r 1
r 4
By SUitljoritii
Foreign Offlcc Notice
Official notice haTing been given that
at during the temporary absence of
Aednx Vice Consul for Spain
Trill discharge the f nnctiona of that office
as Acting Vice Consul all persons are
hereby required to give full faith and credit
te aH the official acts of the said Heinrich
Ksajes Esq
ilinister of Foreign Affairs
Foreign Office Dec 1 1S90
134 3t 1352 lt
Foreign Office Notice
Official nonce having been given
aaaf a aifoMBiwafigjg
itering the temporary absence of
Aedag Consul for Mexico
wtt discharge the functions of that office
as Acting Consul all persons are hereby
reaeired to give full faith and credit to all
the wSetal acts of the said Heinrich Kea
Minister of Foreign Affairs
aaratga Office Dec 1 1503
J tt KAHEE Esq has this day been
appointed Pound Master for the District of
Eaasa Island of Kauai
Minister of the Interior
Interior Office Kov Si ISM IBSI St
C E RICHARDSON Esq has this day
teen appointed an Apent to Appraise Lands
Subject to Government Commutation for
the Districts of Hilo and Puna Island of
Hawaii vice J Nawahi resigned
The Board now consist as follows
F SLymaa Chairman
A B Loebenstien
OE Richardson
Minister of the Interior
Interior Office Nov 24 1S 1S31 31
In acoocdanee with Secrion 1 Chapter
WW at the Session Laws of 1SSS I have
this day set apart an enclosure for the im
pounding of estraysin Kilauea on a piece
af tend situated on the Government road
nd east of Hflansa Plantation Island of
Minister of the Interior
Interior Office Nov Si 1S9CL 1331 3t
In accordance with the provisions of Sec
tion 2 Chapter XXXV of the Session Laws
ef 15SS I have this day appointed J AV
Eahee Pound Master to the above Pound
inEilrcea Eauai
Minister of the Interior
Interior Office Nov Si 1S90 1351 St
F CONANT Esq has this day been ap
pointed member for the Road Board of the
District of Waimea Island of Kauai vice
VT D Schmidt resigned
The Board now consists as follows
F L Fischer Chairman
F W Glade
E Con ant
Minister of the Interior
iMerier Office Nov IS 1893 lS50 St
JOHN M KEALOHA Esq has this day
been appointed Notary Public for the Fourth
Judicial Circuit of the Kingdom
Minister of the Interior
laterior Office Nov 19 1S93 1350 3t
MrJNOAHASSINGER has this day
been appelated a Notary Public for the
Ilrst Judicial Circuit of the Kingdom
Minister of the Interior
intsmr Office Xov 26 1S90 1351 3
Mr WBAT TAYLOR has this day been
appelated Secretary of the Bureau of
Minister of the Interior
Interior Office Nov 2S 1891 1351 St
Census Xotice
Dr C T Eodgers has been appointed
by tit e Baard of Edccation Superintend
ent of the Census of 1S3 All communi
caooos a the sebject shoaid be addressed
3y order of the Board -of Education
VT JAS SMITH Secretary
ISeteeatktt Office Xov 17 1353
12lS59 3t
School Vacation Xotlce
Tie regaiar Christmas vaeatioa of all
PmUit Schools in the Kingdom wHl ex
tead Irani FRIDAY the lUi of Decem
ber to MOXDAY the 5th of January
By arder f the Board of Education
TV IAS SMITH Secretary
BxatMB Office Xov 17 ISO
15lS St
la He East Ttfant Stock Coapay
DnMXTsasT or tee Istesios j
Hosoxnr October 221390 f
Whereas the East Maui Stock Company
has pursuant to the laws in such case made
zai provided duly filed with the cndei
iszned Perition for the dissolution of the
said Corporation together with a Certifi
cate thereto annexed as required bylaw
20w therefore
Nodes is hereby given to any and all per
sons who have been or are now interested
in any manner whatsoever ia the said Car
pers tios that objection to the granting of
thessid Petition must be filed in the offiae
of the undersigned on or before Tuesday
tfaa 3Q day of December 1293 ssd that
any person persons desires tobeisasafi
tbereou must be in attendance nt tbooffice
of the undersigned in Aliiolani Hale Hono
lnla at 11 oclock a in of that day and
show cause why said Petition sbould not be
IS47 9
Minister of the Interior
Homestead Notice
Notice is hereby given -1 That 20 addi
tional lots have been laid out in Waiakoa
