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tf THREE OIE AND FOUR RECOVER, The Dreadful Effects of a Drink in Chinatown. New QUICK DEATH LTJBKED IN THE CUP. Chinamen Snrcimb to the Effects nfWhat Ik Supposed to be The Jlakerof the Drink the rirnt to Die Post Mortem Ueld. Chang Leong, dead. C. Jock Kim, dead. Chovii iee, dead. C. Apai, recovered. Chang Wui, recovered. Chung Citing, recovered. Chung Chong, recovered. The above if the result of the efforts of a newly arrived Chinaman to make a cooling drink for feix of his countrymen. As lie himself was the first one to die, it is almost a certainty that the affair was entirely accidental. Chang Leong was the name of the man who did the poisoning. About 2:30 o'clock on Saturday afternoon, a number of celestials were gathered in theKwoucHip Lung store on Hotel street. The day was a hot one, and Leong, who has only been in this country far three weeks, said tli3t he had a herb from which he could make a drink that would cool their blood. In this latter effort he succeeded admirably, a the sequel showed, for he effectually cooled the blood of three men, and nearly killed four more. Within an hour after Leong had made and drank his preparation, he was dead. In the meantime the others were in great agony. A Chinese doctor had been called, but did no good to the buffering men. Dr. F. L. Miner was sent for and arrived on the scene at 4:13 When he arrived one of the men. Chang Leong, was already dead. Another, C. Jock Kim, died within fifteen minutes of the doctor's arrival, in spite of all efforts to save him. Still another, Chong See, was nearly dead, and died later at the hospital. All the others were in various degrees of illness, but, thanks to the attention they received, they recovered and were nearly well yesterday. une man mat was taKen to tue hospital was, strange to say, attacked, soon after his arrival there, with all the symptoms of active hydrophobia. He foamed at the mouth and exhibited other symptoms of that dread disease. This, coupled with the fact that the recovered men's description of the herb used, and the symptoms noticed on the poisoned men, points strongly to thefact that the poison was belladonna. A post mortem examination was held on the body of one of the men. The contents of the stomach will be analyzed today. At the Kwong Hip Lung store the Chinamen m charge were very reticent in speaking of the matter. They allege that none of the men had been in the city for more than three weeks, and that they had no connection whatever with the establishment, but were only allowed to make the deadly tea there as a matter of accommodation. The first part of this story is disproved by the fact that one of the men who recovered, C. Apoi, is a half Hawaiian and a brother in-law of a clerk in the Drug Company's store. Several of the others are also said to be old residents. Two of them, at least, are believed to be employes of the store at which the poUouiug occurred. One of the Chinamen said that the drink was called, in Cninese, feechic, and was a very good medicine if used in the right way. An eye witness to the affair of Saturday said that the man who had done" the cooking had taken the wrong herbs by mistake. At any rate, the Chinese in that vicinity will be very careful hereafter how they imbibe strange drinks. After Dr. Miner arrived, and just after the second man had died, the Chinamen gathered around and would not believe that he was dead. They wanted to try some of their Chinese remedies and insisted on trying to make him swallow some sheep's blood, which they claimed would resuscitate him. Before they could get it, however, it became evident, even to them, that the man had passed beyond human aid. Sunday in Australia. "Sunday in most of the capitals of the Australian Provinces is not; an enlivening day," observes a writer in London Figaro. "Concert and theatrical entertainments are con trary to the law, hotels are rigorous ly closed as far as the general public is concerned, and if a publican bo caught dispeuEiiig liquor he is heavily fined. S eimers aod trains are run only on enfferance, although the shops are allowed to remain open. In Melbourne, however, no shopkeeper is allowed to sell even a bottle of ginger beer or a dozen of apples." 