Newspaper Page Text
fc i t r kmmmmmmmm ttetMHt M tj ltimt til Honolulu. H TH reS'elf MitUt tefeMl.Whli.KLY Mllkli lU.MAh aM MIIiAU tUULR SMITH, LUI1UK. MIIHWHIITION IIATIS IVf Month ... t ,te IVr Month, loeln . .n ft tear ....... ' Ht tear, I'orrlgn ,. .o A. V. I'EAIWON, M.ill.iKf TUEHDAY MAY T THE SUGAR HOUNTIbS. II U by tut mrans terlaln that the action of the llrussets iiinwt In regard to sugar bounties will he """f1 In the llino marked out by nil the bounty paylmt governments of Huron f not. then the whole scheme irucs b the board. Many Sun. huwecr, nrc olid for The German Imperial Council haa Just npprovcil the of the cotiferenco nnd ulll kooii phfs lhn on to the The favor-Able rouiro of that body 1 not lUIllrult tn foresee, some of the foremost of the former advocate of the bounty now ItelnR eager for Its repeal. Henlden, tho Cicrmnn iuiuihcs have become tired of paylne elRht cents a pound for their iuimr when the export price nt the whnrf at HamhurB Is a little over two ccnta a pound. It Brieves the Germans that what Is a cheap article of with the people of the United States nnd Great Hrltaln has been made for them n dear luxury by the arbitrary operation of tho bounty law. Of the favorable action of Germany, and HclBlum, on tho rctxnl of the sugar bounties, there may be little cause for doubt: but what wanri. win do Is not cleur. Fiance Is the starllnB Place of the sugar bounty. and althouBh the French conBumcrs par more for their URar than the Germans, then. Is a powerful UBrlculturnl interest In favor of keeping up the bounties. The protectionist ministry has Just been sustained nt the elections, In larBC degree by the votes of the farmers. On this account tho ministry may well be loath to encounter a large body of Its supporters on this question In the Chamber of Deputies, nnd may llnd some reason for postponing Its consideration, lvcn thoueh repeal of the hukiii bounties should be pressed, ns a Ministerial measure which would save a large sum In the overburdened French budget. It might not give tho ultra protectionists under the lead of M. Mellne much trouble to muster a majority In the Chamber against It. Rather than take the risk of overthrow on such n question the Ministers would bo likely to Indefinitely postpone the repeal of tho sugar bounties. 1 SEISMIC CALIFORNIA. It Is not so very long ago that nnd volcanoes played havoc with California. When Commodore Stockton unchored In San Frnncibco bay, In 1846, old l'ablo, an Indian, told him that in the days of his grandfather, the Golden Gate was split open by a grent shock, letting the waters of the xen flow Into tho valley of the Sacramento. Uefore that time, said the the river entered the sea somewhere beyond tho San Jose mission. There were scientists on board the who wanted to know whether this story couiu ue conurinuu uy mu of tho rocks, and, on looking at the mighty cleavage of the Gate, they decided that the opening was of comparatively late origin. Tho fact recalled to them that Sir Francis Drake could not find any bay where Is now tho port of San Francisco and was forced to content himself with entering Half Moon bay, a little distance to wno pldc. At a later time scientific men found the old bed of the near San Jose nnd also made up their minds that the lslunds In San Francisco bay were tho ciests of submerged hills. John Mulr, than whom no one better knows the California mountains, thinks that the cinder cones of I.assen were In active eruption about one hundred or one hundred and fifty years ago. He JudgCB by the ago of trees growing lu the craters together with the fact that the 1I river Indians date the their traditions graphically describe some four generations ini' If we accept the view that volcanic prunt ons are sometimes cuuseu "J ..i..mi.,i nrtinna ihm Is cood reason to do so then It follows thnt lu tint vot nut of dancer. At llfiMhlulu Iihk Intia lirrti famous fr A rainbliinllnn linn ben farmed tit nil Its tlHervnnrr nf the Amitlrnn nation- , th llrlllsh Cnluinbln flshrrtf hi dny t'ndcr the monarchy the Anifr. Hurgcin Is tn Ih rellrtMl cans here made a Btrnt tent tif the with th rank of Major (Icnrml Foutth They Here ailed ttiKethrr by I Dux el