OCR Interpretation

The Hawaiian gazette. [volume] (Honolulu [Oahu, Hawaii]) 1865-1918, April 26, 1887, Image 5

Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83025121/1887-04-26/ed-1/seq-5/

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T k
if ijtl of the Government schools reopened
yesterday after the taster vacation
During the past week the thermometer has
been waltzing DetweenS5 and 90 in the shade
TYia etonTTiDin Anof rnltn frnm Kan
cisco with dates to the 26th instant will be
dahere on xoesaay next
Lightning on Sunday nicht and a little
rtowI of thunder but the expected storm did
not burst around Honolulu
In i utnrho Chamberlains office will be
open for tkfe transaction of bn3iness on
Tuesdays mid Fridays
On Thursday a raid was made on Chinese
Ramblers and two were captured How is
it that the haole and the toney kanaka are
Some Rood shooting was accomplished by
Mr J H Fisher at the Range King street
m Friday at 200 yards scoring in thirty
fflotsl23 out of a possible 150
Disagreeable sultry weather has prevailed
the past week during the daytime with light
Boutherly airs The nights during the same
time were pleasant
It is rumored that the first cruise of the
Kaimiloa will take place in about ten days
and will be to Kailua Hawaii 01 course the
Grand Admiral will oe on ooara
jrne steamBbip Zealandia en route from
the Colonies for San Francisco will be due
here on the 5th proximo and will take a for
eign mail
t On Thursday evening next the members of
theX M C A will hold a social at their hall
Hotdj streeet to which all are cordially in
vited to be present
It is reported that H H Jla ship of war
Kaimiloa will make her first sea trip to
Failua Hawaii and that the King will be a
jRssenger on this occasion
At Kapaa Kuai last week a young na
tive lad had one of his feet badly crushed by
the wheel of a cine cart passing over it
Amputation wis found necessary and Dr
Herbert attended to the lads wants
T C Akana a Celestial had hardly got
ssttled in his new quarters on Nauanustieet
near King before the Marshal jumped his
claim and now taere is a ueautiiui rea seal
over the key hole
rio rtnl alirRnrrar Plantation fiomnnnv at
its annual meeting have elected the follow
in officers for the vear W L Green Presi
dent Alex McKibbin Treasurer Captain
H W Mist K K Secretary
Last Thursday the King took passage on
the steamer J A Cummins for Waimanalo
for a much needed rest f romthe cares of
State He will probibly return Thursday
fully recuperated
Thanks are dne to Mr F Pratt for the
Ccstoms Beport It was impossible owing
t their late arrival for the editor to give
an exhaustive commentary upon the full ta
bles published but they will be duly noticed
Captain Swift of the barkentine W H
Dimond who has been confined to his room
was unable to proceed in his vessel on
Thnrsday The Dimond is in command of
W S Luce the chief officer
Mr Norman Logan left on Tuesday by tha
Mikahala for Lihue Kauai to take charge of
the government school at that place made
wacant by the resignation of Mr T f
Duck stealing seems to be in vogue on the
plains the last to reluctantly contribute his
quota being Mr Reweastle on Kinau street
who loses twenty one young ducks Where
13 the Marshal and the mounted police Echo
answers pan loa Jiiamoe
Hon S G Wilder returned by the Kinau
Sandrv morning from Hilo He had to stand
dfcnsiderable in the way of orations at all his
nnt ta nf all nrl lift trtnl Q WpI 1 3lftfr tllft
trying ordeal The Heloites are all reported
down with the railroad fever got it bad
Messrs Dower Purdy have secured the
contract for making the necessary repairs to
the missionary steam barkentine Morning
Star and commenced with the work yester
day morning Many of the frame timbers
in the stern need replacing
Tuesdav evening a minstrel entertainment
was given on board H B Ms ship Caroline
by her officers and members of her crew A
number of invited guests were present and
enjoyed the treat The ship was beautifully
decorated for the occasion
On Thursdav morning at about half past 7
oclock H P Ms ship Caroline steamed out
