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fft toUArtiH fit. .f t. fn Ni Ihwi rtim Hit th r,IMh M4 ajhMfMi tl t" IB Hi AM f!l htl ut In ' ' t '' th frthelw. II II III Uiiiib.i t IttMAhri A wlllt 1 IIIxnI Wlr,! nr fif tj AitiM. Mara. MH. f.m ih ummm lt,,,, ; ,.,U",n UM Vh". t k'U (CMMiauM fro. r It mi tMri.i. pr,r...r tml ht, M I i, tn ',. i.,i , .itrtiHitiili'f.ln ndi1nt thr , Hi In kiwtmt In dNjft W- Wf. Htuhk .. MmM..h. frm Un j 'I,.,," l ibl Ih UUm "t h - hthdlr Mn. la I, MhiiiI, Kim nd Kta M l ' JIVdil" ff"m N w r i ftOmr 'h " IMrM ! r b tnt.n. -J" . , , . ., So Mi"i 'tnuiMd iihrhfcijrwJ. Irt hi Mr !.. imhrt Mr I'twirir iim.i im.ih ihr. Hi. ml ih. & Art. nJT, from W.MM. Km r dVre rrMlrlrurM. in V.k , It l IhnuRhl thi. U' thai i hf '" 'l'"..,' "Am,kV.mminn.Md..d.r.rm 'wS.Vi Vl'rV ,,n;Bfl ,"hdl,rr ,?B .'"Tr "7 -'-' p.W&" hiti, IHtr la lli ilAV llir foiiolii !fr r , tinmt kl I k m i ,.nd judnr H rt fit wii UlklriK " .i.. .h.i ..mi,,, t. .m.i.m . AhWVKt' kui Aw. w M tMmwa Hnw W Am hh Htrti. (4 dt. fmtn NrnriMIc Hit ItlU fftm Kt lM Hlf W. H IUII, Thnmiwnn. Jl If".1 Blr Jm. TMllilt, ffm KMI port .1 noun. HutHrdtV. iK N B. B. rru. 1'ill.bur). frm Hn t a. in tmr.Noiu, r.ilrrnon. from ll.m.ku. lor, TilO . m , with 3W Ilk. hk. II pks kutll Btmr. Ktn.ii. rrmn. from Mllo md wy urtk t 10 IS k in . with i Vrt Id hog (i, 10 icWa crn. II? kg. mllidrlcii fltmr l.thuk. Nrl. train Mktil ki'd Molckkl n rt kt i.K k m Blind.)', Mv K , Btmr Clkhdlur, l'rl(r, froin Jtku! ports, Btmr O Hall, 8 Thompson, from Nklliwill Btmr Jmc JtkUcr. Tullvtt. from Kkiif I port Htmr NlihkU Thompson, from An.lioln Am rhr Columbia, Bpracue, 2 dnjii fnnn Hal nl Am Itktn IrmRard, Bohmldt. 15 d from Ban Trknclaco. MAlirKONA ArrhPd! Miy 21, Am. chr. H C WrlKht, .Vellson, l , fomi Ban with Rencral j chantllre for Hauull Hallway Co, Monday, May 2. Am. bk. Ceylon, Wilier, 10 daa from Layrni island, nt 2:20 p. in. DKI'AUTEU. Am bktn. Coronado, Potter, for San Franclrco, at 12 JO p. m. 8tr. W a Hall, 8. Thompnon, for Na-will will at S p. m. Saturday, May U. Btmr. Walaleale, Plltz, for Honu.pu and A UMDIUU HI M J ttia Btmr. Iwa'anl, Qreene, for Ahuklnl, Ha namaulu and Koloa at 3 p in. S S Peru Plllsburv for the Orient at c , " M. ' '" gj U Am, ..... Ifn... Hntnir Ha.l ? , Francisco at noon. Sunday, Hay 25 Am. bark Kaullanl, Orlllltha, for Ban I .... iliaHii la nl.4 itrtl ntil - " sno J)HrBt Wllrox fl.h..R forth on thr " . --"-.""- ,",.."." ,"" V V ? . . !!. J 1 - w limill Ilk. Illllllll I Hill 1 M'VI I III.IMII1 T on inai .r, run .,v, mnt.r, ThP Time, now d- thi. ,,nwaHlin tWMn ,,k port knd Unllr.1 Htat.R I. icVw Ynrv rrdurtlon of 0,w con.ldornblu Kiwcf to ulRnwl w to 100 fwr knnum. kRKriK.tlnK .ome fl Lint. mr t,?olou. llVt o"purred I HeW" ' different imnnberu of Oon- le.n.. upon whlrh Ihtro I. a llghlrr. llth Krl r.tabllkhlnc ft nuoutlon on Br. who can b porauodwl lo write .rp rh.risr of CO rrnt. P.r ton In thu bay If."; da'tV S.,'!,,nUo0n4 4lS lor ,hem. Mr nrtW, .. . -' 'in "'' ?X"1? '.L1'"" ,. .... .. .. .1 . ...... ... . uniiii ..i-F....... .. f Pincp inn i iimv no luruicr ioikjwp: Wfinill Ur IWO, IIHI FHH IMI rHII I i luce on otif of tH Oirnmrtit port., in wliloi cnl lit- Hill tint nr. company tleternor Dol" I I Wl t.COX ON LAND M ATTIIIIH ,,ji0rt(ii dhkc of tho Wa.hlncton Tlmi ,., ,.. j... ,, ttUi, Hn rtlrln on I am deeply HllfnuiTO In l"? bill ""- f lp ,,.,,, ()f UvrninHnt "rM, ,nl" homr.tcd for tho farmers "' Inldille clakai . kt prrwnl wp ,1(l) n 1attll 1P vrrj. rlch ,, hc Xfry pour belm? tho labor- tM ol. Utn t f Ulp ,10,)uUton of loo.tvn marly 0 (Q ar(i ABla'Ci m m ,,clnK Japancso ' and M.oiO Ciincac Tin re nro wvcral thou- nand Porto Itlcan.. but they an- undo- , ... . . ,.. ..i.. n i i.n nirkuir, un ..... '" . J'" loll of the time than ro to worK The ana of Hawaii Is I 000,000 acre, Pf hlM aria, noren are in u.e nniiiiH an Hi'ii niv I'liini:! ii in Siil Kondon p.m. .. in. nuotes jnn()n. Iyo ,5." H- " i",r,,. ,'",; ?n. ni .ntnp .Intr ; mat year, 11. 