Newspaper Page Text
. I1 tt i v. - mAUAUAN oAXUni:. i'MIMAY, ttjftri 1A iwwitm , " 1 - - - TO StWCH THE STRANGERS' FRIEND SOCIETY M4 4 44M444 M4M4 Furniture ! I CELEBRATES ITS GOLDEN JUBILEE Mikahala Will Be Sent Out at j Once. (From Wednesday' itially.) viYltli every ptnilslon r.r tt tfaye h aea, lh Inter-Island (learner Mflttiia a JWllI tall Thutaday mm nine for n ami.. .about Fiench Frigate ftlioal, for Hi' lnrH)se of endenvarlne " loot and tow Into pott the hulk f the coal Mnr Fannie. Kerr Thin decision wna reach ed at a meeting f the llr tors of the company aftennion nnd salvnge hi sight mad" Hie action unanimous. lb decUlon l'i make the run wt reached nflcr n slnlemnl tn Hie mem hern of thr board li- Captain Hnglund lie staled Hint after carefully Inking ilia statement of Cnptnln lllbbons of the Kerr, lie thought tin vessel wns In, latitude 26. longitude 165 west. Thli ' weuld mean that the vessel was , doncd at n distance of 700 miles from , the lort. At the time the whip was lust seen there was a rmrent Belting wet-northwest, having a rnte of three- i fourths mile nn hour Thli It Is a'gued ' whi.llld liui'f the e.uet In Krciifii FrlRate SIu.i1m liy the time the ! Mikahala tenches lliat point, wnicli nhould bo ahoul .Sunday morning. The Mikahala will he under command of CnptAln Hnglund, and he will have an advisory staff of Captain (3regory ami perhaps one other cnptnln. It Is the Intention of the company to make every arrangement for the success of the salvage exedlllon. The vessel will carry close to 300 tons of coal nnd plenty of provisions. Tho coal supply will he sufllclent lo take the little ship, for the Mlknhnla la of only 351 tons Imrden, nil throtiKli her prospective urulsc nnd will enahle tho lowing hack to land of the hulk In any event, The Mikahala is of 11 knota Hpeed and haw sulllulent pouer lo tow the ship. The only danger would nrlse In the. event of heavy wenther, when the towing lines would he cant off nnd the steamer would content llself with standing by and looking nut for her own nafety nnd keening watch upon the prize. The time set for the tilp la sulllclent to permit of slic days' cruising nhout alum; tho line of the current from the spot where tho Ken had to ho abandoned. Thin lu enough 1 1 mo In the opinion of every seafaring man who knows that portion of the ocean. It Is the belief that thn ship will hu found clowe to French Filgate Hhoals, If Indeed It nan not been cast upon the reefs there. The ship could not drift far In the current which was noticed by the captain before he abandoned ship nnd after, but would be hampered In her movements with that current by the wind. The current when noted was running three-fourths knot nn hour. The direction wiu to the but the winds were not In nccord and tho ship would not make grent progress. When the Mikahala reaches the. apot where the Kerr was abandoned there will have, elapsed IB days ana during the more than 430 hours there might have been travelled several hundred ml lew. It ia the universal opinion that there will ba like $50,000 lu the salvage proposition If the ship Is found, which would give to the company a. substantial profit. Alexander Watson has been organizing a company on the basis of 10 at $100 each, hut it has not reached the status of seaming n ship to search ns yet. SEEKING WORK FOR HAWAIIANS The Republican Committee Would Coerce Corporations That Use Orientals. As u. isult of the action of the He-publican Territorial Committee Inst evening there exists a vacancy, and the Oklgnatlon of one member Is on the table awaiting vote. Owing to the of n majority of the members from the Fifth District, the of Hteuait was not filled although until the acceptance of the resignation John D. Holt sat in the commltteo with the proxy of the pasting member. The first business of tho committee as the reading of minutes of meetings long past, and then communications which brought up the lestgnatlonR This led to the reports, nnd for the labor committee, U I,. McCandless reported that with Messrs. Coelho and Jones, he had looked into the matter of labor and found very