexncnl
of snch ecrriee after amral in the 1
-it boinr aliravs understood
1 that te&hall not 1 corsrvllcd to labor 4in
recogturext iy mo
CtoTcmcier.1, and that hi Marices shall
not b transferred without hb concoct,"
It alto' xptvars that the defendant ax-
nred at Honolola. and was by a written
nrcctexi Anoist 33i lSSL, by
tho rresident of the Beard of Tmniirration
and the Star iEll Co, to labor f or
Loo aiaourjuuui.uijvuuia.iuiiu.
In thr asTrwnont the Star Mill Co.
arroc to pax the wxrt. and to prf om
the other stipclations xn faror of defend
ant ctticinallT procured, and arved upon
br the'Board of Itnniirratioa. Thofctar
llai Oa aprves that t& contract for tho
of tho said IVuto Torxpira da $
treUa shall not be transferred to any third
party dxtrins; tho terra of this contract
Tt....l IV. wT. ,1? Ibrt cxi.1 Itvinl of
Ixmirraticn. or its arent. The Board r
serres the rishl. cm the reproseritation of
the laborer to cancel the contract for any
cause tiomtd br the Board to bescEdest
and to rofcnd a prcjiortioriate amotmt of
fbTvTTwiT int!imflT tie Star Mill Co.
Bat if the axrecracnt shall be canrclUd
hr a sjLcistratc, for or
of rrrr of the cffidll!0C5 of the
screeaert octh part of the sard Star
Mill Co. then no rrfanilirr; will take
Tec defeadaat went to Kohala under
the direction abore made, and has worked
there for the Star Mill Co. for a portion of
the stircliied tirse. Oa tie 24th Jclr,
1SS?4, he left H work, and wssbroagtt up
before the Fohce Justice o! North Kohala.
andbrhira teed aridjxidcrnent renderod
erAmxr hi to rctm to the labor cl the
Star M21 Co. He thexeapsc appealed to
lirant JcuiCTlian. A power ox Attorney
tio PiTsHerit ol the Board of Ixnnu
mSaa to G raaaager of Star
MSB was xntrodaced. by which the Board
antborires G K. Ewsrt to proeeccte and
cererra in see name oi tne oar jul vw.
or in the came of the lardot irmrTa
ties, all cases and actions in which Porta
mese and other laborers shall be a party.
.ffj. rt JCT.. twT1t J1w isruTrrr
rader coatr&cis, set orer"br the Board of
to the Star MiTlCa The
defendant claimed that hewecttowork
at Kohala. for Mr D 15- xt
seems was then the nianazer of the Star
MHlCo. TiwCircint JsdsewsscasWeto
ascertain from the papers presented who.
if the del endanl was a borxnd serrsnt. xs his
caster, who, for a possible breach of con
tract, may be saed. ned and imprisoned.
The poem was a!o made that the contract
was not ackaowledgied before a duly
rrvrJ. ad"that the costract was
cot stamped ss roqaired by the laws of
ii e ceea mat tne aoore xtus saseiest
of tie case xs aeceosarr xa order to
ibe leral status of the del esd&at
Orr stamtes reeonaxe two classes of
labor contracts which may be enforced
cader ocr somewhat pecxJiar labor laws.
Oae class is of coatracts rasde ia this coca
try, aad the other class is of those made
in a f oneixrn country, lo be executed in
Has. Tfce'fermeT class is stxthorired by
Section lili. wijch read? a follows
rrs3 who has aifa ed the ace
of rears, mar bind himself or her
felt br wnttea contract, to serre another
m aay art. trade, professtca or other era
pioyineai. for aay term not eiceedlag Te
Tears.' The second class is recofrrcxetl
br sVvtxc lUSof the Crrfl Code which
reads ss fiiknrs:
All erxagemer.te of ernoe coatracled
a forerirn cotmlrr. to be eaeccied m
this, caless the s&ate be in coatraTeaCya
ofibelawsof this, shall le biadia; hfe.
rcorided howerex that all sseh
meats szade foe a longer period than tea
years " be redncev! to taat xtaat. to
cccat frotn the daT of the arriral of the
persB boad. in thrs
The ccatract in this ease is oae trade at
St Michaels ia f tsieipi coGntryl between
the Board of laaatrratMD andtiedeiead
It is recccarsed by cctioa IUi
ahore qaoted. It is not rvecesssry lo the
TsrHrrrof this contract that xtbeactacwl
edged." The law reqrares all costracts
fee serrire aatarrrred by SeetiOE 1U7 of
tie CSr3 Cede" tobexfciowledgei (Com
piled Laws p. ioi bnl these are doaestie
coatracis calr. aad there is ao statate re-.;"7
that contracts executed ia a fec
esm cormtrr shall be acknowieiired eslher
ia the cusiatri uhte rsade crara:arriral
ia this
Aa taowledgnxat to a rvrrrvt is fa:
ihe perpose of fscirrtxtrrTr the proof of its
ezecrrbon: such is the trTect grren to it by
the Uw: Seetios 5 of ihe Act of lit
(Ccearjeaed Laws p. 455-1 In the absence
of a staicSccy rojnrresnera to this eiTeci. a
ccntrart wocld be perfectly gcol without
aa ackacwieiig:
tTsder an Acs aatherinTT the Hxnuter
ofiheTriCTor to appoint "agectsra each
esectica tSiirkt to tike acJcnowledgmeais
to labx coraracas hecocJd sot arfutat
aeaisioirfmiaforeigaeooctrr Ifsoci
wertajpsLied irs cerrfifate wottldadd
aotiirgof vslaetoiheccErraai. aad xf the
CEEaract was iarahd. such aa acbxraicdg
meat wocH not rasie it nSS.