9.1 10. 9d rP.ppptUel) June lkp.,r,s 1.4 , AKnlnat 9. SVid corre.potHllnB period In.t jenr. id s,"p,""p Lantern n rolKn decline In Keflned. nccordlni: to Intent r ,,.,.,, ,.i .i...... u..b.n ..,.m ..,. v... ... .. V...1, " iiml,. date of the IStli In.t . I. npiiarently re (k,i n the'ltaw Sii'rw nwrkd. lluy '. .Mow i fo renhndow "n dfrllnr Cuban planter, nhow of dl.eournRement f)l(lIB am, catlIo lnnBnB. Tho otiH,r 2,. In the nb.ence of leRlalatlc "'vpnP ooo.oy. acrcn, which constitute the Govern- merit, nt anhlnRton raornliIe to tneir)lnonl ,,, arp rpntc,i nml ,a(.tj to the nnd are the more Ol.po.e a, cor,,orBtnn. the leases ranglnB In to part with holdlnRn confluence ,rnm flw. t(J Blxt(Pll ypa. on best obtainable term., liy reason, -, f ,.,, rnln,,, nn,i. t ttant .- - . .--.. of tlnancial enKMidered by the delay. Uuropean mnrketn nre for Heet Sugar. The belief Is prevalent thnt the decrca.e In sow Ings of beet roots will range from ten . to eleven per cent, , a. compared with last year, for all Kurope, rnther than h x cpnl P8tmntr(1'Uy . Mr, "vni( I . , , 1 whose revised nRUrea, howper, hac not vet been puull.hed. The innrnet ttr llrlnnl 1. ttvnn nt the rip- I Ti " j,,7 ..., - H.11. , nn . cuiiuiiiuiin,.... ,,.., , , abnormal for this season of the year.. .. ... . . r heretofore a dlspos tlon to purchase HUpplleH ahead of Immediate require- inentH linvliiR been the rule. Latest Statistical Position willctt & I ..,,. . '?rn MmJ. SUi" Un lc1. "" " ' four ports In nil hands, estimated May I , niij 133.1.. llllia nRAIiiM .le.jfcs tonB400frt rnini date Inst vear Six DortB Cuba rd up Into homesteads. to encourage gn Rated I00.0JS toaii. Owing to the farmer to ro to Hawaii In- tabllshment of two new and large sugar stead of dividing the Goernment land plantations, which are Just coming Into .... IPIUHUU to laro, II IUHUL Willi, 11 llil'.iutiin The citizens Ul Hllo aHk for U III a Tim.rt I"""' ii,irrn. ttrH. lllch Ih thoBtapIc focd of the na- ary survey and InvestigatKin by UL, L,,., wm I)ro,iiice nomewh.rc between tent Government engineers, whoso re- ... .ii....... BAIL TODAY. U. B 8 Manila, for San Francisco, In thu afttrnoon. , Monday, May 2. 1 Ktmr. Helene. Klcholaon. for hau. Kukalnu, Ookala. Laiipahoehoe, I'npaaloa, Honolpu nnd Mul.ukonn, at S p. in Ke-hr Mnlolo, Kay, for Hnnnlct nnd Knllhlwnl, at 5 p. in. Behr Lndy, Mokl, for Koolau ports, nt S p. m. I B Gunboat Manila, Halney, for Naval Ynr.l, at 10:65 a in. rlchr Ada, Nelson, for lliumk'l and Kuhhniil, nt 0 p. in. . J'ASSUNOKUS AHItlVIID. Pi r Htr Muuna l.rt.i. May 23, from lte A. II 'c mouth. Alexander Dow sett, A I It. Jackson l'rom Maala-ea: C. L. Bplnlu. Mrs McGeirow, Mrs Maukana, rattier Stephen Ficm Konn: Mr. Okabc. K. Ono, Mra MeleUule, 1 ThompFon, Mrs S Knneknnul and child, S. K. Kanckanul, MlsA V- Wasliburn, Chas Hall. Judge lMlngs, r WiIrIU, MIbh J A Aahbeir). Mrs N A. I'eyran, MrB U Kuapa, H L. Kruss, W A. Wall l'rom Kau. W. H Dtvtreux nnd 45 deck. Per str W G. Hall, Mny 22, from namaulu D L Wadhweirth and 1 deck. l'rr str James Mnkee, May 23, from, George Huddy, Mrs i:. J Bmlth. duj: TODAY. S. S. Hndcs, from San Francisco. H. S Tamplco, from