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Activity Among Myrtles and Nealanis. rioth the Mirtle ami llontanl It it Clatis hate settled down t lmnl, earn eft w irk, pttparlnR fur the ebumpl"ti iMp Mi on nt Pearl Harbor nn the 4il nf Jul) Dally, four r II vr khetlo, and several barges Willi, of course, the ever present nur tiarn In wlilcli the green hand lire four, and If bo It will be a hard one to beat, for they are tried veterans. Just nt present the chances seem to favor the HealanlH for both races, an they have the victorious senior crew f (1901. In Fred Damon, Sam Walker, Dan Henear and Paul Jarret, and hav only lost one of the Junior crew who last July almost instanced their rlvuls. The three old men of this crew now row- I I 4 ecu hod, may lie seen upon the harbor . between Hie hour of 5 an J C.JO p, in exrelltnt work being done by both the ; clubs, . 'flic Myrtles have n number of new time nf them of i;ront promise, J wklle the fnces of ninny nf their old warriors may ba Keen In the boats, nmnnR them "l'ete" Llshmnn," "Oily" Sorenson, "Hill" Sopor nnd I,yle. rumored that the Myrtle Senior crew j will consist of the nbove mentioned I T Li KHHbBI him.jMMri.Mi, ''ljJbf frfAMIBMVii jBB r, j,. and exalted tltlen ktf. .jt -..-. -kg : as Kdwnrd VII, by the Grnce of God, the United KliiRdom of Greut Hilt nln and Ireland, King, Defender of the Knlth and ICmperor nf India. Huee pr nmlcitla nontra. . InK are Bert Webster, Unrry Murray, . - A c nnel C. H. Tracy, while nmong the new fa UUULI UAIVIt mnn ttinrn n cnifnpnl rvlt'ltiir ivnal1irtt IIIVII JIlVJ li Vi MLH.IUI t (-, promise, nmonpr them A. McDutlle, H. F. Ilellborn and 1. K. Haymond, un i one of whbm should be better than the man they have lost. There Is a feeling J mt nfl,lntinr nmnnc Mn L'niir.irQ nf tilt. Headquarters of the Healarti Yacht and Boat Club. yr .tiJijat -v ''., -.T .i, . . . . T y in . j "t. 1 C ArlflJ - t.'jl'LfT ' Br . m .- I ' s- - The New Home of the Myrtle Boat Club. 44444444-4-44-44444 of our lJilKs! 1'rcparc to root or :oast! Blue that may result disastrously, for The basebnll bus begun! has lost many a race. season It the Fourth was next week the re-, P;'"n"ay V'a:a"w"w",': ,,,, .. ,a suit would be easy to foreevst. for ,u xJ$J$L Judclng by present foim, the Healani lhe tuwn ,s of hot Broun(jerB and crews would have an easy victory, but 3COrehlnff singles. P-l-a-y the flnul btrUKBle will not tnke place The Honolulu and the Artillery trot-for over two months, and with the ma- ted the first heat of the race for the terlul at hand It Is more than probable pennant at Punuhou on Saturday, and that the Myrtles may work out a the soldiers failed to get Inside the crew tance llae. It came very near belnjf a The Healanls will be quartered on shut-out for the They n.lA th.U nntu n,.r.n,.pn.m In I i n the Peninsula during the final train- '..r J ', ' "X. "' r...' . 1 ... ... 1 11IIHI J.I1I 11(1(7 DMUVVU IIUIHSl 1 IIC Photos by nice & Perkins. -- various other most noble ATM I CTCC AAIICT MIIILLIIL.J muji HAVE LICENSE Attorney General 11. P. Dole yesterday addressed the following self-ex- ' planatory communication to Henry S. Hnpal, Register of Public Accounts, In ' reply to a request from the latter for ' an opinion as to whether or not the AMP) A PiAHi HNIF Honolulu Athletic Club wns liable Hk DHiU der the law to a license tax: Honolulu, II. I., May 2, lf32. Gt out your scorebook! Ask for Mr. Henry C. Hnpal, iicKisirur oi iccounis. Dear Sir: I am In receipt of your request of even date for nn opinion whether the Honolulu Athletic Club Is required to pay a license fee for giving performances for the benellt of the club. Sections 779 and 780 of the penal laws of 1S97 are as follows: "The Minister (Treasurer) or the Sheriffs, on their respective Inlands, may license, for any term not exceeding one year, any theater, circus, public show, lecture, or exhibition, not of an Immoral ing in tlie Pans premises, tne same on,y real foature of the gama wn8 the ter, to which nn ndmlsslon fee Is cool, commodious quarters that they tota ac)c 0f reBH accommodutlous, chnrged, or during which a fee Is Inst year. This