mnny Hawallniw nnd Home haoles out of Jobs. He said iiIko that some people employ Asiatics where Hawailans would do beter, and Introduced the following i evolution, is hick aH adopted; Whereas, It has ronie lo the notice of this committee that ceitaln publla cuiporutlona are emplnlng Asiatic labor when ample labor is to be hod from among the voterw of this Terrltoiy, therefoie, be It Kesolved, That It is the sense of thlB meeting that the secretary write to the Superintendent of Public Work that all privllegis which may have been or may hereafter he requested by such corporations tw denied to them na long na they continue to employ Asiatic labor when labor from among the voters of this Teirllcry Is available. The committee decided that it be impossible to recognize moie than one club In a precinct, and tho of the letter of CommiltU'jmaii I'almer of Uhuo brought out the face that there will be a remaking of the preclnctu und that tho government would be glad to receive siiggisllonn. This matter hu been referred to the district commltteeu, but tho Territorial Committee will suggest actlbn lu the matter, Stewart's tealgnatlnn was then accepted and nctlon as to Kennedy, wh retired In a letter sayinc only that press) of business won sufficient to uaujie him to draw out, was deferred, .. after whloh tho commutes aJ.rnra B' ''wIlsiiiiiHi iHmmmiiiiiiiK jaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaH h!h LaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaKA3P!T J T rr BaaaaaV LLaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaLi v "LiaaaaaaaE Xnasaa! aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaV Pv- HHHHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHc aHHHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIH K'V t'' SlUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIH --v. I!. ,r HHHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIW .vryLtB HHt Vi jl 'kJiiIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIH HHBLLtallHHlliillllllHilallBlV Ja!BlHlBHHaiHHiiBlHHBHHHHHB MOTHER (From Wednesday's Ually.) a iiai.i.' rentnrv nt in ,vn. A rompleted Inst evening when the Strangers' Friend Society cele brnted its fiftieth imnlvercary nt the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Damon on Chaplain utrret, In the same room wheru the society held its first meeting. Of nil the original names en- nltnil K.iHualli (tin iiiinlnl riPiiomliWi nnrl IHIiru M'ilUiiWl I4 itjii iniiiuiwn u" GonHtitutlon. only thn woro unnreil to last evening. These wore Mrs. sis Taylor. Mrs. Dudoll nnd Miss Cor- iiiurtL ui uiu unit? ui wiii; iu ., . , .. . . ney The celebration was u social lnV.Ht,BatllIK' ,,.,, ,0 lho f cusfl to event and the nttendnnce was much find out If the suppliants were sub-larger than was anticipated. icc,f?r ''"l A,,?"f,V,'" r U!?. The room where It was held was fill- ed with flowers nnd vines nnd hero When the Hon. ("has. II. lllshop en-gathered ed n In the Que, the company which was en- Hospital tertnlncd with an excellent musical o,.,.i It blessing, nnd a year or two lat- program and the rending of a paper . ,., .it, .1 ' on me pocieiy n hihk uy jiirn. iex.iii der Mackintosh nnd of the original roll by Mrs, S. M. Damon. Informality was' , the rule nnd nil spent n most delight- ful evening. The decorating of the rnnm lens ilone l.v the Dntnon children Julie Violet, Vera. Dnphno i x .!.,. n.rt i i Hon. , w . F. Allen sntd II wns to i. regretted that neither of the sons of Mother Damon, the organizer, was able to be present. He called attention to the room In which the celebration was being held and Its fond associations to the society. He said that for the flist thirty years the society did mote for .ii.. J, .,... .i ... t. ....! iciiei iil mi- muK, tiiiu I v. Ulinill n. iiiintui win r "mi. r !.! (l miH, . MOUrOli; lna llinn ntlier nlmlliir Knelelleff less thnn all otliir similar socletl. s mitcd an cn(irmoux fruit Unit waH second vice president, Mrs. Andrew combined. In the early days young ,(,m (ll iu,c,i0lli t1P prceeds of the Fuller; secretary. Mm. 8. M. Damon: men enme to Honolulu from the