nor Odll of New York I lb thflr Mlnlsler to lay out the plan. iutst of the Htnte of Cnllfornlu. j nbnndant mnney hhb rnlH"d, n rrrsldent ItnosrVHl will, It Is enm off nnd ther nns a crowd , l, proceed ngnlnst the ronl trust. ' out for the speaking Usually the Tin- Itnthbonu postnl rase Is to be erelgn received oil mat nny nn'i ins rninii.r mmln n fiirmal enll on the en oy of the United States. The Hoynl troops paraded and n fine show they gave It was nlso the custom for the Jlplomntlc and consular corps to attend the literary exercises. In this It Is recalled that tho Ilrltlsh Minister llnnlly bcKged ort on the ground that he ought not to be ex pected to sit by during thn reading of tin. Hprlnrnl on nnd henr "his inle Majesty, King George the Third,' so ruthlessly mnllgneil. Since annexation tho Fourth hns not aroused until now, so much Intetest as II fnrmerlv did. From li8 to 1900 nip wero busy malting money In the boom: nnd though the dny was prettily carried off, the difference between It and the old times wns noted. In 1900 the town wns Just getting over the plnguc and tho fire. Last yenr there was no set program, except In aquatics, though the Fourth was not wholly nnrcd In other ways. This was a bit, surprising to old-timers who felt that, In the presence nf so mnny new-corn- ers, who were strenuous to American- I Ise the group, tlie onscrvanco oi me Fourth would nchlevu grent things. Still, everything comes to him who wnlts nt the common pnth, nnd now we see both knmaalna nnd mnllhlnl united In the effort to not only restore but eclipse the pnst glories of the Fourth, THE TERRITORIAL FLAG. This paper hns received from Mr, J. J. Wieke a sketch nf a Territorial Mag which, in his view, Hnwull may properly adopt. It is a handsome ensign, the corner being occupied by a black field upon which Is the American shield surrounded by eight stars In striking and picturesque array. The Htrlnes are twelve In number, black, wlilln nnd red. The new nng, writes Mr. Wlcke, "represents the old nnd the , new Hawaiian Hog and the colors or ....... vi' i lining i.iiv. .....w. I'11 Tin nnlv trouble With the design Is ' that It Is eclipsed by the Mag Hawaii now tne oiu uanner 01 me monarchy, the provisional government nnd the republic nnd now by common consent the particular Hag of the There are thousands here who love that flag and It Is, withnl, a beautiful creation. That it should be kept, as n sign of historical continuity, nnd because it belongs here and Is of native origin, Is n fact which few people will care to dispute'. CABLE HUMORS. The sto'ry about the Ilrltlsh cable coming here from Fanning Island Is not a new one, fresh In the Inst coast mail. It was brought Here some time ago by the Mlowera and printed In the Advertiser. Our final advices were that the New Zealand minister having cable matters in charge wan Inclined to wult, before doing anything, nnd see whnt there mlcht be In wireless rnnhr. He had It from I.ord Kelvin that a wireless service over 1000 miles I of sea, the distance between Fanning Island and this group, would be practicable. Wo are much Inclined to think that the Ilrltlsh cable will come here tn course of time. It Is a long stretch from Fanning Island to Ilrltlsh Columbia nnd a brenk In the main line may be of frequent occurrence. In that event, or even In thnt possibility, a connection with the Mackay cable would be well worth while. In time of ,vur It might become Indispensable. The friends of Delegate Wilcox have a sharp eye on the scheme of the Tammany Republicans to shelve him and put Judge Humphreys In his place. It is said that a recent member of the Re- i.nlillnin Ta, nnmmlllPP will -. - .......1.... toon Jo n the Home Rulers to engineer the Job. Others may follow thnt is. if I the Hoin Rulers will let them in. The 1 scheme is a fresh and pretty one. out we violate no confidence in saying that It will come to grief in quite as mnry a fashion ns did the Humphreys intrigue to anner Hawaii to California ...1.1...... !.