afternoon be- the scribes evidently being expected U lected, upon such conditions as he or Jjveon 4:30 nnd C o'clock there will be take notes, nentllng in the lone Brass, they may deem reasonable. The fee ji great rally of the clans at the boat-l The scote: for each performance under any such house that files the Blue Banner, Cup-' 1234S67S9 license shall be live dollars. But no fee tain Church Intending to send out three -a. i i " - u 1 i i a B,aii v,e charted if the Minister (Treas four-oared crews nnd a barge. . Artillery 0 0100000 01 llrrx nr K,nriY ia ..,tiuii.,i tt,, m,,. ago SHELLS 5 4444M4UUt44MnU)4(.H44lWUUMii4444)t4UlU444KU4UI IN 4l m -, jw -" i. ir.; " . t - tti a. .t r j nnniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin a for.. Ar gH. ', At, . "B "I 4 j. . i. Tie-s . . aajB l 4 - . Z&&SM2B& ttfMft. , . J.J4 - "SHBMF 'SUJBJ& "?S!yvJS,,H v '4mPCfaKY .- Xi . - -4- .4444444444444,4444444444 NEWS OF e si Latest Budget of Yokohama Items. The Urns of the lire Insurance In connection with the -4-1 gratlon in li'UKUi loianeu &vjm yen. fi Damages to mulberry leaves Is re- T tmi.tail rnin nTfW'll I ilUltlir lit tll idle snowfall and frost nnd the are panic-stricken. We learn from the Tokyo Asahl that a steamer was lately capsized accidentally In the port of Newchwang, the accident resulting .In the death of a hundred persons. The Kyobashl Sick Nurse Association tins decided to despatch Its members gratis In future on the request of the authorities of the places which may suffer from some natural calamity. Yokohama will this summer have enough water as the Improvements to the waterworks there have already been completed. Pipes will also be laid at Homoku, Hlrunuma and Kunagawa by June next. It Is said that the nrrcst of Mr. Mayer, former malinger of the Japan Herald, cost our authorities more thnn 10,000 yen, which was used In cabling messages to the American Government about the nffulr. All the ships of the standing squadrons, as well as twenty-eight warships and destroyers from the various Admiralties, were to have guthcred at on Friday, the 11th. After going through some exercises they will take part In maneuers to br shortly curried out In the Korean Straits. A succession of heavy snowfalls have been experienced on Mounts Nlkko, Nnsu. Shlobaru. In since the 10th Inst The snow has accumu lated from five Inches to five feet In depth. Plants and vegetables, especially the mulberry trees, tea treeH and wheat, have suffered In consequence. Mr Tasaburo Sato, nn export merchant In Yokohama, will, It Is reported, export shortly a quantity of round fans made of silk with portraits of their majesties, King Kdward .nd Quern Alexandra, ns well as a picture of Mount Fuji In the background, for sale In London on the occuslon of the coronation. An ancient sepulchre, supposed to have been built one thousand years has been unearthed during the A crowd of the club members are go-' The teams were as follows: I entire proceeds of the performance or course of some excavations nt a hill ig iiown 10 icnu wieir moral support. m. a. c price, 3i.; Ayieit, er.; exhibition are tobe devoted to any near uanayama in F. J. Church, Carl Rhodes and A. L. C Hams, ss.: Joy, p.; Louis, o.; Leslie, lb.; School, religious or charitable Inutttu Two mirrors, two silver rings, four Atkinson hnve been coaching regulaily, Thompson, 2b, j Uleason, if.; and Huns- t(m or for the j,rornoton 0( nrt ' UIlJ nhlle F. W. Klcbahn, who will act us . . .. I not for nroflt." . - ... - in Arvi iicii smirn -n iu - nean coarn, goeB uown touay tor tne ,.."-";7 "-:.' '.' ' "I ." x.'nr". rst time. Il Is safe lo i.ver ' '- "." ""!' ""W"". "' ' . ciua: in me uiniuiy ui ruwiiit, jium vu Uruwn If The nlllclal invitation to the corona- There were few costly eirors on cither ., . trf .