gold j,e amounting to $210.f,0. We are not ttensurer, Mrs. K. W. Jordan, of California, bioken In health told, but suppose it wns sold by the tress, nn ollke renewed for thin pocket They were given fond by, slice. lug year, Mrs, W. F. Allen; auditor, M. llev. and Mrs. Damon nnd the society! Iy degrees many generous friends j Jordan. frequently aided them bark to health mine to the fore The largtst donntors I The meeting woh one of felicitation and gave them pnssnges to the Coast. ! were the lion. C. It Hlshop, Hnckfeld amongst the members, who have been The llrht number of the program was ft Co.. Theo. II. Davles ft Co., Mrs. W. , associated with each other In the work n part song, "Xly True I)ve Hath My-5- I" win and Messrs. Gay and of the society for many years, und the Heart rendered In a pleasing man-i""11, ner by II hi" IIUU IllllipilStU of WIC"' - w,'rc' ,U lowing Soprnnos, Mrs, Cllve Davles. V, . V; .. y " nu"'.M"i:.; '"Grinbaum, Mrs Hiipjmt. Mrs Loulsson llnll IIulI Unnnni tniku ,1 t lluin Willi 1 ...,., ..., ..,,.,.,,, .,,, ..,.,,, . ani J. A. Cockbum; basses. Cllve Davles, j Hon. Albert Judd, D. W Anderson, uteu In a captivating manner H. M. von """ ' " ' ""',' ."u ',"",' n, oi .i . y u reV wno' fe""B' the press-Holt nnd Miss von Holt snng a very I " 'J M'Wy In 1W whS l,!lr,,,,,il,.!), nUil0 destitute strangera, hoclet) In W when the .pledged themselves h T to do nil in their nlonslnc nnd ilnlntv ballad . punsing nnu uniniy nniiun. I aui urm ,f Messrs. Huckfeld ft Co. power to alleviate fin. r tew sang "Meditation" with fine effect orated its Jubilee. JIOOO was cnt to the I iucli who were destitute and I sick and nun nap wnrnuy nppiuuucu. M. H. len uouars was once lo . ith,.in n. panisi, .virs, r rnnK Atherton; leader, Theodore Richard Mrs. Frances Gay fnltniitwl villli it solo, "Island of Dieams." the selection being rendered MUS MACKINTOSH'S ADDUKSS. The address of the president. Mis. Ai.xanair MncKiniosn, was us follows - ' . It is SO years today since the gers' Friend Society (the oldest olent soeletv In ih ineitiei nu r.nimi. i ed und organized in the very rooms in . which we nre now by Dr. ' iinu .Mrs. Damon, whose fame was "'"""'a n n.-i ion '" j cieiy nre numbered by the thousands, widespread for deeds of unselfish Hlu' ",IH ,l0ro "hen the society was . K.ach successive year has rathrr and devotion. Never wus any- .founded nnd has always taken n deep creased than diminished the nmount of one turned awny from these hospitable . Interest in Its welfnie. expenditures, although the work' has doors The need of u charitable The 111 ft bazaar was held In U53, In been les.s burdensome; und Associated elation had long been felt and the call the couithouse. which is now part of j bearing largely the ror helpers wns well answered. For on the iccords of the first meeting we find hoiifc, and the sum of J19W was cases and the Strangers' Friend Hoci-the mimes of 52 members enrolled. Of ixed. Tea parties and ice cream placing n monthly allowance In these llrst signers there nre now but vals ulso helped to keep the society, care of tho Associated Charities for fivx living- Mrs. Taylor, who Is with 'going. Thlee years ago the Associated , distribution to transient cases. To the us this evening, Mrs. S G. Wilder Chailtlcs was organized, and the generous donations of warm supporters (Sen.) of Kskbank, Miss Coiney, who i 1 lent nnd energetic manager. Mrs. Her- j of Hie society nre Its members very Is still In Honolulu, and Mrs I,cnox, ' ger, has done much to lessen the work ( largely indebted for the success of General .Marshall, who lives ' of the oltlcers of the Strnngeis' Friend lug their efforts. Prominent amongst In Weston, Mass. The llrst piesldent Society j these we And In reviewing the society's elected was Mrs. Newel, who held the ' ,Muy the generous ami loving people ri cords, the names of the Hon, Charles post for three we find that , Hawaii net continue to bear lu mind ! Jj- "hilinji. Mr. Theo. H. Davles, Mrs. In 1R55 Mrs. Damon was elected t. uords of our blessed Savior when Hnckfeld, Mrs. W. G. Irwin, Mrs. S. II. dent, which