& n.iunn, rt I ..... Vl n nutll'il. ........... wimuuv mc ..,-..... v.. The red nfterglow In the West is 1 supposed to have been caused by some volcnnlo eruption which hns filled the higher atmosphere with dust that, under the sun's slanting rays, takes on a crimson hue. The theory rests upon the Krakatoa demonstration of many j ears ago. It may be that the dust Is from Mount Pelce In Martinique, as that from Krakatoa encircled th globe and was eclentlllrally observed In Hongkong, Calcutta, Constantinople, London, New York and Ban Francisco. President Palma Is perhaps tho tenth chief magistrate of the Cuban republic, ' belnir a. constant choice and crmnK0 f BUCh ofUclals during the two wnr periods. Ctsneros wns the last of the Held Presidents or was It Pnlma enjoys whnt they did not, however a salary, recognition and a hxed capital. i General Smith of Samnr has always been known In th Army as Jake." It Is n good military nickname In Its way, but It doesn't j Just fit Into the wihtme of benevolent &Mttilltlon, The explanation of the "rain of lire" nt Martinique, Is not lava or hot cinders but gas. It supplied an Instantaneous death to a people who, other- wlue, must have suffered unspeakable torment. by It Is beginning to apprar to the makers and dealers that the United a. State District Attorney means bust-na. The Itsson in a needed one and promise to have food reiultH. t j Then lire tilentv of lnxr nirninst the Geyters where strange springs boll and fepurt and where steam blows out of great holes with enormous force. sum-there Is n marked showing of chemical energy. Some of the chemical waste n ... ,11. - ,1 .. .. appears In puiK terraces uku uium ui r.ainnUB volcano in iew ieamuu. jiu over the State hot springs abound and these aro usually held to have some relation to the causes that produce eruptions. It was the presence of a hot spring In the crater of an old volcano of Japan, supposedly extinct, which led Prof. Milne to warn the public that the mountain wus. not dead. The next yenr Its cap blew off, destroying three townships. Shasta, the great, snow-clad peak In northern California, has a warm spring Itr the crater; but it la a great while since lava came from that mountain. When it did, however, places foity miles uway got more than their tihare of It. In the southern part of tho State signs of volcanic action abound, espe daily In Inyo county where the earth- uuaKeB or mi were so puye.eiy leu. The Colorado desert, where the remains of a whale were found tho other nay, w;m raised bodily abate the waters that once covered It. Sea shells aru scattered on Its sandy surface. A little further south, In Mexican California, there Is a large area of active mud geysers nnd bubbling Inky lakes. So it Is far from certain that California, which now has nothing worse than eartnquaKes to coniena wnn, may not one day see an ancient crater re- EUine business. Perhaps such a thing, assuming no catastrophe to follow, would be a gain; ror cicariy, tne imprisoned gaees under California, and which give it so many seismic shocks, need a vent such aa an active volcano only can provide. 4 The fact that dumb brutes knew what was coming at Martinique is no means unprecedented. Many a outburst haa been preceded by commotion among the beasts of tho ndd and farm. One who has lived any length of time In an earthquake country has noticed the restlessness ot dogs and cattlo before a shock and the com- plete alienee ot birds, frogs and other trurts. The trouble with most of them forma of animate nature that usually Is that they are up against the const!-make the days and nights vocal. j tutlon. -V. trrft COMftO KMJMM, " hath lit IM ty If ' ' r . f Ih . ril Jj I ' . i H(th ftri(titiM i ' " ' ,i t.rft :il N h 'I !" I' in ften it in k i nt nnjr Mml, tl the W1 L i M)H llMl In reMtll Mtff't lHi In iMM Bhd HPWml lffM A IMHr r I tin rtlAIHl .Mdmlrtll Mill lif IM tn nirwnir1 it Aiirtliy parmtf'. fpfk r Hill limr lltnf tn KH up hi ndtirrM, iihd the nrrwntkn llH'h Hill lift llm to fill n older It Hill hf nr " (null, Ihetefnrc. If nur rrlrbritthm. the tMAtlmr haltiir fnviirslilf. shall tint fnltif , .ipr Kith etritl CONDLNStD th aktiMiiittral tiT"' " ,,,! IiuimM Ik Bmmii TM Hr f IVmtmmt nf ltnnlnH'1 Hm 4wHt II Mt t TlH Ire ha in h Vllrinti rivet 1 wfiit i Mf t'blliwse ttll Ht H i rtihlfiB iWa IH I lie iNVllrr Hf l 'hi -1.1 AlnHnn natives ?e IwiiiK vnei