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BEtotiistn (famtttt f. VOL. XXXIV. NO. 1!0. WIIOI.K 'U. 2053. IIONOMJIA', It. I. I-'IIIIAV, MMU'll 10, IM!I. KKMI KVMUW SEMI- WEEKLY. 88UKD TUK.H1IAY8 AM) FRIDAYS. W. N. ARMSTRONG, EDITOR. HUllSCHIITION UATKSl Fir Month ...I ,M) Fir MuxTH.FuRiKiK 75 I'im Ykar 5.) I'm YAR, KollIMIM 11.00 Payable Invariably In Advance. a. w. PEARSON, Business Manager. Ixirrln A. Tbuntan. Alfred W. Carter. THURSTON & CARTER. ATTORN EYS-AT-LAW. MERCHANT Street next 'to Poet Otlice. LYLE A. DICKEY. ATTORNEY AT LAW AND NOTARY Public. P. 0. Box "80. Honolulu, H. I. King and Bethel Street. W. R. CASTLE. ATTORNEY AT LAW AND NOTARY Public. Attends all Courts of tbo Republic. Honolulu, H. I. CATHCARJ& PARKE. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. 13 KAAHU manu Street. WHITNEY & NICHOLS. DENTAL ROOMS ON FORT STREET. Office In Brewer's Block, cor. Fort and Hotel SU.; entrance, Hotel St. M. S. GRINBAUM & CO., LTD. Importers and Commission Met chants. San Francisco. .and. .Honolulu. 215 Front St. Queen St, H. HACKFELD & CO., LTD. GENERAL COMMISSION AGENTS Queen St., Honolulu, H. I. ED. HOFFSCHLAEGER & CO. IMPORTERS AND COMMISSION Merchants. King and Bethel SU., Honolulu, H. I. F. A. SCHAEFER & CO. IMPORTERS AND COMMISSION Merchants. Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands. JOHN T. WATERHOUSE. IMPORTER AND DEALER IN GEN eral Merchandise. Queen Street, Honolulu. Robert Lowers. P. J. Lowrey. C. M. Cooke LEWERS &C00KE. IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN Lumber and Building Materials. Office: 414 Fort Street. HAWAIIANWINE CO. FRANK BROWN MANAGER, 28 and 30 Merchant St, Honolulu, H. I. THE WESTERN AND HAWAIIAN INVESTMENT., LTD. MONEY LOANED FOR LONO OR short periods on approved security. W. W. HALL, Manager. WILDER & CO. LUMBER, PAINTS, OILS, NAILS, Salt, and Building Materials of all Kinds. HONOLULU IRON WORKS CO. MACIUNERY OF EVERY DESCRIP tlon made to order, H. E. MclNTYRE & BR0. GROCERY AND FEED STORE. Corner King and Fort Streets, Honolulu. C. HUSTACE. Wholesale and Retail Grocer. 212 King SU Tel. 119. FAMILY, PLANTATION AND SHIPS' Stores Supplied on Short Notice. New Goods by every steamer. Ord ers from the other Islands faith fully executed. CONSOLIDATED SODA WATER WORKS CO., Ltd. Esplanade, Cor. Fort and Allen Sts. HOLLISTER ft CO., Agents. Read ike ITmmUm Gft BY AUTHORITY. foreign omen notici:. The funeral obloquies of the late Princess Knlulanl will tnke placo from Kawalahao church on Sunday, 12th lust., at 2 o'clock p. m. HENRY K. COOPEIt, Minister of Foreign Affairs. Department of Foreign Affairs, March 9th, 1S99. ORDER OF PROCESSION for the FUNERAL OF THE LATE PRINCESS KAIULANI. Marshal of the Republic and Officers. Company of Police, Band. St. Louis College. Oahu College. Kamohamcha School. St. Andrew's Priory. Hand. Fraternal Societies. St. Antonio Bencflccnto Society. Soclcdade Lusltanla Benellcente. Aha Hua Kalalalna. Aha Hul Aloha Alna. Aha Hul Aloha Alna 0 na Wall I no. Major Commanding and Aides. Band. Second Battalion U. S. Volunteer Engi neers. Detachment of Blue Jackets from U. S. S. Sclndta and Iroquois. Band. First Regiment National Guf.rd of Ha waii. Protestant Clergy. Clergy of the- Roman Catholic Church. The Right Reverend tho Bishop of Pa nopolls. Choir. Officiating Clergy. The Right Reverend the Bishop of Honolulu. mm. & 3 FT s x x Carriage with Hon. A. S. Cleghorn and Mrs. J. W. Robertson and Mrs. J. ii. Boyd. Carriage of LUIuokalanl. Carriage of Her Majesty the Queen Dowager with Prince Kawananakoa, Prince Kalanl- nnaole and wife. Tho President and Staff. The Cabinet Ministers. Tho Justices of the Supreme Court. Tho Special Agent of tho United States. Officers