Seattle. S. S. Slrrn, from the colonies. J3. S. Peking, from the Orient. dui: TOMonuow. S. S. Ventura, from San Francisco. SAIL TODAY. Stmr. James Makee, Tullett, for and Kapaa, nt & p. in. f!;nir, Mjunn Ixa, Slmcr.on, for Maalaca, Konu and Kau ports, t noon. Stmr, Klnnu, Freeman, for Hllo and ay iiorts, nt noon. Strni. Maul, F. Bennett, for Maul port., at 5 p. m. Htmr. W. G. Hall, S. Thompson, for Kauai port, at 5 p. ni. Stmr. Nllliau, W. Thompson, for at S p. in. ',pr. Noeau, Pederson, for Lahalna, Kaanapall, Honokaa nnd Kukulhaele, ...... .-. . -.. V-.L. ....k o, ..v..., .u. ...i, .u.n. i.i,. sugar. If-ay Bo The following sailing vessels may be expected this week: German bark Absterschwan, Glertz, Hamburg, 152 days. .American baik Oregon, Parker, Newcastle, 61 days. American hlp Henry Vlllard, Schaube, Newcastle, 48 days. American barkentlne Archer, Calhoun, San Francisco. 13 days. American bark C. IJ. Kenney, Anderson, Oyster Harbor, 23 days. American schooner Konn, Dlnsmnre, Iqubiue, 41 days. American tchooner Sehome, Peterson, Iqulque, 40 days. American schooner Mary E. Foster, Thompson, Port Gamble. 20 dayB. American barkentlne Skagit, Robin- on, uumnie, id nayB. BeSVuVayT .... MeUl obipp nt; WAILUKU, May 24. The bnrk Is still In port waiting for a full cargo of sugar for around the Horn. tJhe will most likely leave next Saturday. Tho bark C. P. Uryant, Capt. Colly, cleared for San Francisco last Tuesday, 20th In.t., with 25,Ci2 bags I1. M. BUgar on board, Tho big American-Hawaiian steamer Callfornlan left Kahulul for Hllo last Thursday, where she will complete her 8000 tons of sugar for New York. The freight steamer Eureka arrived ( at Kaanapall on the 20th Inst, at daybreak and after taking aboard n cargo of scrap Iron weighing about 135 tons, departed for KaliulUl the next ImititwtmiimmtmtmmmnttiLAAAtt Ar SUGAR TO., .Dr. ...d tl.ia ' lAih Ihfit nturnlhR la llBtilulu but It .jiwHr pur hrf im y W fl, bul AUtodl imny bi. Ilml JudKe JlftrUrll. wlm hn n. . ,ht,r pffn ..nd.Mkklnit In No rlmnrr ln. ln '" .MMHirhupHt tur lhlnt tin prK tit dkimi rout rnndillon nf Ih , at 1 716e, Mabli.hinr iiaI. f or V,;',' .:..., . "I ...,, ":". .,, opcre ocntrtfUHal. In New iork i.:i,.. ,.".'.. ',, ..".. ..i?,..t ..-- tf, In tlir tnnrkil or fur fxport pricf. r.tftblliihpd Mnrch tth .till IwIiir In tt lln.i. Md)1 t:th 'lo nrrlr" .ftl, TOO ... .1,M tl. t ..r. k.1.. IMh M.T . A; 1 7 rr'iih. uos ton. ni 1 4Hc and on mnr dule "to nrrlv Hid. KG d lift cn.h clmi.R hn. tnkvn plncr Lowlon I ti.. !!. nn.l Hili ilt V nnd miim poumjB pcr acri., nnd it entlii atcd Mny 6th. 433,000 tons nRalnst 187,710 same period last yeni Total stock In nil principal countries by cable Mny Eth, uneven 3,214,177 ton nb'alnst 2,259,120 tonh last, Yours respectfully. WILLIAMS, IMMONIJ & CO. Hilo Offers Lavish Purses for Races. Hllo will have two days racing at IIoo lulu Park on July 4 nnd C, nnd tMX) in pmstH is offered. Matugei G S nnnouncta thu following excellent progiuiu: FOUIITH OF JULY. 1. Half-mile dash, purse HIS, 123 of purse secund mono. 2 Trotting nnd pacing. 2:3S class; JIM pill He. J25 of pmsc secnd money. 3 One mllii elnuh, Hllo track cup nnd 1W. I One ml In dash, Hilo Mercautito cup nnd 100. C '1 totting and pacing. .IS elnss; Ile.lmen cup and JIM C. mile dash; Jl-.'i, 323 of purse second mono. 7 f mile Jnpnnesp owned horses, 550. 15 of purse second money. S One mile gentle man's driving rnce, owner to diie, 2.35 class, purse 1100, 5.15 of purs.) second money 9 mile dash, JI00, 123 of purse second money. 