0 Persons who are subject to attacks of bilious colic can almost invariably tell, by their fenliugp. when to expect an attack. If Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy is taken as tbpsa symptoms appear, they can ward off the disease. Such persons should always keep the Keniedy at hacd, ready for immediate use wheu needed Two or threo doses of it at tb right timo will save thorn much For sale by all dealers, Beksux, Smith & Co, Agents for H. L ,c ',wyji! HAWAIIAN Gr-VZETTE: TUESDAY, APEIL 17, 1S94. PEARL HARBOR. STr. Girvin Eztolls Its Advantages as a Harbor. Mit. Editor: On the yacht Hawaii, with good company and a generous hamper of provisions, a week ago I visited Pearl lochs for the first time. It was a pleasant day and although the wind was light we ran down very quickly. The sea being calm we had a good opportunity to note the entrance to the lagoon through the coral reef which is very well defined. At Puuloa Point the mouth of the harbor is quite narrow and deep, and thereafter there is plenty of water for the largest ships. Pearl Harbor is one of the most beautiful sheets of water on the Pacific Coast. It is perfectly land-locked and safe at all seasons. The rise and fall of the tide is not over eighteen inches and the calmness of the water will eventually make it : re?ort for those who are fond of boating. If there was such a sheet of water on the coast of California it would be surrounded with great hotels and houses for tourists, who would explore every nook in this lovely tropical lagoon in steam launches. The feasibility of constructing a dry dock in one of the bights is apparent. The irregular contour of the periphery of the lapoon, together with the fact that tbe whole surroundings,clear to the beach,are covered with dense tropical foliage make this one of the most sheets of water in the world. The great depth of water close to the shore will facilitate wharf- building and the landing of heavy merchandise or naval storts The fact of there being innumerable fresh-water springs surrounding the lagcon. and artesian water available almost everywhere in the vicinity, quadruples the value of this harbor as a site for a large city or a coaling station for the navies of the world. San Diego harbor has been extolled as one of the deepest, safest and most perfectly landlocked of any on the coast, but it is not the superior of Pearl Harbor. It is only a matter of a short time until the utility and beauty of this magnificent sheet of calm water will be appreciated. Years ago its value was understood, and parties hastened to buy up the surrounding land as a speculation, and not with intent to improve. J. heir great grandchildren will probably learn that the American Government is very slow to pay exorbitant prices for land. Should it ever be induced to purchase any but a small quantity the speculator will have discovered that after de ducting the commission paid to lobbyists he will receive only a tithe of his expectations. I have , seen coteries in San Diego bond ' lands endeavor to induce the Gov-' eminent to buy them for military and fortification uses at large priceK They hold them still and i are likely to do so. It would be ' much beiter to offer lands to the Government at fair prices or at a value fixed by appraisers regularly , selected. Jas. W. Girvin. . REGISTRATION FIGURES. Numbers and Nationalities of Coming Voters. The registration of voters in Hono lulu for the election of delegates to the coming Constitutional Convention Las been under way for three weeks', with the following result: First Week 319 Second "Week 303 Third Week 375 Total 997 Those voters are distributed among the different districts a3 follows: First District 203 Second District 214 Third District 317 Fourth District - 139 Fifth District 124 Total 097 Classified according to nativity there are: Natives and half-caste 144 Hawaiian born (foreign) 84 Auiericau (U. S. A.) 278 British - 136 German 87 Portuguese 203 All others 65 Total 997 If this latter classification had been by nationality or citizenship instead of by place of birth, the American element would have cut a considerably larger figure on account of the large proportion of British and German boru residents who are naturalized citizens of the United States. The registration office will remain open one week longer, closing on Saturday evening next, April 21st m For Sale. THE IMCrfMLSKS oN Flatns, situated at the uortheast corner cf Beretauia and P.ifeoi streets ; the lot having a frontage of 200 leet by 150 feet depth with j; house, out houe urn! other improvements thereon. Possession given immediately. Apply to F. A. SCHAliFKR & CO. US 3 o o V55 3 55 P UJ& INFANTS! moral QbrnxixBcmmls. Marci --Tare, Builders and Osnsrs!, always cp Id the times in quality, styles and price.. Plantation Supplies, a'full to itilt the various demand . Steel Plows, made expressly for Island work with extra parte. Cultivator's Cane Knives. Agricultural Implements, Hoes, Shovels, .Forks, Mattocks, etc, etc Carpenters', Blacksmiths' and Machinists' Tools Screw Plates, Tans and Dies, Twist Drills, 1 Paints and Oils, Brushes, Glass, Asbestos Hair Felt and Felt ftlixture. I8laue's Steam Pumps, Weston's Centrifugals. SEWH.G MACHINES. Wilcox & Gibbs, and 8emington. Lubricating Oils ln wm Genera! Merchandise, ti$?Ty&?u there is anything you want, come and ask for It, you will be politely treated. No trouble to show goods. 13 1 PI? JUST RECEIVED A NEW LINE OF KURNITURE and UPHOLSTERY OF THE LATEST PATTERNS IN Bedrooni Sets, Wicker Ware, Clieffoniers and Chairs f( DIT ALL AT THE LOWEST PRICES; ALSO, ALL KINDS OF MANUFACTURING DONE IN FURNITURE, (ADDING AND 'UPHOLSTERING, AND BEST QUALITY 01' LIVE GEESE FEATHERS, HAIR, MOSS AND EXCELSIOR KEPT ON HAND; ALSO THE LATEST PATTERNS OF WICKER WARE IN SETS OR SINGLE PIECES. jES?"Siieei.l ordere for Wicker Wre or all kinds of Furniture to fauit at low prices fcsiTAH orders from the ottier islands will receive our prompt attention Furniture will be well packed and goods sold at San Francisco pricee. 3493 1499 Give the Baby k "O-a Jr ijJKffl JrSl FOR M AND O StSfclNVALIDS. l frrtr TRanrTtVOfia. ZTT.AB0nX51ARK, IN ALL ITS STYLES AT- c and 74 King Street A Perfect ffuirimani FonCnOWlNG CHILDRCrt. convalescents. Consumptives, Dyspeptics, and tbe Accil,and In Acute Him- 3 ml all Wastiiin J)ieac. WE- est rooa for Hand-fed Infants. .' OI'H IiOniv for the of mothers, "The Cure mil of Infant"," v.lll be iaal!cdrc to any address, upon request. Ci , CO OK, !W.".SS., U. S. A. BENSON, SMITH & CO., Solo Agents for the Hawaiian Islands. J. J. Egan's, 514 Fort Street. A largs assortment of Woolen Good", Storm Hrrge in Bine, Black an White; Scotch, bngiish and Amerirtii t.inliams in large quantities. FINK LINE IN WHITE AND FANCY-FIGURED WASH GOODS A complete stock of Mriped And Cherked Flannels. This is the place to buy yours. Lacee, Embroidery and Hosiery, cheap , a complete line. Dressmaking jjnie in all its Branches BY THE DRESSMAKER, MRS. EENNKK The Club No. 2. Starts from March 1, and tbe drawings will be made every other Saturday. Start now, pay 2.50 a week from the date above named, and you will soon be the possessor of the finest Bicycle ever made. It costs you 15, when jou get you-wheel, the balance is paid by the week in amounts that anyone can afford. Cheaper than car fare. COLUMBIA BICT0LE AGENCY. imtgimmtmiit rnrral Metropolitan ffiarke Tlxxg Choicest Meats FKOM Finest Herds. 6. J. WALLER, Prop, FAMILIES AND SHIPPING SUPPLIED ONSHDRTNOTICE AND AT TIIE Lowest Market Prices. tSTSU Meats dellrered f rom thlsllarketare thoroughly chilled immediately after killing by means of a Bell-Coleman Patent Dry Air Re frigerator. .Heat so treated retains all its Jnley properties, and is guaranteed to keep longer after dellyery than freshly-killed meat. 13S3q BENSON SMITH & CO JOBBING AND MANUFACTURING PHARMACISTS a run. line or Pure Drugs, OHESnCAiS, Medicinal Preoarations, PATENT MEDICINES AT THE LOWEST PRICES. 