of the harbor en route for Esquimau B C
During the Carolines stay in port her officers
made many friends who wish them and their
good ship Ion voyage
Early Thursday morning a horse attached
to a hack bolted from the Hawaiian Hotel
Stables and round the hotel to the rear col
liding with area railing demolishing a por
tion of it and disengaging himself from the
hack leaped the chasm and arrived at the sta
bles all right Smart horse
The new groggery on the east corner of
King and Nuuanu streets is now being fitted
np for the work of demoralization 1 is sad
to contemplate that so many of the bast business-corners
of Honolulu should be occupied
by rum holes At a first glance a stranger
would readily infer that the liquor traffic is
one of the leading industries of the city It
is to be hopedtheir reign will be short
Tim TInw iiiin iJnrriana Comoanv has
tinned out a useful vehicle which will an
swer the double purpose of an ambulance or
hearse for use at the Lepar Settlement at
Molokai It is light and can be drawn by
hand or by horses and will no doubt prove
a great convenience to tuo unfortunate sni
ferers at Kalanpapa
On the last trip of the steamer J A Cum
mjjfe to Waicoanalo last week she had a
ltoyal quartermaster at the wheel who suc
ceeded in guiding the little steamer safely
into the harbor over there If he would
only manage the ship of state as well
wouldnt the cranky foreigners rejoice and
perhaps treat him to i big luau of squid and
roast dog with the etceteras thrown in
Mr Frank A Houghton of the Oceanio
Steamship Companys service and latterly
seoond officer of the steamship Alameda has
retired from the sea and established himself
Jasa priuter and stationer at No 22 Cali
fornia street San Francisco Cal Frank is
not the first printer who has successfully
filled the bill as a shellback and it is to be
hoped he will be equally successful on shose
On Thursday last 21st instant at St
Andrews Cathedral the Rev Xi H Barnes
of Lahaina Maui was united in marriage
to Miss E E S Williamson of Manchester
England The Bishop of Honolulu officiated
at the ceremony assisted by Rev H F S
Whalley Appropriate singing with organ
acoompauiraent ended the ceremony On
Friday Mr and Mrs Barnes sailed on the
W G Hall for their home at Lahaina
A few changes has taken place recently in
the engineers department in the Inter Island
Steamship Co Mr H Wootten formerly
1st assistant of the W G Hall has been
promoted to chief engineer of the steamer
lwalani Mr jjj Wesner formerly of the
Oceanic steamer Alameda has been ap
pjpintedlst assistant of the steamer C It
Bishop Mr J Little 1st assistant of the
Cll Bishop takes a similar post on the
steamor W G Hall These are all
tent gentlemen
By notice in to days Gazette it will be
6een that Hon J M Kaoena has retired
into bankruptcy on the petition of DrTrous
eau It is also rumored that his Excellency
will soon retire from the position of Col
lector General of Customs Honolulu to be
succeeded by John F Colborn Misfortunes
never come singly His Excellency will now
fall back on a pension which will have to bo
granted by the National party in the
Legislature jof 1888 Wont there be a
whoop up in the pension business far in
advance of the cash in the Treasury
Yesterday afternoon the city was treated
to a genuine steady down pour of rain ac
companied by thnndertand lightning whioh
will probably have tho effect of purifying the
atmosphere and dispelling the sultry weather
which has prevailed for tho past two weeks
The King street gate of the Palace en
closure has recently been demolished at con
siderable expense to give way to one of more
esthetic proportions apd in harmony with
the refined culture which prevails inside the
walls In view of the fact that money does
not appear to be plentiful in the Hawaiian
Treasury and much needed improvements
are allowed to stand still for the lack of the
needful yet there seems to be cash
enough forthcoming to make this unneces
sary change Some people seem to think
this little Kingdom is an oyster and that
there is only one man who is entitled to eat