10 Japanese race; 125; J5 second money. JULY 6TH. 1. Half-mile dash, purse 1100, 125 of purso second money. 2. Half-mile exhibition race for ladles Puree of 120 to most graceful equestll. enne, 110 to secmd; 15 to tli'nl. 3 Trotting and pacing, befit 2 out of 3, 2.20 class; 1125, 125 of purso second money. 4 mllo dash; 1100, 125 of purko second money. C One-mile dash; 125, 25 of purse second money. U dash, Japanese owned llnrt,f(,. m of pu'r8e 8CC0nd monev 6" urths mile dash; U25. 1-5 of nurse s. concl monev. 9. One and mile dash, S125; ,125 of pjrse pecond money. I 10 Consolation race, $100, 25 second money. Conditions: Ten per cent to enter; entries close 8 p in Tursdav, July 1. at Volcano Stables olllce; scratches close at 10 a m., Wednesday, July 2 Itaclng will start at 1 o'clock shnrp each day. Thp S S Klnnu will be held over until Sunday, July 6, In order that visitors from Honolulu may return the day after the races aro over. THE STAMP TAX MUST BE PAID TIlD fn1lnulr.f l r I rkn Vina irlnan A " Dole at the quest of Treasurer Wright: Territory of Hawaii, Qlllce of the Attorney Genernl, Honolulu. H. I.. Mav 20. 1902. Honorable Win. II. Wrlrht, Treasurer of the Territory of Hawaii. Dear Sir: In response to your request of yesterday, whether you have any discretion to remit stnmp duties on Instruments. I have to say that It seeirs to me that you have nn such discretion The duties are required by fht law of the Territory, nnd cannot be remitted ns a mntter of favor. I think Section. 918 and 941 of the Civil LawB of 1817 require stamps on the full nmount. 1250 000.00, of the trust deed of the Kooa Sugar Company. ' Very truly yours. (Signed) E. P. DOLE. Attorney General, THE CAPITAL Into homrstiadn of 1C0 acres as In the ,Jn(pd staUMi tno i,t lands could be dlvll,, nto, and p palltorjl ands ito l,rtmnul..kila iiv;iMr(ikrnun( vitin ittVif)t if U.1llrll .. Wflhtti , . ..... n"' K i ,lp AmPrcan farm,.r ft n,. to u.,.,nnP t,ia .mn.. ... i.n m.f rmini. J. .. . ..... ... . '" rho an mea now leriue me iunu ,he flU corporations produce an .. ... ....... . .i,.. ., .,, .'I UKI' 111 lnn " u.t, .u .,,v The rice planters produce two crops a ear, agRrtKatliiR between WO and (WW pnundH to the acre. The same ianil akin to elephant'B sells nt one cent a pounii At present the living Is costly becnuso we have no fnrmerB All of the sueh as fruit nnd comes fiom California They could be raised in Hawaii, and wo have both the climate and tho elevation. , ,,.,.,..,. nunmiinmirv I 1.UUIU1 Jbl.,1.11 A One Is hearing nlinoHt nnthlnR dnyH about the Cuban .eclproclty bill. It seems to be taken for granted that the Senate Is RolnR to do something nnd, If It does not during the present seFSlon, I'lCfildent not lnnR ngo made it known Unit he' would Im- mediately call nn oxtra session of Con- Kress. Tlioic H little doubt he will cany out his word. Probably no lv ...Ill , niiilln...! In ih.. Somite for ' a ft. us .i.. Philippine ,,, I bill Is still occupying nttentlon there. What the outcnino win ue in me nouso nnd whether the Independent cans and the Democrats will stand to- nether to keep off the differential on roflnpil BURitr Is still very much of a roblei... Mnnv think thp nepublleans . ... ........ . ...... .... T-. . win y.e.u or unit in... "'"- " r. n klll ho I4 i " Ml nitnitl hff In f" '"B ,,... ., .iiti ,,ii,i,i i,m ,...,,u ni, pnrl i .inrm kwipl. the ualr conllnu ln fur nrly lhrri unki with tnorr nr It.. Inline-, durltiK which time tho work nf lokdlnK nr dl.rh.rKlnK cnhIii In the hay wak .bandonid, .nd ral of the with a nonulktliin of ll.