U. S. Army and Navy. President of the Senate. Speaker of tho House. Consular Corps. Circuit Judges. Government Officials. Public. The procession will form at 1:30 p. m., Sunday, March 12th, on King street. The line of procession preceding the Catafalque will bo formed on King street, with tho right resting on Rich ards street. All who follow will form on tho Walklkl side of Punchbowl street. The procession will proceed along King street to Alakea, thenco by Ala- kea and Emma streets to Vineyard street, Vineyard street to Nuuanti, thenco to tho Royal Mausoleum. All attending tho funeral In car riages arc respectfully requested to furnish cards to their coachmen In order that positions may be assigned to them. Procession will be under the direc tion of MaJ. G. C. Potter, of tho Prcs Ident's staff. HENRY E. COOPER, Minister of Foreign Affairs. Department of Foreign Affairs, Ho nolulu, March 10th, 1S99. Via Honolulu. WASHINGTON, Feb. 28. Although the Cabinet was in session today nearly an hour longer than usual, it was said that nothing of special Interest was developed. The question whother the troops now preparing for Manila should bo transported from San Fran cisco or from tho East by way of the Suez canal and tho Red sea was dis cussed, and the decision was reached to ship them from San Francisco, via Honolulu. ROYAL MAUSOLEUM (THIS IMPOSING STRUCTURE STANDS ON AN ELEVATION PROM INENT IN THAT PORTION OF NUUANU CEMETERY ON THE WAI KIKI SIDE OF THE AVEUNE. WITHIN WILL HE DEPOSITED THE REMAINS OF PRINCESS KAIULANI.) WITHIN THE TOMB. (This Paicr, February 1C, 1831.) On a beautiful lawn at tho entrance of Nuuanu valley, ocrlooklng this city, the harbor and ocean bsyond, stands tho Royal Mausoleum, erected by the Hawaiian Government, us the resting place of the remains of the Royal Family of Hawaii and a few of their greatest benefactors. It is built In tho Gothic stylo of architecture, of concrete stone, with tho lawn hand somely laid out with walks and studded with trees, tno wnolo presenting irom tho avenue an attractive appearance. A short distance to tho left of the building Is a vault, constructed mainly under ground, which has been named "Tho Kamohamcha Tomb." It was built some six or eight years ngo, or it became necessary to provide some other place for tho increasing number of coffins which had nearly filled the main building. A portion of tho cof fins hnvo been transferred to this largo and spacious tomb, thus relieving tho main building, so that spare U i,ow provided for all tho requirements of many years to come. Prior to the transfer of tho remains of the kings to the present mausoleum, they were kept in a temporary mausoleum In the pal ace yard. In bold contrast with that rude structure, It Is a credit to the na tion that such a building has been erected for the purpose, and it will ever remain an ornament to tho city, as long as It stands. Few people are aware how many coffins are deposited here. Including that of our late King Kalaknua, they number fifty. The fol lowing may not be a complete list of all whose remains are In tho Royal Mausoleum, as tho information has been obtained from several rources, nor have the dates when they dlod, been ascertained. The body or bonos of Kamehameha the Great ore said to havo 'been de posited In the caves near Kealakekua Bay, where those of other royal chiefs were laid, but as they have never been recognized, they still remain where first deposited. This accounts for his name not being In the list. Ho died May 8, 1791. Kamehameha II died In London July 14, 1824. Queen Kamamalu died In London July 8, 1824. The above bodies were brought back to Honolulu by Iird Byron, command ing II. B. M. S. Blonde. Queen Kaahumanu, wife of Kameha meha I, died June 5, 1832. Kamehameha III, died Dec. 15, 1S54. Queen Kalama, wife of Kamehame ha III, died September 20. 