Bed the fact that the defeadaat made'
znd entered into tits ccctraci ts not dir
irrrhiai. The cott before the Coan J
wzsimrodaredbxKmradrwissiapar .
srrsneeofthecariractreceiTedihebeaiat i
rfarissaiotiiscoararysrjdhaswork j
ed trader it for seraeyeirs. I
eriassicpesaeaCgeiei ,
? the coatrad xs ia com crmiiy with the j
Iswscf PffisasiLihe cV '; m where it I
wssrxsde.wrjh the reasritiiJwe iavei
no rridence beftre ss as to wist the,
lawscf that cormtry are cr whxs
Xfersga law refisd etoe ss a defease'
nasi i jrortii use any lacs m u.
Fcih ts. Srrsrrs. 1 Mas- i
Owea tv 13 Me- 147.
ramedStaiesTs. TTrrrisss. 11 Peters 334.
Est if the kr of Fortegal arajseahee to
sash coctracis tad les ra the ca
itinsald iare to la ecaishedslso that
thewxzcf fecmairris e2eenc rendered
theeaatrxci void aad was ace. a
wjaei cos!l !? crei
TVe wish also to rssrd aaxras -A-
, i ii i .? i an n tVm. tm u 4tssf -rot sum i
.fefla &sxzz eZact bc of s
! U .1,4 ,ax na. , tux I
---a i VI . t t fKB 4 rm slsfac
tU&.es; ffc. .if A A - OVsiTsJwt aWOiar eTJ...TT
r, see crjstrr. ibe
3- . -..- i . - , -.
ircesmr ixw .vuex am ?m a
caj arises at will be amadered.
The rtmaaassTaesaBCEf if theaeies
dxat -i. by the rejers ia eridesio a
respxsBXaCs srjfctbeliw. ttikcs
aecxa carlte ;.t.i.i !i xor eraeeT. law.
ssxrecr vklitjaa of aar of tie "terras of
tracrxmnrtusfisiiiat&eisw iCca
TtVi Law? p. 4d
It is erjdemt thai the Baadrflrmri
ix ia this esse eeesadered tiat Jb
- . "rM rf rt tie COEtriti
rtatrse&vTa IisssarsiefeTdexcii
cc ur.Mr" ws. tarsa Kspasswa
tiilif thccrraet shaSbeso canstSd
tiie TVe tiki
T.. v.. wf.
f9brcM the rassowr;
risce a saasKr crtr this srTzai, as ia
. ., -1 .71 ,. A.
hMJ i'.C. - C-. .--. u.
leare his original contract with the Board
ot IramigTStioTuotill subsisting. The
ha a right to have his original con
tract annulled, for this is the contract
which binds him.
If the cntelry or misnsage le dene to
the lslvrcr. or the violation of the terms
of the contract be occasioned, by an oriT
sore, or other director of the laborer, nnd
net the actaal contracting master, the
Iw the same as if done by the
master himself and the Mxgitrate would
Iw anthorised to cancel the contract
The Star Mill Cos like the majority ot
tterdatatfonrotfTcsinihis conntrr
is.', ccrporalion, balit has fo wcrtlhrongn
tnaxtagcri. agents, otneers and overseer
and the lalorerran relTcm hi contract
being XttBreiled ty a Mitsrtrate in a cae
made, for the .default or misdoings of
those axrenta by whatever name they may
be called-
Bnt the law-says that a "master" can be
fined in. a snta not less than five nor more
than a hundred dollars and in default 't
payment W imprisoned at banl labor until
the earn is paid.
Ve UunkthaCanTovprecror iltrector
t eoalract labor found guilty of cruelty
cr mitusag is so far forth a -master' in
the meaning ot this law and liable lo the
penalty above taottlicaod.
These provisions of the law are intended
for the protection of the terrant anl ther
applr in terms to contract? made abroad
aad in this country to the contracts con
iemrdatedbT Section 1UT and lllSot the
Having thus found that the defendant
i hound by a legal contract of service yet
unfulfilled! the judgment of the Circuit
Judge is rcTorsod and the defendant t
ordered to return to tlio Eerrirc ot the
Star -Mill Co.
AV RlJlrtstin, for the Board of Immi
gration: W K. Castle, for the Star Mill
ifmrrol llrorttisrmrnts.
