Newspaper Page Text
BOW WONGS Wll SUIT Election of Jan. I, Held to Be Valid. (From Wednedy's Dally.) Judge Clear yerderdAy dtwwlwd tlie ault of the Territory iT HawaII C 1C. At, declaring the prevent frtlcr of the United Chine? Society were propel ly elected. This Is a victory for the How Wongs. nd the Chine Con.uVs party will now appeal to lh Supreme Court for relief. The plaintiffs cloaed their morning with the tentlmony of Lin Shin Chow and C S. Crane, who testified tint the election notice Imd been published In The Advertiser At the clone of plaintiff case Judge for defendants moved for n ills-missal on the ground that the meeting of the How Wongs held on January 1 was Jegal and binding, nccordlns to the plnlntlff'A own witnesses, though he admitted that a few unimportant of the by-law 8 had been overlooked Lorrin Andrew h. In reply, stated that both elections were Invalid, and asked the court to order a new election. JudRe Gear allowed the motion to dismiss, holding thnt neither of the fnctlons had complied with the bylaws but that the election held January I wns binding, being In accordance with the usages nnd customs of the past sixteen jenrs. The court held that there wns no showing that the by-laws had ever been approved by the Minister of Interior as required by law. A new lection, he held, he could not order "The evidence shows," said Judge Gear in granting the motion, "thnt there were thirty or forty members of the society In 1RSC, nnd since then no now members have been regularly elected, lien have been 'Invited' to become members nnd have como In without any ceremonies of Initiation or payment of duoH. It wns the custom every year for the president or secretary by his order to write n list "f those who hail taken purl nnd elect olllcers. This was last January. 'Only four of those who It Is clilmed me tlie only legnl members of the o- icty attended the meeting of Jnnunry 11. at which the plnlntlffH claim that theie was a legal election. If the bylaws were In force theie could not be .in e lection with four members. It Is i i.-i med thnt these members, some of Hirn having, according to their own ti s linony, left the society yens he-fur- were still nil there wus of the hoi iet beenuse they were the onb ones elected. "Ther wen- no objections fm voais to the method of election pursued In the meeting of Janunrv 1 It having been shown that the officeis alleged to have been chosen on Jauunij XI were not lcgnlly elected, and It ap pearing that the officers chosen on Jan uary 1, whoso elections were rntlllcd on January 29, were elected in conformity with usages nnd customs followed for dvtcen years, the motion to dismiss the bill Is gi anted " prisoners auuaic,ni:d. The defendants Indicted by the grand Juiy Monday were nrrnlgned befoie Jodge ItobliHun esterday morning. Willie Torrest and Hobert Paki were Indicted together for tny. Kelilaa pleaded guilty nnd sentence wus suspended. On another In- uncnt for Kiicciiv he entered the Kjnt plea and was sent to prison for in iur. Willie Tonest pleaded not Klidty. Apuan, and Daniel Ha pleaded nut guilty to larceny In the second de Kiee. They are alleged to have stolen i opper flttlngH from the Hupld Transit company. John Wnlahnn pleaded not guilty to larceny. Tho same plea was enteied by Joe Akann, larceny. Pedro larceny; Tnl Lung, larceny; Juan Ortl, larceny, nnd Knha, malicious In-Jury. Kahahana pleaded guilty to lar ceny In the second degree und was bent to pi lion for ten days CRIMINAL TRIAL. Ill the afternoon Wahllanl, charged with uteallng twelve or thirteen dollars from a native woman, wns tried and found guilty of larceny In the second degree. He will be sentenced this morning. Mr. Lightfoot defended nt the of the court. GRAND JURY'S FINAL RRI'ORT The grand Jury will make n final le-port to Judge Robinson this morning. There are six or seven cases still to be ifported upon. Among those considered was the charges of murder against "Kentucky Dill" and ngalnst Klmurn, charged with killing n Japnnebc woman named Kane at Walnlua on Sunday. Indictments will