it and the shells are kindly donated to the
The Anglican Diocesan Synod convened
on Wednesday in the sohool room of St
Andrews Cathedral and adjourned tine die
on Friday after transacting a large amount
of business relating to the diocese The at
tendance at the meetings was good evincing
an earnest desire on the part of the members
for the advancement of the best interests of
the Church on these Islands The Bishop of
Honolulu presided The following Trustees
in addition to the Bishop and Captain G H
Luce were elected Revs A Mackintosh
George Wallace and S H Davis Mr Juatice
Bickerton Messrs T May M P Robinson
and Henry Smith
In passing down Mililani street last Tues
day morning between Aliiolani Hale and the
Opera House and immediately in front of
tho entrance to the Royal box an unsightly
number of straw covers for champagne
bottles are to be seen This does not look
well and might be misconstrued into the
idea that something else besides the legiti
mate had been enacted the previous night
Of course no sensible person would be mis
led for a moment but there are many queer
persons in this community and there is no
telling what conclusions they might draw
from the presence of these straw covers
Perhaps the Chamberlain had better see that
these tell tales are removed or covered up
thoroughly People will talk you know
Mr Low and Cap Matson came as pas
sengers on the Julia Ford from San Fran
cisco to Hilo
Hilo has street lights for her dark corners
Only think of it 1 A full half dozen They
were lighted for the first time on Thursday
evening April 14 th
Tho bark Julia Ford Capt Beryman ar
rived at Hilo Thursday April 10th 14 days
from San Francisco with cargo general
merchandise two cows and one horse
Hilo is not lacking in places of enter
tainments at the present time The skating
rink cosmorama and merry-go-round are all
in full blast and a merry-go-up is being put
Tho brig W H Meyers Capt Whalman
arrived at Hilo on Thursday April 14th 30
days from Port Townsend with a cargo of
lumber for Honoapo Kau After entering
she sailed the aaiao afternoon for Kau After
landing her lumber she will go to Kahalui
to load sugar
Tho B B
The second performance in aid of the
fnnds of tho Bntish Benevolent Society was
given at the Opera Hoase on Saturday night
The house was fairly well filled and the
audience was very appreciative The pro
gramme consisted of five tableaux and a
repetition of the farce His Last Legs
The opening tableau A Marriage Under
the Directory wss a reproduction of Kaeni
merers well known picture The tableau
had been arranged by Mrs W G Irwin and
was a most artistic production The old
time dresses were most faithfully repro
duced and Mrs Irwin as the bride was as
lovely as all brides should be while Mr W
Morse made a handsome and manly groom
The brides ear was turned to her cay spouse
as the poet sang when he told her to gues3
what songs are singing within
Harken and yon will hear
In yoiir inner car
Ma Mic
Ma douce amic
Beponds a mes amours
A cette belle
Je Palmcra toujours
The central figures were well supported
and the effect was exeelleut The audience
was then spirited away to Marguerites gar
den and Marguerite Miss Mist was count
ing the daisy petals while the clear voice of
Miss Bertha von Holt rang out in the Daisy
Song and Faust Mr Hay Wodehouse
looked anxiously for the moment when Mar
guerite will say she loves me A second
scene was the moment when the Parlate
damor is sung the most exquisite love
duet ever written a suggestion of which was
most appropriately played by Mr Berger
The shadow of evils to come was shown by
the grinning head of Mephistopheles Mr
Eben Low peeping around the cottage at
the lovers Mrs Jordan must be congratu
lated on her success with this tableau
And now from tho garden of love to the
prison cell Beatrice Cenci on her way to
execution Foremost is the stalwart jailer
Hon Sam Parker and following a dozen
nuns with lighted tapers solemn somber
black The Abbess Miss Swanzy is read
ing from her breviary as she paces toward
the place of doom By her side arrayed in