1870. Kamehameha IV, died November 30, 18G3. Prince of Hawaii, son of tho above, died AugUBt 27, 1802. Queen Emma, wlfo of Kamehameha IV, died April 25, 1885. 5)$ win. mi: IN ST ATK. Remains' of the Prl noons to n Kuwuialiao Clinrch. at Thoso will be tho pall bearers for the funeral of tho lato Princess Ka iulunl on Sunday: Col.'1 Parker, F. A. Schacfcr J, o. Carter, United StateH Consul Gen eral Win. Haywood, T. Cllvo Davles, Andrew Adams, S. K. Kane, Col. Geo. W. Macfarlanc, F. iM. Swanzy, A II iochcnsteln, ft member of President Dolo's Cabinet, J. W. Robertson, Col. J. H. Boyd, J. II. Wodehouse. Tho body of tho late Princess will bo brought privately after dark this even ing from Alnahau, tho residence, in town to Kawalahao church. Then tho ruard of honor from O Company, N. G. H will go on duty. Tho remains will Ho in state In the historic church from 10 a, m. to 4 p. m. tomorrow. The aides to MaJ. Potter In handling tho funeral procession will bo MaJ. Iaukea, Capt. Pratt and Capt Wilder. o I Queen Klnau, wlfo of Gov. Kekua- naon, died April 4, 1839. Princess Victoria K. Kaahumanu, daughter of Klnau. died May 29. 18C6. Kamehameha V, died December 11, , 1872. Governor M. Kokuaiuua, died No vember 24, 1SS8. , Knmauelc, daughter of Gov. Kauklni, died April 4, 1839. A. Pakl. father of Mrs. Bishop, died June, 1S53. L. Konln, wife of Pakl and mother of Mrs. Bishop, died July, 1857. I Moses Kckualwa, brother of Kanie 1 hamcha IV and V, died 1818. David, another brother of Kame hameha IV and V. Wm. Pitt Iclclohokn, died In 1SI8. Keola, son of Governess of Hawaii. Keawoawoula, Infant son of Kame hameha III. I.lloa, an ancestor of the Kamcha melius. Lonolkamakahlkl, an ancestor of the Kalakaua family. Mrs. Bcroicc Pauahl Bishop, died October 1C, 1884. Ruth Kecllkolanl, sister of Knmeha- mehu IV and V, died May 21, 1883. Kckauluohl, mother of Lunalllo, died June 7. 1815. C. Kapaakea, father of Queen LUI uokalanl. Keohokalole, mother of Quoen LUI uokalanl. Princess Miriam Llkcllko, wife of Huu. A. S. Cleghorn and sister of King Kalakaua. Died February 2, 1887. Kconl Ana (John Young) died July 18. 1837. Namakacha, a prominent chief. Jane Kekela Young, daughter of John Young and mother of Queen Emma. Kalmlnaanao, sister of Qucon LUI uokalanl. Kckaullke, elstcr of Queen Kaptolanl. Prince Kclllahonul, son of the above. Haallllo, ambassador to London. Peter Y. Kaeo, 'brother of Queen Emma. Wm. L. Lee, Chief Justice of Ha wall. Robt. C. Wylle, Minister of Foreign Affairs. Dr. T. C. II. Rooke, adopted father of Queeu Emma. Besides the above, tho coffins of tho following chiefs are said to bo In the Mausoleum: Alapal, Naea, Kaeo, La hlahl, Malkul, Kepookawelo, Nueu and Kukohe. Tho remains of King Win. C. Luna lllo, and tlioso of his father, Charles Kanalna, rest In a mausoleum, special ly built for them, that stands at tho right of the front entranco to Kawala hao churchyard, near tho corner of King and Punchbowl streets. Luna lllo died February 3, 1871. Kanalna die. March 13, 1878. The remains of Lunalllo and Kanalna havo been removed from Kawalahao to the royal mausoleum. Steamer Stnrbuck Lost, MANAGUA, Nicaragua, Fob. 28, via Galveston. Tho Pacific Mall steamer Starbuck, Capt. Bruglre, foundered this afternoon seventeen miles from Amapala, on tho Island of Tlgrc, off tho coast of Honduras. No lives arc reported lost. NEW YORK, Feb. 28. Tho Star buck, which, according to tho Marl tlmo Register, arrived at Panama on January 29th, for Champcrico, was an Iron steamer of 1548 tons net and 21C7 ton gross. Sho was built In Sunder