very likely be returned against both of these men, who are now In the custody of the police. NEW SUITS. Henry Smith, ns trustee under the I1I of R. W. Holt, deceased, nnd John Domlnls Holt, Jr., yesterday brought suit ngnlnst the Territory of Hawnli to establish fishing rights. The claim is made to the Ahupuaa of Kakaha, district of Walanae, Oahu. Allen & Robinson sue Hoffman S. Riley for the um of JS10, alleged to be balance due for materials furnished tor the construction of a building on Fort street between IJeretanla and Hotel streets. A lien Is asked upon the premises foi the alleged debt. INJUNCTION GRiNTKD. Judge Humphreys granted an Injunction yesterday at the Instance of Annie W. Akong to restrain Rudolph Duncan from breaking, tearing or otherwise Injuring a cottage and fence upon the west side of Kallhl road. She claims the land by virtue of a lease from the Bishop estate. The case was In the Police Court yesterday. COURT NOTES. An answer making general denial has teen filed In the case of Solomon Kanal va. Territory of Hawaii; Action to A STRANGER'S IMPRESSIONS OF THE ISLAND OF OAHU . itM"rt1'"t f llMt"Hl '"' ' HnilMfiit dw ttHaw lilt IK HA.... It . MM.h 1 W. ..- .!. "rlMlhtl.f rtrtrtHxl WMhiftfttMi A JIlrlhrtAy r '"" " "' WAIAtt'A AMU la WftlMM Why Ihll A ,.,'' , ,. , . Ar..uhd thf wrttf. In :.-.JL... ..iin i a. hi w.m WaiaIma Mltht Jui Jr"?.' dime InVX hero two q.mlnt native wnoV. fioAt and rewd V$Z undTe flT UiVy' be,,! '"o In the .hade of nlgAroba .nd nnd then a crcscAnt of while io" IMr this pride of iHwtaAloii Is jNWk !"... '.'.." :.i. ,... ; , n. beneh nnd n point of black rocks, with h.k. In the aoU sn nlr. yo. will, o had .. Ah.Kk to our minds, for you,,, hlsUland was big enough to iwrkBiMi like thi, old mnundrum. S2?U h.1 Mi. HI, A but '- ."x ."xv. ir. ....::i ;" ;r. Ml tadihrJ.HillMvnitouiiry ?l rJin tn UNtiA like the hJum that Rl y Vl r.c Then Vu expense II it Is three ...union llwln.ln to nnvt a rnnronii in iib deed, An exrellent llttt e one running halt nay around the Island sixty miles and reward ..... for the to KAhuku. to me dmMudy Thavmde of the H- J w.llnn Aiiniml. let me Inform von Hint Oahu rontnlns COO square miles nnd 5RO0O Inhabitants (not counting your that It Is nearly seven- tv miles long encrusted with tains from tip to tip as the crow llles and Is not the biggest of Ihe Hawaiian group by any means. So hereafter, Please treat us with proper respect. FLORID DESCRIPTION Now It may be that some of you have i felt Inclined to criticize these letters supposing the Courant has done me the honor to print them as entirely too llorld in langunge. If thnt Is the case, let me call your nttentlon to the following description taken from the little folder that ndvertlses the Oahu Railway and Lind Company. Of course we nil know thnt there Is a special dictionary of adjectives compiled for the use of the folder fraternity, but surely the ordinary literary Imagination staggers before this; "Tho route of the Oahu Railway Is through n panorama of exquisite beauty and scenic variety. Vivid vistas of verdure, flashing expanses of sea, nnd towering grandeur of hills succeed each other nnd at times Intermingle with alluring effect. Leaving Honolulu, the train dashes pist embowered homes', Kioves of nlgaroba and fields of growing rice On the left the sen heaves In tropic content On the right mountains lift their heads tonard the sky, theli traditional frown softened by the nidlaiKe lights their crests. Mel lowed b enchanting distance, they form a llttlng background to sloping fields of waving cane" HEAUTY GENUINE. There Is more of the same sort, nnd after this It seems Impossible for n modest amateur to wiy anything about the Journey to Walnlua. And jet It Is a trip lles In one's memory n succession of billllnut nnd beautiful semes. Ah we skirted nlong the coast, the oienn on one hnnd and the great ningo of mountains with their infinite I ZT"! f'!!'1' """"'""B lo l,he ,Ym vai.ety of shape and coloilng on the .lr tiJ'ftne 'rofmo' other . Hist camo the rke llelds, nit i ,,,,. UlcX Ior th(, roarlK