the brilliant robes of her rank a wealth of
golden hair streaming over her shoulders
her slender wrists bound with a coarse rope
her eyes raised appealingly to heaven is
Beatrice Miss Aileen Ivers The contrast
of this fair and beautiful figure to the melan
choly surroundings was perfect Again and
again did the audience call for the curtain
to bo raised and loud were the plaudits as
the tableau was once more seen Mrs Wode
house and Mrs W F Allen who arranged
the tableau were certainly very fortuuate in
their choice of a Beatrice a more lovely im
personation could not have beeu given
Mrs Irwin prepared a surprise for her
audience when the curtain went up and
showed Messrs Hendry and Winter arrayed
as Raphaels Cherubs while Master Holi
days bead and a pair of wings was hovering
like a butterfly over them and a hearty
laugh rippled through the house at the in
congruous absurdity
Lastly came the Return of tho Reapers
arranged bv Mrs Alatau T Atkinson who
was assisted by Sir Tavernier in posing the
figures The scene was very bright and real
istic Six young ladies Misses Belle Louis
son Edie Mist Zoe Atkinson Ruth Beuson
May Atkinson and Graoie ltobertsonjin bright
dresses the colors admirably harmonized
carrying rakes bundles of wheat and reaping
hooks occupied the foreground Behind was
a heavily laden wagon gaily decked with
wreaths and a crowd of merry reapers tap
ping to the mnsicof a burly piper around
whom clustered a group of happy children
while the priest Mr Montgomery Mather
paced sedately by its side The tableau was
a success and the audience heartily ex
pressed their satisfaction
The entertainment concluded with the
farce of His List Legs which was played
with go from beginning to end Never
has Mr Godfrey Brown done more justice to
the irrepressible OCallagban his impudence
his inimitable asides his quaint attitudes
kept the house in a roar Mrs Strongs
Julia was admirably conceived and materi
ally assisted the versatile Irishman and high
praise must br Riveu Miss King for her per
son m n Montasue Mr F Hast
j ings LiiUs v rendered with dash and
j spirt Iir v i He as Rivers was an excel-
lent iiu representation of a fussy
I old tue minor parts of John and
Dr Banks Messra E F Bishop and AT
Atkinson were satisfactorily filled The
farce was thoroughly enjoyable and highly
appreciated by the audience So good a
representation can well bear repetition
A word of praise must be given to those
who were not on the stage Mr Berger gave
a capital selection of music and heightened
the effect of the tableaux by playing appro
priate air3 Mr Parmelee who kindly lent
and managed the calcium light did much
toward the scenic effect especially in the
Beatrice Cenci tableau Mr Swanzy most
ably assisted the stage manager during the
tableaux and Mr J F Brown during the
farce Great credit is also due to Mrs J D
Strong and Mr Tavernier for much valuable
assistance in posing and arranging and to
the latter also for a pretty bit of scene paint
ing at the last moment which materially im
proved the setting of the first tableau
The two entertainments in aid of the
British Benevolent Society have been a per
fect success and show what high class work
can be done by onr local amateurs
JBluo Ribbon League-
On Saturday evening the Blue Ribbon
League gave another of its popular entertain
ments at Y M C A Hall before a large au
dience A finely arranged programme was
presented which met with the popular favor
The League by means of these meetings is
accomplishing a good work and is adding to
its already large list of abstainers from
strong drink This society is receiving the
moral aid and support of all lovers of the
good of their race
The Opium Law
On Wednesday Chief Justice Judd rendered
an important decision in banco in the Man
uel Brito habeas corpus cass of having opium
in possession which was concurred in fully
by the full Bench and setting Brito at liberty
holding that he was illegally imprisoned
This decision releases some nine others who
have been imprisoned charged with having
opium in possession This decision will