Kula Maui for Homestead purposes
2 The surveys can be examined and
prices ascertained at the Survey Office in
Honolulu or at the offioe of Mr Randal
Von Tempsky at Makawao Maui
3 Mr Randal Von Tempsky of Maka
wao will point out the lots to any person
desiring to see them for which service he
will be entitled to a fee of one dollar from
the person applying
4 Persons who may dtsire lota shall
apply in writing to the Minister of Interior
upon a blank form copies of rhich may be
obtained free of said Randal Von Tempsky
5 The sum of 10 mast accompany eaeh
6 No applications will be considered
from persons who already own land
7 ETery Applicant must be of full age
S The Applicant will be allowed five
years in which to pay for the land during
which time it will be exempt from taxes
9 He must within one year build a house
upon the land and begin to occupy the same
and continue to occupy it for the remainder
of the term of five years
10 He must within two years enclose
the land with a substantial fence
11 He must pay quarterly in advance
interest on the nnpaid purchase price at the
rate of ten per cent The purchaser may
pay the whole or any part of the purchase
price at any time which will stop interest
12 The preliminary agreement is non
assignable and the land cannot be sold
until all conditions are fulfilled and after
the lapse of five years
13 Failure to comply with any of the
conditions will work jj forfeiture of the
Minister of the Interior
Interior Office Dsc 2nd 1S90 1352 3t
Census Notice
In accordance with the requirements of
the law a general census of the Hawaiian
Islands will be taken under the direction of
the Board of Education as of the date of
December 2Sth Attention is hereby called
to the following extracts from the law
It shall be the duty of the Board of
Education every sixth year counting from
the year 1560 to make a complete census of
the inhabitants of the Kingdom
To enable the Board of Education to
carry into execution the design of the last
preceding section relating to the census
it is hereby authorized to make through its
agents all proper and necessary inquiries
All persons are hereby required under pain
of a fine not to exceed fifty dollars to bo
imposed by any police or district justice to
answer to the best of their knowledge all
such questions as shall be propounded by
the Agents of the Board relating to or
necessary for the making of the census
The following persons have been appoint
ed District Superintendents of the Census
in the several Districts of the Kingdom
Hilo L Severance
Hamakua Chas Williams
XKohala ECBond
S Mahal Miss EWLjons
X Kona Wold emar Mull er
SKoua Norman Logan
Kau Chas Meinecke
Puna Robert Bycroft
Maui Lakai and Molokai
Lahaina and Lanai Henry Dickenson
Wailaku A Barnes
Makawao GH Dickey
Hana M H Renter
Molckai R W Meyer
Oahu fr
Ewa GL Edwards
Waianae John FScott
Waialua JFAnderson
Koolauloa Wm CLane
Koolaupoko F Pahia
Kauai axd Nithau
Waimea and Xiihau T H Gibson
Kotoa EStrehz
Lihue W TLucas
Kawaihau GE Fairchild
Hanalei Chas Koelling
All inquires and communications relating
to census matters outside the District of
Honolulu should be addressed to the Dis
drict Superintendents
General Scpt of Census Honolulu
Honolulu Xov 13 1S93 ISSMt
Is Re PapalkoH Sugar Ccsapaay
DrPASxscEST or the Ixxznos i
Hokoxxxu October 1 1893 s
Whereas the Papaikou Sugar Company
has pursuant to the laws in such case made
and provided duly filed with the under
signed a petition for the dissolution of the
said Corporation together with a certificate
thereto annexed as required bj law now
Xotice is hereby given to any and all per
sons who have been or are now interested
in any manner whatsoever in the said Cor
poration that objections to the granting of
the said petition must be filed in the office
of the undersigned on or before Monday
the 22nd day of December 1393 end that
any person or persons desiring to be heard
thereon must be in attendance at the office
of the undersigned in Aliiolani Hale Hono
lulu at 11 oclock a 3i of that day and