inaieti tn aiinrtl iimnllimx I'rvfldonl lellbM of I'iniirn I an a visit tn thn t:r nf lltissifl rovieweu uy uie luijuii muri m p- peals. In n race war In Indian Territory, five lieKroes nnd one white man weie killed. The lloers nte holding meetings with Lord Kitchener arranging turins nf sum nas leu nnjii nun Menem I Flrmln was proclaimed niler in bis stead. J1K.000 for the loss of her lenuly In it JU.OeO for the los sof her beauty In a rallronil wreck. Itoiisevelt will make n hunting trip to the Dig Horn country ns soon as CoiiKiess adjourns. Senntor Jones of Nevada wll retire nnd Representative NewlimdH Is said to be slated for his sent. Tho State of Missouri has filed suit ngnlnst the beef trust for alleged tlon of tho anti-trust law. A steel castings trust hns been or- ganlzed, with Schwab at the head, and with n capital of $10,000,000. General Chaffee reports from Manila thnt further attacks upon the Moron are In Ills opinion unnecessary. i Kiueti una iiueu nun dred Injured Is the net result of n Pittsburg lire and naptha explosion. Distill bailees In Haytl still continue, nnd nn attempt Is being made to form another provisional government. A speech made by Lord Salisbury Is Interpreted to mean that Kgypt has been ndded to the British Umpire. A icport by the Stnte Department shows the trade of the United States with Japan to be on the Incrense. The people of sixteen Filipino villages have petitioned against the of the United States troops, 1'odro Morales, the noted Arizona despeiado, hns been captured and admits being guilty of n number of murders. A Bister of Slxto Lopez has been called ns n witness before the Senate In- vesMgatlng Committee on the Itne: girls were swept over tho falls . V.ttlPUII 4u, niv iiiuniuu. a 1. w ,n,m nnmnnnlpil fhiim I ' L.8rnned. Reed Smoot. a Mormon apostle, has announced himself us 11 eandldatii for the Scnntc to succeed Senator Rawlins of Utah. I Owing to depredations by relic hunt ers, Secretary Hay has placed restrictions upon vlsltois to the Stnte Department, A feud between rival New Mexico saloon men resulted In n general pitched battle. In which three men weie killed and others wounded. There hi a deadlock In the confe.renco committee of the Danish parliament which Is considering tho sale of the West Indies to America. 1 TipauI nntitnnnriil 4 r nrlcnil fnf rttln year, at the time Judge Noyes of Alas- I ka was punished for contempt, has been pardoned by tho President. ' Wu Ting Fang, Chinese Minister In Washington, has been appointed by his government to prepare a codo of Chinese laws on modern lines. The House committee hns reported ""'""'' u" "'Ly bill to give Porto Itlen renresentntlon bv one delegate, tl, ;he same as Hawaii now hns. lnp been in the city for some time, t It Is reported in London that Lord induce the men to leave here. The who Is 111, hns tendered his anese have been Induced to return t resignation as Embassador to , the plantations by the representations Ington, and asks that it be Immediately of the consul, (incepted. , , , An attempt nt Incendiarism wnn Governor To ft has departed for tTatcd Saturday morning In the Arm-Rome, where he will confer with Pope stronK building on River nnd Hotel U-o concerning an adjustment of the HtI.rfct8. A man wns seen to set fire to friars' claims to church property In tho recU8e In the basement of Myoshl's Philippines. . I. stoie but was frightened nwny by a Captain Grnnt, civil governor or Leyt, severely scores General Smith for his campaign In Samar, saying that Smith Is anxious to keep the province under military rule. Senator llnlley has offered an amendment to the appropriation bill, providing that no part of it shall be used to defriy the expenses of nn embassy to ,..,..-., .ii ,1 iiK iw.uiun bhuiuihuh The Earl of Hopetoun has resigned the governorship of the Australian commonwealth, because of the refusal of Secretnry Chamberlain to allow him Jl'.'