be found elsewhere in to days Gazette To
day another important decision will be ren
dered in the Supreme Court bearing on tho
opium question
Riflo Shooting
Tuesday afternoon at the Honolulu Rifle
Association Range a shooting match took
place between a team of the Rifle Association
and one from H B Ms ship Caroline Tho
day was fine and the shooting excellent and
the match was witnessed by a large number
of spectators The best shot of the Caro
lines was Hampton who scored 124 while
C B Wilson of the Rifle team scored 119
The ranges were 200 400 and 500 yards with
ten shots to each range The Honolulu Ri
fles were declared the winners the grand
totaU being 603 the Caroliue team scoring
Tho Kaimiloa in Commission
On Friday at 930 a m the Hawaiian
war ship Kaimiloa was officially placed in
commission by Commander Jackson in
presence of lmr officers and crew Pay
master of iiio Navy J S Webb at tho
request of Commander Jackson read Cap
tain Jacksons commission and also his ap
pointment as Captain after which Captain
Jackson formally declared the Kaimiloa in
commission as a war vessel for His Ma
jesty King Kalakaua The pendant and
battery flags were then for tho first time
flung to tho breeze The naval regulations
were also promulgated and the officers and
crew directed to act accordingly
Meeting of tlio Board of Hoaltli
On Fridav a meetins of the Board of
Health was held and a resolution adopted
quarantining all vessels arriving from Asiatic
ports This course was deemed necessary in
view of the recent arrival of the City of
Peking at San Francisco with a large num
ber of Chinese passengers on board some of
whom are destined x for Honolulu Small
pox broke out during the passage and the
steamer has been quarantined at San Fran
cisco The City of Peking may call at this
port to land her Honolulu passengers
A resolution was also passed asking tho
Secretary of the Board to prepare a state
ment of the expenses relating to the manage
ment of lepers
Tho Steamer Mokolii
Some apprehension was felt at Wilders
Steamship Companys office on Thursday
owing to the late stormy weather which had
prevailed along the coasts of this group and
no intelligence being received as to the where
abouts of the steamer Mokolii since the Fri
day previous and ttiat company with com
meudablo praise determined to send tho
steamer Lehua in search of tho missing
steamer Accordingly the Lehua sailed at 7
oclock oii Thursday evening in charge of
Captain Clarke having on board Captain
King and a complete outfit for relieving the
Mokolii if in distress After proceeding as
far as Koko Headand reoonnoiteriug every
sail as it approached the Mokolii finally ap
peared coming from the weather Bide of Mo
lokai and on speaking her found every thing
all riRht the delay having been caused by
rough weather which prevented Captain Mc
Gregor from previously landing seeded stores
at Kalanpapa for the Leper settlement and
he had only succeeded in doing so that day
Everything being all right tho Lehua was
headed for Honolulu both steamers reaching
their wharves about 11 oclock Fortunately
the services of the relief steamer were not
needed but the promptitude with which she
was dispatched speaks volumes for the energy
of the company in case of emergency
Gay Kahului
Mrs Andrew More and Mrs R M Overend
returned to Hawaii on Tuesday last after a
brief visit to Maui
On tho evening prior to their departure
Messrs A F Hopke Phillip Wondt Jno H
Stelling and L W Yetlesen of Kahului with
gallantry worthy of emulation invited their
lady and gentlemen friends to a social party
at the Club House in honor of the visitors
from the other Islands and as the shades of
night began to fall that sacred domain of
bachelordom was ruthlessly invaded by a host
of the sworn enemies of all such institutions
and soon the silken rustle and the silver
laugh were heard and a JiimiiieliaMtittaoB
phere pervaded where the fragrant weed
was wont to permeate the air The front
veranda was gaily decorated and illumined
with oriental lights the hall and diningroom
being converted into an improvised ballroom