show cause why said petition should not be
ISU i Minister of the Interior
Childrens Cashmere and SAV
Coats embroidered with caps
to match at X S Sachs5 Xo
104 Fort street-
Henrietta Cloth is 11 the rage
Old Base Dove Grey ind New
Green are the leading shades
and can be found at Sachs store Xo 104
Fort street- iaiw
59 aiumtaiiteatt4
DEO 9 1S90
Siiould the U S S Charleston
continue to make the same progress
as ws reported by Capt Jacobsen
of the Consuelo during the remain
der of her voyage to San Francisco
ahe would arrive at that port on
Thursday evening or night The
captain reports having sighted her
on Friday at 3 P M when she was
69S miles on her voyage and just
72 hours from the bell buoy which
she passed at 3 v m on Tuesday
She had averaged then 232 miles
each twenty four hours or nearly
one third of the distance over It
is more likely that Admiral Brown
when finding that his ship was
likely to arrive in the night would
slow down and enter port early in
the morning of Friday Dec 5th
nine a half days passage
It having been reported lately
that a shoal existed off Barbers
Point the most southwest point of
Oahu H B M S Xymphe last
week cruised in search of it The
investigations made by her prove
conclusively that no detached shoal
exists in the neighborhood of
Barbers Point in the fairway
either of island traffic bound to
Kauai or the other side of Oahu
or in the way of ocean ships going
or coming between Honolulu and
Japan or China
One mile and a half from Bar
bers Point will take any vessel
round with seven fathems under
her j three quarters of a mile from
the breakers in southerly wind will
give five fathoms so any vessel
which touches ground must be
keeping too close in
The shoal supposed to have been
seen by the French cruiser Dubour
dieu must have been some tempo
rary ripple on the surface as the
spit is very steep from seventy to
eighty fathoms and no soundings
can be got with ordinary apparatus
any further out
Being just now desirous of re
awakening an interest in cable
matters we were fortunate enough
to mention the subject in conversa
tion with Hon Judge flartwell
who in compliance with a request
to that effect was kind enough to
supply us with the following
While staying in Washington
last summer watching the action
of Congress concerning the sugar
tariff I availed myself of the oppor
tunity to talk with United States
officials and with members of Con
gress about a cable from San Fran
cisco to Honolulu
u I also obtained in considerable
detail and from trustworthy sources
information concerning the methods
adopted elsewhere for raising funds
for marine cables under the super
vision of and aided by subsidies or
grants from the various govern
ments in Europe in whose interest
many such cables have been laid
and are now in operation
The prospect for our cable
seems to me to be fair although I
doubt whether it is so likely to be
made by a British company from
Vancouvers Island to Honolulu as
many think it is
What England and Germany
particularly needis cable communi
cation from Auckland with Samoa
and the Fijis but with an Amer
ican cable from San Francisco to
Honolulu they might be quite
ready to join each other in laying
a cable from Australasia to Hono
lulu making friendly connection
with the American cable For
many reasons 1 believe such a
result to be more likely than 3ny
other and to be the coarse which
would secure the largest commer
cial and political advantages to
It seems to be conceded that as
an investment the cable cannot
pay and that it is only from a
national or international point of
view that any foreign government
ean be expected to sustain iV
r mrtjw
As events march now-a-days in
this final decado of tho nineteenth
century it cannot bo very long
beforo wo see the realization of tho
often proposed trans Pacific tele
graph cable from somo point
on the northwest coast of tho con
tinent of America to Australia To
effect this there must be sundry
stopping stations to subdivjdo and