-.,. .... Ia rnf...l sloe. l... ... IV...K l.i.wuM.r : . Tno c)re wnR t,tM, t lne c) nU, Oenernl lloare, leads as ioIIows: I when Clark connected for a couple and The Kingdom of Cireat Britain nnd Ire- Bush poking an unhandy one Into the land. Imperial India and the British Colonial Possessions Beyond the Seas Gleet Thee and Command Thy Presence nt the Abbey of Westminster, In the Ancient City of I,on-don, on the twenty-eighth Day nf Jun Anno Domini one thousand nine hundred nnd two, Anno Itegnl one thousand nine hundred and two on the occasion of the solemn, ceremony The Coronation of the son and heir of the reigning house and prince of the blood royal Albert Kdwnrd George William St. Leger Henry Guclph James Blttlnger middle gae Clark u press ticket home. which set the greybacks scrntchtng themselves with delight. The score. 1234CC7S! Kams 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 01 Mnlle Ilium 0 0 10 0 0 0 1 '2 The teams weie as follows: Knmehamehas Kokl, 2b.: Kaanol, p.; Anderson, 3b.; Jones, lb.; Kekueuu, o.; Kanewanul, rf.; Cockett, If., Hhi bottle, ss.; and Cockett, cf, Malle Illma Osborne, If,; Davis, lb.; Akau. 3b.; Klley, c; Taylor, cf.; Jones, ss.; Tobln, rf.; Muna, 2b,; and Clark, P. The game next Saturday are Custom House vs. Malle Illmas, and H. A. C.s ;l. Punahous. . 1 Brcckons & Dunne have Hied an an I.UIUIIUC I . ., . !. n. I- ... r i ., . nl., nt Ik,""" HHIMU 1 I UllB.l tuac, niuiing K,n' ?L?. P,ar.leJ,?,S,?' l.he"PUn ot lh. a of Sun Kwong nan., jv.Mb.ii. . ...v- v.w.v... . .vv iAlau uompuny, tne vegetable farmers and possessor of numerous and on the McCully tract. If the Honolulu Athletic Club were lb.: Lieut. Behr, m.; Bennett, rf.; and I,e Qna lrou l0 e puwic for the lti:,e.' ui tutytticiii ciiuurc auu much enthusiasm been shown, nnd the , ., ,......, . I onment. It would. In law. bo a rharlt sight of bo many crews on the water ;., i, ',,i,,., hi Ki,r r, ,lnh able Institution. I iinilerstnnd tlmt tln swords ana a gient many gems una must make a great Impression upon camct, would have caused' the crowd club Is a private association, to which! the Inauguration of the library on Hat- tourists who do not ex- to break Into open riot. The members nre elected, paying Initiation urdny. The principal of pert to find anything of the kind heie melius and the Malle Illmas put up a fees nnd stated dues for the privileges! the Kll clan were Invited thereto, nnd In these distant Isles of the Paclllu. . CORONATION SUMMONS. Tnoy Are Now Being Beceived by British Consuls. very good article of ball, the Zebras squeezing out winners by a solitary tnlly Clark held out like your Uncle Levy for his Interest on the chronometer that wub handed dou n from The Kums could do nothing with him. Neither could the Mnlle llimns with Kunuol for that matter. earthenwuie objects were also dlscor ered. Maiquls Tokugawu, former Lord of Kll Province, having established a In his residence A .alio Ilgura, gave a gniden party In celebrntlon of of the club, Including athletic exercise. tllK Lngura mil other performances I think this Is not sufllclent to make It ' served to nmme the guests, n "charitable institution." I W I",!"" that a huge order for Brit- Sectlon 3 of tho Civil Laws of I67ifcn ,lnBs nml f'"' ornamental Hugs in provides that: "The words of a law I Keneinl inntlu In habutnyo was iccelvcd nre generally to be understood In their '' n famous fmelgn ilrm In Yokohama most known nnd 'Usual slirnlflentirm.1 on the 8th, nnd that similar or- wlthout attending so much iu the lit deri nre continually arriving from Can- oral and strictly, gr.immntlcnj ill- "J:l- India, and Australia. The . tlon of the words ns to their general people seem to expect the conclu Brltlsh luslon llf or popular use or meaning." i South Afrlcnn war In the near future. Although the development of the A prosperous fur-heal hunt Is now man body by physical training may be. ' reported to be going on off the port of In a sense, a "promotion of nrt." It Is Sho-ho, Hamgyongdo. Korea. Fifteen not so as the word "art" Is "generally I vessels are at present engaged In the understood In Its most known and "ur"' ol " "kiu ilro Japanese iiBual signification," or according to Its st18' mciumng tne hoko iuaru, uoiong general or popular use or meaning. I am Inclined to think that the law requires charging a license fee. Very respectfully youn, K. V. DOLE, Attorney General. Agricultural Seminar Meeting. The Agricultural Seminar will meet this evening at 7:30 at the ofllco of