n,cs umlcr the measured nently Into Miunus nnd in gnat boilers. nil stages of cultivationhere the i Ich You follow that hot stream of sweet blaik mud with hate legged Japanese water through processes that produce n ploughing by means of those strange, stultifying effect on your brain. You patient water buffaloes feel yourself commencing to granulate nnd then the stooping Ilgures with IoI'K befoto you see those whirling their straw tea-tray hats, deftly plant- f'llns beK',1,nl,','K to be ftollrel"t. " " ls cut ,Nlth ,lmo l0 remove the acids, lnir the tlnv tufts of i ice-one has seen bo , , t so often In , Japanese paHEe7, ver thell on ,hroUBh ,1UK0 then the quiet patches of water, evaporatois wheie the water ls rorlng the blue sky und white clouds ted from the molasses and sent off to with slender spears of green cutting litigate the fields again In n way that stialght lines actoss, and so on with makes ou feel as If you were lit last a gradual thickening of color till tho seeing n mnn lift himself over a fence llelds looked like stretches of by his boot straps. There ls more boll- Kieeii velvet i '"'' nlul there are vacuum pans where ,',., ..,.,. gianulatlon begins nnd eventually It 1 '"U1J liAiuiuii nppenis that you turn molasses into Then there was Peail Harbor, spread- sugni by shaking It as Alice turned the lug its three blue lochs to ripple In the Looking Glass queen into n Kitten sun and wind, like a gigantic clover Some one murmur a In your ear leaf with a narrow channel to the sea Jlrs llbout fertilizers and tons and a stem Here Is to be one of our "'" a"d l,ncen.ts,,,r:1 c,c"lrual c.ef advantages In annexation-., mW. fHTST., fftSi&nnf. Pacific naval station, for this Mielteied PIllnK nI1( Krnnulatlng, until liv what hurboi is large enough nnd deep enough seems superhuman processes, that clear to Moat nil our navy and one or two brook of hot water is turned into grent otheis, and may be of inestimable ml- bags full of soft b.own sugar. It Is very vantage to us In those future wonderful, but not, perhaps, very days when the Yellow Terror is to tlzlng. There nre moments when ou oveiruu the earth. Ily und by jou say dnu,,t lf ou, will ever put sugar on to hat n huge Held of corn' 5,ur oaimea again, but you change or mind w hen they give you a bit to And then jou ate Mail jou ,11.1 not taste before the bag Is sewed up It Is make the comment nloud, for jou real- l,ry llot nll(1 j,,,,.. nml sweet , BU. ire that this Is young sugar cane nnd gnr mill, nnd there are a few Impassive, thnt jou nie coming to the great Ewa uninteresting Japanese standing about. plantation thrr Is famous In sugar apparently for the pleasure of eles for its phenomennl yield. And no lug the w heels go round, for the ma- w raider, for here are miles nfler miles chlnery knows Its own business far too of cane, stretching In a great carpet of P" J nccd assistance of any fcort. bright light gieen to the foot of the In, tlle u,ho,p Process seems so iir,,i.. )?...,. ti i. oil ,... contemptuous of mere lruinnn effort purple mountains It Is all n.nn by giown mt fce, ,t ,s impprt,ncnt ,0 try to clouds of smoke mark and decide ndl,tni, jt. even, so that the pumping stations for the artcslnn the next time you visit the Hallldajs wells, and all the Held work Is done and Hollo's mother puts n lump of Japanese who work for their own gar Into his cnmbilc tea, you will con-profit us well ns the company's, re- cenl from the omniscient Mr Hnlliday celvlng their land, their tools, their the fact that jou have been to tops In true socialistic stjle, and lua. for attt'r "" " ls ml"'h more corn-selling the cane they ralfe at the mill, stable to let men explain things. I After the Ewa plantation came the Wa- OTHER PLEASURES. I letiae hills that one has admired so long Hut there are other treasures besides from a dlstnnce; closer acquaintance mechnnlcnl ones nt Wiilnlun. Y'ou can does but Increase one's good opinion, for hours nlong tho bench for these great pointed ranges that watching n surf that curls into rrut'lntan'so0,1 T't "" r K y n"' 'u'p are cut