reduce to manageable distances
the enormous space between the
terminal points Of these stations
this Hawaiian group must neces
sarily be tho first from theAmor
ican coast These islands linked
together the next great span will
be probably to tho Phoenix Islands
in about 3 deg South latitude and
171 deg West longitude from
thence across the Fiji archipelago
and thence to Auckland IS Z
From San Francisco to Hawaii is
2000 miles Honolulu to Fiji about
2S00 which may be divided in two
lengths to Phoenix 1700 thenco to
Fiji 1100 and then on to Auckland
isonlylOSO thus leaving the first
stretch of 2000 miles tho longest of
the whole and that not so long as
the existing cable from Brest to
Cape Breton or to Duxbury Mass
The depth of portions of the Pacific
where the cable must be laid is not
yet ascertained but there is no
reason to believe that it will
greatly exceed some of the depths
already traversed in the Atlantic
and Indian Oceans
We shall take occasion to refer to
this part of the subject in a subse
quent article
A historical sketch of tho pro
gress of submarine telegraphy is
most interesting Just fifty years
ago Professor Wheatstone drew
plans for connecting Dover and
Calais by submarine telegraph
Seven years later a plan was sub
mitted on behalf of Jacob Brett
the inventor and patentee having
the same object This however
was unfavorably received by the
Government of Louis Phillipe and
it was not till 1850 that permission
to make the trial was granted by
Louis JSapoleon In that year thirty
miles of telegraphic wire enclosed
in a gutta percha covering half an
inch in diameter were placed on
board the steamer Goliath which
started from Dover paying out the
cable as they crossed the channel
and the farther end was success
fully landed at Cape Grisnez and
messages were sent to and fro
between England and France This
cable however being imperfectly
protected or rather not armored at
all was soon cut through by a
rocky bottom and so the first cable
was by no means long lived In
the next year 1851 a stronger
cable was successfully laid and
communication established between
London and Paris This was the
year of tho first great International
Exhibition in London
Such was the beginning of the
now familiar cable telegraph
Singularly enough between two
and three hundred years ago an
Italian writer named Strada so
nearly described the electric tele
graph that it seems now almost
like an inspiration The whole
story is so marvellous that we
quote it literally from Addison
who writing in 1711 says
in one of his prolusions essays
gives an account of a chimerical
correspondence between two friends
by the help of a certain loadstone
which had such virtue in it that if
it touched two several needles
when one of the needles so touched
began to move the other though
at never so great a distance moved
at the same time and in the same
He tells us thatthetwo fnends
being eaeh of them possessed of one
of these needles made a kind of
dial plate inscribing it with the
four and twenty lettersin the same
manner as the hours of the day
are marked upon the ordinary dial
They then fixed one of the
needles on each of thesa plates in
such a manner that it could
move around without impediment
so as to touch any of the four and
twenty letters Upon their sepa
rating from one another into dis
tant countries they agreed to with
draw themselves punctually into
their closets at a certain hour of
the day and to converse with one
another by means of this their in-
Teation Accordingly when they
miles asunder
woro somo hundred
each of thom shut himsolf up in his
closet at tho timo appointed and
immediately cast his oyo upoft
his dial plato If ho had a mind to
write anything to his friond ho
directed his needle to every letter
that formed the words which ho
had occasion for making a littlo
pauso at tho end of every word or
Bontoncc to avoid confusion
Tho friend- in tho meanwhile
saw his own sympathetic needlo
moving of itself to every letter
which that of his correspondent
pointed at By this means they