Bark Ceylon
the rot-Lowi
Wnicb. will be Sold at
"Electric Oil"
lis: Statu Cits
LARD, in 5 tt 10 lb. PAILS
1 BtBKCI.I -tin ctsus
Tar and Pitch,
In Casks for Family Use.
Fairbank's Platform Scales,
Axe Handles,
Pick Handles,
Cotton Waste,
Salt. Plaster,
A Choice Selection of
Barrel Snooks
PlicetoMi Carts
!N"ew Styles of Carriages,
I2xpi"er Wis cons. J
Ladies' Phaetons,
? ?
Gas Fittiivgj
TiysiiiTH & Roofer,
fls&sneaP aaeananeeasneP
cfEf fB HSIflllllllllH
Lamps Chandeliers,
c.vitPBin.x.'S ivrrw bivock,
TdsrsTZzrr orra.warraca.
PTOrVtrlK. Mtvli
Just Arrived !
?rr I'tlt 'St. mi
ftTiTJ POH j
light Portable Bailiray Rails,
xfasacaasa,daT p'laSh " -
tsris carV. frra U Vwxra ef STertjn. ts prvrea. TTetimi lixtthe jpimaesiof ..tarajoeto.
jTtajtt" the Hi sSiieis sari acts sCKmii ai7.i v.
rreea lor fysat. T t bkctxjk
SonarsJs, StrxsrVrrlri, ISni, 'til sercat of thai aVSJrir.tlrSr c
jy.yK0 Oiusr Snzxn Bw rJuJTCBcoh, Cxu S. S Mr
JpCOOttartfrltrTQataJTrl! ml gmXfOPJ 'm3WjrmmjML
kmfTrfrOi sjrtauut in tfccwtt PJwlr
rfftbr ""OWJ.
RJlJI null UUO MtM4 npUi Wkfc -'-'? 1
1 TmiVlwWaiw
Ms;M- u ..1m,IeI lHUtmUsl Wlf wTrn Hal a.. .s- g
llrtSwtowirw I j;
1 ti citt, knontif t&k. lrr,wtiy TfttmmtvA Aacoii wy m ,-,
lO ii ' -. ' M "CwVtil'm "t ptr,r' eJjSlS? 1JE
YA. ltjl.t7nTtTTlTi T lHT H1I i l torWl l.lWbf j
CevDrwrtlx Utjttnc Iiar.iTiMa I" -
1- rMy.' tat.altwnaahlt11a "-l 7
! - ----- rww atvBTaxtTat to n t,tw. itn Tsm. JLmwm T?
isBrTiiuiaff i -v
" W -
tKwa U TtK MTfortWo ! tlM :-J
- m , taTlrMaun tb vikttr mrwrn, tvnl navUtfta Uw M - - -
.T."fciJ3ilaii . m'' "Y
r fpjL f
YlwMi''' ' - ' M3tt2JSr
VvwvvvmuW i .I."T' -" '"''' m'mffallbt
V unii Dun.TiiNT, eoarrK. .r,cx M
M . , .
- -a-
j UlTllll T t
W. Dukes & Son,
f ssnryr:''aa fl aarnsrTTneasssssssssssew
m yBeinViawwsSssrCTaxsBaaaTi l ni ..
easxl si0SanB
At the Old Stand, No. 8 Kaahumanu Street,
PLUMBING, in all its branches;!
Artesian Well Pipe, all sizes:
STQWmS and
rotSio. UiilI.oi.lUftaaod.TipTop,riLire, Flora, Msr. Cosiest, Grand ITire.
ew KiTsl. Orr. IVrbT.rtii.DoU.OrpsT.Qoen, I'aaser.iArniTltangtiMcnataarltr.Btta,
bsrenor. alarnet, Owrosa, JUaanl Eclipse. Cnarlrz Oak, Nimble. Inwood and Lanndxr Minn,
GalTaslsel Iron asJ Corct Boaltn tor lUssts, Grssite Iron Wart, rflcatl ltatedinijl'jjin:
Galvanized Iron Water Pipe, all sizes,' and laid on at
Lowest Rates; Oast Iron and Lead Soil Pipe,
House Furnishing Goods, ail kinds;
Lift ani Force Pamp. Cistern PsnrK. Galrasixed Iron, sheet Copter. Sheet Lead,
Leal Fire- Tia Rate, Water OoeeU, Hartte SUM and Bowb, taroehd Wash Stands,
Chandeliers, Lamps, Lanterns
A Large Invoice
33i3rcctai7,i,oa3i irtTio)
We Hare Especial FACILITIES for Adjusting TRUSSES.
Hollister &d Co.,
Cor. Fort and Merchant Sts., & 59 Nuuanu St.
Have Just Received the I argest
Over Fifty Difterent Odors of the Celehrated
Iiundborg Manufacture.
Odor-Cases, Fancy Boxes, Bottles, &c.
Hollister & Co.,
for DE5LUtasca om
59 Hncaan. St, and Cot.
of the Celehrated
X 41 -.
Tort and Merchant St,
' !.

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