Into all sorts of strange shapes shp, ,, trasme of fMn pln by the ilerce rains that sweep over their Whlte nnd purple, thnt seem to have crests. Hundreds of steep walled drifted here from New England mantel lejs run up their sides, and, as we pieces. Y'ou can watch chestnut brown creep slowly nlong on a narrow ledge nntive men diving for drift wood in the where the grent tunss meets the sea, n (Continued on Pasa 8.) - tnbllsl. fibbing rights. An answer was filed yesterday In the case of Knehu et al. vs. Kapaht et a!., disclaiming title to land desciibed ns lot 1, and claiming to own in fee simple lot 3, Kula land. Josephine da Costa has resigned ns guardian of the da Costa minors because she was unable to procure a surety on her bond, and has asked the appointment of M. G. Sllvu In her place. Superintendent Boyd hns filed n notice to W. II. Pain to produce the let- 17,1T. .... t Cl?rk. w ...tciiu, uciui ii.ti'lll, K1WIIK Ul Cj liawallan Tramways Co. a right to lny n girder on King street, ns alleged In the answer. Judge Humphreys heard the case of Cummings vs. Markham yesterday. Arrgument was not concluded when court adjourned. " '" ,h tmrth, a Arwtt u:Ar WnlMi:n ih -1 r. ; i,; .wi ; h . i. ;p..a... In rf And bMwd turn ml a at the nry. A Utile In. II with two Rr.r.. "' rconu, ,,, , I rtWMi. "' "" and fonmliiR nnd ril lni over the coral vlt. .1- ,l,URBr nnK"K ' Ihe great Industry of h0 ,,,lHn,lg " an 'nd'nenous Mr Dooley remarked, In view of recent "U.I disturbances, that even the '' ;, "'' ' Cnl"7 )" I'lllT. 'hl, "L'.' "'" v"", '"""', " ,',"""'7", '-on In tho cultivation of the staple. -..'burned over black earth where fr,01" "" P" nro har? nt work, up "" wnvl"K' ' Mm- lh"'uf ,lie, J"?' ? ?UV "' "kc stalk, ready for the knife The f T.nt ,' of "l1" ,ul "'"f ' wlUl ltBf trill chimney, stands In the focus of converging railroad lines that wind over the whole plantation to gather In the cane and nbout It nre gathered Its machine nnd blacksmith shops, Its school and hospital and church nnd store, for each estate Is a self-supporting little community, with the whitewashed cottages of the Japanese laborers dotted In little groups up and down the twenty miles of Holds, nnd great cattle ranges for the production of beef stretching up Into the mountains. SUGAR MILL. As for the mill Itself, how shall the feminine mind dare attempt any description of that huge mass of that seems nlmost Infinite In Its power and wisdom? From the moment great belts with Iron teeth seize the freshly cut stalks from tho little cars nnd fling It into n moving trough that lifts It steadily Into the mill, until the not. damp brown sugar comes pouring Into bags through twenty Iron mouths, no human hand touches the material nnd no one can hardly believe that any merely human brain hns had nn thing to do with the wonderful process It Is certnlnly the most Intelligent machine I have over met. You wonder why It confines Itself exclusively to making sugar, for It seems so omnlbcient jou me sutc It Is quite capable If It rearranged u few screws and levels of turning out n navy, a trousseau, or a perfected scheme of colonial go eminent. Hero Is n great grinder feeding Itself relentlessly with the helpless gieen stalks, rolling and crushing the pulp until the Inst minute diop of lulce has been exti acted and sent rushing oft on Its long journey among tin steam pipes, while with an Tho Planter.' Monthly. The Planters' Monthly Is out with the following table of contents; Notes on current topics. New sugar reflncrj proposed. Concerning road making. IoulsInna Purchase Exposition. Tuel oil for bagasse furnaces. Oil for roads. The German sugar syndicate. Sisal hemp in Queensland. A natural enemy of the sugar beetle In Queensland Finances In Japan. Jamaica banana trade. Prevention of bush fires. The sugar Industry In Cub., Cuban sugar competition. Cuba's Idea of reciprocity. To cheapen .ugar manufacture. The eni of tfc. bountlt. TriouoHr murder HAD BEEN DONE' Unknown Chlnimm Who I'tll Unconicloui Upon SldtWilk, i Olid in lloipilal, , (Train ThurdA) Hall) ) Ah