land, England, in 1881; was 2CC feot long, 31.G foet in the beam and 20.4 feet In depth. She was last surveyed In San Francisco In 189G, and was classed Al. Capt. Bruglre Is well known here, Mrs. Bruglre being the daughter of S. B. Rose, of tho Wilder S. S. Co. Tho Captain was here a few months ago as an officer of tho S. S. City of Peking when that liner was In transport service. MONEY FOR 1PHE CABLE Senate Committee Recommends the Appropriation "To Honolulu." The Hawaiian Bills. HAWAIIAN HILLS. WASHINGTON, Feb. 2C No complete code of e il laws for Hawaii will lo adopted at this session, nl- e !.' though nt the time, the e ( Commission submitted Its e ii teport condition isavmcd e favornblo for thn enactment , of some comprehensive form e (: of government for tho Is- lauds. It Is even probable that tho single provision np- e ' plying to Hawaii the con- e tract labor laws of tho ? United States will not get f through. e THE CAULE. WASHINGTON, Feb. 2C Tho Sen ate Committee on Appropriations has completed consideration of tho sundry civil bill ns passed by the House and reported It to tho Senate. Tho most Important amendment Is n provision for a cable to Honolulu. Tho amend ment, provides that the cost of tho cable shall not exceed 12,500,000. Tho text of tho amendment follows: That there shall bo constructed by tho United States under tho Secretary of the Navy, for military, naval mid postal purposes , a submarine tele graphic entile and connecting land lines from n Pacific port In tho State of California, to be designated by tho President, to tho city of Honolulu, In tho Hawaiian Islands. The Secretary of the Navy Is hereby authorized, empowered and directed to detail one or more vessels of tliel" inr " . , ."." ."" " ' "l. . " ,,,.,..,., . . United States for the purpose of mak- Ing surveys and taking careful ncccs - ki:idi.i:k pumps. Fra.sur Oliuliiiern Secure a Ko. hula Contract. Tho Kohala Sugar Company yester day awarded a contract to Fraser & Chalmers, of Chicago, for a largo un derground Rlcdler pumping engine. This plant will lio a departure from thoso ordinarily installed. Tho boil ers will bo situated on the surface nnd tho pumping cnglno In a iitatlon un derground similar to those of mining pumps. Tho pump will be u duplex double-acting Rlcdler driven by a four cylinder, triple expansion, condensing, Frasor & Chalmers' Corliss engine. 'Mr. E. E. Oldlng, manager of lvo- hala plantation, lias, during tho past few montlis, been lnvetlgallng the merits of tho various pumping systems with the result thai tho Rlodler pump won recommended nnd contracted for. Tho station will bo equipped with a small el-trlc light plant in tho boiler room oid a steam driven elevator for a mam siiart. worx on tno station will begin ns soon ns nocossary draw ings are received from thd builders. II. A. Allon, who Is on tho ground representing Fraser & Chalmers, has somo othor contracts for pumping plantH In sight. TnuihportH Comliiu,. The work of preparing tho transports now In port lor a return to tho Philip pines was progressing rapidly In San Francisco harbor whon tho Poking sailed. Tho Portland and Valencia wcro movod to Fo!m-strcet -wharf February 27t'h, where their cargoes .wcro already plied up and waiting. Tho Concmaiigh, tho mulu steamer, was movod from Folsom street to Harrison street, where sho was In a few dayB to receive her esnslgnmont of four legged passengers. A military board of survey was held on tho steamship Zealand la. Tho board inspected tho damage dono by tho Btorm, and, if it Is decided to send tho steamer back again, will a report as to tho work Uioy wish dono on her. HONORING SCHLEY. BALTIMORE (Md.), Fob. 28,-ltear-Admlral Wlnilcld Scott Schley