talked together across a whole
continent and convoyed their
thoughts to ono another in an in
stant over cities or mountains seas
or deserts
This we take it is about the
most marvellous Prolusion over
penned by man and Strada with
out knowing it must have come as
near to the scientific wonders of
the present day as Friar Bacon or
tho ilarquis of Worcester or Bul
wer Lyttons Adam Warner The
lettered dials are very nearly tho
same as those used by Cooke and
Wheatstone before tho IMorso
alphabet swept them away Pity
that Franklin and Cavendish Yolta
and Galvani had not met with tho
rhapsodies of old Stradauwe might
have had electric telegraphs a hun
dred years ago
We do not bold ourselves responsible for the
statements made or opinions expressed byocr
A Reply to Fair Tlay
Mr Editor In reading
P C Advxrtiser of
this morning
Friday December 5th Fair
Play gives quite a lengthy article
on oil impovtations and tests I
think Fair Play is entirely
wrong in his ideas or calculations
when ho says that kerosene oil at
100 deg Fahr is not dangerous
The heat of a healthy mans
is 98 deg and fever heat
112 deg
Xow an oil that will flash only
2 deg above the heat of a mans
hand and 12 deg below fever heat
is not fit to use where life and pro
perty are at stake
1 consider such oil very danger
ous and I am very sorry to either
see or hear Fair Play make such
an assertion It Fair Play will
take a thermometer and place the
bulb against the brass work on the
bowl of a single wick keroseno oil
lamp he will see the quicksilver
rise to 106 deg or 108 deg and if
he will apply the thermometer to
the same place on a lamp having a
duplex burner the quicksilver will
rise to 112 deg ana perhaps more
The least gust of wind or even lift
ing the lamp quickly will drive the
flame down into the bowl and with
this low grade oil there will be an
Fair Play says he will defy
the Marshal fire officials or any
other man to prove that inferior
kerosene oil has been the cause of
any fire or conflagration in this
city or kingdom Mr Fair Play
they are numerous During the
month of May of this year alone
damage to the tune of S12639 was
done to buildings and propertyand
the insurance companies had to pay
out 136575 for losses by fire
caused by lamp explosions from
low grade oil and the insurance
companies will corroborate this
The kerosene oil that caused the
fire at Mr Chas Dwighta house
flashed at 9S deg the oil that
caused the fire in Mr 1L P Rob
insons block flashed at 96 deg
the oil that burnt Levi Kaiamas
house on Richard street flashed at
94 deg I could enumerate a great
many more and likewise give the
names of the parties if Fair
Play so wishes and he can ascer
tain for himself There were two
lamps exploded simultaneously in
a ruuroau restaurant near
King street bridge the lamps that
exploded were nearly fifteen feet
apart and hung in brackets that
oil flashed at 98 deg
Fair Play says what was
done with it Answer It was
sent to San Francisco and consumed
in the regular way
Xow Mr Editor I wish to in
form Mr Fair Play that the
flash test in San Francisco for
kerosene oil is 110 deg and how
that oil flashing from 93 to 98 deg
ever got jioaiea on tne San ran
cisco market is a mystery to me I
am sorry Fair Play made that
remark as it throws great discredit
on the San Francisco officials that
they were either bribed or they
were not doing their duty
There is another thing I will say
here that if Fair Play is a fam
ily man I am confident that he will
not use kerosene oil in his hoase
that flashes at 100 deg or even 164
deg he will rather pay Ifty ceaU
a caso more for oil at 115 deg tha
two dollars and forty cents cast
for oil that witf flash at 100 deg -Fair
jelay says Hawaiian Iegil
lation has gone to the extremes
tho 115 deg test and the dar poll
lie will have to pay for it witi
regard to tho test it is not too hi A
in this country The average tem- l
nnrnturo nf California for tk tm 91
r j ww
is 5S9 deg or thereabouts say 6
deg Tho test there is 110
Tho average temperature of Hono