position she held so nobly h,. ,,,,1,1 "Inasmuch ns ye did It unto ' 11,I', Mrs, Francis Gay, Mr. Aubrey for 35 years, until her death in 1S90. ,hc least of th. se, my brethren, yo did "obliison. Mrs. M. Hlce. Mrs. C M. when Mrs . F. Allen was made pies- n UU(0 ,lu, (Cooke, Mrs. lmlsson, Mrs. Grinbaum Idenl. which otllro she held moat ..and many others worUiy of mention. clently until she resigned in 1893. The great nmount of work that w.isl'Kultc Norse," weio given by Mrs. 11 1 years meetings of the society were held Montague Turner won much fnvor nnd !w?' r , !!LlllI; I T 'lay." ,l ,w'lH applause by her delightful singing of a'iiAneneK TJ - - - "- dlously given that the nudlenco called to cet the soeieiv if. rfn eve,, lone In the olden dais we can under. I .... .. siumi.nnm me inci that for several ' Some survivors from the wjecked steamer Independence were tho first shipwrecked wople to have I tnclr wardrobe replenished by the so. clety, and 1915 wns raised nnd plnced In tho socloty'n hands to be Judiciously for the sufferers. In 1856 tho ladles met at the Sailors' Home, to assist in making up tho bed linen for tho looms then ready for occupation. To show what a mistaken Idea some people had of what thr funds of the Friend Society were for, Is related the followlns anecdote, : TAYLOR. 'men hired n carriage, which nately they hmushed, nnd having no money to pay dnmngts, they were in- enrcerated lu the Fort (the prison of those days, situated nt the foot of Fort , stieet). They npiilled to the R1.rH. jrr,.,j society to get them out of durance vile by paying their line, but " rV' ""' ,,,lc"e'u' ""' tobe told that theS. F. S woh not ,r "Hrrls. Whitney. Corney, to Heat such wounds. I owler. Severance, Veaton, Holt, Ah tin iarH rolled on tin work of the society- Increased to such an extent I that besides ...b paying of rents, milk . tha Jranortatlon of 1.01110 of thn ' Hclnrlcs lo their homes in different Pnrts of the outside world, it took up I av; tr 1111111 in -v ttiiMiinn nun iiii j,ave rations of food given out weekly. r Up endowed three more beds, for "lilt.., t.111.1 iiiiiic t.,i,rii ii iir 11. hlessed by many o. poor soul who would otherwise have fared badly lie has n'H" KvJ'" K?v;'rn'"r,",t '"m '" "l"1 2' shnreH of stock In Wilder S. H o . all of M),ci adds to our Income. Mrs. W. U. Irwin. Hie kind f rli nd to nil III distress, has never been one of the most generous donutors to our ' iuiius. nne uinu euuimuu "- oeo in me and it at the Quccn'd Hospital placed , 0R, of tl')c strallKC,rH' Friend (tyi 0 tnnl f()r yftn 1( HM.Wty hnB lmJ tt. llHe of llvi. i,,.,iH n,i t1L.y llro always occupied. The good that the society accomplished was very great. In the early days money came in slow, !' nnd with the mnny calls for assist "nee the treasury was often nearly depleted. The Hon. Kllsha Allen . . - ., , lf ..... ,1 Jur n'0"1 nequeiu iuiiiiiuuiur s- N- CnHtltfi Mr"- ., ... '"r'"ll , ., . ..... ... M . .'.l. Ii.l. .Mrs. C. M. Cooke, Mrs. Knudsen, Mrs. many mote too numerous to men- Many sea captnlns also mobi liberally. In 1S78 wnen llnghnm ft- Co. moved Into their new building, they made out their llrst check in favor of the Strnngeis Friend Society And In ISM lowers ft Cooke the society as conscience money, hellglous belief. How well they a man who had nursed a friend piiiied the work Is evidenced by the during his last Illness and found tlie mlnuti tocords kept throughout the ,,.? . . ' V ." "i"- ". tJilnklnir It a Just recompense for his Itrtiulile. but his conscience pricking him ln the matter, he sent the money to the society. Six or seven legacies were ilIs" l,,ft to the society, the largest be- '""? '2W 'wm II. Hackf.fldl.sq., Mrs. Messrs. II. Huckfeld ft Co 's ware- I Two piano solos. "La Chasse and M. von Holt, ,...,... and rehernus iinnlnuso .. tollowed her splendid playing. Mrs. lor ',n 'ncore. to which Mrs. Turner "ponded after the tegular program was ended, when she sang "Knthleen Mavnurneen" with so much feeling that the nudlence demanded another selection. The glee club concluded the with "He That Hath a Pleasant Face." Mrs S. M. Damon