(rt. and within a ninit I mm' iruinipt'n IU uvwmr a rival In rornm. rclal Impottanco with Honolulu f,K.n tho .arly compktlon of a canal i nrror thp l.thmun or Nicaragua, tho pr())(r pro,rclon of ollr ,llirl,or by a i.rtakwatir, and tho predion of .ultablo w1Brvc. It 1. b.llcved that a tlvp i.tlmatp would place our population , I3M al wm mio In the terminal of two railroad. runnlni? Into the Interior, one of which, .. ..," , , ... , , ' ... ., ii.iiiB hi n.mi... in in wme and tho othtr, of 13) mllcK, In a project- rd onternrlne and han a promlslne outlook. t het.c two linen of ral road will tap near- i ' iiinrv Kiiuur ii .ininiinn un i nn iiiir .it ,,,.. wh0B(. ,nward an(, outB0nc frterit must necessarily be landed at the port of )Io. Tim nugar production for the year ndlnR Sfptimber, 10U on the Island of Hawaii, amounted to 134,615 tons, and the iml ontni.t nt ihn niirn irrritorv air. IxarlnR, In the vlelBlty of llllo, the out' put of this Island for the forthcoming jtar will be Rrcatly Increased. The assessed value of real estate and iw p.nal ttciinacl . fnr fhn IIp(aI gt llltii !' J'l i'jti t, j a v aiiu uiotiib. In iun amounted to S.40,ttl. and for the .,. .. 11 .mn..r, ... .a.c. aj .i.,.w.n . . - '. .'. ,-1,. an mere ae in nvo yearn or ii,xv,H9, for the entire Island of Hawaii the assessed . ..... , ....... ... i ifliur U, IIUI tOl.lll .I1U ,U- crty for lf97 amounted to I13.C0I.831. and in un to )2S,377,IM. or an Increase In live jears of JU,872,3K). jiort, It Is felt Bure, will result In the coptitructlon of a strong and permanent breakwater or crib extindlng along the outer bar or reef. Such a practical Im- provement, togctlier with tho deepening of portions of the) bay, would prove! of Incalculable advantage not only to Hllo but to tho entire Hawaiian group. With facllltltfl for nafo mooilnRB afforded to shipping, coupled with the necessities of commerce and tho enterprise of those JntertP.I In the prepress of tlie Inn lulntiilit lie cliloD lltn linrirrtVnrnpnlw in be nla(p ,n' Uc dock faeUi , ,,,, and unIoadnB COmmolltleB nt a minimum cost( ,lH! rtdllcton 0f the ccst of poitatlon, ctq will do more than any other single agency for the advancement In commciclal importance of tho Hawaiian IslandB, At the present time all foreign Imports n"'1 exportB pass throURh the poit e.f Honolulu, whose harbor and wharrage fttclUlfB nru whollv ,Iln(Uauntc for tho am0pt of i,ulrUBs handled. It Is only ntHtlon of tlmo when Hllo will enter into close competition with Honolulu In point of commercial supremacy, Without ellsparngliiR the needs of nn improxm naruor ni iionomiu. we i....y 'hat an Initial step nuy be tuken toward securing a pioteclive brenl.water for Hllo ,,. wll,cIl n0 lmri,or facilities, Al- rtal, H(mnli lmlI bopn lin,ifr the 11K carp of thc Government of the ,,i uintru for iun imm eith nn visible -'"- -- , results or benelltn In the way of harbor or other public Improvements. Nothing will do more, toward the upbul ding of the ngiluultiirnl. Industrhl and commercial t. rests of thlB country than the m&mViTo able to taKt. cmc of .,crflpIf Wherefore, on behalf of tho citizens of mio and tho Island of wu fully nnd earnestly memorialize the grcs of the United States to make quate appropriation for the construction f "table and permanent breakwater In tlie ua OI J"'' 'ian.? " ,,'., JOHN T MOIIt, C. C KENNEDY, P. PECK, Committee, I hereby certify that the nbove is a full. Hue, and complete copy of the citizens' memorial adopted by the committee op- lor .nai uuiit; ni. nm,, poiuieei xor purpose, ! . . , ...... .. ,, .,.. ...i. isianu nnn Territory Pf