the walls of which were festooned with fiow
era and evergreens Dancing was early en
gaged ii and kept no until near midnight
when tbt company adjourned to an excellent
repast served in a style to satisfy the most
epicurean taste ine evening s entertain
ment was greatly added to by a duet See
the Pale Moon- by Mrs Andrew Moore and
Mrs R M Overend Mrs Moore delighted
all with her rendering of tGSsolo Sunrise
whioh displayed that ladys cultured voice to
advantage Miss Pauline Fvfe played a
beautiful pianoforte solo Un Ballo en
Mascheru the execution of which proved
that yonng ladys reputation as an accom
plished performer to be well merited Mr
W G Ashley also fingerpd the ivory board
and contributed not a little to the success ot
the evening while selections on that intri
cate and sweet toned instrument the Zither
by Mr A Wondt were mncu admired Ex
cellent dance music was supplied by a native
band from Wailukn
As the keystone hour drew near tho -company
dispersed after spending a most enjoy
able pvening and left their bachelor jenter
tainers to ponder on the old injunction7Tis
not good for man to be alone
Among those present were -Ladies Mrs
Andrew Moore and Mr R M Overend Ha
waii Mrs GeoC Williiiuisand Miss Pauline
Fyfe Spreckelsville Mr3 Walbridge Wai
lukn Mrs W J Lowrie Mrs D Patey and
Mrs Dr Bailey Kahului Mrs W G Ashley
and Miss Talbot Grove Ranch Miss Kinney
Haiku and Mrs W Von Gravemeyer Ma
Gentlemen Mr R D Walbridge and A
Barnes Wailuku W Yon Gravemeyer Ma
kawao Fred Armstrong Paia Geo Boss
Spreckelsville W J Lowrie Dr A H Bai
ley A F Hopke Phillip Wondt J H Stell
ing L W Yetlesen and CBOlsen Kahalui
Odd TelTowV Anniversary-
This evening at Harmony Hall Excelsior
and Harmony Lodges will celobrate the sixty
eighth anniversary of the Independent Order
of Odd Fellowship The entertainment will
domprise a varied programme of events which
cannot fail to please the members and their
guests The whole will be under the auspices
of the lodges named A pleasant evening is
New Map of the Island of Maui
Mr A M Hewett has placed onthe editors
table a new map of the Island of Maui re
cently executed by Messrs RowellJb Webster
This map gives a correct outline of the
Island also all the principal landings plan
tations towns mountains etc together with
the names of all the principal lands and
other useful information which will make
this map a requisite in every place of bu3ines3
where n correct reference of localities is a
necessity It is understood thatrthese gentle
men will shortly issue a map of the same de
scription of the Island of Oahu and perhaps
of Kauai also All who desire these useful
appendages to the office or household will do
well to call early at Mr Hewetts and secure
copies of th6 maps of Hawaii and Maui
A Lino Fonco
Last week a lot owner on Alakea street not
liking theilooks of the line fence between his
lot and his neighbor conceived the happy
idea of replacing it at his own expense
which he proceeded to do and when com
pleted his neighbor who had not contributed
a oent toward the cost took exceptions to
the general appearance of the fenoe and got
even by adding to the height of the structure
making it fifteen feet from top to bottom
whereupon the party of the first part saw
his neighbor and went him better by
five feet making the total height of the line
fence at present Uceniyfeet Here both par
ties stopped to take their second wind and
consult their lawyers It is not unlikely
that this fence fever will cost the parties a
considerable sum before the difficulty be
tween them is settled
Another Contempt of Court Case
It is only recently that the Gazette had
five dollars worth of contempt of Court
chalked up against it at the instance of Mr
C W Ashford attorney for J H Congdon
for publishing a statement of the case before
On Friday last Mr Robert Creighton man
aging editor of the P C Advertise had a
similar invitation served on him at the in
stance of Messrs Ashford Ashford attor
neys to appear and show cause why he is not
in contempt The alleged contempt is for
publishing an abstract of an injunction now