unknnnn fhlHnm.M who dttimtMl Wfldnl' OH the MdWHlk n fCJft nrrrl iieur Ulllm, nlHMIt i M HelMk IaaI tvfttiing, dleil half an iHMir Ifllw In th Qusun's Hospltnl, Dr. Wtnxl thnt the man enine to lit. dwtth by lieinetrhnRe At tho hour mentioned the Chlnnmnn w.s to totter, nnd then full prone upon the slilcwnlk. Pollen Ollleer Do vnurhelle, who was In the vicinity, went tn his assistance, nnd found blood Issuing from I.Ih mouth At first the ofllecr thought that foul play was responsible for the man's condition, although there were no signs of violence lie ent In ri call for the patrol wagon H.nd Hie unconscious man wns tnkun to the hospital He gasped through IS minutes more of life, without regaining i onsctollsnesK, n second hemorrhngu ei urrlng while the hospital nttendnnts wen- winking over him. The Inst attack was fatal and life wns soon extinct I The man apparently nbout 25 i nrs of ngo, but there weie no means f f Itleutlfvlng him, nothing being found , In his pockets which led to an inkling , of his name, busincsH or residence. I Rumors were rife on the streets Inst evening that unnther murder had been done, nnd ripern house patrons were much Interested In the movements of Deputy Sheriff Chlllltigworth, who was enjoying the piny, when called nway by n detective to investigate the enso. P. C. JONES IN WASHINGTON What He Has to Say About Political Conditions Here. The Washington Post of April 30 snys. "I am a P G.," Mr. Peter C. Jones of Honolulu said laughingly to a party of friends Inst night at the Raleigh Hotel. "You men who are not acquainted with Inside history of Hawaii for the last ten years probably do not know what a I' G ls. Well, It Is the meanest name thai Queen Lllluokalanl nnd her supporters can call anybody, und Is applied to all persons who supported the provisional government nnd pi evented the liueen from pioctnlmlug a new constitution and continuing us ruler of the islands. 'For two months I was the minister of (imincc In Queen Lllluoknlanl's cabinet Uut It wasn't her fuult Unit I was theie She did all she could to pi event me from becoming one of her Jnnuniy 12, 1&33, I left her cnblnit, and live dnjs later I became minister of finance under the pro government, with President Snnford U Dole nt Its head, ' it wns with many misgivings that I accepted the position under the new gov turnout I was nsked to become minister of finance befoie breakfast the morning of Jnnuniy 17, 1893, and asked for a few bouts' time to think the uv iv When I nsked my wife what I should do she urged me to accept the olllce, nnd said that she thought it was mv dlitj" to take it. " 'Hut do you realise what It means If we full?' I lute. posed. 'If this new foim of government should not stnnd ou would soon be n widow and penniless for everj cent of our property would bo confiscated' This stntement did not seem to filghten her iinj', nnd she still Insisted that I accept the position. Of course, everything tinned out i.ll right but the outlook was pretty gloomv at llrst "No man In Hawaii Is as much the conservative ( iti?ns ns Gov Dole. All the opposition to him has been prompted by a lot of who came to Hawaii lately and ire anxious to get Into olllce The fight made on him wus pmnipted bj' politics alone " Mr Jones hns been a resident of for jenis, and Is vice picsident of the Hank of Hawaii He unie to Washington with Mr W. R Cabtle, of Honolulu, and several other f. lends, to attend the Congress of the Sons of the Anieilcun Revolution. ADD UP THE GAINS. The virtue of one dose is so small you can't see any change. 13ut add together all the little virtues from all the little doses and the effect is very marked. In consumption, as in other cases, the results secured from continued treatment with Scott's Emulsion come from the accumulation of many small gains. A little gain in strength each day a little gain in weight each day il continued for weeks, amounts to something. The fact that Scott's Emulsion can be taken for so long a time without the slightest inconvenience is greatly in its favor as a medicine for consumptives. Such a medicine gives itself time to do good. It makes new flesh and strengthens the lungs, cy Send for Free Sample. , SCOTT.