Hawaii, this 12th da). of April. A. rj, 1902. J. CASTLK ItlDGWAY. Secretary of Committee. QUFFN AND DELEGATE. Delegate Wilcox. ex-Queen 'nn' aml ther Hawalians here are Panning to visit the West Indies ex- position at Charleston, S. C, on Hn- wnllnn day, but the program has not 'ct uccn completed. The Queen will probably tarry a few days In the South before returning again to this city. legate Wilcox states that he ex - I'ects to leave for Honolulu In about ne month, or near the middle of June. Ho does not think he will rcmnln for tho close of the session of Congress, If that Is deferred till July 1. ERNEST C. WALKER, - - Oitm on Claudine. Following in tho passenger list of tho steamer Claudine, which arrived from Maul ports early yesterelny morning: Ml.. J. HartWClI, J, It, MyfTS. II, C. "venuen, 11. ai, nancocK an., who. ucu. H. Hancock, Theo. II, Hancock, C, L. Prouty, W. O. Taylor, W. G. Bcott and wife. John Gomes. J. A. Tuthlll, C. II. Lowen, W, II. Field and Wife. Mra, Knowlton, Mm. Huntington, Miss Keelen, 8 Kugumuta, Mrs. J W. Kalua, Mrs. 11. inpi, c. u. i.urKin, r. A. Chang Chow, Major Wood, W. Bcrlowltz, . nnd 31 deck. Tho Claudlne'a carco consisted or s:n sacks of sugar, TO sacks taro, 74 sacks ' ties, 15 sacks potatoes, 66 hides, 79 hogs. jjJ pkgs. sundries. Runt. Boyd renorteel to the Executive Council yesterday tho results of his vis - It to Hllo. Land Commissioner Boyd r.mortpd ... .,-. nlRn UDOn ,..... Homo nrnnnRPit ,.. a .. land . openings, for which he Is preparing surveys. The council granted a renew- at bt liquor license to D. Cnmnrlnos at Hllo. nnd also to J. It. Caspar at Mou- j tain View, lie lorceu into veiling .or me oemiio In Its entirety, which will i etiilu the differential. If the Joint i .-..'" forces had not sfood so llrmly In the Heiuse oilirlnnllv beyond whnt nnvbody dreamed could be done till within hours of the time for voting, In-one would now expect a compromise, will probably ree.ulre two or three weeks yet to tell whut Is going to happen. The lntene.s of tho session and thc that most of the appropriation Con-bills are passed and out of the way, the chances of cannl legislation In the Senate very slim. After the Philippines bill Is out of tho way the Cuban reciprocity i. in will be biought . to the front and It will be well Into the middle of June before both those problems ure adjusted and the President's signature attached. It may even be July 1 and by that tlmo there will be little disposition to enter on a long Canal Oeonie. ............ ,..... ... MEMORIAL FROM HILO. A memorial of the citizens of Hllo, Hawall, praying for the construction of a breakwater In Hllo Bay, haB been prlntcd by the Senate nnd leferred to1 the committee on Pacific- Islands nnd Porto Rlcp. It Is signed by F. B. Mc- Stocker, John T.,' C. C. Kennedy nnd P. Peck ns a committee. Nothing was done for Haw nil on tho livers and harbors bill, ns no one pressed for river and harbor Improvements. Following Is the memorial: To the Ilonoiable tho Senate and House of ItiprescntatUes of tho United StateB! Your memorialists, the commlttip appointed at a meeting held April 7, 1902, at Hllo, island and Territory of Hawaii, beg to respectfully represent The island of Hawaii, poputaily called thu "big Island," Is thu largest Island of the Hawaiian group It has an arm if 4210 square miles and contains about 2,000,-000 acres. Ab throughout thc rest of thn archipelago, sugar growing Is the chief Industry, although coffee, rlco and fruits nro irrnun In n llniltr.l itnt Thn Islanil of Hawaii contain s 20 sugar plantations, with