the United States Experiment Station. Capitol building. Jared a. Smith will tell cf hli trip to Hawaii and Mr. C. J. Austin will continue his discussion on the pruning of fruit trees. Mr. T. F. Sedgwick will be chairman of the meeting. All members are urged to be prerent. ing to the Hoko filkal Association while others are Amerlcun and Bngllsh, The Hoko Mnru Is said tu have suc cessfully caught thirty of those aquatic mammals in the short course of three days. The Japanese fishers would surely have a large profit If they were only to go as far ns the Pescadores. There the number of fishermen Is about 5000, all nutlves, and they ore fishing In a very primitive manner, though even thus their catch is valued at over 100,000 yen a year. The sea abounds In bontto, tal, cuttle fish, sea-perch, Bphyroena (Kamasu), tunny, shark, sardine and edible Mr. Asada, Gov ernor of .the Islands, la doing his best to promote the fishery, I L CUTICUffA REMEDIES THE SET Consisting: of CUTICURA SOAP, lo cleanse the skin, CUTICURA Ointment, to heal the skin, and CUTICURA RESOLVENT, to cool the blood, is often sufficient to cure the most torturing, skin, scalp, and blood humours, rashes, lickings, and irritations, with loss of hair, when the best physicians, and all other remedies fail. Millions of Women Use Cuticura Soap I xrlm Ircly fur pronerrlnp, purlfjlntr, and ItiR the Un, for rlciiiflng llio pcalp nf t rraH'f, nml, nml tliu ttoppliiitof Intltux lulr, fur Millenlng, whitening, awl milliing led, ruiiRli, nnd mro baud, lit llio form of bitln fur aiidovImk Irrlutlunf, lnllnv m.itluiin, nuil clnllncd, er ton free or uOentlta rrrilruUoii, In tlio fiitni of alic fur tili'rallur.iViit'reii, mid for ninny Kiiutlto ntillreptlo purxin' HlilcU rr.idlly uggw llii'iimdi v lo uomi'ii, and iiktI.i tnullivrt, nnd for nil llio prK)fC of llio toilet, bl nml uurtery. No ninoiiiil of pertiunlon cm liuluru llioo w Im U.H e oiieo unetl It to uto njr oilier, rtpeclnlly for pnurln)C nnd purlfyliiK llio Lln, wnlp, nml hnlr of Infants nnd children. from CUTICtTlU, the glint rktn cure, ullli tliu purotor clcnntliig Ingrcdleiitu and llio iihmI refrelilug of lloniTodoum. So other mnKnifnl hui oit euinHMiileil U to bo rouipiireil with It r pin-mill);, purK)lng,nmtiiMUtlI)liigllini,l.ln,iH'.'il, lulr, nnd h.uid. Nouther foreign in ilumi'ttli' MUt mnii, liuneier ixpi'nulTe, lulobo rompirrd with II fur nil thu purpom of the toilet, I1.1II1 nml inirwry Tliun HriiinMne In OM'.HoArntOMK I'mrF. the 1 klnnniroiniil'loiihnip, the niT lollt'lnnd M NThiliVMinp In the world, gold through, out the world " All nlniul IhePkMi," pout ticcuf Aupl lcpol It. Tow h A Co., Hyilnry, .. W. So. African lii'pot ll.O, LTD., Cupo Town. 1'urri.u luuu Nl CliKH. Com,bolo l'rope., lluelon, U.S. A. WONDER fee Cream Freezers The- "Wonder" comes in many at tin following prici: 1 quint $ 2 50 2 quarto 2.75 3 qiiarlH 8.35 quntlH 4.(10 tt qtiurU 625 Delicioiu ices in fivo minutes. Triple motion freezer uuoi little ice. If you Imvon't a factory frotixer theie's no titiit like the present to tnnko a purchase. E. O. Hall & Son, Ltd. Ehlers Block, Fort Street. Pacific Mail Steamship Co. Occidental & Oriental S. S. Co. and Toyo Kisen Kaisha. Steamers of the above companies will rail at port on or about the dates below mentioned: FOR CHINA AND JAPAN: DORIC MAY8 NIPPON MARU MAY 1C PERU MAY 21 COPTIC JUNIJ 3 AMERICA MARU JUNK 11 PEKING JUNK 19 GAELIC JUNK 28 HONGKONO MARU JULY B CHINA JULY 16 DORIC JULY 23 NIPPON MARU JULY 31 PERU AUG. 8 COPTIC AUG. 10 AMERICA MARU AUG. 23 WRITE US FOU Honolulu and lsave this FOR SAN FRANCISCO: PERU MAT S COPTIC MAX 1 AMERICA MARU MAY 20 PICKING MAY 2S GAELIC JUNK 7 HONGKONG MARU JUNK 13 CHINA JUNK 21 DORIC JUNK 28 NIPPON MARU JULY 8 PERU JULY 18 COPTIC JULY 25 AMERICA MARU AUG. 2 PEKING AUG. 11 GAELIC AUG. 20 HONGKONG MARU AUG. 2t For general Information apply to P. M. B. H. C: II. Hackfeld & Co., Ltd. AGENTS. A GOOD TOP BUGGY, $100.00 VAGOiS, PHAETONS, li HAKES, SUlt KEYS, BUGGIES, RUNABOUTS. Htirncsa, VurniBhes, Carriugo Material, Iron lloruo Shoes. PACIFIC VEHICLE AND SUPPLY CO. Day Block, Beretaniu Street, Honolulu. AND PRICES ! yM WW