& noWNK, Chemists. 409 Tearl St., N. Vi Nothing But Quotation. An amusing Incident occurred a few evenings ago In front of the Hawaiian Opera House after the perfomanc of "Julius Caesar," when a dressed and apparently belonging to the upper ten, remarked: "Oh, I Just dote on Wnrde and think he ls grand, but 'Julius Caesar1 seems to b. composed of nothing but quotations." istw hymn book TOR MAWAIIANS The Uo, Ihe Newt.t CumplUllon, Will Soon Be Distributed, 1 ' ! llMitiAtTl." or tli "V"i' f PratA," (ho newJt million of hymiig with llnWaHatr er Attached has JAst bn rMetrett It' Dm IIamaH" HraARAllcnl AsMvlatlon from Ounth" t Co., the New York P.WIihets Tl' imWIIcstloii contain tit hrHin., Hi" la" on. It. the book, "My Country Tn i ' The." being the only on in English. The compilation Is thi. f work of Theodore Rlrhnrls n Miss 1511a II. Paris. Tho prefn i written by Theodore Richards, Is as follows: The "Leo Hoonnni" Is submitted ns a compilation merely ns far ns the tunc, nre concerned. The aim has be n to avoid tho use of tunes which have not been proven nnd found useful here nnd on the mainland. It was necessary to get permission from the owners of the copyrights to Include them In our book, nnd grateful acknowledgment Is hereby made for the gracious way this permission wns nlmost universally accorded bj publishers, owners and authors. In the mnttcr of the hymns, old sources have ben drawn on verj' ly. The compiler would gladly pny his tribute of respect to the poetic genius and lofty devotion of "Fnther" Lvons, whose "Illmenl Hawaii" nnd "Hoku Ao Nnnl" have enriched nnd helped to establish the Hawaiian language with nn tnllucnee second only perhaps to tho Sacred Word. Many of the old tunes nnd other new ones nre herein Introduced to nsslst in preserving hymns whose musical setting has been well-nigh lost. Notwithstanding the excellence 6f tho material already at hnnd, this book would not have been attempted had It not been for the opportunity afforded to present to the Hawaiian churches new hymns with their tunes which have been powerful In the upbuilding of the kingdom of Christ in other plnces. The young people have already used these In the English "language: now comes the opportunity for the young and old in tho churches to unite where previously there has been too much separation. As to the translation of the new hymns. It Is hard to see how this book have been Issued without the aid of Miss Ella H Paris. Wherever the pseudonym "Hunlalal" appears (and it will be seen many times over some of tho most beautiful hjmns ever sung in the Hawaiian tongue) there Is the work of Miss Paris, which has extended over mnny months In consideration of tho rntlo of the work she has done to that of the entire work, she might well be called the editor, notwithstanding the fact that her work was not extended to the selection of the tunes. Lot stand In the minds of Hawaiian jnuth for nil that Is beautiful and elevating In the noble mountain under whose shadow and Inspiration Miss Paris has written. The many fi lends and pupils of tho late Dr. Hjdo will be glad to find his work represented In the songs which have never yet been printed with the music. Many of the songs prepared for male choruses have been translated by Mr. Joseph Knlainn, nnd theie will appear other excellent songs from his pen. In conclusion the editor commends this book to the Hawaiian churches In the name and to the honor of our Mas ter, - THE OFFICIAL PROGRAM. Unrecognized Oanvnssnrs Mislead Advertisers on June Program. Senator Clarence Crabbe, ns secretary of the Jockey Club, and the executive committee of that organization are hard on the trail of certain Individuals who have been canvassing the tovvn for advertisements In the Jockey Club program, using Mr. Crabbo's name to con-Juie with and claiming theirs as the official program. Mr. Crabbe states that no one not bearing his ofllclal signature ns credentials Is enipowerd to