a lel.l last ear of 35 pcr cent of thc entire Hawaiian crop. Thn 1nri?rRt nltv anil principal nnrt eir Itnunll In ihn nnrt of Hilo. situated on min linv. on tho wlndnard side of tlie Island, With tho exception of Pearl bor, the bay of Hllo arfords tho largest natural harbor In tho Hawaiian Islands, having an area of 1500 acres nnd an avail- able frontage for wharfage purposes ml "(00 feet, or nearly a mile and n half in Owing to tho peculiar formation of tho tiny, with a submerged coral reer Ing a mllo across tho opening, tho harbor furnishes a natural haven for storm bound vessels Unfortunately, however, tn.. hlch winds sueenlnr over the reer ,. IIIIRA 1. .,.. 11,,' .... ,. inin ,,,.. I...,.. ,.... .n.11. D.....D, ...... In rough weather transforms an otherwlBe calm harbor Into a heavy and ou. basin. What Is demanded la n breakwater x- I tending out across the hkrbor's mouth at Whitney I04I KIMtTtll. WlM )fr (IomI., VS'n.llntllo J)fl" (IkxU, Kilk., W'lilti Uoml., Trim, niliw., I.liiuits., Lade, hint Km liMiiilfrlc. PIltllllHl., IIollHVlCltng LtlliJIl., Ktl UfrtK;rlii', IHaiik'it., Comforter", Itnntly M.iIh hheel nixl l'liloy Cai'.( Ditnitiaii"', Uo.icry nipl (Hovurt, Un tfoods, No-lions ami NoveltltE. ma ih ohm: HI Promptly FiPcd at W. & M. Popular Prices f jP fftft,u I a. VydM IC W LOOKe, LIO HONDLULU Commission M rchants. bUGAIi FACTORS. AKNI Ibe Kwa PUuiaiiud Co. Die Walaluo Agricultural Co., Lit. Tbe Konala riUKur Co. The Waiuieh tiu&ir Mill Co I'he Kultou Itoti Work., 8t. Lett Mo. I tic Standard Oil Co. Tbe Oeorise f blake Btram Pump We.tou . Ontrlliigali. Tbe Ndw ttnglaud Mutual Lit 1. urauco Co of Button. Tbe Aetna Fire lneuiunc Ct. t lldrtford, Conn. Thp Alllbiir.p A.nnraoc. C. of L" 4n CHAS. BREWER & GO'S. NEW YORK LINE lliii'k F.Milnur Supy BAILED KIIOM NEW YOttK iii HON'OLULU July t. 1902. For freight ratet apply to CHAS. BKi:WERlCO.. V Kllb tt., Hoston C. BREWEK&C0.. 1TD. Honolulu Olaa Sugar Co, Ltd. ASSCSSMENTS. THE ASSESS- . . . nr .lll fnir H.. nieni ol iuo or nvo uoiiuib v..uv 4;i Hhnrc has been called to be due and payable June 20, 1902. The twenty-second assessment of 10 or two dollars ($2.00) per Bharc has been called to be due and payable August 21, 1902. The twenty-third nsBessment of 10 or two dollars ($2.00) per share has been called to be due and payable October 21, 1902. The twenty-fourth and final of 10 or two dollars (12.00) per Hhaie been called to be due and payable December 20, 1902. Interest will be charged on assessments unpaid ten days after the same nru due at the rate of one per cent (1) per month from the date upon which hue'n assessments nre due. The lutiv' assessments will be pay- aj0 at tno 0mce 0f ti,c rj j Dilling ham Co.. Ltd.. Stnngenwald bulldlnR. (Signed) i:LMUU 12. PAXTON, Treasurer Olaa Sugar Co. May 12, 1902. 23S3 THREE STEAMERS IN ROM KAUAI The steamer W. G. Hall arrived from Nawillwlll early jesterday morning with G7S0 bags of sugar, 150 bags of pla and the following pasbengers: A. S. Wilcox, wife and daughter, G. N. Wilcox, li. R. Hendry, Miss IJ. Quint, A. Knight, M. Souza and wife, Miss Souza, J. Cook, I. A. Brant, J. L. Cnnlsnif. V. K. TJedrlek. . , ' . 7 , .. , ,uni..n .... r.inrlon Tin wlf, nnrl - ..-..-- servant, Master Charles Blng, N. G. Gang. Chung Sang, Ochla nnd seven deck. Purser Ferguson reported the follow- irg sugar re dy for shLmsnt on Kauai: k. S. M., 2000; V. K 150; Mak 11.