lulu for oight years is about 74 detj
ISow taking tho difference ia tem
perature 120 deg is not too mack
With regard to the dear public
having to pay for it I woald in
form Fair Play that it only
costs 3 cents extra per gallon to
rectify oil that will flash at 139
deg compared with 190 deg
Now if a case of oil at 106
deg is worth 240 a case and
put 3 cents per gallon extra oa
for better refining that would
make a case 270 but there is no
person in Honolulu or the Hawaii
an Islands that would grudge 3 or
S325 for good safe oil
I thank Fair Play for the com
mendatory remarks he made with
regard to tho Marshakand Are offi
cials but at the same nine Sir we
are only doing our duty
Tours truly f
Jonx C White
Fire Marshal
Dec 5 1S90
Slwiirjn 5oks
hereinafter mentioned hare been hereto
fore duly foreclosed by advertisement of xaort
Mgeea notice of Intention to foreclose nosr
therefore by order of Alexander J Cartwrisrht
or Honolulu Island of Oahnv Trustee of the
Estate of B W Holt late of said Honolulu
deceased mortgagee of two certain mortgage
deeds to wit 1st Mortgage made by George
W Xawaakoa of said Honolulu dated the 13th
day of November 1SS6 aDd recorded in the
Office of the Registrar of Conveyance 1c Liber
103 folios G5 7 M Mortgage made by said
George W Xawaakoa dated the 5th day of
August 1SS3 and recorded in the Ofice of the
Registrar of Conveyances in Liter 117 folio
279 I am directed to sell at Public Auction on
Wednesday ihe 10th day of Dec 1890
At 12 oclock noon of said day
At my Salesroom on Queen Street In said
Honolulu the property included and des
cribed in said mortgages as follows
Situate at Kalfcahi In Fauoa In said Island of
Oahu viz
let All that Certain Piece or PnrrpI nf rnfl
containing an area of 1 69 100 Acres and beinu
uo mub premises aescnoea in jcojairitear
luiijj uim commission Award o 1
Eealaau and that were conveyed by Mid
man 10 iue saiu ueorge w iawaasoa
dated the 23th of March 183 and recorded in
ji Der is on ioiios au ana 3S9
2d All that Certain Piece or Parcel of Land
containing an area of S6 1G0 of aa Acre and
being Apana 1 of Royal Patent Xo 9S2S Issued
to Mere N Pua under the nrme of Serea
haknelna for her children KaialmUmRia and
Ioane and being the same premises that wtre J
conveyed to the said George W NawaaStoa byj
Mere N Pna et al by deed dated th 20th day1
of April 1SS5 and recorded In Liber 06 folio
TERMS CASH Deed at expense of par
IStr For farther particulars apply to
Or to J M Monsarrat Attorney for Mortgagee
Muuuiuiu ouTemuer ia lew lalv it
By order of the Board of Education I shall
sell at Public Auction at my sales
rooms on Qaeen Bt in Hosolnla
On Satnrflay the 13ti of Dec bhI
At 12 oclock noon
The following property
luTS8 J0 or Jeara frota -April
latb189tof the lot on Kine street Hono
lulu at present occupied by Mrs- Singer for
a bakery and residence The lot has a
frontage on Kinc street of lOOfeet and run3
back from the road 154 feet The lease of
the land only is to be sold the buildings
being removable by the present lessee at
the expiration of the existing kase which
will be April 15th 1834
Upset price 125 per annum payable
semi annually iu advance
2d Will be sold the disused school lot
together with the buildings thereon situate
m Aawailoa district of Waialna island of T
Oahu adjoining the premkas of tb native
Protestant church and soeteiaiBK as rest
w owc3 uiuto ur less
Upset mice SUO
Terms Cash Deeds at the
JFor fnrtber particulars isqaire at the
omce of the Board of Edsoatios of
onoii ai on
13S td
By order of the Board of Edncatwo I shall
Eell at Pubhe AaetioB at
my Sales
rooms oh QBeeaSCKotMteta
Ofl Satolaj tke 20ft tf Dec Mit
Froa Jnse 1st 1SW
vei andof HpaoBliwaiootW Tui
X uH uiuBl 1M Jaad of Ha
Of forateriy loested Mmk
The above is sjood Parian Lmd
GtntaMing an area ef M6 ktM
Hen or Lata i
rs lor
wriHJ aBMauv M Mtva
For farther partiaateis apply to ta
of the Board U doeatio
13W fc
J r
TiiiiffkaWWaarr fftrv mammMMmmfi t tiilfrrlftel rr - f
reT II i - I III Ml H WH I