on file in the Court records against Mr Aho
Io Minister of the Interior When Messrs
Whitney and Atkinson were summoned to
appear the Honolulu papers had very little to
say about the matter beyond the bare fact
that a writ had been served on these gentle
men Now it is the Advertisers turn to have
a chance for notoriety and perhaps put np
something for the exchequer
Is knot time that tho press of Honolulu
raised its voice in no uncertain tone at this
endeavor to muzzle the press and prevent the
dissemination of important information to
tho public The bar to its credit be it said
is far from being a unit on this crusade
against the newspapers Let tho Honolulu
papers speak out Right will win
Mrs Williams Lecture
On Friday evening last at the Library and
Reading Room Association Mrs Florence
Williams of San Francisco delivered a
lecture on The Man William Shakespeare
We have had entertainments in our city that
would make more people laugh screaming
farces more calculated to make one digest
his breakfast better bnt none in our opinion
that were so well adopted to a highly culti
vated and thinking audience Had the
ability of the lecturer and the novel tratment
of the theme been better known beforohand
we have no doubt that the audience would
have been twice or three times as large as it
was -
It was a lecture on Shakespeare and more
than that It was an ablo exposition semi
scientific semi philosophic of the develop
ment ot a most wonderful character both
moral and intellectual
Sheakspeare had none of tho advantage3
of education now so happily within the
reach of all youth that thorough training in
the properties and relations of simple things
preparatory to the understanding of the
more difficult At tho age of one and
twenty he went to London He is at first a
poet and not a dramtist youthlike His
first dramas are purely imitative and con
ventional not by any means to be compared
with those of his greatest contemporary
Marlow He finds the stage corrupt and
disgusting and he writes for tho times not
yet knowing 1m powers all know that wo
are not what we are to become Hail Shake
speare now died say at the age of thirty
what adifferent verdict would have been his
from what it is His growing and strength
ening powers now begin to assert themselves
and he feels confidence as shown by his
plays He is determined to be independent
financially and intellectually The next
literary period shows a still greater change
His great tragedies are shot forth from his
surcharged brain ending in that despairing
Timon of Athens an epitome of them all
His next plays oall lham what you may
show that he has conqured his environment
come out victorious and not like the fool
Timon become so weak as to be conquered
Mrs Williams spoke for more than nn
hour entirely extempore in a rich sonorous
tone of voice fluent and graceful It is very
difficut to give in a condensed form any
thing of that well rounded whole so charac
terestic ot her lecture
If as we understand is the case Mrs
Williams lectures again in Honolulu and if
this first one be an earnest of those that
follow then thinking people of Honolulu
have a rich treat before them of which no
doubt they will not be slow to avail them
Special Totifts
Lady desirous of a SITUATION of TRUST
thoroughtly domesticated Address K 31 Gen
eral Post OlHce 116331
E No lland Book excels the HAWAII
reliable statistical and ceneial Inforrnatton re-
1 luting to tlieu Islands Price 50 cents or
mailed abroad 60 cents each
T GTlinUM PCBLisiiEit
1159 ly Honolulu II I
Ha3au office with Messrs Bishop Uo corner
of Mcirhant and Kaahumanu Streets and he
will be pleased to attend to any business on
trnstedtohlm 1143 6m
Has an Office over Messrs Bishop Oos Bank
corner Merchant and Kaahumanu 9ts and will
be happy to attend to any business entrusted to
ids care Ml ly
NOTICEThe best plage In San Francisso
for Furnished Kooms Is at the Cestee House
719 Market street next to Bancroft building
L J BE ED Pnor
J2 Fornierly of Hawaiian Islands JUS am
2seat ana cosily Fat mshed Booms can be had