- 700 ; G. & R., 5012; McB., 21,492; K. P., dqo; L. P., none; H. M., 1230; M. S. Co., 45,220; K. S. tio., 8200; total, 90,500 bags. The Mlkahala was discharging at walmea. The bark Kohalu was charging at f:ieele and will be through today. The bchooner Kallua was 'charging coal at Makawell and should be finished tomorrow. The schooner 1 Allen A. has finished discharging. The bark Edward May Is lying at Maka- well. The steamer Nllhnu arrived from Anahola nt I a. m. yesterday, bringing C991 bags of sugar. The steamer James Makee got in from Anahola at 6:25 a. m. yesterday. Her cargo consisted of 2C09 bags of sugar. She sails at 5 p. in. today for Kllauea, Kallhlwal and Hnnalel, WHOOPING COUGH. A woman who has hail experience with this disease, tells how to prevent any dnngerous consequences from It She says: Our three children took wnooping cougn insi summer, our oaoy 1 boy being only three months old, and owing to our Riving them Chamber- laurs cougn liemeay, tney lost none of their plumpness and came out In much beter health thnn other children whose parents did not use this remedy. Our oldest little girl would call lustily for cough syrup between whoops. Jessie Plnkey Hall, Sprlngvllle, Ala., ' U. S. A. Thin remedy Is for sale by all dealers and druggists. Benson ......... Smith & . Pn. . T.til.. , nerpntn a for Hawaii. ..... - Paymaster Hall is 111 from the results of an accident on Thursday evening near I the Hawaiian Hotel. & Marsh tr1:. Castle & Cooke. LIFE and FIRE INSURANCE AGENTS. . . ACI.M.S TOR New ngiano Muluol fife insuronce Co Oh HOMTOtN. Em Life Insurance CoipaBi OK IIAKIFOKI), THE FIRST American Savings & Trust Co. OF HAWAII- LTD Capital, 1X0,000.00. President Cecil Brows Vice-President ...M. P. Hoblnson CaBhler W. O. Cooper Principal Olllce Corner Fort and King streets. SAVINOS DEPOSITS received tnd Interest allowed for yearly deposits at the rate of VA per cent per annua.. Rules nnd icgulatlons furnished npon nnnii,.tinn IMPERIAL LIME 99 15-100 Per Gem Pure. Tho very best Limo and in the best containcrB. In Lois to Siuit. Low Prices. CALIFORNIA FEED Co. Clarkes Blood Mixture 1'HK BLOOD K1KH AND HF.STUJrtKH, IB WAItJ.ANTliD TO CI.lAR TM BLOOD from all Impurities from whatever cause arlalnn. For Scrofula. Scurvy, Kczenm. Ekln a. Hlond Lilaeaaea. Blaekhends. I'lmulea and bores of all kinds, it Is a never (aUinr permanent cure, 1, ejurea ejia core .. Cures Bores on the Neck. Cures Sore Legs. Cures Blackhead or Pimrlc. ot ike Face. Cures Scurvy. 1 Cures Ulcers, Cures Ulooet end Bktn Dlsoa.ea Cores Glandular Swellings. Clears the Blood from all Impure mctta. From whatever It Is a real specific for Gout and pains. . . , It removes the cause from tbt Bloe and Bone. Aa thla Mixture Is nleasant to the taste. and warranted free from anything Injuri ous to the most delicate constitution ol either , the Proprietors solicit suffcitrt to give It a trial to test Its value. THOUSANDS OF TESTIMONIALS OF CURES FROM ALL PAkTHOr TIIK WORLD. Clarka'j Blood Mixture It sold tn bottle, : 9d each, and lc cases containing all timet the quantity, Us aufflrlent to efttel a permanent cute In the grtat zralortir of rues By ALL CHEMIST and i'aTENT UBDICLNB throughout the world. Proprietors, THU LINCOLN AND MIDLAND COUNTIES DRUG COMPANY, Lincoln, Ep land. Trade mark-" BLOOD UIXTUHB CLARKE'S BLOOD MIXTURE. CAUTION. Purchasers of Clarke's Clarke's Blood Ulxture should tee tht thev k-et the cenume article. Worthless Irritations and substitutes tro lomitlnu palmed off by unprincipled vendors. Tfct wordt. "Lincoln and Midland CounMtt Drug Company. Lincoln. England." art encraved on the Government stamp, ait "Clarke's World Famed Blood Mlxtura" blown tn th bottle. WITHOUT 'VTHlCat NONE ARE GENUINE.