read the roll of the first meeting, although some of the names she was not sure of owing to the blurred records. The names wure ns follows: Mesddrnes Newell, Damon, Taylor, Br'" f , WW 'mmii Wat 9r' (, VNVvVEe' "j2i IP ''tkaialilUi ' IM ' TV. TIbbbHeIi. ' Ham mmsv Ilt ' "B &' t.'AmmmmW" 1m H RWV Jil...............................HAtW.aaaaaaak ' H VIIbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbW K ': .... -&S!o MOTHER l'aty. yI I.add, I'enhallow, Newcomb, Snow, Mlshop, Hoffman. Cirtwrlght, Kathrop, Knox. Domlnls, Harris, Ilhld BO i)lnond, Hardy, Judd, Fuller. An ,h,,n ii.i..J. I. Kmin. i ti Kmiih . . ,,,. rt,,, rwn ,Jt. .... .' "' ...... :,-....' ,. Inson, );. Judd, H Judd, I.. Judd, H. "",' M "ma- '")" Nuwcouih, M,abb' h Andrews, fc. Corney. The musical nnd literary part or the program was bruughL to an end by the singing of "Auld Iang Syne," In which all present Joined. A social half hour followed tlurfhg which Ic cream nnd cake were served. Among those present were Oovernor and Mrs. Dole, Hon and Mrs. W. F. Allen, Kev. and Mrs Alexander Mackintosh, Mr. and Mis T Mlve Davles, Mrs. Ferula Tay lor. Mis Dudolt. Miss Corney, Mother I'astle. Captain and Mrs. Fuller, Mrs. Weaver. Mr nnd Mrs. von Holt, Miss vo ,,,t Mr j B McGrew, Mr. and Mrs Theodore Hlchards, Mra. K. W. Jordan, Mr. and Mrs. (1. W. It. King, Miss Hyde, Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Carter, Mrs H. M. Damon, Mrs. Cornelia Damon, Mr nnd MrB. Francis Gay, Mrs. Klston, Mrs. T. F. Lansing, Miss Lilian lliicon, Kev. V. II. Kltcat, Mr. and Mrs Jordan, Mrs. Ilerger, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Hnll. D. I'. H. Isenberg. Mrs Moiisarrnt, Mr. nnd Mrs. Frank Atherton, Miss Ward. .MOUSING IllTSINF.SS MICHTING. At the annual business meeting of the society held yesterday morning at o'clock In the V. M. C. A. hall, an election of olllcors for the ensuing year was neiu, which resulted nn follows President, Mrs. Alexander Mackintosh n ..i. .. I . .. .. .. 'iruiuuuii oi me aouieiy s iittictn , hlrthday was the subject of animated .... Th,,,., .. ... t vw..,'..... ...i,.- Htic ,lTlllin 11U111 ' various officers', that of the secretary. I.Mrs. S. M. Damon, .. covering the period i j i. -. ' ruiiy, ns roiiown: I Todny we celebrate the ' nni of the '.Strangers' Friend Society , jt lhe 0(j,.Ht benevolent society of i the Facltlc. Fifty years ago In the parlors of the llev. and MnOS. C. Da- monH home, the society was organized ITfl fil fi f ti ia iinlnnnllti n .1 yenra To the present date, the object ,,. uh,c)l UllH 'oc.Ioty was formed re- mains materially unchanged, for as In -52, h(, )n 1902, comes to the doors the never mil f it... r.,m , i,i u,e Bc.k( nl)a i,ind, and today thoe wj10 ,ave twen heneflclnrlea of the so- unity of Investigation of transient of the original members who Joined witnin tho first month nfter the society was formed, numbering 52, -but few are living. The first president. Mrs. Newel, held lho otllce throe years; then Mrs, R. C Damon, better known ns Mother Damon, for she was n mother to nil, wns elected to the presidency, and held the olllce 35 yenrs. At her death, occurring In 1S90, Mrs. W. F. Allen wns elected president, and for three yearn nobly sustained the position, until 1893. when by III health she wns compelled to resign In 1S91 Mru. Mackintosh president, nnd for client years has dono continuously faithful work. A few Items regarding the post year's work w III close my report. A larjte number of Individual cases and families have been supplied wUh dally rations aud otherwise eared for. The four bd In the Queen's Hospital endowed by the Hon. Charles It. ltlshaa I! I DAMON. to the u of the Strangers' Friend Society, have been kept constantly filled for Hit! year, successively uccupitd by 30 different patients, One other endowed bed given to the use of the society by Mrs. W t5. Irwin, has also been kept filled, for the year, muci csMvely occupied by 11 different patients. Itents have Imhmi paid and monies for In part, or wholly paid. amount to tU'0.20; lecilpts lo A new year has Just opened. If from the decades