by an early application at SO 4 GARDEN
LANE 992
THIS PAPER is kept on file at E C
DAKES Advertising Agency 61 and 65 3Ier
chants ExchanseSan Francisco Cal where
contractu for advertising can be made for
it 1S5
Auction Sales
B7 E- ATiATvrs CO-
Regular Cash Sale
At 10 oclock a ra at oar Salesroom Queen
Street we will sell at Public Anction
An Assortment of
Brown White Cottons
Croceries and Hardware
Sacks Scar Sacks Potatoes SacksCorn Sacks
Barley Crocker and Glassware and
Cases of Perrier Jouet ChampapB
Viable Real Estate
Wc have received instructions to sell at Public
On Saturday April jjOtli 18S7
At 12 oclock noon at our Salesroom
that certain o J
Piece or Parcel of Land
Adjoining the Duval premises and containing
an area o P9 100 Acre
The Lot hasf a frontage on Lunalilo street of 102
feet and is 300 feet deep and Is all fenced in
This Is a fine opportunitv to procure a desira
blo Building Lot
CSTFor further particulars apply to
Household Furniture
By order of MR S SAVIDGE we will sell at
Public Auction at his Residence
Beretania Street
At 10 oclock a mi the Household Furni
ture consistlnsof
Hair Gioth Parlor Set
3Iarble top center Tabic
1 Two Light Chandelier
Center Rug Sofa Rugs
Black Walnut Whatnot
Music Back
Bedroom Sets
Spring Mattresses
Black Walnut Extension Table
Crockery and Glassware
Rockers Bureaus Etc
Household Furniture
By order of MR O DUVAL we will sellat Pub
lic Auction at his Residence Lnnaillo St
At 10 oclock a m the entire Household
Furniture consisting of
I Sq Chickering Piano
Marble top Centre Table A
Center Bug Pictures Chanawicrs
1 Black Walnut Bedroom Set
Spring Mattresses Feather Pillows
Two Bedroom Sets
Diningroom Fnrniturc
Refrigerator Meat Safe
Crockery and Glassware
1 Baby Carriage v
Garden Tools Etc Etc
Notice of Sale
By direction of Mary Ann Brown Executrix of
the last will and testament of Thomas Brown
late of Honolulu Island of Oahu deceased the
mortgagee named in a certain Indenture of moil-
age made by W L Wilcox and dated the 19th
ay of August 1832 we are directed to sell at
public auction
On Saturday May 1 1887
at 12 oclock iioon of that day at my salesroom
in said Honolulu all that certain piece or parcel
of land situate at Ksllhi Island of Oahu and
more pirtlcularly described in Royal Patents 443
and 3503 and containing an area of two and a
half 2tf acres more or less For further partic
ulars inquire of
Or Chcii Bnows Attorney for Executrix
Steam Holders Furnaces Sc Ranges Set
Brick and Stonework
Done on Reasonable Terms
Alapai St 2d door from Beratania
P O Box 437
i3f Oiden from the -other islands punctually
attended to- 1147 6m
BOOK ezecuted at Gazette Omcz
CHnrtiou Salts
Comer of Fort and Queen Sts Iionolnn
Personal attention given to the sale of Fnr
nitnre Eeal Estate and GeneralMerchandisa
By order of MR II N McCHESNET I wil
sell at Public Anctton
On Thursday May 5th
At his Bsidencc No 210 KING STREET
The whole of his Household
Regular Cash Sale
At 10 a ra at Salesrooms comer Fort and
Queen Streets I will sell at
Public Auction
Dry Goods Clothing
Crockery and Glassware
Sacks No 1 Sugar Potatoes Corn Wheat Bar
ley and Ground Corn
Cases Corned Beef
Kerosene Oil Blue Mottled Soap
Household Furniture
One Family Piston Almost lew
Household Furniture
At 10 oclock a m
1 will sell at Public Auction at the Besidence of
E H WOODVTORTII Nuuann Valley on ac
count of departure the whole of his Household
Furniture and Effects
Consisting of
On Djlfci Parlor Set
Bedroom Sets Mattresses
Mosquito Sets Book Case
Superior B W Diningroom Furniture
Crockery and Glassware
Ranee and Kitchen Utensils
Bath Tub Etc Etc
OrParpel 3F5 uUo2r
Formerly In the Ga ette Block
Informs his friends and the public generally
that hehas removed to more spacious premises
the CAMPBELL BLOCK where he isnowpre
pared to do work lu his Jlne Patronage r
gpcctrully solicited 1160 3m
Warranted Drew of Pure 3Ialt
and Hop and
Specially Bottjed fortliB Unflersittiiel
By all First Class Liquor Dealers
and by
H Hackfeld Co
1159 lm Sole Asentsior the Hawaii Is
- Vr
1152 ly

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