received to-day In his native Stato a imperii tes timonial of tho esteem In which ho Is hold by tho pcopJo of Maryland and of their appreciation of his sorvlcos to tho country during tho lato war wltb n.iry soundings In order to dctermlno tho most practicable Hue for eald cable. The construction and laIug of such cahlo or cables shall ho under tho general control und direction of tho Secretary of tho Navy nnd ho Is here by empowered nnd required Immediate ly after tho passage of this net, to prescribe and cause to bo prepared tho plans nnd specifications for tho con struction and laying ut said lino of telegraphic cable to bo constructed and put In operation ut tho earliest prac ticable date. Contracts for tho con struction and laying of said lino of tel egraphic cablo and for supplying tho necessary Instruments nud appliances connected therewith, except such work in can bu advantageously and efficient, ly done by the Navy Department, shall be awarded and executed to tho lowest responsible bidder or blddeis after such notice by advertisement for sealed bids ns shall be deemed reasouablo and sufficient by tho Seeretury of tho Navy; pioMded, that In all advertisement for bid It shall be provided that till appliances nnd materials shall bo of the best quality, adapted for tho high est efficiency When such telegraphic cablo is com pleted tho operation of tho t-anio shall bo under tho control of the Postmast er Generul, who shall establish a ratii of toll for commercial messages not ex ceeding 25 cents per word to Honolulu and for press messages nt a rate not exceeding one-third of tho above named i.ttcs; and tho mini of $,i00,00u H Hereby appropriated toward tlie con- , Btritctlon of raid cable, and tho total I T-,uvv,vvi, ill mi I'.a.ll nil I1UII1 IIIIIU IU tm,, ng appropriations shall bo mado by Congress. Spain. Incidentally ho was choorcd by assembled thousands ns ho rode through tho streets of Baltimore, and ut night 100 of tho representative men of tho city nnd Stnto gathered to wit ness tho presentation of tho testimon ial nnd join In a banquet given In 1ils honor. The testimonial proper took tho form of n magnificent medal of gold and diamonds of great Intrinsic worth nifd resplendent beauty, the gift of Maryland, prosenterf in tho namo of tho Stnto by Governor Lloyd Lowndes. MORSE .MEAT. Correspondent Who Believe in thU Diet Honolulu, March 8th. EDITOR P. C. A.: In tho sarcastic remarks by a Honokaa correspondent upon tho probable salo of horso meat to the people of these, Islands comment ing on an article In jour paper some tlmo ago, I send you tho following clipping from a Into Kan Francisco dally, headed "Meat Shop In Paris:" "Ono hundred nnd ninety-three butcher shops In Paris offer horso meat for sale. Tho prime cuts sell nt about 20 cents per pound and the Inferior parts at 10." As Frenchmen In general and Pari sians in particular are noted all tho world over as gastronomic specialist wo can look forward without droad It seems to tho advent of cheap horso flesh In our market. THE ARMY BILL. WASHINGTON, Fob. 2S. Chairman Hull has called a meeting of tlie Houso Military Committeo for tomorrow to consider tho Senate Army reor ganization bill. Ho gavo it a his personal view and thought tho committeo also believed that tho bill wus irretrievably bad, but that It should bo passed ex actly as received nnd responsi bility placed on tho Senate. f r- f -f t-f tt t4- NO RECALLS. WASHINGTON, Feb. 27. Tho state ment may bo repeated ttoat no request has been mado from either our own Government or that ot Germany for the recall of any of the officials at Apia who havo been involved In tho recent trouble there. - : A " , '' rk )' t. : ,. vV)1 V,VI 'n. c ),,