that have Just pushed there Is a line to cross, we cheerfully lift whatever of burdens we bear over, glad to again resume the responsibility of helping them who cannot help themselves. May we ever have the same earnest unselfish spirit for doing good that characterized the promoters of this work for the Strangers' Friend Society . HERE'S WHAT'S WANTED A. (. itizon of Honolulu Sup plies the Information. Over half the complaints of mankind originate with the kidneys. A slight touch of backache at first. Twinges and shooting pains In the loins follow. They must be checked, they lead to graver complications. The sufferer seek relief. Plasters are tried and liniments far the back. So-called kidney cures which do not cm re. The long looked for reault seems unattainable. If you suffer, do you want relief T Follow the plau adopted by this gentleman. Mr. S. Hanoland, of thla city. Is a Custom House guard. He writes: "Having been afflicted with nn aching back for some time, I proeurcd a supply of Doan'a Backache Kidney Pills nt Holllster at Co.'a atore, nnd used them. The resulta were most satisfactory and I know that thn pills are a valuable medicine for kidney com-1 'alnt and especially for a. lame back." Dur 1 a Dackache Kidney Pills are sold by all drugglsta and storekeepers at 50 cents per box (six boxes $2.50) or will be malted on receipt of price by the Holllster Drur Co., Ltd., Honolulu, wholeiale agents for tat Hawaiian Islands. Ilemember the name Deaa's and take no vubititute. . The Young Palmaa. NFW YOHK, June 2 Jose and Tom-ns I'almn. two of the president's sons, have sailed for New- York, rays a Havana dispatch to the Tribune. Jose returns north to tnke his exnmlnatlon at Columbia Law School; Toman school nt Newhurg. President Palma, who, with other high officials, went nboaid to bid them good bye, wns quite overcome by the parting. He gave each son a hearty embrace ns he left the steamer nnd spoke words of encouragement to both. HOW TO AVOID TUOUHLK. Now fs Jhe time to provide yourself nnd family with a. bottle of laln's Colic, Cholera and Dlnrrhoea. Kemedy, It Is almost certain to be needed befoie the summer is over, nnd if procured now may save a trip to town ln the night or In your busiest season. It is everywhere ndmltted to be the most successful medicine In use for bowel complaints, both for children lind adults. Nil f.ltnllv enn to to without It. For sale by all deal- ' era and druggists. Benson, Smith ft Co. Ltd., ngents for Hawaii. MAKING IN THE PARLOR Almost the same thing You are welcome at any not how n make PRIM Orders from Br.wry rUHrem! W h p- 1 HI ill .ly ur iiw ( 1 1 UN. TUIIII. The llt tin a dlrw ftWII llM lltf U AnmnK lUt tmmt Hi i t at HIIAUTD'UI. OH.SMIM. M 110UANV l)ltH.I!H mtiewiNn TAttt.r f i from n limit OMAM is ' lid an made "(' ' I I- Parlor Chairs i and Rockers I IN SOMD MlluVNY QOLUKK OAK AND OAK. i Morris Chairs I in holid mahogany, goi.di:n oak and i:rkd oak. ! ! These are only a few of the mnny things that we nlwayj keep In stock. While we handle a full line of Fine Furniture, we also keep n complete assortment of medium and cheap to suit nil the trade. "Furniture to please everybody" Is our motto. ! J.Hopp&Co. LEADING FURNITURE) DEALERS Corner King and Bethel Bta. INSURANCE Theo. H. Davits & Go. (Limited.) AGENTS FOR FIRE, LIFE ANS MARINE INSURANCE. Northern Assurance Company OF LONDON, FOR FIRE AND LIFE. Established 1834. Accumulated Fund 3,97B,00. British Foreign Marine Ins. Cg OF LIVERPOOL, FOR MARINE. Capital 1,009,M Reduction of Rates. Immediate Payment of Claim. THEO. H. DAVIES & CO., LTI. AGENTS. Our Soda Water GINGER ALE. CREAM SODA, KOMEL, ROOT BEER, Etc. Is sweetened by the use of pure enne sugar. We use no cheap substitute, ONE REASON WHY , our beverages are the best and the most popular. Prompt delivery anywhere and everywhere lu the city and Consolidated Soda Water Works Com pan r, Ltd. Telephone Main 71. Works 601 Fert street. The King street and Wnlklkl tram' enrs did on old-time business ituy. 1 BEER our brewery is bo clean. time to call and Fee where LABE promptly. ' Telephone Main 341 1