.OOO additional for expenses. , Scnhnr Severo, the Rrazlllnn wns killed In Paris by the explosion of his airship, which dropped 1500 feet. An assistant who made the ascension with him, was also killed. Lewis Nixon has resigned from the leadership of Tammany, saying he could not remain and keep his self-respect. Ross Croker will name his successor, or hlmBclf resume the chieftainship. Rctalle's and consumers have organized n J25.000.000 trust, by which the members will receive a 5 per cent trade discount from the merchants who belong to ,t. The Idea originated In Chi cago, r Formal action ban been begun by the United States Attorney In Chicago against the beef trust, and an application for an Injunction has been made ns ugnlnst Armour, Bwlft, Cudnhy nnd other packers. .. YACHT RACE FOR DECORATION DAY A race of the third class yachts, in the Tories for the Roth cup. will be hnld on Friday, Decoration day. May 30. The course will be as follows: Starting at 2 p, m. from nn Imaginary line from the Lighthouse to the pilot's olllce, out the mouth of the harbor, keeping the bell buoy on port side, to a stake boat off Sans Soucl, keeping stake bout on port side In rounding; thence to a stake boat off Quarantine Island, keeping same on starboard side In rounding; thence mound the bell buoy, keeping It on port side, and finishing at Spar buoy, off mouth of harbor. Club rules will be followed In regard to getting away, that Is, the usunl one gun start. Preliminary signal at 1:69. Time limit three hours. Ry order Regatta Committee. HAWAII YACHT CLIin. mfgmmmmm UX,AL HKtVlllhi, (Ititrt IUuir4M rt'j I 1h fttttrtai ..f Mi II A Hff" "'' b tlfW thl Kltrttumr. Nt I )t sttvh. iMii.i m Ht i it m rifM iittinM JiiU M M. tnntt lrt mi mum Om timNtM ih mtm ht lit a A It , nnd U him lMf I In- BUM' M Nuunnu tmetrr HUlltMMI tltlK t ft K . I tlimtah .. ....UK -. i. k i fclj., lift ! one nf thf ImI known navnl oin.t In llwnoliilu. nil nn ll lit mo yeau with thr 1'hllnd.lphls M. V. Heott. tin- retelvir fr tin- Kona pmntatmii, aioiiiira uy juimr loimas, .. ,, M lllll.ul rt ..I.MI lltMM M r,l 1,1 lldtltltf riini, 11,1.1- PRII HSll. struck hi- n, ttollcy cann carrier, tin unh laid Up for n few days, but Is nftaln about on the plantation. While the tug Fearless Has brlnRlriR In the Imtk ("nrrollton yioterdny. she stupix'il tn shorten hawsers, and keeping nut nf the way nf the bark, thn tug struck the sand Wnlklkl, nhllr th ship hit the cornl Kwn of the channel. Thu i:teu took off the ship i The approach of Decorntlon Day ban brought out a novelty In grave Ions, especially among the Hawaii-1 ins. inntenil of making use or iiuua leln, which shrink nnd shrivel lu a bhort time when exposed to the nlr, lels 'of paper made to represent llima are belng extensively used. The Department of Public Works has practically concluded negotiations for the acquisition of land from lu front of the Moann Hotel to beyond MaUe Island, for the widening of the road. Plnns have been mode also for the straightening of the road at the Hopkins switch, and that curve will be entirely eliminated. News was brought from Kona yesterday of the death on Thursday of M. 11. Mncfarlanc, n well known nud prominent Scottish citizen of the Islands. Deceased was formerly bookkeeper for the Kona Sugar Company, and Intur was Interested In the Konn-Kau Hallway, of which he was secretary and ono of the directors. The death of Mr. Mncfarlanu occurred nt the home of Mr. and Mrs. Coerper in Knllua. He wiui well known In Honolulu, and had been a member of the Scottish Thlstte Club. (From Mondny's dally.) Urn. W. W. Hall will read the Gettysburg address nt the Mclnorlnl Day at Nuuanu cemetery. Senator George H. Carter Is expected beck from the coast on the Ventura, which Is due on Wednesday morning. A subscription list Is being circulated lu the city to raise money to send Alt Pal, a. former Chinese merchant, back to China. Emll Ney, Judge Gear's grand Jury bailiff, announced yesterday thnt he would leave Honolulu for Hllo, to be come the bailiff of Judge Little's court. rinnnlv lnlortinl Tlf.vpnlln nnller.tor Couzens on Saturday demolished tho nkolehno htlll which had been enptured by the revenue olllccrs and used as dence In the Casthanu case. An effort Is bolmr made to secure tho extension of tho Rapid Tiauslt Hue t the Knlmukt tract and subscription lists are being circulated In order to raise a bonus for the Honolulu Rapid Transit and Laud Co. On Saturday night Mr. nnd Mrs. S. P. Correa gave 