solicit for the official program nnd that particular pains will be taken not to acquaint them with the entries for the races. The only accredited persons hanlllng the program nre Clarence Crabbe, Allan Dunn and the lnttcr'e agent, Tiederlck Scott. The Jockey Club are not responsible In any manner for other agents or their programs, and. where the term ofllclal program Is falsely used prosecution Is likely to follow. . MBS. HEEN DEAD. Wife of Well Known Merchant Die. Unexpectedly. Mrs. II. A. Heen of Emma street, died last night nt 11:45, after a long period of illness. At her bedside when she breathed her last were her husband and two sons, Will nnd Moses. Her death wns entirely unexpected. Mrs. Heen was born at Honokawal, Maul. March 19, 1S5. Her husband, tho well-known Chinese merchant, and ten children survive her. The eldest, Harry, Is traveling In Chlnn, one ls at school In San Francisco; three are attending school at Punnhou and two girls are at St. Andrew's Priory. II. H. William's has tnken the body In charge, but the date of the funeral has not been decided on yet. sV. , WHOOPING COUGH. A woman who has had experience with this disease, tells how to prevent any dangerous consequences from It. She says: Our three children took whooping cough last Bummer, our baby boy being only three months old. and owing to our giving them Chamberlain's Cough Itemedy, they lost none of their plumpness and came out In much beter health than other children whose parents did not use this remedy. Our oldest little girl would call lustily for cough syrup between whoops. Jessie Plnkey Hall, Sprlngville, Ala., U. S. A. This remedy Is for sale by all denle.s and druggists. Benson Smith & Co. Ltd.. ngents for Hawaii. Deputy Sheriff Chllllngworth nnd Officers Henear and McDuffy were out raiding gambling Chinamen last night. Weak Nerves fi i hi.wm Af jtH cm hmntttt Ih jmtt I fiiltiftnfKlil(iinni;ftlf Ik'sAlrtri I iln llfii Id I i, I Mi t Miffrr In Un ty nny Mote, (let sIiohr .ad tll Follow the nil ilce of Mr ThotnisrrlUkard, of Adelaide, Kiuth Australia, blie scuds ui tier pliotograi h .ml M) " I hid n tcrrlhle lllneM which left mj nerves all unstrung. 1 had severe liewLvcliM, Indigmtloii, rlee lpfsucps, .nil my crte i to Just as wont as they could be, I then tried Ajcr'sSarsaparllUand I liegan to lit proto at once. My appetite returned, ay digestion Improved, ami luy nerves UxJm strung and steady. ' AVER'S Sarsaparilla Tbcro aro many Imitation " Sarsaparlllu." Uc ture jou got Ayer's. Use Ayer's Pills with tho SarsaparllU. Thcsoare purely vegetable pills. Tliey care constipation, biliousness, sick headache. Prepared ty Dr. J. C A) er Ct., Lartll, Mass., U AA. HOLLI8TER DRUG CO.. Agent. OOOOOOOOOOOCOOOf Five Beautiful AND USEFUL Presents 1 Jmrel ti Holo Itange. 1 tiiirnoy 4 Door Refrigerator. 0 1 Decora t'd (Jliina Dinner, 0 Jlrviikfnst and Tea Set. 1 F.I died Glass Complete Table Soivice. 1 Complete Set of Table Silverware and Cutlery. The price of each of the above mentioned articles Is $40. These will be given away on July 1st to customers who purchase goods of us on or otter March 15, 1902. For the purpose of distributing these goods to those entitled to receive them we will, commencing March 15th, present a numbered certificate of purchase to each purchaser of one dollar's worth of goods at our store. This will be In addition to the usual 5 per cent oft for cash. These desirable gifts are now on exhibition In our large front windows. They will be distributed fairly among our customers, and In accordance with law. W.W. Dimond&Co. LIMITED, t King Street, Honolulu. 0000C Our Soda Water GINGER ALE, CREAM SODA, K0MEL, P00T BEER, Etc., Is sweetened by the use of pure cane sugar. We use no .heap substitute, ONE REASON WHY our beverages are the best and the most popular. Prompt delivery anywhere and everywhere In the city and Consolidated Soda Water Works Company, Ltd. Telephone Main 71. Works 601 Fort street Kelil, a native, was sentenced to prison for 30 days by Judge Robinson .yesterday on a charge of larceny In the second degree.