113 and 115 Fort Street. BEAVER SALOON H. J. NOLTE, Proprietor. Begs to announce to public Id general his friend and tho That be has opened tho above Saloon where Refreohmonta will bo served from 3 a. m. till 10 p. m., underthe Immediate supervision of a Cktfde CuUine TIIE PINEST GRADES OF Tobaccos, Cigars, Pipes and Smoker's Sundries Chosen by a personal selection from first-class manufactories, has been obtained, and will be added to from time to time. Ono of Brunswick & IlaltcV Celebrated Billiard Tableo connected with the establishment. whero of thecnpcai participate. Tr. H. HICE, EEEEDE3 OF Fine Horses and Cattle From tho Thoroughbred Standard bred Stallion, Nutwood by Nutwood, Jr Norman Stallion Captain Grawl Native bred Stallion Boa-well ALSO L caOICZ LOT OF Bulls, Cows and Calves From the Celebrated Bulla Sussex, Hereford, Ayrshire & Durham A TJOT 07 Fine Saflflle ai Carnage Horses FOB SALE. 2 TtHTjp HEREFORD BULLS FOR SALE Tourists and Excursion Parties desiring Sinele, Doable or Four-in-hand Toarna or Saddle. Horses can be accommodated at W. H. Bice's Livery Stables. J All communication to be addreai ed to lKClv W. H.RICE. Lihue. Kauai. Turn. u. Dinrs. LIVERPOOL, HA BOLD JANIOX. THEO. H. DAVIES & CO.. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 12 & 13 The .Sibanir. 1E.C insurance Ratios. TRANS - - - ATLANTIC Fire insurance Company, -Ul HAMBUEU Capital of the Co. and Reeerre.iieichs marks Capital their Uompanie The undersigned is nntLoriied Fire Insurance,ow .101,6S0,MX) ToUI Hcichsmars 107,6SO,00a WORTH GERMAN Fire Insurance Company, -OF of the Cj.i niSf&JkVr'i;;'; w,x 35,000,000 ToLtl Keichsmarka )a.8.S,iJoo Thoandemgntil.GeneralAcentiof theabore two companies for the Hawaiian Islandt. are Prepared to insare BnildinKs, and Produce, JIachincry. tc alto bugar and lUce Mills, and in the n.,tl0" ordluni(Ce by Are. on the most 1358 H.UAChPKLD CO. ly Tlie Liverpool and Ion-don and Globe fESTABLISHro IMS.' Net Income 9.079.0OO Claims Paid. 112.589,000 - TSk??,.E1, Btnit Loss or Daraaaebyflre andPnxnltnre, on the mostfarorable farm. Bishop & Co. INSURANCE Theo. H. Davies & Co.. AGENTS FOR FIRE, LIFE and .MARINE. INSURANCE Northern Assurance Co Of London for FIRE & LIFE. ESTABLISHED 1836. ACCUMULATED FUNDS - - 3.975.000 BRITISH AND FOREIGN Marine Insurance Co.Ld Of Liverpool for MARINE. CAPITAL - - - 1,000.000. Reduction of Rates Immediate Payment of Claims. THEO. H. DAVIES & CO., Agents MARINE INSURANCE to take manno iiiaks on HOLL.S, CAKGOES, FREIGHTS and COMMISSION8, At Current Kates in the followinr; Com panics, viz : Al iance Assurance Fire and Marine, London. WilhelmaofMadgeburg Gen'I. Ins. Co Sun Insurance Co., San Francisco. JOHi 1S7M I S. WALKER, .Ascent for Hawaiian Islands. Company. Tbe nnderalRnpd haTing been appointed ARcnt of the abovu Company, are prfparel to llullilliiKH and on JUercha inline atored therein, on the moat favoraDie termn. For par- s'S'uafco" lhe omco "',:&! Marino Insuranco Company 01 11EKLIX O X- T TT 10" X General Insurance Company, tK BEI1LIN ThsaboTO Insu ance Companies haveeatab lhhcd a General aeency here, and the under lgned. General Amenta, are authorized to take ItlHUt nraliit tlip Dancers ollhcKeia nt the Slant ltxisonnble llnles, and on tlie.tfovl I'ntitrnble Terms. 1JS9 ly P. A.SOIIAEFBR A 0General Acta GENERAL INSURANCE COMPANY For Sca.RIvcr&Iitmd Transport OF DRESDEN Having established an Acenry at Honolulu fo tho Hawaiian Islands.thennderalgscd Genera Amenta, areauthoiizcd to take Blabs acainst tbe Banger of tho Seaa AT TBS Most Reasonable Ratos.ondont&a Most Favorable Terra F.A. SCHAEFER A CO. yJ51tf Agent for the Hawaiian Island NORTH BRITISH AND MERCANTILE Insurance Company. Total Astrra t 31t Decexbzb, 1892, ll,Hi,3H la. id. Capital..J.00O.CO t. d " .. 2,7W,U Paid-up Capital 0 C 2 Hire Funds 2.6T8.B 12 t 3 Life and Annuity Funds 7,4,M 8 11 11.141 291 1 I Revenue Fire Branch 1,577,276 7 I Revenue Life and Annuity Branches 1.216.73d I IS 2.794 012 9 7 tut accumulated Funds of Fire and Life e aitnentrare free from llahllix in murf ' ck b other. KI. HOPFSCBLAEGEK CO, yU333 A4t it e Hawaiian if 1 m j 4i ! ! i 1 , i