11 lunu at their residence on Llllha street near School, "which was attended by a large number of friends. After the feasting, muslo and dancing kept the guests entertained until midnight. Rev. C. V. Anthony, a prominent Cal- Ifornln Methodist clergyman, came on the Peru for a visit In the city. He was accompanied by .his brother ana nleco. Rev. Mr. Anthony was at the head of ti congregation In .Honolulu la the enrty sixties. Japanese Consul Salto has Interested himself to prevent the exodus of tipsh lnbnrnrs to California, agents JananL.M0 vuB (,, tho building. The firemen are Investigating. James G. Spender, secretary of the Chamber of Commerce, has received a letter from Secretary Cortelyou, acknowledging the receipt by President Roosevelt of the resolution regarding the payment of the fire claims, whlck wns carried to Washington by Commissioner Pratt. The resolution boa been refeired to Secretary Shaw. United States Clerk Mallng has received a request from the Acting Solicitor of the Attorney General's Department for the details of the punishment of -Lewis and Turk for violation of shipping regulations. Jt Is the of the Department, no doubt. to post the matter In seaport towns as a warning to other possible offcndeis, The new Japanese rice mill at Pawaa has been stalled. C. M. Cooke nnd family have .taken up their summer residence at Lunkaha. Admiral Merry hns recovered from his recent lllnfss to such an extent that ho may visit the naval station todqy. Sentence wns suspended by Judge Robinson yesterday an to Maka and Kapann, both of whom pleaded guilty to lnrcony, Tho Hawaiian band will give a complimentary concert on tho Ocoanlo dock when lltshop nnd Mrs. Willis de part for Tongn. J. J. Combs has sued his wife, Ella Combs, for divorce In Judge Kalua's court. Adultery Is alleged to have been committed by the defendant. Memorial day will be a half holiday for government employes. Governor Conner will Issue n notice to that very shortly. Friday will also be a half holiday In the public schools. AsBlntnnt Director Sedgwick of the Agricultural Kxpcrlment Station haa received word from Jared Smith that he will return Saturday from his surveying trip In the Walmea district. Hawaii, i Several society ladles and gentlemen ore plannmg a ping-pong dinner at for Friday evening. Followlns the dinner the tnDies win ue cieuxcu and devoted to a ping-pong tournament. Dr. C. n. Wood, accompanied by bis daughter, Dorothy, leaves for the coast today In the Sierra, for a two months vacation, although one of the objects of hla departure Is to attend the meeting of thn Imperial Council of the Mystic Shrlnera to be held In San Frnnclsco la June. Dr. Wood Is the representative of Alohn Temple of Honolulu. Dorothy Wood will not return with Dr. Wooa. a It 'S the intention to have her remain on the mainland for some time. An Ancltnt Fo To JirAlth mid lirjiilnrrt Herof tlln ft iily m over nnw tlinr llllltlRMHirlttl It imiiM liiinulitifl In tJic tit'fk, dlflfftite tliu skin, Indium Hie tnlltfotin liii'inliiulio, wnsli'fl lln mimnlf... wrwItiniM llio iKiiif. ' tllluCd Hm HiVur t)f rc.tlntnllt't) to 1."0 fttlU i,n f,fttinnllv lor to. COVCty, fttltl (lcVt'IOM Into gtltntillOUi ' "A kiithnpt"relnn Hi le (t tide nf my ntck. It rnutcd nrrst pain, wni lanced, and became a running sore. I went Into a renrrnl decline 1 m rtiidrd lu try llood't Sariipsrllla, and when I had taken lit buttlet my lie I. Hat htnled nnd I lmve never had any trouble of the kind ilncc.1 Mm. K. T. Ksvnrn, Troy, Ohio. Hood's Sarsaparilta and Pills Will rid you of Scrofula, rndlcilly njj pcriillllltilltly. ni tliey have rid thousands. IIU&IMitS CAK DS.i II. HACKFELD & CO. LTD. Genera Commission Agents, Queen St., Hono lulu, II. I. F. A. SCHAEFEP. & CO. Importer nnd Commission Merchants, Iloi.olu lu, Hawaiian Islands. LEWEHS & COOKE. (Robert Lcwen y. J. Lowrey, C. M. Cooke.) Import ers and dealers in lumber nnd build lug materials. Office. 414 Fort St. HONOLULU IRON WORKS CO. Ma chlnery of every dcorltlon ti crder. Mllfl IIU The Famous Tourist Route of the World. In Connection With the Canadian Australian Steamship Line Tickets are Issued To All Points in tho United Ktnlit and Cunnda, via Victoria and Vancouver, MOUNTAIN RESORTS: Banff, Glacier, Mount Stephens and Fraeer Canon. Efupress line of sieamers'irom' Vancouver. Tickets to All Points In Japan, China. India nnd Around the World. For tickets and general Information applv to THLO. II. DAVES & CO., LID. Agents S. S. Line, Canadian Pacific Railway. TRANS-ATLANTIC FIRE INS. C& OF HAMBURG. Capital of the Company and reserve, relchsmarks 6,000,IM Capital their reinsurance companies lOl.eSO.MM Total relchsmarks .107.660,l North German Fire Insurance C OF HAMBURG. Capital of the Company and reserve, relchsmarks 8,89,00t Capital their reinsurance com-pan lea S5,IO0,0M Total relchsmarks ... 43,830,001 The undersigned, general Agents ot the above two companies, for the Ha wallan Islands, are prepared to lnsur Buildings, Furniture, Merchandise and Produce, Machinery, etc.: also Sugar pnd Rice Mills, and Vessels In the harbor, against loss or damage, by fire or the most favorable terms. M HACKFELD & CO., Limits The Elgin WORLD'S STANDARD FOR TIME KEEPING. Should be In the pocket of vn wenrei of a Watch. Many years' handling of Wateho convinces us, that price considered, t Elgin lnthe most satisfactory of American Watches. Cased In Nickle, Silver, Gold Filled and Solid Gold. We have a full line and aell them right prices. ELGTNS reach us right. ELGINS reach you light Elglns stand for what la right In tla keeping and lasting qualifier, and thai Is why we are right In pushing ta Elgin Watch. H.F.WICHMAN BOX 342. Wm. G. Irwin & Co., UMITXO. Fire and Marine Insurance A'gts AGENTS FOR THR Royal Insurance Company of Uveryooi Alliance Assurance Company of Lon don, Alliance, Marine and General jUsoranei Co.. Ltd.. of London. Scottish, Union National Inauranei Company of Edinburgh, Wllheltru, ot Madebur General lnaiu ance Company. Associated Assurance Co., Ltd, of U nleh and Berlin. t.V'V lllMil'IPMMI Ht iMMttlt Th ilm1t!ehHl hhVlnM . ImliiUd ftfcMii uflli kbor eomhArif fit tfrwmd tn lhut tt4j KMii.kt flr on Atnnt and Hrlck iiuilrtlnr anl Mi MtfcliatidW alortid therein tn Ik Imtut favorable ietmi, )"uf particular Apply at lb" ntflr nf f A. rlCIIAKFItlt A. TO., Airu, German Lloyd Marine Insur'ct C OF IIHRLIN. Fortuna General Insurance Ci OF RICH LIN. The above Insurance Campanlis ht established a Reneral nRency here, i -i the undersigned, general agents, authorized to take risks nRalnst , danxers nf the sea at the most rxa i-able rates and on thu must faom terms. F. A. BCIIAErCR A CO. General Aicius General Insurance Co. (or ii. River and Land Transput, of Dresden. Having established nn agency nt Honolulu and the Hawaiian Island!- tti undersigned general agents are authorized to take risks against thr dangers of the sea at the most reasonable rates nnd on the most favorable t ro.v F. A. 8CHAEFER & CO., Agents tor the Hawaiian Islnnds. Now is the . Time if to Plant S E D S A large shipment of froth seeds has just been received. It is not necessary to send to the coast for garden or vegetable seeds when the same may be had in a few day's from the Hollister Drug Company Honolulu, Hawaii. The Bank of Hawaii LIMITED. Incorporated Under the Laws of the Republic of Hawaii. CAPITAL MO,00t,M OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS. Chas M. Cooke .' President P. C. Jones Vice President C. H. Cooke Caahlr F. C. Atherton Assistant Cashier Directors Henry Waterhouee. Tori May, F. W. Macfarlane, E. D. Tenaey, J, A. McCandle8s. Solicits the Accounts or Firms, corporations, Trusts, Individuals, and will promptly and carefully attend to all business connected with banking entrusted to it. Sell and Purchase Foreign Exchange, Issue Letters of Credit. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Ordnlary and Term Deposit received and Interest allowed In accordance with rules and conditions -printed In pas books, copies of which may be had en application. Judd Building, Fort Street CURXE'SBAIPIUSiTeuTO Pains In ths back, and aU kindred complaints. Free 'nm Mercury. Established upwards at M years. la boxes Is. Id. each, of all Cbasalsta and Patsat Medicine Vendors throughout the World. Proprietors. The Lincoln and Midland Counties Drug Company, TJocoIa, Bog-Is nd. .'tl , .6nij Afi.